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Shorewood Senior Resource Center Programs

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Activity Nights

Activity Nights

shorewood senior resoUrce center

Zoom Offerings


Contact the SRC to pre-register for all Zoom sessions. All you need is an email address and the Zoom application on your device.

Brain Health and Wellness Programs

Cultivating Calm: Exploring the Power of Thought. Presented by Dana Rubin- Winkelman, MSW, CAPSW Adult Day Services Date: Monday, January 24 Time: 2:00 - 3:00 pm

High Tech/Low Tech Memory Aids at your Fingertips. Presented Susan Carneol, MS, CCC-SLP Speech-Language Pathologist. Date: Monday, February 28 Time: 2:00 - 3:00 pm

Building a Resilient Brain. Presented by Dawn Adler, R.T., Director of Ovation Adult Day Services. Date: Monday, March 28 Time: 2:00 - 3:00 pm

In Person Offerings

Pick Up Box Lunches

When you stop by for your Grab & Go lunch and goody bag plan to carve out thirty minutes for fun and games. This is a great time to meet new friends and say hello to old ones. Vegetarian and gluten free options available by request. $10 per person per event. Please consider making one payment of $30 if you plan on attending all three events. Payment due one week prior to each event. Masks required. Delivery available upon request. Pick up in the Shorewood Village Center, lower level library.

January 19: North Shore Boulangerie, Chicken Salad on Croissant February 16: Beans and Barley, Egg Salad Sandwich March 16: Benji’s, Deli Corned Beef on Rye

Tips for Fall Prevention

Participants will leave with take home exercises to improve balance. Presented by Claire Wycklendt, P.T. Pre-registration required. Date: Wednesday, March 9 Time: 10:00 - 11:00 am

Planning Your Retirement with Social Security

This free workshop with a Social Security Public Affairs specialist will include discussion of eligibility, disability, survivors, and spousal benefits and how to get the most from your benefit. Date: Wednesday, February 2 Time: 10:00 - 11:30 am

Shorewood Senior Center COVID-19 Safety Protocols

All staff and presenters are fully vaccinated. We have added new virus filtering air purifiers and a hand sanitizing stations in our meeting rooms.

SRC Program Registration and Contact Information

Registration for free programs please call (414) 847-2727 or email; src@villageofshorewood.org. Registration for fee-based programs or donations, mail a check payable to SRC, 2010 E. Shorewood Blvd, Shorewood WI 53211, or place payment in the Village drop box in the parking lot behind Village Hall. Please include your name, address, telephone number and email address when registering for a program.

Visit our website to secure online payments; https://www.villageofshorewood.org/168/Senior-Resource-Center

Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shorewoodSRC/

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