Fall '12 Activity Guide

Page 1

Recreation and Educational Classes for Children, Teeens ee , Adults, Seniors and Families


Meet ShoRewooD’S new SupeRintenDent MaRty LexMonD...

I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself as the new Superintendent of Shorewood Schools. I am thrilled to be part of the Shorewood community. I look forward to continuing the tradition of excellence and in working together to make Shorewood Schools one of the most innovative school districts.

I am a native of Upper Michigan and attended high school at St. Lawrence Seminary in Mt. Calvary Wisconsin. My education includes Marquette University, the University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee, and Cardinal Stritch University where I am completing my dissertation for a doctorate degree. I was a teacher and administrator in Milwaukee Public Schools, a curriculum specialist in Denver, and most recently the superintendent and high school principal in Kohler. As you look at the fall Shorewood Recreation offerings please keep in mind our commitment to wellness. Shorewood Recreation opportunities are designed to help each of us achieve academic, social, and physical wellness. We encourage you to participate in the things you love to do and also to stretch yourself in new directions. Try something beyond your comfort zone by signing up with a friend and taking the adventure together. Shorewood Recreation offers such a unique and varied set of opportunities each of us will find the best way to achieve wellness. When the new school year begins we will work together to continue the strong traditions of academic, athletic, and arts excellence. I look forward to working with the Board, our teachers, parents, and community members as education evolves and moves us forward into the future. I can be contacted at (414) 963-6901 or via email at: MLexmond@shorewood.k12.wi.us

Meet ouR coveR DeSigneR... My Name is Josh Landers. I am currently a senior at Shorewood High School. I just completed the Intermediate class for Graphic Design. I am a firm believer that some of the simplest designs can be the most powerful and that is what I tried to stick to when creating this design. I am honored to have had my design chosen by the Recreation Department for the Fall cover and hope everyone likes it. The Shorewood High School Graphic Design (GD) Program is comprised of an Introductory level, an Intermediate level and an Advanced level. Within the program students are taught various computer softwares. The higher-level classes are taught in a design studio atmosphere wherein clients come to the class to present their ideas to the students and they work on projects that are both school based as well as community based. Students have the option to take Introductory GD at the freshman level, and after, taking Advanced GD, and the first level of Advanced GD, they can take multiple semesters of Advanced until they graduate. This is an especially helpful option for those students who plan on going into Graphic Design, Advertising, or other Communication related fields at the college level. - Jeff Zimpel, SHS Graphic Design Teacher

Shorewood Recreation Department Martin Lexmond - Superintendent MLexmond@shorewood.k12.wi.us Deb Stolz - Director DStolz@shorewood.k12.wi.us Kristin Serpe - Recreation Supervisor KSerpe@shorewood.k12.wi.us Nick Phalin - Recreation Supervisor NPhalin@shorewood.k12.wi.us Bobby Wood - Fitness Center Manager BWood@shorewood.k12.wi.us Nora Rangel-Kubacki - Recreation Secretary NRangel-Kubacki@shorewood.k12.wi.us

Photo courtesy of John O’hara


Barb Xistris - Recreation Secretary BXistris@shorewood.k12.wi.us Plus the 100+ seasonal instructors who work very hard to provide you with the selection and quality of programs offered year-round.

c o n t e n t S

what’s inside? Programs

Page Number

Program Descriptions..............................................................25 - 30 Adult and Senior Citizen Programs Starting in August....................................................................6 Starting in September.........................................................6 - 7

Registration information

On-line Resident - Monday, August 20 Non-Resident - Friday, August 24 Fax, Drop Box, Mail, walk-In or Telephone Resident - Friday, August 31 Non-Resident - Tuesday, September 4

Starting in October...............................................................7 - 8 Starting in November ..............................................................9 Starting in December...............................................................10 Adult Men’s Basketball Leagues.................................................................8 Online Learning.....................................................................................10

Aquatics Swim Lessons: (Infants through Adults)...........................20 - 22 Community Swim Schedule.....................................................23 Water Aerobics..........................................................................22

Birthday Parties...................................................................................35 Bright Beginnings Preschool Program.......................................13 Community Contacts.........................................................................32 Community Events.............................................................................30 General Information.................................................................31 - 32 Registration Form...............................................................................34 Shorewood Community Fitness Center General Information....................................................................5 Shorewood Fitness Center 30-Day Iron Athlete Challenge........5 Shorewood Fowl 5K Run/Walk............................................33

eaRLy RegISTRaTIONS All forms received prior to the designated registration dates listed above, will be processed randomly on the first day of mail registration.

LaTe Fee RegISTRaTIONS All program registrations must occur three business days prior to classes starting, or by the signup deadline. a $10 late fee will be assessed if we receive your registration after these three days or the deadline. Please register early.

The Shorewood Recreation Department will use email as our primary means of communication. This will be how we contact you on program cancellations, confirmations, notifications and updates. ON-LINe - Visit www.shorewoodschools.org for the easiest way to sign up. Click on the registration link to begin. Call us if you need assistance and we will be happy to walk you through with the on-line registration process. See page 32. On-line registrations are processed instantly! FaX - Fax registration will only be accepted with VISA, MASTERCARD or DISCOVER payment. Complete a registration form with credit card information. Please call to confirm that we received your fax. Our FAX NUMBER is (414) 961-3175. DROP BOX - Place your completed registration form along with your payment in a sealed envelope. The drop box is located on the outside doors leading to the Recreation Department office in the Administration Building at the High School.

w! Full Body Overhaul....................................................................11 Ne Special Olympics ...............................................................................11

MaIL - Mail the registration form with your payment to Shorewood Recreation and Community Services Department, 1701 E. Capitol Drive, Shorewood, WI 53211.

Thank you Volunteers and Sponsors..........................................24

waLk-IN - Office hours are Monday through Friday from 8:00 am - 12:00 pm & 12:30 pm - 4:30 pm. The Recreation Department office is located in the Administration Building on the first floor of Shorewood High School at 1701 E. Capitol Drive, Shorewood, WI 53211.

Youth Programs Starting in September.......................................................14 - 15 Starting in October............................................................15 - 16 Starting in November and December......................................18 Ski, Snowboard and Ice Skating...............................................19


Teen Programs and Activity Nights..........................................12 Youth Basketball Programs......................................................17

TeLePhONe - (414) 963-6913 x 4. Telephone registration will be accepted only with VISA, MASTERCARD or DISCOVER payment. Telephone lines are limited, your patience is appreciated. Resident status includes individuals living in Shorewood, Shorewood School District and Village employees, all students enrolled in Shorewood Public Schools and their families, and non-resident taxpayers of Shorewood.

a registration form is located on page 34

Recreation Department office hours

Mission Statement

i n F o R M a t i o n

The mission of the School District of Shorewood Recreation and Community Services Department is to provide community services and life-long learning opportunities through recreation, education, and fitness programs to enhance the quality of life for residents of the Shorewood community.

telephone numbers

Shorewood Recreation and Community Services Telephone: (414) 963-6913 x 4 VHE Pool Hotline: (414) 963-6913 x 1 Program Cancellations: (414) 963-6913 x 3 Fax: (414) 961-3175

School Locations & Telephone Numbers atwater School 2100 east capitol Drive (414) 963-6962

Intermediate School 3830 North Morris Blvd. (414) 963-6951

Lake Bluff School 1600 east Lake Bluff Blvd. (414) 963-6972

Shorewood high School 1701 east capitol Drive (414) 963-6921

Shorewood Community Fitness Center (414) 961-3100


Shorewood High School Administrative Building, 1st Floor 1701 East Capitol Drive Shorewood, WI 53211

ShORewOOD hIgh SchOOL caMPuS MaP East Capitol Drive Science Field

Science Building

Rec. Administration Bldg. Dept.

North Gym


SHS Pool P.E. Building Room 209 & 210 (2nd Floor)

Teachers Lounge

Rec. Dept. Drop Box Physical Education Building

Parking Lot

Dance Studio Room 276 (2nd Floor)

Studio Theatre Room 179 SHS Orchestra Room 78 (Lower Level)

Entrance after 5:00 pm


Entrance to SHS Parking Lot

Become a Facebook Fan of the Shorewood Recreation and Community Services, the Shorewood Fitness Center and the Shorewood School District to receive these benefits: * Reminders of upcoming programs * Quick updates on programs

Bowling Lanes

Upper Gym (2nd Floor) Bowling Lanes S-Room & Youth Center (Lower Level)


Choir Room 273 Band Room 278

SHS Front Lawn

VHE Pool Upper Lobby

SHS  Diamond

Performing Arts Building

North Oakland Avenue

SHS Science Room 240 SHS Science Room 140 SHS Science Room 136 SHS Science Room 130

VHE Pool


Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 12:00 pm 12:30 - 4:30 pm Closed: September 3, November 22 & 23

* Future project plans Shorewood Community Fitness Center

Fitness Center Parking Lot

* Weather related closures * And more...

an Sc


re !

F i t n e S S c e n t e R

ShoRewooD coMMunity FitneSS centeR The Shorewood Community Fitness Center offers members a complete line of strength training machines, cardiovascular machines and free weights. Our professional and caring staff ensures all members receive a complete and individualized fitness program.

“To promote the vitality, health and well-being of youth, student-athletes and adults.” Located on the campus of Shorewood High School 1701 E. Capitol Drive, Shorewood, WI 53211 Telephone: (414) 961-3100 Fax: (414) 961-3175 e-Mail: SCFC@shorewood.k12.wi.us website: www.shorewoodschools.org Bobby Wood - Fitness Center Manager BWood@shorewood.k12.wi.us

hOuRS OF OPeRaTION Monday - Thursday Friday Saturday & Sunday



90+ cLuB

Shorewood residents 90 years or older receive a 12 month single membership for only $90! Contact the Fitness Center for more information.


During the month of September, free fitness consultation with a new annual membership. $30 Value! No coupon necessary.

PeRSONaL TRaININg chOIceS Contact the Fitness Center for pricing or more information at (414) 961-3100.


5:00 am - 9:00 pm 5:00 am - 8:00 pm 7:00 am - 6:00 pm



2ND aNNuaL 30 Day IRON aThLeTe chaLLeNge! The 30 Day Iron Athlete Challenge is back by popular demand! The Shorewood Community Fitness Center and Shorewood Recreation Department invite you to participate our second annual challenge! Participants have one month to complete 26.2 miles of running/elliptical, 112 miles of biking or stair stepping and 2.4 miles of swimming. New this year, participants will be able to complete up to 25% of the challenge outside of the Fitness Center which equates to 6.5 miles running and 28 miles biking. All participants will receive a t-shirt! This class is not available to register online. This program includes a Fitness Center membership for the month of October for non-members. course #: 1186.1 Location: Shorewood Community Fitness Center & VHE Pool Date: October 1 - October 31 Fee: Fitness Center Members - $10 Non-Fitness Center Members - $30

Grade 7 - 8 Students can become certified to use the Shorewood Community Fitness Center without the supervision of a parent/guardian. During two 30 minute sessions with a personal trainer the student will learn proper techniques and safety when using equipment at the SCFC. If the student can demonstrate required knowledge they will be given a membership to the SCFC for the duration of the 2012-13 school year.

course #: Fee:

1115.1 $40

gROuP PeRSONaL TRaININg In groups of 2-5 individuals you receive a discount on per-person rates for personal training with a SCFC personal trainer. Schedule your own group training time with your personal trainer and tailor the workouts to meet your group’s needs. Discount packages for multiple sessions are also available. Find a friend or more, and get going on your fitness goals!

ONe ON ONe PeRSONaL TRaININg Enjoy the benefits of working with a trainer one-on-one. Get personalized adjustments and assistance with your workout plan.

FuLL BODy OveRhauL h an Sc

e re



These classes incorporate weights, bands, plyometric exercises along with other training styles to get a full-body overhaul. See page 11 for dates, times and class fees.

aDuLt enRichMent anD exeRciSe pRogRaMS beginning in auguSt Time






7:30 - 9:30 pm

class Badminton




Fee R / N-R

course #

8/29 - 12/19

Whitefish Bay High School Field House

Doug Kane

$30 / $40


No Class 9/12 &11/7

aDuLt enRichMent anD exeRciSe pRogRaMS beginning in SepteMbeR Time


5:30 - 6:10 am






Fee R / N-R

course #

cardio Step

9/5 - 10/24

Fitness Center

Joanne Dixon

$46 / $69


aqua Boot camp

9/11 - 10/25

VHE Pool

Renee Scherck-Meyer

$50 / $75



9/11 - 10/23

SHS Dance Studio Room 276

Dori Frankel-Steigman

$28 / $42


Boot camp, kick Box & core

9/6 - 10/25

Fitness Center

Joanne Dixon

$32 / $48


gentle hatha yoga

9/10 - 10/22

Rosie Sheinbein

$44 / $66



9/7 - 10/26

Katie Rhyme

$32 / $48


gentle hatha yoga

9/12 - 10/24

SHS Dance Studio Room 276

Rosie Sheinbein

$44 / $66


9/5 - 10/24

Fitness Center

Joanne Dixon

$38 / $57


9/5 - 10/24

Fitness Center

Joanne Dixon

$38 / $57


9/8 - 11/3

SHS Track

Renee Scherck-Meyer

$46 / $59


9/11 - 10/25

SHS Dance Studio Room 276

Elizabeth Klijnsmit

$50 / $75


9/8 - 10/20

Fitness Center

Elizabeth Klijnsmit

$28 / $42


(Note new room)

9/10 - 10/24

SHS Dance Studio Room 276

Elizabeth Klijnsmit

$56 / $84


Step & Sculpt

9/7 - 10/26

Fitness Center

Joanne Dixon

$32 / $48


Step & Sculpt

9/8 - 10/20

Fitness Center

Elizabeth Klijnsmit

$28 / $42


arthritis exercise Program

9/11 - 9/27

SHS Staff Lounge

Jan Mahlberg

$22 / $33


Total Body conditioning

9/10 - 10/24

Fitness Center

Elizabeth Klijnsmit

$56 / $84






5:30 - 6:15 am

5:45 - 6:45 am

6:00 - 6:50 am

 

6:00 - 7:00 am

6:15 - 6:45 am

Muscle Fitness

6:50 - 7:20 am

Muscle Fitness

(Note time change) (Note time change)

7:30 - 8:15 am

8:00 - 8:45 am

5k Training Program Senior Strength with Balance & Flexibility

Race Day 11/10

(Note new room)

8:00 - 8:50 am 8:30 - 9:20 am


 

9:00 - 10:00 am

 

4:30 - 5:15 pm 5:00 - 6:00 pm


 


SHS Dance Studio Room 276 SHS Dance Studio Room 276

Register on-line at www.shorewoodschools.org

aDuLt enRichMent anD exeRciSe pRogRaMS beginning in SepteMbeR Time



wed Thu


6:00 - 7:00 pm

 6:00 - 7:20 pm

6:15 - 7:15 pm

6:30 - 7:30 pm

Fee R / N-R

course #

Strong & Fit Indoor/Outdoor Boot camp

9/10 - 10/24

Fitness Center

Renee Scherck - Meyer

$56 / $84


Fit Power Mix

9/11 - 10/25

Fitness Center

Jake Wollach

$56 / $84


9/18 - 10/16

Nicolet High School Room C107

Mike Brown

$61 / $76


9/4 - 10/9

Lydell Community Center Room 17, Whitefish Bay

Zahra Sagira

$45 / $55


9/11 - 10/16

Shorewood High School Youth Center

Rosalita Villa

$40 / $60


Athletic Conference Rm A106

Dan McDermott Jess Henrickson

$6 / $16




9/11 - 10/23


Michele Miller

$34 / $51


Shorewood choral arts

9/5 - 10/17

SHS Performing Arts Bldg Room 273

Jason Clark

$80 / $120


Middle eastern Belly Dancing - Beginner

9/4 - 10/9

Lydell Community Center Room 17, Whitefish Bay

Suzanne Singh

$45 / $55


Open volleyball - coed

9/24 - 12/10

Lake Bluff Gym

Recreation Staff

$40 / $60


Open Basketball - Men’s

9/18 - 10/23

SHS Arena

Recreation Staff

$16 / $24


Microsoft word I

9/18 - 10/16

Nicolet High School Room C107

Mike Brown

$61 / $76


7:00 - 9:00 pm

 

