37 minute read
NJEA Convention Music Meeting Schedule
NJEA Convention Music Meetings
November 8- 9, 2018 – Atlantic City
Sponsored by
New Jersey Music Educators Association
An affiliate of the New Jersey Educators Association
NJMEA All State Choral Procedures Committee Meeting
NJMEA All-State Band Procedures Meeting
NJMEA Collegiate Meeting
NJMEA Executive Board Meeting
11/9/2018 - 8:00 - 10:00 AM Claridge Theater
Application Form
The NJMEA Honors Guitar Ensemble Audition will take place in person on Saturday, February 9th from 9:00 - 1:00 pm at The College of New Jersey in Ewing, NJ (Music Building). Those accepted as Honors Guitar Ensemble members (see dates on website: www.njmea.org) must attend all rehearsals and prepare music with conductor Jayson Martinez for the Saturday, May 4th festival date at TCNJ at 12:00 pm. Concert dress is semi-formal. The non-refundable Audition Fee is $10.00 per student. All applicationts send check payable to the NJMEA and enclose a copy of your school music teachers current NAfME membership card postmarked by January 15, 2019 to Tom Amoriello, Guitar Festival Director, PO Box 651, Lambertville, NJ 08530.
Each participating student must fill out an application and if accepted will pay $50 acceptance fee. Be sure to bring your music and footstool!
Please Print Legibly Using Ball Point Pen Only
Student Name: ________________________________________ ___________________________________________ _________
First Last Grade
Address: __________________________________________ __________________________________ ________ ______________
Street City State Zip
Teacher Name: ____________________________________________ _________________________________________________
First Last
School Address: ___________________________________________ ___________________________________ ________ _____
Street City State Zip
Director Phone: (H) (________)________________ (W) (________)________________ (C) (________)_____________________
Director Email: _____________________________________________________________________________________________
Checklist: 1) Postmark deadline for all materials is January 15, 2019. 2) Mail applications, check and copy of NAfME card to:
2019 NJMEA Honors Guitar Ensemble Audition Thomas Amoriello 213 North Main Street Lambertville, NJ 08530
More info, e-mail only - tamoriel@frsd.k12.nj.us. Phone for emergencies on February 9th only: 908-342-7795.
* All students must perform on a nylon string classical guitar (no steel string acoustic or electric guitars)
Audition Requirements for students in grades 9-12:
• Allegro in Am Op. 60, No. 9 (also known as No. 7 in other editions) by Matteo Carcassi which can be found in this issue and at www.njmea.org (Ensemble Excerpt found on NJMEA.org Website (Guitars in Classroom portal) • Scale Requirement: A Major Scale edited by Kevin Vigil can be found in this issue and at Ensemble Excerpt: (Ensemble Excerpt found on NJMEA.org Website (Guitars in Classroom portal)Ensemble Excerpt: http://www.njmea.org/classroom.cfm?subpage=479 (Ensemble Excerpt found on NJMEA.org Website (Guitars in Classroom portal) • Students will be judged on a point system for correct notes and rhythms, tone quality, musicality: dynamics, phrasing, interpretation and overall quality of preparation for prepared piece, ensemble excerpt, scale and sight reading.
I am aware that I must attend the entire Festival, Saturday, May 4, 2019.
STUDENT SIGNATURE: _______________________________________________________ DATE: __________________________________
As parent/guardian, I give permission for my child to apply to the 2019 NJMEA Honors Guitar Festival. I understand that the NJMEA does not assume responsibility for illness or accident. I further attest that I will assist my child with obligations related to this activity. I am aware that any photos of me that are taken at the festival may appear in TEMPO Magazine or on the website.
PARENT SIGNATURE: _________________________________________________________ DATE: _________________________________
A Major Scale
2019 NJMEA Honors Guitar Ensemble Auditio
There are no required fingerings as the audition is an audio recording only.
Recommendations: Alternate right hand fingers Avoid audible glissandi
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2019 NJMEA Honors Guitar Ensemble
February 9, 2019 at The College of New Jersey (Music Dept.), 2000 Pennington Rd., Ewing, NJ 08628 Ewing, NJ 9:00-1:00 pm (snow date Sunday, Feb. 10th @ Bayonne High School, Time TBA)
Audition Requirements for students in grades 9-12
Set Piece: Allegro in A minor by Matteo Carcassi Scale Requirement: A Major Ensemble Excerpt: May be downloaded from: http://njmea.org/classroom/guitar-in-the-music-classroom/ Sight Reading at the audition.
Students will be judged on a point system for correct notes and rhythms, tone quality, musicality: dynamics, phrasing, interpretation and overall quality of preparation for prepared piece, ensemble excerpt, scale and sight reading.
Rehearsal 1: March 16, 2019 from 9:00-12:00 pm at Bayonne High School, 669 Avenue A, Bayonne, NJ 07002 (snow date, Location TBA, March 17th)
Rehearsal 2: April 13, 2019 from 9:00-12:00 pm at New Jersey City University, Rossey Hall 101.
Rehearsal 3: April 27, 2019 at Bergen County Academies, Room 5, 200 Hackensack Avel, Hackensack, NJ 07601.
Office Phone: 201-343-6000, x2313. From 9:00-12:00 pm.
