CIM Newsletter - Fall 2015

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Dr. Mohamed Mahgoub, CIM Program Director

The start of the new academic year at NJIT is underway and the CIM program keeps going strong. Mr. Anlee Orama, the CIM Academic Advisor has been a great help since he started in June. During the summer; CIM students had the highest ever internship enrolment inside and outside New Jersey. CIM students got involved in several concrete research opportunities both in the concrete lab and on site. Our CIM students continue to be highly active in industry events. Three students attended the NRMCA Concreteworks confer-

ence in September in Saint Antonio Texas. The CIM students are continuously engaged with the NJ ACI chapter, Metro NY ICRI Chapter, and the NJ Concrete and Aggregate Association among others. We are forever thankful for all organizations commitment to the program. The Northeast Patrons Fall Meeting will take place on December 11 and we are expecting a great turn out . Please mark your calendar and feel free to invite your colleagues. All are welcome to participate in the CIM experience. Finally I would like to thank CIM students for their dedication and hard work, helping the CIM program to be more recognized as one of the successful programs at NJIT. I would also like to thank the national and the local patrons for helping and supporting our students. Without their great effort this program would not be where it stands.�

Fall, 2015 “ Advancing the Concrete Industry Inside this issue: Dr. Mohamed Mahgoub CIM Program Director


Anlee Orama Advisor Nehemie Francois CIM Graduate


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NJIT CIM Newsletter

Stephon De Silva, CIM Sophmore Anlee Orama was fooling around with. I was very wrong. They were not holding back when they advertised the vast amount of opportunities we will receive as a students of CIM. As a freshman I was offered three different internships. Getting an internship as a freshman is very difficult, getting three really made my decision to stick to this concrete path . I was able to choose the offer interested me best and it’s all thanks to CIM. In the summer of 2015 I interned at a company that developed batching controls and dispatching software for ready mix concrete batch plants. The company went by the name of Sysdyne Technologies. They were located in Samford, CT. My position in the company was to shadow Beely Bounedara, the lead Sales Representative and a CIM graduate from Middle State Tennessee University. Beely was an outstanding mentor as he guided me through the When I declared Concrete Industry Management as a major entire process of researching and marketing potential climy freshman year I was a bit skeptical as a student beents. Getting experience in the field really provided me with cause I didn’t know what exactly it was. If you were to ask endless amounts of knowledge about the industry. Knowing me what the difference was between concrete and cement I large ready mix companies came naturally and so did most likely would have responded with a “aren’t they the knowing Sysdyne’s competitors. As an intern at Sysdyne I same thing?” However going through the courses and getwas also exposed to the customer support and assembly of ting to know the field really benefitted me in ways I would the batch controls. This is when I realized that you do not not have experienced in any another major. What makes have to be a CIM graduate to work in this field. The ConCIM so strong is the 100 percent job placement currently crete Industry has so many opportunities and it would be available. Most students on the other hand land jobs in the unwise to ignore investments in it whether it be getting a concrete field as an undergrad which gives us an optimal job or investing in a concrete influenced company. I want to amount of work experience. Being a freshman in college I thank everyone at Sysdyne for a wonderful experience and could not believe this. I did not think a major like this actumy boss Jill Zhang for giving me the opportunity. CIM is ally existed, to me it was all some game Dr. Mahgoub and the future and I will stand by that for as long as I live.

Nehemie Francois, CIM Alumni Class of 2015 Just before completing all of my degree requirements as a fourth year architecture major, I decided to join the CIM program. It wasn't because of the love I had for concrete, but frankly for the opportunities that I would find in the industry. I entered NJIT with hopes of completing a professional degree in architecture and design, however my goals and dreams slowly shifted after having my daughter. Now being a mother, the goals that I had set forth originally took on a new form, a new beginning. At that point I could no longer think for myself but for my growing family. I could no longer devote my time into architecture, so I decided to switch gears. After attending an EOP workshop on campus, an advisor who was in attendance told me about the CIM program here at NJIT. After my research on the program, I saw how successful and promising the program was. The CIM program provides students with numerous career opportunities not only in concrete industry but the overall construction industry. The day that I decided to take on Concrete Industry Management as my second major was the day that I took the Page 2

