Cim newsletter summer 2015

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Dr. Mohamed Mahgoub, CIM Program Director

Once again I am very excited to report the success of the NJIT CIM program. I am glad that our students are taking on challenging internships in the summer and our

recent graduates are working full time. We thank our Patrons for making this possible. I believe hiring our students is a strategic investment in your organizations and companies. On that note, we strive to develop high caliber students to provide the talent and hard work our industry needs to move forward. I look forward to taking the summer time to continue fostering research and development with our partners. Now with Anlee back we will once again work together to tackle all issues vigorously and further develop the ever growing program here at NJIT. Thank you all for your continued support and please continue to attend the patrons meeting which is vital to the health of our program.

Jamie Gentoso, Sika VP of Marketing on our industry. Over the last couple years students have been involved in research that can help change the face of our industry. They have participated in research on the use of recycled concrete aggregate, utilization of bottom ash in concrete as well as use of insulated concrete blocks. Concrete can be and is a more sustainable, environmentally friendly than competitive materials and this work helps us to prove that to the construction community.

As the students of the Concrete Industry Management program wrap of their summer internships and co-op experiences another exciting academic year is ahead. No doubt, they have all gained real world experience that will help them later in their careers in the concrete industry.

NJIT was also recently awarded a $20,000 grant from ACI to research the necessity and validity of the 90 minute expiration rule for ready mix concrete in C94. A change of this specification could be revolutionary for the industry eliminating the need to disposal of potentially high quality, perfectly good concrete. Our CIM students will be involved in this research.

This opportunity to perform research and contribute to our industry is an important part of the learning process and experiences gained in the CIM program. If you having any testing or research to be done do not hesitate to reach out to Dr. Mahgoub. NJIT has state of the art facilities and our students have much to gain I was excited and impressed to learn recently from working with Dr. Mahgoub and graduate that the hands on learning doesn’t stop there. students on real world issues or opportunities At NJIT the students have been and continue within our industry. to be part of research that has a huge impact Page 1

Summer, 2015 “ Advancing the Concrete Industry by Degrees “ Inside this issue:

Dr. Mohamed Mahgoub CIM Program Director 1 Jamie Gentoso Sika VP of Marketing

Dr. Thomas Juliano Dep. Chair Anlee Orama Advisor Fabian De la hoz CIM Graduate


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CIM 2013-2014 Annual report

NJIT CIM Newsletter

Dr. Thomas M. Juliano, ET Chairman

I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself as the new Interim Chair of the Department of Engineering Technology (ET). I am taking over for Dr. Rockland, who has served admirably as Chair of the ET Department for the last six years. During his tenure, both the ET Department and the CIM Program, in particular, have experienced an unprecedented growth in enrollment and stature at the national level. I am looking forward to working with Dr. Mahgoub, who has been instrumental in the success of the CIM Program, and also with all of you, to continue this success, and to make the CIM Program better than ever.

Anlee Orama, CIM Advisor

First off I would like to thank the CIM students for an overwhelmingly warm welcome back. Working with each and every one of you has been an inspiration and I hope we can move forward where we left off. I am pleased to be the academic advisor for the NJIT CIM program after a small vacation. As for Dr. Mohamed Mahgoub, we unite once again to take care of important business. My only regret is the time and energy lost in that time that could have translated to an even higher success than what we have now. I am excited to reconnect with everyone in all aspects of the CIM community. There is always room to improve and I will be making strides to develop new and interesting tools to improve the interactions between all parties involved. I hope to see many of you in our next patrons meeting. My work with the NJIT CIM program is not finished. Stay tuned...

Fabian De la hoz, CIM Alumni Class of 2015 When I first heard about the CIM program, I was really looking for a graduate degree in my field of Civil Engineering, but this great program awoke in me such a big motivation, I decided to make it part of my goals. My process of admission and enrollment to the program was made in a fast way with the help of Dr. Mahgoub and Mr. Anlee Orama who have helped increase the number of students in the program in record time compared with other institutions. They, through emails and text messages, managed my incorporation to the program, in an unusual but effective way. CIM program gives students the opportunity to reinforce the theoretical knowledge with valuable activities such as socials, guest speakers, field visits, conferences, competitions, within many other interesting activities. It's really impressive the way the program has grown thanks to the support of the industry that has placed 100% of CIM students into important positions of responsibility. Page 2

I personally have had the opportunity to strengthen my knowledge with invaluable experiences gained in internships, made in growing-oriented companies such as JCP, Joel Tanis & Sons, and Bonded Concrete. After my internship in JCP, I work full time with them as Quality Control Engineer where I apply my knowledge acquired in construction services such as concrete placement, concrete reinforcing steel, and concrete inspections. Then I work for Coreslab Structures Inc. as a Project Engineer where I was responsible for develop projects objectives through the coordination of activities and resolution of problems related to the project. All those opportunities were possible for me, thanks to the events that are offered to all students and graduates of the CIM program. There we have the advantage of participating in numerous networking events such as the Patrons Meeting and Socials where many companies in the industry interviewed students in order to fill positions in their companies with high potential staff. In July 2015 I was hired by Ferrara Bros as a Technical Services Representative. It is a company with over 45 years in the concrete industry. They have been a great support for the CIM program with contributions such as socials and field visits to their concrete plants. I am very happy to be part of a great company like this where I get the opportunity to grow and will face many challenges that will motivate me much more to achieve my dreams.

