Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science No 47/2020 35 content/uploads/2018/12/OPP_Bak.pdf 1. On approval of license conditions for 3. Goryacha L. O., Prokopenko T. S. Assessment conducting business activity on production of of compliance of the pharmacist's educational program medicines, wholesale and retail trade in medicines, with the requirements of the labor market / Goryacha import of medicines (except for active pharmaceutical L. O., Prokopenko T. S. // Pharmaceutical journal. – ingredients) / Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of 2014. – No 3. – P. 95 – 99. Ukraine from November, 30, 2016, number 929. [E4. Draft Criteria for assessing the quality of resource] – access mode: higher education programs and methodological recom mendations for their application during accreditation 2. Educational and professional program “Phar- [E-resource] – access mode: http://educationmacy” for the first (Barchelor) level of high education.[E-resource] – access mode tion=blog_files_x&xi=1&file=blog_files&id=2209 MARKETING ANALYSIS OF TRENDS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF MANUFACTURING ENTERPRISES IN THE PHARMACEUTICAL SECTOR Sahaidak-Nikitiuk R. Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor, Professor of Management and Public Administration Department, National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv, Ukraine Holybtsova K. Post-graduate student of the Management and Public Adminastration Department, National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv, Ukraine Demchenko N. PhD in Economics, Associate Professor Associate Professor of the Department of Organization and Economics of Pharmacy National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv, Ukraine Abstract The scientific works on the management of enterprises of the pharmaceutical sector and the application of marketing systems in pharmacy are studied. A SWOT-analysis of the potential and development trends of manufacturing enterprises of the pharmaceutical sector of Ukraine was conducted. On the basis of the conducted PEST-analysis the macroeconomic factors in which the manufacturing pharmaceutical enterprise functions are investigated. The purposes of marketing and communicative activity of production enterprises of the pharmaceutical sector and criteria of their achievement are defined. Keywords: manufacturing pharmaceutical company, marketing, SWOT-analysis, PEST-analysis Introduction The development of the pharmaceutical sector is one of the main indicators of sustainable development of the country and a necessary condition for improving the quality of human life. Addressing the transformation of management mechanisms in the manufacturing enterprises of the pharmaceutical sector should be aimed at their adaptation to the changing external environment, provided the combination of economic interests of the state, business and society. Marketing analysis of manufacturing enterprises of the pharmaceutical sector of Ukraine allows businesses to identify priority areas for improvement of technological processes and management systems, taking into account the characteristics and importance of pharmaceutical production. Issues of the current state of problems of management of enterprises of the pharmaceutical sector of Ukraine were considered in the scientific works of many scientists: B. Gromovyk [1], A. Nemchenko [2], I. Pestun [3], O. Posylkina [4], V. Tolochko [5] and others.
A large number of works of scientists and practitioners are devoted to the application of the marketing system in pharmacy, special attention should be paid to the studies of L. Dmitrenko [6], S. Zhadko [7], S. Mnushko [8], S. Pashutin [9], A. Yudanov [10] and others. However, a number of issues related to the use of marketing analysis of trends in the development of manufacturing pharmaceutical companies have not been sufficiently studied and need to be considered and addressed. The purpose of the article is to conduct a marketing analysis of trends in the production enterprises of the pharmaceutical sector. Materials and Methods The methods used in the study include methods of theoretical generalization, analysis and synthesis, the method of SWOT and PEST analysis. Results and Discussion Today, the commercial success or failure of businesses in any sector of the national economy is determined by the level of use of marketing principles in their activities. It is known that marketing is the process of planning and implementing the development, pricing,