7:40 - 9:00 pm


No kidding around: Simple Steps to Planning for kids

7:30 - 9:30 pm


(Note time change)

7:30 - 8:30 pm


Introduction to computers Beginner Middle eastern Belly Dancing advanced Latin Dance - Salsa

6:30 - 8:30 pm 7:00 - 8:00 pm


No Class 11/5

Nicolet High School

aDuLt enRichMent anD exeRciSe pRogRaMS beginning in octobeR Time











Fee R / N-R

course #

Shorewood Fitness center 30 Day Iron athlete challenge

10/1 - 10/31

Fitness Center & VHE Pool


See page 5


5:30 - 6:10 am

cardio Step

10/29 - 12/19

Fitness Center

Joanne Dixon

$48 / $72


6:15 - 6:45 am

Muscle Fitness

10/29 - 12/19

Fitness Center

Joanne Dixon

$40 / $60


6:50 - 7:20 am

Muscle Fitness

10/29 - 12/19

Fitness Center

Joanne Dixon

$40 / $60



(Note time change)

(Note time change)

Register on-line at www.shorewoodschools.org

aDuLt enRichMent anD exeRciSe pRogRaMS beginning in octobeR Time


Tue wed Thu

See Page 28

4:30 - 5:15 pm








Fee R / N-R

course #

american Red cross Lifeguard certification

10/26 - 11/4

SHS Admin Bldg West Computer Lab

Amy Johnson

$240 / $290


arthritis exercise Program

10/2 - 10/30

SHS Staff Lounge

Jan Mahlberg

$32 / $48


Microsoft excel I

10/17 - 11/14

Mike Brown

$61 / $76


Intro to computers Intermediate Middle eastern Belly Dancing advanced Latin Dance - Merengue

10/23 - 11/27

Mike Brown

$61 / $76


 

6:00 - 7:20 pm

 6:15 - 7:15 pm

6:30 - 7:30 pm

(Note time change)

you and your Digital camera Middle eastern Belly Dancing Technique you have Pictures in your camera, Now what? Middle eastern Belly Dancing Beginner

6:30 - 8:30 pm

 7:30 - 8:30 pm

7:40 - 9:00 pm

Microsoft word II

No Class 11/6

10/30 - 12/11

Nicolet High School Room C107 Nicolet High School Room C107

No Class 11/20

Lydell Community Center Room 17, Whitefish Bay

Zahra Sagira

$45 / $55


10/23 - 11/13

SHS Youth Center

Rosalita Villa

$26 / $39



Nicolet High School Room D111

C.T. Kruger

$22 / $32


10/16 - 10/23

Lydell Community Center Room 17, Whitefish Bay

Zahra Sagira

$30 / $40



Nicolet High School Room D111

C.T. Kruger

$22 / $32


Lydell Community Center Room 17, Whitefish Bay

Suzanne Singh

$45 / $55


Nicolet High School Room C107

Mike Brown

$61 / $76


10/30 - 12/11 No Class 11/20

10/23 - 11/27 No Class 11/6

chIcagO, yOuR way! hOLIDay ShOPPINg An adult must accompany children under 16 years old Join us for a fun-filled day in Chicago. You will have the day to yourself to shop, go to museums or people watch. You will be dropped off and picked up at the corner of Rush and Superior. Come with family and friends. All payments are non-refundable. course #: 1951.1 Location: Shorewood High School Parking Lot Date: Saturday, December 1 Time: Leave at 8:15 am Return approximately 7:00 pm Fee: Resident - $32 / Non-Resident - $48


aDuLT MeN’S BaSkeTBaLL LeagueS 21 and Over League and 35 and Over League The Shorewood Recreation and Community Services Department is offering a basketball league beginning in early November and ending in early March. Information packets will be available September 15. The deadline for registration is Friday, October 19. To request a packet, please call the Recreation Department at (414) 963-6913 x 4, email Nick Phalin at NPhalin@shorewood.k12.wi.us or visit our website: www.shorewoodschools.org

Register on-line at www.shorewoodschools.org

aDuLt enRichMent anD exeRciSe pRogRaMS beginning in noveMbeR Time




5:30 - 6:15 am




5:45 - 6:45 am

6:00 - 6:50 am

 6:00 - 7:00 am

  

8:00 - 8:45 am



aqua Boot camp

11/1 - 12/20

8:00 - 8:50 am 8:30 - 9:20 am

9:00 - 10:00 am

 

4:30 - 5:15 pm 5:00 - 6:00 pm

 

6:00 - 7:20 pm

 7:00 - 8:00 pm


Dori Frankel-Steigman

$28 / $42


Fitness Center

Joanne Dixon

$28 / $42


SHS Dance Studio Room 276

Rosie Sheinbein

$44 / $66


Rosie Sheinbein

$44 / $66


Katie Rhyme

$32 / $48


SHS Dance Studio Room 276

Elizabeth Klijnsmit

$46 / $69


11/3 - 12/22

Fitness Center

Elizabeth Klijnsmit

$32 / $48


11/5 - 12/19

SHS Dance Studio Room 276

Elizabeth Klijnsmit

$56 / $84


Fitness Center

Joanne Dixon

$28 / $42


No Class 11/22

gentle hatha yoga

11/5 - 12/17

gentle hatha yoga

11/7 - 12/19


11/2 - 12/21

Senior Strength with Balance & Flexibility

11/6 - 12/20

No Class 11/23

No Class 11/22

SHS Dance Studio Room 276 SHS Dance Studio Room 276

Step & Sculpt

11/2 - 12/21

Step & Sculpt

11/3 - 12/22

Fitness Center

Elizabeth Klijnsmit

$32 / $48


11/1 - 11/29

SHS Staff Lounge

Jan Mahlberg

$28 / $42


arthritis exercise Program

No Class 11/23

No Class 11/22

11/5 - 12/19

Fitness Center

Elizabeth Klijnsmit

$56 / $84


Fit Power Mix

11/1 - 12/20

Fitness Center

Jake Wollach

$56 / $84


Strong & Fit Indoor/Outdoor Boot camp

11/5 - 12/19

Fitness Center

Renee Scherck-Meyer

$56 / $84


Microsoft excel II

11/21 - 12/19

Nicolet High School Room C107

Mike Brown

$61 / $76



Nicolet High School Room D111

C.T. Kruger

$25 / $35


advanced Digital Photography Technique If Not Now, when? Practical Planning amidst Rising health care costs Old Family Photos & Digital age


Nicolet High School Athletic Conference Room A106

Dan McDermott Jess Henrickson

$6 / $16



Nicolet High School Room D111

C.T. Kruger

$22 / $32


11/6 - 12/18


Michele Miller

$28 / $42


 6:30 - 8:30 pm


Total Body conditioning

 6:00 - 7:00 pm

$50 / $75

Boot camp, kick Box & core

(Note room change)

course #

Renee Scherck-Meyer

11/1 - 12/20


Fee R / N-R

VHE Pool

11/6 - 12/18



SHS Dance Studio Room 276

No Class 11/22


(Note room change)



No Class 11/22

Register on-line at www.shorewoodschools.org

aDuLt enRichMent anD exeRciSe pRogRaMS beginning in DeceMbeR Time






8:15 am - 7:00 pm 4:30 - 5:15 pm






Fee R / N-R

course #

chicago, your way! holiday Shopping


SHS Parking Lot

Recreation Staff

$32 / $48


arthritis exercise Program

12/4 - 12/20

SHS Staff Lounge

Jan Mahlberg

$22 / $33





aNyTIMe, aNywheRe...juST a cLIck away!

Looking to enhance a skill or learn something new? Now you can do it through the Shorewood Recreation & Community Services Department without leaving home. It’s just a click away! We have partnered with Ed2go, the industry leader in online learning for adults to bring you online enrichment courses. Ed2go offers courses through a network of over 1,800 top colleges and universities in order to provide the highest-quality online continuing education opportunities that are affordable and easy to use. With hundreds of great online courses - from Creating Web Pages to Accounting Fundamentals, Speed Spanish to Grant Writing - and everything in between, it is easy to see why millions of lifelong learners take ed2go online courses. To register go to: www.shorewoodschools.org under the Recreation and Community Services tab.


• Expert Instructor • 24-Hour Access • Online Discussion Areas

• 6 Weeks of Instruction • Hundreds of courses to choose from • New sessions begin each month

eXaMPLeS OF cLaSSeS OFFeReD: accounting Fundamentals Gain a marketable new skill by learning the basics of doubleentry bookkeeping, financial reporting, and more. a to Z grant writing Learn how to research and develop relationships with potential funding sources, organize grantwriting campaigns, and prepare proposals. computer Skills for the workplace Gain a working knowledge of the computer skills you’ll need to succeed in today’s job market. creating web Pages Learn the basics of HTML so you can design, create and post your very own site on the web.


understanding adolescents Uncover the secrets of the adolescent mind. Gain valuable information on how they feel, how their identities develop, and how you can best meet their needs. genealogy Basics Learn where to look, who to contact, and how to use research tools to begin an exciting and fascinating exploration of your roots. Introduction to Photoshop cS5 Learn how to use Adobe Photoshop CS5, the world’s best graphics program, to edit and process photos and create original images. keys to effective communication Lost for words? Don't be! Learn to build rapport, trust, warmth, and respect through conversation.

Secrets to Better Photography Explore strategies and learn a variety of tricks to create excellent photographs in all types of situations. Speed Spanish Learn six easy recipes to glue Spanish words together into sentences, and you’ll be engaging in conversational Spanish in no time!

Register on-line at www.shorewoodschools.org

**The Shorewood Recreation Department advertises online classes for ed2go, an online learning company. Registration is done online, through ed2go and is not done through the Recreation Department. we are unable to credit or refund money for online courses. any issues that may arise in regards to online classes must be handled through ed2go.

SpeciaL oLyMpicS

aDuLt exeRciSe pRogRaMS FuLL BODy OveRhauL New These classes incorporate weights, bands, plyometric exercises along with other training styles to get a full-body overhaul. Location: Fitness Center Aerobics Room Time

6:30 - 7:15 am


12:00 -12:45 pm &

Wednesday & Monday


4:00 - 4:45 pm

Age 8 - 21 Special Olympics is a great way for your child with special needs to stay active, meet friends, socialize, and have fun while playing sports. The Shorewood Recreation Department is the Agency Manager for Shorewood Special Olympics. Please contact the Recreation Department for more information on sports offered and schedules. If you have not previously participated in Special Olympics through the Shorewood Recreation Department, please contact Nick at NPhalin@shorewood.k12.wi.us for more information before signing up.



course #

9/4 - 9/28



10/2 -10/26



10/30 - 11/20



11/27 - 12/21



9/5 - 10/1



10/3 - 10/29



10/31 - 11/26



11/28 - 12/19



9/4 - 9/27



10/2 - 10/25



10/30 - 11/20



ShOrewOOd drAmA Jr. CLASS PReSeNTS: CAmP dAze

11/27 - 12/20



Under the direction of Sara Van Loon

Tuesday & Friday



BOwLINg Participants will learn the skills associated with bowling. We will participate in Regional competitions. We will practice at least once a week. Practice dates to be determined. course #: 1455.1 Location: SHS Bowling Lanes Fee: Resident - Free / Non-Resident - $20

SPecIaL OLyMPIcS - TeeN vOLuNTeeR Does your child enjoy sports? Is your child interested in helping students with special needs? If so, discuss the opportunity of being a teen volunteer with our Special Olympics program. This is a great way to volunteer their time and help participants or classmates through sports. Requirements would be to attend practice when available and potentially attend matches or meets for our athletes. If you are interested, please contact Nick Phalin at the (414) 963-6913 x 4 or by email at NPhalin@shorewood.k12.wi.us.

4:00 - 4:45 pm Tuesday & Thursday

Join Shorewood Drama Jr. as they head to summer camp…circa 1977. “Camp Daze” is a trip back to a world of canoe races, talent shows, ghost stories and first crushes, set to a soundtrack that includes Elton John, Barry Manilow and Queen.


Register on-line at www.shorewoodschools.org

Production dates: Tickets:

Saturday, November 17 @ 1:30 pm and 7:00 pm Sunday, November 18 @ 1:30 pm. $5

teen pRogRaMS DIve-IN MOvIe

acTIvITy NIghTS Grade 7 - 8 Come join your friends at Activity Night for lots of fun and music. Activity Nights include a DJ for dancing and open gym. Activity Nights will be held from 7:00 - 9:00 pm at the Shorewood Intermediate School. Activity Nights will be supervised by parent chaperones. For more information call Nick Phalin at the Recreation Department, (414) 963-6913 x 4 or email at: NPhalin@shorewood.k12.wi.us. Students must pre-register for the activity nights. We will not accept money at the door. Concessions are available for purchase at a nominal price. Students should not bring more than $5 for concessions per Activity Night. Date: Friday All 5 Dates

Fee $25

Register for Individual Dates September 14 $10 November 2 $10 January 11 $10 February 15 $10 April 19 $10


couse # 1801.1


1801.2 1801.3 2801.1 2801.2 3801.1


Students will focus on exercises, techniques, and steps of classical ballet with an emphasis on terminology and correct body alignment. Students will develop an aesthetic awareness of the art of classical ballet. Each class will include a warm-up at the barre and center floor work and combinations. A performance of the dances will occur on the last day! Be sure to wear fitted comfortable clothing and bring a water bottle to class. Ballet slippers are recommended. This is a great class to sign up with a friend. Instructor: Matt Gillespie course #: 1535.3 Location: SHS Dance Studio Room 276 Date: Wednesday, September 12 - October 17 Time: 6:00 - 6:45 pm Fee: Resident - $30 / Non-Resident - $45


Grade 7 - 8 Come join us at the VHE Pool for “Dive-in Movie.” We will show Despicable Me. Participants should bring their own floatation device for the evening, such as an air mattress or inner tube. Participants that do not bring a floatation device must sit on the pool deck for viewing the movie. The pool will be open at 6:30 pm for open swim and the movie will begin at 7:15 pm. If you do not wish to be in the pool for the movie, bring your towel and join us on the pool deck. Students must pre-register for this program. We will not accept money at the door. This program is for Shorewood residents only. course #: 1980.1 Location: VHE Pool Date: Friday, October 19 Time: 6:30 - 9:00 pm Fee: $5 (Shorewood Residents or students that attend Shorewood Public Schools)


Grade 7 - 8 Students can become certified to use the Shorewood Community Fitness Center without the supervision of a parent/guardian. During two 30 minute sessions with a personal trainer, the student will learn proper techniques and safety when using equipment at the SCFC. If the student can demonstrate required knowledge, they will be given a membership to the SCFC for the duration of the 2012-13 school year. To register, please call (414) 961-3100 or stop by the Fitness Center. course #: 1115.1 Fee: $40



Get ready to break a sweat and bust a move! This class will get you moving to the sounds of old school hip hop to new age rap and pop music. We will be incorporating fancy footwork, popping and locking, and strength training. Students will learn hip hop combinations as well as develop their own choreography. A performance of the dances will occur on the last day! Please wear appropriate dance attire - comfortable and stretchable clothing and sneakers and bring a water bottle to class. Instructor: Matt Gillespie See page 16 for class details

TeeN vOLuNTeeRS Grade 7 - 12 Do you like working with children? Do you like arts and crafts, drawing, active games, sports, music, etc.? The Shorewood Recreation Department is looking for individuals who are friendly, dependable, and enthusiastic to help out with various programs throughout the season. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Kristin Serpe at the Recreation Department at (414) 963 - 6913 x 4 or via email at: KSerpe@shorewood.k12.wi.us.

