Current until April 29, 2016 Issue 984 CopyrightŠ 2016 The Newfoundland Buy & Sell Magazine Inc.
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New Car Buying
Current until April 29, 2016 Issue 984 Copyright© 2016 The Newfoundland Buy & Sell Magazine Inc.
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Current until April 29, 2016 Issue 984 Copyright© 2016 The Newfoundland Buy & Sell Magazine Inc.
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New Car Buying
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New Car Buying
Current until April 29, 2016 Issue 984 Copyright© 2016 The Newfoundland Buy & Sell Magazine Inc.
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Current until April 29, 2016 Issue 984 Copyright© 2016 The Newfoundland Buy & Sell Magazine Inc.
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New Car Buying
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New Car Buying
Current until April 29, 2016 Issue 984 Copyright© 2016 The Newfoundland Buy & Sell Magazine Inc.
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Current until April 29, 2016 Issue 984 Copyright© 2016 The Newfoundland Buy & Sell Magazine Inc.
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61 . . . .Central 62 . . . .West Coast 63 . . . .Labrador
70 . . . .Out of Province
80 81 82 83
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700 705 710 715
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800 805 810 815 820
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900 905 910 915 920 925 930
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1800 1805 1810 1815
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2100 2105 2115 2120 2125 2130 2140 2150 2160
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2200 2205 2210 2215 2220 2225 2230 2235 2240 2245 2250
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2260 2300 2305 2310 2315 2320 2325 2330 2340 2345 2350
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160 . . .Shared Accommodations 161 . . .*Cabin, Vacation Home Rentals 162 . . .*Commercial Property
200 205 210 215 220 225 230 235 240 245 250 255 260 265 270 275 280
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300 305 310 315 320 325 330 335 340 345 350 355 360 365 370
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1000 1005 1010 1015 1020 1025 1030 1035 1040 1045 1050 1055 1060 1065
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1100 1105 1110 1115 1130 1135 1140 1145 1150 1155 1160 1165
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New Car Buying
Current until April 29, 2016 Issue 984 Copyright© 2016 The Newfoundland Buy & Sell Magazine Inc.
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Current until April 29, 2016 Issue 984 Copyright© 2016 The Newfoundland Buy & Sell Magazine Inc.
For sale by owner on Brigus Road Whitbourne, Call for details, PH 689-1389 or 689-9733 Whitbourne (Avalon) For sale by owner. COTTAGE, 2 bedroom at East Port Beach, beautiful view of ocean, call for rates and availability, 3 day min weekly or monthly, PH (613) 621-5405 or 571-3485 Eastport (East) $54,900 - 0 MAIN Road, NORTH HARBOUR MLS 1125723 - Waterfornt property in scenic North Harbour! This lovely 2 bedroom 1 bath property is selling well below appraised value!, Clarenville Realty Ltd., Grant Vardy, PH 427-7827 North Harbour (East) For sale by owner. TWO BEDROOM, 48 Northside Rd, 1 bathroom, on 1.4 acre matured treed lot, bordered by trout river and sandy ocean beach, new roof, wood and shingles by contractors, new septic system, 12x20 shed, town water, close to ALL amenities and skidoo/ATV trails, $99,000 PH 677-3161 Eastport (Central) $112,500 - 0 MAIN Road, DEEP BIGHT MLS 1128185 - Cozy 3 bedroom 2 storey home located in Deep Bight,approximately 5 from Clarenville.Home is located on a large lot with an abundance of mature trees and shrubs, Clarenville Realty Ltd., John S. Downing, PH 466-2820 Deep Bight (East) For sale by owner 30 Harris Rd, Port Blandford, 35 year old bungalow on oversized lot, all clear title comes with documentation, turn key, electric heat, municipal water and sewer, 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, open concept basement (not finished) Large rear patio, paved driveway House has newly upgraded siding , windows, doors, shingles, flooring, minutes from Terra Nova Golf Course, White Hills, best Salmon fishing in NL and more, call Ellery or Margaret, $175,000 PH 6513290 Port Blandford (East) For sale by owner. DETACHED House, 66 Ocean View Dr, Long Beach off Route 204, 936 sq. ft on each level, 14 years old, artesian well and septic, has view of ocean, access to marina close by, near Clarenville, Brookside golf course, White Hills skiing, refinery and Bull Arm site, owner motivated to sell, $185,000 PH 546-3900 Queen’s Cove (Avalon) $249,900 - 44 ISLANDVIEW Drive, CLARENVILLE MLS 1128704 - Well maintained three bedroom split entry bungalow located on a large parcel of land in a quiet cul de sac. This property was originally built as a two apartment home but has been converted into a single family home, Clarenville Realty Ltd., Neil G. Norcott, PH 466-7474 Clarenville (East) For sale by owner. four bedroom, 26 x 42, two bath home newly renovated, almost an acre lot, new vinyl siding, shingles,doors, windows, bridges and patio deck, two large drive-ways, main floor of home all new hardwood except for kitchen and bathroom, 24 x 30 double garage heated with electric and wood, large property with fruit trees and a great property for private or developmental use, serious inquiries only, $335,000 PH 466-3209 Clarenville (Avalon) $344,900 - 127 BALBO Drive, CLARENVILLE MLS 1127846 - Awesome ocean views and the ultimate in privacy are the trademarks of this gorgeous property nestled in the hills of Shoal Harbour, Clarenville Realty Ltd., Grant Vardy, PH 427-7827 Clarenville (East)
For sale by owner 25 O’Driscolls Lane, Carbonear, 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom split level house, near Hospital and shopping, 21 years old and is fully developed, large eat-in kitchen, living room on main level, three bedrooms upstairs with main bathroom, second level has family room, another bedroom and laundry room, downstairs to forth level is another bathroom, sitting room and furniture room with extra storage, lots of storage space with patio back off house, paved driveway and new shingles. Shed is 12 x 16. A must see home with lots of parking. More pictures available, serious inquiries only please, $279,000 PH 5952519 Carbonear (Avalon) For sale by owner. THREE BEDROOMS, 510 Cranes Rd, large treed back yard, approx. 2 acre lot, approx 2750 sq, 2 sheds, deck, all stainless steel appliances, hardwood throughout except kitchen and bathroom, propane fireplace, please contact for more information, I can email pictures if wanted, $299,000 PH 589-4379 Upper Island Cove (Avalon) For sale by owner 4 Acres of land available in Holyrood off the Holyrood Access Road onto Horizon Drive, Zoned Light Industrial, current survey, close to TCH for easy access, businesses starting to move in, price is or best offer, selling as a 4 acre package, $299,900 PH 746-5921 or 746-5921 Holyrood (Avalon) For sale by owner. THREE BEDROOMS, 51 Lady Lake Road, open concept, hardwood floors, in floor radiant heat, large ensuite, picture windows in the kitchen and living area, wrap around deck, downstairs has two bedrooms, large bathroom and a generous playroom/rec room that has fun written all over it, $359,900 PH 596-8140 or 5970792 Harbour Grace (Avalon) $399,900 - 16 COUNTRY Path, HOLYROOD MLS 1128052 - These type of properties don’t hit the market too often. This beautiful slab on grade bungalow is situated on 3 acres of land in a park like setting, Re/Max United Inc., Craig Walker, PH 690-0660 Holyrood (Avalon)
