39 minute read

The 13th Annual NJ Young Composers Competition - Andrew Lesser

The 13th Annual New Jersey Young Composers Competition

Andrew Lesser, Ed.D. Chairman, NJ Young Composers Competition andrew.lesser[at]yahoo.com www.andrewlessermusic.com

The 13th annual New Jersey Young Composers Competition is now accepting submissions for 2022. Information and applications are available on the NJMEA website under the “Festivals” tab. Students from grades 8-12 (including those graduating in 2022) from the state of New Jersey may submit their original compositions in both instrumental and vocal divisions. Finalists will be contacted individually and invited to participate in an interview and critique session which will be held at the NJMEA Conference in Atlantic City in February 2022. Details on the date and time of the finals will be forthcoming. Recordings of past finalist compositions are posted on the NJMEA website under the Young Composers Competition link. Please review the guidelines and rules for participating. All students must be sponsored by an NJMEA/NAfME member to qualify.

Competition Guidelines

1. Applicants must be New Jersey residents and must be sponsored by a current NJMEA/NAfME member. 2. Students may submit multiple selections in each category. However, a $20 application fee is required with each selection. Each entry must have a separate completed application form and entry fee in order to be considered for eligibility. 3. All compositions must have a title or opus number, and all names must be omitted from the score, program note, and audio file so that submissions may be judged anonymously. 4. Students must include a brief program note that includes the composition title with composer name omitted, describing the composer’s intention of the work. 5. All scores must be submitted as PDF’s using a standard notation program, such as Sibelius or Finale.

No handwritten scores will be considered for entry. 6. All measures must be numbered in the score. 7. Students must submit an audio recording of their composition in MP3 or WAV. format, a PDF (digital copy) of their score and PDF of composition description/program note. Submissions without recordings or PDF score will not be considered for entry. 8. While the applicant will retain ownership of their submission, all submissions will be kept by the

NJMEA. No materials will be returned to students. NJMEA reserves the right to use student submissions for publicity and/or display. Finalist compositions will be posted on the NJMEA website. 9. Submissions must be no longer than 7 minutes in length and within the difficulty range of a high school level ensemble (Grades 2-4)

Evaluation of all submissions will be received by NJMEA approved Competition Judges. This panel will judge all works according to the following guidelines:

• Originality: Demonstrating a personal/unique style showing individual creativity. • Compositional Technique: Must have identifiable form, structure, and development. Correct usage of musical notation and score markings. • Accessibility: Must be playable by student ensembles on limited rehearsals. • Compositional Maturity: Knowledge of medium, effective use of instruments/voices, and look of professionalism in score and recording. • Overall Appeal: Must be innovative, imaginative, and enjoyable.

Competition Policies

• In the case of a tie, the highest and lowest scores will be eliminated and the overall score recalculated. If there is still a tie after the recalculation, then both entries will be accepted into the finals and receive the same placement. • If a single participant receives multiple placements in the finals, then the judges will accept the piece with the highest score. • The judges have the right to request changes to any vocal and instrumental piece that contains potentially inappropriate or offensive material (i.e., lyrics, program notes, etc.). In addition, participants who do not demonstrate ethical or moral behavior during all aspects of the competition may be disqualified through a vote by the NJ-YCC Committee. • The Grand Prize winner will consist of the piece that receives the highest score in both divisions. • Prizes will be determined based on availability by the NJ-YCC Committee. • The NJ-YCC Committee has the right to change or alter these policies at any time on a case-by-case basis.

Suggestions for Students and Teachers

• Remember that the submission must be able to be played by a student ensemble on limited rehearsal time.

Make sure to adhere to the difficulty level and length specifications listed in the guidelines. • Parts must adhere to the generally accepted instrument and voice part ranges for elementary through high school ensemble music. • Remember, neatness counts! An excellent piece will lose credibility if the score is sloppy or shows careless errors. • Consider all aspects of a good piece when writing: dynamics, articulation, variety of melodic and harmonic ideas, orchestration and timbre, etc. • Above all, this piece should be personal and meaningful to you. You must consider your creative ideas above anything else combined with your musical knowledge.

We are also looking for volunteers to participate in the committee of next year's competition. You do not need to be a professional composer to be part of the committee. If you would like further information, please contact Dr. Andrew Lesser, NJ-YCC Chairman at andrew.lesser[at]yahoo.com.

NJMEA Awards

all Award applications available at https://njmea.org/awards


Awards are presented annually to outstanding school Principals and/or Superintendents who demonstrate support for and commitment to high-quality arts education programs in their schools. The influence of such administrators is a major factor in improving music education in school systems across the state.

One Elementary School Principal, one Secondary School Principal, and one School District Superintendent may be selected to receive this award. Individuals holding titles as Assistant Principal and Assistant or Associate Superintendent also qualify.

Administrators receiving awards will be notified by NJMEA and a presentation honoring them will take place at the NJMEA February State Conference.


The NJMEA Board of Directors has initiated a Distinguished Service Award for those members who have honored themselves with faithful service to music education in public, private, and parochial schools in New Jersey.

Past and present members of the NJMEA Board of Directors are also eligible for this award since they have dedicated much time and effort toward state projects related to music education.

Additional award categories include individuals and organizations outside the field of professional music education and NAfME officers on both the National and Regional levels.

Award recipients will be honored at a mutually agreeable occasion such as state workshops, region meetings, concerts or festivals, and retirement affairs.


