Concrete Industry Management Program Newsletter - Winter 2011

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From the CIM program Director, Dr. Mohamed Mahgoub

Winter, 2011 “ Advancing the Concrete Industry by Degrees “ Inside this issue: Dr. Mohamed Mahgoub CIM Program Director


Anlee Orama CIM Specialist 2 Eugene Martineau NSC Executive Director Eugene Martineau (Continued)

The CIM program continues to grow in enrollment and involvement through the culmination of 2011. Fall semester marked the largest enrollment of freshman CIM students. The CIM program is being communicated on a regular basis throughout the NJIT community and is becoming increasingly desirable among undecided and transfer students. The five year strategic plan for the NJIT CIM program has been finalized. The primary goal of increasing enrollment of students and patrons has been taken upon by Anlee Orama, the CIM Specialist. Anlee has been working arduously since coming on board on September of 2011. Together, we forecast an increase in enrollment to 100 students at the end of our five year strategic plan from the 40 students we have at present. I am pleased to announce that we have continuously retained our premier 100% internship and job placement status. This has only been possible by the support of the industry patrons proPage 1

viding the necessary opportunities to prepare our CIM students to be the future leaders in the concrete industry. 2012 marks a new beginning of dedication and passion in the path forward. I would like to express my great appreciation to the Northeast Patrons for their great effort supporting the program. Jamie Gentoso, the Chairperson, Larry Silvi and Bill Layton are working tirelessly to prepare for the Wine Tasting Dinner which will take place on February 25 at the Valbella Restaurant in Manhattan, to support the CIM program. I would like also to thank Dr. Ron Rockland, Chairman of the Department of Engineering Technology and Dr. Sunil Saigal, Dean of the Newark College of Engineering, for their great support. I also thank everyone that supports the CIM program in numerous ways. Finally, I would like to congratulate Jamie and Mike Gentoso with the arrival of there baby girl. Happy New Year !!!


NJIT ACI Club High School Visits Community Colleges and Internal Events



CIM Interactive Links Industry Patron Support


Special Events


CSU, Chico, CA CIM program Fall 2011 ACI Conference Cincinnati, OH

Fall Northeast Patrons Meeting

Upcoming Events





NJIT CIM Newsletter

Department of Engineering Technology CIM Specialist, Anlee Orama Nearly four mont hs ha ve passed since I became the CIM specialist and I am very excited with the nature of the work. I really enjoy working with Dr. Mohamed Mahgoub, the CIM students, NJIT administration, and industry patrons. The CIM program is both a rewarding and challenging experience and I look forward to being part of its continued success. With the recent development of a five year strategic plan, aggressive strategies and tactics are being developed and implemented to meet or exceed our goals of enrollment. Looking forward to the start of 2012, recruitment and retention initiates will continue to be analyzed and reviewed

to ensure effectiveness and provide the means to measure results. I am proud to note that CIM is viewed more favorably than ever before in the NJIT community and is gaining a foothold in the high school and community college community. It has also been a great experience mentoring the CIM students in concrete competitions such as the American Concrete Institute (ACI) pervious concrete cylinder competition in Cincinnati, OH. The ACI student club is becoming increasingly involved in many activities and we look forward to become progressively more competitive all the while focusing on learning about the concrete industry. The CIM program has marked a difference in my life when I was a CIM student and has yet again done so through the unparalleled involvement opportunities available and industry support which is unheard of in today‟s economy. Finally, I would like to send my best wishes to all and hope that everyone enjoyed the holidays!

From the CIM NSC Executive Director Eugene Martineau an impact on recruiting new students to the program. It is evident that Anlee shares Dr. Mahgoub‟s enthusiasm and excitement for the development of the program and I am confident he will make a significant contribution to the future success of the program.

