Graphic Design Portfolio

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I am I N S P I R E D

a designe r . an arti s t . A SELF-STARTER.

tableof content s 1.

re u nion


ho m eco m ing po s ter s & tic k et s


fre s h m ar k et


m ed u s a


B oo m erang


r w anda


D a v i s a v en u e



reunion branding | marketing

Developed a concept to advertise food and drinks for the Reunion cafe in the Compton Union Building, Pullman, WA. The result of this design increased the average sales for the month of February 2014.

point of purchase - 27’ x 41’

evergreen newspaper ad - 3.75” x 5.5”

Web page banner - 800px x 200px

sandboard - 31’ x 41’

pop ad - 7.35px x 500px

homecoming posters & tickets production | packaging & shipping | Typography

At Dorian Studio Photography, I helped design over 80 Homecoming posters and tickets for the High Schools in Spokane, Seattle, Boise, TriCities, Portland, and Las Vegas.

fresh market branding | LOGO DESIGN | marketing

To promote healthy food choices for the college students at Washington State Univeristy, Pullman, WA.


Market cooler banner - 47.5� x 16�

Located in hillside cafe at Washington state university, Pullman, WA

Healthy Eating On the Go


interior design | branding | logo design | revit | renderings

An ori gi nal pi ece of my i nt e r i or desi gn proj ect as a st ude nt . Thi s beauty sal on i s f ocuse d on enhanci ng the i nner confi de nc e of an i nd i vi d ual .

find your beauty.


branding | graphic design | illustrator | photoshop

At LSW Architects, I helped create flyers, coupons, and business cards for a non-profit organization located in downtown Vancouver, WA. Logo design and graphic styles were created by Blue Blazes.

rwanda sketchup | photoshop

Renderings of a school for the Rwanda project at LSW Architects.

davis avenue sketchup | photoshop

Across the street from this new building is an existing apartment unit. This perspective was used to show the residents what their new view would look like. LSW Architects

photography nikon | photoshop

I believe that photography is an element that challenges oneself to use their creativity, mind, and ability to capture moments into a work of art.

nkojoua yang (509)270-1742 interior de s ign portfolio

graphic de s ign portfolio

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