NJIT CIM Newsletter

CIM Students

Organization Events

April 6, 2015 On Monday, April 6, 2015, Doug Ruhlin the president of Resource Management Association (RMA) presented to the CIM students about sustainability and how it relates perfectly to the concrete industry. RMA is a consulting firm that deals with environmental issues of concrete related facilities. The presenter explained the main idea of sustainability as meeting the needs of the current generation without compromising the availability of materials for future generation. He went over the topics of the finite resource this planet had and how it is quickly being depleted. Going over the triple bottom line, People, Planet, and Profit, the CIM students learned that the future of the industry can only continue if a business becomes environmentally friendly, socially responsible, and enhance the economic value. The speaker promoted using more recycled concrete aggregate. When taking down an old structure, we can use the remains and recycle them for new projects. By doing so, there is an expected ten percent reduction of CO2 by 2020 which is considered a big increase from the 3% what we have now since 1972. The considerations of SCM (Supplementary Cementitious Material) can also lower the emissions and also help the concrete gain strength. Mr. Ruhlin also explained that there are certifications for sustainable concrete producers such as LEED and Green Star certifications. Being the head of RMA Mr. Ruhlin can greatly impact the way concrete can last and enhance its sustainability throughout the coming years.

Shine in the NJ ACI

NJIT ACI Student Chapter President, Gabriel Garcia, tasked the members with forming groups and competing in respective categories. Team NJ_1 consisted of Ali Fardos (Team Leader & ACI Student Chapter Treasurer), Gabriel Garcia (ACI Student Chapter President) and Cesar Alvarado. Team NJ_2 consisted of Nicholas Mazza (Team Leader & ACI Student Chapter Social Relations), Arzu Alimjan (ACI Student Chapter Secretary) and Rabeeta Aroosh. Team NJ_1 focused on designing the beam to achieve highest ultimate load to weight ratio, while team NJ_2 focused on accurately predicting the loads causing 0.25” deflection and failure. Today we are happy and proud to announce that NJIT’s ACI Student Chapter won 1st place in both categories of the competition. This is the first time in the competition history that a non-host school has won both categories on debut. Team NJ_1, designed a beam that was uniquely shaped to keep the weight of the concrete beam low. A 12,000 psi concrete was used with two #4 steel reinforcing rebar. This resulted in an ultimate load of 5380 lbs and a load-toweight ratio of 173, setting a new record in the competition history. Team NJ_2, created a classic beam befitting the specified dimensions, using 7200 psi concrete and two #4 steel reinforcing rebar. They predicted the 0.25 inch deflection and the failure load with a discrepancy of 4.6%, an advantage over opposing teams by 5%. The beam also achieved highest ductility, which was applauded by the judge and organizers of the event.

April 22, 2015

April 11, 2015 On Saturday, April 11th 2015, six members of the NJIT ACI Student Chapter competed in the 30th annual student beam competition organized by the Eastern Pennsylvania and Delaware chapter of the American Concrete Institute (EPDACI) at Widener University in Chester, Pennsylvania. The challenge of the competition was to design and construct a 5 ½” x 2 ½” x 40” concrete beam reinforced with steel reinforcement bars to span 3’-0”. The beam was subjected to a concentrated load at mid span and tested to failure. The two categories of the competition were: 1. Highest Ultimate Load to Weight Ratio 2. Most Accurate Prediction of Loads Page Page 33

On Tuesday, April 22, 2015, NJIT American Concrete Institute (ACI) Student Chapter has invited it speaker of the semester. Mr. Casimir Bognacki, the Chief of Ma...terials Engineering at the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, and the Treasurer of New Jersey ACI Chapter, spoke to a huge crowed of ACI and NJIT students, staff and professors about the Goethals Bridge Replacement Program with an emphasis on concrete durability vs concrete strength. Mr. Bognacki also introduced the microwave test method, and how it can be used to determine the amount of water in concrete as a more promising technique versus current methods. In addition, Mr. Bognacki spoke about the major changes in concrete technology, such as Chemical admixtures, pozzolans, and cement. Finally, Mr. Bognacki concluded with techniques on how to reduce shrinkage cracking. He also empathized that we should better focus on concrete durability and not compressive strength. The students present at this event took the opportunity of getting a deeper understanding of Concrete Strength and Durability, as well as, what the microwave test is and how it works.