Just prior to Thanksgiving and the start of the holiday season I had the distinct pleasure of attending the NJIT CIM Patrons meeting held on November 17th. During my two day visit I had the opportunity to meet with the program director Dr. Mohamed Mahgoub and his new assistant Anlee Orama. The enthusiasm that they both have for the continuing development of the CIM program is both evident and contagious. All of the hard work that Dr Mahgoub has invested over the past 18 months is beginning to pay off. The new CIM Specialist, Anlee Orama, under Dr. Mahgoub‟s direction is already having Page 2

During my visit I had the opportunity to meet and review the progress of the program with Dr. Sunil Saigal, Dean of the Newark College of Engineering (NCE), Dr. Ronald Rockland, Chairman of the Department of Engineering Technology, Jamie Gentoso, Northeast CIM Patron‟s Chairperson, Larry Silvi , President of the Silvi Group and a founder of the NJIT CIM program , Dr. Mahgoub and Anlee. Our discussions were wide ranging and focused on the continuing development of the program. Everyone in attendance was both realistic of the programs past stops and starts and positive of the current improved status and the vision for the future. I came away from that meeting, with the most positive outlook I have had, since the program was first established. There is a much improved level of communication between all the parties that must work together in order for the program to succeed. While everyone realizes that there is still a long way to go before the program can be viewed as a ( Continued on page 3 ) NJIT CIM Newsletter

From CIM NSC Executive Director Eugene Martineau ( Continued from page 1 )

NJIT ACI Student Chapter

success, there has been a clear plan developed and the proper leadership is in place to make it happen. The final opportunity I had to assess, the level of support that is absolutely necessary for the program to succeed, I gained by attending the patrons meeting. I was most encouraged by the enthusiasm for the program from the patrons I visited with. The overall attendance was also improved over the past several meetings I attended, which indicates the industry is also encouraged about the programs development. Based on my fifteen year experience in the development of CIM, support of the patrons is essential to the success of the program. The true test of whether the program is succeeding or not, is in the quality of the product the program is producing. During the Patrons meeting there were a number of presentations by both current students and recent graduates on their internship experiences. Overall the presentations were excellent. Since I have had the opportunity of numerous visits to all the CIM program universities and hearing numerous presentations at all of them from similar groups of students, I can honestly say the NJIT students compare very favorably. Today I feel there is a great deal of positives for the NJIT CIM program to continue to build on. As I said in the last newsletter; for the program to succeed all legs of the stool need to be in place. After my visit I am encouraged that is happening at NJIT. My message to all patrons; you will get out of this program what you are willing to invest in time talent and treasure. Now that the program is producing graduates you can began to see a return on your investment. From what I witnessed it is an excellent return. If you have yet to commit to a pledge of support, I would encourage that you do so now. The NJIT program is definitely “advancing the concrete industry by degrees”. Visit the CIM NSC website at: Donate for the CIM 2012 Auction at:

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The NJIT American Concrete institute (ACI) student chapter continues to be involved in many activities on and off campus. Opportunities to become part of numerous concrete competitions are realized when CIM students as well as any other NJIT student becomes members. This past October, NJIT ACI members competed in a pervious concrete cylinder competition at the 2011 ACI convention in Cincinnati, OH. The club will move on to compete in the student competition being held in the Spring 2012 ACI convention in Dallas, TX. In addition to the club‟s agenda, the club is currently assisting the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) club with the concrete canoe competition scheduled to take place in June, 2012. We would like to thank Dianne Johnston, NJACI Chapter‟s Executive Director, for providing assistance to CIM students in special events as well as extending opportunities for CIM students to become ACI certified. We would like also to congratulate Dr. Hany Nassif of Department of Civil Engineering at Rutgers University for being appointed as the new president of the NJACI Chapter. To see what ACI student members have to say about the benefits of being a member please see a promotional video produced by ACI featuring Christopher Worthington, NJIT ACI Student Chapter President, and Robert Samul, NJIT ACI Student Chapter Secretary, among other students from different universities. Click on the link below to view the video: utm_source=enews&utm_medium=email&utm_term=ne ws3&utm_campaign=nov172011

NJIT CIM Newsletter

High School Visits

High school visits continue to be an important recruitment initiative for the CIM program. Incoming freshmen are an ideal form of enrollment increase as they will be subjected to the full experience of the CIM program early on. In Fall of 2011, seven CIM students were first time freshman. We will continue to aggressively target High School in and out-of state to steadily increase freshmen enrollment. Listed below are the most recent high schools visited in New jersey and New York. Manhattan Hunter HS Manhattan, NY 10/20/11 Hackensack HS Hackensack, NJ 10/26/11 International HS Paterson, NJ 11/19/11 Technology HS Newark, NJ 11/21/11 Union City HS Union City, NJ 11/22/11