Awards are presented annually to outstanding Boards of Education who exemplify superior support and commitment to quality music programs throughout all of the grades and schools of their school district.

Criteria for this award include support of superior programs of sequential, curriculum-based music education; advocacy for music education within the district; and financial support commensurate to support superior programs of general, choral, and instrumental programs within the district.

Boards of Education receiving awards will be notified by NJMEA and a presentation honoring them will take place at the NJMEA February State Conference.


Master Music Teacher Awards are presented annually to members of NJMEA based on the following:

- completion of a minimum of ten years of teaching in the schools of New Jersey (public, private, parochial, or collegiate). - currenty actively teaching and a member of NJMEA and NAfME for at least ten years. - display of teaching excellence.

Members of the NJ Retired Music Educators Association will visit candidates during their teaching day to conduct interviews and observe the programs and methods of selected candidates. Nominees for this award are then presented to NJMEA Board of Directors for approval.

What Is Social Emotional Learning? How are music educators well-suited to help students develop socially and emotionally? What does research tell us?

Now more than ever, music education is critical for all students. One significant impact is how it helps students with social emotional learning (SEL).

This brochure includes key talking points for music educators, school administrators, and school boards to connect music education and social emotional learning. For example:

• Teachers can create a classroom environment that is student-centered and driven by students’ social and emotional needs.

• School administrators can support certified music educators’ professional growth with professional development in SEL.

• School boards can ensure adequate mental health resources are available for students and staff to support teachers in implementing SEL.

Read more in this free resource to help advocate for music education for all students.

Download your brochure at bit.ly/ConnectMusicSEL

Questions? Email advocacy@nafme.org


North Jersey School Music Association www.njsma.com

I hope that you have had a smooth start to your school year. As we all continue our journey back to “normal”, the region is committed to providing the most authentic musical experience possible. The online calendar is up to date with all scheduled activities for the 2021-2022 school year. The calendar and other pertinent info can be viewed at our website (njsma.com).

We are trying to keep our contact info for all members of the region up to date. There is a link on the website where you can add your contact information or update it if you are already receiving emails. This system is the most efficient way to communicate with everyone in a timely manner.

I would like to publicly thank Diana May for all of her work serving as President for the past 2 years. She guided us through a series of events that no one ever imagined and will continue to be an asset to our organization as Past President. Also, another thank you to Sue Kaczor who has served multiple years as our Recording Secretary and has now stepped down. Your dedication to the region is greatly appreciated!

I would also like to welcome our newest Executive Board members, Anthony Lanzerotti (President-Elect) and Chris Zwarych (Recording Secretary). We look forward to both of them working with us to continue the excellence that has been established.

We are always looking for volunteers to assist in every aspect of the organization. I began as the Corresponding Secretary when we still mailed everything to our members! After that I served as Audition Chairperson before I became a Band Division co-chair. After many years of a break, I was able to conduct an ensemble and then started the Presidential cycle.

From someone who has served in multiple positions, I can tell you that I always was welcomed and had someone ready to assist when needed. As individual parts, we all make the organization work. Whether you are a new teacher or a veteran, there are great resources everywhere in our region. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to any board members with questions or guidance. All of our contact information is posted on the website.

Good luck as you continue with the year and I look forward to seeing you in person again soon!

Christopher DeWilde NJSMA President president[at]njsma.com

Band Division

We hope your first days back to school have been rewarding and successful and that you and your families are all healthy.

Please visit the NJSMA website (www.njsma.com) and look under the Band Division section. You will see this year's solos for both High School and Intermediate Region Bands. We are currently working on plans for student auditions and hope to have updates out on that shortly if not already posted.

If you would like to get more involved with the NJSMA organization, there are many opportunities available. We are always looking for schools to host rehearsals, concerts and festivals along with individuals to conduct, manage, and volunteer for the many different jobs that need to be accomplished on a yearly basis. Anyone interested in conducting one of the region bands should complete the application found on the website. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns you may have. We look forward to working with you this year.

Last, but certainly not least, we would like to thank Jen Wise for her years of hard work and dedication within NJSMA and the NJSMA Band Division. We welcome Michelle Christianson, Band Director from Parsippany Hills High School to be the newest Band Division Co-Chair.

Michelle Christianson, Lewis C. Kelly, Lyn M. Lowndes

Band Division Co-Chairs, band[at]njsma.com

Orchestra Division

We hope that everyone has enjoyed a well deserved summer break! We are looking forward to planning this year’s Region 1 Orchestra events! Just a reminder, Intermediate Orchestra is grades 6-8 strings only. Intermediate Orchestra auditions will continue to be held on the same day as High School Orchestra auditions (January 8, 2022). Please check

the NJSMA website for important calendar updates, deadlines, and audition information.

As we return to in-person music-making opportunities for our students, the Orchestra Division is looking for volunteers to host and manage along with coordinating rehearsals, performances and festivals. Now is the time to become involved in presenting these long missed opportunities for our students! The orchestra community of North Jersey becomes stronger with each director who volunteers, and our students benefit! Please reach out to volunteer. If you are new to Region 1 or your contact information has changed in the past year, please contact us at orchestra[at]njsma.com.

We are looking forward to collaborating with all of you this school year!

Jordan Peters and Caitlin Shroyer, Orchestra Division

Co-Chairs, orchestra[at]njsma.com

Choral Division

Hello! Welcome to the 2021-2022 school year! As we type this article for you, we are still reeling with the effects of the Coronavirus and the Delta Variant. We are hoping that things will be normal as we progress through the 2021-2022 school year.