Performance May 4, 2019 @ TCNJ (no snow date)
Ensemble Performance 12:00 pm Student Showcase 12:30 pm Guest Artist: Tengyue (TY) Zhang, from China: 1:00 pm
Audition Fee for NJMEA : $10(non refundable) Participation Fee (if selected): $50.00
Jayson Martinez, conductor NJMEA Guitar Festival Director: Thomas Amoriello
Guitar Ensemble Excerpt
All Solo Etudes, Scales, Applications, and Locations may be found on the NJAJE Website: www.njaje.org
Audition Date: Monday, March 11, 2019 Rehearsals: March 18 & 25 (4 – 8 PM) April 5 & 6 (9 AM - 3 PM) Concert: April 7 (3 PM)
***Audition Requirements for ALL INSTRUMENTS***
• SOLO - All students are required to prepare the solo listed below in its entirety.
All Solo etudes may be downloaded from the NJAJE Website: www.njaje.org
• SCALES / STYLES - Saxes, brass, piano, guitar, and bass students are required to prepare the scales listed below. Scales are listed in WRITTEN pitch. All scales should be played in a swing style. Drummers are required to demonstrate the ability to keep time in the styles listed below.
Scale sheets & basic drumset patterns may be downloaded from the NJAJE Website: www.njaje.org
• SIGHT READING - All students are required to perform a short excerpt never previously seen. Students will be given 30 seconds to look over the piece before playing.
All Saxophones:
*Required solo: NJAJE Junior Saxophone Etude No. 1A
Alto/Bari : G & D Blues - 2 Octaves, A Blues - 1 octave. G & A Dorian mode - 1 octave, D Dorian mode - 2 octaves. Tenor : C, D, & G Blues - 2 octaves. C & D Dorian mode - 2 octaves, G Dorian mode - 1 octave.
*Required solo: NJAJE Junior Trumpet Etude No. 1A *Scales [ALL SCALES MEMORIZED]: Blues & Dorian mode C, D, & G - 1 octave.
*Required solo: NJAJE Junior Trombone Etude No. 1A *Scales [ALL SCALES MEMORIZED]: Blues & Dorian mode C, F, & Bb - 1 octave.
*Required solo: NJAJE Junior Piano Etude No. 1A *Scales [ALL SCALES MEMORIZED and 2 HANDS]: Blues & Dorian mode C, F, & Bb - 2 octaves.
*Required solo: NJAJE Junior Guitar Etude No. 1A *Scales [ALL SCALES MEMORIZED]: Blues & Dorian mode C, F, & Bb - 2 octaves.
*Required solo: NJAJE Junior Bass Etude No. 1A *Scales [ALL SCALES MEMORIZED]: Blues & Dorian mode C, F, & Bb - 2 octaves.
*Required solo: NJAJE Junior Drum Etude No. 1A *Styles [ALL STYLES MEMORIZED]: Swing (slow w/brushes, medium w/sticks, fast w/sticks), Jazz Waltz,
Shuffle, 8th Note Rock, 16th Note Rock (Funk), Latin (Samba).
Students must be able to play 2, 4, & 8 bar phrases with a fill at the end of each phrase. *Free Improvised Solo included as part of the solo etude.
Students should demonstrate creativity, technique, and musicality.
2019 Region and All State Jazz Ensembles Senior Jazz Ensemble Audition Requirements (Grades 9 - 12)
All Solo Etudes, Scales, Applications, and Locations may be found on the NJAJE Website: www.njaje.org
Audition Date: Monday, March 11, 2019 Rehearsals: March 18 & 25 (4 - 8 PM); April 5 & 6 (9 AM - 3 PM) Concert: April 7 (3 PM)
***Audition Requirements for ALL INSTRUMENTS***
•SOLO - All students are required to prepare the solo listed below in its entirety.
All Solo etudes may be downloaded from the NJAJE Website: www.njaje.org
•SCALES / STYLES - Saxes, brass, piano, guitar, and bass students are required to prepare the scales listed below. Scales are listed in WRITTEN pitch. All scales should be played in a swing style. Drummers are required to demonstrate the ability to keep time in the styles listed below.
Scale sheets for all instruments may be downloaded from the NJAJE Website: www.njaje.org
•IMPROVISATION - All students are required to play an improvised solo demonstrating creativity, technique, & musicality. *Saxes, brass, piano, guitar, and bass students must improvise a solo over 2 choruses of Blues in F or Bb concert using the Jamey Aebersold "New Approach to Jazz Improvisation, vol. 1." Student will pick a card to determine key. *Drum improvisation is included as part of the solo etude. • SIGHT READING - All students are required to perform a short excerpt never previously seen. Students will be given 30 seconds to look over the piece before playing.
*Required solo: NJAJE Senior Saxophone Etude No. 1A NOTE - Bari Sax: Students will play the entire saxophone etude using the bottom lines in the ossia section.
Alto/Bari: C, G, D Blues - 2 octaves, A Blues - 1 octave. G & A Dorian & Mixolydian modes - 1 octave. C & D Dorian & Mixolydian modes - 2 octaves. Tenor: F, C, G, D Blues - 2 octaves. G Dorian & Mixolydian modes - 1 octave. F, C, D Dorian & Mixolydian - 2 octaves.
*Required solo: NJAJE Senior Trumpet Etude No. 1A NOTE - Lead Trumpet: Students will play the entire trumpet etude using the top lines in the ossia section. *Scales [ALL SCALES MEMORIZED]: C, D Blues - 2 octaves; F, G Blues - 1 octave. C Dorian & Mixolydian modes - 2 oct.; D, F, G Dorian & Mixolydian modes - 1 oct.
*Required solo: NJAJE Senior Trombone Etude No. 1A *Scales [ALL SCALES MEMORIZED]: Bb, C Blues - 2 octaves; Eb, F Blues - 1 octave. Bb Dorian & Mixolydian modes - 2 oct; C, Eb, F Dorian & Mixolydian modes – 1 oct.