In addition to visiting high schools, there are valuable instances where high schools visit NJIT. The student ambassadors, composed of CIM students, continue to be of great assistance to Anlee, the CIM Specialist in large events such as the Fall 2011 NCE career day at NJIT where over 1,000 high school students attended. The importance of the continued effort in marketing the CIM program cannot be better demonstrated than by the response of a single student stating that he was slightly aware of CIM out of over 400 attendants. Opportunities like these enable the CIM program to be promoted and marketed to a vast market of potential students. Below are the major events where high schools visited NJIT. Fall Career Fair 10/12/11 Fall Open House 10/23/11 NCE Career Day 12/9/11

Panther Academy Paterson, NJ 12/5/11 Halsey Academy of Finance Elizabeth, NJ 12/21/11

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NJIT CIM Newsletter

NJIT CIM Colleges and Internal CIMCommunity Students Shine in Events the NJ ACI Chapter Dinner

Interactive Web Links

Community colleges are a promising source of potential CIM students. We are targeting potential transfer fairs to increase CIM exposure in this critical stage. CIM is not an established option in the 19 community colleges across NJ and we aim to reverse this condition. Over the next year, formal articulation agreements between the CIM program and the community college programs will be established which will further market this program to that group. A strategic effort will be implemented to expand our reach to out-of-state community colleges as well as market the availability of instate tuition rates for this group. Below are the community colleges visited recently. Union County College NJIT

Internal events are aimed at the undecided student body as well as potential transfer students. An event called Major and Minor Exploration Day took place on December 11th and provided students with the opportunity to learn about different programs at NJIT as well as minor details. The CIM program allows students to earn a degree in CIM as well as a minor in Business simultaneously. This opportunity is viewed highly among students. All undecided students are emailed periodically with CIM information and upcoming events such as industry socials.

All CIM events are now publicly available to be viewed on the NJIT CIM Flickr website. Upon entering the Flickr page you will have access to the photo stream of the most recent uploads as well as being able to open specific CIM events categorized in sets. Photographs and video recordings are periodically uploaded. Click on the link below for immediate access to the NJIT CIM Flickr page: 318880@N02/

Videos of special programs and events can be found on the NJIT YouTube web page. Below are links to several CIM events.


Pervious Concrete Workshop

Brookdale Community College vjWY4uoyBXo

Lincroft, NJ 11/4/11

Middlesex County College

CIM Student Co-Op Presentation

Edison, NJ 11/9/11

BIM Training Workshop LxfwwKCltBE Mad Saunndz CIM Promotion iTGuR9evxyw

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NJIT CIM Newsletter

Industry Support CIM Students Shine in Patron the NJ ACI Chapter Dinner Patron Guest Speakers

Industry Visits

Hycrete Social

On Wednesday November 2, 2011, Jamie Gentoso, Chairperson of the CIM Northeast Patrons facilitated a visit for CIM students to Eastern Concreteâ€&#x;s central dispatch office in Elmwood Park, NJ. Thirteen CIM students attended the visit in addition to two CIM students, Shrief Ghobrial and Christopher Worthington, who are currently working part-time at Eastern Concrete. This winter seasonâ€&#x;s outstanding guest speakers were provided by Eastern Concrete Materials. Mike Gentoso, Vice President and General Manager of the Northeast Region, and Greg Exarchkis, General Service Manager, for Eastern Concrete Materials came in to speak about their company and the art and science of the ready mixed concrete industry. Jesus Martinez also visited and a gave a presentation about the sales process in the ready mixed concrete industry.

Special thanks are due to Rob, Dispatching Manager, and Greg, General Service Manager, for presenting to the students about the day to day activities in the dispatching department. They covered the challenges and rewards of managing projects and working with an array of clients.

