Dreamers Welcome
scholarship deadline january 15 N o r t h e r n K e n t u c k y Un i v e r s i t y
Unleash your dreams
Why You’ll Love NKU p6
small classes, undergraduate research, internships
First Year Experience p16
The dream of the university is to educate students to succeed in a global society, to be contributing members of their communities.
student tips, freshman schedule, get connected
Are you a dreamer? If so, Northern Kentucky University is the place for you. Each fall 15,000-plus students come to campus to follow their dreams. It’s the dreamers who change the world, who cure diseases, who invent the next musthave technology.
honors, study abroad, student involvement
Dreams Take You Places p18 School Spirit p26 athletics, dorm life, alumni
Dreams matter. Dreams elevate. They motivate and inspire. They allow us to achieve remarkable things.
admissions.nku.edu 2
VIE W B OO K 2 0 1 1 – 2 0 1 2
N o r t h e r n K e n t u c k y Un i v e r s i t y
Unleash your dreams
Why You’ll Love NKU p6
small classes, undergraduate research, internships
First Year Experience p16
The dream of the university is to educate students to succeed in a global society, to be contributing members of their communities.
student tips, freshman schedule, get connected
Are you a dreamer? If so, Northern Kentucky University is the place for you. Each fall 15,000-plus students come to campus to follow their dreams. It’s the dreamers who change the world, who cure diseases, who invent the next musthave technology.
honors, study abroad, student involvement
Dreams Take You Places p18 School Spirit p26 athletics, dorm life, alumni
Dreams matter. Dreams elevate. They motivate and inspire. They allow us to achieve remarkable things.
admissions.nku.edu 2
VIE W B OO K 2 0 1 1 – 2 0 1 2
N o r t h e r n K e n t u c k y Un i v e r s i t y
Big school... small feel
You know the kind of place that offers a comfortable, safe, energetic learning environment – a place that will get the most out of you and mold you into a person who will shape the future? We’re that kind of place. You know the kind of place that is filled with the vibrant, social and cultural activities that can enhance the college experience? We’re that kind of place, too. You know the kind of place that is the best of both worlds – a place that can offer a metropolitan education in a comfortable, suburban setting? A place where you can make your dreams come true? NKU is that kind of place.
VIE W B OO K 2 0 1 1 – 2 0 1 2
“I always knew since I was little that I wanted to be in front of the camera, but not in a theatrical way. I wanted to be the person people look to when they need information. So I came to NKU because they offer the kind of technological classes I need, and they’re located next to a huge media market in Cincinnati. My dream is to be a news anchor for a really well-known television station, and my professors are helping me learn how to do it. I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.”
is a 19-year-old public relations major, with a minor in electronic media and broadcasting. She hails from Lexington, Ky., and is a Leadership Mentor, is a member of Kappa Delta sorority and gives campus tours for the Office of Admissions.
N o r t h e r n K e n t u c k y Un i v e r s i t y
Big school... small feel
You know the kind of place that offers a comfortable, safe, energetic learning environment – a place that will get the most out of you and mold you into a person who will shape the future? We’re that kind of place. You know the kind of place that is filled with the vibrant, social and cultural activities that can enhance the college experience? We’re that kind of place, too. You know the kind of place that is the best of both worlds – a place that can offer a metropolitan education in a comfortable, suburban setting? A place where you can make your dreams come true? NKU is that kind of place.
VIE W B OO K 2 0 1 1 – 2 0 1 2
“I always knew since I was little that I wanted to be in front of the camera, but not in a theatrical way. I wanted to be the person people look to when they need information. So I came to NKU because they offer the kind of technological classes I need, and they’re located next to a huge media market in Cincinnati. My dream is to be a news anchor for a really well-known television station, and my professors are helping me learn how to do it. I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.”
is a 19-year-old public relations major, with a minor in electronic media and broadcasting. She hails from Lexington, Ky., and is a Leadership Mentor, is a member of Kappa Delta sorority and gives campus tours for the Office of Admissions.
N o r t h e r n K e n t u c k y Un i v e r s i t y
Dr. Mark Bardgett
why you’ll
Are you a dreamer?
24 14:1 3.12 70 Average number of
Here at NKU, you are the center of everything we do. Since 1968, we’ve been dedicated to giving our students the resources they need to make their dreams come true. Here you work one on one with your professors in comfortable and dynamic classes that prepare you for your future. As a student you’ll take part in lively classroom discussion, research projects, coop and internship experiences – avenues by which dreams are furthered.
students in class
Professor ratio
incoming gpa
Majors to choose from
RateMyProfessor.com you should.
Ever checked out RateMyProfessor.com? It’s the largest site for professor ratings,
and NKU was rated one of the top 10
universities with the highest-rated professors. 6
VIE W B OO K 2 0 1 1 – 2 0 1 2
Analyzing the impact of fear tactics on the downloading of music in Italy and the United States; studying potential anti-cancer agents; investigating the microbiology of caves – these are just a few of the research topics NKU students are currently pursuing. At NKU, research is offered as part of the undergraduate experience. When Dr. Mark Bardgett was growing up, he watched his grandmother suffer from Alzheimer’s disease. Today, the psychological science professor at Northern Kentucky University focuses his research on understanding how the brain affects behavior. Dr. Bardgett and his students study the effects of exercise and its impact on individuals who have sustained damage to the hippocampus, the part of the brain responsible for shortterm memory. “I am extremely grateful to be able to continue my research and also extend opportunities to undergraduate students and graduate students to get hands-on experience with these projects,” Bardgett says. “My goal is to give students the same opportunities I had as a student – transformative opportunities that gave me the confidence to pursue a career in research.” Recent research led to a discovery that proved exercise helps the brain retain information.
10 reasons love NKU
small class sizes with professors who are committed to teaching.
A chance to conduct one-on-one undergraduate research with renowned faculty.
School spirit: black & gold… and
a wired campus.
An atmosphere that promotes
diversity and discussion by expanding your mind with new thoughts, questions and possibilities.
Access to the most sophisticated undergraduate state-of-the-art technologies available anywhere.
Involvement in more than 200 organizations.
6 9
that won’t
bankrupt you.
countless opportunities to create or appreciate the visual and performing arts.
N o r t h e r n K e n t u c k y Un i v e r s i t y
Dr. Mark Bardgett
why you’ll
Are you a dreamer?
24 14:1 3.12 70 Average number of
Here at NKU, you are the center of everything we do. Since 1968, we’ve been dedicated to giving our students the resources they need to make their dreams come true. Here you work one on one with your professors in comfortable and dynamic classes that prepare you for your future. As a student you’ll take part in lively classroom discussion, research projects, coop and internship experiences – avenues by which dreams are furthered.
students in class
Professor ratio
incoming gpa
Majors to choose from
RateMyProfessor.com you should.
Ever checked out RateMyProfessor.com? It’s the largest site for professor ratings,
and NKU was rated one of the top 10
universities with the highest-rated professors. 6
VIE W B OO K 2 0 1 1 – 2 0 1 2
Analyzing the impact of fear tactics on the downloading of music in Italy and the United States; studying potential anti-cancer agents; investigating the microbiology of caves – these are just a few of the research topics NKU students are currently pursuing. At NKU, research is offered as part of the undergraduate experience. When Dr. Mark Bardgett was growing up, he watched his grandmother suffer from Alzheimer’s disease. Today, the psychological science professor at Northern Kentucky University focuses his research on understanding how the brain affects behavior. Dr. Bardgett and his students study the effects of exercise and its impact on individuals who have sustained damage to the hippocampus, the part of the brain responsible for shortterm memory. “I am extremely grateful to be able to continue my research and also extend opportunities to undergraduate students and graduate students to get hands-on experience with these projects,” Bardgett says. “My goal is to give students the same opportunities I had as a student – transformative opportunities that gave me the confidence to pursue a career in research.” Recent research led to a discovery that proved exercise helps the brain retain information.
10 reasons love NKU
small class sizes with professors who are committed to teaching.
A chance to conduct one-on-one undergraduate research with renowned faculty.
School spirit: black & gold… and
a wired campus.
An atmosphere that promotes
diversity and discussion by expanding your mind with new thoughts, questions and possibilities.
Access to the most sophisticated undergraduate state-of-the-art technologies available anywhere.
Involvement in more than 200 organizations.
6 9
that won’t
bankrupt you.
countless opportunities to create or appreciate the visual and performing arts.