Register on-line at www.shorewoodschools.org

SchooL DiStRict


ShoRewooD - bRight beginningS pReSchooL 2012-2013 SchooL yeaR

Bright Beginnings Preschool focuses on the individual child, and provides an educational environment that stimulates and nurtures each child’s unique growth potential. We provide numerous exciting and engaging thematic units throughout the year, allowing your child to freely explore and grow in important skill development areas, including: large and fine motor, language and literacy, science and math, art and music. Your child’s social and emotional development is of prime importance. At Bright Beginnings, we help each child grow in his or her feelings of self-worth, self-confidence, respect, and appreciation of others, and love of learning and of school. Our curriculum reflects the most current understanding regarding child development and early education, and embraces Shorewood School District curriculum goals. Bright Beginnings will follow the school year calendar for the 2012-2013 school year. When the elementary schools do not have school, Bright Beginnings will not be held. PReSchOOL TOILeTINg guIDeLINeS: All children are to be completely toilet trained before the first day of school. If your child is not completely toilet trained, you will be required to be present in the classroom to assist your child with toileting needs. Teachers and volunteers will assist children with buttons or snaps on clothing as necessary. Independence and reinforcement of self-help skills will be encouraged by the teachers. 2012-2013 Tuition Payments: A $200 nonrefundable deposit is required at time of registration to reserve a space for your child. Payment plans are available at registration. No refunds or credit will be given for this program. Feel free to contact the Shorewood Recreation Department at (414) 963-6913 x 4 to set up a time to observe the Bright Beginnings Preschool, while school is in session.

BRIghT BegINNINgS aT aTwaTeR SchOOL ShaRON MaIeR, TeacheR juLIa MONTgOMeRy, TeachINg aSSISTaNT

TeReSa FReDINg, TeacheR MaRy waLLNeR, TeachINg aSSISTaNT

must be 3 years of age by September 1, 2012 course #: 1290.1 Location: Early Education Building, SE corner Day: Monday, Wednesday, Friday Date: September 10, 2012 - May 31, 2013 Time: 8:30 - 11:00 am Tuition: Resident - $1,600 / Non-Resident - $1,900 Ratio: 2 adults / 16 students

must be 3 years of age by September 1, 2012 course #: 1290.4 Location: Early Education Building, NW corner Day: Monday, Wednesday, Friday Date: September 10, 2012 - May 31, 2013 Time: 8:30 - 11:00 am Tuition: Resident - $1,600 / Non-Resident - $1,900 Ratio: 2 adults / 16 students

must be at least 2 years and 10 months by September 1, 2012 course #: 1290.2 Location: Early Education Building, SE corner Day: Tuesday and Thursday Date: September 11, 2012 - May 30, 2013 Time: 8:30 - 11:00 am Tuition: Resident - $1,300 / Non-Resident - $1,600 Ratio: 2 adults / 12 students

must be at least 2 years and 10 months by September 1, 2012 course #: 1290.5 Location: Early Education Building, NW corner Day: Tuesday and Thursday Date: September 11, 2012 - May 30, 2013 Time: 8:30 - 11:00 am Tuition: Resident - $1,300 / Non-Resident - $1,600 Ratio: 2 adults / 12 students





must be 3 years of age by September 1, 2012 course #: 1290.3 Location: Early Education Building, SE corner Day: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Date: September 11, 2012 - May 30, 2013 Time: 12:30 - 3:00 pm Tuition: Resident - $1,600 / Non-Resident - $1,900 Ratio: 2 adults / 16 students



MILeSTONeS aLL Day chILD caRe SuPeRvISION Milestones will be offering an all day child care supervision on the days your child attends Bright Beginnings Preschool at both Atwater and Lake Bluff Elementary Schools. The supervison is available Monday through Friday from 7:00 am - 6:00 pm. Students must be at least three (3) years old and completely toilet trained. If you require this supervision for your child while they are enrolled in Bright Beginnings, you must contact Milestones at (414) 964-5545 as availability is limited.

youth pRogRaMS beginning in SepteMbeR Time


grade grade grade grade grade k4 - k5 1 - 2 3 - 4 5 - 6 7 - 12





Fee R / N-R

course # 1243.1

9:00 am - 12:00 pm



Fall weekend adventures


9/8 - 10/6

See Page 26

$150 / $200

10:00 am - 12:30 pm



Shorewood Drama junior


9/8 - 11/17

SHS Youth Center

$130 / $180

1574.1 Tech


1:00 - 2:15 pm

1:00 - 4:00 pm

8 - 11


9/9 - 10/21

SHS Football Field

Equipment Rental


Fall weekend adventures - Teens!


9/8 - 9/29

See Page 27

$125 / $175


1:15 - 2:45 pm See Page 27

Flag Football


 

1:30 - 2:20 pm


 2:30 - 3:30 pm K5

$40 / $60

Lacrosse Instruction

9/29 - 10/20 Deadline: September 7


1401.1 SHS Football Field

$40 / $60

1401.2 1401.3



9/29 - 10/20

SHS Science Bldg Room 140

Teen Strength & agility


9/12 - 10/24

Fitness Center

$50 / $75


$30 / $45





9/29 - 10/20

SHS Science Bldg Room 140

$30 / $45


Draw your Favorite Things


9/26 - 10/17

Lake Bluff Art Room

$30 / $45


Lacrosse Instruction


9/9 - 10/21

SHS Football Field

Equipment Rental


9/19 - 10/24

SIS Choir Room 109

$166 / $216


No Class 9/26 10/31 & 11/21

SIS Choir Room 109

$312 / $362


2:30 - 3:45 pm

$40 / $60 $15

voice Lessons


voice Lessons


Soccer Instruction


9/10 - 10/8

Lake Bluff Warming House

$16 / $24


Soccer Instruction


9/11 - 10/9

Atwater Warming House

$16 / $24


creatures, Monsters and aliens


9/24 - 10/15

Atwater Art Room

$30 / $45


3:00 - 8:00 pm

No Class 9/26

9/19 - 12/12

3:30 - 4:15 pm

3:30 - 4:30 pm



Register on-line at www.shorewoodschools.org

youth pRogRaMS beginning in SepteMbeR Time

grade grade grade grade grade k4 - k5 1 - 2 3 - 4 5 - 6 7 - adult






Fee R / N-R

course #

youth cross country

Mon, Tue, Wed & Fri

9/10 - 10/10

See Page 26

$20 / $30


$18 / $27


3:30 - 4:30 pm

3:30 - 5:00 pm


ultimate Frisbee


9/18 - 10/9

Lake Bluff Warming House

7 - Adult

Piano Lessons


9/10 - 10/22

Atwater Room 105

3:30 - 8:00 pm


3:45 - 4:45 pm



4:00 - 4:30 pm


4:00 - 4:45 pm


Mad Science after School Program young american Martial arts

4:00 - 6:00 pm


4:30 - 5:15 pm 5:00 - 5:45 pm



Lake Bluff Gym

$190 / $240

1465.1 1535.1



9/12 - 10/17

SHS Dance Studio Room 276

$30 / $45


Lacrosse Instruction


9/9 - 10/21

SHS Football Field

Equipment Rental


$50 / $75


$50 / $75


$50 / $75


Lake Bluff Gym

$190 / $240


No Class 11/5

$40 / $60 $15


after School adventures

Mon & Fri

9/10 & 9/14



after School adventures

Mon & Fri

9/17 & 9/21



after School adventures

Mon & Fri

9/24 & 9/28

young american Martial arts


9/17 - 12/10



9/12 - 10/17

SHS Dance Studio Room 276

$30 / $45


Ballet for Teens


9/12 - 10/17

SHS Dance Studio Room 276

$30 / $45




9/24 - 10/29

SHS Science Bldg Room 136

$30 / $45


11 &12

acT workshop


SIS Room 312

$210 / $260


7 & 8



SHS Science Bldg Room 136

$30 / $45



7 - 10


6:30 - 8:30 pm 7:00 - 7:55 pm

$76 / $86

9/17 - 12/10

Lydell Community Center Room 22


6:00 - 6:45 pm 6:00 - 6:55 pm

9/26 - 11/7 No Class 10/24

See Page 28



4:00 - 5:15 pm


No Class 9/17


No Class 11/5

9/13 - 11/8 No Class 9/27

9/24 - 10/29

See page 25

youth pRogRaMS beginning in octobeR Time


9:10 - 9:40 am

8 months 3 years

9:30 - 10:15 am

2.5 - 3 years


grade grade grade grade grade k4 - k5 1 - 2 3 - 4 5 - 6 7 - 12





Music Maker and More


10/2 - 10/30

Preschool Spanish


10/9 - 11/13

Location Lydell Community Center Room 19, Whitefish Bay Lydell Community Center Room 17, Whitefish Bay

Register on-line at www.shorewoodschools.org

Fee R / N-R

course #

$55 / $65


$50 / $60


youth pRogRaMS beginning in octobeR Time


10:30 - 11:15 am

2.5 - 3 years

grade grade grade grade grade k4 - k5 1 - 2 3 - 4 5 - 6 7-9 K4

1:30 - 2:20 pm

2:30 - 3:30 pm

 K5

3:30 - 4:30 pm


3:45 - 4:45 pm 4:00 - 4:45 pm

 

2:45 - 6:15 pm






Fee R / N-R

course #

Preschool French


10/9 - 11/13

Lydell Community Center Room 17, Whitefish Bay

$50 / $60



10/27 - 11/17

$30 / $45



10/27 - 11/17

$30 / $45


Teen Strength & agility


10/31 - 12/19

Fitness Center

$50 / $75


Drawing The world


10/24 - 11/14

Lake Bluff Art Room

$30 / $45


american Red cross Babysitting


10/10 - 10/17

SHS Admin Bldg Conference Rm 116

$100 / $150


art around The world


10/29 - 11/19

Atwater Art Room

$30 / $45


children’s yoga


10/9 - 11/27

SHS Dance Studio Room 276

$56 / $84


hip-hop Dance


SHS Dance Studio Room 276

$30 / $45


$50 / $75


$50 / $75


SHS Administration Bldg West Computer Lab

$240 / $290


SHS Dance Studio Room 276

$30 / $45


Uihlein Indoor Soccer Complex

$50 / $75


SHS Dance Studio Room 276

$30 / $45


getting To know great artists getting To know great artists

3 4





after School adventures

Mon & Fri

10/1 & 10/5



after School adventures

Mon & Fri

10/8 & 10/12

Age 16 +

american Red cross Lifeguard certification

Fri, Sat & Sun

10/26 - 11/4

hip-hop Dance


Indoor Lacrosse


 

5:00 - 6:00 pm

No Class 10/31 & 11/21

See Page 28 K5

10/24 - 12/12

4 4:00 - 6:00 pm

5:00 - 5:45 pm

No Class 11/21


SHS Science Bldg Room 140 SHS Science Bldg Room 140

See page 25

10/24 - 12/12 No Class 10/31 & 11/21

10/29 - 12/17 10/24 - 12/12

6:00 - 6:45 pm


7 - 10

hip-hop Dance for Teens


6:00 - 7:00 pm



Indoor Lacrosse


10/29 - 12/17

Uihlein Indoor Soccer Complex

$50 / $75




10/2 - 11/27

Nicolet High School Room B111

$75 / $85


6:00 - 7:15 pm


No Class 10/31 & 11/21

No Class 11/6

Register on-line at www.shorewoodschools.org

JunioR gReyhounD baSketbaLL pRogRaM Grade 4 - 8, Boys The Shorewood Recreation Department has recently become the home of Jr. Greyhounds Basketball (formerly SBA - Shorewood Basketball Association). This program is for the more serious basketball player. This season will run from early October - March. This program will involve significant commitment including practice two days a week and weekend games involving travel throughout southeastern Wisconsin. Parents will be counted on to carpool and help out with the scoreboard or scorebook during game play. New participants must purchase team apparel (jersey, shorts, etc). We will have evaluation tryouts before finalizing a roster. Players who are interested are encouraged to tryout. Tryout fee will be $10 in advance and will include a t-shirt. We will have two tryout dates. Players should plan to attend both dates. Players will be notified on Monday, October 8 of the team roster for the season. Should players tryout but not make this team, they are encouraged to sign up and join the recreational youth basketball program. Tryout Location: Tryout Date: Tryout Fee: Season Fee:

SHS Arena Sunday, September 30 & October 7 $10 Resident - $225 / Non-Resident - $275


course #











Tryout Time 1:30 - 3:00 pm

3:15 - 4:45 pm

RecReation youth baSketbaLL pRogRaM DeaDLine: octobeR 12


grade grade grade grade k4 - k5 1 - 2 3 - 4 5 - 6 K4

8:30 - 9:30 am K5 9:30 - 10:30 am

Games begin 1:00 pm or 2:00 pm





Fee R / N-R

youth co-ed Basketball Program

11/10 - 2/2 No Games 11/24, 12/22 and 12/29

First 30 minutes each Saturday with instructional scrimmage to follow

Games played at Lake Bluff Gym on Saturday mornings

$36 / $54

1 2

Games begin 10:30 am or 11:30 am


youth co-ed Basketball Program


11/10 - 2/2 No Games 11/24, 12/22 and 12/29



Boys youth Basketball Program

11/10 - 2/9 No Games 11/24, 12/22 and 12/29

Practices held at atwater and Lake Bluff gyms between 5:30 - 7:30 pm, Monday - Thursday See Page 25

course # 2450.1 2450.2 2450.3

Games played at Lake Bluff Gym on Saturday

Practices held at atwater and Lake Bluff gyms Whitefish Bay Fieldhouse between 5:30 - 7:30 pm, on Saturday afternoons Monday - Thursday 1:00 - 3:00 pm See Page 25

Register on-line at www.shorewoodschools.org

$70 / $105

2450.4 2450.5 2450.6

$60 / $90


youth pRogRaMS beginning in noveMbeR & DeceMbeR Time


9:10 - 9:40 am

8 months3 years

grade grade grade grade grade k4 - k5 1 - 2 3 - 4 5 - 6 7 - adult

9:15 am - 12:15 pm


12:00 - 1:00 pm


1:00 - 1:30 pm


2-3 with parent

1:00 - 2:15 pm 1:45 - 2:30 pm

2:15 - 3:30 pm



Fee R / N-R

course #

11/6 - 12/11

Lydell Community Center Room 19, Whitefish Bay

$55 / $65


Lydell Community Center Room 22, Whitefish Bay

$40 / $50


Whitefish Bay High School Field House

$50 / $60


SHS Upper Gym

$14 / $21


SHS Bowling Lanes

$18 / $27


SHS Upper Gym

$18 / $27


SHS Bowling Lanes

$18 / $27


Lake Bluff Art Room

$30 / $45


$60 / $70


$60 / $70


Atwater Gym

$16 / $24




Music Maker and More


Powers of Nature



Indoor Soccer


No Class 11/24, 12/22 or 12/29

Tiny Tumblers


11/10 - 12/15

Family Bowling


11/4 - 12/16

Tiny Tumblers


11/10 - 12/15

No Class 11/20

11/3 - 1/12

No Class 11/24 No Class 11/25 No Class 11/24

Open Bowling


11/4 - 12/16



11/28 - 12/19


11/13 - 12/4


11/12 - 12/3

No Class 11/25

2:30 - 3:30 pm


3:15 - 4:15 pm



3:25 - 4:25 pm





11/5 - 12/10

Drawing what you See


11/26 - 12/17

Atwater Art Room

$30 / $45




11/8 - 12/13

Lake Bluff Gym

$16 / $24



Open Bowling


11/4 - 12/16

SHS Bowling Lanes

$18 / $27


7 - Adult

Piano Lessons


11/5 - 12/10

Atwater Room 105

voice Lessons


11/7 - 12/12

SIS Choir Room 109

$166 / $216



7 - 11

Learning To Sew: Fun Fashions with Fleece


11/7 - 12/19

Lydell Community Center Room 22, Whitefish Bay

$50 / $60


Draw your Favorite Things


11/12 - 12/17

$30 / $45



Draw your Favorite Things


11/12 - 12/17

$30 / $45


9 - 12

yoga For Teens


11/8 - 12/20

$38 / $57


3:30 - 4:30 pm


3:30 - 4:45 pm K5 3:30 - 8:00 pm

3:45 - 5:15 pm 6:00 - 6:55 pm 7:00 -7:55 pm 7:15 - 8:15 pm


Mad Science after School Program Mad Science after School Program

3 4

No Class 11/19

No Class 11/22 No Class 11/25

No Class 11/21 No Class 11/21

Richards School Great Room, Whitefish Bay Cumberland School Great Room, Whitefish Bay

SHS Science Bldg Room 136 SHS Science Bldg Room 136 SHS Dance Studio Room 276

Register on-line at www.shorewoodschools.org

See Page 28

youth winteR pRogRaMS SkI aND SNOwBOaRD cLuB - LeaRN TO SkI OR SNOwBOaRD aT SuNBuRST Grade 4 - 12








course #

Whether you are an experienced skier/snowboarder or have never tried it, this program is for you. Each session includes one hour of lessons with the remaining time for open skiing or snowboarding. Plus each participant who completes the lessons receives a Sunburst Ski Club Membership, allowing them to come back anytime after completing the program and ski for the day for a nominal fee. Prices include bus transportation. Minimum number of 15 is required, so sign up early! All registrations and Sunburst paperwork must be completed no later than Friday, December 7. All participants must rent a helmet if they do not bring their own. Helmet rental is $20 for the 4 week session. This is a great program to do with a friend. Date: Tuesday, January 8 - February 5 (No Class January 29) Time: 3:30 pm departure from SHS Parking lot. Return to SHS Parking lot at 8:30 pm.


