CIM Newsletter - Winter 2015

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Dr. Mohamed Mahgoub, CIM Program Director The ACI And ICRI student clubs are more involved than ever on the NJIT campus. They promote their clubs and the CIM program and show other students the many facades of the concrete industry. They compete nationally and use their skills and knowledge in competition.

Once again I am pleased to write on behalf our NJIT CIM program. To prospective tsudnets, it has never ben a better time to join the program. Our students and graduates are happy, getting great jobs and internships, and are very involved in the program, We are all working hard to prepare our students to perform when they are in the industry.

I would like to encourage our current and prospective CIM Patrons to continue to be involved in the program and support our students. We strive o continually meet the needs our students by continuously having Patrons come in as guest speakers, host socials, attend the CIM Northeast Patrons meetings, and provide scholarships. Every ounce of support goes directly to our students. Thank you all and until next time.

Winter, 2015 “ Advancing the Concrete Industry by Degrees “ Inside this issue:

Dr. Mohamed Mahgoub CIM Program Director


Organization Events


Organization Events


Patrons Meeting



Upcoming Events CIM Facebook CIM Flickr


CIM 2013-2014 Annual report

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NJIT CIM Newsletter

CIM Students

Organization Events

Shine in the NJ ACI

Guest Speaker, Pullman Guest Speaker, Ken Justice On Monday October 12th, CIM program had Kenneth Justice from PCA Northeast as an informative guest speaker. Mr. Justice talked to CIM students to broaden their minds about pervious concrete. Mr. Justice was a unique speaker involving the class with his presentation by using visual media through his PowerPoint as well as making the most out of the samples he brought with him. The samples of pervious concrete helped to demonstrate its applications while enrichening the minds of those interested in knowing more about it. He described various types of applications for this form of construction as well as differences depending on the project and terminology. The experiment for the students was greatly recognized by all the questions the students had nearing the end of the speech. Mr. Justice held a day long pervious concrete workshop and pervious concrete certification for 20 students and 5 contractors, which ended with a pervious concrete sidewalk pour on campus.

On Monday, October 19th, Dr. Mohamed Mahgoub had Mr. Mark Howell and Mr. Dan Tyler with Pullman presented to the CIM students. Both presenters are high ranked in what they do and have generously donated their time to enlighten the students with the industry they will soon be a part of. This visit incorporated the function of how a construction industry can use old buildings and repurpose them through adaptive reuse of masonry and of concrete structures. The two guest speakers explained to the students that not all existing structures that are in a bad shape need to be demolished to build more modernized buildings. Professional retrofitting is the way to go to have sustainable development that lowers the human carbon footprint on the planet. It also conserves natural resources for other purposes. Mr. Tyler chimes in with Mr. Howell on various topics to inform the students on the various ways of how they can enhance the use of sustainability throughout their business. Mr. Tyler also added to the presentation on the types of building made within the past few decades and how each one needs its special touch of engineering and materials to repurpose if the site isn’t to be leveled due to preservation or significant meaning to the community. NJIT CIM is proud to add that two of its students are currently working with Pullman.

ICRI Convention in Texas The ICRI, International Concrete Repair Institute, NJIT student chapter is up and running this Fall semester and have already traveled to Fort Worth Texas, to participate in a convention on October 14-17. The convention was a great experience for the students who attended technical sessions in concrete repair and rehabilitation sector of the industry as well as networking with many companies in their respective information booths.. We would like to thank Dale Regnier, ICRI Marketing & Chapters Manager and Naomi White, ICRI Member Service Coordinator for their willingness to assist our student chapter in events. We would also like to thank Lee Sizemore for his help in getting us recognized initially with ICRI and also involving us in student competitions. The chapter has been invited to compete in the 2015 ICRI Concrete Repair Project Competition in November.