Bass Trombone:
*Required solo: NJAJE Senior Bass Trombone Etude No. 1A *Scales [ALL SCALES MEMORIZED]: Bb, C Blues, Dorian & Mixolydian modes - 1 octave (begin below the staff.) Eb, F Blues, Dorian & Mixolydian modes - 2 octaves (begin below the staff.)
*Required solo: NJAJE Senior Piano Etude No. 1A *Scales [ALL SCALES MEMORIZED and 2 HANDS]: C, F, Bb, and Eb Blues, Dorian, & Mixolydian modes - 2 octaves.
*Required solo: NJAJE Senior Guitar Etude No. 1A *Scales [ALL SCALES MEMORIZED]: C, F, Bb, and Eb Blues, Dorian, & Mixolydian modes - 2 octaves.
*Required solo: NJAJE Senior Bass Etude No. 1A *Scales [ALL SCALES MEMORIZED]: C, F, Bb, and Eb Blues, Dorian, & Mixolydian modes - 2 octaves.
*Required solo: NJAJE Senior Drum Etude No. 1A *Styles [ALL STYLES MEMORIZED]: Swing (slow w/brushes, medium w/sticks, and fast w/sticks), Jazz Waltz, Shuffle, 8th Note Rock, 16th Note Rock (Funk), Latin (Samba). Styles must be memorized. Students must be able to play 2, 4, & 8 bar phrases with a fill at the end of each phrase.
All Solo Etudes, Scales, Applications, and Locations may be found on the NJAJE Website: www.njaje.org
Audition Date: Monday, March 11, 2019 Rehearsals: March 18 & 25 (4 – 8 PM) April 5 & 6 (9 AM - 3 PM) Concert: April 7 (3 PM)
***Audition Requirements for ALL INSTRUMENTS***
• SOLO - All students are required to prepare the solo listed below in its entirety.
All Solo etudes may be downloaded from the NJAJE Website: www.njaje.org
• SCALES / STYLES - Saxes, brass, piano, guitar, and bass students are required to prepare the scales listed below. Scales are listed in WRITTEN pitch. All scales should be played in a swing style. Drummers are required to demonstrate the ability to keep time in the styles listed below.
Scale sheets & basic drumset patterns may be downloaded from the NJAJE Website: www.njaje.org
• SIGHT READING - All students are required to perform a short excerpt never previously seen. Students will be given 30 seconds to look over the piece before playing.
All Saxophones:
*Required solo: NJAJE Junior Saxophone Etude No. 1A
Alto/Bari : G & D Blues - 2 Octaves, A Blues - 1 octave. G & A Dorian mode - 1 octave, D Dorian mode - 2 octaves. Tenor : C, D, & G Blues - 2 octaves. C & D Dorian mode - 2 octaves, G Dorian mode - 1 octave.
*Required solo: NJAJE Junior Trumpet Etude No. 1A *Scales [ALL SCALES MEMORIZED]: Blues & Dorian mode C, D, & G - 1 octave.
*Required solo: NJAJE Junior Trombone Etude No. 1A *Scales [ALL SCALES MEMORIZED]: Blues & Dorian mode C, F, & Bb - 1 octave.
*Required solo: NJAJE Junior Piano Etude No. 1A *Scales [ALL SCALES MEMORIZED and 2 HANDS]: Blues & Dorian mode C, F, & Bb - 2 octaves.
*Required solo: NJAJE Junior Guitar Etude No. 1A *Scales [ALL SCALES MEMORIZED]: Blues & Dorian mode C, F, & Bb - 2 octaves.
*Required solo: NJAJE Junior Bass Etude No. 1A *Scales [ALL SCALES MEMORIZED]: Blues & Dorian mode C, F, & Bb - 2 octaves.
*Required solo: NJAJE Junior Drum Etude No. 1A *Styles [ALL STYLES MEMORIZED]: Swing (slow w/brushes, medium w/sticks, fast w/sticks), Jazz Waltz,
Shuffle, 8th Note Rock, 16th Note Rock (Funk), Latin (Samba).
Students must be able to play 2, 4, & 8 bar phrases with a fill at the end of each phrase. *Free Improvised Solo included as part of the solo etude.
Students should demonstrate creativity, technique, and musicality.
Central Jersey Music Educators Association cjmea.org
Welcome back to another school year! I hope you had a relaxing summer and are ready to begin another year. September always brings changes and challenges for us as we begin to navigate all that is new: new students, new classrooms, new positions, and new schools. Among the unique skill set music educators possess is the ability to adapt to new circumstances and exceed expectations. In my 18th year of teaching, I still get those first day jitters and feelings of apprehension about all the newness. If this is your first year of teaching, welcome to this amazing profession. You’ll find that veteran music teachers are an invaluable resource, so never be afraid to reach out and ask questions or for advice and feedback.
As I begin my 2nd year as CJMEA president, I wanted to thank our tremendous Board for all their hard work, especially behind the scenes. I’m still amazed by the amount of time and effort that go into preparing our many events. When you arrive for a concert or audition day, our Board members and chairs have spent many hours laying the groundwork to insure a great experience for our students and teachers alike. In that vein, the full calendar of events for the 2018-2019 school year is available on the CJMEA website.
