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Getting to Know AJ Johnson
The New Jersey Society of CPAs welcomed Aiysha (AJ) Johnson, MA, IOM, as CEO and executive director, effective June 12, replacing Ralph Albert Thomas, CPA, CGMA, who retired after 23 years. Prior to the NJCPA, AJ was executive director at BKR International’s Americas Region, where she was responsible for overseeing the implementation of strategic efforts for BKR accounting and business advisory member firms.
Increasing Candidate Flow
Attacking the dwindling number of accounting students and CPA candidates head-on will be top of mind for the Chicago native. “I would like the NJCPA and the state of New Jersey to be an example of what we can do to resolve some of these pipeline issues,” she said, noting there are multiple avenues to open the spigot for more accounting candidates. These include tapping emerging leaders more; working with our NJCPA chapters; supporting the innovative work-for-credit programs initiated by Saint Peter’s University and PwC, Seton Hall University and Withum, and hopefully others soon and working towards keeping the accounting profession open and diverse.
Emerging leaders should get prepared to have even more seats “at the table,” she explained. “There’s a lot the emerging leaders can do now — that’s inclusive of the young professionals who may or may not be a part of our interest group. We need to call on them and others to go to high schools and share their stories,” she said. “The younger generation is going to identify with them.”
Hand in hand with those pipeline efforts are initiatives to increase NJCPA membership. If young professionals have an opportunity to learn and grow at their own organizations as well as at the NJCPA — and then channel that into becoming leaders — then we are doing something right, she maintained. “I would like to see as many young professionals be members and for firms and companies to push for that.”
Educators can play a big role in helping to shape, or turn, students’ collective minds about the profession. “They are the ones who are going to help if they see an individual who may have a strong affinity for learning accounting and have the skills,” she said. “They can tell them, ‘Accounting is an excellent pathway for your career.”’
Similarly, the NJCPA chapters, according to AJ, “are also a great peer-to-peer connection.” She added, “we need to support our chapters to make sure they have the resources they need to go out and promote the profession.”
Keeping those doors open and diverse will also attract young professionals. To AJ, more outreach — as well as the right kind of outreach — is needed. “We know some firms have already done a lot of work around diversity, equity and inclusion, so we need to understand how we can create an environment to attract diverse talent and get them in earlier to experience accounting and hopefully gain an interest in it.”
Amplify the Profession
Advocating for the profession is also front and center for AJ. “If we are to amplify the profession and obtain the attention of lobbyists and lawmakers, then we can impact the business landscape and community. We will be acting on our vision — helping accounting and finance professionals to thrive in their careers.”
Supporting the NJCPA Affiliate member category assists those advocacy efforts. “Outreach to the larger community of accounting professionals who are not CPAs and who could potentially be shown an alternative pathway/journey to becoming a CPA is needed,” she said.
Lessons Learned
At BKR, AJ discussed the many issues that impact the profession nationally and globally. “Everyone is having conversations around artificial intelligence and data analytics; that’s regardless of firm size and environment,” she said. “Those who embrace the fact that change is coming will allow us to strengthen our position and share our story. You will always need the human checks and balances.”
Going forward, she plans to tap those discussions with NJCPA members. “What I’m really excited about is drilling down in New Jersey and having impact here,” said AJ, who, in her spare time, also plans to dig deeper into improving her golf and pickleball games.