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UDK 37.015


Savina T.

Candidate of pedagogical sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Family and Childhood Psychology Russian State University for the Humanities. Institute of Psychology L.S. Vygotsky Moscow


The article presents an analysis of existing approaches to the study of professional and personal destruction of a teacher. Psychological determinants and tendencies of development of destructions are revealed. The points of view of different authors on the resources of prevention are substantiated. The content of personal resources and resources of social support is disclosed as important factors of professional and personal stability of the individual.

Keywords: professional and personal destruction, crises, maladjustment, stereotypes of activity and thinking, professional stagnation, character accentuations.

In the XXIst century, education in Russia is accompanied by a number of complex and contradictory processes, which are determined by the dynamics of the changes taking place in society. These processes create a socio-cultural and educational situation, the way out of which requires a high level of professional training of teaching staff. In this regard, the idea of a teacher, the essence and content of his activity and development in the conditions of intensively developing innovative educational practice, the search for the meaning and values of his activity, is changing.

Exploring the problem of the development and influence of professional and personal destructions on the professional activities of a teacher, first, I would like to clarify what is meant by professional and personal destructions.

The variety of views on the problem of destruction, presented in different directions and psychological schools, indicates the absence of a single point of view on this problem.

“As a rule,” notes V.N. Druzhinin, - labor has a positive effect on a person and his personal characteristics, but professional development can also be of a downward nature. The negative impact of the profession on the individual may be partial or complete. With a partial regression of professional development, one of its elements is affected. Complete regression means that negative processes have affected individual structures of the psychological system of activity, leading to their destruction, which can reduce the effectiveness of the activity. A sign of the negative influence of the profession on the personality is the appearance of a variety


Norwegian Journal of development of the International Science No 80/2022 of professional deformations (distortion) or destruction (destruction)" [5, p. 322].

E.F. Zeer understands professional destruction as changes in the existing structure of activity and personality, which negatively affect labor productivity and interaction with other participants in this process. The author emphasizes that professional destruction violates the integrity of the personality, reduces its adaptability, stability, and negatively affects the productivity of activity [6, p. 230].

A special place in the study of professional destruction is occupied by the point of view of S.A. Druzhilov, who understands professional and personal destruction as changes and destruction of the existing psychological structure of the personality, negatively affecting the results of work and interaction with other participants in this process, as well as the development of the personality itself. According to the author, destruction is manifested in the distortion of reality, devaluation of the significance of what is happening, inadequate professional self-concept, cynical attitude towards the world, transfer of responsibility or its subjective rejection, flattening of meaning and reducing it to situational goals, narrowing life meanings to the level of professional ones, centering on momentary benefits [4, p. 86].

I.V. Vachkov, I.B. Grinshpun and N.S. Pryazhnikov note that professional and personal destruction is manifested in a decrease in labor efficiency, deterioration in health and relationships with others, in the formation of negative personal qualities, and even in the disintegration of the employee's personality [2, p. 240].

It must be emphasized that professional and personal destructions represent the destruction, change or deformation of the existing psychological structure of the personality in the process of professional work. According to N.Yu. Buzovkina, the emergence and development of professional destruction reduces the productivity of activities, negatively affects motivation and professional position [1, p. 335].

In the context under discussion, of particular interest is the study of A.V. Lobanova, who defines professional destruction as negative qualities that are formed in the process of performing pedagogical activity, changing the profile of the teacher's personality and leading to the disintegration of his personal and professional development, as well as reducing labor productivity and the effectiveness of interaction with participants in the pedagogical process [7, p. 96].