N o r t h e r n K e n t u c k y Un i v e r s i t y
College of Arts & Sciences Like to dream big? s, s, H um an it ie t r A e h t e IN THIS COLLEGE YOU CAN DO IT ALL, Explocrial Sciences, Behavioral That’s okay - we do too.
from studying the complexities of the human genome to working on a stage production .
here you can:
The Haile Digital Planetarium, which opened in 2007, is the first laser projection planetarium system to ever be installed on an educational institution’s campus anywhere in the world. NKU’s Anthropology Museum features displays on local and regional history, including displays of Huichol, Haitian and northwest coast culture. NKU's theatre & dance department has more than 12 productions each year.
reasons to consider The College of Arts and Sciences
1) N K U ’s u n d e rg r a d u a te s c i e n c e c e n te r i s o n e o f t h e m o st te c h n o l og i c a l l y a d va n c e d i n t h e M id w e st. 2) N K U ’s vi su a l a n d p e rf o r m i n g a r t s p rog r a m s a re s o m e o f t h e f i n e st i n t h e n a t i o n , i n c l udi n g a c o n c e r t h a l l, t wo t h ea t re s a n d t wo a r t g alleries. 3) I f a n exi st i n g m ajo r d o e s n’ t c o ve r exa ct l y w h a t y ou’re i n te re ste d i n st ud yi n g , y ou c a n c rea te y ou r o w n m ajo r t h rou g h t h e i n te g r a t i ve st udi e s p rog r a m . 4) Pa r t i c i pa te i n TG I T h ea t re – a w e e k l y p e rf o r m a n c e se r i e s o f st ud e n t-p rod u c e d wo r k s . 5) A t N K U, a l l st ud e n t s h a ve t h e o p p o r t u n it y to c o n d u ct re sea rc h p roje ct s w it h fa c u l t y.
VIE W B OO K 2 0 1 1 – 2 0 1 2
So at h e m at ic s, S c ie n c e s, M c e s an d n N at ur al S c ie ad e r sh ip . n al L e O r g an iz at io
BURHAN MOHAMEDALI, M.D. ’03, University of Illinois medical resident: “Perhaps the best part of my preparation for medical school were my mentors – my professors. I was fortunate enoug h to be in the good hands of the most dedicated faculty for teaching and advising on biology, research and pre-medicine.”
EMILY PARKER (political science major): “I always knew I wanted to be in public service, and an American politics class changed my life. I started taking more and more political classes – the professors here make it like a little family – and I became interested in seeing how policy happens and the way things work. Now I’ll get to see first-hand: I was chosen to intern in Washington, D.C., at the Department of Education.”
KATIE RASP, Assistant VP of credit risk: “My experience as a math major at NKU was instrumental in preparing me for my career at Fifth Third Bank. While so much of this preparation was academic – working with classmates on g roup projects and learning to better manage my time with a full class schedule – a g reat deal of my preparation can be attributed to my oncampus involvement.”
“Stretch” Banks
Unlike other universities, NKU undergraduate students are able to participate in research alongside world-renowned faculty. Eric “Stretch” Banks lived out his dream by working with biology professor Dr. Hazel Barton. Together they dug deep into the earth to see if microorganisms can survive in nutrient-starved environments. Barton has traveled all over the world – from Kentucky to Guatemala to Laos to Antarctica – with undergraduate students doing vital research.
One new project involves spending time in Kentucky caves investigating White-Nose Syndrome, a disease caused by a fungus that has killed more than a million bats in the northeast. “It’s one of the biggest wildlife crises of our time,” she says. And NKU students will be right there with her to help solve the problem.
For more information: artscience.nku.edu N o r t h e r n K e n t u c k y Un i v e r s i t y
College of Arts & Sciences Like to dream big? s, s, H um an it ie t r A e h t e IN THIS COLLEGE YOU CAN DO IT ALL, Explocrial Sciences, Behavioral That’s okay - we do too.
from studying the complexities of the human genome to working on a stage production .
here you can:
The Haile Digital Planetarium, which opened in 2007, is the first laser projection planetarium system to ever be installed on an educational institution’s campus anywhere in the world. NKU’s Anthropology Museum features displays on local and regional history, including displays of Huichol, Haitian and northwest coast culture. NKU's theatre & dance department has more than 12 productions each year.
reasons to consider The College of Arts and Sciences
1) N K U ’s u n d e rg r a d u a te s c i e n c e c e n te r i s o n e o f t h e m o st te c h n o l og i c a l l y a d va n c e d i n t h e M id w e st. 2) N K U ’s vi su a l a n d p e rf o r m i n g a r t s p rog r a m s a re s o m e o f t h e f i n e st i n t h e n a t i o n , i n c l udi n g a c o n c e r t h a l l, t wo t h ea t re s a n d t wo a r t g alleries. 3) I f a n exi st i n g m ajo r d o e s n’ t c o ve r exa ct l y w h a t y ou’re i n te re ste d i n st ud yi n g , y ou c a n c rea te y ou r o w n m ajo r t h rou g h t h e i n te g r a t i ve st udi e s p rog r a m . 4) Pa r t i c i pa te i n TG I T h ea t re – a w e e k l y p e rf o r m a n c e se r i e s o f st ud e n t-p rod u c e d wo r k s . 5) A t N K U, a l l st ud e n t s h a ve t h e o p p o r t u n it y to c o n d u ct re sea rc h p roje ct s w it h fa c u l t y.
VIE W B OO K 2 0 1 1 – 2 0 1 2
So at h e m at ic s, S c ie n c e s, M c e s an d n N at ur al S c ie ad e r sh ip . n al L e O r g an iz at io
BURHAN MOHAMEDALI, M.D. ’03, University of Illinois medical resident: “Perhaps the best part of my preparation for medical school were my mentors – my professors. I was fortunate enoug h to be in the good hands of the most dedicated faculty for teaching and advising on biology, research and pre-medicine.”
EMILY PARKER (political science major): “I always knew I wanted to be in public service, and an American politics class changed my life. I started taking more and more political classes – the professors here make it like a little family – and I became interested in seeing how policy happens and the way things work. Now I’ll get to see first-hand: I was chosen to intern in Washington, D.C., at the Department of Education.”
KATIE RASP, Assistant VP of credit risk: “My experience as a math major at NKU was instrumental in preparing me for my career at Fifth Third Bank. While so much of this preparation was academic – working with classmates on g roup projects and learning to better manage my time with a full class schedule – a g reat deal of my preparation can be attributed to my oncampus involvement.”
“Stretch” Banks
Unlike other universities, NKU undergraduate students are able to participate in research alongside world-renowned faculty. Eric “Stretch” Banks lived out his dream by working with biology professor Dr. Hazel Barton. Together they dug deep into the earth to see if microorganisms can survive in nutrient-starved environments. Barton has traveled all over the world – from Kentucky to Guatemala to Laos to Antarctica – with undergraduate students doing vital research.
One new project involves spending time in Kentucky caves investigating White-Nose Syndrome, a disease caused by a fungus that has killed more than a million bats in the northeast. “It’s one of the biggest wildlife crises of our time,” she says. And NKU students will be right there with her to help solve the problem.
For more information: artscience.nku.edu N o r t h e r n K e n t u c k y Un i v e r s i t y
College of Health Professions
carly Radiologic Technology major
Haile/US Bank College of Business
Earn an internationally recognized business degree from the Haile/ US Bank College of Business, which is accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business. Nationally, fewer than 15 percent of all business programs meet the rigorous academic standards of AACSB.
Haile/US BANK college of business Students work and co-op at companies such as: Cincinnati Bell Deloitte & Touche Duke Energy Fidelity Investments Fifth Third Bank General Electric 10
VIE W B OO K 2 0 1 1 – 2 0 1 2
Great American Insurance Kroger Messer PricewaterhouseCoopers Procter & Gamble Thornton Grant
When the St. Xavier Church in downtown Cincinnati needed a new visual identity, NKU was there to help. Students in Professor Mark Komanecky’s marketing and promotion class developed a new logo, tagline and website. The class is one of 60 at NKU this semester that helped our community.
reasons to consider top Haile/US Bank College of Business 1) N K U ’s e n t re p re n eu r s h i p m ajo r r a n k s a m o n g t h e 25 b e st p rog r a m s i n t h e n a t i o n . 2) Fe w e r t h a n 15 % o f t h e n a t i o n’s b u si n e ss c o l l e g e s m e et N K U ’s i n te r n a t i o n a l a c c re dit a t i o n . 3) N K U h a s c o -o p a n d i n te r n s h i p o p p o r t u n it i e s a va i l a b l e a t m ajo r c o r p o r a t i o n s . 4) N K U i s t h e o n l y s c h o o l i n t h e M id w e st to o f f e r a n u n d e rg r a d u a te d e g re e i n s p o r t s b u si n e ss . 5) T h e Pr i n c eto n R e vi e w l i ste d ou r M BA p rog r a m a m o n g t h e to p i n t h e c ou n t r y i n t h e 20 0 9 i ssu e.