We have one addition to the CJMEA board. I’d like to welcome our new Intermediate Band Co-chair, Ashlen Udell. Ashlen is the band director at Bridewater-Raritan Middle School and is excited to begin her work on the Board. I’m confident that she and Sandy Olson will do great work together for our intermediate band students and teachers. I’d like to thank Alex Costantino for his years of service on the CJMEA board and wish him all the best.
In an effort to assist with the professional development of music teachers in Region II, CJMEA will once again offer grants to teachers/ music programs: • Grant awards will typically not exceed $750. • Grant awards may be used to partially fund a project in conjunction with your school if we are not able to fully fund your proposed professional development. • All checks will be written to a school account. We are unable to write checks directly to teachers, presenters, companies, music booster clubs, or other individuals/companies. • Grants cannot be requested for the purchase of equipment or supplies unless it directly relates to the PD session being proposed.
The grant proposal form is available on our website. We will continue to approve grant requests until the funds allocated for this school year have been spent.
In June, we awarded three $1000 scholarships to graduating seniors who had been members of our region ensembles for all four years of high school. I would like to congratulate our 2018 scholarship recipients: • Monique Legaspi, Monroe
Township High School • Ethan Marmolejos, Watchung
Hills Regional High School • Nitya Patlola, Hunterdon
Central Regional High School
The application for our 2019 scholarships will be available after the high school region concerts in February of 2019.
Please remember to check the CJMEA website at www.cjmea.org frequently. We post information regarding concerts, audition requirements, application deadlines, and other important information as soon as it becomes available. Also, please feel free to reach out to me or any other Board member if you have any questions or concerns. The contact information for every Board member is also available on the website. We are here to promote a spirit of cooperation and fellowship among the music educators of this region and are always happy to hear from you.
I look forward to seeing and meeting you at our auditions and concerts throughout the year. David Westawski CJMEA President dwestawski@cjmea.org
North Jersey
School Music Association njsma.com
Greetings to my colleagues in Region I and around the state! On behalf of the entire NJSMA Execu-
tive Board, I am excited to welcome everyone to another exciting school year. I certainly hope you all enjoyed an entertaining and restful summer. Whether you are now deep in the middle of marching band season or preparing for your first concert, I wish you all the best in this new year. In that same sentiment, I would also like to take a moment to welcome our new Treasurer, Dave Walsh and our new Publicity Chair, Nick McGill. Both individuals are great additions to the NJSMA team and I look forward to working with them and the entire team to continue bringing you all the great things you will read about in just a moment. I would also like to welcome Jennifer Wise to the Band Division replacing Greg Mulford. I wish him the best and want to thank Greg for his service to the performing arts.
Throughout our organization, our division chairpersons are hard at work preparing to bring you and your students the very best musical experiences. Please take a few moments to read over all the exciting happenings from our divisions around the region! Lastly, remember, if you are ever looking to become more involved or need assistance in your classrooms, do not hesitate to email myself or anyone on the NJSMA board who are willing to help in any way possible. Thank you for your service and beign a valued member of our organization. Best Regards, Joseph Spina President, NJSMA
Elementary Division
“Come grow with us at our exceptional workshops and events!”
The NJSMA Elementary Music Division offers exceptional professional development and events for elementary music educators. Elementary music educators and music education majors from all NJ regions are welcome to attend our events. Please join us!
At a glance, our 2018-2019 events include: • October 8, 2018- Columbus
Day Workshop featuring guest clinician: Jill Trinka • Fall or Winter (date TBD)
Professional Learning Com-
munity Sharing Session • February 9, 2019 - It’s
Elementary, My Dear Saturday morning workshop (cosponsored with New Jersey
Youth Chorus) • May or June 2019 - 4th Annual
Treble Choral Celebration
*Complete details and registration information can be found on our webpage: http://njsma.com/elementary/elementaryhome.html
Follow us on our facebook page: NJSMA Elementary Music Division
Lisa Wichman and Carol Richardi
Elementary Division Co-Chairs Elementary@njsma.com
Chorus Division
Hello! We hope that you enjoyed your summer and that you are settling into the 2018-2019 school year!
Please check the NJSMA website for important calendar dates and deadlines for the Junior High and Senior High Chorus auditions and rehearsals, and our High School Chorus Festivals. We are really working at getting the Junior High Chorus Festival back into our line up! We would like to hold the Junior High Chorus Festival in January of 2019. Before we can contract adjudicators, we need to have a site ready to go! If you are interested in hosting, please E-mail us at chorus@njsma.com.
We are always looking for people to get more involved; we are especially looking for people to host and manage our Region Choirs. Please let us know if you can step up and do so.
As always, feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns that you have.
Austin Vallies and Deana Larsen,
Chorus Division Co-Chairs chorus@njsma.com
Band Division
We hope your first days back to school have been rewarding and successful and that you feel renewed for the upcoming year! We would like to take a moment to welcome a new Band Division co-chair to NJSMA, Jennifer Wise from the Livingston Township Schools - welcome aboard! Tremendous thanks go to Greg Mulford for serving on the board for many years!
NJSMA is pleased to announce the conductors for its 2018 honor bands. For High School, Joseph Higgins, Director of Bands at Rowan University, will conduct the Wind Ensemble. Christopher M. Cicconi, Director of Bands and Assistant Professor of Music Education at Towson University, will conduct the Symphonic Band. The high school rehearsals and concert will be hosted at Parsippany Hills High School on Sunday, January 27, 2019 at 3:00 pm.
