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All Oil Products on Sale
Oakland Marine & Equipment Inc.
206 West Oakland Ave.
Oakland, NJ 07436
Call for Sale Prices - 201-337-7741
All Quantities sold by the Case, Pallet or Drum

• Designed to keep high-performance, low-emission engines clean and operating at peak efficiency

• Protects against excessive viscosity decrease at high temperatures
• Formulated with metal-adhering zinc additives that help protect against excessive wear under high temperatures
• Includes additives with anti-shear agents, which help prevent the breakdown of oil molecules under extreme use and temperatures
• Contains anti-foaming additives for safe use in engines with hydraulic lifters
• Keeps the engine lubricated by controlling and cooling engine temperature
• ISO-L-EGD and JASO FD certified
• Dyed blue for easy identification of mixed oil and fuel
• Developed with a low-smoke formula
• Includes rust and corrosion inhibitors and components for reduced lacquer and varnish buildup
• Provides improved protection against bearing wear and failure as well as ring wear and sticking
• Contains dispersants and detergents to prevent harmful deposits that can cause premature wear, pre-ignition, and port plugging