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NJIT CIM Students Visit SIKA Monday, October 26th, 2015, Dr. Mohamed Mahgoub had a special tour for CIM students provided by SIKA. This was made possible by his efforts as well as Mrs. Jamie Gentoso, whom works very closely with the NJIT CIM department to maximize student involvement within the industry. Mrs. Gentoso is a professional engineer, VP of Target Market Concrete in SIKA as well as the chairperson of the Northeast Patrons that generously provide their time and money on the future of their industry and the students. Mrs. Gentoso had prepared a well-structured presentation to inform the students of both the history and the opportunities that SIKA offers in both construction and chemical aspects of the work force. Nearing the conclusion of the presentation she informed and encouraged the students to go online and apply for the many scholarships that SIKA and the Northeastern Patrons offer showing that the industry really pushes the students to get involved within the possible future jobs they may have. NJIT CIM Newsletter NJIT CIM Newsletter

CIM Students

Organization Events

The visit also included a tour and explanation of SIKA current activities in their labs. MR. Ondrej Masek, SIKA’s VP of Concrete Technology gave the informative tour as well as explained how certain chemicals can completely change the properties of concrete. Mr. Masek had introduced one employee in the lab working on a new admixture and demonstrated its use. Later on he chose one student, Makar Ibrahim, to run a slump test using the new admixture within the concrete. Afterwards, the students had been sent to the research and development department and had a technical service Demo with Mr. Bruce Baker and also met an NJIT CIM Graduate of 2013, Elvis Torres. Mr. Torres explained to the students more of what he had been doing since he had graduated and really connected with the students as he was in the same place as them not too long ago. Mr. Torres took part in this collaborative effort and made it possible to expose the students to the industry.

Shine in the NJ ACI

sentative for NJ and Eastern PA. He taught students about how admixtures are used in concrete to accelerate set time, retard air, increase strength, reduce water to cement ratio, reduce cracking and corrosion protection. Mr. Tedesco has been involved with outstanding projects including but not limited to Yankee Stadium, Met Life Stadium, the 9/11 memorial and Statue of Liberty. Mr. Tedesco encouraged students to look into the many avenues in the industry to mature their career including admixtures, ready mix, technical support, marketing and sales.

Former ACI President, Dr. Ken Hover, Visits NJIT

Vector Construction Social On Wednesday, October 28, 2015, Mr. Keith Stewart, VP at Vector construction Ltd., came to NJIT to recruit students for summer internships. This 1st part of the session began on October 28th with an introduction about Vector Construction and the type of students they are looking to hire. Vector Construction has over 30 years of experience in the use of cathodic protection and other electrochemical methods to solve reinforced concrete and masonry corrosion problems. Throughout the session, Mr. Stewart motivated the students to ask questions about Vector Construction by handing out Gift Cards to those who showed interest with their questions. He spoke to the students about many different jobs Vector works on, their different locations, and emphasized the many different industry sections of Vector. This was the third social Vector has held with CIM students the last three years. The following day, Thursday, October 29th, 2015, Mr. Stewart held the interviews with six CIM Students in Conference Room 2515 at the Engineering Technology Department.

Senior Director of NRMCA Presents to CIM Students On November 10, 2015 CIM students were visited by Doug O'Neill Senior Director of NRMCA and Joe Tedesco of Euclid Chemical who spoke about the concrete industry and immense possibilities awaiting students when they graduate. He educated students on the importance of admixtures to the concrete industry. Joe Tedesco is a technical repre Page Page 33

On Wednesday, November 18, 2015, NJIT American Concrete Institute (ACI) Student Chapter has invited the guest speaker of the semester, Dr. Kenneth C. Hover. Dr. Ken Hover also referred to as “The Doctor of Concrete” is Professor of Civil & Environmental Engineering at Cornell University, where his teaching and research focuses on concrete materials, design, and construction. Dr. Hover served as ACI President (2010-2011). Looking at his past experience, Dr. Hover served as a Captain in the U.S. Army Combat Engineers, and was Project Engineer and Project Manager for Dugan and Meyers Construction Co. in Cincinnati, working on buildings, interstate bridges, and water treatment plants. Joining THP Structural Engineers in Cincinnati, he became partner and manager engaged in the design and repair of buildings and industrial facilities. He holds Bachelors and Master’s Degrees in Civil Engineering from University of Cincinnati, and the Ph.D. in Structural Engineering from Cornell University. Dr. Hover’s Topic of discussion for this event was “Wild things are happening down inside recently cast concrete”. In detail, he then explained the activity at the microscale within the concrete and how it drives large-scale construction operations and development of concrete’s properties. He further explained how the workability of concrete depends on the mobility of paste-covered aggregate particles. Right after batching this paste is a lubricant, but with time it becomes an adhesive, and this transition is responsible for slump loss, setting, and strength-gain. The hydration of Portland cement is the microscopic but powerful engine (1 HP per Cubic Yard) that drives this liquid to solid transition. However, the rate of this transition governs timing of construction operations such as transport, placing, consolidation, setting, finishing, and strength-gain. The first 24 hours in the life of a simple concrete slab are therefore an exciting time from the perspectives of the concrete producer, contractor, pumper, finisher, engineer, architect, and owner. The 65 students, faculty and staff attended the event took the opportunity of getting a deeper understanding of the activity of concrete at a micro-scale. This was by far one of the best presentations NJIT has ever had!