For more information: cob.nku.edu
Dr. Denise Robinson, dean of NKU’s College of Health Professions, can see the future. “There will be a tremendous demand for healthcare access,” she says. “Health practitioners have been identified as one way to meet the need.” How does she know this? Because it’s already happening. There is a national need for health practitioners, and at NKU, students are meeting that need by using state-of-the-art technology to
reasons to consider The College of Health Professions
1) N K U h ea l t h p ro f e ssi o n s st ud e n t s h a ve a 9 0 -10 0 % pa ss r a te o n N C L E X exa m i n a t i o n s . 2) N K U re s p i r a to r y c a re g r a d u a te s h a ve a 99 % e m p l o y m e n t r a te. 3) C l i n i c a l si te s f o r Hea l t h Pro f e ssi o n s st ud e n t s i n c l ud e C i n c i n n a t i C h i l d re n’s Ho s p i t a l, St. E l iz a b et h ’s a n d ot h e r h ea l t h c a re fa c i l i t i e s . 4) St ud e n t s c a n a p p l y w h a t t h e y're l ea r n i n g o n st a te -o f -t h e -a r t h u m a n pa t i e n t si m u l a to r s . 5) M a ste r ’s p rog r a m s a va i l a b l e i n n u r si n g .
help develop their skills. From simulators that talk and breathe to a 12,000-square-foot virtual hospital operating area, NKU students are learning on the most up-to-date equipment available. And when they graduate, these NKU students will be able to fill that national need.
N ur si ng , R ad io lo gi c T ec hn ol gy an d R es pi ra to ry C ar e
For more information: healthprofessions.nku.edu N o r t h e r n K e n t u c k y Un i v e r s i t y
College of Health Professions
carly Radiologic Technology major
Haile/US Bank College of Business
Earn an internationally recognized business degree from the Haile/ US Bank College of Business, which is accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business. Nationally, fewer than 15 percent of all business programs meet the rigorous academic standards of AACSB.
Haile/US BANK college of business Students work and co-op at companies such as: Cincinnati Bell Deloitte & Touche Duke Energy Fidelity Investments Fifth Third Bank General Electric 10
VIE W B OO K 2 0 1 1 – 2 0 1 2
Great American Insurance Kroger Messer PricewaterhouseCoopers Procter & Gamble Thornton Grant
When the St. Xavier Church in downtown Cincinnati needed a new visual identity, NKU was there to help. Students in Professor Mark Komanecky’s marketing and promotion class developed a new logo, tagline and website. The class is one of 60 at NKU this semester that helped our community.
reasons to consider top Haile/US Bank College of Business 1) N K U ’s e n t re p re n eu r s h i p m ajo r r a n k s a m o n g t h e 25 b e st p rog r a m s i n t h e n a t i o n . 2) Fe w e r t h a n 15 % o f t h e n a t i o n’s b u si n e ss c o l l e g e s m e et N K U ’s i n te r n a t i o n a l a c c re dit a t i o n . 3) N K U h a s c o -o p a n d i n te r n s h i p o p p o r t u n it i e s a va i l a b l e a t m ajo r c o r p o r a t i o n s . 4) N K U i s t h e o n l y s c h o o l i n t h e M id w e st to o f f e r a n u n d e rg r a d u a te d e g re e i n s p o r t s b u si n e ss . 5) T h e Pr i n c eto n R e vi e w l i ste d ou r M BA p rog r a m a m o n g t h e to p i n t h e c ou n t r y i n t h e 20 0 9 i ssu e.
For more information: cob.nku.edu
Dr. Denise Robinson, dean of NKU’s College of Health Professions, can see the future. “There will be a tremendous demand for healthcare access,” she says. “Health practitioners have been identified as one way to meet the need.” How does she know this? Because it’s already happening. There is a national need for health practitioners, and at NKU, students are meeting that need by using state-of-the-art technology to
reasons to consider The College of Health Professions
1) N K U h ea l t h p ro f e ssi o n s st ud e n t s h a ve a 9 0 -10 0 % pa ss r a te o n N C L E X exa m i n a t i o n s . 2) N K U re s p i r a to r y c a re g r a d u a te s h a ve a 99 % e m p l o y m e n t r a te. 3) C l i n i c a l si te s f o r Hea l t h Pro f e ssi o n s st ud e n t s i n c l ud e C i n c i n n a t i C h i l d re n’s Ho s p i t a l, St. E l iz a b et h ’s a n d ot h e r h ea l t h c a re fa c i l i t i e s . 4) St ud e n t s c a n a p p l y w h a t t h e y're l ea r n i n g o n st a te -o f -t h e -a r t h u m a n pa t i e n t si m u l a to r s . 5) M a ste r ’s p rog r a m s a va i l a b l e i n n u r si n g .
help develop their skills. From simulators that talk and breathe to a 12,000-square-foot virtual hospital operating area, NKU students are learning on the most up-to-date equipment available. And when they graduate, these NKU students will be able to fill that national need.
N ur si ng , R ad io lo gi c T ec hn ol gy an d R es pi ra to ry C ar e
For more information: healthprofessions.nku.edu N o r t h e r n K e n t u c k y Un i v e r s i t y
03 13
College of Education and Human Services Offering a broad array of academic majors from social work to athletic training, College of Education and Human Services graduates shape our community in the fields of counseling, education and kinesiology.
reasons to consider top The College of Education and Human Services 1) N K U g r a d u a te s h a ve o n e o f Ke n t u c k y’s h ig h e st pa ss r a te s o n t h e N a t i o n a l Tea c h e r s’ E xa m . 2) C l i n i c a l e d u c a t i o n site s f o r a t h l et i c t r a i n i n g st ud e n t s i n c l ud e t h e C i n c i n n a t i B e n g a l s a n d C y c l o n e s a n d C h a r l ot te B o bc a t s . 3) N K U st ud e n t s h a ve o p p o r t u n it i e s to st ud e n ttea c h a rou n d t h e wo r ld - T h e U.S . De pa r t m e n t o f St a te a w a rd e d o n e o f f i ve I n te r n a t i o n a l L ea d e r i n E d u c a t i o n p rog r a m s to N K U. 4) S oc ia l wo r k e r e m p l o y m e n t i s ex p e cte d to i n c rea se m u c h fa ste r t h a n a l l ot h e r oc c u pa t i o n s t h rou g h 2016. 5) N K U st ud e n t s h a ve t h e o p p o r t u n it y to c o n t i n u e t h ei r e d u c a t i o n w it h m a ste r ’s d e g re e s i n e d u c a t i o n a n d s oc ia l wo r k .
keith justice
Athletic Training major
When he was in high school in Columbus, Ohio, Keith Justice knew what he wanted to do with his life. He wanted to be close to sports. He wanted to work in some kind of medical field. He wanted to be an athletic trainer. His path led him to NKU, where he was able to intern for the Cincinnati Bengals for two summers.
“NKU was intimate – it was a place where I could really get to know my professors,” Justice says. “And it also offered me the opportunity to do internships like the time I spent with the Bengals.” Always a football fan, Justice says it was surreal spending time in an NFL locker room. “You go out there and you see Chad Ochocinco – and you’re working alongside him,” Justice says. As an intern he spent most of his time taping up athletes, preparing the field for practice and taking care of athletes when they got hurt, giving them ice bags and massages, as well as transporting them to the hospital. Cornerback Morgan Trent even trusted Justice so much that he requested him by name to take him to the hospital when he was injured. “We’re still friends,” Justice says. “He even came to church with me once.” And what’s next for Justice? Graduate school, where he will eventually earn a master’s in teaching. Then he will become a high school teacher as well as an athletic trainer. “NKU prepared me for this,” he says. “I was given the academic opportunity, and it led me where I wanted to go.”
For more information: coehs.nku.edu 12
VIE W B OO K 2 0 1 1 – 2 0 1 2
N o r t h e r n K e n t u c k y Un i v e r s i t y
03 13
College of Education and Human Services Offering a broad array of academic majors from social work to athletic training, College of Education and Human Services graduates shape our community in the fields of counseling, education and kinesiology.
reasons to consider top The College of Education and Human Services 1) N K U g r a d u a te s h a ve o n e o f Ke n t u c k y’s h ig h e st pa ss r a te s o n t h e N a t i o n a l Tea c h e r s’ E xa m . 2) C l i n i c a l e d u c a t i o n site s f o r a t h l et i c t r a i n i n g st ud e n t s i n c l ud e t h e C i n c i n n a t i B e n g a l s a n d C y c l o n e s a n d C h a r l ot te B o bc a t s . 3) N K U st ud e n t s h a ve o p p o r t u n it i e s to st ud e n ttea c h a rou n d t h e wo r ld - T h e U.S . De pa r t m e n t o f St a te a w a rd e d o n e o f f i ve I n te r n a t i o n a l L ea d e r i n E d u c a t i o n p rog r a m s to N K U. 4) S oc ia l wo r k e r e m p l o y m e n t i s ex p e cte d to i n c rea se m u c h fa ste r t h a n a l l ot h e r oc c u pa t i o n s t h rou g h 2016. 5) N K U st ud e n t s h a ve t h e o p p o r t u n it y to c o n t i n u e t h ei r e d u c a t i o n w it h m a ste r ’s d e g re e s i n e d u c a t i o n a n d s oc ia l wo r k .
keith justice
Athletic Training major
When he was in high school in Columbus, Ohio, Keith Justice knew what he wanted to do with his life. He wanted to be close to sports. He wanted to work in some kind of medical field. He wanted to be an athletic trainer. His path led him to NKU, where he was able to intern for the Cincinnati Bengals for two summers.