NJIT CIM Newsletter NJIT CIM Newsletter

CIM Students

Organization Events

Shine in the NJ ACI

with the professionals and see what’s new in the industry.

April 28, 2015 On Tuesday, April 28, 2015, Paul D. Brooks, Senior Technical Services Engineer at Holcim (US) Inc., spoke to the CIM students about the difference between Cement and Concrete. Paul explained how cement is made and what it takes to make a stronger, durable concrete. The critical strength of concrete can be achieved through water to cement ratio, and using supplementary cementatious materials (SCM). The strength of the concrete may be tested on the field and the lab. Such tes...ts include, Slump test, Air entrainment, Sulfur Resistance, and alkali silica reactivity. Paul also touched on different substitutions to Cement typically makes up 10% of the cyd of a concrete mix. SCM is used to replace the amount of cement used in a concrete mix. SCM’s include slag, fly ash, and silica fumes; these materials have added benefits of reducing CO2 emitted to the environment as well as increasing the compressive strength. Brooks finalized his presentation with the topic of admixtures and there uses in concrete. The CIM students present at this event had the opportunity to get a deeper understanding of cement, Concrete mix, and what is required to increase the strength of concrete while also benefiting the environment.

April 30, 2015 On Thursday, April 30, 2015, Dr. Mohammed Mahgoub, the CIM Program Director and two CIM students, Nicholas Mazza and Premnath Hosein, attended the New Jersey Concrete and Aggregate Association, NJCAA’s First Annual Concrete on the Rocks 2015 Convention at the Borgata Hotel Casino & Spa. The students had a huge networking opportunity with many different companies such as Silvi and Sika. The students also had the honor of meeting Rocky Bleier and listening to his speech about overcoming obstacles and how it related to the NFL draft. Mr. Bleier also talked about some personal stories of his about his experiences in Vietnam that everyone on the NJCAA board respected. Attending this convention was a great opportunity for the CIM students to meet many top players in the concrete industry in the State of New Jersey. Amongst the attendance was Michael Ciallella and Sherif Girgis, CIM 2011 Graduates that work with Titan America. The CIM program would like to thank Mr. William Layton, the Executive Director of NJCAA and Ms. Dara Servis, the Marketing Director of NJCAA for hosting this event and giving the students the opportunity to network Page Page 44

May 14, 2015 On Thursday, May 14, 2015, Dr. Mohamed Mahgoub and eight CIM students attended the 52nd Annual Concrete Awards Dinner held at the Heldrich in New Brunswick, NJ. Sponsored by The New Jersey Chapter of the American Concrete Institute as well as The New Jersey Concrete and Aggregate Association, the dinner honored Laurence J. Silvi, John L. Silvi, and Roy Olsen for their outstanding contributions to the industry. Silvi Corporation is one of New Jersey’s most recognized concrete companies today from starting out as a sand and gravel plant. Throughout the years and hardship they have expanded their small business across the tristate area with six plants. They have also expanded to own their own quarries if outside source materials became difficult to acquire, so they are always ready for the job. The Silvi Group has been helping companies, contractors, and homeowners build a better future since 1947. Proudly serving New Jersey and Southeastern Pennsylvania, we provide a wide variety of vertically integrated products and services, including ready mix concrete, sand, stone, cement supplies, port facilities, and real estate options for construction industry businesses. Laurence and John made Silvi Corporation one of the greatest ready mix businesses in the Northeast. Laurence and John are always on the forefront of setting the bar for excellence. Roy Olsen had received his master’s degree for Civil Engineering at the Newark College of Engineering which is now NJIT. As he was studying, he joined his fathers’ company with a limited, but varied role. Later to take on the responsibilities and work load of project management marketing and engineering, Roy became a pioneer to the industry. Over the years of his great accomplishments he has held the titles of Board of Directors for the Building Contractors Association and their State President, member of the National Board of Directors of the Associated General Contractors of America, and even served as a Trustee on the Benefit Funds for the Carpenters, Ironworkers, Masons, and Laborers. Fighting to keep the industry fair internally, he has shown his devotion for the industry he loved. The CIM program cannot overlook the arduous work Mark Wierciszewski, the President of NJ ACI Chapter, Zach Rich, The Vice-President, Casimir Bognacki, the Treasurer, Dianne Johnston, the Executive Director of NJ ACI Chapter, and Dianne’s husband Jim Johnston have done together with their team at the NJ ACI Chapter to put together this grand event and have us as special guests.