For sale by owner. LAND, approx 5 acres of Estate property on south side of Healys Pond Rd in Conception Hr, better known as The Pinch, 45 minutes from St Johns, serviced by the town of Conception Hr, possible 6 or 7 building lots, going at a bargain at For sale by owner. MOBILE TRAILER, 20 land prices these days, $1 PH 229-4428 or Ave in Long Harbour, like new, 683-4863 Conception Harbour (Avalon) Sagona many trailers to choose from, price includes all contents, trailer must be removed from site, unit can be delivered anywhere in the province for an additional fee, $69,900 PH 682-0140 Mount Pearl For sale by owner. FOUR BEDROOMS, 96 (Avalon) Hants Harbour Rd, Hants Harbour, MLS1128376, 1200sq ft, waterfront prop- For sale by owner 23 Truxtun Place, one erty, potential to build a dock, attached year old lovely raised bungalow on a corgarage, can be used as a cabin/cottage for ner lot in a quiet cul-de-sac located in someone looking for a affordable summer Pearlview West, features custom kitchen home, $99,900 PH 683-3930 or 683- with solid oak high-low cabinets with stain3930 Bay Roberts (Avalon) less steel appliances, house features tasteful appointments such as hand scraped For sale by owner. THREE BEDROOM, 80 engineered hardwood throughout, ceramSalmon Cove Rd, Tri-level, with full ocean ic tiles in the porch and bathroom, as well view, all appliances included, on approx 1 as pot lights and crown mouldings, washacre of land, detached garage,rec-room, er and dryer, fridge, stove, and dishwashlaundry room, electric heat with wood- er all included, downstairs has large baseburning fireplace insert, paved driveway ment, fully insulated and bright, please with beautiful landscaped grounds, contact me for your private viewing, $189,900 PH 786-7715 South River $303,000 PH 746-4889 or 746-4889 St. (Avalon) John’s (Avalon)
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5 - 53 • Real Estate Listings
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$599,900 - 16 COLLINGWOOD Crescent, MOUNT PEARL MLS 1125706 - Quality and Elegance can be found throughout this executive style 2 storey home. From the ceramic floors in the kitchen, bathrooms and laundry room, to the beautiful artistic hardwood flooring, and the custom finishes throughout the house will sure to make you feel at home, Re/Max United Inc., Craig Walker, PH 6900660 Mount Pearl (Avalon)
$299,900 - 19 SGT DONALD LUCAS Drive, PARADISE MLS 1127500 - Priced to sell, this open concept home is in one of the most desired areas of Paradise. Located near the new school, Sobey’s, the rec centre and walking trails, it is convenience at its best, Royal LePage Reardon Realty, Janet Kovich, PH 682-3745 Paradise (Avalon) For sale by owner 77 Brougham Drive, 3 Bedroom Bungalow off Kenmount Rd, nine years old and is on a larger, 50 x 118 lot. It includes an in-house garage and a twobedroom registered basement apartment (currently rented for $850 monthly with a great tenant), main floor features include: a spacious, freshly painted kitchen with stained birch cabinets, peninsula, and attractive upgrades like under-cabinet lighting, tiled backsplash, and granite composite sink, plus much more, all major appliances included, BUYER’S AGENTS WELCOME, $357,900 PH 782-5541 Paradise (Avalon)
For sale by owner. 1 Acre of land, 200x200, on Main road in town of Markland, land has been surveyed and approved for sewer, land is undeveloped and cleared of most trees, $35,000 PH 925-8963 or 280-2326 Markland (Avalon)
Current until April 29, 2016 Issue 984 Copyright© 2016 The Newfoundland Buy & Sell Magazine Inc.
For sale by owner. MOBILE HOME, 27 Thornes Road, recently renovated, ideal spot for a family or to be bought and then rented out to workers to share (close to Long Harbour and Argentia), newly attached patio, updated electrical, MUST SELL ASAP, $49,000 PH 687-1593 or 782-1354 Dunville (Avalon) For sale by owner land in Southeast Placentia, approx 2 acres, with great view of Southeast Arm, land is cleared and dug out for walkout basement, lots of trees still on back side of land, trail is at end of property to Southeast River which is just a few feet away, $130,000 PH 227-9595 Placentia (Avalon) $149,000 - 20 RIVERSIDE Drive, NORMANS COVE MLS 1122235 - Fabulous investment property only minutes to Long Harbour and Bull Arm. Private backyard with running brook. Main house 4 bedrooms. Apartment with own entrance and driveway. This 2 apartment has received a lot of TLC. Completely renovated in 2007. Built and being sold by original owner. Newly constructed oversized shed overlooking river. Fully furnished. Income potential $2800 per month. Asking $149,000. All measurements approximate, Burke Realty, Gladys Burke, PH 6870215 Norman’s Cove (Avalon) For sale by owner Oceanview side split house in St.Mary’s, split entrance, three bedrooms, large kitchen and dining room, large living room, rec room, 1.5 bath, large laundry room, heated by wood and oil/hot air furnace, detached garage 32x26, wood shed 10x10, contact John or Sheila, $160,000 PH 525-2289 (Avalon) $325,000 - 302 MAIN Street, LONG HARBOR MLS 1126882 - Just one hour from St. John’s, here is a custom built beauty sits on 3 acres fronting a tranquil lake. All the bells and whistles - custom kitchen, master with double walk in closets, luxurious en suite, plus two other bedrooms, laundry room and 19 X 25 Family/Games room with 1/2 bath, Burke Realty, Carol A. Burke, PH 682-1118 Long Harbour (Avalon)
For sale by owner One Acre Prime ocean view property in Maddox Cove, $100,000 PH 368-1365 Petty Harbour (Avalon)
CONDO wanted. Before signing or renewing a listing agreement sell your St. John’s condo privately and save realty fees, PH 325-4240 St. John’s (Avalon)