“NKU was intimate – it was a place where I could really get to know my professors,” Justice says. “And it also offered me the opportunity to do internships like the time I spent with the Bengals.” Always a football fan, Justice says it was surreal spending time in an NFL locker room. “You go out there and you see Chad Ochocinco – and you’re working alongside him,” Justice says. As an intern he spent most of his time taping up athletes, preparing the field for practice and taking care of athletes when they got hurt, giving them ice bags and massages, as well as transporting them to the hospital. Cornerback Morgan Trent even trusted Justice so much that he requested him by name to take him to the hospital when he was injured. “We’re still friends,” Justice says. “He even came to church with me once.” And what’s next for Justice? Graduate school, where he will eventually earn a master’s in teaching. Then he will become a high school teacher as well as an athletic trainer. “NKU prepared me for this,” he says. “I was given the academic opportunity, and it led me where I wanted to go.”
For more information: coehs.nku.edu 12
VIE W B OO K 2 0 1 1 – 2 0 1 2
N o r t h e r n K e n t u c k y Un i v e r s i t y
College of Informatics The common thread of informatics is information – its acquisition, collection, analysis, manipulation, application, packaging, presentation and marketing. All of these activities involve informatics. It is where the science and technology that handle information meet the human arts and psychology of delivering it, bringing them together under a single theory of applied technology. Are you interested in, among other topics, communication and media, computer science, information technology or management information systems? Then you’re interested in informatics. You’re interested in your future. Who knows what that future will look like? We’ll leave that up to you.
VIE W B OO K 2 0 1 1 – 2 0 1 2
Business Informatics Communication Studies Computer Information Technology
Computer Science
Electronic Media & Broadcasting Journalism Media Informatics
Public Relations
reasons to consider The College of Informatics
Meet the new Center for Informatics – a unique and inviting state-ofthe-art facility where a new generation of professionals will build our information economy. It will feature the “genius bar,” a sort of multidiscipline technology help desk; research flex space; and a café as well as a digitorium and the CAVE, a computer-assisted virtual enviroment. In addition to being home to some of the most advanced digital technology available, the Center for Informatics will be the first “green” building on NKU’s campus, having been designed for LEED Silver certification.
“If you are a high school student
and want a career in an information discipline,
you should be submitting your
application to Northern Kentucky University for
and packing your bags Highland Heights. ”
- Frank Muehleman, VP, Dell Computers
Search NK U to get your f ree app. For more in f o r m a t io n : in f o r m a t ic s .n k u .e d u
Completion date May 2011
1) Fo r t u n e ma g az i n e sa ys ni n e of t h e 20 fa ste stg row i n g p rof e ssiona l jo b s i n t h e n ext d e c a d e w ill b e fou nd i n t h e field of i nfo r ma tic s. 2) N K U g r a dua te s m o re i nfo r ma tion field majo r s t ha n a n y ot h er Kent uc k y u ni ver sit y. 3) N K U ’s c om mu nic a tion g r a dua te s c a n b e fou nd a t majo r n ew spa p er s a nd tel evision a nd r a dio st a tions bot h reg io na ll y a nd na tiona ll y. 4) A n ew st a te-of- t h e-a r t i nfo r ma tic s fa cilit y is u nd er c o nst r uction . 5) T h e I nfr a st r uct u re M a na g em ent I nstit u te a t N K U g i ve s i nfo r ma tic s st ud ent s t h e opp o r t u nit y to expa nd t h ei r p o r tfolios w it h a nu m b er of p roje ct s t ha t i n c lud e web d evel opm ent, pu blic rela tions, h ea lt h c a re i nfo r ma tic s a nd m o re. N o r t h e r n K e n t u c k y Un i v e r s i t y
College of Informatics The common thread of informatics is information – its acquisition, collection, analysis, manipulation, application, packaging, presentation and marketing. All of these activities involve informatics. It is where the science and technology that handle information meet the human arts and psychology of delivering it, bringing them together under a single theory of applied technology. Are you interested in, among other topics, communication and media, computer science, information technology or management information systems? Then you’re interested in informatics. You’re interested in your future. Who knows what that future will look like? We’ll leave that up to you.
VIE W B OO K 2 0 1 1 – 2 0 1 2
Business Informatics Communication Studies Computer Information Technology
Computer Science
Electronic Media & Broadcasting Journalism Media Informatics
Public Relations
reasons to consider The College of Informatics
Meet the new Center for Informatics – a unique and inviting state-ofthe-art facility where a new generation of professionals will build our information economy. It will feature the “genius bar,” a sort of multidiscipline technology help desk; research flex space; and a café as well as a digitorium and the CAVE, a computer-assisted virtual enviroment. In addition to being home to some of the most advanced digital technology available, the Center for Informatics will be the first “green” building on NKU’s campus, having been designed for LEED Silver certification.
“If you are a high school student
and want a career in an information discipline,
you should be submitting your
application to Northern Kentucky University for
and packing your bags Highland Heights. ”
- Frank Muehleman, VP, Dell Computers
Search NK U to get your f ree app. For more in f o r m a t io n : in f o r m a t ic s .n k u .e d u
Completion date May 2011
1) Fo r t u n e ma g az i n e sa ys ni n e of t h e 20 fa ste stg row i n g p rof e ssiona l jo b s i n t h e n ext d e c a d e w ill b e fou nd i n t h e field of i nfo r ma tic s. 2) N K U g r a dua te s m o re i nfo r ma tion field majo r s t ha n a n y ot h er Kent uc k y u ni ver sit y. 3) N K U ’s c om mu nic a tion g r a dua te s c a n b e fou nd a t majo r n ew spa p er s a nd tel evision a nd r a dio st a tions bot h reg io na ll y a nd na tiona ll y. 4) A n ew st a te-of- t h e-a r t i nfo r ma tic s fa cilit y is u nd er c o nst r uction . 5) T h e I nfr a st r uct u re M a na g em ent I nstit u te a t N K U g i ve s i nfo r ma tic s st ud ent s t h e opp o r t u nit y to expa nd t h ei r p o r tfolios w it h a nu m b er of p roje ct s t ha t i n c lud e web d evel opm ent, pu blic rela tions, h ea lt h c a re i nfo r ma tic s a nd m o re. N o r t h e r n K e n t u c k y Un i v e r s i t y
new freedoms I responsibilities
Your dream starts here ...
Check out the most popular Starbucks beverage among NKU students a grande white chocolate mocha.
Sign up for any student organization that sounds interesting to you!
get connected NKU’s Office of First-Year Programs
Meet new people at FreshFusion The freshman experience at NKU is unique and dynamic. Take our hand. We’ll lead the way...
introduced The Book Connection in 2000 for our freshman students.
Get to know your academic advisor beyond your advising appointment.
The Book Connection seeks to bring students together with a shared reading experience while focusing on issues addressed in a popular fiction or nonfiction book. This year’s book is This I Believe, which was published in 2006 and is based on the NPR series of the same name that was founded in
Typical freshman schedule
1952 and hosted by Edward R. Murrow as a daily radio program. The book
*CMST 110 Introduction to Communication Studies; TR 1:40-2:55
features 80 short essays from all walks of life – from the famous like Colin
*EMB 100 Media Literacy; TR 9:25-10:40
Powell, Albert Einstein and Bill Gates
HR 101 Dreams Lost and Found; MWF 10:00-10:50
to the previously unknown like the
STA 205 Introduction to Statistical Methods; MWF 11:00-11:50
Succeed with Learning Assistance Programs
PSY 100 Introduction to Psychology; MWF 12:00-12:50
ones written by an attorney, an English professor and an events planner –
FreshFusion is the official welcome event for all new students.
completing the thought that begins the book’s title. There is something for
*Learning Community class
“The freshman 15” is very real… grab your friends and head to the Campus Recreation Center.
everyone in this thought-provoking collection that will inspire readers to think about the beliefs of others as well as what they believe in.
I am norse! Sign up for a Learning Community
Have fun at Pumpkin Bust 16
VIE W B OO K 2 0 1 1 – 2 0 1 2
A Learning Community is a small group of NKU students who take two or three popular courses together. By taking the same classes, these students make new friends, form study groups, participate in class discussions and get to know faculty more quickly than they might otherwise in nonLearning Community classes.
“I’m a member of the NKU community, and I seize every opportunity that I can. I make NKU what it needs to be for me. It is earning my degree, as well as my first step in a long and successful journey – through NKU I have been to London, spent a semester interning for the governor, and this summer I will be interning in Washington, D.C. So seize those opportunities and take advantage of what is offered to you!” Kevin Golden, student government president, political science major N o r t h e r n K e n t u c k y Un i v e r s i t y
new freedoms I responsibilities
Your dream starts here ...
Check out the most popular Starbucks beverage among NKU students a grande white chocolate mocha.
Sign up for any student organization that sounds interesting to you!
get connected NKU’s Office of First-Year Programs
Meet new people at FreshFusion The freshman experience at NKU is unique and dynamic. Take our hand. We’ll lead the way...
introduced The Book Connection in 2000 for our freshman students.