right steps into my professional path. The CIM program seeks every possible venue to expose its students to the concrete industry. This unique program has prepared me to become well articulated in technological advances within the industry. Whether it's through the many patrons meeting that were being conducted at the university or the research and development opportunities. There were always open avenues of networking and personal development. This program is truly unique, never have I felt so connected to my studies than I did here. Classes were intuitive and interactive. Director Dr. Mohamed Mahgoub was not only my professor and coordinator of the CIM program here at NJIT, but he was my mentor. His unwavering dedication to its students, is why NJIT CIM program has been so successful. During my last semester at NJIT, spring 15’ I completed my internship with Silvi Group, and was actively seeking work in the construction industry. While still in my last semester I was a candidate for Skanska Building USA. Upon graduation I worked for JPLC Engineering as a concrete and field inspector while still undergoing the hiring process with Skanska. I am confident that my experiences and my dual degree in Concrete Industry Management and Architecture was the driving force of acceptance into one of the nation's leading construction company. Now, I proudly hold a position as a project engineer with Skanska and I am currently working on a laboratory and infrastructure project commissioned by New York University School of Engineering. NJIT CIM Newsletter

CIM Students

Organization Events

Shine in the NJ ACI

PCA Professor’s Workshop The Portland Cement Association (PCA) Education Foundation Professors’ Workshop was held July 20-24, 2015, at PCA in Skokie, Illinois, USA. The workshop consisted of three diferent tracks: Concrete Materials Properties, Engineering and Economics of Concrete Structures Design, and Construction, and Performance of Concrete Pavements. The Professors’ Workshop is designed to provide faculty in engineering, architecture, and construction management programs the tools to teach the latest developments in concrete design, construction and materials. The week-long session includes networking opportunities to exchange ideas with professors from many universities, demonstrations by software vendors, and more than $2,500 of free resource materials. CIM Director, Dr. Mohammed Mahgoub had the honor of attending the Portland Cement Association (PCA) Education Foundation Professors’ Workshop for the third time. In addition to attending the workshop, Dr. Mahgoub presented his research about the structural health monitoring using wireless sensor networks, July 23, 2015, in the Engineering and Economics of Concrete Structures Design t r a c k .

2015 CIM Graduate Dinner The NJIT CIM Graduate Dinner took place in August 27th at Don Pepes Restaurant in Newark, NJ. We were happy to see old and new graduates alike bound in unity. With graduates working in virtually every aspect of the concrete industry, table talk has never been more significant and influential among the candid group. Joining us this time were the assistant to the Chair of John A. Reif Jr. Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering for laboratories and the Concrete lab Manager, Dr. Nakul Rammana and lab assistant Andrew Flory. They are doing great work with the CIM program in the form of research and nearly 12 hour lab availability for our students daily.

ICRI Metro New York Technical Dinner On Wednesday, August 12, six CIM students attended the ICRI Metro NY Technical Meeting Dinner that was held in Manhattan, New York City, NY. Daniel Regad, Jerhard Evangelista, Michelle Ghanime, Erica Johnson, Julie Mostafa, and Derek Torres attended a technical presentation titled “ Corrosion of Reinforcing Steel in Concrete and Masonry” and presented by Mr. Mark Howell, the National Director of Building Envelope Services for Pullman and Mr. Dennis Sanschagrin, the Vice President, Corporate Sales for Structural Group. The lecture covered an overview of the impact of corrosion damage to several NYC Metropolitan structures and helped develop a basic understanding of the corrosion process in concrete and masonry and to identify causes and environmental conditions that lead to corrosion of steel, and the structural, environmental and financial consequences. The presentation also covered the typical counter-measures used to prevent and mitigate corrosion. The event was a great opportunity for students that interested in networking and enjoying a well-made dinner. The students recommended to other CIM students attending one of these events in the future. Not only were the students able to talk to other representatives and expand their own network, but I also they learned something new when it came to concrete repair.

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2015 NRMCA ConcreteWorks Conference The NJIT CIM program attended the 2015 National Ready Mixed Concrete Association (NRMCA) ConcreteWorks held at the JW Marriott San Antonio Hill Country Resort & Spa, San Antonio, TX on September 20-22. Anlee Orama and CIM students, David Williams, David Jaramillo, and Jerdain Forbes attended. On the first day, they participated as judges for the 2015 NRMCA National Mixer Driver Championship which consisted of professional concrete mixer truck driver contestants tested in a challenging course where they had to prove their driving skills navigating through various trials. This year’s event was the largest in history with sixty four drivers competing. The students benefited greatly by attending the industry sessions, CIM information booths, and other venues. We would like to show our appreciation to Robert Garbini, NRMCA President, and all of NRMCA for their great support for CIM. Also, special thanks go to Nicole Maher, Senior Vice President of Industry Relations & Special Programs, for her great effort coordinating the participation of the NJIT CIM students.

