art & craft

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Art & craft

Casa de galletas de coco

Batimos un huevo, y añadimos el azúcar. Incorporamos la mantequilla blandita, la leche y el coco, y lo removemos hasta que todo quede bien mezclado. Añadimos la harina, mejor si está tamizada, y volvemos a amasar hasta tener una masa homogénea y sin grumos. Envolvemos la masa en un papel film y lo dejamos en la nevera 1 hora. A continuación, la sacamos de la nevera, la estiramos hasta formar láminas finitas, y las cortamos con la forma y el tamaño deseado para la preparación de la casa. Metemos las láminas en el horno, a media temperatura, unos 10-15 minutos (depende mucho del horno y del espesor de la masa)

y las sacamos con cuidado cuando estén doradas. Una vez horneadas todas las galletas, montamos la casa y las pegamos con caramelo líquido caliente (cuidado, no os quemeis)... Se puede decorar con glasa, gominolas o como queramos.

Nota del autor Puedes hacer esta misma receta en forma de galletitas o dándole la forma que más te guste, eso es a elección de quién las realice. Si quieres que las galletas tengan un bonito color dorado algo brillante, puedes pintarlas con huevo batido antes de meterlas en el horno.

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M Gorgeous Victorian s

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of the cover (cardboard circle) will determine the size of the pom pom. Thus, for large toys should take the cardboard circle the size of 4-6 inch or more,

red pom poms, first wrap the ring in one color of yarn, and then the second .. Place one of the blades of the scissors between the two rings. Carefully cut the yarn around the outer edge.


Use glue to stick the two black eyes, buttons and triangles-beak. Cat Glue the ears, tail, button-eyes and nose. Frog Glue two legs and two white circle, which will be the eyes. for small -, respectively, less In the middle of the white and your imagination! Such than 4 inch in diameter. The circles of black glue beads crafts can make even the hole in the center should be – they give expressive eyes. children. Very quickly, easily, done 0.5-1 inch in diameter. Glue the thread of yarn in the We get the ring. and, most importantly, fun! area of the mouth. Fold the two rings together Flower so that their opening match. Glue pom poms to the wire Instructions Take the scissors and cut out Wrap the ring yarn. Continue length of 18 cm, wrapped in plastic covers or cardboard to wrap the ring in full. For with a cloth and put a flower circles on one hole. The size the manufacture of two-colo- in a vase.


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yarn crafts for kids

Follow these tips and you’ll be able to do amazing toys from the usual yarn! For the manufacture of these toys will only need yarn, a piece of cardboard, scissors

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Collage artist Vahge uses bits and pieces taken from magazines, greeting cards, books, and dolls to create gorgeous creations that evoke a Victorian flavor. The Brooklyn-based artist is inspired by Dadaism, memories from her childhood, and of course doll houses, which is evident in her work. Using media that most people throw away, Vahge has created a fantastical body of characters and tableaus, each more intricate than the next, giving new life to disused periodicals otherwise bound for the trash.

Inspired Collages

assembling cut up elements into whimsical collages at a young age. Using a heavy hand on the feminine elements of corsetry, gowns, ornate bows, and complicated hairstyles, Vahge creates a cast of paper dolls that have one foot in heaven and one in hell. Slicing and splicing faces from magazines, the artists meshes them together to form characters that are both beautiful and eerie.

Read more: Vahge Transforms Magazines into Gorgeous Victorian-Inspired Collages Vahge – Inhabitat - Sustainable Design Innovation, Eco Read more: Vahge Transfor- Architecture, Green Building Her larger, more complicated tableaus are more allegorical, ms Magazines into Gorgeous Victorian-Inspired Collages Vahge’s pieces tow the line set in Baroque interiors and Vahge – Inhabitat - Sustaina- between allegory and fas- bringing in animals, goddesble Design Innovation, Eco hion, creating collages that at ses, wings, and architecture Architecture, Green Building first seem like romantic Vic- into the scenes. torian creations. Only when The self-taught artist began one looks closer do they see Using more than scissors and the modern details, such as glue, Vahge is able to transthe recognizable faces of fa- form passé fashion magazimous models and other con- nes into epic metaphorical temporary fashion elements. scenes that delve deeper into The paper doll like characters the psyche. come to life with moveable joints held together with Read more: Vahge Transforms Magazines into Gorgeous found pins and closures. Victorian-Inspired Collages Read more: Vahge Transfor- Vahge – Inhabitat - Sustainams Magazines into Gorgeous ble Design Innovation, Eco Victorian-Inspired Collages Architecture, Green Building Vahge – Inhabitat - Sustainable Design Innovation, Eco Architecture, Green Building

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Victorian flavor.


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