Get to know your academic advisor beyond your advising appointment.
The Book Connection seeks to bring students together with a shared reading experience while focusing on issues addressed in a popular fiction or nonfiction book. This year’s book is This I Believe, which was published in 2006 and is based on the NPR series of the same name that was founded in
Typical freshman schedule
1952 and hosted by Edward R. Murrow as a daily radio program. The book
*CMST 110 Introduction to Communication Studies; TR 1:40-2:55
features 80 short essays from all walks of life – from the famous like Colin
*EMB 100 Media Literacy; TR 9:25-10:40
Powell, Albert Einstein and Bill Gates
HR 101 Dreams Lost and Found; MWF 10:00-10:50
to the previously unknown like the
STA 205 Introduction to Statistical Methods; MWF 11:00-11:50
Succeed with Learning Assistance Programs
PSY 100 Introduction to Psychology; MWF 12:00-12:50
ones written by an attorney, an English professor and an events planner –
FreshFusion is the official welcome event for all new students.
completing the thought that begins the book’s title. There is something for
*Learning Community class
“The freshman 15” is very real… grab your friends and head to the Campus Recreation Center.
everyone in this thought-provoking collection that will inspire readers to think about the beliefs of others as well as what they believe in.
I am norse! Sign up for a Learning Community
Have fun at Pumpkin Bust 16
VIE W B OO K 2 0 1 1 – 2 0 1 2
A Learning Community is a small group of NKU students who take two or three popular courses together. By taking the same classes, these students make new friends, form study groups, participate in class discussions and get to know faculty more quickly than they might otherwise in nonLearning Community classes.
“I’m a member of the NKU community, and I seize every opportunity that I can. I make NKU what it needs to be for me. It is earning my degree, as well as my first step in a long and successful journey – through NKU I have been to London, spent a semester interning for the governor, and this summer I will be interning in Washington, D.C. So seize those opportunities and take advantage of what is offered to you!” Kevin Golden, student government president, political science major N o r t h e r n K e n t u c k y Un i v e r s i t y
19 Callahan Hall
NKU Honors Program Here in the NKU Honors Program, engage in experiential learning, pursue independent research and travel abroad. We offer you the opportunity to stretch your imagination in interdisciplinary honors seminars, challenging you to go farther than you could ever dream. Enjoy the many perks offered to Honors students: -Register for unique, creative courses. -Participate in course-related travel. -Learn in a community with your peers. -Graduate as a University Honors Scholar, a distinction that will appear on your transcripts and diploma. -Work one on one with an NKU professor on your capstone project. -Present your research at national conferences.
Honors courses come to life! Where will your dreams take you? • Study fair-trade coffee issues, including a visit to a coffee plantation in the Dominican Republic. • Travel to Berlin over spring break as part of the Berlin in History and Culture course. • Travel to South Africa to study education practices in other countries.
VIE W B OO K 2 0 1 1 – 2 0 1 2
Honors admission requirements We look for: • Demonstrated curiosity about a wide range of subjects. • Successful secondary school preparation (AP, IB or honors courses). • An ACT composite of 26+ or SAT of 1170+. Students admitted to the university with a 3.8+ GPA, 26+ ACT English score and 27+ ACT composite will not be required to apply for admission but will be invited to join the honors program as an Honors Fellow. The honors admission application can be found at honors.nku.edu.
popular Honors Seminars
1) Ha r r y Pot ter G o e s G l o ba l: E xa mi n e t h e g l o ba l na t u re of t h e Ha r r y Pot ter ph en om en on a nd t h e p ower of la n g ua g e. 2) B ei n g B o b D yla n: E xpl o re t h e field of p erfo r ma n c e st udie s a s it rela te s to on e of t h e m ost u niqu e a nd visiona r y c ha r a cter s of t h e A m eric a n music s c en e. 3) Wo r ld Histo r y t h roug h a Doz en M ea ls: E xa mi n e wo r ld reg ions a nd c ult u re s t h roug h a serie s of di n n er semi na r s. 4) T h em e Pa r k s i n A m eric a n C ult u re: St ud y p opula r c ult u re, p erfo r ma n c e, fol k l o re a nd fil m, w hil e c onducti n g a c a d emic field re sea rc h i n t his g rou nd b rea k i n g c ou r se. 5) E c of emi nism: Dis c uss issu e s of socia l justic e a nd it s rela tionship to ou r e c ol og ic a l d evel opm ent.
Honors Community Live and learn with other honors students in the honors wing of Callahan Hall. Designed to support student learning and personal development, this inclusive community fosters friendship, collaboration and a love for learning. Some honors courses are taught in this residence hall. Callahan Hall is located adjacent to campus with convenient shuttle service. 2010-11 room rates, per semester. All rates are subject to change. Callahan Hall double w/full bath $2,650 / $2,400
See floor plan example above. Callahan Hall double w/half bath $2,250 / $2,050 Callahan Hall quad w/full bath $2,300 Callahan Hall is a coed residence hall with single-gender double and quad rooms.
N o r t h e r n K e n t u c k y Un i v e r s i t y
19 Callahan Hall
NKU Honors Program Here in the NKU Honors Program, engage in experiential learning, pursue independent research and travel abroad. We offer you the opportunity to stretch your imagination in interdisciplinary honors seminars, challenging you to go farther than you could ever dream. Enjoy the many perks offered to Honors students: -Register for unique, creative courses. -Participate in course-related travel. -Learn in a community with your peers. -Graduate as a University Honors Scholar, a distinction that will appear on your transcripts and diploma. -Work one on one with an NKU professor on your capstone project. -Present your research at national conferences.
Honors courses come to life! Where will your dreams take you? • Study fair-trade coffee issues, including a visit to a coffee plantation in the Dominican Republic. • Travel to Berlin over spring break as part of the Berlin in History and Culture course. • Travel to South Africa to study education practices in other countries.
VIE W B OO K 2 0 1 1 – 2 0 1 2
Honors admission requirements We look for: • Demonstrated curiosity about a wide range of subjects. • Successful secondary school preparation (AP, IB or honors courses). • An ACT composite of 26+ or SAT of 1170+. Students admitted to the university with a 3.8+ GPA, 26+ ACT English score and 27+ ACT composite will not be required to apply for admission but will be invited to join the honors program as an Honors Fellow. The honors admission application can be found at honors.nku.edu.
popular Honors Seminars
1) Ha r r y Pot ter G o e s G l o ba l: E xa mi n e t h e g l o ba l na t u re of t h e Ha r r y Pot ter ph en om en on a nd t h e p ower of la n g ua g e. 2) B ei n g B o b D yla n: E xpl o re t h e field of p erfo r ma n c e st udie s a s it rela te s to on e of t h e m ost u niqu e a nd visiona r y c ha r a cter s of t h e A m eric a n music s c en e. 3) Wo r ld Histo r y t h roug h a Doz en M ea ls: E xa mi n e wo r ld reg ions a nd c ult u re s t h roug h a serie s of di n n er semi na r s. 4) T h em e Pa r k s i n A m eric a n C ult u re: St ud y p opula r c ult u re, p erfo r ma n c e, fol k l o re a nd fil m, w hil e c onducti n g a c a d emic field re sea rc h i n t his g rou nd b rea k i n g c ou r se. 5) E c of emi nism: Dis c uss issu e s of socia l justic e a nd it s rela tionship to ou r e c ol og ic a l d evel opm ent.
Honors Community Live and learn with other honors students in the honors wing of Callahan Hall. Designed to support student learning and personal development, this inclusive community fosters friendship, collaboration and a love for learning. Some honors courses are taught in this residence hall. Callahan Hall is located adjacent to campus with convenient shuttle service. 2010-11 room rates, per semester. All rates are subject to change. Callahan Hall double w/full bath $2,650 / $2,400
See floor plan example above. Callahan Hall double w/half bath $2,250 / $2,050 Callahan Hall quad w/full bath $2,300 Callahan Hall is a coed residence hall with single-gender double and quad rooms.
N o r t h e r n K e n t u c k y Un i v e r s i t y
Have you always dreamt of studying abroad? Do you value the importance of having a global perspective? The answer is NKU. NKU is seeking more foreign students, encouraging domestic students to study abroad, exchanging faculty with foreign schools and adding international themes to classes as part of an effort to internationalize the campus. “Our goal is to produce
graduates who have a global perspective and to create a campus that reflects international breadth,” says NKU President James Votruba.
Meet students
92 countries
from more than
Get your passport ready. studyabr oad.nku.e du Mexico
Growing up with military parents, Erin spent most of her childhood in Hawaii, and when they moved to Kentucky, she began her search for a college. She searched all over the country for the right fit.
Anthropology major
Erin Kelley wanted to see the world. She wanted to travel, to study other cultures, to meet new people. So she came to NKU.
