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Past President - Patrick O'Keefe
from 2022 March TEMPO
Past President Updates
Patrick O'Keefe Absegami High School patrickaokeefe[at]gmail.com
Over the past several years, NJMEA has made a concerted effort to create a wider array of membership offerings in supporting both teachers and students throughout the state. As we attempt to continue to widen the lens on what we do and who is able to get involved, I wanted to update the membership in highlighting some of the recent work that has gone on in these newer endeavors.
Our Mentor Program is officially underway as of this fall and has had several great networking and professional development opportunities. For those that were unaware, we did a call to the membership last spring for any veteran teachers that would be able and willing to serve as a mentor for educators new to the profession or in a new role. We had an incredible response, and I thank all of those volunteers in their willingness to help. As this 2021-22 school year got underway and teachers returned to the classroom, we put out an additional call for anyone who felt they would benefit from this program and its support as a new teacher.
While we did not have nearly as many new teachers as we did veteran volunteers, we were able to successfully pair up all participants with supporters that shared similar content and educational backgrounds. The creation of this network was designed as a system that could offer resources, insight, best practices and more as challenges arose. In addition, we coordinated monthly guest speakers and virtual whole group meetings where teachers could receive professional development on a variety of topics, including teacher evaluation and the standards. As we look to next year, it is our hope that we can expand this network and build on the little bit of traction we gained this year. Please look for communications on this new program if you are interested in becoming involved, either as a new or veteran teacher.
In the spring of 2020 and onset of the pandemic, NJMEA and the New Jersey Symphony came together to bring virtual resources to educators as additional tools in navigating the quickly changing educational landscape of remote and hybrid teaching. In the spring of 2021, after recognizing the great benefit and impact these resources and programs had, we formalized this partnership and built a framework of services we would be able to provide our members and school communities moving forward. One such example is the concept of a Clinic and Masterclass Program. Members now have the opportunity to fill out a very simple form (on our website, njmea.org) in applying to have a New Jersey Symphony musician come to your school and serve as guest conductor, clinician, performer, etc. based on the need of the program. Bringing in guest artists can be challenging and expensive, so it is our hope that members take advantage of coordinating this opportunity and membership benefit as a great experience for your students and school.
Lastly, an update and reminder that the Crescendo Foundation is active and looking to support your students as they participate in the All-State programs. Posted last year (njmea.org), there is an online form that can be filled out to apply for funding to cover all state costs. As a first action step of the Foundation’s work, the hope is to make an expensive program more financially viable. Realizing that this is only a first step, please be on the lookout for future Foundation work beyond this scholarship component, as NJMEA and the Crescendo Foundation work to make music education and its programs more equitable and accessible throughout the state.