For sale by owner. Looking for a great investment?! Look no further! Value is in the land. House/property is for sale. Property is in the East End. Steps to downtown, bus route etc.. Asking $99000 but no reasonable offer will be refused. For more info, call today! This property won’t last!, $99,000 PH For sale by owner 946 Indian Meal Line, 749-9005 or 237-2941 St. John’s (Avalon) 2880 sq.ft 5 bedroom house sitting on 1.42 acres of land, call for details, $399,900 PH For sale by owner. Located on main road, four bedroom, two story home in beautiful 895-3917 Portugal Cove (Avalon) Admiral’s Beach, overlooking Colinet $475,000 - 36 JERA Street, PORTUGAL islands and St. Mary’s Bay, scenic views of COVE MLS 1127934 - Are you looking for fishing boats, whales and sunsets, full a private treed lot with evening sun, an acre length patio, new laminate floor in large, lot that backs onto a Greenbelt, a bright living room, large kitchen with oak Greenbelt that feels like you’re miles away cupboards, walk-in pantry, propane range from civilization yet 10 minutes from St. plus wood stove and furnace heated, well John’s?, Hanlon Realty Inc., Sarah Elliott, insulated throughout, new windows, door PH 687-3647 Portugal Cove (Avalon) and roof, large garage with wood stove and $550,000 - 258 OLIVER’S POND Rd, large shed, chair lift system to second floor, PORTUAL COVE MLS 1127461 - reduced price. Call Wayne at for other Relaxation at its Finest... Imagine entering details, $120,000 PH 521-4900 Admirals your driveway and feeling the stress of your Beach (Avalon) day fall from your shoulders - this tranquil setting allows that to happen every time For sale by owner well cared for townhouse you come home, Hanlon Realty Inc., Sarah with 4 bedrooms, one bathroom, close to Elliott, PH 687-3647 Portugal Cove MUN, Avalon Mall and HSC, recent renos include new roof, upgraded kitchen, siding, (Avalon) front door and patio door and bathroom, developed basement, $180,000 PH 6992165 or 753-9295 St. John’s (Avalon) For sale by owner 2.323 Acres, driveway For sale by owner 60 Alexander Street, access, near the ocean, walking trails, Registered 2 apartment home with 1 bedATV/Snowmobile to trails or back country room in each apartment, both apartments right from it, $35,000 PH 363-2159 are exceptionally bright and spacious with Aquaforte (Avalon) open concept design, above ground and electrical heating, two new water boilFor sale by owner. O’Toole Rd., Calvert, 2 have installed in addition to other plumbing bedroom year round home, completely ren- ers insulation, walking distance to St. Clare ovated inside and out, fridge, stove, wash- and s Hospital and Downtown. Near Bus Routes. er/dryer and shed included, price nego- Across from Park, on-street parking tiable, pictures available on request, Contact across fromVictoria the house, back garden is for more info, $68,000 PH 699-1520 accessible through a lane way on the side of Calvert (Avalon) the house, many upgrades completed, contact for details, $194,500 PH 579-0206 St. John’s (Avalon) For sale by owner. 1 acre residential building lot on Thorburn Road on the St. John’s side of the Outer Ring Road, rare find in such a great location, well and septic approved, $195,000 PH 730-8982 St. John’s (Avalon) For sale by owner 25 Tiffany Lane, Unit 304, lovely third floor two bed condo, quiet area within walking distance of everything you might need, walk out of elevator into small bright lounge right outside your condo entrance, selling well below city assessed value, well cared for building with live in manager, must see, $225,000 PH 722-5919 St. John’s (Avalon) $244,900 - 2 FAHEY Street, ST. JOHN’S MLS 1128564 - Attention first time buyers and Investors.....Here is an ideal house to build equity or live cheaper than renting. Home shows well and requires a little TLC, Hanlon Realty Inc., Richard W. Kennedy, PH 682-6943 St. John’s (Avalon) $259,900 - 110 - 27 RHODORA Street, ST. JOHN’S MLS 1127047 - Gibraltar Development is excited to present Phase 2 of St. Johns best selling condominium project, Wellington on Rhodora. Wellington combines exceptional design at a affordable price point in a prime east-end location. This 50+ condominium is the first of its kind in the province, Royal LePage Atlantic Homestead , Craig Foley, PH 7579383 St. John’s (Avalon)
5 - 53 • Real Estate Listings
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Current until April 29, 2016 Issue 984 Copyright© 2016 The Newfoundland Buy & Sell Magazine Inc.
For sale by owner. FOUR BEDROOM House, 19 Lighthouse Road, 1 bath, older home with some updates, hardwood and laminate flooring, appliances and some furniture, corner waterfront property, ready to move in, price is or nearest offer, $149,900 PH 257-2681 Botwood (Central)
For sale by owner house in Seal Cove F Bay, for price and other questions contact Eric, PH 851-4281 Gander (Central) For sale by owner 386 Main Street, unobstructed ocean view, watch boats come and go, two bedrooms with bed/dresser; bathroom; living room; chairs; end/coffee tables; kitchen with stove/new refrigerator; table with, chairs and a large rear entrance with washer/dryer and pantry, even dishes are included, wood-burning stove is a bonus, recently upgraded, quarter-acre property is fully surveyed, deeded, and available for immediate possession. Connected to municipal water and sewer services. Will consider selling house separately, moving house to be at buyer’s expense, $49,900 PH (403) 874-6346 Musgrave Harbour (Central) $280,000 - 17 CARNELL Street, ST. JOHN’S MLS 1127914 - What more could you wantin a nutshell semidetached, new roof, WETT certified fireplace, 12 ceilings, new kitchen, beautifully landscaped fenced yard and 3 bedrooms + den, Hanlon Realty Inc., Amanda Lee, PH 682-7737 St. John’s (Avalon) For sale by owner on Woodwynd Street, large detached single family home in Wedgwood Park, some new windows, new door, new patio, upgraded electrical to 200 amp service and new electrical mass, home is two and a half stories with five bedrooms, separate dining room, kitchen, living room with propane fireplace, basement has a large rec room with a propane stove, bedroom, large office, extra large laundry and storage area, 3 piece bathroom and a walkout to the back yard, plus much more, serious inquirers only, $289,900 PH 691-2862 St. John’s (Avalon)
$739,900 - 402 - 25 RHODORA Street, ST JOHN’S MLS 1124102 - The hottest condo on the market today, the last remaining penthouse suite at Windsor on Rhodora! This stunning condo has just been completed by the developer and is now ready for occupancy, Royal LePage Atlantic Homestead , Craig Foley, PH 757-9378 St. John’s (Avalon)
For sale by owner. THREE BEDROOMS, 149 Byrd Ave, recently renovated, on a green belt, hardwood flooring, totally renovated basement with provisions for wood stove, bedroom, office/sewing room, laundry room and half bath, also 16 x 24 garage and front deck, $189,999 PH 424-2024 Gander (Central) For sale by owner. THREE BEDROOMS on main floor, downstairs has 2 bedroom apt with tenants in place, vinyl siding, shingles and some new vinyl windows replaced within last 6 years and landscaped, call today for more info on this income producing property, $198,999 PH 424-2024 Gander (Central)