As a reminder, the former “Junior High” ensembles are now referred to as the “Intermediate” ensembles. Singers in 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th grade will be eligible to audition for the Intermediate Chorus. 9th graders will also still be eligible to audition for the Senior High Region Chorus. Please check the NJSMA website for important calendar dates and deadlines for the Intermediate and Senior High Chorus auditions and rehearsals.

We know that this year will be extremely challenging for all of us - we are hoping that everyone will be patient and continue to help out as needed. Our goal is to plan things out as if things are normal so that events are in place. We are hopeful that we will be able to resume our usual schedule of events but are very aware that things are changing quickly and we do not know what will happen as the year progresses. Please be patient as we navigate through this together!

We are always looking for people to get more involved; we are especially looking for people to host and manage our Region Choirs. Please let us know if you can step up and do so. We are especially in need of sites willing to host rehearsals and concerts.

As always, feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns that you have.

Austin Vallies and Deana Larsen, Chorus Division

Co-Chairs, chorus[at]njsma.com

Elementary Division

The NJSMA Elementary General Music Division is proud to offer exceptional events and workshops for elementary general music educators and their students. During this time of uncertainty, we will continue to offer workshops via Zoom, with the hope of returning to in-person professional development (“It’s Elementary, My Dear workshop) in early 2022. Our Annual Fall (Columbus Day) Workshop has been postponed until October 2022, and our yearly Elementary Choral Celebration will return in May of 2023.

Are you feeling stranded on an island during the pandemic? The North Jersey School Music Association Elementary Division is sending a 'rescue party!'

This fall, NJSMA Elementary is hosting three SOS! Saturday Online Sharing Workshops. Free for active NAfME members, NJSMA SOS! Workshops are held via Zoom on Saturday mornings from 10:00 -11:30 a.m. - September 18, 2021: “Back to School Ideas...during a Pandemic” - October 15, 2021: “Fall Ideas…during a Pandemic” - November 13, 2021: “Winter Ideas…during a Pandemic”

Please check our website (http://njsma.com/elementary/ elementary home.html) or the NJMEA facebook page for registration links and workshop details.

All NJMEA Elementary General Music Educators are invited to participate as we share our successes, struggles, support and stories with one another.

We will navigate these 'rough waters' together to support and share with others in the 'same boat!’

Lisa Wichman and Karen Andruska, Elementary General

Music Division Co-Chairs, elementary[at]njsma.com


Central Jersey Music Educators Association www.cjmea.org

I hope everyone is doing well and had a relaxing and restful summer! After many months of uncertainty, it is my hope that this school year allows us to come back together and continue doing what we all love: making music with our students and providing them with unforgettable memories and opportunities. I am truly humbled and honored to begin my new role as the President of CJMEA and working with the great music educators in the state. We have many exciting things planned for this year and I am very excited to get started.

We held our CJMEA elections this past Spring and I want to wish a sincere congratulations to our elected officers: Joe Elefante (Rahway School District) as our President-Elect, Michelle DaGrosa (East Brunswick School District) as our Secretary, and David Westawski (West Windsor-Plainsboro)

who was re-elected as our Treasurer. We are looking forward to having them on the board and all of the great things they will bring to the organization. I would also like to extend my thanks to Heather Mount for her many years of service as our K-8 Division Chorus Chair as well as to proudly welcome Helen Kernizan (Ocean Township School District) who will be taking over that position this year.

We are planning for a year of in person auditions and performances. Please check the CJMEA website to stay up to date for information regarding auditions and registrations. Our High School Auditions are planned for December and our Intermediate Auditions are planned for January.

Over the past year during the pandemic, CJMEA held a virtual series of PD sessions on Zoom for each division which were a huge success. Going forward, we are planning on continuing that series of virtual events throughout the year. There will be plenty of opportunities to learn from some of the top educators in our field right from your computer for PD hours.

There are many opportunities for our members to get involved with CJMEA. We are always looking for rehearsal and concert hosts for our Region Ensembles and Honor Bands as well as managers of the ensembles. If you are at all interested in becoming involved, please email the appropriate division chair as we would love to have you work with us!

I wish all of you and your students a wonderful school year! If you ever have any questions, concerns, or ideas for CJMEA, please always feel free to email me at anytime.

Yale Snyder CJMEA President percussion[at]cjmea.org


South Jersey Choral Directors Association www.sjcda.net

The South Jersey Choral Directors Association (SJCDA) Board of Directors worked throughout the summer to plan our activities for the 2021-2022 school year and we are looking forward to a successful year of choral activities in Region III.

We kicked off the year with our annual General Membership Meeting and Reception at our new venue: White Horse Winery on September 13th, 2021. Conductors for our honors choirs presented their programs and the executive board shared updates, new members and helpful general information for all SJCDA members in attendance. In addition, our membership will get the opportunity to network with their colleagues and share ideas about the upcoming school year.

Our 64th Annual South Jersey High School Choral Festival will be held at Investors Bank Performing Arts Center at Washington Township High School on January 29th and 30th, 2022. Our Senior High conductor is Rob DiLauro from Seneca HS , and our Junior High conductor is Cristin Introcaso of Collingswood High School. Auditions for these choirs will be held on Saturday, November 13th at Woodstown High School.