We were pleased to have Dr. David C. Darwin, LEED AP, Vice President of Research & Development and David C. Dennsteadt, Vice President of Sales & Marketing from Hycrete Inc. with us in our first social of the fall semester. Hycrete is a leader in integral waterproofing and corrosion protection solutions for concrete construction. Both Dr. Darwin and Mr. Dennsteadt presented on their specialties and also encouraged two CIM students, Wilton Arellano and Johnnie Williams, both working part time with Hycrete, to talk about their experience . We would like to thank Hycrete for becoming involved with the CIM program and being of great assistance to our students.

Industry speakers greatly reinforces the classroom experience for CIM students and provide invaluable real-world and relevant information

Interested in establishing a field trip, social, or becoming a guest speaker for CIM students??? Please contact:

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NJIT CIM Newsletter

Special Events

NJACI Dinner meeting

The NJ ACI Chapter hosted a delightful dinner meeting at the Rutgers University Busch Dining Hall in Piscataway, NJ on Tuesday, November 29th, 2011. Dianne and Jim Johnston made a great effort coordinating the meeting as well as greeting the guests. The speakers of the night were Greg Kerrigan and Matthew Skidmore, Project Managers for The Conti Group. They discussed the challenges of the Rt. 18 project, including traffic shifts and staging, and stressed on the impressive concrete work. The presentation showcased the diverse utilization of concrete from shotcrete, SCC, cellular concrete, precast, architectural concrete, as well as specialty boulderscape concrete technology. It was a great experience for our CIM students to see first-hand how concrete construction is evolving into a high-performance operation.

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ICRI Metro NY Holiday Party

On Wednesday December 7th, the International Concrete Repair Institute (ICRI) Metro NY Chapter hosted an outstanding holiday party at the prestigious Ruthâ€&#x;s Chris Steak House in Manhattan, NY. The NJIT CIM students, Christopher Worthington and Wilton Arellano, had an excellent opportunity to network with the leading outfits in concrete sustainability and rehabilitation. Dr. Mohamed Mahgoub and Anlee Orama networked with many attendees including Stephen Franks, ICRI Treasurer.

Alex Somohano, Past President of ICRI as of that day, did a marvelous job presenting the CIM program to all the attendees and truly showing ICRIâ€&#x;s support. We would like to thank the newly appointed president of the ICRI Metro NY Chapter, Elena Danke, and all ICRI Metro NY Officers for making this great event possible.


On Friday December 9th, two of our CIM students, Elvis Torres and Johnnie Williams, presented their Co -Op work experiences. Elvis had the opportunity to work at Sika Corporation, located in Lyndhurst, NJ, as a Technical Service Laboratory Technician and was involved with the product concepts, customer issues, product sampling for sales and customers, testing of current products, and also visiting job sites to test and in-

spect products in use. Johnnie Williams also had a great experience working at Hycrete located in Carlstadt, NJ. He is currently one of two students, Wilton Arellano being the other, currently working for Hycrete and is currently a Laboratory Testing Technician. He is involved with many aspects of the testing procedures for waterproofing admixtures from the initial mix design evaluation, sampling, and testing of various products. We are all very proud of Johnnie and Elvis for their great work experience and we look forward to their continued success in the concrete industry.

NJIT CIM Newsletter

CIM Travels CIM Students Shine in the NJ ACI Chapter Dinner California State University , Chico, CA CIM Program Accreditation

On Wednesday October 5, 2011, Dr. Mohamed Mahgoub, CIM program director, and Anlee Orama, CIM specialist, visited California State University (CSU) in Chico, CA to attend the CIM National Steering Committee (NSC) meeting and CSU CIM Program Accreditation. The last CIM program accreditation was done at Middle State Tennessee University in May 2011. The next accreditation will de done at Arizona State University in May 2012 followed by NJIT in September 2012.

2012 at World of Concrete. He also talked about the CIM program progress in all the five CIM universities. We then attended the CIM educational committee meeting where all CIM program directors were present.

Finally, we had a wonderful dinner sponsored by the local patrons in a beautiful setting on campus with many of the universityâ€&#x;s faculty and staff.