“I looked at all kinds of colleges from New York to Florida, and NKU was the first college I could actually see myself attending,” she says. “I could see myself hanging out here, walking around campus, meeting friends.” It was the diversity of people on campus that influenced her. “I can’t picture anybody not being able to make friends here,” she says. “The different religions, different countries, different styles – it was all here.” Of course, NKU offered the right program for Erin – anthropology – and it offered various study abroad opportunities. “I’ve gone on four separate study abroad trips – Ireland, Mexico, Peru and Nicaragua,” she says. “You can get knowledge from a book, but you can’t taste the food or meet the people or interact with the culture.” After graduation she hopes to continue to travel and study other cultures.
Machu Picchu in Urubamba Valley, Peru 20
VIE W B OO K 2 0 1 1 – 2 0 1 2
“I started off with a dream,” she says, “and NKU was able to help me follow it.” N o r t h e r n K e n t u c k y Un i v e r s i t y
Have you always dreamt of studying abroad? Do you value the importance of having a global perspective? The answer is NKU. NKU is seeking more foreign students, encouraging domestic students to study abroad, exchanging faculty with foreign schools and adding international themes to classes as part of an effort to internationalize the campus. “Our goal is to produce
graduates who have a global perspective and to create a campus that reflects international breadth,” says NKU President James Votruba.
Meet students
92 countries
from more than
Get your passport ready. studyabr oad.nku.e du Mexico
Growing up with military parents, Erin spent most of her childhood in Hawaii, and when they moved to Kentucky, she began her search for a college. She searched all over the country for the right fit.
Anthropology major
Erin Kelley wanted to see the world. She wanted to travel, to study other cultures, to meet new people. So she came to NKU.
“I looked at all kinds of colleges from New York to Florida, and NKU was the first college I could actually see myself attending,” she says. “I could see myself hanging out here, walking around campus, meeting friends.” It was the diversity of people on campus that influenced her. “I can’t picture anybody not being able to make friends here,” she says. “The different religions, different countries, different styles – it was all here.” Of course, NKU offered the right program for Erin – anthropology – and it offered various study abroad opportunities. “I’ve gone on four separate study abroad trips – Ireland, Mexico, Peru and Nicaragua,” she says. “You can get knowledge from a book, but you can’t taste the food or meet the people or interact with the culture.” After graduation she hopes to continue to travel and study other cultures.
Machu Picchu in Urubamba Valley, Peru 20
VIE W B OO K 2 0 1 1 – 2 0 1 2
“I started off with a dream,” she says, “and NKU was able to help me follow it.” N o r t h e r n K e n t u c k y Un i v e r s i t y
You’ll find these organizations and many more at NKU:
Beyond the classroom
Collegiate Entrepreneur’s Organization Norse Leadership Society Anointed Voices Gospel Choir Hockey Club Black Men’s Organization Student Affiliates of the American Chemical Society Norse Force STAR – Students Together Against Racism Norse Film Society Student Government Association *View a complete list Latino Student Union of all NKU student RAD to the Bone organizations and clubs at Women in Informatics studentlife.nku.edu Schools for Schools
Yell Like Hell
Student organizations compete with chants and cheers to show their Norse pride. This is the loudest event of Homecoming week.
With more than 200 student organizations, it’s easy to be involved in campus life and learn outside the classroom. Organizations range from sororities and fraternities to leadership development organizations, campus ministries to academic clubs, multicultural programs to awardwinning student media groups. Involvement in student organizations provides a chance for career networking, leadership development, and campus and community service and is another way to gain experience for your résumé. Students involved in campus organizations tend to have higher GPAs, too. Student Publications • The Northerner • The Licking River Review • Norse Expressed • The Lost Cause
23 Graphic Design major
For Toni Coleman, there were a few things that mattered more than others when she was looking for a college – small class sizes and lots of extra-curricular opportunities. And one other thing – she needed multicultural opportunities. She found them at NKU. “Being half black and half Puerto Rican, I knew I definitely wanted to tap in to any multicultural organizations that this campus had to offer, and it was actually easy,” she says. “The offices of African American and Latino Student Affairs have friendly staff willing to help you with any problem. Both of these offices have student organizations directly linked to them and produce many great events throughout the year for students, faculty and members of the community.” So that was it. The 18-year-old from Louisville, Ky., decided to come to NKU and major in graphic design.
Vol u nte e r! J oi n f el l o w st ud e nt s to m a k e a dif f e re n c e a t N K U a n d i n t h e c o m m u n it i e s su r rou n di n g ou r c a m p u s . A t e ve nt s li k e S e r vi c e o n S a t u rda y, st ud e nt s pa r t i c i pa te i n vol u nte e r p rog r a m s t h a t g i ve ba c k to t h e l oc a l c o m m u n it y.
“I’ve met so many new people at NKU and made a lot of long-lasting friendships,” she says. “School is also fairly close – but far enough from home – as well as close to the alwaysexciting city of Cincinnati.”
Get involved: studentlife.nku.edu | latino.nku.edu | aasa.nku.edu
Anointed Voices Gospel Choir
Student Media SORORITIES • Alpha Kappa Alpha • Delta Gamma • Delta Sigma Theta • Delta Zeta • Kappa Delta 22
• WRFN (student radio) • WNTV (campus TV)
FRATERNITIES • Phi Sigma Sigma • Sigma Gamma Rho • Theta Phi Alpha • Zeta Phi Beta
VIE W B OO K 2 0 1 1 – 2 0 1 2
• Alpha Phi Alpha • Alpha Tau Omega • Kappa Alpha Psi • Phi Kappa Tau • Phi Beta Sigma
• Pi Kappa Alpha • Sigma Phi Epsilon • Tau Kappa Epsilon
long-lasting friendships N o r t h e r n K e n t u c k y Un i v e r s i t y
You’ll find these organizations and many more at NKU:
Beyond the classroom
Collegiate Entrepreneur’s Organization Norse Leadership Society Anointed Voices Gospel Choir Hockey Club Black Men’s Organization Student Affiliates of the American Chemical Society Norse Force STAR – Students Together Against Racism Norse Film Society Student Government Association *View a complete list Latino Student Union of all NKU student RAD to the Bone organizations and clubs at Women in Informatics studentlife.nku.edu Schools for Schools
Yell Like Hell
Student organizations compete with chants and cheers to show their Norse pride. This is the loudest event of Homecoming week.
With more than 200 student organizations, it’s easy to be involved in campus life and learn outside the classroom. Organizations range from sororities and fraternities to leadership development organizations, campus ministries to academic clubs, multicultural programs to awardwinning student media groups. Involvement in student organizations provides a chance for career networking, leadership development, and campus and community service and is another way to gain experience for your résumé. Students involved in campus organizations tend to have higher GPAs, too. Student Publications • The Northerner • The Licking River Review • Norse Expressed • The Lost Cause
23 Graphic Design major
For Toni Coleman, there were a few things that mattered more than others when she was looking for a college – small class sizes and lots of extra-curricular opportunities. And one other thing – she needed multicultural opportunities. She found them at NKU. “Being half black and half Puerto Rican, I knew I definitely wanted to tap in to any multicultural organizations that this campus had to offer, and it was actually easy,” she says. “The offices of African American and Latino Student Affairs have friendly staff willing to help you with any problem. Both of these offices have student organizations directly linked to them and produce many great events throughout the year for students, faculty and members of the community.” So that was it. The 18-year-old from Louisville, Ky., decided to come to NKU and major in graphic design.
Vol u nte e r! J oi n f el l o w st ud e nt s to m a k e a dif f e re n c e a t N K U a n d i n t h e c o m m u n it i e s su r rou n di n g ou r c a m p u s . A t e ve nt s li k e S e r vi c e o n S a t u rda y, st ud e nt s pa r t i c i pa te i n vol u nte e r p rog r a m s t h a t g i ve ba c k to t h e l oc a l c o m m u n it y.
“I’ve met so many new people at NKU and made a lot of long-lasting friendships,” she says. “School is also fairly close – but far enough from home – as well as close to the alwaysexciting city of Cincinnati.”
Get involved: studentlife.nku.edu | latino.nku.edu | aasa.nku.edu
Anointed Voices Gospel Choir
Student Media SORORITIES • Alpha Kappa Alpha • Delta Gamma • Delta Sigma Theta • Delta Zeta • Kappa Delta 22
• WRFN (student radio) • WNTV (campus TV)
FRATERNITIES • Phi Sigma Sigma • Sigma Gamma Rho • Theta Phi Alpha • Zeta Phi Beta
VIE W B OO K 2 0 1 1 – 2 0 1 2
• Alpha Phi Alpha • Alpha Tau Omega • Kappa Alpha Psi • Phi Kappa Tau • Phi Beta Sigma
• Pi Kappa Alpha • Sigma Phi Epsilon • Tau Kappa Epsilon
long-lasting friendships N o r t h e r n K e n t u c k y Un i v e r s i t y
Beyond the classroom “Was it all a dream? Tell me – was it all a dream? I gotta know,” Jay-Z asks in his song , “A Dream.”
