4 minute read



Zaydieva L.


senior teacher, of The Dagestan State University of National Economy, Makhachkala DOI: 10.24412/3453-9875-2021-75-1-22-23


In this article, we consider the economic situation of our republic in modern conditions. Dagestan has a favorable geographical location for the development of industry and tourism. Daghestan is a region with a highly developed industry and multibranch agriculture. The industry is represented almost by all its main branches. The agriculture is equally represented by stock—breeding, viticulture and gardening. Daghestan supplies the Russian market with vegetables and fruits, fish and wool, wine and leather.

The developed agriculture is a good base of food processing industry, including fish tinning, vegetables and fruits processing, wine and brandy producing.

The leading role in the industry belongs to the food industry, machine building and fuel industry. They give more than 60 per cent of industrial production of the republic.

Dagestan will thrive if all available resources are used efficiently.

Keywords: natural resources, republic, market, industry, resources.

Food is the traditional and the greatest branch of industry. The specific gravity of this branch is rather high because of stable demand for production independent on economical crisis. The well-developed are the tin, the wine-making and the fish industries. A great number of workers are busy in the tin production which is the first among enterprises. The average output quota is about 100 million of conventional tins per year. About a hundred of tin appellations are produced, among them 83 per cent are tinned vegetables and fruit, and 17 per cent makes canned fish. The biggest canneries are concentrated in Derbent, Buinaksk Khasavyurt and in the village of Belidji. But small canneries are situated almost everywhere. The essential reserves for the can industry make private farms of the population. Long-term contracts between private traders and canneries for the delivery of ecologically clean vegetables and fruit seem quite perspective.

In spite of a great number of big canneries, a considerable share of production has been lost because of a distant way of transporting the raw materials for processing . Hence, there is a need in construction of small processing undertakings in places of agricultural cultivating. It is a profitable trend for those who plan to invest money and setup their own business.

One of the traditional industries and trades in Daghestan is winemaking. It is especially well-developed in Kizlyar and Derbent. In pre reforming period period this branch of industry was the greatest in gross output . But as a result of area and grape – harvest abridgment wine – making found itself in the hardest situation. The national support of vine-growing and wine-making was ceased, the renewal of basic stock reserves was held up, and the branch rapidly fell into decay. Having been created in decades –period it was destroyed within several years. Taking into consideration that vine-growing was the largest branch of plant-growing and wine-making was one of the best developed, the economic damage in these two branches over the last years was equal to that of the Great Patriotic War. In comparison with the year 1984 the output of wine-production has been reduced more than to a third, and this concerns the branch that yielded the greatest profit to the republic!

Still it has good perspectives, first of all in the output of the Daghestan wine-making to international markets. There is a chance for our wine-makers to get into markets as the suppliers of a high – quality and inexpensive wine, brandy and champagne.

The quality of the Daghestan brandy has been proved by a number of prizes and medals in international exhibitions, so there is a hope that in the near future Daghestan will stand beside great wine-making countries, such as France, Italy and Spain.

Fish industry is one of the leading in the food industry. It has favourable natural conditions for development, but owing to depletion of fish reserves the catch and its processing has been reduced lately.

Fish is processed , smoked and marinated in the factories of Makhachkala.

Today food industry has a lot of problems. It doesn’t provide the population with many food-stuffs through the lack of necessary productions (sugar and vegetable oil, for instance).

But the branch has a nigh export potential in producing and exporting of ecologically clean production which is in great demand on the word market .

A special place for the republic takes folk craftsmanship. For ages almost every village has been famous for its own craft: making of the house-use things, instruments made of steel, iron, wood, copper and leather, carpet-making, Caucasian cloaks making, various kinds of jewelry, earthenware, cold steel and firearms, etc. But the industrialization of economy caused the perishing of many ancient and unique crafts , only those which had decorative and artistic features managed to survive. Thus, today has been preserved and highly-developed the jewelry art of Karachi and Gotsatl, the carpet-making of the Lezghin and the Tabasaran women, the art of exquisite wood notching of Untsukul masters, the art of ceramics of Balkhar potters, the manufacturing of famous Andi cloaks.

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