As in the past, students choose which ensemble(s) they wish to be considered for using the check boxes on the Audition Application. By signing the application the student elects to participate in the ensemble(s) to which they are selected and they should reserve the dates on their calContinued on next page
endars. Once a student is placed in that ensemble, there should be no reason for a student to drop out. Once the ensemble rosters are selected on the day of auditions, if a student declines participation, that student will not be eligible to audition for all-state and/or for an NJSMA ensemble the following year. Students may change their ensemble selection prior to their audition through the audition chair. Once a student leaves the audition site on the day of auditions there is no opportunity to change their ensemble selections. Directors, we ask that you stress to your students the importance of following through with their commitments to participate in their chosen honor ensemble(s).
It is with great excitement that we can announce that the 2nd Annual NJSMA North Jersey Regional Marching Band Competition will be held at Verona High School on October 27th, 2018! Last year’s competition was hugely successful and we are thrilled to build upon that success for another great show this year. Our judges will include: Professor Darryl Bott from Rutgers University, Tom McCauley from Montclair State University, DCI and WGI Hall of Famer Dennis Delucia, WGI Hall of Famer Jeff Neiman, and WGI Hall of Famer Mickey Kelly. Competition Classifications will be based on band size for this year. A big thank you to our Festival Coordinator Erik Lynch, band director from Verona High School.
The High School Concert Band Festival will be held on March 19, 20 and 21, 2019. There will again be day and evening times for participation. The Junior High School Band Festival will take place on March 27th at two locations. Please check the website for details and performance application.
NJSMA will be continuing the Elementary Band Festival for those students in sixth grade. Students and directors will have an opportunity to participate in this one-day festival to represent the high quality of instruction at the sixth grade level in our region. The festival will be Saturday, May 4, 2019 at South Orange Middle School and will feature two equally balanced 6th grade bands. Directors will be able to nominate their students for participation online and will need to be present the day of the festival.
All audition, festival, and concert information can be found online at the region website, www. njsma.com. If you would like to get more involved with the organization, there are many opportunities available. We are always looking for schools to host rehearsals, concerts and festivals in addition to individuals to conduct, manage, and volunteer for the many different jobs that need to be accomplished on a yearly basis. Anyone interested in conducting one of the region bands should complete the application found on the website. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns you may have. We look forward to working with you this year. Lewis Kelly, Diana May & Jennifer Wise Band Division Co-Chairs band@njsma.com
Orchestra Division
I hope you have all enjoyed your summer and are excited for the 2018-2019 school year. Planning for this year’s Region I Orchestra events are already in progress. I am proud to announce that this year’s Region I HS Symphonic Orchestra conductor is Lou Kosma, member of the Metropolitan Opera Orchestra bass section, double bass instructor at New Jersey City University, and conductor of many orchestras in the tri-state area. Our Region I JHS Symphonic Orchestra conductor is Brian McGowan, composeer and director of orchestras for the William Annin Middle School in Basking Ridge. Our Region I Orchestra Festival will be held on April 3, 2019, and the Elementary Honors Orchestra Festival will be held on April 27, 2019.
As always, we are looking for volunteers to host, manage, and coordinate. Please reach out to me if you would like to become more involved. I also try to keep directors up to date with information, so please make sure I have your correct email address by contacting me at orchestra@njsma.com.
I’m looking forward to collaborating with all of you this school year! Kim Nimmo Orchestra Division Chair orchestra@njsma.com
South Jersey Band And Orchestra Directors Association sjboda.org
Our first membership meeting for this school year will be held on Wednesday, October 10, 2018. This breakfast meeting will take place at Seven Star Diner in Sewell at 9:00 AM. Please notify Rich Beckman (609-457-0590 or rbeckman@chclc. org) if you are able to attend. Audition information and our online registration process will be explained.
Auditions for the 2019 All South Jersey Orchestra, Wind Ensemble, Symphonic Band and Junior High String Ensemble will take place on Saturday, December 8, 2018 at Absegami HS. Patrick O’Keefe will host this event. Applications and directions are available on our website. The first rehearsal for these ensembles will take place on Saturday, December 15th at Cinnaminson HS. Deb Knisely will be our host.
Our 2019 Orchestra conductor is Tim Schwartz (Rowan University). Joanne Erwin (Rowan Prep) will conduct our Junior High String Ensemble. The Wind Ensemble will be conducted by Bill Berz (Rutgers University) and Deb Knisely (Cinnaminson HS) will conduct the Symphonic Band. Rhea Fernandes (Eastern Regional HS) is our string coordinator and Amanda Lakits (Hamilton Twp. Schools) is our high school band coordinator.
The Junior High Band auditions will take place on Saturday, January 26th at Southern Regional Middle School. Jennifer Hodgson and Andrew Wright will be our hosts. Audition information is available on our website. Rachel DiPilla (Milton Allen ES) and Joe Jacobs (Ventnor MS) are the Junior High audition chairs. Joe Brausum (Berkeley Township Schools) is our Junior High Band Coordinator.
The South Jersey Band and Orchestra Directors Association offers many opportunities for instrumental music teachers to expand their involvement and expertise as music educators. We provide excellent vehicles for professional development including conducting and managing our ensembles. Many teachers have gained wonderful ideas and strategies by observing rehearsals and meeting with colleagues. You can enhance your school music program to include excellent performing opportunities for your students and ensembles. We encourage all music teachers to take advantage of the wonderful resources offered by SJBODA this year. Please contact Rich Beckman at rbeckman@chclc.org or 609-4570590 for additional information.