For sale by owner. FOUR BEDROOM bungalow, 61 Brown, 2 bedroom basement apt, tenants already in place, newer windows, For sale by owner. LAND, nice large piece siding, and shingles, all on separate utilities, of land located directly off the main high- ideal rental property, call today, $209,999 way in Pouch Cove, NL, close to East PH 424-2024 Gander (Central) Coast Trails and only 10 minutes drive For sale by owner. backs on a green belt, from St John’s, NL, $100,000 PH 232beautiful well maintained three/four bed- 2236 or 699-6695 Pouch Cove (Avalon) room, 2 bathroom home in East For sale by owner. LAND, 1 Acre Lot, on For sale by owner. HOUSE For sale by Meadows, on a quiet crescent, close to Marine Drive, Logy Bay, approx 47m owner, 40 Angle Brook Road, 2,100 sq ft, school, church, shopping(Stavanger), frontage x 92m in depth, approximately detached garage 20’ x 24’, . Landscaping sportsplex and walking trails. Has many 200m from Cadigans Rd/Marine Drive complete, mature trees and plants. Excellent features such as spacious entrance, three intersection, call for more information, Location next to Terra Nova River. season sunroom, main floor $160,000 PH 437-1601 Logy Bay Appliances included. Please call or email for laundry/sewing room, eat-in kitchen, din- (Avalon) a viewing. NEW PRICE PLUS $ 5,000.00 ing room, walk out basment entry to a CASH BACK Price is Negotiable. OPEN TO beautiful perennial garden, backing on a REASONABLE OFFERS, $234,000 PH 533green belt. Also 12’x12’ babybarn on a 2106 or 769-4781 Glovertown (Central) large 60’x100’ chain link fenced lot. A must see, $324,900 PH 579-1253 or 6915253 St. John’s (Avalon) For sale by owner. THREE BEDROOMS, 15 Hopedale Crescent, in Kenmount Terrace, split entry, hardwood in living room/hall/stairs, basement with family room, bedroom, full bath and multi-purpose room, outside grounds neatly maintained with two storage sheds, $334,000 PH 738-2340 St. John’s (Avalon) For sale by owner. TWO BEDROOM CONDO, 1 Roosevelt Ave, Pleasantville, near amenities, 1100 sq ft, no carpet, designated parking spot, stainless steel appliances, deck, self-contained laundry room with washer-dryer, security systems, never had smokers or any pets, currently available, possible to lease $1500 pay own utilities, $349,999 PH 753-2858 St. John’s (Avalon) $384,900 - 51 ORLANDO Place, ST. JOHN’S MLS 1122029 - Lovely new 2 storey home located in Westgate just minutes to Kelsey Dr and all the amenities of Kenmount Rd. Main floor features a spacious open concept, 1/2 bath, laundry and crown mouldings. 2nd floor has 3 bedrooms, master having a walk-in closet and a 3 piece ensuite, Hanlon Realty Inc., Richard W. Kennedy, PH 682-4546 St. John’s (Avalon) For sale by owner 11 Palm Drive, fully developed home in Southlands 3 bedrooms on main with ensuite, Rec room, propane fireplace in living room, stainless steel appliances Large fenced backyard with baby barn for storage 2 bedroom basement apartment with jacuzzi tub and propane fireplace, currently rents for $800 pay own utilities, previously rented for $1000 pay own utilities, home is approx 8 years old, situated in well established family oriented neighborhood, serious inquires only please, $399,900 PH 690-4564 St. John’s (Avalon) $474,900 - 31 SHAW Street, ST. JOHN’S MLS 1126065 - This custom built downtown 2 storey has it all!! No detail is overlooked in this fantastic property!, Royal LePage Reardon Realty, Jeff Reardon, PH 746-4523 St. John’s (Avalon)
$359,900 - 17 ROBLIN Place, TORBAY MLS 1120484 - What a fantastic location for your country style living on the door step to St. John’s! Located on a quiet street across from The Jack Byrne Arena, this house is nestled on a half acre private and mature landscaped lot. The uniquely designed house boats a massive master bedroom that is open to the main with floor to ceiling windows, ensuite, corner tub and walk in closet, Hanlon Realty Inc., Sarah Elliott, PH 687-3647 Torbay (Avalon) For sale by owner. you will be impressed with this great family home in beautiful secluded Admiral s Grove subdivision in Flatrock, sitting on a 1.17 acre that is half landscaped and half treed which gives you the feel of country living, home is impeccable inside out, main and upper level have engineered hardwood floors and a gracious hardwood staircase as well as ceramics in all entrances bathrooms, house is heated with in floor hot water radiant heating, plus much more, contact for details, $499,900 PH 689-1189 Flatrock (Avalon)
For sale by owner. Three bedroom house and land located on 5 Seaview Lane in Campbellton, unfinished basement, new vinyl siding, eaves are also vinyl, new vinyl windows, two new steel doors and a new patio door. new wood furnace only used last winter, also oil furnace is only about 6 years old, new plumbing throughout, including a new hot water tank, newly renovated laundry room upstairs to accommodate stackable washer and dryer and more, price is negotiable, $132,000 PH 628-5218 Campbellton (Central)
For sale by owner. Gravel Pit for rent on 292 Brookfield Road, approximately 5 acres, gated access, formerly used for screening/mixing soils, can be used for For sale by owner. TWO BEDROOM same or as storage area, etc, please call home, in the scenic community of Norris after 6pm, PH 765-1982 (Avalon) Point, Gros Morne area, breath taking view of the surrounding mountains, close For sale by owner. land for sale, two to boating, sea kayaking, mountain cabin/cottage lots located in Marysvale on climbing and scenic lookouts, many the Conception Bay highway, clear title, upgrades, new 200 amp service 2013, pond frontage, less then 1 hours drive to St. $144,900 PH 628-7432 Hillgrade johns, very quiet and scenic, serious inquires only, PH 528-4279 (Avalon) (Central) For sale by owner. TWO BEDROOM Mini Home, 22 Cross’ Road, 57ft. Trailer, shed, green house, land backs onto pond/trees, friendly quiet neighbourhood, junior/high school bus route, walking distance to amenities, Humber River, access to skidoo trails, $169,900 PH 636-1215 Deer Lake (West) For sale by owner. THREE BEDROOM Bungalow, on Petries St, on large piece of flat land, paved driveway, view of the bay, call for more information, $189,000 PH 785-5733 Corner Brook (West)