Lessons, lift ticket, Ski Club Membership and transportation.

Lessons, lift ticket, SKI AND BOOT RENTAL, Ski Club Membership and transportation.

Ski - Non-Rental Lessons, lift ticket, BOARD AND BOOT RENTAL, Ski Club Membership and transportation.

Ski - Rental

Snowboard - Rental

$20 (4 week session)

Resident - $200 Non-Resident - $250 Resident - $190 Non-Resident - $240 Resident - $225 Non-Resident - $275 Resident - $210 Non-Resident - $260

Lessons, lift ticket, Ski Club Membership, and transportation.

helmet is required for all four above programs.

Snowboard - Non-Rental Helmet Rental reGISTrATION deAdLINe IS FrIdAY, deCemBer 7! No refunds or credit will be given after this date.

Ice SkaTINg LeSSONS aT PeTTIT NaTIONaL Ice ceNTeR Age 3 - 12

hockey Skills 1 - 5 - The Pettit’s Hockey Skills program is designed by USA Hockey and the Pettit Center to teach any level of ice hockey. Since skating skills are the foundation for success in hockey, the Pettit requires hockey players to complete Hockey Tots or Basic 1 (ages 6 & older) prior to registering for the Hockey Skills program. Graduates of this program are ready to progress into the Pettit Patriots Youth Hockey program or another local Youth Hockey program which usually begins each season in September. Please specify level. Hockey 1 - Basics of forward & backward skating & stops & proper stance Hockey 2 - Skating forward using full strides & turning & backward stance Hockey 3 - Hockey turns, backward stopp & beginning crossovers Hockey 4 - Forward crossovers, one-foot pushes, & hockey stops & turns Hockey 5 - Backward crossovers, one-foot hockey turns, & moving mo hawks

Snowplow Sam- This program is a progression of three classes designed to teach the fundamentals of skating to children, ages 3 - 5 years, with little or no skating experience. Skaters will learn basic balance and skating skills in an age appropriate and fun environment. Please specify level. Snowplow Sam 1 - Sit and stand with skates on, marching and gliding with two feet. Snowplow Sam 2 - Long glides, forward and backward sizzles. Snowplow Sam 3 - Forward skating, stopping and curves.

Is your child interested in learning how to ice skate? Each session will have goals for participants to master before moving on to the next level. To see which lesson is right for your child, please see descriptions below. To register, visit our website or call our office. Be sure to choose the appropriate level. Designed by U.S. Figure Skating, the Learn to Skate Classes enable beginning skaters to experience the fundamentals of the sport to start a lifetime commitment to health and fitness. Classes meet once a week for 6 weeks. Recommended equipment: helmet, mittens/gloves, long/snow pants, sweatshirts, winter jacket, and skates. Skates can be rented at the Pettit for an additional fee. Fee includes six 40 minute classes, 20 minutes of designated skating school participant only practice time immediately following every class, complimentary public skating on day of class when available, plus 4 additional complimentary public skating passes to be used for practice time on non-class days throughout session. Tot N Me - This is a unique opportunity for a parent and a child to skate together. Registration fee includes one child, ages 3 - 5 years, and one adult. The parent/adult must on the ice wearing skates (with their child) during all lessons. Basic 1 - 8 - The Basic Skills Program teaches students progressively more difficult moves through eight levels of skating. Upon competition of the Basic 1 through 8 Program, skaters will have knowledge of the sport enabling them to advance to more specialized areas of skating. If a child is skating (or taking lessons) for the first time, the student should register for the Basic 1 class level. Students are evaluated at the first class session to gauge their skill/ability level, and are placed in another class if the their skill is applicable. Please specify level. Basic 1 - Proper techniques to fall & get up, marching, two foot glides & stops Basic 2 - Backward skating, one foot glides, two foot turns & snowplow stops Basic 3 - Forward stroking, two foot spins & essence of actual skating & gliding Basic 4 - Forward edges, crossovers & backward snowplow stops Basic 5 - Backward edges, crossovers & one foot spins Basic 6 - Beginning jumps, turns & spirals Basic 7 - More advanced jumps, turns & edge work Basic 8 - Combining moves, jumps & spins with new techniques


Swimming instruction is provided to give children a positive attitude toward the water while introducing and developing proper swimming techniques. All participants will be evaluated the first day of class to ensure proper class placement. Parents are allowed to observe in the pool area from the bleachers. Children that are not toilet trained must wear swim diapers. No disposable or cloth diapers are allowed in the pool. The Shorewood Recreation Department reserves the right to change a swimmer’s level if the level they are placed in does not meet their ability. Level

S w i M L e S S o n S


Skills Taught In The class

Diaper Diver


Parents are taught to safely work with their child in the water, including how to appropriAge 6 - 24 months. Child must be accompa- ately support and hold their child in the water. Children are introduced to basic skills that nied in the water with an adult. lay a foundation to help learn to swim. Several water safety topics are introduced that are directed toward the parents.

Parent / child


Age 2 - 3 years. Child must be accompanied in the water with an adult.

Program will build on the skills introduced in Diaper Diver. Participants improve on these skills and learn more advance skills in Parent/Child.



Age 4 - 5 years

Buoyancy and breath control, supported floating and kicking on front and back, introduction to front crawl arms and safety fundamentals while increasing independence in the water.



Passed Alligator. Age 4 - 5 years

Participants continue to explore using simultaneous and alternating arm and leg action on the front and the back to gain more proficiency for future strokes.



Passed Seal. Age 4 - 5 years

This level will work on improved coordination of breathing, arm and leg action. Students will work on swimming independently with a focus on swimming greater distances and times.


Age 6 years and older

Participants start developing positive attitudes, good swimming habits and safe practices in and around the water.


Passed Level 1

Participants learn to float without support and to recover to a vertical position. This level marks the true beginning of locomotion skills.


Passed Level 2

Participants will learn the survival float, swim the front crawl and the elementary backstroke. The introduction of scissors and dolphin kicks and build on the fundamentals of treading water.


Passed Level 3

Participants improve their skills and increase their endurance by swimming for greater distances. This level will add the arms to the sidestroke and introduce turning at the wall.


Passed Level 4

Participants will refine all their strokes, swim greater distances and be introduce to flip turns.


Passed Level 5

Prepares participants for more advance course such as diving, personal water safety and fitness swimming.


Grade 8 - Adult

This class will help non-swimmers or beginner swimmers gain confidence in the water at their own pace. The goal of the class is to overcome the fear of water.

Level 1 Introduction to water Skills

Level 2 Fundamental aquatic Skills

Level 3 Stroke Development

Level 4 Stroke Improvement

Level 5 Stroke Refinement

Level 6


class Size

Swimming and Skill Proficiency adult Swim Instruction

gRoup SwiM LeSSonS y o u t h

gROuP SwIM INSTRucTION Location: Fee:

S w i M L e S S o n S


class / Level alligator

6:00 - 6:30 pm

6:35 - 7:15 pm

course #

9:00 - 9:30 am
















Private Swim Interest List


9:35 - 10:05 am 9:35 - 10:15 am

10:20 - 11:00 am

11:05 - 11:45 am

7:20 - 8:00 pm

ThuRSDay, SePTeMBeR 27 - NOveMBeR 15 Time

6:00 - 6:30 pm

6:35 - 7:05 pm 6:35 - 7:15 pm



TueSDay, SePTeMBeR 25 - NOveMBeR 13

& a D u L t

SaTuRDay, SePTeMBeR 22 - NOveMBeR 17 (NO cLaSS OcTOBeR 13)

VHE Pool Resident - $40 / Non-Resident - $60

7:20 - 8:00 pm

class / Level

course #

Diaper Diver






Parent / child










Private Interest List


class / Level

course #

Diaper Diver






Parent / child
















Private Interest List


Private Swim Interest List Each 8 week swim session has an interest list for private swim lessons. If we cancel a swim class due to low enrollment, we are then able to add a private swim lesson(s). The private lessons would be for 25 minutes between 6:00 & 8:00 pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays and between 9 am and 12:00 pm on Saturdays. Our interest list is free of charge. The interest list does not guarantee a private swim lesson.

cOMe waTch The 2012 wIScONSIN SeNIOR OLyMPIcS SwIMMINg eveNT aT The vhe POOL! Location: Date: Time: Fee:

VHE Pool Saturday, September 15 1:00 - 5:00 pm FREE! For more information go to: www.wiseniorolympics.com

S w i M L e S S o n S & w a t e R a e R o b i c S



*You can register online for private swim lessons for one person. To add an additional swimmer(s) to the lesson, please contact the Recreation Department directly at (414) 963-6913 x 4. For an additional child add $25 and $20 for the third child.

Age 4 - Adult Location: VHE Pool Fee: Resident - $66 / Non-Resident - $99


course #

9/22 - 10/20



11:05 - 11:30 am

11:35 - 12:00 pm

No Class 10/13

10/27 - 11/17


9/22 - 10/20


No Class 10/13

10/27 - 11/17

PRIvaTe SwIM INSTRucTION - TueSDay Dates

course #

9/25 - 10/16


10/23 - 11/13



5:30 - 5:55 pm

PRIvaTe SwIM INSTRucTION -ThuRSDay Time 5:30 - 5:55 pm


course #

9/27 - 10/18


10/25 - 11/15



wateR aeRobicS - vhe pooL The Water Aerobics Flex Plan entitles you to ten (10) visits to any of the classes listed below. All punch cards have an expiration date of one year. Punch cards can be purchased by mail, fax, walk-in or telephone. For pool closings, please refer to page 23. all classes listed below are ongoing; new participants are welcome at any time! Time

Mon Tue wed Thu

7:00 - 8:00 am

8:30 - 9:30 am

8:30 - 9:30 am





Deep water aerobics

9/6 - 12/20

Come get a full body workout that includes stretching, warm-up, cardiovascular conditioning, toning and a cool down routine using flotation belts. Participants must provide their own belt. This class is ongoing; new participants are welcome at any time!

No Class 11/22

Shallow water aerobics

9/5 - 12/19

Self-guided Shallow & Deep water aerobics

9/7 - 12/21 No Class 11/23

Join us for a workout that combines stretching, cardio, strength and toning. You will march, jog and jump through the water to improve cardiovascular fitness, muscular endurance and flexibility. Participants do not need to know how to swim as class is conducted in the shallow end of the pool. This class is ongoing; new participants are welcome at any time! Participants will be able to use water aerobics equipment to exercise at your own pace. Three lanes and the diving well will be available for selfguided exercise and three lanes will be available for lap swim. There will not be an instructor for this class.

Fee R / N-R

Flex Plan

$40 / $60

c o M M u n i t y S w i M

ShoRewooD high SchooL - vhe pooL NO caSh wILL Be accePTeD aT aNy cOMMuNITy SwIMS. all swimmers must present a community swim punch card, a current Shorewood community Fitness center membership card, or a single swim pass which can be purchased at the Recreation Department or the Shorewood community Fitness center during business hours.

SINgLe SwIM PaSS FeeS Pass Resident Fee Non-Resident Fee Adults $4 $6 Senior $3 $5 Youth $3 $5 Age 5 & Under --------------FREE------------------

bership. Must show membership card to lifeguard at each Community Swim.

coMMunity SwiM inFoRMation Everyone must wear appropriate swimming attire in the pool. No swim suits, caps, or towels are issued at any of the community swims. Before entering the pool, it is mandatory to shower. Patrons six years of age and older are expected to use the gender-appropriate locker room or family changing area. Our family changing area can be used by parent/child or assistance with another adult. This area is located next to the women’s locker room. There are lockers in this room and we strongly recommend you use a lock. Enter the VHE pool from the lobby glass doors. Toys and flotation devices are prohibited. The Recreation Department is not responsible for any lost or stolen articles. Bring your own lock for a locker. Overnight storage is not permitted. Sauna/Whirlpool (Adults only) will be open during Adult and Lap Swims. Only towels are allowed in sauna. All Ages - Youth ages 7 and under must be accompanied in the water by an adult (ratio of one adult to every 8 children). Children 6 and under must be within one arm’s length of an adult while in the water (ratio of one adult to every 4 children). Infants and toddlers must wear swim diapers in the pool. No disposable or cloth diapers allowed. We have an adaptive chair for shallow water entrance.



card Resident Fee Non-Resident Fee Adult $60 $90 Senior $40 $60 Youth $40 $60 Punch cards allow for 20 visits for community swim and each punch card carOpen Swim is included in the Shorewood community Fitness center memries an expiration date of one year.

The Shorewood School District Facility Services Department makes every attempt to maintain water and air temperature according to the standards set by the State of Wisconsin. Any fluctuation in temperature will be corrected as soon as possible. Pool temperature is set between 78 and 81 degrees. Your patience and understanding is appreciated. Concerns about our pool facilities, please contact District Facility and Operations at (414) 963-6918.

cOMMuNITy SwIM ScheDuLe Saturday, September 1 - Sunday, December 23 Monday - Friday Lap (Grade 3 through adult).…..…...6:15 - 7:30 am Adults (18 years and older)............. 11:00 - 2:00 pm Adults (18 years and older)………....8:10 - 9:10 pm Friday only Adults* New......................................8:30 - 9:30 am All Ages….........................................7:05 - 8:05 pm Saturdays and Sundays All Ages…........................................2:00 - 3:30 pm Adults (18 years and older).........….3:30 - 4:15 pm Lap (Grade 3 through adult)....…….4:15 - 5:00 pm *adult Swim will only be held on the dates that self guided water aerobics meet. See page 22 for dates. Pool hours are subject to change. Updates will be posted on the Vhe Pool bulletin board, Vhe Pool Information Line: (414) 963-6913 x 1, and on www.shorewoodschools.org.

The vhe POOL wILL Be cLOSeD aLL Day ON: Monday, September 3 Saturday, September 8 Saturday, September 15 Saturday, October 13 Thursday, November 22

Friday, November 23 Monday, December 24 Tuesday, December 25 Monday, December 31 Tuesday, January 1

The vhe POOL wILL Be cLOSeD DuRINg The eveNINg ON:

Wednesday, September 12 Wednesday, September 26 Wednesday, October 3 Wednesday, October 17 Friday, October 19 Wednesday, November 28 Wednesday, December 19

S p o n S o R & v o L u n t e e R R e c o g n i t i o n


wanteD: voLunteeRS & SponSoRS! TeeN vOLuNTeeRS Grades 7 - 12

Do you like working with children? Do you like arts and crafts, active games, sports, music, etc.? The Shorewood Recreation Department is looking for individuals who are friendly, dependable, and enthusiastic to help out with various programs throughout the season. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Kristin at the Recreation Department at (414) 963 - 6913 x 4 or via email at: KSerpe@shorewood.k12.wi.us.

voLunteeR coacheS

Volunteer coaches are needed for our youth sports leagues. Duties include directing the team’s practice and play during games. Training and resources are provided. This small investment of your time will have a great impact on the children of your team. Coaches are needed for current and future programs in the areas of flag football (fall), basketball (winter), coach pitch baseball (summer) and T-ball (summer). If you are willing to help coach in our programs, contact the Recreation Department at (414) 963-6913 x 4 or email Nick Phalin at: NPhalin@shorewood.k12.wi.us.