Our 39th Annual South Jersey Elementary Festival Choral Concert will be held at Investors Bank Performing Arts Center at Washington Township High School on March 5th, 2022; the choir will be conducted by Eric McGlaughlin of G. Harold Antrim Elementary School.

Full concert programs for all three honors choirs as well as bios of our conductors are available on our SJCDA website.

The South Jersey Choral Directors Association offers man opportunities for choral music teachers to participate, and in doing so, expand their knowledge as music educators. We encourage all music teachers to get involved with the honor choirs and take advantage of the professional development opportunities offered. We look forward to another exciting year working with the teachers and students of vocal music throughout South Jersey and encourage you to check our website for the latest updates. www.sjcda.net

David Taylor SJCDA President dtaylor[at]nburlington.com


South Jersey Band and Orchestra Directors Association www.sjboda.org

After the craziness of last year, I am sure that we are all looking forward to a year that will give us more opportunities for our students to rehearse and perform together. As our programs kick off this fall, let us remember to be flexible and meet our students where they are. Then we can propel them forward on their journey as budding or blossoming instrumentalists. It will take time and patience to close the learning gaps that opened up last year in many of our districts. May this school year bring your programs an increase in membership and a massive amount of student growth.

Please be sure to check our website, maintained by Derek Rohaly (Mainland Regional HS) for the most recent updates. If you have any questions or ideas you would like to share with me for the good of the region, please email me at

sjbodapresident[at]gmail.com. We look forward to meeting face to face for the SJBODA Fall Membership meeting on October 6th at 9:00 at Seven Star Diner in Sewell.

Lori Ludewig SJBODA President sjbodapresident[at]gmail.com

Welcome Back! We are excited to announce that we plan on having all of our usual events this year take place in person. Our first membership meeting for this school year will be held on Wednesday, October 6, 2021. This breakfast meeting will take place at Seven Star Diner in Sewell at 9:00 AM. Please notify Lori Ludewig (609-457-0590 or sjbodapresident[at]gmail.com) if you are able to attend. Audition information and our online registration process will be explained. Our modified junior high band audition requirements for this year will be discussed in detail.

The new officers elected at our spring meeting are Sue Mark, President-Elect (Cherry Hill Public Schools), Joe Jacobs, Secretary (Ventnor MS, retired), Rich Beckman, Treasurer (Cherry Hill Public Schools), and Phil Senseney, Auditions Chair (Southern Regional MS, retired). Ken Rafter (Penns Grove HS) will serve as Past President and Lori Ludewig (Collingswood/Oaklyn) is our President.

Auditions for the 2022 All South Jersey Orchestra, Wind Ensemble, Symphonic Band and Junior High String Ensemble will take place on Saturday, December 11, 2021 at Absegami HS. Patrick O’Keefe will host this event. Deb Knisely (Cinnaminson HS) is the Senior High auditions chair. Applications and directions are available on our website. The first rehearsal for these ensembles will take place on Saturday, December 18th at Cinnaminson HS. Deb Knisely will be our host.

Our 2022 Orchestra conductor is Bruce Yurko (Rowan University). Joe Brennan (Haverford Township School District) will conduct our Junior High String Ensemble. The Wind Ensemble will be conducted by Robert W. Smith (Troy University) and Tyler Wiernusz (Clearview Regional HS) will conduct the Symphonic Band. Rhea Fernandes (Eastern Regional HS) is our string coordinator and Amanda Porco (Hamilton Twp. Schools) is our high school band coordinator.

The Junior High Band auditions will take place on Saturday, January 29th at Southern Regional Middle School. Jennifer Hodgson and Andrew Wright will be our hosts. Audition information is available on our website. Joe Jacobs (Ventnor MS, retired) is one of the Junior High auditions cochairs. There was a vacancy for the other co-chair position at the time this article was submitted. Joe Brausum (Mill Pond ES) is our Junior High Band Coordinator.

The South Jersey Band and Orchestra Directors Association offers many opportunities for instrumental music teachers to expand their involvement and expertise as music educators. We provide excellent vehicles for professional development including conducting and managing our ensembles. Many teachers have gained wonderful ideas and strategies by observing rehearsals and meeting with colleagues. You can enhance your school music program to include excellent performing opportunities for your students and ensembles.

We encourage all music teachers to take advantage of the wonderful resources offered by SJBODA this year. Please contact Lori Ludewig at sjbodapresident[at]gmail.com or 609-457-0590 for additional information.

We encourage you to check our website, which is maintained by Derek Rohaly, (Mainland Regional HS) for the latest SJBODA updates. www.sjboda.org

We wish everyone an exciting and successful year.

