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The vision for the Village of Pinecrest parks and recrea on facili es and programs is linked to the vision of the Village as a whole. The community’s system of parks, open spaces, recrea on facili es, and natural areas, all elements of the public realm, are woven into the fabric of what makes Pinecrest a great place to live, work and play. This vision integrates components of previous city-wide eff orts to achieve the overall vision for the Village defi ned in previous planning eff orts (see Sec on 1.2). The Vision ul mately is built upon a framework dis lled from input and analysis conducted during the Needs and Priori es Assessment.


Previous eff orts have provided a vision framework dis lled from public input and comprehensive analysis. This input has allowed iden fi ca on of a set of components that will help guide the development of the parks and facili es, and the management of a diverse system.

Each component was developed through community input and an analysis of the exis ng physical system. Guiding principles iden fi ed for each component describes the community’s aspira ons for the overall park and open space system and its physical a ributes. Accomplishment of this Vision will be dependent upon Village staff , exis ng and future partners, and the support of residents.


• Pinecrest’s vision for parks and recrea on builds upon the vision established by the community’s

Comprehensive Plan and Strategic Plan. • Comprehensive Vision consists of fi ve (5) components:

Parks and Open Spaces; Fitness and Athle cs;

Community Cultural Arts; Sustainability and Resiliency; and Connec vity. • Working as an interconnected system, the fi ve components iden fy clear ini a ves that can be championed by advocates and progressed by staff . • Specifi c ac ons will allow for assessment of progress toward achieving overall vision.

Village of Pinecrest Mission -

To sustain a vibrant Village that builds a sense of community spirit and pride with fi scally responsible government, the highest quality municipal services and infrastructure, a responsive and effi cient staff , and innova ve leaders who engage our residents.

Diagram 2: Vision Principles

Parks & Open Space

Balance of passive and ac ve recrea on opportuni es; Maintain high-quality parks and facili es; Design for comfort in South Florida climate

Fitness and Athle cs

Provide for a diversity of op ons; Encourage lifelong health and wellness; Maximize high-quality sports facili es for mul ple uses and extra capacity

Celebrate community through special events; Increase diversity of cultural off erings; Promote art within the public realm

Community Culture Arts

Sustainability & Resiliency

Con nue to incorporate sustainable and resilient prac ces; enhance educa on and awareness; expand access to natural areas and resources

Connec vity

Implement inter/intra mul -modal connec vity op ons, Provide water access; Connect des na ons through pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure

Parks & Open Space

Guiding principles for parks and open space in the Village of Pinecrest focuses on three (3) primary areas: • Balancing passive and ac ve recrea on opportuni es: Ensuring a balance of park space designated for ac ve or programmed uses as well

as ample natural or open space. Priori za on of acquisi on of parkland, open space or natural areas, or securing public access to school sites should be made by the Village. • Maintain high-quality parks and facili es: Residents have high expecta ons for the quality of parks and facili es in Pinecrest. A con nua on of providing high-quality ameni es and park spaces means


fl exibility to changing needs, reinvestment in higher lifecycle costs, use of durable materials. • Design for comfort in South Florida climate: As the primary barrier for many residents and visitors, the

South Florida climate can be highly uncomfortable and dangerous without ample shade, access to water, areas for rest, awareness to the risks.

Designing parks to educate and reduce risks for users will encourage extended use of facili es and parks and promote a health community.

Guiding principles for fi tness and athle cs includes the following: • Provide for a diversity of op ons: Residents of

