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Turf talk
Happy Spring to all my fellow multitaskers! Have you heard the latest “great” idea - NO MOW MAY? For all of you that have ditched the grass catcher, you better go dig one up. Where do I begin? This is all in the name of “saving the bees”. Great idea, let me start with the schools. We wont cut so the clover can have lots of flower heads to attract honey bees. With the increased level of allergies for our Nation’s children, this is a great idea. How many cases of anaphylaxis can we have in each district?
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by Greg Carpenter, CLT, American Beauty Landscape
I had a few customers who were interested in the “No Mow May” movement. I explained to them that the benefits would be minimal being that they have no clover in their lawns and when I do come to cut their lawns after May is over, the dumping fee for the grass would be $100 plus $200 for the cut of the unruly turf.

Do you know if you bring peanuts on an airplane you receive the same treatment as if you brought a fire arm on the plane? That’s how seriously they consider this transgression. But the No Mow May Movement people are pushing this with no consideration for the kids and adults that are highly allergic to honey bee stings.
Don’t get me started on the ticks. This is the worst tick season ever. I don’t let my guys wear shorts. Especially this year. I’m even checking their socks. Lots of guys wear tennis socks with their work boots. No good. You need at least a crew length sock and 6” minimum work boot. Let’s not cut the grass in the worst tick season, ever (insert eye roll here). I’m truly not afraid of much, but Lyme Disease scares the crap out of me. The Allectus can’t happen fast enough this year so spray your shrubs, too. Ticks tend to live in the lower 18” of the plant. So, when you are mulching or planting flowers watch for ticks. Our current cool temperatures have been great. The guys still wear jackets over their long sleeve shirts. But, warmer days are coming.

Good Luck and Keep Growing