1 minute read
by Steven Bross, NJ Department of Environmental Protection
1. License check – all applicators and operators licensed?
2. Business license check – is business properly licensed & up to date?
- Must have a Pesticide Business License
3. Pesticide Application records: Up to date? Must keep 3 years of records a. All information on records: Place of application, Application date, Pesticide applied, EPA Reg. # of pesticide, Mix ratio (concentrate/dilutent), Mix applied, Application site, Applicator name and license # b. Fire dept. letter sent by May 1 if you have a storage area. Must show a copy of the one that was sent. c. Training records for Operators/Applicators proving 40 hrs. of on the job training. d. Copies of labels for all products typically used by the business.
4. Must have a regulated storage area for pesticides if needed: a. Proper ventilation b. Locked enclosure c. Spill kit d. Fire extinguisher
5. Must provide Consumer Notification: a. To all customers b. Anyone else who requests it. c. Must show a copy at time of an inspection.
6. Service Vehicle – Must follow regulations for a service vehicle: a. Identified as containing pesticides b. Container(s) < 5 gals. secured c. Glass container(s) securely stored d. Container(s) > 5 gals. secured to the vehicle e. Absorbent material and shovel. f. Fire extinguisher supplied. 10-B:C dry chemical or CO2 g. Pesticide in separate compartment. h. Containers secured to prevent unauthorized removal. i. Tank equipped with cover j. Business reg. no. posted 3 inches on both sides of vehicle. k. Containers properly labeled l. Equipped with anti-backflow device if needed i. Service vehicle regs above also apply to a roadside stop and also include a pesticide license check.
Below are the most common violations given:
• Unlicensed Pesticide Applicators
• Applying pesticides without a license
• Unlicensed pesticide applicator business
• Unlicensed applicators with pesticides on service vehicles
• Other service vehicle violations
• Records
• No pesticide application records kept
• Insufficient or incomplete records
• Consumer Information Notification
• Insufficient CIN given out
• NO CIN given out
• No fire department letter