SPONSOR a TeaM OR League The Shorewood Recreation and Community Services Department is looking for individuals and businesses to sponsor our leagues to cover jersey costs. Sponsors will be recognized with their name or business logo on the back of the t-shirt or jersey for the league. If you are interested, please contact the Recreation Department at (414) 963-6913 x 4.

Thank you To our 2012 Summer Teen VolunTeerS Nilesh Abraham Lucas Barry Emma Boehm Elie Ben Bordow Joe Bradisse Benji Bussen Jonathan Bussen Tasha Cherono Anna Coffaro Zac Cohen Crucita Cortez Maura Curtis Angelo DeCicco Christian DeCora Natalie Dess Monica Dix Nina Draper Henry Fowler Morgan Florsheim Eli Frank Ashley Gosse Sarah Hamrick Rachel Harvey Alec Jacobi Miranda Jacobi Katherine Johnson Arman Khan Jacqueline Klisch Joe Kosidowski Samantha Krieger Elana Lambert Zach Lambert

Olivia Loomis Matt Maggiore Kathryn Mauer Jake Marble Madeline Medrek Cassie Miller Genova Morel Penelope Musto Frannie Nesler Nick Nesler Austin Poole Jonah Rehbein-Jones Alison Reinhoffer Lindsey Repins Rachel Robrecht Laura Rodriguez Hannah Rosenbaum Jake Rybakowicz Ellie Schmitt Claire Stowe Alice Svetic Paola Tejero Sarah Turner Lisa Vulpas Charlie Walton Ben Werner Daniel Whittle Kelly Whittle Matia Williams Sophie Wood Ella Xistris Ray Xistris

thank you to ouR FinanciaL SponSoRS FoR SuMMeR ‘12

Thank you VolunTeerS! The Shorewood Recreation and Community Services Department would like to thank the following individuals who have positively impacted our youth through volunteering for the Department. Mike Aldana Peter Ausloos Wendy Beaster Lindsey Bowman Matt Caton Willie Coffou Domingo Cruz Bud DeGraff Tim Eger Rick Frohling Chad Griswold Renee Griswold

John Hayes Jess Henrickson Julia Holmes Chris Ivens Michael McQuillen David Patzer Brad O’Keef Chris Oberle Jonathan Svetic Kristin Sziarto Kristen Vosmaer

FIND uS ON Become a Facebook Fan of the Shorewood Recreation and Community Services, the Shorewood Fitness Center and the Shorewood School District to receive these benefits: * Reminders of upcoming programs * Quick updates on programs ! e re * Future project plans h an * Weather related closures Sc * And more...

p R o g R a M D e S c R i p t i o n S

acT wORkShOP Students will gain direct experience with each of the four multiple choice sections of the ACT. They will become familiar with the types of questions they will encounter on the tests as well as learn a variety of strategies to attack those questions. The instructor has 19 years of experience successfully preparing students to take the ACT. This course is for high school juniors and seniors Page 15 Instructor: Fred Silver, Vendor Program aFTeRSchOOL aDveNTuReS New Looking for something fun to do after school? Join us for biking, rock climbing and rappelling. This is all done under the tutelage of experienced staff. Training on equipment and safety will be conducted in order to guarantee a safe and successful experience for your child. All equipment, including helmets, is supplied. This program is weather permitting. Please call Riverwest Outdoor Enterprises to check the status of the program at (414) 263-4877 or (414) 202-3684. Monday Activity: Biking Bring bike and helmet (not required, but encouraged) Location: Benjamin Church House Parking Lot in Estabrook Park Friday Activity: Rock Climbing and Rappelling Bring loose fitting clothing and sturdy shoes Location: 1430 E Belleview Pl, Milwaukee (Belleview & Newhall) Page 15, 16 Instructor: Riverwest Outdoor Enterprises Staff Vendor Program aqua BOOT caMP The class provides participants with a combination of swimming, strength training, and core work both in the water and on deck. Aqua boot camp provides both cardio, strength and core exercises during each session. Various exercise sets such as sprint swims and resistance training and core work in the water and on deck. Participants must know how to swim as this program is not a water aerobics class. Please bring a yoga mat. Page 6, 9 Instructor: Renee Scherck-Meyer, Certified AFAA Personal Trainer aRT aROuND The wORLD New Take a trip around the world with unique art projects that connect to different countries! Projects are based on an art form, craft from a particular region or inspired by a country’s geography, history or culture. Page 16 Instructor: Carrie Teipel


aRThRITIS eXeRcISe PROgRaM Using gentle movements and activities designed to increase mobility and range of motion, be prepared to start to feel better, gain energy and have the ability to accomplish daily tasks with ease. Page 6, 8, 9, 10 Instructor: Jan Mahlberg, Certified Arthritis Foundation Exercise Program Instructor

BaBySITTINg - aMeRIcaN ReD cROSS This is an ideal course for current and future babysitters teaching them the best way to keep the children in their care safe. Feeding, diapering, safety, professionalism, first aid, leadership, and safe play are some of the topics that will be covered. Be sure to wear comfortable clothes and bring a water bottle and a snack. Page 16 Instructor: American Red Cross Staff, Vendor Program BaDMINTON CO-OP This sport offers something for everyone. Instruction will be offered for all who wish it. Rackets will be furnished or you may bring your own. Shuttlecocks will be provided. Provide your email address on your registration form to receive information regarding changes in schedule. Page 6 Instructor: Doug Kane BaLLeT Students will focus on exercises, techniques, and steps of classical ballet with an emphasis on terminology and correct body alignment. Students will develop an aesthetic awareness of the art of classical ballet. Each class will include a warm-up at the barre and center floor work and combinations. A performance of the dances will occur on the last day! Be sure to wear fitted comfortable clothing and bring a water bottle to class. Ballet slippers are recommended. Page 15 Instructor: Matt Gillespie BaLLeT FOR TeeNS Students will focus on exercises, techniques, and steps of classical ballet with an emphasis on terminology and correct body alignment. Students will develop an aesthetic awareness of the art of classical ballet. Each class will include a warm-up at the barre and center floor work and combinations. A performance of the dances will occur on the last day! Be sure to wear fitted comfortable clothing and bring a water bottle to class. Ballet slippers are recommended. Page 12, 15 Instructor: Matt Gillespie BaSkeTBaLL PROgRaM, ShORewOOD yOuTh cOeD Players will be placed on teams upon registration for this program. Player requests will not be honored. Both practice and game times will be scheduled by the Recreation Department. Grade 1 - 4 will have one practice and one game per week. Grade K4/K5 students will practice for the first 30 minutes each Saturday, with instructional scrimmage to follow. VOLUNTEER COACHES will instruct each team. If you are interested in coaching, please indicate on the registration form and contact Nick Phalin at NPhalin@shorewood.k12.wi.us. Parents who coach will have their child on their team. We will accept a maximum of 2 coaches per team. Players will receive a t-shirt. Teams will play on age specific rim heights. All games and practices will be approximately one hour in length. Practices will be held at Atwater and Lake Bluff Gym between 5:30 and 7:30 pm. Practices will be held Monday - Thursday. Please communicate to us any nights you have conflicts for practices. Practices will tentatively start the week of October 29. All games will be Saturday morning to early afternoon at Lake Bluff School.

No games on 11/24, 12/22 and 12/29. ** DEADLINE: OCTOBER 12, 2012. Page 17 BaSkeTBaLL, jR. gReyhOuNDS - BOyS The Shorewood Recreation Department has recently become the home of Jr. Greyhounds Basketball (formerly SBA – Shorewood Basketball Association). This program is for the more serious basketball player. This season will run from early October – March. This program will involve significant commitment including practice two days a week and weekend games involving travel throughout southeastern Wisconsin. Parents will be counted on to carpool and help out with the scoreboard or scorebook during game play. New participants must purchase team apparel (jersey, shorts, etc). We will have evaluation tryouts before finalizing a roster. Players who are interested are encouraged to tryout. Tryout fee will be $10 in advance and will include a t-shirt. We will have two tryout dates. Players should plan to attend both dates. Players will be notified on Monday, October 8 of the team roster for the season. Should players tryout but not make this team, they are encouraged to sign up and join the recreational youth basketball program. Page 17 BaSkeTBaLL - MeN’S OPeN, aDuLT Teams will be formed on site. We will split the courts if necessary. Please bring a light and dark colored shirt. Ages 18 - Adult. Page 7 BaSkeTBaLL PROgRaM, yOuTh BOyS CO-OP Participants will be placed on teams and compete in games at Whitefish Bay. Teams will be combined grades 5 and 6. Volunteer coaches will instruct each team. Parents interested in coaching, please contact Nick at: NPhalin@shorewood.k12.wi.us. Players will receive a team t-shirt. Teams will have one scheduled practice per week. Page 17 BeLLy DaNcINg, MIDDLe eaSTeRN - aDvaNceD CO-OP The advanced class offers students the opportunity to learn more advanced choreography and different styles of dance while perfecting their technique. Page 7, 8 Instructor: Zahra Sagira BeLLy DaNcINg, MIDDLe eaSTeRN - BegINNeR CO-OP The beginning class offers students the opportunity to learn the art of belly dancing in a comfortable, casual atmosphere. Learn basic choreography and enhance your overall flexibility and general conditioning. Optional field trips to local belly dancing events and spring recital. Wear exercise clothes. Hip scarves are available for purchase. Page 7, 8 Instructor: Suzanne Singh BeLLy DaNcINg, MIDDLe eaSTeRN - TechNIque CO-OP A two hour class tailored for intermediate and advanced level students. Classes will consist of technique drills (both Oriental and Folkloric), creating combos and improvisational techniques. Page 8 Instructor: Zahra Sagira

p R o g R a M D e S c R i p t i o n S

BOOT caMP, kIck BOX & cORe A "boot camp" style class that mixes drills of kickboxing, calisthenics, plyometric and core work for a complete cardio-strength workout! If weather is nice, class will meet outside. Participants must be able to run and jump. Page 6, 9 Instructor: Joanne Dixon, Certified AFAA Instructor

cOMPuTeRS, INTRO TO - INTeRMeDIaTe CO-OP This program is designed for those who have never used a computer and is geared for the older beginner. It will slowly walk participants through the concepts of Microsoft basics and general use of a PC (not Apples or Macs). Page 8 Instructor: Mike Brown

BOwLINg, OPeN & FaMILy Come and experience the Shorewood High School Bowling Alley. We will Moon-Glow Bowl the last Sunday of each session. Enjoy bowling with friends or family! Participants must be grade 1 or above. Family bowling must include an adult with a child(ren) registration. Participants must wear socks. Page 18 Instructor: Recreation Staff

cReaTuReS, MONSTeRS aND aLIeNS New Do you love to draw? This class will introduce students to the basic concepts of drawing creatures, monsters, and aliens. Page 14 Instructor: Carrie Teipel

caRDIO STeP This 40-minute cardio workout involves choreographed low impact aerobic movement on and off a height-adjustable bench. Page 6, 7 Instructor: Joanne Dixon, Certified AFAA Instructor caRTOONINg This course introduces students to the basics of drawing. Our focus will be cartooning. Page 15, 18 Instructor: Gina Glembin, Monday Carrie Teipel, Wednesday cheSS CO-OP This chess class will teach chess to all levels of ability using WSCF’s chess school curriculum and certificate program. Instruction will be balanced with instruction and active play. Page 16 Instructor: Wisconsin Scholastic Chess Federation Staff Vendor Program chIcagO, yOuR way! hOLIDay ShOPPINg An adult must accompany children under 16 years old. Join us for a fun-filled day in Chicago. You will have the day to yourself to shop, go to museums or people watch. You will be dropped off and picked up at the corner of Rush and Superior. Come with family and friends. All payments are non-refundable. Page 8, 10 chORaL aRTS, ShORewOOD This adult community chorus is open for anyone who loves to sing! The dress rehearsal date will be communicated to the participants on a later date and the concert will be the week of October 22. Page 7 Instructor: Jason Clark


cOMPuTeRS, INTRO TO - BegINNeR CO-OP This program is designed for those who have never used a computer and is geared for the older beginner. It will slowly walk participants through the concepts of Microsoft basics and general use of a PC (not Apples or Macs). Page 7 Instructor: Mike Brown

cROSS cOuNTRy - yOuTh New Join us for Cross Country in this fun setting. We will train to build up to competing in meets during the season. While training we will use multiple routes throughout Shorewood. We will alternate our meeting area before running each week. We will meet at Lake Bluff for one week, then Atwater for the next week. Each participant will receive a location schedule. We will run, learn some basics about running, stretch and have a lot of fun! Practice four days a week is not mandatory. Come as much as you can, get some exercise and have fun. Please meet us on the front steps at Lake Bluff by 3:30. Come ready to run the first day (September 10), wear shorts and running shoes. We rely on parent drivers for our meets. If you are interested in driving, please let us know. We will not participate in Saturday meets. Each participant will receive a team tshirt. Page 15 Instructors: Pam Miller, Victor Reckmeyer, Janet Reinhoffer, Daniel Berzsenyi DIve-IN MOvIe Come join us at the VHE Pool for “Dive-in Movie.” We will show Despicable Me. Participants should bring their own floatation device for the evening, otherwise they will sit on the pool deck for viewing the movie. The pool will be open at 6:30 pm for open swim and the movie will begin at 7:15 pm. The evening will conclude at 9 pm. If you do not wish to be in the pool for the movie, bring your towel and join us on the pool deck. Students must pre-register for this program. We will not accept money at the door. This program is for Shorewood residents only. Page 12 DODgeBaLL Learn how to dodge, duck, dip and dive in a game of dodgeball. We will try several variations of dodgeball. This is a great class to sign up with a friend! Page 18 DRaMa juNIOR, ShORewOOD Join Shorewood Drama Jr. as they head to summer camp…circa 1977. “Camp Daze” is a trip back to a world of canoe races, talent shows, ghost stories and first crushes, set to a soundtrack that includes Elton John, Barry Manilow and Queen. And something new and exciting for our 11th production… PUPPETS! Actors and technicians welcome. Production dates: Saturday, November 17 @ 1:30 pm and 7:00 pm, Sunday, November 18 @ 1:30 pm. Page 14