Describing the tendencies of professional destructions, A.K. Markova identifies eight main features, including: • lag, slowdown in professional development in comparison with age and social norms; • unformed professional activity (the employee, as it were, "gets stuck" in his development); • disintegration of professional development, disintegration of professional consciousness and, as a result, unrealistic goals, false meanings of work, professional conflicts; low professional mobility, inability to adapt to new working conditions and maladjustment; • inconsistency of individual links of professional development, when one area seems to run ahead, while the other lags behind (for example, there is motivation for professional work, but the lack of a holistic professional consciousness hinders); • curtailment of previously available professional data, reduction of professional abilities, weakening of professional thinking; • distortion of professional development, the appearance of previously absent negative qualities, deviations from social and individual norms of professional development that change the personality profile; the appearance of personality deformations (for example, emotional exhaustion and burnout, as well as a flawed professional position - especially in professions with pronounced power and fame); • termination of professional development due to occupational diseases or disability [6, p. 151]. Among the factors that determine professional and personal destruction, E.F. Zeer says: • unconscious and conscious unsuccessful motives for choice (either inconsistent with reality or having a negative orientation); • destruction of expectations at the stage of entry into an independent professional life often become a trigger mechanism (the very first failures prompt one to look for “cardinal” methods of work); • formation of professional behavior stereotypes; on the one hand, stereotypes give stability to work, help in the formation of an individual style of work, but, on the other hand, they prevent them from acting adequately in non-standard situations, which are sufficient in any work; • various forms of psychological defenses that allow a person to reduce the degree of uncertainty, reduce mental tension - these are: rationalization, denial, projection, identification, alienation ...; • emotional tension, often recurring negative emotional states (syndrome of "emotional burnout"); • at the stage of professionalization (especially for socionomic professions), as an individual style of activity develops, the level of professional activity decreases, and conditions arise for the stagnation of professional development; • a decrease in the level of intelligence with an increase in work experience, which is often caused by the peculiarities of regulatory activity, when many intellectual abilities remain unclaimed (unclaimed abilities quickly fade); • individual "limit" of development of an employee, which largely depends on the initial level of education, on the psychological saturation of work; • the reasons for the formation of the limit may be dissatisfaction with the profession; • character accentuations (professional accentuations are an excessive strengthening of some character traits, as well as certain professionally conditioned personality traits and qualities); • employee aging [6, p. 232]. Psychological determinants of the development of professionally conditioned destructions, according to N.Yu. Buzovkina, are conflicts of professional self-determination, crises of professional development and professional maladaptation, as well as stereotypes of thinking and activity, social stereotypes of behavior,

certain forms of psychological protection: rationalization, projection, alienation, substitution, identification. The author emphasizes that the formation of destruction is initiated by the professional stagnation of a specialist, as well as the accentuation of character traits. But the main factor, the key determinant of the development of destruction is the professional activity itself [1, p. 338].

Describing the risk factors of the teaching profession, L.G. Tatarnikova notes: inadequate assessment of the teacher's work by society as a whole; incorrectness of the requirements, often unconscious by the bearers themselves; the changed intellectual potential of students and the styles of interaction between different teachers and students [6, p. 311].

Thus, the specificity of a teacher's professional activity, according to most authors, initially contains risks that affect the development of professional and personal destruction. Therefore, there is a need to determine the main ways to overcome the professional and personal destruction of the teacher, as well as the development of prevention programs in order to prevent the development of severe forms of professional and personal destruction among representatives of pedagogical professions.

Considering the problem of development and prevention of professional and personal destruction of a teacher, we found that the concept of "professional and personal destruction" is defined ambiguously, we relied on the definition of O.B. Polyakova, who considers the professional destruction of personality: - as a change in personality in the performance of activities, as well as changes in the existing structure of activity and personality, negatively affecting labor productivity and interaction with other participants in this process; - as changes that occur during many years of performing the same professional activity, negatively affecting its productivity, generating professionally undesirable qualities that change the professional behavior of a person; - as a change in the mental structure, personality traits under the influence of the performance of professional duties [8, p. 7].

There is no doubt that the phenomenon of professional and personal destruction of the personality has become generally recognized and at the moment scientists from different countries have identified its causes and consequences, and attempts have been made to prevent the development of personality deformations. Among a large number of approaches to the prevention of destruction, in our opinion, a special place is occupied by resource concepts of overcoming stress.

Of obvious interest in the discussed plan is the work of G. Selye, who distinguishes two types of human adaptive resources - superficial and deep adaptive energy. The surface resources of the body are activated in a stressful situation and are quite easily restored after rest, sleep, nutrition and relaxation, etc. According to the author, the surface adaptive energy is replenished at the expense of the deep one, and its activation begins in a stressful situation, when the “surface energy resources” are used up [3, p. 259].

E. Fromm considers hope, rational faith and spiritual strength as psychological resources of a person. We understand that hope as a psychological category promotes life and growth. Faith allows you to rationally interpret the present. If we talk about spiritual strength, then the author defines it as courage [10, p. 29].

Another point of view on the resources of personality stability attracts attention. Tolerance to stress and endurance in relation to factors that cause frustration, according to B.G. Ananiev depends on the availability of support, moral support, the complicity of other people and the solidarity of the group. Social support in the group, working under stress, without reducing the level of tension, can contribute to the "translation" of adverse manifestations into favorable ones [3, p. 260]. Many authors note that social support is an important resource for maintaining the stability of the individual in stressful situations, where family, friends and colleagues are one of the main factors of the resilience of the individual.

Thus, after analyzing the resources from the standpoint of the resource concept of stress, it was found that in order to overcome and prevent professional and personal destruction of a teacher, it is necessary to accumulate personal resources and social support resources that allow a person to avoid the development of severe forms of professional and personal destruction. For the prevention of professional destruction among teachers, educational courses are needed to significantly expand teachers' understanding of the features of overcoming the destructive consequences of the development of professional and personal destruction.


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