For sale by owner. TWO APARTMENT Home, 29 Country Road on corner lot, 3 brdm main level, 1bdrm basement, excellent revenue generating property close to amenities,schools, colleges and shopping, patio, front bridge, 3 car parking, shed, newly renovated, all appliances included, call/text us today to view, $269,900 PH 632-9504 Corner Brook For sale by owner. THREE BEDROOMS, (West) Ranch Style home/cottage, 17 Indian Arm Pond Central, near Lewisporte, 1680 sq ft, back porch overlooking pond, dock, 840 sqft garage, washer, dryer, fridge, stove and deep freeze included, electric heat, contact for more information, $339,000 PH 535- For sale by owner. large lake front property, 330 ft. frontage on Island Pond, 3899 Lewisporte (Central) Kippens, buyer will have to push in a short road to gain access, can be divided into lots or kept as one private lot, PH 5960062 (Avalon) For sale by owner. CABIN, located on route 235 approx 20mins from Bonavista, 2 bedrooms, approx 600 sq.ft, private setting on a 1 acre lot, survey and grant to land included, propane appliances, wired For sale by owner. Attention for generator, full bathroom, small porch, Developers/Contractors, 6 acres with 325 private well, 2 wood stoves, price is or frontage on Marine Lab Road, suitable for nearest offer, call Wayne, $16,000 PH 445-2038 Amherst Cove (East) For sale by owner. THREE BEDROOM, 85 small development, with potential to realMain Street, 3400 sq ft, 115’ x 200’ lot, ize a large profit, located 0.6 kilometers For sale by owner. Land, 23 acres of unde- garage, walk-in pantry, mudroom, from intersection of Logy Bay Road and veloped land in Burnt Arm on Norris Arm Whirlpool bath, hardwood floor, wood fur- Marine Lab Road, LB/MC/OC, PH 576Side right on the Bay, unserviced, unsur- nace, electric heaters, fireplace, tunnel from 4242 St. John’s (Avalon) veyed, great for development. great area house to shed, town water/sewer, south facfor hunting & fishing, can build 4-5 cot- ing main windows, $169,900 PH 268-3813 For sale by owner large building lot at end of Grange Road, Whitbourne, access to tages on waterfront, serious inquiries only King’s Point (Central) Betunes Pond, title to land is secure and please, $80,000 PH 257-4282 Botwood solid, easy access to land with access to (Central) the pond, lot is dry and sits on top of hill, PH 596-0062 (Avalon) For sale by owner 2 Viewmore Terrace, 3 bedroom house, large garage finished inside, 2 bathrooms, dining room, everything on main floor, second floor is storage space/game room, taxes are reasonable, price is firm, call Brian, $150,000 PH 5350962 Lewisporte (Central)
TELL THEM “I saw your Ad in the BUY & SELL”
For sale by owner. LAND, For sale by owner, 2.378 ha = 5.876 acres of land, great for the serious developer or those wanting to lease or rent, ocean view, 10 mins walk from East Coast Trails, 10 mins drive from St John’s, mostly all flat and without any water issues, all dry, other attached lands are also available from the same estate thus offering many more options, serious callers only, Call Glenn at 709-232-2236 or Garry at 709-335-2602 or 682-2703, $400,000.00 PH 232-2236 Pouch Cove (Avalon) For sale by owner. Large parcel of land on Church Rd in Victoria, on town services, call for more information, PH 596-3543 Carbonear (Avalon) For sale by owner. One bedroom cabin, 20x24 located in Petite Forte, call for details, PH 744-2001 (East) WANTED, cabin within 4 hr drive from St. John’s, must have road access spring through fall and must be on or very near a river or pond, some TLC okay as long as the building is structurally sound, PH 7640285 or 764-0285 Conception Bay South (Avalon) For sale by owner. LAND, located on Route 213, Frenchman’s Cove on the Burin Peninsula, NL, price is or nearest offer, for more information, please email, $8,000 PH 764-6802 Frenchman’s Cove (Avalon) For sale by owner. CABIN, can drive to cabin and 5 min. from town ( located between the towns off Trinity and Bonavista), 20 x 32, with 12 x12 ad on new last year, cabin needs refinishing both inside and out, it is on /near a pond, call or email for info, price is or best offer, $10,500 PH 477-2026 or 468-0207 Port Union (East) For sale by owner. LAND, located at 14 Port Blandford Road, Port Blandford, in very desirable area, comes with a septic design report and septic approval, 100’ x 200’ (1/2 acre), fully treed but has an access driveway adjacent that could reduce development costs, serious Inquiries only, $19,900 PH 782-7861 Paradise (Avalon) 60 - 63 • Cabins & Land
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Current until April 29, 2016 Issue 984 Copyright© 2016 The Newfoundland Buy & Sell Magazine Inc.
For sale by owner. CABIN located in Placentia Junction, overlooking Rhodes Pond, 2 story, sunroom , porch, wood stove, electricity hooked up and well with running water, pump and heater installed, decks in front and back, 10x12 shed, private with plenty of trees all around, please email or call, $134,900 PH 227-9595 Placentia (Avalon) For sale by owner. 1 acre residential building lot on Thorburn Road on the St. John’s side of the Outer Ring Road, rare find in such a great location, well and septic approved, $195,000 PH 730-8982 St. John’s (Avalon)
WANTED - 2 Bedroom apartment in Clarenville area, main floor only, for two adult pensioners, willing to pay between $500-$600 per month, PH 433-2468 Milton (East) ROOM FOR RENT, price is per week, close to Bull Arm and Refinery, $150 PH 7307148 Sunnyside (East)
For sale by owner. LAND in Port Blandford, cottage lots ranging from 1/2 acre to 1 acre, newly built homes/cottages adjacent to these lots, for more details contact or 782-7861 and leave a msg, $28,000 PH 782-7861 Paradise (Avalon)
TWO Bedroom Mobile home, located in Deep Bight, fully furnished, ocean view property, quiet location, located 10 mins For sale by owner. THREE BEDROOM from Clarenville, no smokers, no pets, pay CABIN, two story, in Ocean Pond, 1 acre own utilities, $850 PH 546-2281 or 427pond front lot, 1100 sq/ft, boathouse with 3135 Deep Bight (Avalon) slipway and wharf, storage shed, wood shed, landscaped, appliances and furniture TWO Bedroom, house on one acre of land, included, year round access, new septic sys- basement developed can be used as aparttem installed and new roof, $269,900 PH ment, new siding, roof, doors and Windows in the past 5 years, 2 outside sheds, 364-2228 Mount Pearl (Avalon) $79,000 PH 549-2710 or 766-9000 Sunnyside (Central)
For sale by owner 1/2 acre 100x200 cabin lot on Cupids Big Pond Rd, just off Roaches Line, 10 mins to Bay Roberts, lot isn’t on pond but only 300 ft away with access, small area currently cleared and filled and ready to start cabin or to park your trailers, lot is at the end of road therefore nobody can build behind or on the side of you giving you that extra privacy, beautiful area and very quite, buyer responsible for survey, will include camper for an extra $5000, $29,999 PH 691-0701 St. John’s (Avalon)
TWO Bedroom, secure apartment with a deposit today, professionally cleaned & ready to move into, plenty of parking, quiet and cozy location overlooking Random Sound, Utilities/ Internet/ Cable negotiable, absolutely No smoking, Pet friendly, ONLY 5 mins away from Hospital, Mall, Shopping Centres, Stadium, Schools and Restaurants, Only 35 minutes away from Bull arm site, 30 minutes away from Come by Chance, and 55 minutes away from Long Harbour, damage deposit required, $1,000 PH 7664239 Clarenville (Avalon)