Area of Responsibility Name Email Address

Administrative Matters...................................................... Lisa Vartanian.................................... lvartanian[at]paramusschools.org All-State Chorus, Orchestra, Jazz Coordinator............... Joseph Cantaffa.................................. jcantaffa[at]rocknrollchorus.com All-State Orchestra Procedures Chair ..................... Craig Stanton & Liza Sato................................... asoprocedures[at]gmail.com Association Business...................................................... William McDevitt...................................... wmcdevittnjmea[at]gmail.com Choral Procedures Chair ................................................. Michael Doheny.................................... michaeldoheny70[at]gmail.com Composition Contest......................................................... Andrew Lesser ........................................... andrew.lesser[at]yahoo.com Inclusion/Diversity/Equity/Access..............................Katy Brodhead-Cullen.............................................njmea.idea[at]gmail.com Jazz Procedures Chair ...................................................... Miguel Bolivar........................................... mbolivar.njaje[at]gmail.com Marching Band Festival Chair .......................................... Nancy Clasen ................................................ nancyclasen[at]gmail.com Membership.................................................................... William McDevitt...................................... wmcdevittnjmea[at]gmail.com Middle/Junior High Band Festival................................................ ..................................................................................................... Middle/Junior High Choral Festival........................... Donna Marie Berchtold ....................................... firesongwed[at]gmail.com NJMEA Historian............................................................ Nicholas Santoro .................................................... n31b13[at]gmail.com NJMEA State Conference Exhibits Chair......................... Nancy Clasen ................................................ nancyclasen[at]gmail.com NJMEA State Conference Manager................................... Marie Malara ......................................................... malara97[at]aol.com NJMEA Summer Conference............................................. Jodie Adessa.................................................. jodieadessa[at]gmail.com NJMEA Summer Conference............................................ Casey Goryeb........................................... casey.goryeb71[at]gmail.com NJMEA/ACDA Honors Choir .......................................... Kaitlyn Reiser.........................................................kreiser[at]spfk12.org November Convention – NJEA..........................................Nancy Clasen................................................ nancyclasen[at]gmail.com Opera Festival Chair................................................... Donna Marie Berchtold ....................................... firesongwed[at]gmail.com Orchestra Performance Chair............................................. Susan Meuse................................................ susanmeuse[at]gmail.com Research ............................................................................. Colleen Sears ........................................................... quinnc1[at]tcnj.edu Students with Special Needs ............................................ Maureen Butler.................................. maureenbutlermusic[at]gmail.com Supervisor of Performing Groups .................................... Patrick O’Keefe .......................................... patrickaokeefe[at]gmail.com Tri-M ................................................................................. Lisa Vartanian .................................... lvartanian[at]paramusschools.org


NJ American Choral Directors Association....................... Kaitlyn Reiser ........................................................kreiser[at]spfk12.org Governor’s Award for Arts Education.............................. Patrick O'Keefe ...........................................patrickaokeefe[at]gmail.com NJ Association for Jazz Education................................... Miguel Bolivar............................................mbolivar.njaje[at]gmail.com NAfME........................................................................... William McDevitt ......................................wmcdevittnjmea[at]gmail.com NJ Music Administrators Association.............................. Jonathan Harris ..........................................................harrisj[at]nvnet.org NJ Retired Music Educators Association........................... Ronald Dolce ....................................................... rdolce561[at]aol.com NJ TI:ME.......................................................................... Andrew Lesser........................................... andrew.lesser[at]yahoo.com Percussive Arts Society........................................................ Joe Bergen ................................................joe[at]mantrapercussion.org


Executive Director/TEMPO Editor................................ William McDevitt..................................... wmcdevittnjmea[at]gmail.com TEMPO Express................................................................ Andrew Lesser ........................................... andrew.lesser[at]yahoo.com Webmaster....................................................................... Matthew Skouras ..................................... mskouras.njmea[at]gmail.com

This column salutes the lives and careers of recently departed colleagues. It is the way NJMEA and NJRMEA can express appreciation for the work that they have done and the lives that they have touched. We mourn their passing and salute their contributions, which are the basis for music education in the state of New Jersey.

Elaine Virginia Barber

Elaine Virginia Barber (nee Bate), age 84, of Fort Myers, passed away on June 28, 2021. Born in Trenton, New Jersey, Elaine was a 1954 graduate of Trenton Central High School. She went on to earn a bachelor's degree from Trenton State College and a master's degree from Temple University. While residing in New Jersey, she worked as a music teacher/band director in the Allentown, New Jersey public schools from 1958-1959, the Trenton Public Schools from 1960-1964, and the Franklin Township School District in Somerset, New Jersey from 1964-1980. Moving from Trenton to Orlando, Florida in 1980, she worked for the Hertz Corporation before returning to teaching in 1989. From 1989 to her retirement in 2000, she was an Instructor of Humanities at Valencia Community College in Orlando. Daughter of the late Cyril and Mary Bate, she was preceded in death by her husband, Richard Barber; a sister, Dorothy Arnott; a brother, Robert Bate; brothers-in-law Scott Arnott and William Barber; and sisters-in-law Shirley Barber, Mona Barber, and Rose Bate. She is survived by her son, Christian Barber, a sister-in-law and brother-in-law, Joan and Ed Fillman, along with several nieces and nephews and great nieces and nephews.

Marthe Page (Howell) Brandt

Marthe Page (Howell) Brandt, 78, passed away peacefully at home in Manchester, New Jersey on July 1, 2021. Marthe was born in Elizabeth, NJ, resided in Jackson, NJ, for the majority of her life, and ultimately retired in Manchester. A lifelong musician and educator, her love of teaching reached private music students, the Oak Hill Academy Nursery School, Saint Thomas Christian Academy, and the school districts of Matawan, Farmingdale, and Jackson, where she served first as an elementary school instrumental music teacher, proudly leading one of New Jersey's only elementary-level marching bands and later as the founding band instructor of the Christa McAuliffe Middle School. Active in theatre communities all across New Jersey, Marthe will be remembered for her contributions to all areas of the arts. She frequently played as a guest organist in many churches across the state. She was a member of the local musicians' union and worked professionally across NJ. Marthe was predeceased by her parents, father August "Kenneth" Axford Howell and mother LaVonne Bidwell Smith. She is survived by her husband, Charles Robert Brandt, her daughter, Meredith Page Brandt-Shields, her son-in-law, Allen James Shields, her granddaughter, Page Theresa Shields, and numerous beloved family members.