We encourage you to check our website, which is maintained by Derek Rohaly, (Mainland Regional HS) for the latest SJBODA updates. www.sjboda.org
We wish everyone an exciting and successful year. Joseph Jacobs Secretary, SJBODA
South Jersey Choral Directors Association sjcda.net
The South Jersey Choral Directors Association (SJCDA) Board of Directors worked throughout the summer to plan our activities for the 2018-2019 school year and we are looking forward to a successful year of choral activities in Region III.
We began the year with our annual General Membership Meeting and Reception at “Villari’s Lakeside Restaurant” in Sicklerville on September 17th. Conductors for our honors choirs presented their programs and the executive board discussed new opportunities and initiatives for SJCDA members. In addition, our membership had the opportunity to connect with their colleagues and share ideas about the upcoming school year.
Our 61st Annual South Jersey High School Choral Festival will be held at Investors Bank Performing Arts Center at Washington Township High School on January 26 and 27, 2019. Our Senior High conductor is Romel McInnis of Clearview High School and our Junior High conductor is Hope Knight of William Allen Middle School. Auditions for these choirs will be held on Saturday, November 17th at Woodstown High School.
Our 36th South Jersey Elementary Festival Choral Concert will be held on March 3, 2019 and will be conducted by Jim Papoulis. In addition, the concert will feature the premiere of “Only I”, a new piece by Jim Papoulis commissioned by SJCDA.
Full concert programs for all three honors choirs as well as bios of our conductors are available on our SJCDA website.
The South Jersey Choral Directors Association offers many opportunities for choral music teachers to participate and in doing so, expand their knowledge as music educators. We encourage all music teachers to get involved with the honors choirs and also to take advantage of the professional development opportunities offered. We look forward to another exciting year working with the teachers and students of vocal music throughout South Jersey and encourage you to check our website for the latest updates. www.sjcda.net
Kahlil V. Gunther, SJCDA President gunther.k@woodstown.org
This column salutes the lives and careers of recently departed colleagues. It is the way NJMEA and NJRMEA can express appreciation for the work that they have done and the lives that they have touched. We mourn their passing and salute their contributions, which are the basis for music education in the state of New Jersey.
Alfred H. Jorgensen
Alfred H. Jorgensen, 75: a music teacher in Dunellen and on the college level; a veteran timpanist with the N.J. State Opera and orchestras, passed away Tuesday, April 3, 2018, in Hillsborough, N.J. Al was born in Bloomfield, N.J., and lived in Branchburg, N.J., and Manville, N.J., and owned a vacation home in Bayville, N.J. He was an accomplished musician and music teacher, graduating from Somerville High School in New Jersey and earning his master’s degree in music from Trenton State College. As a teacher, he taught music for 31 years in the Dunellen (N.J.) school district and at three New Jersey Colleges (Rutgers, Morris County College and Raritan Valley Community College). Al also taught countless private students, many of whom achieved All-State status and several who earned All-Eastern accolades. As a performer, Al’s prowess and dedication was highlighted by his serving two years in the U.S. Army Band as a snare drum player and as a timpanist for 40 years with the New Jersey State Opera, 30 years with the New Jersey Pops Orchestra, and 50 years with the Plainfield Symphony Orchestra and Garden State Symphonic Band. He was a member of the American Federation of Musicians, Local 16248. In addition to his music, the other loves of his life included food, in general, especially his Wednesday night dinner crew outings; and any diner, especially the Manville and Flemington diners; friends, especially his musical associates, his Somerville High School reunion committee gang, several lifelong and dedicated buddies and helpers, including Richard Emerson, Tony Addotta and Richard Ganim, and the many celebrity athletes, actors, and others he came into contact with whom he kiddingly fancied as friends; and family, especially his sister Katherine and brother Clifford; his cousins, with whom he loved to socialize and travel; and his many nieces and nephews who he would always try to help in any way he could.
Ernest N. Scott
Ernest “Ernie” N. Scott of Plainfield, N.J. passed away peacefully at home on Saturday, April 7, 2018. He was born in New Brunswick, N.J. on March 20, 1931 to Minnie Belle Washington and Sinclair Scott. Ernie very proudly served his country in the US Army during the Korean War. Following his service, he attended Fisk University for undergraduate and then The College of New Jersey where he earned a Masters of Education. Teaching music was one of his
greatest passions and he did it with a zeal that touched so many. He taught first in Sayreville and then in the New Brunswick Public Schools for 27 years. Also, serving as the Vice President of the Board of Education in New Brunswick. He came out of retirement returning to the classroom and as an Administrator at the Gray Charter School in Newark. He founded the New Brunswick Choral Society, was the former Minister of Music at Sharon Baptist Church and was most proud of his Youth Choir. Additionally, he was the leader of the Ernie Scott Trio. He performed at many New Jersey and New York City restaurants and clubs including “The Gallery,” “Hemsley Palace,” “The Plaza” and his personal favorite, “Windows on the World at the World Trade Center.” He appeared on Broadway in August Wilson’s The Piano Lesson (1995) and Paul Robeson co-staring with Avery Brooks (1988). He also had film, television and many other acting credits.