NJIT CIM Newsletter NJIT CIM Newsletter

CIM Main Travels Event CIM Students ShineCIM in the NJ ACI Chapter Dinner North East Patrons Meeting NJIT Atrium Newark, New Jersey May 4, 2015

North East Patrons Meeting On Monday, May 4, 2015 the NJIT CIM program hosted the Spring Bi-Annual Northeast Patrons meeting in the Atrium at the NJIT campus center. The meeting is designed to provide a fruitful venue for our supporting Patrons to personally visit NJIT and learn about what the CIM program is achieving and how they can become involved and engage with the students. Attending the meeting were our distinguished CIM Local Patrons, CIM graduates and students, NJIT Administration, and special... guests. Dr. Mohamed Mahgoub, CIM Program Director is exceedingly grateful for all sincere supporters. Our NE Patrons Board of Directors that hosted the event includes Chairperson Jamie Gentoso, Larry Silvi, and Bill Layton. They work arduously to secure a vibrant Patrons group and support the CIM program and its students. We look forward to the growth of the Patrons group as our student enrollment is also increasing (105 students). Every Patrons meeting is enhanced with the presentations of our excellent students and graduates. Five CIM students presented their competition, work and experience; this included competing at the 2015 EPDACI Beam Competition (Placing 1st place in both categories). Two students from Silvi Group and one from Weldon Materials presented their CoOp experience and Senior projects. The quality of the work of our students is evident to all our Patrons. We were honored to have with us Dr. Fadi Deek, NJIT Provost, Dr. Moshe Kam, Dean of the NCE, Vincent Lombardo, Director of Development for NCE, Dr. Ronald Rockland, Chairman of Engineering Technology Department and Dr. Taha Marhaba, Chairman of Civil and Environmental Engineering Department. Many more notable NJIT faculty and staff attended the event. The NJIT CIM program is becoming widely recognized in the university. With time, the CIM program has proven itself to be successful in many aspects. The students are happy, they get jobs, and they love what they do. Speaking of jobs, we coordinated a CIM job fair immediately after the meeting to give an opportunity to some of our Patrons to interview our students for internships and full- time jobs. Over 30 students interviewed with multiple companies and we are looking forward to making the job fair a tradition at the Patrons meeting. Companies that interviewed included Silvi Group, Weldon Materials, Hyde Concrete, Superior Materials, LLC, Sysdyne, Laticrete, Solidia Technologies, and Beyond Concrete. In addition, many other companies took the time to network with the students. We would like to give special thanks to Edna Randolph, Assistant to Chair of Engineering Technology, and Marcia Eddings, Administrative Assistant of Engineering Technology for coordinating the event. Once again we thank everyone that made this extraordinary event possible and we look forward to seeing each and every one of you including many more in our next Patrons meeting which will take place in December 2015 at the NJIT Campus Center Atrium.

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NJIT CIM Newsletter

2015 Calendar of Upcoming Events July 20-24, 2015

Dr. Mohamed Mahgoub CIM Program Director Dept. of Engineering Technology Email: Phone: 973.596.6081

About Newark College of Engineering The Newark College of Engineering is one of the oldest and largest professional engineering schools in the United States. NCE offers 13 undergraduate degree programs, 16 master’s and 10 doctoral degree programs. Undergraduate enrollment is more than 2,500, and more than 1,100 students enrolled in graduate studies. The 150-member faculty includes engineers and scholars who

October 14-16, 2015

PCA Professors Workshop

ICRI Conference

Skokie, Illinois

Fort Worth, Texas

September 20-22, 2015

November 8-12, 2015

NRMCA ConcreteWorks 2015

ACI Convention

San Antonio, Texas

Denver, Colorado

October 6-7, 2015 CIM National Steering Committee San Marcos, Texas October 8-9, 2015 ACI Strategic Development Council Novi, Michigan

CIM events are publicly available to be viewed on the NJIT CIM Flickr and now Facebook. Upon entering the Flickr or Facebook page you will have access to the photo stream and summaries of the most recent events as well as being able to open specific CIM events categorized in dates. Photographs and summaries are continually uploaded.

2013-2014 CIM Annual Report Every year, Brian Gallagher, CIM Marketing Committee Chairman, along with Amy Numbers, Vice President of Operations & ROI for Constructive Communication, Inc, make a great effort producing the CIM Annual Report. "The CIM Annual Report is a summary of all of the great efforts, achievements and accomplishments of each CIM institution, faculty, staff, Patrons, and National Steering Committee," said Gallagher. "Every year I am more impressed by what is accomplished by the CIM program." Please visit the link below to learn about the CIM program in a National level!

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NJIT CIM Newsletter

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