Sean F. Clancy

Sean F. Clancy, on March 28, 2021, of Bellmawr. Age 29. Devoted and Amazing son of Carrie (nee Reyes) and the late Francis Clancy. Loving brother of Brian Clancy (Danyelle). Beloved uncle of Conan. Cherished grandson of Leona (nee Alsdorf) Clancy. Dear nephew of Stella Clancy and William Clancy. Sean was a music teacher at the Lees Avenue Elementary School in Pleasantville. Sean also taught music at Bellmawr NJ School District as well as Harmony and Verona School Districts in North Jersey. Sean was extremely talented and involved in many venues: Professional Chorister/Vocalist at Haddonfield United Methodist Church, in Philadelphia Symphonic; NY Philharmonic, Manhattan Concert Productions, Brothers in Harmony Member. Sean loved the Marching Arts and was a member of Black Watch Guard, and coached Cinnaminson High School Guard and Wash-

ington Township High School. He also marched with Cadets Drum Corp and got to tour many US states during this time period. Sean packed SO MUCH LIFE into very little time with us and we all will forever miss his bright light.

Edward Gabriel DiFrancesco

Edward Gabriel DiFrancesco, 84, died on April 11, 2021 in Camden, New Jersey. Born on March 6, 1937 to Dominic and Anna (nee Soma), Edward grew up in South Philadelphia where he attended St. Monica's Elementary School and Southeast Catholic High School (Bishop Neumann). Inspired by the career of his late uncle, renowned jazz guitarist Eddie Lang for whom he was named, Ed developed a life-long love of music. When he was young he saved money to purchase a jazz book of famous players, of which he was very proud. For a time he worked as a sales person at 8th Street Music. Ed became a proficient guitar and piano player and played private parties as a guitarist in a band. Ed went on to earn his music education degree at Combs College of Music in Philadelphia. He later earned his master's degree in music education at The New Jersey Teachers College (now Rowan University). Ed was an elementary music teacher in the Camden School District where he instructed thousands of students in instrumental performance; he retired in 2013 after 49 years. Ed is survived by his brother Anthony, children Edward (Kim Pawloski), Robert (Rose Smith), and Nancy (Rich Cortes), his eight grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.

Barbara Marie Egge

Barbara Marie Egge, 64 of Plainwell, MI passed away peacefully on Sunday, May 9, 2021 at home surrounded by love ones. Barbara was born April 10, 1957 in Denville, NJ to John Joseph Masar and A. Elizabeth Masar (Wendt). Barbara and her husband Donald Allen Egge were married 42 years. Barbara is survived in addition to Donald by daughter Emily and son-in-law Pawel Konczyk, son Joshua and daughter-in-law Brynn, and four grandchildren. A native of Montville, NJ, Barbara is predeceased by her parents and sister Judith Perrson. As a long-time music educator, Barbara touched the lives of countless children in her home state of New Jersey and Michigan. Barbara started her teaching career in Kinnelon, NJ and continued serving students in Randolph (NJ) Public Schools. After relocating to Michigan, Barbara continued her teaching career at Gull Lake Community Schools, Richland, MI. Barbara concluded her education career at Franklin Township School, Quakertown, NJ teaching elementary through middle-school general and choral music. Barbara earned a Bachelor of Science in Music Education from William Paterson College, Wayne, NJ and Masters of Arts in Teaching in the Elementary School from Western Michigan University. Barbara’s passion for vocal and piano music extended beyond her professional career and was pursued through numerous outlets.

Dorothy K. Griggs

Dorothy K. Griggs, 94, of Whippany, New Jersey, passed away on Sunday, May 30, 2021. Dorothy was born on August 7, 1926, in Jersey City. She was the daughter of the late William F. and Katherine (Lehnert) Bischoff. She was raised in West New York, where she graduated from Memorial High School in 1943. She furthered her education at State Teachers College, Trenton, and earned a BS degree in 1946. Dorothy started her teaching career at Montvale/Hillside NJ Public Schools, where she worked as a music teacher for grades K-8 from 1946 to 1950. She later taught music in the elementary grades for the Hanover Township Public Schools from 1967 to 1991. Her career in education earned her The Governor's "Teacher of the Year" award in Hanover Township, 1986-1987. She was also a volunteer piano accompanist for the Florhamaires choral group in the 1960s. Dorothy, known as "Dot," was petite in stature but had an enormous capacity for friendship and empathy. Even after her retirement from teaching, her former students, spotting her in the community, would approach her and tell her how much her music class meant to them. Dorothy loved to cook and took great pleasure in trying new recipes for her appreciative family. She was predeceased by her beloved husband, William L. Griggs, in 2016. She was the loving mother of Katherine Griggs, Susan Bailey (Donald), Robert Griggs (Janice Kastner), William Griggs (Pilar Ramirez), Donna Tokumaru (Glenn) and

cherished Grandma of Wesley Bailey, Rachel Bailey, Jaeda Tokumaru, Nate Tokumaru, and Pamela Salamanca. She was dearly loved by her cousin JoAnn McKay and sister-in-law, Gloria Thompson.