Pinecrest share a wide-range of experiences and bring to parks and recrea on an expecta on for innova ve classes, programs and high-quality facili es to accommodate. Regular assessment of evolving needs should be completed by the Village as well as development of fl exible facili es that can accommodate diff erent uses. Investment in singleuse facili es should be limited. • Encourage life-long health and wellness: In an area known for transient popula ons, Pinecrest residents are encouraged to age-in-place and to accommodate this goal, ac vi es that can be enjoyed by any age group should be a focus, including mul genera onal ac vi es. Ac vi es and programs such as tennis, pickleball, bike riding, walking and special events should be considered core programs that promote ac vity well into one’s advanced age. • Maximize high-quality sports facili es for mul ple uses and extra capacity: Pinecrest has a shortage of land for poten al development for parks. As a builtout community, growth will likely come through an increase in density in select areas. With increased density comes a diff erent lifestyle, urban dweller which also brings a set of diff erent needs and priori es for open space and recrea on ac vi es. U lizing the limited space within exis ng parks be er can bring added capacity through extended hours and more days of play- me. Use of effi cient LED fi eld or court ligh ng and ar fi cial turf can help extend the hours in a given day that courts or fi elds are available. Addi onally, ar fi cial turf can reduce the down me required a er rain events, therefore, providing a more consistent schedule for sports. The Village is currently construc ng an ar fi cial turf sports fi eld at Flagler Grove Park which should serve as a test before considering replacement of natural grass at other parks.

Indoor recrea on space is also an important part of providing a well-round athle c experience. Currently the Village has limited indoor gymnasium access to provide basketball, indoor pickleball, and general pickup sports mes. Adding capacity through addi onal indoor mul -purpose space is an important balance to exis ng outdoor sports off erings.

Guiding principles for community culture arts includes the following: • Celebrate community through special events:

A ending concerts, fairs and fes vals was the single highest need and second most important ac vity for

Village residents based on results from the sta s cal survey. Given the success and high praises provided from residents to the Village for current events, expanding to include more year-round events can easily be achieved. Specifi c focus should be given to events that celebrate the cultural diversity of the Village and South Florida, while providing for the interests of all age groups with a family-friendly environment.

Fitness and Athle cs

Community Culture Arts

• Increase diversity of cultural off erings: Pinecrest has an unique poten al to expand integra on of nearby cultural ins tu ons into program off erings.

Many residents par cipant in cultural ins tu ons or clubs and have expressed a desire to have more opportuni es available near their homes. Expansion of indoor space to accommodate addi onal off erings as well as a formal Village square or open space would allow for a designated space to host cultural and special events. • Promote art within the public realm: Each capital improvement should include a percentage for art as an eff ort to promote public art in a meaningful way.

Public art does not have to just consist of sculptures, but can be a celebra on of the rich culture of the

Village or the history of South Florida. Whether the art is a bench or light, such prac cal infrastructure turned art can bring character and vibrancy to public spaces.

Guiding principles for sustainability and resiliency includes the following: • Con nue to incorporate sustainable and resilient prac ces: Expanding upon the Village’s recent eff orts to incorporate sustainable and resilient prac ces can focus on individual parks, however, by developing standards, a culture of resource effi ciency can be established and contribute to the success of the park system and the natural environment throughout the Village. As exis ng parks are improved or new parks developed, the

Village can expand to include energy management planning, expanded use of na ve plants, and variable maintenance prac ces to allow for more naturalized areas. • Enhance educa on and awareness: Parks and facili es in Pinecrest have the poten al to func on not just as places for outdoor recrea on but

serve as major centers for the enhancement of environmental educa on. Through physical design interven ons and collabora ve programs and partnerships, the parks and facili es can be used as mediums of educa on. • Expand access to natural areas and resources:

Natural areas require natural resources. Though

Pinecrest consists of mostly developed or disturbed lands, the Village can work to expand access to nearby natural areas, mostly owned by Miami-Dade

County. Though signifi cant natural resources are limited in their undisturbed se ngs, many of the parks and open spaces within the Village can s ll incorporate resources such as wetlands, hammocks and water.

Guiding principles for connec vity includes the following: • Implement inter/intra mul -modal connec vity op ons: Pinecrest has a unique opportunity to capitalize on its proximity to mass transit while maintaining its character. Promo ng safe and convenient connec ons for transit, regional shareduse trails, and sidewalk will encourage a culture that reduces dependency on vehicles. • Provide water access: Opportuni es for freshwater and saltwater access exists within Pinecrest.

Development of a premier water access point to the C-2 Canal would serve as a hub for access to saltwater bodies. • Connect des na ons through pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure: Development of a interconnected network of pedestrian and bicycle shared-use trails and sidewalks would connect residents to all parks and civic facili es throughout the Village. Implementa on of the

Village’s Transporta on Master Plan would promote connec ons with the Village and regionally.

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