2 minute read
Table of Contents
President’s Message
The Buzz
Letter from the Editor
Coming Events
Landscape Achievement Award Winners 2022
Turf Talk
NJLCA Hosts Bergen Community College Landscape Marketing and Sales Students
How to Increase Profits Through Landscaper Safety Training Courses
Parasitoids: The Hidden Backyard Beneficials
Cybersecurity Tips
Landscape AlterNATIVES: Christmas Fern (Polystichum acrostichoides)
Three-Step Approach to Recruitment
Seven Marketing Tactics to Have a Strong Start to Spring
Advertiser Index
Blowing Away Leaf Blower Myths
Wrapping Landscaping and Lawn Care Vehicles
Welcome Members
Contractor Focus: Mikulik Lawn & Landscape
Associate Focus: Fisher & Son Company, Inc.
Tales from the Landscape Side
Landscape New Jersey 2023
The New Jersey Landscape Contractor magazine is the official publication of the New Jersey Landscape Contractors Association, dedicated to the professional landscape industry of New Jersey. NJLCA was founded in 1966 as the Bergen County Landscape Contractors Association, and is today comprised of over 550 member companies throughout New Jersey.
New Jersey Landscape Contractors Association
465 Mola Blvd, Ste. 2, Elmwood Park, NJ 07407 Phone | 201-703-3600 -- Fax | 201-703-3776
E-mail | info@njlca.org
Visit our website at www.NJLCA.org
Publisher/Editor: Gail E. Woolcott
Contributing Writers
Joe Bolognese Jr. | Greg Carpenter | Steven Cesare, PhD. | Chad Diller | Richard Gaynor | Richard Goldstein | Jack Jostes | OPEI | Steven K. Rettke | Gail Woolcott | Steven Yergeau
NJLCA Combined Board
President | Richard Goldstein, CLT
Vice President | Richard Andreu
Treasurer | Hector Escobar
Chairman of the Board | Bob Pedatella
Director | Jeff Baker
Director | Tom Barillo
Director | Kevin Dulio
Director | Justin Flatow
Director | George Futterknecht, CLT
Director | Shawn Kukol
Associate Director | David Gaynor
Associate Director | Rawn Leegwater
Associate Director | Adam Reisboard
Associate Director | AJ Tudda
Advisor | Dr. Steve Fischer, Bergen Comm. College Advisor | Dr. James Murphy, Rutgers University
The New Jersey Landscape Contractor magazine is published triennially. 600 print copies are distributed to members and over 4,000 digital issues are sent to professionals in the Green Industry of New Jersey, as well as educational and governmental institutions. Subscription rates: $45.00 per year; $15.00 per copy. New Jersey residents only, please add 7% sales tax.
To advertise in The New Jersey Landscape Contractor, please contact Gail Woolcott at (201) 703-3600 or e-mail gwoolcott@njlca.org.
Article and photo submissions are encouraged and may be sent to NJLCA at the above address. Publisher assumes no responsibility for safekeeping or return of photos or manuscripts, and reserves all rights to edit material submitted for publication.
© 2021 New Jersey Landscape Contractors Association. All rights reserved. The contents of this publication may not be reproduced by any means, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of the publisher. The opinions expressed in articles do not necessarily represent the opinions of the NJLCA.
PUBLISHED April 2023
Cover Photo: 2022 Landscape Achievement Award Entries
I would like to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude for your unwavering commitment and support to the NJLCA. Your dedication and contributions have helped us achieve great success and have made a positive impact on the industries we serve.
The recent Landscape New Jersey Trade Show and Conference was once again a resounding success with a sold out floor and happy attendees and exhibitors. We continue to provide the best in education to our attendees and incorporate credits from all sectors of the industry including pesticide, fertilizer, tree, hardscape and landscape industry certification. If there is a topic or speaker you’d like to see at an upcoming trade show or member meeting, please reach out to us to let us know. We want to make your member-