Instructor: Sara Van Loon DRaw yOuR FavORITe ThINgS New This course will introduce students to the basics of drawing. Come draw your favorite things. Page 14, 18 Instructor: Gina Glembin, Monday Carrie Teipel, Wednesday DRawINg The wORLD New We will use a variety of art materials to create drawings inspired by nature, architecture, and world cultures. Page 16 Instructor: Carrie Teipel DRawINg whaT yOu See New This class will provide drawing instruction and will utilize a variety art media to draw what you see. Page 18 Instructor: Carrie Teipel FaLL weekeND aDveNTuReS New This 5-weekend program offers youth the opportunity to experience rock climbing, rappelling, canoeing, kayaking, biking, and hiking all within the city limits. This is all done under the tutelage of experienced staff. Training on equipment and safety will be conducted in order to guarantee a safe and successful experience for your child. All equipment, including helmets, is supplied. This program is weather permitting. Please call Riverwest Outdoor Enterprises to check the status of the program at (414) 263-4877 or (414) 202-3684. Saturday, September 8 Activity: Canoeing Location: Kletzsch Park Bring towel and clothes to get wet in Saturday, September 15 Activity: Kayaking Location: Kletzsch Park Bring towel and clothes to get wet in Saturday, September 22 Activity: Biking Location: Softball Diamond Parking Lot in Estabrook Park Bring bike and helmet (not required, but encouraged) Saturday, September 29 Activity: Rock Climbing & Rappelling Location: 1430 E Belleview Pl, Milwaukee (Belleview & Newhall) Bring loose fitting clothing and sturdy shoes Saturday, October 6 Activity: River Hike Location: Lincoln Park Bring loose fitting clothing and sturdy shoes Page 14 Instructor: Riverwest Outdoor Enterprises Staff, Vendor Program

p R o g R a M D e S c R i p t i o n S

FaLL weekeND aDveNTuReS- TeeNS! New This 4-weekend program offers youth the opportunity to experience rock climbing, rappelling, canoeing, kayaking, biking, and hiking all within the city limits. This is all done under the tutelage of experienced staff. Training on equipment and safety will be conducted in order to guarantee a safe and successful experience for your child. All equipment, including helmets, is supplied. This program is weather permitting. Please call Riverwest Outdoor Enterprises to check the status of the program at (414) 263-4877 or (414) 202-3684. Saturday, September 8 Activity: Canoeing Location: Kletzsch Park Bring towel and clothes to get wet in Saturday, September 15 Activity: Kayaking Location: Kletzsch Park Bring towel and clothes to get wet in Saturday, September 22 Activity: Biking Location: Softball Diamond Parking Lot in Estabrook Park Bring bike and helmet (not required, but encouraged) Saturday, September 29 Activity: Rock Climbing & Rappelling Location: 1034 N. 4th Street, Milwaukee (Milwaukee Turners) Bring loose fitting clothing and sturdy shoes. Page 14 Instructor: Riverwest Outdoor Enterprises Staff Vendor Program 5k TRaININg PROgRaM This course is designed for beginning runners that want to work up to a 5K (3.1 miles) and for those who haven’t run in while and want to begin again. All ability levels are welcome! Along with running workouts, Coach Renee will cover topics such as flexibility and core strength, proper running technique, running shoes, safety, injury prevention, hydration and training and race day nutrition. This program will culminate with participants completing the Shorewood Fowl 5K run on Saturday, November 10. The course fee includes your registration fee for the 5k and a race participation t-shirt. Page 6 Instructor: Renee Scherck-Meyer, Certified AFAA Personal Trainer FIT POweR MIX New This class observes the benefits of functional training, and the importance of covering fitness on all levels. From aerobic exercise to strength, power, balance and stability, we have got you covered! Page 7, 9 Instructor: Jake Wollach, CPT


FLag FOOTBaLL New FOrmAT We have revamped the format for our youth flag football program. We will include grades 1 and 2, parent volunteer coaches and instruction from SHS football players. After registration, participants will be placed on a team that will practice one night per week. Please communicate to us any nights you have conflicts for practices. We will play games on Saturday afternoons on the SHS Football Field. Before our games kickoff, SHS players will

lead a 15 minute fundamental drill for our players to learn and practice. Parents – if you are interested in coaching, please contact Nick Phalin at NPhalin@shorewood.k12.wi.us or indicate this on your registration form. Page 14 FReNch, PReSchOOL CO-OP Remember how hard it was for you to learn a foreign language? Your preschool child’s mind does not have these inhibitions. This is the optimum age for absorbing these new sounds. Join your child in their first Spanish or French learning experience. In this parent/child course you will learn colors, numbers, foods and animals along with a myriad of other cultural tidbits. This will be done through songs, games and other activities Page 16 Instructor: Deirdre Halat FuLL BODy OveRhauL New These classes incorporate weights, bands, plyometric exercises along with other training styles to get a full body overhaul. Page 11 geTTINg TO kNOw gReaT aRTISTS New We will be exploring the works of great artists through hands on art projects. We will study famous paintings, sculptures and Art History. Let your child take a glimpse into artists such as Leonardo, Rembrandt, Monet, Matisse and more. Page 16 Instructor: Carrie Teipel hIP-hOP DaNce Come join a high-energy dance class that uses the latest hit music from One Direction, Selena Gomez and others, blended together with movements influenced by Hip Hop choreographers! Students will learn hip hop combinations as well as develop their own choreography. A performance of the dances will occur on the last day! Be sure to wear fitted comfortable clothing to class and bring a water bottle. Page 16 Instructor: Matt Gillespie hIP-hOP DaNce FOR TeeNS New Get ready to break a sweat and bust a move! This class will get you moving to the sounds of old school hip hop to new age rap and pop music. We will be incorporating fancy footwork, popping and locking, and strength training. Students will learn hip hop combinations as well as develop their own choreography. A performance of the dances will occur on the last day! Please wear appropriate dance attire - comfortable and stretchable clothing and sneakers and bring a water bottle to class. Page 16 Instructor: Matt Gillespie Ice SkaTe, LeaRN TO cLaSSeS Designed by U.S. Figure Skating, the Learn to Skate Classes enable beginning skaters to experience the fundamentals of the sport to start a lifetime commitment to health and fitness. Classes meet once a week for 6 weeks. Recommended equipment: helmet, mittens/gloves, long/snow pants, sweatshirts, winter jacket, and skates. Skates can be rented at the Pettit for an additional fee.

Fee includes six 40 minute classes, 20 minutes of designated skating school participant only practice time immediately following every class, complimentary public skating on day of class when available, plus 4 additional complimentary public skating passes to be used for practice time on non-class days throughout session. Page 19 IF NOT NOw, wheN? PRacTIcaL PLaNNINg New CO-OP aMIDST RISINg heaLTh caRe cOSTS Join us to discuss financial and estate planning considerations aimed to preserve assets and combat rising health care costs, particularly with respect to long-term care (i.e. assisted-living). Whether you are or will be caring for elderly loved ones or want to know how to start planning for yourself, we will outline how to help protect your loved ones and plan effectively for long-term health care needs. We will focus on how to utilize estate planning tools (wills, trusts, powers of attorney, etc.) and proper long-term care financing to keep your elder care preferences intact. Page 9 Instructor: Dan McDermott, Estate Planning Attorney; McDermott, Foley & Wilson, LLP Jess Henrickson, Financial Advisor; Robert W. Baird & Co., Inc. LacROSSe - INDOOR, BOyS Indoor lacrosse is a faster ‘pin-ball’ version of outdoor lacrosse. For those players that are looking for something more, the indoor program takes everything you enjoy about lacrosse and focuses on improving fundamental stick work and overall quickness. The hour slot will be a 6 vs. 6 scrimmages only. Full boys lacrosse equipment is required. Equipment (gloves, elbow, shoulder pads, helmet and stick) can be rented for $15 by registering for course #1493.7. Players must provide a mouth guard and athletic cup. Cleats are recommended. Parents interested in helping coach please contact Nick Phalin at NPhalin@shorewood.k12.wi.us Page 16 Instructor: Kevin Kane LacROSSe INSTRucTION - OuTDOOR, BOyS Lacrosse is a fast, physical, contact sport that combines aspects of soccer, hockey and basketball. The clinic will offer instruction (drills and skills) and scrimmages for players of all levels; beginner to experienced. Full boys lacrosse equipment is required. Equipment (gloves, elbow, shoulder pads, helmet and stick) can be rented for $15 by registering for course #1493.6. Players must provide a mouth guard and athletic cup. Cleats are recommended. This is a great opportunity for boys who are new to the sport of lacrosse to give it a try. Come out and play the exciting sport that Sports Illustrated calls the “Fastest Growing Sport in America”, plus have fun with your friends! Parents interested in helping coach please contact Nick Phalin at NPhalin@shorewood.k12.wi.us Page 14, 15 Instructor: Kevin Kane LaTIN DaNce: MeReNgue & SaLSa Come ready to learn the basic steps and rhythms of these Latin Dances. No partner necessary. Beginner and experienced dancers are welcome. Page 7, 8 Instructor: Rosalita Villa

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LIFeguaRD ceRTIFIcaTION, aMeRIcaN ReD cROSS Are you interested in becoming a lifeguard? You will learn concepts of responsibility, work ethic, leadership and approachability that will prepare you for a job as a lifeguard. The American Red Cross Lifeguard course will cover the knowledge and skills to get your lifeguard, CPR/AED and First Aid Certification. Successful completion of the course earns your certification in Lifeguarding/First Aid and CPR/AED. Attendance is mandatory. Certification is not guaranteed. There is a mandatory pretest is on the first day of class. Participants must pass the pretest to be accepted into the class. Class meets on Fridays from 5 pm to 9 pm, Saturdays from 12 noon to 8 pm and Sundays from 1:30 pm to 7 pm. Page 8, 16 Instructor: Amy Johnson MaD ScIeNce - aFTeR SchOOL PROgRaMS CO-OP Mad Science is the experts in spectacular science for children. Our science programming provides fun, interactive and educational hands-on activities that instill a clearer understanding of science and how it affects the world around us. Through this program, children will make and take home a project dealing with that week’s subject. Additional materials are also sent home to extend the fun and learning. On November 27, program will be held in Richards School Gym. Page 15, 18 Instructor: Mad Science Staff, Vendor Program MaNDaLaS New In our hectic days we have forgotten that children need a way to relieve stress too. Creating Mandalas is the perfect way to help children to relax and focus, while also fostering a love of art from other cultures. A mandala is a repetitive design within a circle. Through free-flowing arrangements, mandalas have a calming effect. It can be a tool for meditation, therapy, or simply an activity to while away the time. And after the mandala is completed, the finished work becomes an instrument for further reflection. Page 14 Instructor: Carrie Teipel MaRTIaL aRTS, yOuNg aMeRIcaN This innovative martial arts program will encourage your child to develop a positive attitude, perseverance, self-confidence and selfdiscipline. All this and more in the fun-filled challenges of the Young American Martial Arts Club. Class fee includes testing. Page 15 Instructor: Phil Sauer, Vendor Program MIcROSOFT eXceL I CO-OP In this series of sessions, introductory concepts will be taught in Microsoft Excel, a popular spreadsheet program. Participants should have basic computer experience. This class will cover topics such as navigation, workbook management, data entry, formatting, formulas, cell reference, and cut/copy/paste tasks. Page 8 Instructor: Mike Brown


MIcROSOFT eXceL II CO-OP In this series of sessions, introductory concepts will be taught in Microsoft Excel, a popular spreadsheet program. Participants should have basic computer experience. This class will cover

topics such as advanced cut/copy/paste commands, absolute vs. relative cell reference, and charting & graphing. Page 9 Instructor: Mike Brown MIcROSOFT wORD I CO-OP In this series of sessions, introductory concepts will be taught in Microsoft Word, a word processing program. The introductory level includes text options, cut/copy/paste, formatting, bulleting/numbering, and saving/opening/creating documents. Page 7 Instructor: Mike Brown MIcROSOFT wORD II CO-OP In this series of sessions, introductory concepts will be taught in Microsoft Word, a word processing program. The intermediate level includes tables, tab stops, indenting, inserting images, watermarks, headers/footers, shading and spiking. Page 8 Instructor: Mike Brown MuScLe FITNeSS This 30-minute workout is designed to strengthen and tone all major muscle groups, as well as improve your core and balance using personal resistance, weights, bands and resist-a-balls. For safety purposes, we ask that your warm-up before coming into the class. Bring an exercise mat. Page 6, 7 Instructor: Joanne Dixon, Certified AFAA Instructor MuSIc MakeR aND MORe CO-OP This musical class incorporates traditional children's songs, finger play, rhythm instruments, and dance movements as well as puppets that help tell a story within the songs. Our goal is to give children an interest and love for all kinds of music! Bring your dancing feet and join us for a fun family class. Page 15, 18 Instructor: Music Maker and More Staff, Vendor Program NIa Nia is a sensory-based movement practice that leads to health, wellness and fitness. It is a dynamic fusion of carefully selected movements and concepts from the dance arts, martial arts and healing arts. Classes are taken barefoot to soul-stirring music. Together the music and the movement inspire a body, mind, emotion and spirit connection. Beginners and highly fit athletes alike can adapt Nia to meet their needs and abilities in the present moment. Experience the joy of movement and the benefits of moving your body…the body’s way. Page 6, 9 Instructor: Dori Frankel - Steigman, Certified NIA White Belt Instructor NO kIDDINg aROuND: SIMPLe STePS TO PLaNNINg FOR kIDS New This course will cover legal and financial considerations for your children’s futures. We will discuss a range of topics including: (1) guardians for minors, (2) wills, trusts, & beneficiary planning; and (3) balancing rising education costs with retirement strategies. Page 7 Instructor: Dan McDermott, Estate Planning Attorney;

McDermott, Foley & Wilson, LLP Jess Henrickson, Financial Advisor; Robert W. Baird & Co., Inc. OLD FaMILy PhOTOS & DIgITaL age CO-OP Albums, boxes and drawers of old family photos and slides can be converted to digital images for prints, scrapbooking, hardcover books and multimedia projects. This seminar covers your options to copy old family photos - whether you have a computer or not. Information on computer use is for Windows PC computers. Page 9 Instructor: C.T. Kruger PhOTOgRaPhy TechNIqueS, aDvaNceD DIgITaL CO-OP Bring your camera and its instruction manual to this two-hour workshop designed to get you “out of automatic” and use your camera’s exposure modes and functions in situations like Sports, Portraits, Low Light, and more. This class is ideal for people who have purchased interchangeable lens (DSLR) cameras, or have an advanced digital camera with Program, Shutter / Aperture Priority, and Manual exposure modes. Page 9 Instructor: C.T. Kruger

PIaNO LeSSONS Have you always wanted to learn piano? Do you need to "brush up" on your skills? What are you waiting for? Make up lessons will be scheduled by the instructor. Base lessons are 30 minutes. Lessons longer than 30 minutes will have an adjusted fee. Please note the change of day to Monday. Date: Monday, September 10 - October 22 (No Class 9/17) Fee Length course # Resident - $245 / Non-Resident - $295 30 min 1545.1 Resident - $290 / Non-Resident - $340 45 min 1545.2 Date: Monday, November 5 - December 10 Fee Length Resident - $245 / Non-Resident - $295 30 min Resident - $290 / Non-Resident - $340 45 min

course # 1545.3 1545.4

Page 15, 18 Instructor: Olga Voladarskaya PILaTeS Pilates is designed to tone and elongate muscles, isolate, activate and condition deep muscles in your body. It also works to flatten abdominals and improve body mechanics. It alleviates stress/tension and refines breathing patterns. Bring an exercise mat. Page 6, 9 Instructor: Elizabeth Klijnsmit, Certified Stott Pilates Instructor and Certified NETA Instructor & Personal Trainer POweRS OF NaTuRe CO-OP Junior Scientists will love exploring the wonders of weather such as lightning, tornadoes, hurricanes and more. Parents will be able to tackle some holiday shopping while their children will discover how earthquakes affect the earth and how to keep Mother Earth clean! Kids will make their very own mini-tornado tube to take home. Page 18 Instructor: Mad Science Staff, Vendor Program

SeNIOR STReNgTh, wITh BaLaNce & FLeXIBILITy Using bands and light weights to strengthen various muscle groups, the class will also focus on movements that enhance balance and flexibility.