WANTED remote cabin in the Indian Bay Waters, eg Home Pond, Benton Pond, Indian Bay, First or Second Pond, Wings Pond etc, don’t have to be nothing fancy if you have one for sale or know of one let me For sale by owner. LAND, Spring Lane, know thanks, PH 685-8724 or 834-2443 ROOMS available in 3 Bedroom house ready for water and sewer hookup, size Conception Bay South (Avalon) located in Arnold’s Cove, utilities included, 76’x185’, call for more information, furnished with washer and dryer, please $30,000 PH 229-3959 Harbour Main WANTED, Cabin or land near Grand Falls- contact for more information, $1 PH 427Windsor area, would prefer a cabin that can 7337 Arnold’s Cove (Avalon) (Avalon) be accessible all year round For sale by owner on Mobile First Pond, (atv,skidoo,truck) and water frontage, PH THREE Bedroom top floor Apartment, curbeautiful piece of cleared and surveyed 486-4893 Grand Falls - Windsor (Central) rently unfurnished, available May 1st, secure land, one acre, septic on the land also, apartment with a deposit today, professiongreat spot to build a cabin on or to put a For sale by owner. Land in Red Cliff, Suitable ally cleaned & ready to move into, plenty of trailer on, there is a path behind the land for Mobile Home or new construction, PH parking, quiet and cozy location overlooking that leads to two pond, area is great for 489-5304 Grand Falls Windsor (Central) Random Sound, Utilities/ Internet/ Cable fishing and hunting, ATV’s and skidoos, negotiable, absolutely No smoking, Pet For sale by owner. LAND, Lot for sale on land is in a private area and can’t be seen friendly, ONLY 5 mins away from Hospital, Flatwater Pond in Baie Verte, waterfront on by the cabins on either side, e-mail or Mall, Shopping Centres, Stadium, Schools beautiful lake for swimming, boating and phone if interested, $35,000 PH 745-6813 and Restaurants, Only 35 minutes away fishing, lot size .93 of an acre, please call for or 743-5860 St. John’s (Avalon) Bull arm site, 30 minutes away from more details, thank you, $7,500 PH (902) from Come by Chance, and 55 minutes away 719-6657 or (902) 827-5766 Baie Verte For sale by owner. LAND, approx acre lot from Long Harbour, damage deposit (102 x 201) located in Gould’s Big Peninsula (Out of Province) required, $1,000 PH 766-4239 Clarenville Pond/Golden Gullies Cottage area, only (Avalon) 35 minutes from St. John’s, lot is fairly level For sale by owner. CABIN, 1 bedroom, in with an abundance of trees for privacy, Glover Town, Norton’s Cove, completely fur- THREE rooms for rent in shared accommoyear-round access, great area for skidoos nished with propane stove, 3000 watt dations in Come by Chance, available and quads, email for more details, honda generator, small fridge, t.v, shed and immediately, short drive to Bull Arm, CBC wood for winter, access by boat, atv and ski Refinery, and Long Harbour, fully furnished, $39,995 PH 683-3361 (Avalon) doo, cabin wired for generator, $12,500 PH house has a washer/dryer, fully equipped 427-8350 Glovertown (Central) kitchen and a big screen TV in the living For sale by owner. land, located in Red Cliff, room, you would be sharing the house with call for details, $25,000 PH 489-5304 2 others heat and light included, rent is per week, $150 PH 557-2026 or 689-6627 (Central) Come By Chance (Avalon) For sale by owner beautiful new cottage on water in Port Blandford, private cottage has For sale by owner. LAND in Spainards Bay, its own beach and waterfront, 2 large bedNL, 2 building lots for the price of one, rooms, large bathroom with jacuzzi, and 185’ front, 150’ rear, town serviced, newly large kitchen, dining and living area that is ONE and TWO BEDROOM apartments, on surveyed, ocean view, price is negotiable, open concept with cathedral ceilings, two Harvey Street, totally renovated, PH 596contact Ed, $40,000 PH 685-4492 story shed is included with a small boat and 1358 Harbour Grace (Avalon) 2 kayaks, fully furnished with modern decor Spaniard’s Bay (Avalon) and includes stainless appliances, TWO BEDROOM house, located Earls Rd, For sale by owner. LAND, 13 Murphy’s Rd, $298,000 PH 466-7111 or 427-2245 Port pay own utilities, no pets, smoking outside, beautiful ocean view, ready for water and Blandford (Central) available May 1st, $775 PH (519) 222sewer hookup, surveyed in Aug 2011, size 0260 Shearstown (Avalon) 150’x175’, call for more information, $45,000 PH 229-3959 Harbour Main (Avalon) sale by owner. land in St George’s NL, For sale by owner. CABIN on the Old Track For front x 200 back with water and sewer TWO Bedroom basement apartment on a Road on the New Harbour Barrens, built in 400 on Main Rd, can be devided in to quiet cul de sac, fridge, stove, washer and 2012, approx 1 acre, pond front, septic accessible, 4 to 5 building blocks, PH 643-3511 (West) dryer included. Small pets may be considtank, well water supply, wood stove, invertered, damage deposit required, pay own er/generator, shed with tools/goods, comes For sale by owner. Millinium drive, 12 build- utilities, available May1st, $650 PH 691with title and the survey, please contact for ing lots for sale, end of Millinium Dr. 6033 Conception Bay South (Avalon) more information, $87,500 PH 786-7483 Kippens, NL. Survey and deed available on or 683-2939 Clarke’s Beach (Avalon) TWO Bedroom basement apartment, request, PH 596-0062 (Avalon) includes fridge, stove, washer & dryer on a For sale by owner. LAND, 1 Gail’s View For sale by owner. LAND, Main Road, cul de sac, small pets maybe considered, Drive, one acre lot, located of Indian Meal Pollard’s Point, White Bay, building lot for pay own utilities, available May 1st, $650 Line, Portugal Cove side, Torbay Bypass sale, please call for details, PH 744-1005 PH 691-6033 Conception Bay South only kilometers away, excavation package Conception Bay South (Avalon) (Avalon) available that includes site work, septic system, artesian well and pump, make a For sale by owner. TWO BEDROOM Cabin, TWO BEDROOM main floor apartment, deposit, pay balance later, call Frank at Jack Ladder Rd, Big Bonne Bay Pond, lake Long Pond/Foxtrap area, close to amenities, 687-0905 or 579-0091, $109,000 PH frontage, artesian well, indoor plumbing, fridge/stove, washer/dryer hook up, parking 682-8543 Torbay (Avalon) shed, access year round, deeded land, for 2, newly painted, no smoking ,no pets, approx 1000sq ft, electric/wood heat, 100 heat and light included, avail immediately, For sale by owner. CABIN, one hour away Amp hookup, PH 785-7088 (West) $950 PH 834-2499 or 687-8546 from St. John’s, near Big Wolf Pond, roughConception Bay South (Avalon) ly between Mahers and Ocean Pond, For sale by owner. LAND, measuring 400 ft framed for 2 bedrooms, on 1/2 acre lot, frontage by 200 back located on Main Rd TWO Bedroom, basement apartment, availwater and sewer test certificate supplied, ,with water and sewer cleared and 80% able immediately in Topsail, fridge, stove, wrap around deck, full basement, garage backfilled, $1 PH 643-3511 St. George’s dishwasher included, washer and dryer door, trailway nearby, electricity at property (West) hook up, close to schools, daycare, convenline, call Greg to view, $125,000 PH 682ience store, Topsail beach, pets considered, For sale by owner granted cabin land 100’ 4242 or 682-8354 Upper Gullies (Avalon) no smoking, pay own utilities, email for x 600’ cabin, needs lot of work, located more info and viewing, $750 PH 834-2872 For sale by owner land in Southeast near Griquet Branch, about 10 kilometers Conception Bay South (Avalon) Placentia, approx 2 acres, with great view from St. Anthony, $12,000 PH 454-5355 St. of Southeast Arm, land is cleared and dug Anthony (East) THREE Bedroom, 2 storey house in Foxtrap, out for walkout basement, lots of trees still CBS, across from access road, 1 bathroom, For sale by owner. CABIN, in Gallants, full on back side of land, trail is at end of propoil furnace, pay own utilities, big back yard, erty to Southeast River which is just a few basement, newly built, 2 bedrooms, full acre washer, dryer, fridge and stove included, feet away, $130,000 PH 227-9595 of land, 14x16 shed, call for more informa- $1,300 PH 693-4835 Conception Bay tion, $89,900 PH 785-5733 Corner Brook South (Avalon) Placentia (Avalon) (West) 103 - 153 • Rental Properties