Dr. Tanya Komas, CSU CIM Program Director and Doug Guerrero, Patron Chairman, facilitated the meetings and commenced with a tour of the concrete testing facilities on the campus. By midday, we attended the Patrons meeting led by Doug Guerrero. It was a spectacular event where 16 CIM seniors had the opportunity to network with over 30 patrons in attendance. Eugene Martineau, the CIM Executive Director also talked about the CIM auction which will take place in January Page 8

The following day was the culmination of our CIM National Steering Committee meetings in Chico, CA. We attended the CIM NSC Board of Directors Meeting. We listened to a

wonderful presentation on the progress of CIM nationally from Eugene Martineau, the Executive Director of CIM. Also giving their program updates were each of the five CIM program directors.

Eugene and Mike Scheider, NSC Chairman, awarded each program a check for fifty thousand dollars. The NSC is committed to supporting each of the five CIM programs and we are very thankful. We would like to thank Dr. Tanya Komas and Doug Guerrero for making the events a great success. Their hospitality was above and beyond the call of duty.

NJIT CIM Newsletter

CIM Travels CIM Students Shine in the NJ ACI Chapter Dinner 2011 American Concrete Institute (ACI) Conference Bridging Theory and Practice Cincinnati, OH

On Sunday October 16, 2011, we attended the 2011 American Concrete Institute (ACI), Bridging Theory and Practice, Convention that took place at the Millennium Hotel & Duke Energy Convention Center, Cincinnati, OH. The day began with

the NJIT CIM students, Christopher Worthington, Wilton Arellano, Nicholas Thomas, and John Te, along with Anlee Orama, CIM specialist, entering the 2011 ACI pervious concrete cylinder competition featuring thirty two teams from the U.S and Mexico. CIM programs from Arizona State University and Texas State University were also among the competitors. The competition was a great experience and the stu-

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dents learned valuable properties about pervious concrete. In the evening, we attended the opening ceremony for the convention in a grand ballroom in the Millennium Hotel. ACI president Dr. Kenneth C. Hover took the stage and commenced the opening session with an interesting history of Cincinnati and its origins. Various awards were given to exceptional recipients and the session was culminated by Terence C. Holland, ACI Honorary Member. Terence gave a presentation titled “Is it Really that Difficult to get New Technology into the Concrete Industry?” He covered concepts that work and those that do not based on his extensive experience in the industry. He concluded with a set of recommendations for a successful launch of a new material. The following day was our final day at the conference and we attended

the ACI student luncheon. Dr. Kenneth C. Hover once again gave a wonderful presentation to all student participants and guests titled " Things I Learned While Enjoying a Career in Concrete Design, Construction, and Education ".Awards were presented to students for various projects and scholarships.

Mike Schneider, VP, CPO of Baker Concrete and Chairman of the CIM NSC was in attendance supporting the CIM students. Baker Concrete is a great sponsor of the ACI student competition and CIM program. Congratulations go to the CIM students for their great effort in this year‟s competition.

NJIT CIM Newsletter

CIM Students Shine in the NJ ACI Chapter Dinner Fall CIM Northeast Patrons Meeting November 17th, 2011

The NJIT CIM program at NJIT is proud to host a Bi-Annual Northeast CIM Patrons meeting on our campus. This year‟s Patrons meeting was marked with a record setting turnout of nearly 50 attendees including our distinguished CIM local Patrons, CIM graduates, NJIT administration, and special guests. The meeting took place on November 17, 2011 in NJIT‟s flagship Eberhardt Hall. Among our outstanding attendees was Eugene Martineau, the Executive Director of the CIM National Steering Committee (NSC) and Nicole Maher, the Senior Vice President of Industry Relations & Special Programs of the National Ready Mixed Concrete Association. We would like

to give special thanks to Jamie Gentoso, the Chairperson of the Northeast Patrons for managing this grand event and coordinating the speakers. Jamie gave a presentation updating us with the Northeast patron‟s effort supporting the NJIT CIM program. Special thanks goes to all patron attendees that help support the continued success of the CIM program.

