1 minute read


BY DELORES DUDLEY HAMPTON ROADS ʼ POET, Stunned, Shocked,Gut-wrenching


in pain,questioning, “WHY” this scenario again ? “

A young, Black man, unarmed and afraid, running away from policemen who in fairness and in safety for all are supposed to be trained:

And though there are millions of police officers who are models of decency and have done and will do acts of bravery, sometimes giving their own lives to their citizenry,

There are many like these five that encountered Tyre who are the opposite of what good policemen should be, for it has been said that these five were in a police unit that thrived on the culture of violent force to control, but in Tyre ʼ s Case, they were policing a gentle lamb,and they were the wandering wolf pack who were hateful and heinously bold.

After all, it has been said that there is A POLICE CULTURE in AMERICA that does exist, and the code reads paraphrased a little like this:

We are the police,and we will stop whomever we see,and our goal is to terrorize and bring FEAR into the citizen ʼ s eyes, and then we will shoot to kill or we will horribly beat that citizen at will for:

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