NKU Leadership Institute NKLI offers training for students in leadership theory and real-life application. The program consists of an Emerging Leaders Conference, service leadership opportunities, on-campus conferences for student leaders, the Norse Leadership Society retreat, leadership education and development classes, and a leadership resource center.
Flag Football
campus ministries Intramural and Club Sports Meet new people and light your competitive fires by participating in intramural sports. Sand volleyball, flag football and table tennis are just a few of the more than 30 competitive intramural activities. Take the initiative to start your own club sport if there is not an existing club that interests you – lacrosse, ice hockey and taekwondo were each organized and created by NKU students.
Let us introduce you to a sport called Hantis, a mix of handball and tennis. More than 30 athletes participate in this official club sport, which was created at NKU in 2009.
VIE W B OO K 2 0 1 1 – 2 0 1 2
Well, we can confirm it was definitely not a dream – Brooklyn’s Finest became the first act to sell out The Bank of Kentucky Center at NKU in October 2009.
Campus ministries allow you the opportunity to make your faith an integral part of the university experience. NKU’s Baptist Student Union members spent Spring Break traveling to various locales throughout Kentucky to lend a hand with construction projects and other community needs.
NKU events in the past few years Jay-Z Dane Cook Buckcherry
Carrie Underwood Lloyd Schwartz Alan Jackson
Jeff Dunham Papa Roach Trace Adkins
Harold Ford, Jr. Martina McBride Daughtry
N o r t h e r n K e n t u c k y Un i v e r s i t y
Sylvia Mendez Jason Alden Breaking Benjamin
Beyond the classroom “Was it all a dream? Tell me – was it all a dream? I gotta know,” Jay-Z asks in his song , “A Dream.”
NKU Leadership Institute NKLI offers training for students in leadership theory and real-life application. The program consists of an Emerging Leaders Conference, service leadership opportunities, on-campus conferences for student leaders, the Norse Leadership Society retreat, leadership education and development classes, and a leadership resource center.
Flag Football
campus ministries Intramural and Club Sports Meet new people and light your competitive fires by participating in intramural sports. Sand volleyball, flag football and table tennis are just a few of the more than 30 competitive intramural activities. Take the initiative to start your own club sport if there is not an existing club that interests you – lacrosse, ice hockey and taekwondo were each organized and created by NKU students.
Let us introduce you to a sport called Hantis, a mix of handball and tennis. More than 30 athletes participate in this official club sport, which was created at NKU in 2009.
VIE W B OO K 2 0 1 1 – 2 0 1 2
Well, we can confirm it was definitely not a dream – Brooklyn’s Finest became the first act to sell out The Bank of Kentucky Center at NKU in October 2009.
Campus ministries allow you the opportunity to make your faith an integral part of the university experience. NKU’s Baptist Student Union members spent Spring Break traveling to various locales throughout Kentucky to lend a hand with construction projects and other community needs.
NKU events in the past few years Jay-Z Dane Cook Buckcherry
Carrie Underwood Lloyd Schwartz Alan Jackson
Jeff Dunham Papa Roach Trace Adkins
Harold Ford, Jr. Martina McBride Daughtry
N o r t h e r n K e n t u c k y Un i v e r s i t y
Sylvia Mendez Jason Alden Breaking Benjamin
Norse Athletics “A lot of people in this world don’t ever get a chance to realize their dream,” says NKU women’s basketball coach Nancy Winstel. But at NKU, it’s a different story. Here at NKU we play for national championships – Winstel has won two of them, in 2000 and 2008. Our players, coaches and facilities are second to none. “We are training and pushing ourselves to the limit because we do want to go far and we know we’re capable of it,” says NKU basketball star Rachel Lantry. Big dreams – that has a familiar ring to it.
The Norse have emerged as one of the most highly recognized NCAA Division II athletics programs in the nation. As a member of the Great Lakes Valley Conference, NKU has captured the Great Lakes Valley Conference All-Sports Trophy six times in the past 10 years as well as claiming the coveted GLVC Commissioner’s Cup five of the past seven years.
What is a Norse? To us, it means anyone who dares to dream. “Norseman” was the name given to men from the northernmost regions of Europe more than 1,000 years ago. Norse warriors took their shields and swords into battle on large warships with dragon figureheads they used to intimidate their opposition. It is a fitting nickname given our location in the northernmost part of the state, our proximity to the river and our adventurous spirit.
NCAA Women: Basketball, Cross-country, Golf, Softball, Soccer, Tennis and Volleyball Men: Baseball, Basketball, Cross Country, Golf, Soccer and Tennis Spirit Groups: Cheerleading, Norse Force, Dance Team, Pep Band
For more information: Office of Intercollegiate Athletics (859) 572-5193 www.nkunorse.com
VIE W B OO K 2 0 1 1 – 2 0 1 2
N o r t h e r n K e n t u c k y Un i v e r s i t y
Norse Athletics “A lot of people in this world don’t ever get a chance to realize their dream,” says NKU women’s basketball coach Nancy Winstel. But at NKU, it’s a different story. Here at NKU we play for national championships – Winstel has won two of them, in 2000 and 2008. Our players, coaches and facilities are second to none. “We are training and pushing ourselves to the limit because we do want to go far and we know we’re capable of it,” says NKU basketball star Rachel Lantry. Big dreams – that has a familiar ring to it.
The Norse have emerged as one of the most highly recognized NCAA Division II athletics programs in the nation. As a member of the Great Lakes Valley Conference, NKU has captured the Great Lakes Valley Conference All-Sports Trophy six times in the past 10 years as well as claiming the coveted GLVC Commissioner’s Cup five of the past seven years.
What is a Norse? To us, it means anyone who dares to dream. “Norseman” was the name given to men from the northernmost regions of Europe more than 1,000 years ago. Norse warriors took their shields and swords into battle on large warships with dragon figureheads they used to intimidate their opposition. It is a fitting nickname given our location in the northernmost part of the state, our proximity to the river and our adventurous spirit.
NCAA Women: Basketball, Cross-country, Golf, Softball, Soccer, Tennis and Volleyball Men: Baseball, Basketball, Cross Country, Golf, Soccer and Tennis Spirit Groups: Cheerleading, Norse Force, Dance Team, Pep Band
For more information: Office of Intercollegiate Athletics (859) 572-5193 www.nkunorse.com
VIE W B OO K 2 0 1 1 – 2 0 1 2
N o r t h e r n K e n t u c k y Un i v e r s i t y
29 New students who live outside a reasonable commuting distance of the Northern Kentucky/Greater Cincinnati area are required to live on campus. 2010-11 room rates, per semester. All rates are subject to change. $1,710 $2,800 $2,425 $2,035
Kentucky & Commonwealth halls University Suites single room University Suites double room Norse Hall
The average meal plan is $1,344 a semester. Your choices range from unlimited meals to 125 meals a semester to two meals a day to 15 meals a week, plus all plans come with FLEX Dollars. University Housing Deadline: May 1
Norse Hall
Life on campus “I’m heading into my fourth year living on campus, and I wouldn’t have it any other way! Living on campus really helps me focus on my schoolwork and keeps me more active in campus life. Most of the g reat friends I have made since starting at NKU were people who I met while living on campus!” Ashley Pyles, middle grades math & social studies education; Hometown: Independence, Ky.
VIE W B OO K 2 0 1 1 – 2 0 1 2
Kentucky & Commonwealth "One snow day, I spent 3 hours making a fort with my floor and then we all went to Pizza Hut." Josh Bohl, finance major; Hometown: Lancaster, Ohio
University Suites
What’s for dinner? Catch up with friends at one of 16 dining locations. Choose from buffet-style to fast-food options. • A sushi or salad bar • All-you-can-eat buffet • Pizza • Starbucks • Asian noodle station • Convenience stores
University Suites
Take a virtual tour of the residential village at housing.nku.edu
N o r t h e r n K e n t u c k y Un i v e r s i t y
29 New students who live outside a reasonable commuting distance of the Northern Kentucky/Greater Cincinnati area are required to live on campus. 2010-11 room rates, per semester. All rates are subject to change. $1,710 $2,800 $2,425 $2,035
Kentucky & Commonwealth halls University Suites single room University Suites double room Norse Hall
The average meal plan is $1,344 a semester. Your choices range from unlimited meals to 125 meals a semester to two meals a day to 15 meals a week, plus all plans come with FLEX Dollars. University Housing Deadline: May 1
Norse Hall
Life on campus “I’m heading into my fourth year living on campus, and I wouldn’t have it any other way! Living on campus really helps me focus on my schoolwork and keeps me more active in campus life. Most of the g reat friends I have made since starting at NKU were people who I met while living on campus!” Ashley Pyles, middle grades math & social studies education; Hometown: Independence, Ky.