Spain”. Dr. Mohamed Mahgoub, the CIM Program Director, presented an update of the program as well as research updates. Dr. Ronald Rockland, the Chairman of the Department of Engineering Technology, presented the CIM program finan-

cials. Anlee Orama, the CIM Specialist, presented a recruitment update as well as an enrollment plan. Mark Bishop, the CIM Graduate and employee of URS, gave a great presentation of his experience at URS and how the CIM program prepared him to be successful in his c-

areer. Last but not least, two CIM students, Wilton Arellano and Nicholas Denicoli, presented on their summer internships with Hycrete and Jersey Precast. We would like to thank the NJIT Administration attendees Dr. Ian Gatley, NJIT Provost, Dr. Sunil Saigal, Dean of Newark College of Engineering, Dr. Taha Marhaba, Chairman of Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Dr. Priscilla Nelson, Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, and Vincent Lombardo, Development Director. Their continued support for the success of the CIM program is both evident and progressive. Finally, we again thank all Patrons, NJIT faculty and staff, CIM graduates and students, and special guests for attending the meeting and supporting our vision of improving the concrete industry by degrees.

Larry Silvi, President of the Silvi Group Companies, and one of the great patrons, gave a presentation about the annual prestigious Wine Tasting Dinner dedicated to help raise funds for the CIM program. The dinner will take place on Saturday, February 25, 2012, in the Valbella Restaurant in Manhattan, NY and will be featuring the theme “Wines of Page 10

NJIT CIM Newsletter

2012 Calendar of Upcoming Events Dr. Mohamed Mahgoub CIM Program Director Dept. of Engineering Technology Email: Phone: 973.596.6081 Mr. Anlee Orama CIM Specialist Dept. of Engineering Technology Email: Phone: 973-596-6067

January 19, 2012 ACI Dinner meeting Edison, NJ

March 18-22, 2012 ACI Conference Dallas, TX

January 24-27, 2012 World of Concrete Conference Las Vegas, Nevada

April 25, 2012 Silvi Social

February, 2012 Lafarge social

About Newark College of Engineering Lead by Dean Sunil Saigal, Newark College of Engineering is one of the oldest and largest professional engineering schools in the United States. NCE offers 13 undergraduate degree programs, 16 master’s and 10 doctoral degree programs. Undergraduate enrollment is more than 2,500, and more than 1,100 students enrolled in graduate studies. The 150-member faculty includes engineers and scholars who are widely recognized in their fields.

February 25, 2012 6th CIM Annual Wine Tasting Dinner Manhattan, NY TBD ICRI Metro NY Chapter Dinner March, 2012 BASF Social March 3-4, 2012 NRMCA Savannah, Georgia

May 12-13 2012 CIM National Steering Committee Accreditation Meeting Arizona State University May 15, 2012 NJIT Commencement June 2012 ASCE Concrete Canoe Competition June 2012 Big Beam Competition September, 2012 CIM National Steering Committee Accreditation Meeting NJIT

CIM Auction at World of Concrete The Concrete Industry Management (CIM) program – a business intensive program that awards students with a four-year Bachelor of Science degree in Concrete Industry Management – is seeking donations for their seventh annual auction to be held at the World of Concrete. The auction is scheduled for Wednesday, Jan. 25 at the Las Vegas Convention Center. The silent auction will be held from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and the live auction begins at 1 p.m. Previous auction items has included concrete mixer trucks, cement, skid steers, concrete saws, drills, mixers, vibrators, scaffolding, safety equipment, screeds, fiber transport systems, dust collectors, NDT equipment, decorative concrete tools, water meters, pumps, generators, training sessions, reference books, advertisements, laptop computers, mobile computers, sports memorabilia, sports travel packages, golf school packages and vacation travel packages. Those interested in making a donation should contact CIM Auction Committee Chairman Eugene Martineau at or 904-735-5537

6th Annual CIM Wine Tasting Dinner Jamie Gentoso, Chairperson of Northeast Patrons Group and Board Members Larry Silvi and Bill Layton cordially invites guests to come and celebrate the NJIT CIM program with an exclusive dinner and wine tasting experience on Saturday, February 25, 2012. The fabulous event will be held at the revered Valbella Restaurant located in 421 West 13th Street in Manhattan, NY. Don‟t miss this intriguing event featuring the „ Wines of Spain‟ . Cocktails begin at 7 pm and dinner at 8 pm. We also have a limited number of tickets for the Broadway smash-hit "Jersey Boys" - Tickets are first come first serve, please call ASAP to reserve.

Please contact Katie Bibbs for more information or to RSVP Phone :609-267-3432 Email:

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