NJIT CIM Newsletter NJIT CIM Newsletter

CIM Main Event Patrons Meeting NJIT Atrium Newark, New Jersey December 11, 2015

NJIT CIM program hosted the Fall Bi-Annual Northeast Patrons meeting in the Atrium at the NJIT campus center. This meeting is for our supporting Patrons to personally visit NJIT and learn about what the CIM program is achieving and how they can become involved and engage with the students. Attending the meeting were our Local CIM Patrons, NJIT Administration, CIM Graduates and current enrolled students. Dr. Mohamed Mahgoub, CIM Program Director is exceedingly grateful for all sincere supporters.

Every Patrons meeting is enhanced with the presentations of our excellent students and graduates. CIM students presented their work experience and their research experience along with competition experience. The quality of the work of our students is evident to all our Patrons. We were honored to have with us Dr. Joel Bloom, NJIT President, Dr. Fadi Deek, NJIT Provost, Dr. Moshe Kam, Dean of the NCE, Vincent Lombardo, Director of Development for NCE, Dr. Taha Marhaba, Chairman of Civil and Environmental Engineering Department and Dr. Ronald Rockland, Chairman of Engineering Technology Department. Many more notable NJIT faculty and staff attended the event. The NJIT CIM program is becoming widely recognized in the university. With time, the CIM program has proven itself to be successful in many aspects. The students are happy, they get jobs, and they love what they do. Speaking of jobs, we coordinated a CIM job fair immediately after the meeting to give an opportunity to some of our Patrons to interview our students for internships and full- time jobs. Over 30 students interviewed with multiple companies and we are looking forward to making the job fair a tradition at the Patrons meeting. Companies that interviewed included Sika Corporation, Silvi Group, Weldon Materials, Vector Construction, Hyde Concrete, Jersey Precast, Solidia Technologies, Beyond Concrete, and Chaney Enterprises. In addition, many other companies took the time to network with the students. We would like to give special thanks to Patrice Edwards, Assistant to Chair of Engineering Technology, and Marcia Eddings, Administrative Assistant of Engineering Technology for coordinating the event preparations and food catering. Once again we thank everyone that made this extraordinary event possible and we look forward to seeing each and every one of you including many more in our next Patrons meeting which will take place on May 5th, 2016 in the NJIT Campus Center Atrium.

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NJIT CIM Newsletter

2016 Calendar of Upcoming Events February 2-5, 2016 World Of Concrete Las Vegas, NV Dr. Mohamed Mahgoub CIM Program Director Dept. of Engineering Technology Email: Phone: 973.596.6081

About Newark College of Engineering The Newark College of Engineering is one of the oldest and largest professional engineering schools in the United States. NCE offers 13 undergraduate degree programs, 16 master’s and 10 doctoral degree programs. Undergraduate enrollment is more than 2,500, and more than 1,100 students enrolled in graduate studies. The 150-member faculty includes engineers and scholars who

March 1-5, 2016 PCI Convention Nashville, Tennessee Mach 16-18, 2016 ICRI Convention San Juan, Puerto Rico April 12-21, 2016 ACI Convention Milwaukee, WI

CIM events are publicly available to be viewed on the NJIT CIM Flickr and now Facebook. Upon entering the Flickr or Facebook page you will have access to the photo stream and summaries of the most recent events as well as being able to open specific CIM events categorized in dates. Photographs and summaries are continually uploaded.

2013-2014 CIM Annual Report Every year, Brian Gallagher, CIM Marketing Committee Chairman, along with Amy Numbers, Vice President of Operations & ROI for Constructive Communication, Inc, make a great effort producing the CIM Annual Report. "The CIM Annual Report is a summary of all of the great efforts, achievements and accomplishments of each CIM institution, faculty, staff, Patrons, and National Steering Committee," said Gallagher. "Every year I am more impressed by what is accomplished by the CIM program." Please visit the link below to learn about the CIM program in a National level!

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NJIT CIM Newsletter

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