Norman E. Edge
Norman F. Edge, a long-time resident of Metuchen, NJ passed away on June 4, 2018. He was born on April 29, 1934 in Jersey City. He leaves a long legacy of living life to its fullest, spreading kindness and compassion, and sharing music. Norman served in the Army where he played in the Army Band, and also served in the National Guard for several years. While still in the service he met his long-time musical partner, Morris Nanton. That musical partnership, with Norman on double-bass, lasted over 50 years and brought joy to thousands. In 1973, Norman married the love of his life, Jane. They have three children, Jennifer Edge, Jessica Edge Negrete, and Jonathan Edge and three grandchildren Sebastian, Simon, and Samuel. He loved his whole family fully and unconditionally. He was a family man. He had a large network of friends; once he knew you, you became family. He was a long-time public educator in the Edison school system. He played in many varied orchestras and jazz bands. He continued to take bass students privately. It’s impossible to describe the life of Norman in a few lines. To know him was to love him. His super power was to see you for your best self. He shared his emotions willingly, laughing with gusto. He had a great capacity to see joy and beauty in all of God’s creations. His faith in his Creator was absolute. He was a rock for many people. To honor his memory, be kind to each other, listen to live music, and be open to joy.
NJMEA 2017-2018 Board of Directors
Executive Board
President, Jeff Santoro
W. Windsor-Plainsboro District jsantoro@njmea.org
Past-President, William McDevitt
Vineland High School billnjmea@aol.com
President-Elect, Patrick O’Keefe
Smithville School o’keefep@gtps.k12.nj.us
Executive Secretary-Treasurer
Deborah Sfraga Ocean Township Schools debnjmea@aol.com
Communications (TEMPO/Web)
Thomas A. Mosher, Retired tmosher@njmea.org
Region Executive Members
President, Joseph Spina Hanover Park High School president@njsma.com
President, David Westawski West Windsor-Plainsboro HS So. dlwestawski@gmail.com
President, Kahlil Gunther Woodstown High School gunther.k@woodstown.org
President, Richard Beckman Sharp Elementary, Cherry Hill richbeckmanii@gmail.com
Appointed Members
Administration & Advocacy
Dennis Argul Jazz House Kids dennisargul@gmail.com
Band Festivals/Classroom Music
Nancy Clasen Thomas Jefferson Middle School nancydidi@hotmail.com
Band Performance
Adam Warshafsky Montgomery Twp. School District awarshafsky@mtsd.us
Choral/Opera Festivals
Donna Marie Berchtold Retired firesongwed@gmail.com
Chorus Performance
Wayne Mallete Scotch Plains-Fanwood District wayne.mallette1@gmail.com
Joseph Cantaffa Howell High School jcantaffahhs@hotmail.com
Collegiate/Research/Higher Ed.
Colleen Sears The College of New Jersey quinnc1@tcnj.edu
Marie Malara, Retired malara97@aol.com
James Frankel jim@musicfirst.com
Early Childhood Music Ed.
Amy Burns Far Hills Country Day School aburns@fhcds.org
Tom Amoriello Flemington Raritan Schools tamoriel@frsd.k12.nj.us 908-284-7650
NJ Association For Jazz Ed.
Mike Anzuini Steinert High School manzuini.njaje@gmail.com 609-631-4150 x3412
Kathy Spadafino, Retired kspadeb@aol.com
Orchestra Festivals/Performance
Susan Meuse Hammarskjold Middle School susanmeuse@gmail.com
Special Learners
Maureen Butler Lake Drive School mbutler@mlschools.org
Marjorie LoPresti East Brunswick High School marjorielopresti@gmail.com
Area of Responsibility Name Email Address
Administrative Matters ..........................................................Jeff Santoro............................................................... jsantoro@njmea.org All-State Chorus, Orchestra, Jazz Coordinator....................Joseph Cantaffa.................................................. jcantaffahhs@hotmail.com Association Business ........................................................... Deborah Sfraga.............................................................debnjmea@aol.com Choral Procedures Chair.....................................................Wayne Mallette...............................................wayne.mallette1@gmail.com Composition Contest ........................................................Robert Frampton ...................................................rtframpton@comcast.net Editor - TEMPO Magazine ............................................... Thomas Mosher ........................................................... tmosher@njmea.org Jazz Procedures Chair ........................................................ Michael Anzuini................................................ manzuini.njaje@gmail.com Marching Band Festival Chair ............................................. Nancy Clasen ...................................................... nancydidi@hotmail.com Membership ....................................................................... Deborah Sfraga.............................................................debnjmea@aol.com Middle/Junior High Band Festival ....................................James Chwalyk, Jr. .......................................... james.chwalyk.jr@gmail.com Middle/Junior High Choral Festival .............................Donna Marie Berchtold ...............................................firesongwed@gmail.com NJMEA Historian .............................................................Nicholas Santoro...........................................................n31b13@gmail.com NJMEA State Conference Exhibits Chair ............................ Nancy Clasen ...................................................... nancydidi@hotmail.com NJMEA State Conference Manager ......................................Marie Malara ...............................................................malara97@aol.com NJMEA Summer Conference ............................................Joeseph Akinskas................................................... joea_njmea@comcast.net NJMEA/ACDA Honors Choir............................................ Pam Crockett .......................................................... pcrockett@npsdnj.org November Convention – NJEA........................................... Nancy Clasen ...................................................... nancydidi@hotmail.com Opera Festival Chair.......................................................... Mike Kallimanis ........................................... MrKOrchAuditions@aol.com Orchestra Procedures Chair .................................................. Susan Meuse........................................................susanmeuse@gmail.com Research ...............................................................................Colleen Sears.................................................................quinnc1@tcnj.edu Students with Special Needs ...............................................Maureen Butler.......................................................mbutler@mlschools.org Supervisor of Performing Groups......................................William McDevitt............................................................billnjmea@aol.com Tri-M.....................................................................................Jeff Santoro............................................................... jsantoro@njmea.org