THREE Bedroom, brand new, 1400 sq ft house plus attached garage, includes brand new appliances along with washer and dryer, close to all amenities, located in Kelligrews, available immediately, pay own utilities, damage deposit required, no pets or smokers, $1,300 PH 834-1277 or 6859934 Conception Bay South (Avalon)
ONE Bedroom basement apt, new laminate flooring, freshly painted, heat incl, pay own light bill, PH 895-0831 Mount Pearl (Avalon) ONE Bedroom, Available May 1, fridge, stove, washer dryer, newly renovated, on bus route & near walking trails, Powers Pond, Mount Pearl, non-smoker, no pets, pay own utilities, call 631-2314 for viewing, $700 PH 368-2323 or 631-2341 Mount Pearl (Avalon) ONE Bedroom, recently renovated, new washer and dryer, one parking space, located in powers pond subdivision, close to bus stop, walking trails, schools, shopping centre, pay own utilities, looking for 1 year lease, pet friendly, non smoking in apt, available immediately, $800 PH 7431131 (Avalon) TWO Bedroom basement apartment in Mt. Pearl Area, close to St. Peter’s school, fridge, stove, Washer/Dryer hook up, pay own utilities, absolutely no pets, absolutely no smokers, $700 PH 689-2108 or 6853577 Mount Pearl (Avalon) TWO Bedroom Basement Apartment, on Gosse Place, in a quiet neighborhood, near Walmart, Dominion, EB Games, Pizza Experts, Doctors offices, Washer/Dryer hook up, fridge, stove, included, bus route available, absolutely No Pets, absolutely no smokers, $650 PH 689-2108 or 685-3577 Mount Pearl (Avalon)
TWO Bedroom, large, spacious basement apartment, Trails End Drive area of Paradise, close to all amenities, includes fridge, stove, microwave, washer, dryer, freshly painted, recently renovated, own side entrance with deck, pay own utilities, available immediately, no smoking or pets, serious inquiries only, $900 PH 330-5365 Paradise (Avalon) TWO Bedroom, walking distance to No Frills and other amenities, nice size living room, kitchen and laundry/storage area in basement, fridge, stove, washer and dryer, heat and light, fibre op cable, Internet included, fantastic deal in a great location, fenced backyard, deck off the kitchen, shared storage shed, call Michael, $1,400 PH 690-7135 Paradise (Avalon) THREE Bedroom duplex, Paradise Gardens off Paradise Road, near amenities, appliances, porch, deck & fenced backyard, storage, finished basement, electric fireplace, laundry room w/washer & dryer included, parking for 2, pay own utilities, call or text, no pets or smoking, available May 1, $1,275 PH 728-0797 Paradise (Avalon)
ONE Bedroom in shared accommodations, in Sunnyside, $150/week, close to Bull Arm and refinery, $150 PH 730-7148 Sunnyside (Avalon)
TWO Bedroom, Price Reduced!! Bright, spacious 2 bedroom basement apartment for rent in Witless Bay. Like new, recent renovations include: open concept, new paint, countertops, light fixtures, laminate flooring throughout with heated porcelain tile in entrance. Includes fridge, stove, dishwasher, microwave, washer and dryer. Features a large laundry room and eat-in kitchen. $825/month, cable and wireless internet included, otherwise pay own utilities. Owner occupied, looking for quiet, respectful tenant. Parking for 2 vehicles available. No smoking, no pets please. Available May 1st. Please contact if any further questions. If you are inquiring about this apartment some information about yourself in your initial message would be appreciated, $825 PH 728-4431 Witless Bay (Avalon)
TWO Bedroom, bright and spacious basement apartment, available April 1st, some fresh paint, all laminate and vinyl floors, huge living room, white colonial cabinets in kitchen, large laundry/storage room, fridge, stove, washer/dryer included, off street parking, close to shopping, schools, TWO Bedroom entry level apartment, large on bus route, no smokers or pets, $695 PH open concept, washer, dryer, fridge and stove, custom cabinets, laminate floors, air 728-8651 St. John’s (Avalon) exchanger, large windows with great ocean THREE BEDROOM, End unit of Townhouse, view, patio deck and storage shed, 5 min parking for 2, fridge, stove, dishwasher, walk to walking trail and beach, 5 mins to washer/dryer hookup, deck, shed, pay Stavangar Dr., pay own utilities, $950 PH own utilities, call 584-3269, $950 PH 437-1870 Torbay (Avalon) 746-0918 or 584-3269 Mount Pearl (Avalon) THREE Bedroom, upper level apt, on First St, parking for 2 cars, jacuzzi tub, own deck, huge backyard, shared shed, lawn care provided, stone’s throw from Morris Academy, fridge and stove/dw, air exchanger, washer and dryer hookup, no pets, no smoking, no partiers, references and lease required. pay own utilities, avail immediately, no calls after 10:30pm, $1,150 PH 364-6266 Mount Pearl (Avalon)
FOUR Bedroom, near Mun Avalon Mall, HSC, on Freshwater Rd, 3 levels, washer/dryer, fridge, stove, backyard patio, hardwood floors, ample parking, no smoking, no pets, available now for appointment, call Nat anytime, pay own utilities, $1,250 PH 571-4078 St. John’s (Avalon)
WANTED - looking for apartment or bed sitting room, can pay up to $550, heat and lights included, internet a bonus, PH 351TWO Bedroom apartment, in Topsail Road 4107 (Avalon) area of Paradise, close to school and walking trails, includes fridge/stove, own driveway and entrance, laundry room with washer and dryer hook up, air exchanger, TWO Bedroom apartment available immepay own utilities, available immediately, diately on Keith Dr in Goulds, freshly paint$675 PH 743-3778 Paradise (Avalon) ed, new kitchen, fridge, stove and flooring, pay own utilities, bonuses after first year, TWO Bedroom, brand new basement $750 PH 740-7800 or 747-9047 Goulds apartment, located next to school, daycare (Avalon) and Sobeys, Fibre-Op cable and Internet Included, pay own heat and light, washer TWO BEDROOM, basement apartment, and dryer, fridge, stove, dishwasher and avail May 1st, brand new house, washer, microwave provided, off street Parking for dryer, dishwasher, stove, fridge, blinds, air 2 cars, no smoking and no pets, available exchanger, no pets, no smoking, pay own immediately, $950 PH 699-5206 or 699- utilities, $900 PH 579-8437 or 438-7664 9644 Paradise (Avalon) Kilbride (Avalon)
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Current until April 29, 2016 Issue 984 Copyright© 2016 The Newfoundland Buy & Sell Magazine Inc.