Suzanne H. Hunt

Newton - Suzanne H. Hunt, age 90, peacefully passed away on Sunday, June 20, 2021 at Bristol Glen Retirement Community. Born on September 9, 1930 in Newton to the late Ralph Marshall and Gladys Vera (Wilson) Hutchison, Mrs. Hunt graduated from Newton High School in 1948 and received her Bachelor's degree and Master's degree in Education from Trenton State College. She had resided in Newton before moving to Sussex in 1972, when she married her husband, William, before moving to Bristol Glen in Newton. Mrs. Hunt had been employed as a music teacher for the Sparta Junior High School for 34 years prior to her retirement. She was past president of New Jersey State Delta Kappa Gamma Society and an active member of Delta Kappa Gamma Society, Epsilon Chapter. Mrs. Hunt was a member of the Sussex County Retired Educators Association, New Jersey Retirees' Education Association and NEA-R. Mrs. Hunt had been a member of the First Presbyterian Church of Sussex and the Sussex County Oratorio Society. She was predeceased by her husband of 44 years, William M. Hunt in 2016 and her sister, Jane Hutchison Myers in 1990. Mrs. Hunt is survived by her brother, Ralph Hutchison of Pittsburgh, PA; her sister, Mary Louise Hutchison of Newton; and many nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be held at 1 p.m. on Friday, June 25, 2021 at the Pinkel Funeral Home, 31 Bank Street (Route 23), Sussex. Interment will follow at Fairview Cemetery in Wantage. Friends may pay their respects to the family on Friday an hour prior to the service from 12 noon to 1 p.m. at the funeral home. In lieu of flowers, the family requests that memorial donations may be made to the First Presbyterian Church of Sussex, 21 Unionville Avenue, Sussex, NJ 07461. Online condolences may be offered to the family at www.pinkelfuneralhome.com

Arlene Sue Muller

Arlene "Sue" Muller of Harvey Cedars, NJ passed away on April 26, 2021 in the presence of her husband, daughters and grandchildren. Sue was born in Bloomfield, NJ to Tallis and Molly Eager and lived there her entire childhood with her beloved sister Anita Beckwith to whom she is now reunited. Sue leaves behind her loving and devoted husband Paul Muller of 60 years. A graduate of Caldwell College with a BA is Music and Education and a MS in Urban Education, from Trenton State College (The College of New Jersey), Sue had a love for learning, music, American Musical Theater and travel. Sue made it her life's work to encourage a love of the performing arts in her students as a Junior High School music teacher in Newark, Cranberry and Trenton, NJ. While in Trenton, she worked with world renowned dance and theatre companies such as Alvin Ally, Jacque D'Amboise and the McCarter Theatre of Princeton to motivate and encourage her students to reach for their dreams. Sue also leaves behind her daughters Susan Weiss, and Aileen Casey, along with their husbands Fred and Scott; five grandchildren, Molly Marr, her husband Clayton, Frederick Weiss (known as JJ), Caileen, William and Jade Su Casey as well as three great grandchildren Paul, Cora and Barrett Marr and nieces, nephews, cousins and beloved friends.

Peter George Tomasi

Tomasi, Peter George, age 77, of Hawthorne NJ, passed away on Sunday, May 9, 2021. Born and raised in Paterson, Peter graduated from Eastside HS and he continued his education at NY College of Music (now NYU) and earned a BA degree. Peter met the love of his life at a dance. They fell in love and married on March 25, 1967. After a short stay in Fair Lawn they moved to Hawthorne where he lived the rest of his life. Throughout Peter's life he worked in the music industry first as a Music Teacher/ Band Director at Irvington HS and Midland Park HS. Peter went to work for Jupiter Band Instruments as Regional Sales Manager for the Northeast, where he worked until retirement. Peter was a member of the Ridgewood concert band where he played clarinet and served as president of the group for many years. Peter was the beloved

husband of Carol A. (nee Koningswood) Tomasi. Loving father of Peter George Tomasi, III of Hawthorne and John Stephen Tomasi and his wife Jessica (nee Wittner) Tomasi of North Haledon. Grandfather of Evan John Tomasi, Lorelai Grace Tomasi, and Cassidy Emmanuelle Tomasi. Son of the late George Richard Tomasi and the late Katherine J. (nee Polizzotto). Brother of Margaret (nee Tomasi) Garbarino and her late husband Richard, and George R. Tomasi and his late wife Linda (nee Maurer) Tomasi. He is also survived by many nieces, nephews, great-nieces, great-nephews and great-grand-nieces.

Verna Engel Zelaney

Verna Engel Zelaney was born in 1933 in Phila., Pa and grew up in Cheltenham, Pa. She was a 1951 graduate of Cheltenham High School and received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Music Education from Temple University and did post graduate work in music at Westminster Choir College, Princeton, NJ. She began her teaching career as an Elementary Music teacher in the Cheltenham Township Schools for 7 years and then for 25 years in the Delran Township Schools as an Elementary and Middle school teacher and as the High School Choral Director. She also taught music for 5 years at Westfield Friends School in Cinnaminson, NJ. She was a member of the American Guild of Organists, Association of National Pastoral Musicians, Alumni Board of the Esther Boyer College of Music and Dance, Diocese of Trenton Festival Choir, The Greater South Jersey Chorus, and Burlington Entertainers. She is survived by daughter Karen Zelaney of Palmyra NJ. She is also survived by her sister Roberta (Bain) Malone of Akron, Ohio; brother: Clarence (Corky and Joanne) Engel of Laporte, Pa; nieces: Candice and Kyndra Malone, Amie (Andrew) Germain; nephew: Wade Malone, and two great nieces and two great nephews. She was predeceased by her son David Zelaney.