VIE W B OO K 2 0 1 1 – 2 0 1 2
Kentucky & Commonwealth "One snow day, I spent 3 hours making a fort with my floor and then we all went to Pizza Hut." Josh Bohl, finance major; Hometown: Lancaster, Ohio
University Suites
What’s for dinner? Catch up with friends at one of 16 dining locations. Choose from buffet-style to fast-food options. • A sushi or salad bar • All-you-can-eat buffet • Pizza • Starbucks • Asian noodle station • Convenience stores
University Suites
Take a virtual tour of the residential village at housing.nku.edu
N o r t h e r n K e n t u c k y Un i v e r s i t y
Realizing your dream Sometimes chasing a dream is scary. Like when you graduate and realize you want to be an actress. So you pack up your things and you move to L.A. and you use all your training – how to do a voiceover, how to shoot a commercial, how to speak on camera. And you work, because that’s how dreams are made. You land your first movie role, then your first television project. Your friends see your face in their living rooms. For 2007 alumna Galadriel Stineman, dreams are becoming reality, as she auditions for roles in California. “If you’re the one person at the end who gets the role, you feel like you’ve won the lottery,” she says.
07, alumna Informatics Los Angeles
Airheads and Mentos. It’s the stuff dreams are made of – at least for George Wilson. Wilson is the logistics manager at Perfetti Van Melle, which is most known in the U.S. as the maker of Airheads, Mentos and other candies.
george ,
98, alum Finance
But NKU also fostered the perfect environment for Wilson to mature as a person outside the classroom. “I participated in various activities and organizations while I was there, which provided opportunities for interaction and exposed to me many different situations that aid me in my career today,” he says. “Many of the most meaningful relationships that I have today were formed while I was a student there.” Wilson went on to earn his Master of Business Administration and will graduate with a law degree in 2011. VIE W B OO K 2 0 1 1 – 2 0 1 2
“I just had to believe in myself and hope that would be enough,” Stineman says of her decision to go to Hollywood. “I knew this was the time.”
Visit NKU go beyond experience NKU for yourself
the brochures and
visit visit.nku.edu Black & Gold Day We suggest you visit during one of our Black and Gold Days if you wish to talk with NKU professors. Saturday, November 13, 2010 Saturday, December 4, 2010 Norse days Throughout the fall and spring semesters, Norse Days consist of a smallgroup information session with an admissions counselor followed by a student-guided walking tour of our modern campus and university housing village. A Norse Day will last about 2.5 hours. Norse Days are held weekly at 10 a.m. or 1 p.m.
“In short, I’m responsible for managing the product flow from our suppliers all the way to the end customer,” Wilson says. “I love my job because I’m able to utilize so many different disciplines that I learned while I was at NKU, including finance, operations management and accounting.”
Stineman has starred in a movie for the Cartoon Network as well as an indie film with Vivica A. Fox.
Review a complete list of visits, or to make reservations, visit us online at visit.nku.edu or call our Welcome Center at (859) 572-1400 or toll free at (800) 637-9948. Reservations required for all visits.
apply apply.nku.edu Freshman Admission Procedures To be considered for undergraduate admission, you must: • Apply for admission online and pay a $25 application fee. • Submit ACT/SAT scores (ACT code 1566; SAT code 1574). • Submit high school transcripts or GED scores. • Ask your guidance counselor to complete a Pre-College Curriculum form (page 32).
Apply online: apply.nku.edu Freshman Deadlines January 15, 2011 – Early action and freshman scholarship deadline March 1, 2011 – Recommended priority deadline for filing the FAFSA May 1, 2011 – Freshman assured consideration deadline May 1, 2011 – University housing deadline May 1, 2011 – Enrollment confirmation deadline
N o r t h e r n K e n t u c k y Un i v e r s i t y
Realizing your dream Sometimes chasing a dream is scary. Like when you graduate and realize you want to be an actress. So you pack up your things and you move to L.A. and you use all your training – how to do a voiceover, how to shoot a commercial, how to speak on camera. And you work, because that’s how dreams are made. You land your first movie role, then your first television project. Your friends see your face in their living rooms. For 2007 alumna Galadriel Stineman, dreams are becoming reality, as she auditions for roles in California. “If you’re the one person at the end who gets the role, you feel like you’ve won the lottery,” she says.
07, alumna Informatics Los Angeles
Airheads and Mentos. It’s the stuff dreams are made of – at least for George Wilson. Wilson is the logistics manager at Perfetti Van Melle, which is most known in the U.S. as the maker of Airheads, Mentos and other candies.
george ,
98, alum Finance
But NKU also fostered the perfect environment for Wilson to mature as a person outside the classroom. “I participated in various activities and organizations while I was there, which provided opportunities for interaction and exposed to me many different situations that aid me in my career today,” he says. “Many of the most meaningful relationships that I have today were formed while I was a student there.” Wilson went on to earn his Master of Business Administration and will graduate with a law degree in 2011. VIE W B OO K 2 0 1 1 – 2 0 1 2
“I just had to believe in myself and hope that would be enough,” Stineman says of her decision to go to Hollywood. “I knew this was the time.”
Visit NKU go beyond experience NKU for yourself
the brochures and
visit visit.nku.edu Black & Gold Day We suggest you visit during one of our Black and Gold Days if you wish to talk with NKU professors. Saturday, November 13, 2010 Saturday, December 4, 2010 Norse days Throughout the fall and spring semesters, Norse Days consist of a smallgroup information session with an admissions counselor followed by a student-guided walking tour of our modern campus and university housing village. A Norse Day will last about 2.5 hours. Norse Days are held weekly at 10 a.m. or 1 p.m.
“In short, I’m responsible for managing the product flow from our suppliers all the way to the end customer,” Wilson says. “I love my job because I’m able to utilize so many different disciplines that I learned while I was at NKU, including finance, operations management and accounting.”
Stineman has starred in a movie for the Cartoon Network as well as an indie film with Vivica A. Fox.
Review a complete list of visits, or to make reservations, visit us online at visit.nku.edu or call our Welcome Center at (859) 572-1400 or toll free at (800) 637-9948. Reservations required for all visits.
apply apply.nku.edu Freshman Admission Procedures To be considered for undergraduate admission, you must: • Apply for admission online and pay a $25 application fee. • Submit ACT/SAT scores (ACT code 1566; SAT code 1574). • Submit high school transcripts or GED scores. • Ask your guidance counselor to complete a Pre-College Curriculum form (page 32).
Apply online: apply.nku.edu Freshman Deadlines January 15, 2011 – Early action and freshman scholarship deadline March 1, 2011 – Recommended priority deadline for filing the FAFSA May 1, 2011 – Freshman assured consideration deadline May 1, 2011 – University housing deadline May 1, 2011 – Enrollment confirmation deadline
N o r t h e r n K e n t u c k y Un i v e r s i t y
College of Arts & Sciences A S S OCIATE DEGREE p r o g r a m s Criminal Justice Integrative Studies
B AC H ELOR ’ S DEGREE p r o g r a m s Anthropology Art Biological Sciences Chemistry Criminal Justice Electronic Engineering Technology English Environmental Science French Geography Geology German Graphic Design History Integrative Studies International Studies Manufacturing & Mechanical Engineering Technology Mathematics Music Organizational Leadership Philosophy Physics Political Science Psychology Social Studies Sociology Spanish Statistics Theatre
Haile/US Bank College of Business
College of Health Professions
A S S OCIATE DEGREE p r o g r a m s
A S S OCIATE DEGREE p r o g r a m s
Construction Technology Pre-Business Studies
Radiologic Technology Respiratory Care
B AC H ELOR ’ S DEGREE p r o g r a m s
B AC H ELOR ’ S DEGREE p r o g r a m s
Accountancy Business Administration Business Education Career & Technical Education Construction Management Economics Entrepreneurship Finance Human Resource Management Management Marketing Sports Business
College of Education & Human Services
College of Informatics B AC H ELOR ’ S DEGREE p r o g r a m s Business Informatics Communication Studies Computer Information Technology Computer Science Electronic Media & Broadcasting Journalism Library Informatics Media Informatics Public Relations
B AC H ELOR ’ S DEGREE p r o g r a m s Athletic Training Counseling and Human Services Early Childhood Education Elementary Education Exercise Science Health Education Middle Grades Education Physical Education Secondary Education Social Work Special Education
Northern Kentucky University is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools to award associate, bachelor’s, master’s, and first professional degrees in the colleges listed above.
PRE - PROFE S S IO N AL p r o g r a m s Pre-Dentistry Pre-Engineering Pre-Forestry Pre-Law Pre-Medicine Pre-Optometry Pre-Pharmacy Pre-Physical Therapy Pre-Physician Assistant Pre-Veterinary Medicine Pre-Wildlife Management
This publication was prepared by Northern Kentucky University and printed with state funds (KRS 57.375). Northern Kentucky University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, religion, marital status, sexual orientation or veteran status in training activities or employment. Educational programs or activities are set forth in accordance with Title IX, Title VI, Title VII, ADA and Section 504. For more information, please contact the Office of Legal Affairs & General Counsel, Lucas Administrative Center 824, Nunn Drive, Highland Heights, KY 41099, (859) 572-5588, which has been designated to coordinate the school’s efforts to comply with the aforementioned regulations. MC00856 32
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