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Page 6, 9 Instructor: Elizabeth Klijnsmit, Certified Stott Pilates Instructor and Certified NETA Instructor & Personal Trainer Sew, LeaRNINg TO: FuN FaShIONS wITh FLeece CO-OP Learn the basic skills of sewing from a pattern while working with fun, fleece fabric. We’ll be ready for cold weather when we sew and decorate a hat, scarf and mittens. Students will then have a choice of making a lounge blanket (like a Snuggie™) or an unstructured fleece jacket. We will work from selected patterns and students will need to purchase their own fabric before the firstclass. Supply lists, class outline and pictures of the projects can be found on website, www.wfbschools.com. Page 18 Instructor: Sandy Saltzstein SkI aND SNOwBOaRD cLuB LeaRN TO SkI OR SNOwBOaRD aT SuNBuRST Whether you are an experienced skier/snowboarder or have never tried it, this program is for you. Each session includes one hour of lessons with the remaining time for open skiing or snowboarding. Plus each participant who completes the lessons receives a Sunburst Ski Club Membership, allowing them to come back any time after completing the program and ski for the day for a nominal fee. Prices include bus transportation. Minimum number of 15 participants are required, so sign up early! All registrations and Sunburst paperwork must be completed no later than Friday, December 7. All participants must rent a helmet if they do not bring their own. Helmet rental is $20 for the 4 week session. Page 19 SOcceR - INDOOR CO-OP Our highly successful indoor soccer program consists of instruction and competitive play. Emphasis is on learning the fundamentals of the game, techniques, conditioning and sportsmanship. Participants divide into teams to play scrimmage games and have fun! All players should wear shin guards and bring a ball to each practice. Page 18 Instructor: Whitefish Bay Soccer Club Staff SOcceR INSTRucTION Take part in introductory soccer drills and skills. Page 14


SPaNISh, PReSchOOL CO-OP Remember how hard it was for you to learn a foreign language? Your preschool child’s mind does not have these inhibitions. This is the optimum age for absorbing these new sounds. Join your child in their first Spanish or French learning experience. In this parent/child course you will learn colors, numbers, foods and animals along with a myriad of other cultural tidbits. This will be done through songs, games and other activities Page 15 Instructor: Deirdre Halat

SPecIaL OLyMPIcS The Recreation Department is the Agency Manager for Shorewood Special Olympics. If you have a child age 8-21 with special needs that is looking to stay active, meet friends, socialize, and have fun while playing sports, sign up today! Please contact the Recreation Department for more information as to sports offered and schedules. If you have not previously participated in Special Olympics through the Shorewood Recreation Department, please contact Nick at NPhalin@shorewood.k12.wi.us for more information before signing up. Practice times will be established during the fall season. Page 11 STeP & ScuLPT This class will be using step for the cardio portion of this class, toning movements utilizing exercise tubes, weights, bars and fitness balls. Abdominal training included. This class consists of a warm up, cardio work out, toning movements, and final stretch. Bring an exercise mat. Page 6, 9 Instructor: Elizabeth Klijnsmit, Certified Stott Pilates Instructor & Certified NETA Instructor & Personal Trainer - Sat Joanne Dixon, Certified AFAA Instructor - Friday STRONg & FIT INDOOR/OuTDOOR BOOT caMP This class uses a combination of the indoors and outdoors to provide a full body workout. Participants will use free weights and one’s own body weight with short bursts of cardio to tone and burn fat. Page 7, 9 Instructor: Renee Scherck-Meyer, Certified AFAA Personal Trainer TeeN STReNgTh aND agILITy This class will teach students the basics to strength and agility training at the SIS Fitness Center. They will be tested on Presidential Physical Fitness standards throughout the course to track progress and to teach the importance of physical training. Throughout the semester the course will progress in training techniques to help the students learn and advance physically. If the student meets the standards of the class they will receive a free membership to the Shorewood Community Fitness Center the 2012 - 2013 school year. Page 14, 16 30 Day IRON aThLeTe chaLLeNge, 2ND aNNuaL The 30 Day Iron Athlete Challenge is back by popular demand! The Shorewood Community Fitness Center and Shorewood Recreation Department invite you to participate in the second annual 30-Day Iron Athlete Challenge! Participants have one month to complete 26.2 miles of running/elliptical, 112 miles of biking or stair stepping and 2.4 miles of swimming. New this year, participants will be able to complete up to 25% of the challenge outside of the fitness center which equates to 6.5 miles running and 28 miles biking. All participants will receive a t-shirt! Page 5, 7

TINy TuMBLeRS This course will introduce children to gymnastics. Participants will become comfortable with their body and trying new and challenging movements. Age 2-3 participants must have an adult that actively participates in the class. Page 18 Instructor: Matt Gillespie TOTaL BODy cONDITIONINg - TBc Using a variety of equipment, this strength training class targets major muscle groups for the total body workout. Abdominal exercises are always included. This is a great way to increase your metabolism, burn fat and get a great workout! Bring an exercise mat. Page 6, 9 Instructor: Elizabeth Klijnsmit, Certified Stott Pilates Instructor and Certified NETA Instructor & Personal Trainer uLTIMaTe FRISBee This course will offer a chance to learn skill sets in ultimate Frisbee. We will participate in basic fundamentals throwing, catching, and basic offense and defensive skills. Drills and games will be designed to increase your knowledge and ability as well as your love for the game. We will also learn all of the basic rules of ultimate following the USA Ultimate guidelines. If you are a veteran player or just starting to throw a Frisbee with friends come out and have a blast. Page 15 Instructor: UWM Ultimate Club Players vOIce LeSSONS Are you interested in becoming a better singer? If so, private voice lessons are for you. Learn from mezzo-soprano, Colleen Brooks. Lessons are 30 minutes and will focus on teaching classical vocal technique for all singing styles, including classical, Music Theater, jazz and pop. Dr. Brooks has been an artist in residence with San Francisco Opera and Florentine Opera (Milwaukee). One make-up date will be allowed for planned excused absences. When you sign up for all 10 classes at once, receive a $20 discount. Page 14, 18 Instructor: Colleen Brooks vOLLeyBaLL - cOeD OPeN, aDuLT Serve, bump and volley. Come improve your skills during open volleyball. This course is for beginning to advanced players. This is a great class to sign up with a friend. Page 7 yOga, chILDReN’S New Through fun games and activities children learn yoga postures and breathing, and yes- Meditation! We will release energy through action and experience calm by the end of class. This is a drop off class, no parents in class, please. Bring a yoga mat. Page 16 Instructor: Rosie Sheinbein, Certified Yoga Alliance ERYT-200, RMT

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yOga, geNTLe haTha This course is instructed at a relaxed pace and is great for beginners and those with physical limitations The class focuses on holistic Hatha yoga which strengthens, heals, and aligns the body, mind, and spirit. Class begins early in the morning to bless the day with love & light. Please bring a yoga mat, blanket, and water bottle. Page 6, 9 Instructor: Rosie Sheinbein, Certified Yoga Alliance ERYT-200, RMT yOga FOR TeeNS New This yoga course is specifically designed for teens and will practice fun yoga postures that will enliven their sense of playfulness and help them to see their body and mind connection. Yoga for Teens will help participants find their sense of inner calm and quiet and strengthen their mind and body. Page 18 Instructor: Pam Miller, 200 hour Certified Yoga Instructor through Kanyakumari, Ayurveda and Yoga Wellness Center yOu aND yOuR DIgITaL caMeRa CO-OP Bring your digital camera – and its instruction manual - to this twohour hands-on workshop on basic Digital Photography. This class is for people who are new to digital photography and will cover how to overcome some common problems, some useful features and functions of your digital camera, and sure-fire tips and techniques for making better photos. Page 8 Instructor: C.T. Kruger yOu have PIcTuReS IN yOuR caMeRa - NOw whaT? CO-OP This two hour seminar demonstrates how to save, archive and print your photos whether you have a computer or not. The seminar covers photo printing options, basic photo editing, use of photos in Email, ordering photos online, and use of photos in books and multimedia using Windows PC computers. Page 8 Instructor: C.T. Kruger ZuMBa Zumba is a fusion of Latin and International music - dance themes that create a dynamic, exciting effective fitness system! The routines feature aerobic fitness interval training with a combination of fast and slow rhythms that tone and sculpt the body. Zumba utilizes the principles of fitness interval training and resistance training to maximize caloric output, fat burning and total body toning. It is a mixture of body sculpting movements with easy to follow dance steps. Page 6, 7, 9 Instructor: Michelle Miller, Certified Zumba Instructor - Tuesday Katie Rhyme, Certified Zumba Instructor - Friday


For m ore inform ation about the se events visit our web site at: www.s hor ewo od sc ho o ls .o r g

MaRk youR caLenDaR... ShORewOOD cOMMuNITy - wIDe haLLOweeN PaRTy! Join SEED and the Recreation Department for a night of Halloween fun and games! The event will feature many family-friendly activities and games, including bowling in the SHS Bowling Lanes, a Haunted Hallway, Face-Painting and much more! Location: SHS Youth Center Date: Wednesday, October 31 Time: 3:45 - 5:00 pm

ShORewOOD vILLage’S TRIck OR TReaT wILL Be ceLeBRaTeD ON SuNDay, OcTOBeR 28 FROM 2:00 - 4:00 P.M. ShORewOOD cONNecTS 5Th aNNuaL yaRD cLeaN-uP Day Join your neighbors for a morning of yard clean-up to benefit older and disabled adults throughout Shorewood. To volunteer, contact Shorewood Connects Coordinator Sue Kelley skelley1@wi.rr.com or 961-7262. Older and disabled adults seeking assistance please contact Elizabeth Price at the Shorewood Senior Resource Center eprice@villageofshorewood.org or (414) 847-2727. Date: Saturday, November 3 Time: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

ShORewOOD cOMMuNITy FITNeSS ceNTeR’S 2012 FOwL 5k RuN/waLk 5K off-road run/walk on Shorewood’ scenic bike path. Proceeds to benefit Shorewood High School Boys and Girls Cross Country Teams. course #: 1970.1 Race Date: Saturday, November 10 Starting Time: 10:00 am at Shorewood High School Track For more information contact the Shorewood Fitness Center at (414) 961-3100 or via email at: BWood@shorewood.k12.wi.us

8Th aNNuaL juggLeFeST vaRIeTy ShOw Mark your calendars and join us for Shorewood’s eighth annual Jugglefest Variety Show. It will be an extravaganza of flying clubs, knives, balls and more! Top professional entertainers anchor this show that also features local talent. Date: Performance: Open juggling:

Sunday, April 7, 2013 1:00 - 3:00 pm in the High School Auditorium 3:15 - 4:15 pm in the High School North Gym

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1. a MeSSage TO PaReNTS For all programs, age and grade requirement will be as of the first day of the class, unless otherwise specified. Please only register your child in the class when he/she meets the requirements. All age and grade requirements are set to benefit the child and make instruction consistent for the instructor. In some instances, the requirements have been set for the child’s safety. 2. SPecIaL NOTIce TO PaReNTS OF yOuTh PROgRaM PaRTIcIPaNTS Parents are reminded to pick their children up at the completion time listed for the activity they are participating in. Recreation staff are not responsible for participants once their class is completed (they are also not paid to wait for parents who are late in picking up their children.) We also ask parents to stress to their children that when they are in a school building, they should go directly to their program activity area and not wander around the building. We do not wish to lose our privilege to utilize these facilities because of particpants being where they should not be. Your cooperation with this is greatly appreciated. 3. DISRuPTIve PaRTIcIPaNTS During the course of our programs, there have been times that disruptive participants have impacted our classes. Our instructors try to work with these participants, however, sometimes the behavior becomes such that it impacts the ability of the other students to learn, of the instructor to teach, or provide a safe learning environment. The following procedure will be in effect if problems occur: 1. Verbal contact between instructor and program participant and/or parent. 2. Verbal contact between the Recreation Department and program participant and/or parent. 3. Reoccurance following these conversations will result in removal from the program. There will be no refund of fees for individuals removed from programs due to disruptive behavior. The determination of program offering depends on the number of registered participants.

will be required prior to participation in the program. Reduced program fees are not granted after the registration has been processed. The Shorewood Recreation Department reserves the right to deny participants request for reduced program fees. Program fees may be reduced by the following: Discount on Program Fees Cost of Class Up to $10 Minimum payment $5 $10.01 to $29.99 $5 discount $30 and above $10 discount Programs that do not qualify for a discount rate include vendor programs, field trips, co-op programs, activity nights and summer enrichment. The Recreation Department does not want to exclude any Shorewood Public School student or a student that lives in Shorewood who may be unable to participate due to financial hardship. If a family is unable to pay the entire youth program fee, the parent/guardian should contact the Department in writing and arrangements may be made so that the youth is able to participate at a further reduced program fee. The Recreation Department does offer payment plan options. 6. caNceLLeD cLaSSeS All programs are subject to change. Programs will be subject to cancellation should low attendance warrant such a decision. There may be times classes need to be cancelled due to weather, facility scheduling, etc. We will attempt to reschedule the class, however, if we are unable to make up the class, there will be NO REFUNDS or credit give for class cancellations. For program closing due to inclement weather, or other reasons, call (414) 963-6913 x 3 or check the website at: www.shorewoodschools.org. 7. ShaRINg OF PeRSONaL INFORMaTION The Shorewood Recreation and Community Services Department requires personal information from each participant on the registration form. The information provided to us by each individual is used solely for the purpose of participating in Shorewood Recreation programs. The Shorewood Recreation Department will not share participant’s information with outside parties.

4. ON-SITe RegISTRaTION Instructors will not accept registration or payment at the class site. All registration transactions must be completed at the Recreation Department or Fitness Center at least three business days prior to the class beginning or an administrative late fee will be assessed.

8. LaTe FRee RegISTRaTION All program registrations must occur three business days prior to classes starting, or by the sign-up deadline. a $10 late fee will be assessed if we receive your registration after these three days or the deadline. Please register early.

5. ReDuce/waIveR OF FeeS The Shorewood Recreation and Community Services Department recognizes that some of the residents of the Village of Shorewood may require financial assistance to participate in recreation programs. If your child attends Shorewood Public Schools and has qualified for Shorewood’s Nutritional Services Free and Reduced Meal Program, the student and their family members may receive the reduced program fees as listed below. Please indicate your participation in the Shorewood Nutritional Services Free and Reduced Meal Program on your registration form. If you live in the Village of Shorewood, you may qualify for reduced program fees. Please complete a reduced program fee form and return the form to the Shorewood Recreation Department. The Recreation Department will notify you regarding your eligibility to receive the reduced program fees as listed below within two (2) business days after receiving your application. Upon approval of your request, payment

9. ReFuND PROceDuRe Full refunds will not be issued unless a program is cancelled by the Recreation Department. 10. ReTuRNeD checkS There will be a $25 service fee on all returned checks. 11. caN I DROP a cLaSS aFTeR IT STaRTeD? You are important to us! The Shorewood Recreation and Community Services Department is committed to excellence by providing high quality programs and services. If you or a family member are not satisfied with a class, program or service offered by the Department, please let us know prior to the start of the third class. In order to receive a pro-rated credit you must notify our office prior to the 3rd class. after the 3rd class has met, a credit for that class will not be issued. The credit expires two years from

the date of issue. 12. veNDOR PROgRaM As indicated next to the individual program and in the program description, these classes are contracted out by private businesses for the Recreation Department. We are unable to give a credit, five business days before the start of the class. 13. Fee FOR TRaNSFeRRINg OR DROPPINg a cLaSS BeFORe IT STaRTS You may drop or transfer a class before it starts without penalty if completed at least 3 business days prior to the class beginning. a $10 fee per registration will be assessed if we do not receive this notice. You will receive credit for dropping a class. 14. PayMeNT PLaN Payment plans are available for those people that sign up for more than $200 worth of program fees. Please contact the Recreation Department for more information at (414) 963-6913 x 4. 15. INcLeMeNT weaTheR caNceLLaTIONS Outdoor programs will be cancelled when the weather is inclement or fields are not playable. Please call the information line, (414) 963-6913 x 3, to determine if a program is cancelled. 16. waITINg LISTS If classes are filled when you enroll, please request to be placed on a waiting list, or opt for it online. If there are any cancellations or new classes opened, you will be notified and permitted to register for them. No names are put on a waiting list after the first class has met. Please do not attend the class if you are on a waiting list. Payment is not accepted for waiting list. 17. SMOkINg/aLcOhOL uSe POLIcy The use of all tobacco products or drinking of alcoholic beverages on all School District premises is prohibited by state law. 18. ROuND-uP FOR RecReaTION Rounding up your program fee helps provide financial support to individuals who are unable to afford program fees. If you are rounding up, please put the amount you would like to round up in the in the appropriate box on the registration form. You can donate online by going to donation For recreation. 19. Say cheeSe! For program promotion, photographs may be taken of participants from time to time. If you do not wish to have your photo taken, please notify the photographer and/or class instructor. 20. RecReaTION BuLLeTIN SuBScRIPTION Residents of Shorewood will continue to receive our bulletin from the post office. For a fee of $6 per year, we will mail the three seasonal bulletins to your home. Please indicate subscriber on your registration form and include your payment. 21. a gReaT gIFT IDea Do you have a friend or family member who has everything? The Shorewood Recreation and Community Services Gift Certificates are available in any amount and can be used toward any program offered in the Recreation bulletin. Contact us for more information.

g e n e R a L i n F o R M a t i o n


22. DO yOu waNT TO wORk FOR uS? Do you have a skill, talent, or knowledge you would like to share through the Recreation Department? Contact us for a program proposal form or go on-line to the School District website, www.shorewoodschools.org.

