NJ KIDS On the Go! August Issue

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INSIDE: FUN THINGS TO DO . Enrichment . Programs . Back2School

August 2022 njkidsonline.com

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Sunday, October 9 A FREE Publication of Local Activities For Kids, Tweens and Families. Digital pub online 24/7!

2 August 2022

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4 August 2022

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6 August 2022

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8 August 2022

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10 August 2022

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14 August 2022

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16 August 2022

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18 August 2022

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20 August 2022

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Physical Therapy

• Gross Motor Development Physical Therapy • NDT Certified Therapy Physical Therapy Physical Therapy • Gross Motor Development • • Gross Gross Motor Motor Development Development • NDT Certified Therapy Speech Therapy • Therapy • NDT NDT Certified Certified Therapy • Prompt Certified Speech Therapy • Specializing in Oral Motor Speech Therapy Speech Therapy •Social PromptSkills Certified • Group G • • Prompt Prompt Certified Certified • Specializing in Oral Motor • • Specializing Specializing in in Oral Oral Motor Motor G • Social Skills Group Occupational G • G Therapy • Social Social Skills Skills Group Group • Sensory Integration Occupational Therapy • Fine Motor Skills Occupational Therapy Occupational Therapy •Handwriting Sensory Integration • • • Sensory Sensory Integration Integration • FineCertified Motor Skills • Therapist • Fine • SIPT Fine Motor Motor Skills Skills ® •Interactive Handwriting • Metronome • Handwriting • Handwriting • SIPT Certified Therapist • • SIPT SIPT Certified Certified Therapist Therapist • Interactive Metronome®®® Outreach Out • • Interactive Interactive Metronome Metronome • Home Based Program Outreach Out • Social Skills Group - onsite Outreach Out Outreach Out • Home Based Program • PlayProgram Date • Home • In-Home Home Based Based Program •Parent SocialTraining Skills Group - onsite • • • Social Social Skills Skills Group Group -- onsite onsite • In-Home Play Date • • In-Home In-Home Play Play Date Date • Parent Training Aqua Therapy • Training • Parent Parent Training Aqua Therapy In our AquaTherapy Therapy The Therapeutic Heated Pool Aqua Aqua Therapy Aqua Therapy In our Aqua Aqua Therapy Therapy In In our our Tomatis Listening The Therapeutic Heated Therapy Pool Therapeutic Heated Pool The The Therapeutic Heated Pool Level IVIIIConsultant Level Consultant

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Over 7,000 Square Foot Facility

22 August 2022

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