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NJSMA, President Christopher DeWilde

Anthony Wayne Middle School president[at]njsma.com

Executive Board

Past President Patrick O’Keefe

Absegami High School patrickaokeefe[at]gmail.com

CJMEA, President Yale Snyder

Monroe Township Schools percussion[at]cjmea.org

President Lisa Vartanian

Paramus School District lvartanian[at]paramusschools.org

Executive Director William McDevitt

Retired wmcdevittnjmea[at]gmail.com

President-Elect Wayne Mallette

Scotch Plains-Fanwood District mallette.njmea[at]gmail.com

SJCDA, President David Taylor

Northern Burlington Reg HS dtaylor[at]nburlington.com

SJBODA, President Lori Ludewig

Collingswood/Oaklyn Schools sjbodapresident[at]gmail.com

NJMEA Board of Directors - Appointed Members


Dennis Argul Retired dennisargul[at]gmail.com


Libby Gopal East Orange Campus HS libby.gopal[at]eastorange.k12.nj.us

Band Festivals/NJEA Liaison

Nancy Clasen Thomas Jefferson Middle School nancyclasen[at]gmail.com

Band Performance

Nick Mossa Bridgewater Raritan High School nmossa16[at]gmail.com

Choral Festivals

Donna Marie Berchtold Retired firesongwed[at]gmail.com

Choral Performance

Michael Doheny Winslow Township High School michaeldoheny70[at]gmail.com


Joseph Cantaffa Howell High School jcantaffa[at]rocknrollchorus.com


Marie Malara Retired malara97[at]aol.com

Guitar/Expanded Ensembles

Jayson Martinez Newark Arts High School jmarti37[at]webmail.essex.edu

Higher Ed./Research/Collegiate

Colleen Sears 70 The College of New Jersey quinnc1[at]tcnj.edu

K-12 Ed Tech and Innovation

Shawna Longo Durban Avenue School shawnalongo[at]gmail.com

Music Industry

James Frankel jim[at]musicfirst.com

Orchestra Performance/Festivals

Susan Meuse Hammarskjold Middle School susanmeuse[at]gmail.com

PreK-8 General Music

Amy Burns Far Hills Country Day School aburns[at]fhcds.org

Retired Members/Mentorship

Kathy Spadafino Retired kspadeb[at]aol.com

Special Learners

Maureen Butler Retired OCTOBER 2021 maureenbutlermusic[at]gmail.com

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Articles may be submitted to the editor of this magazine by anyone who wishes to write about topics related to music or music education. All articles which are selected for publication will be proof read for content, spelling and grammatical errors. Authors who submit an article to TEMPO Magazine for publication agree to all of the following 1. the editor may edit all articles for content, spelling and grammar. 2. the printing of the article in TEMPO Magazine, the printing date, and placement are at the discretion of the editor. 3. permission is granted to reprint the same article in any National or State Music Education Association magazine on the condition that the author’s name and TEMPO Magazine are to be mentioned in all reprinted articles. 4. no exceptions will be made regarding items 1 through 3 above. 5. the author of the article may submit his/her article to additional magazines for publication.

NJMEA Past Presidents

1924 - 1926 Josephine Duke 1926 - 1930 R.W. Laslett Smith 1930 - Jay W. Fay 1930 - 1931 Wilbert B. Hitchner 1931 - 1933 Thomas Wilson 1933 - 1935 John H. Jaquish 1935 - 1936 Clifford Demarest 1936 - 1938 Mable E. Bray 1938 - 1939 Paul H. Oliver 1939 - 1941 K. Elizabeth Ingles 1941 - 1942 Arthur E. Ward 1942 - 1944 John T. Nicholson 1944 - 1945 Frances Allan-Allen 1945 - 1947 Philip Gordon 1947 - 1949 Violet Johnson 1949 - 1951 Samuel W. Peck 1951 - 1953 Janet G. Gleason 1953 - 1955 Henry Zimmerman 1955 - 1957 Agnes B. Gordown 1957 - 1959 Leroy B. Lenox 1959 - 1961 Elizabeth R. Wood 1961 - 1963 Harold A. Brown 1963 - 1965 E. Brock Griffith 1965 - 1967 Robert C. Heath 1967 - 1969 Edward Brown 1969 - 1971 Rudolph Kreutzer 1971 - 1973 Charles Wertman 1973 - 1975 Stephen M. Clarke 1975 - 1977 Herman L. Dash 1977 - 1979 Buddy S. Ajalat 1979 - 1981 Alyn J. Heim 1981 - 1983 Robert Marince 1983 - 1985 Anthony Guerere 1985 - 1987 Joan Policastro 1987 - 1989 Joseph Mello 1989 - 1991 Dorian Parreott 1991 - 1993 David S. Jones 1993 - 1995 Anthony Guerere 1995 - 1997 Sharon Strack 1997 - 1999 Chic Hansen 1999 - 2001 Joseph Mello 2001 - 2003 Nicholas Santoro 2003 - 2005 Frank Phillips 2005 - 2007 Joseph Akinskas 2007 - 2009 Robert Frampton 2009 - 2011 William McDevitt 2011 - 2013 Keith Hodgson 2013 - 2015 Joseph Jacobs 2015 - 2017 William McDevitt 2017 - 2019 Jeffrey Santoro 2019 - 2021 Patrick O'Keefe


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