31. cOMMuNITy SwIM ScheDuLeS Pool schedules are subject to change at a moment’s notice. Each sign that is posted is dated. To find out what the pool schedule is for the day, call the pool hotline at (414) 963-6913 x 1 or visit our website: www.shorewoodschools.org

23. eMPLOyMeNT OPPORTuNITIeS Applications are being accepted for job opportunities including lifeguards, swim instructors, aerobic and water aerobic instructors, sports instructors, arts and crafts specialists, and fitness instructors. Applications can be downloaded from the District website: wwwshorewoodschools.org.

32. ON-LINe RegISTRaTION Just follow these quick steps to register online:  Go to www.shorewoodrecreation.org  Log in (unsure of password, or if you have an account - please call our office.  Type in search window (upper right corner) course#, or keyword for the class you are interested in.  Select the class you would like by clicking on the appropriate class.  After reading through the description and you decide you would like the class, then click “ADD TO CART”  Select appropriate family member(s), then click “NEXT”, then “FINISH”.  You can either click “CONTINUE SHOPPING” to choose more classes or you can click “CHECKOUT” if you are ready to pay.  Unfortunately, in-house credit can only be applied by our staff. Therefore you credit can not be utilized during on-line registration. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

24. hOSPITaL/MeDIcaL INSuRaNce The School District of Shorewood does not provide hospital/medical insurance coverage for people participating in sponsored activities. 25. TyPO, huMaN eRROR, we gOOFeD...!? Occasionally there may be an error in days, times, registration requirement or fees in the bulletin. When such an error occurs, our staff will do everything possible to correct the situation promptly. We thank you for your patience and understanding. 26. ShORewOOD RecReaTION aDvISORy cOMMITTee A special thank you to the individuals who are serving on the 20122013 Shorewood Recreation and Community Services Advisory Committee.

jennifer anderson cheryl andres Fred gayle carol gosse alandria gladney

Mary jo McDonald ann Mckaig Maggie Reeve Barbara weber

If you are interested in serving on the Recreation Advisory Committee, please contact the Recreation Department at 963-6913 x 4.

Please provide appropriate credit card information. If you would like our department to walk you through the registration process, please do not hesistate to call. 33. uNaBLe TO uSe cReDIT FOR ON-LINe RegISTRaTION Unfortunately in-house credit can only be applied by our staff. Therefore your credit can not be utilized during on-line registration. We are sorry for the inconvenience. 34. NON-ReSIDeNT ON-LINe RegISTRaTION We reserve the right to cancel an on-line Non-Resident registration made prior to the Non-Resident registration date in order to accommodate Shorewood Residents.

27. LOck IT uP! Shorewood Recreation Department is not responsible for any items lost or stolen. Please bring a lock to secure your personal belongings. Please leave your valuables at home. It is strongly suggested that you always lock your bike. 28. INDIvIDuaLS wITh SPecIaL NeeDS Shorewood Recreation & Community Services Department programs are open to all children and adults, including those with special needs. For assistance and information, please call 963-6913 x 4. 29. NON-DIScRIMINaTION POLIcy The School District of Shorewood does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, religion, national origin (including limited English proficiency), ancestry, creed, color, pregnancy, marital or parental status, sexual orientation, or physical, mental, emotional or learning disability or handicap. 30. DOgS aRe NOT aLLOweD ON SchOOL gROuNDS.


INTRaMuRaL SPORTS FOR ShS The Shorewood Recreation Department and Shorewood Student Council are working together to continue offering Intramural Sports. These sports will be held Wednesday afternoons from 2:30 - 3:30 pm. Programs include kickball, bowling, indoor soccer and dodgeball. Please call (414) 963-6913 x 4 or stop in the Recreation Department for more details.

FacILITy uSage aFTeR 5 PM aND weekeNDS Please use these doors to enter and exit the building after 5 pm, Monday through Friday, and on the weekend. atwater School Main Front Door Early Education Building - Both doors Lake Bluff School Back Door Early Education Building - Both doors Shorewood Intermediate School (SIS) Main Front Door Shorewood high School (ShS) Administration Building Southeast entrance by administration parking Science Building VHE Pool entrance and middle entrance Performing Arts Building Southwest door, across from Administration Building Arena, Bowling Lanes, and Youth Center Arena Building Front Door Fitness Center Main door

cOMMuNITy cONTacTS IF yOu have aNy queSTIONS aBOuT TheSe gROuPS, PLeaSe cONTacT TheM aT TheSe NuMBeRS OR eMaIL aDDReSSeS. Senior resource Center elizabeth Price - 847-2727 villageofshorewood.org

Shorewood Foundation 847 - 2702 shorewoodfoundation.org

Shorewood Swim Club genie Smith - 332 - 3942 shorewoodswimclub.com

Seed Foundation www.shorewoodseed.org

Shorewood Kickers Monica Morrissey 962 - 3798 shorewoodkickers.com Shorewood historical Society karen dehartog - 964 - 5258 shorewoodhistory.org Shorewood high School drama dept. Box Office - 963 - 6940 shorewooddrama.org

Shorewoood Table Tennis Club Linda Leaf - 281 - 3123 shorewoodttc.org milestones Program for Children 964 - 5545 milestonesprograms.org

Shorewood men’s Club shorewoodmensclub.org


Starting time: 10:00 a.m. for Run/Walk at SHS Track

Race Info Shorewood Community Fitness Center Phone: (414) 961-3100 Email: BWood@shorewood.k12.wi.us

*ONLINE REGISTRATION* ShorewoodRecreation.org – Search: Fowl 5K Use Course # 1970.1 Fowl 5K Giveaway Knit “Shorewood Fowl 5K” hats will be given to all registered participants.

Pre-Registration Use the form below to pre-register by mail. Mail entries must be received by Thursday, Nov. 8th. Make checks payable to Shorewood Community Fitness Center. Send to: Shorewood Fowl 5K, Shorewood Community Fitness Center 1701 E. Capitol Drive, Shorewood, WI 53211.

5K off-road run/walk on the scenic bike path. Proceeds to benefit Shorewood High School Boys and Girls Cross Country Teams

18th Annual!

ShoRewooD FowL 5k Run/waLk

When Saturday, November 10th, 2012 Race day registration and mandatory packet pick-up begins at 8:30 a.m. at the Shorewood Intermediate School Commons. Run/Walk begins at 10:00 a.m. at SHS Track. Pre & Post Race Activities All pre and post race activities will be held in the Shorewood Intermediate School Commons. Random drawings for prizes (must be present to win) and refreshments will be served after run/walk. Awards Awards will be presented to the top three men, women, boys (14 and under), and girls (14 and under). Be sure to check your time at the finish.

2012 Shorewood Fowl 5K

Entry fee $15 (children under 12, $10). Day of run, $20 for everyone. NO EXCEPTIONS. Make check payable to Shorewood Community Fitness Center. Complete a separate form for each participant. Photocopies permitted. All Fowl 5K packets will need to be picked up on the day of the run/walk at the registration table located at the Shorewood Intermediate School Commons. Name _____________________________________ Male/Female/Girl/Boy ________ Birthdate_______________ Address ________________________________________ City ________________ State _______ Zip _________ Primary Phone _______________________________ Email ___________________________________________ *All participants will receive a commemorative 2012 Shorewood Fowl 5K knit hat. I am unable to participate in this year’s Fowl 5K. Enclosed is my tax-deductible donation. (Make checks payable to “Shorewood Community Fitness Center.”) SHOREWOOD COMMUNITY FITNESS CENTER FOWL 5K AND INDEMNIFICATION AGREEMENT The person named on this registration form wishes to participate in the Shorewood Community Fitness Center Fowl 5K (the “Event”), which is scheduled to occur on 11/10/12 in Shorewood, Wisconsin. Those who have made this event possible – the Shorewood Community Fitness Center, and the Event sponsors, volunteers and officials (collectively, the “Organizers”) – wish to ensure to the fullest extent possible that they are not sued or held liable for injuries or damages sustained by participants or those attending the Event. I make this release and agreement on my behalf, and on behalf of anyone who would be able to sue if I were injured while participating in or attending the Event. In return for being allowed to participate in the Event, I agree and acknowledge as follows: (1) Participation and attendance at running events carries with it some risk of serious injury, including even in rare cases death. The risks include, but are not limited to, those caused by overexertion, vehicular traffic, the course, the weather, facilities, equipment, Organizers, spectators and other participants. (2) I assume all risk of participating in and attending this Event; (3) I understand that the Organizers of this Event are relying upon the agreements and representations I make in here; (4) I release the Organizers of the Event from any and all claims, including negligence claims and claims relating to personal injury or property, arising out of my participation or attendance at this Event, except I do not release reckless or intentional tort claims; (5) I agree to indemnify the Organizers if I or anyone else brings a claim against the Organizers due to injuries I receive due to my participating in or attending the Event (“indemnify” here means to reimburse the Organizers for any sums they have to pay and expenses/fees they incur due to an injury claim relating to me); (6) I give permission for the free use of my name and picture in any broadcast or print media account of this event; and (7) I have carefully read this document and understand it. With knowledge of the risks involved and the rights I give up, I waive the rights I might otherwise have, and I freely sign this document. Participant’s Signature ____________________________________________________ Date Signed ___________________________ Parent’s Signature ___________________________________________________(If participant is under 18 years old then: (1) signature of parent or guardian is also required, and (2) the word “I” used above means “I and my parent/guardian.

ShoRewooD RecReation’S pRogRaM RegiStRation FoRM e Pr Pleas

le int C


MaIL TO: Shorewood Recreation and community Services Department 1701 e. capitol Drive, Shorewood, wI  53211 ON-LINe: www.shorewoodschools.org OR FaX: (414) 961-3175 questions? Please call (414) 963-6913 x 4


Family Information

Special considerations? (medications, disabilities, etc)

Name (parent /guardian)______________________________Date of Birth____/___/____gender_____

_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________

address_______________________________________________________________apt.______ city_____________________Zip_____________email ___________________________________ Primary Phone (

)_______________________Secondary Phone (

Name of Participant First


Male Female

Date of Birth


Free & reduced attends Shorewood lunch Public Schools? program? yes / No

T-Shirts (If applicable, t - shirt will be indicated in the program description) youth sm med Name____________________________Size______ large Name____________________________Size______


____ I give my permission to use my status with Shorewood Nutritional Services Free and Reduced meal program to receive a discount for Recreation Department programs.

adult S M L XL


reduced/waiver Fees: participants may receive discounts on programs. See #5 on page 28 for more information. round up for recreation: Rounding Up your program fees help provide financial support to those who are unable to afford the program fee for activities. See #18 on page 28 for more information.

I, the undersigned, do hereby agree to allow the individual(s) named herein to participate in the activity(ies) indicated. I am aware of and understand that there may be potential risks inherent with participation in any recreation activity and that the Shorewood School District and the Recreation Dept. does not provide accident insurance and cannot assume responsibility for injury to any participants in the recreation programs. I assume all risks and hazards incidental to such participation including transportation to and from the activities and do hereby waive, release, absolve, indemnify and agree to hold harmless the Shorewood Recreation Dept employees, staff, and other persons for any all claims, injuries, liabilities, damage or right of action directly or indirectly arising out of use of Shorewood Recreation and Community Services Department activities. In the event of a medical emergency, I authorize the department staff to obtain medical treatment for the above named. Signature:________________________________________________________________________

Program Title


MaIL TO: Shorewood Recreation and community Services Dept., 1701 e. capitol Drive, Shorewood, wI  53211. ON-LINe: www.shorewoodschools.org OR FaX: (414) 961-3175. questions? Please call (414) 963-6913 x 4

Program Fee

course #

$ credit $

Total From Other Forms

Round up For Recreation Late Fee

$ $

Total amount $

Date Processed: ________/________/________ _______Cash _______#Check (payable to Shorewood Rec Dept) _______Credit Card (Mastercard / Visa / Discover)

_________/_________/_________/________ Exp______/_______ Security Code_____________

Card #

biRthDay paRtieS

Grade K5 - 8 Come enjoy use of the Shorewood High School North Gym. You can choose the theme and we provide equipment for you to use that day. Our staff will initiate the activity. You also get to use the VHE Pool Upper Lobby for the party gathering. Location: North Gym and VHE Upper Lobby Length: 1 ½ hours Fee: Resident - $80 / Non-Resident - $120


For children 8 years and older, we can arrange a party at the VHE Pool during community all age swim.

Grade K5 - 3 Swim in the SHS Pool with your friends for one hour and then celebrate in the VHE Upper Lobby for another hour for the party gathering. There must be at least 2 adults in the water at all times. Location: SHS Pool and VHE Upper Lobby Time: 2 hours Fee: Resident - $100 / Non-Resident - $150


Let the Recreation Department assist you in holding your child’s next birthday party. All parties include 12 guests and each additional guest is $3. Adult supervision is required at all parties. Availability for parties is only on Saturday and Sunday. Reservations must be made at least 2 weeks in advance to reserve your date.

IMagINaTION BIRThDay PaRTy Grade K4 - 5 The Imagination Birthday parties are provided by Matt Honigman, a teacher, an entertainer and professional storyteller. Your one hour birthday party will be held in the High School Youth Center followed by your forty-five minute party gathering. Your child may choose from any or all of these exciting options for their party, including:

Youth Center 1 ¾ hours Resident - $150 / Non-Resident - $200

Storytelling (with or without active games built into the story) Creative ball games Singing games Parachute games Physical challenges Puppets Magic Combination parties

Location: Length: Fee:

DaNce BIRThDay PaRTy

Location: Length: Fee:

SHS Bowling Alley and Youth Center 1 ½ hours Resident - $100 / Non-Resident - $150

Come celebrate your birthday by bowling in our newly renovated bowling lanes! Our lanes feature moonglow lighting if participants choose to use it. The birthday child will receive a special gift at the end of their party, a bowling pin signed by all party goers.

Grade K5 - Adult


Dance Studio - Room 276 & VHE Upper Lobby 1 ½ hours Resident - $100 / Non-Resident - $150

Grade K4 - 5 Are you ready to move? Celebrate your birthday by dancing with your friends. The birthday child can choose their favorite dance or learn a new ballet, hip-hop or creative dance routine. When scheduling your party, let us know what type of music you like. Location: Length: Fee:


to schedule birthday parties, please call the Recreation Department at (414) 963- 6913 x 4

SHOREWOOD SCHOOL DISTRICT Recreation and Communit y S er vices D epar tment 1701 E. Capitol D rive S h o re wo o d, W I 5 3 2 1 1 - 1 9 1 1

(414) 963-6913, ext. 4 ( 4 1 4 ) 9 6 1 - 3 1 7 5 FA X w w w. s h o r e w o o d s c h o o l s . o r g

Resident Inf nforma ormation Resident Registration Begins OR SCAN HERE: Monday, August 20th, Online. www.shorewoodschools.org Mail, Fax, Drop Box, Walk-in or Phone Begins Friday, August 31st.

Non-Resident Information Non-Resident Registration Begins Friday, August 24th, Online. www.shorewoodschools.org Mail, Fax, Drop Box, Walk-in or Phone Begins Tuesday, September 4th.

N o n - P ro f i t O rg a n i z a t i o n U.S. Postage PA I D Milwaukee, WI Permit No. 483

5th Annual Shorewood Connects Yard Cleanup! Join your neighbors for for a morning of yard clean-up to benefit older and disabled adults in Shorewood. To volunteer contact Sue Kelley by October 31st at: skelley1@wi.rr.com. To seek inf informa ormation about assistance, contact Elizabeth Price at Shorewood Senior Resource Center er,, at (414) 847-2727. Date: Saturday, November 3rd. Time: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

18th Annual Shorewood Community Fitness Center Shorewood Fowl 5K Run/Walk. 5K off-road run/walk on the scenic bike path. Proceeds to benefit the Shorewood High School Boys and Girls Cross Country Teams. Date: Saturday, November 10th. Time: 10:00 a.m. at SHS Track

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