NJIT CIM Newsletter NJIT CIM Newsletter

CIM Students

Organization Events

Guest Speaker, Pullman On Monday September 28th, NJIT CIM had a special guest speaker from Pullman, a group under the Structural Group. Mr. Mark Howell, the National Director of Building Envelope Services shared the company’s real world experience with the students and was also generous to the attendants by providing a sheet to everyone in the class about scholarship and intern opportunities his company has available for the students. The sheet handed out by him had links for these opportunities so students can vary what they want to apply for and where they can find it. He explained how to ensure that the existing concrete buildings would stay protected from the elements (mostly moisture intrusion), and maintenance. About eighty four percent of all claims are buildings having issues that are moisture related and eighty two percent are building envelop related. Building envelop components consist of roofs, exterior walls, and below grade walls and floors. He empathized that maintenance should be done precisely and efficiently to ensure the most optimal results. With the main focus being on water intrusion since it happens so often in areas in the coast of the U.S., Mr. Howell explained why and how it happens. Nearing the end of his informative presentation to the young college students, Mr. Howell encouraged the students to check out the opportunities given by his company to help enrich the minds of the soon to be workforce of the industry.

Shine in the NJ ACI

The NJ ACI-Student Chapter is proud to announce NJIT’s award of the research proposal “Evaluation Of The 90-Minute Rule as an Acceptance Criteria Considering Current Concrete Mix Design Technology and Mix Constituents” by the New Jersey Chapter of the American Concrete Institute. The Principal Investigator is Dr. Mohamed Mahgoub, Associate Professor in the Department of Engineering Technology, and the Co-Principal Investigator is Dr. Nakul Ramanna, the Assistant to the Chair and Concrete Laboratory Manager in the John A. Reif Jr. Department of Civil Engineering. The proposed research aims to gain better understanding of how elapsed time affects the quality of concrete load. In order to ensure that, a large number of concrete batches will be tested under different weather conditions and elapsed times. The research results would greatly benefit concrete suppliers, engineers, and inspectors in the concrete industry. The duration of the project will be one year starting in August 2015. With the commitment of NRMCA, Sika Corp., Silvi Group, and County Concrete. Silvi South Plainfield Manager, Eric Miller (CIM ’11); and Silvi Quality control Manager, David Jaramillo (CIM ’16); and County Concrete Quality Control Manager, Nicholas Denicoli (CIM ’13) will be part of this great research effort. New Jersey Institute of Technology ACI Student Chapter Advisor and Concrete Industry Management (CIM) Program Director, Dr. Mohamad Mahgoub would like to thank Mr. Mark Wierciszewski, NJACI Chapter President and Senior Engineer of Materials at NY & NJ Port Authority; Mr. Zach Rich, NJACI Chapter Vice President and the Director of Concrete Promotion/Sales at Silvi Group Companies.; Mr. Casimir Bognacki, NJACI Chapter Treasurer and the Chief Material Engineer of NY & NJ Port Authority; Mrs. Dianne Johnson, the NJACI Chapter Executive Director. Lastly, the NJIT ACI-Student Chapter would also like to that to thank the NJACI Chapter for giving the students at NJIT this opportunity.

NJIT Receive $20,000 grant for Ready Mix 90-Minute Rule Research Every year, a substantial amount of ready-mixed concrete is returned to concrete plant for disposal due to many reasons, such as excessive slump loss during transport, surplus production and trial batches. One of the main reasons for rejecting a great number of truckloads of concrete every year is due to the strict accordance to the 90-minute time limit.

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NJIT CIM Newsletter NJIT CIM Newsletter

2015 Calendar of Upcoming Events October 14-17, 2015 ICRI Convention Fort Worth, Texas Dr. Mohamed Mahgoub CIM Program Director Dept. of Engineering Technology Email: Phone: 973.596.6081

About Newark College of Engineering The Newark College of Engineering is one of the oldest and largest professional engineering schools in the United States. NCE offers 13 undergraduate degree programs, 16 master’s and 10 doctoral degree programs. Undergraduate enrollment is more than 2,500, and more than 1,100 students enrolled in graduate studies. The 150-member faculty includes engineers and scholars who

October 28, 2015 Vector Construction Social NJIT November 8-12, 2015 ACI Convention Denver, Colorado December 11, 2015 CIM Patrons Meeting NJIT

2014-2015 CIM Annual Report Every year, Brian Gallagher, CIM Marketing Committee Chairman, along with Amy Numbers, Vice President of Operations & ROI for Constructive Communication, Inc, make a great effort producing the CIM Annual Report. "The CIM Annual Report is a summary of all of the great efforts, achievements and accomplishments of each CIM institution, faculty, staff, Patrons, and National Steering Committee," said Gallagher. "Every year I am more impressed by what is accomplished by the CIM program." Please visit the link below to learn about the CIM program in a National level!

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NJIT CIM Newsletter

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