NJ American Choral Directors Association.............................. Jack Hill ............................................................. jmwhill@hotmail.com Governor’s Award for Arts Education................................William McDevitt...........................................................billnjmea@aol.com NJ Association for Jazz Education...................................... Michael Anzuini................................................manzuini.njaje@gmail.com NAfME .................................................................................Jeff Santoro...............................................................jsantoro@njmea.org NJ Music Administrators Association ................................. Thomas Weber .................................................tweber@westfieldnjk12.org NJ Retired Music Educators Association.............................. Frank Hughes............................................................. flh4hof@gmail.com NJ TI:ME..........................................................................Marjorie LoPresti ............................................. marjorielopresti@gmail.com Percussive Arts Society ....................................................... Domenico Zarro....................................................DEZarro@optonline.net
Executive Secretary-Treasurer.............................................. Deborah Sfraga...................................................... debnjmea1@gmail.com Editor - TEMPO Magazine ............................................. Thomas A. Mosher.........................................................tmosher@njmea.org Web Master (njmea.org) .................................................. Thomas A. Mosher.........................................................tmosher@njmea.org
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Articles may be submitted to the editor of this magazine by anyone who wishes to write about topics related to music or music education. All articles which are selected for publication will be proof read for content, spelling and grammatical errors. Authors who submit an article to TEMPO Magazine for publication agree to all of the following: 1. the editor may edit all articles for content, spelling and grammar. 2. the printing of the article in TEMPO Magazine, the printing date, and placement are at the discretion of the editor. 3. permission is granted to reprint the same article in any National or State Music Education Association magazine on the condition that the author’s name and TEMPO Magazine are to be mentioned in all reprinted articles. 4. no exceptions will be made regarding items 1 through 3 above. 5. the author of the article may submit his/her article to additional magazines for publication.
NJMEA Past Presidents
1924 - 1926 Josephine Duke 1926 - 1930 R.W. Laslett Smith 1930 - Jay W. Fay 1930 - 1931 Wilbert B. Hitchner 1931 - 1933 Thomas Wilson 1933 - 1935 John H. Jaquish 1935 - 1936 Clifford Demarest 1936 - 1938 Mable E. Bray 1938 - 1939 Paul H. Oliver 1939 - 1941 K. Elizabeth Ingles 1941 - 1942 Arthur E. Ward 1942 - 1944 John T. Nicholson 1944 - 1945 Frances Allan-Allen 1945 - 1947 Philip Gordon 1947 - 1949 Violet Johnson 1949 - 1951 Samuel W. Peck 1951 - 1953 Janet G. Gleason 1953 - 1955 Henry Zimmerman 1955 - 1957 Agnes B. Gordown 1957 - 1959 Leroy B. Lenox 1959 - 1961 Elizabeth R. Wood 1961 - 1963 Harold A. Brown 1963 - 1965 E. Brock Griffith 1965 - 1967 Robert C. Heath 1967 - 1969 Edward Brown 1969 - 1971 Rudolph Kreutzer 1971 - 1973 Charles Wertman 1973 - 1975 Stephen M. Clarke 1975 - 1977 Herman L. Dash 1977 - 1979 Buddy S. Ajalat 1979 - 1981 Alyn J. Heim 1981 - 1983 Robert Marince 1983 - 1985 Anthony Guerere 1985 - 1987 Joan Policastro 1987 - 1989 Joseph Mello 1989 - 1991 Dorian Parreott 1991 - 1993 David S. Jones 1993 - 1995 Anthony Guerere 1995 - 1997 Sharon Strack 1997 - 1999 Chic Hansen 1999 - 2001 Joseph Mello 2001 - 2003 Nicholas Santoro 2003 - 2005 Frank Phillips 2005 - 2007 Joseph Akinskas 2007 - 2009 Robert Frampton 2009 - 2011 William McDevitt 2011 - 2013 Keith Hodgson 2013 - 2015 Joseph Jacobs 2015 - 2017 William McDevitt
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Music in the Parks musicintheparks.com
NJ Association of Jazz Educators njaje.org
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Inside Front Cover
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Inside Back Cover
The National Association for Music Education (NAfME) is the largest network of music educators. Since 1907, NAfME has worked to ensure that every student has access to a well-balanced, comprehensive, and high-quality program of music instruction, taught by qualified teachers. NAfME provides resources for teachers, parents, and administrators; hosts professional development events; advocates at the local, state, and national levels; and offers a variety of opportunities for teachers and their students.
Where Music Educators Belong Members of the NAfME community have access to a wide variety of professional opportunities, benefits, and resources, including:
• Amplify, NAfME’s member-exclusive online, peer-to-peer learning community where music educators across the country can connect, post discussion threads, and upload library resources. • 80+ hours of professional development opportunities through NAfME Academy, an online platform that offers a breadth of webinars to further enhance teaching through dynamic, effective materials and learning opportunities. • Updates on music education policy and how the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) affects your music program. • Membership for preservice music educators, with 700 Collegiate NAfME chapters nationwide, and access to resources exclusive to members and networking events with future colleagues. • A wealth of innovative research studies within the music education profession. • Complimentary annual subscriptions to NAfME’s various periodicals, including Teaching Music and Music Educators Journal, as well as the opportunity to have your blog published and shared via our biweekly e-newsletter. • Opportunities for your students to participate in NAfME-sponsored events—including the All-National Honor Ensembles and the
Student Composers Competition—and to create or join a Tri-M® Music Honor Society chapter in your middle or high school.
NAfME can make a difference for you, for your students, and for your school. Learn more at nafme.org, or contact Member Services at 1-800-336-3768, or at memberservices@nafme.org.