TWO Bedroom, top floor apartment available immediately, large walk in closet and patio off mater bedroom, laundry room with washer and dryer included, on bus route with bus stop near house and school bus route, 5 minutes walking to Bowring Park, 5 minute drive to downtown and village Mall, convenience stores very close, use of shed to share with tenants downstairs, parking for 2 cars, pay own utilities, contact Jane, $800 PH 7250983 St. John’s (Avalon) THREE Bedroom apartment, available immediately, laundry room w/washer washer and dryer, on bus route, 5 minutes walk to Bowring park, 5 minutes drive to downtown and village Mail, near amenities, shed, parking for 2, pay own utilities, contact Jane, $925 PH 699-8119 St. John’s (Avalon)
ONE Bedroom, like new above ground apartment on quiet street, only minutes to Canadian Tire off Torbay Road, with air exchange and laundry hookup, mature tenant only, pay own utilities, $600 PH 4376812 St. John’s (Avalon) TWO Bedroom above ground apartment, in east end off Torbay Rd, available immediately, close to shopping and bus route, parking for one, completely renovated, includes appliances, air exchanger, blinds, quiet, mature couples only, no pets, no smokers, pay own utilities, $850 PH 728-1381 or 5760158 St. John’s (Avalon) TWO Bedroom basement apartment, located in Airport Heights, new subdivision, parking, washer/dryer, lots of natural light, dishwasher, no smoking and no pets, pay own utilities, 1 year lease required, available June 1, please email to set up an appointment to view, $1,000 PH 764-9119 St. John’s (Avalon) TWO Bedroom basement apartment, off street parking for two cars, ground level entrance, refrigerator/stove, table/chairs, washer/dryer, electric heat and air exchanger, 5 minute walk to MI/CNA and 2 minute to bus stop, no pets, pay own utilities, available May 1st, $800 PH 546-2464 or 766-0876 St. John’s (Avalon) TWO BEDROOM Condo, in St. John’s east, excellent condtion, on bus stop, grounds and snow clearing included, $1,000 PH 7390662 St. John’s (Avalon)
TWO Bedroom, ground floor apartment available in Airport Heights, large backyard, new fridge, hard wood flooring, stackable washer and dryer, newly painted, new light fixtures, large windows, pay own utilities, available May 1st, $800 PH 576-7755 or 722-3175 St. John’s (Avalon) THREE Bedroom, East End house available May 1st, main floor unit, large eat-in kitchen, living room, 1.5 bathrooms, plus family room, deck off the kitchen, includes fridge, flat-top stove, microwave, dishwasher, washer/dryer, close to all amenities, shed and driveway shared with downstairs tenant, room for 3 cars, looking for working professionals or mature students, references required and security deposit up front, lease required, absolutely No Pets and No Smoking, pay own utilities, serious inquiries only, $1,300 PH 726-3265 or 770-1982 St. John’s (Avalon) THREE BEDROOM, main flat, east end, fridge stove, washer, dryer, close to signal hill walking trails, all new paint, PH 727-9259 or 727-2144 St. John’s (Avalon) THREE BEDROOM, main floor apartment, 11 Johnson Cres, off Fox Ave, hardwood floors, washer/dryer hook up, own driveway, pay own utilities, available May 1st, call Barb, $900 PH 728-6058 or 265-6331 St. John’s (Avalon)
TWO Bedroom basement apartment, washer/dryer hookup, pay own utilities, Close to Village Mall, Walmart, close to Hazelwood School and the new high school by the Village Mall, fridge, stove included, no pets, no smokers, $750 PH 689-2108 or 685-3577 St. John’s (Avalon)
TWO Bedroom duplex apartment, fridge, stove, heat & lights included, freshly painted throughout, own entrance, shared driveway, no smoking and no pets, damage deposit required, available immediately, for more information, please email or call, $800 PH 489-4451 Lewisporte (Central)
TWO Bedroom, 1100 sqft. basement apartment in Southlands, only two years old, bright open concept layout, all stainless steel appliances includes dishwasher, washer and dryer, walk in closet in the master bedroom, parking for two cars, close to highway and grocery stores, no smoking, no pets, pay own utilities, available May 1st, call to arrange a viewing, $975 PH 740-0394 St. John’s (Avalon)
TWO Bedroom end unit apartment, available immediately, pay own utilities, lawncare and snowclearing included, 45 mins to Gander or Grand Falls, seniors preferred but not limited to, $600 PH 535-3523 Lewisporte (Central) TWO Bedroom, brand new retirement cottages available in Brown’s Arm, includes fridge, stove, microwave, washer, dryer, dishwasher, snow clearing, storage shed, front & back decks with privacy, utilities not included, no smoking inside premises and no pets, call Randy for info on subsidy, $600 PH 5410199 Brown’s Arm (Central)
TWO Bedroom, available immediately bright, clean and spacious 2 bedroom basement apartment with laundry close to and east of Village Mall area with parking for 2 cars, fridge, stove, washer, dryer included, suitable for professional single or couple, pay own utilities, $800 PH 685-9005 St. John’s (Avalon) THREE Bedroom house, available May 1st, rent negotiable, pay own utilities, call for THREE Bedroom, spacious and clean main more details, $725 PH 535-3523 Lewisporte floor apartment available immediately in (Central) Cowan Heights, large rec room with half bath, separate laundry room with washer and dryer hookup, private rear deck with view, off street parking for two cars, fridge, stove, LOOKING FOR A ROOMMATE TO SHARE A propane fireplace, air exchanger, shared stor- 4 BEDROOM 2 BATH LARGE HOME .LIVINage shed, no smokers please, references GROOM /FIREPLACE, REC ROOM, LAUNrequired, pay own utilities, to view please, DRY, FENCED YARD, PARKING. CLOSE TO $1,150 PH 579-1063 St. John’s (Avalon) SHOPPING AND VILLAGE MALL, ON BUS ROUTE, QUITE NEIGHBORHOOD. I AM LOOKING FOR SOMEONE THAT WANTS TO SHARE MY HOME MUST BE UPBEAT AND CLEAN, EMPLOYED OR MATURE STUDENT.. CLOSE TO VILLAGE MALL AND DIRECTLY ON BUS LINE TO MUN AND MI AND CONA. INCLUDES HEAT LIGHT,CABLE, FIBRE OPTIC INTERNET, TELEPHONE. CALL FOR LOCATION AND TWO BEDROOM, Condo, fully furnished, PICTURES, 7710735, $650 PH 771-0735 or walking distance to university, all appliances, 771-0735 St. John’s (Avalon) available immediately, heat and light includ- ONE Bedroom, spacious room in a 3 beded, ask for Mary, $1,300 PH 437-6148 St. room 2 bathroom apartment, furnished with John’s (Avalon) double bed, dresser, and desk, available TWO Bedroom, newly renovated, 1100sq ft May 1st, rent includes heat, light, Fiber Op multi-level executive apartment, hardwood Internet and Cable, only 15 min walk to and marble floors, whirlpool, washer and MUN, Washer/Dryer on site. Parking for 1 dryer, stainless steel appliances, large laundry car, $475 PH 683-8500 St. John’s (Avalon) room/storage room, internet and cable TV, off ROOM Available on Goodridge Street, spastreet parking, no smoking, references cious room in a 3 bedroom 2 bathroom required pay own utilities, $1,195 PH 726- basement apartment, furnished, available 7735 St. John’s (Avalon) immediately, rent includes heat, light, Fiber TWO Bedrooms for rent in fully furnished Op Internet and cable, only 15 min walk to home, heat/light/washer/dryer included, MUN. Washer/Dryer on site. Parking for 1 rooms are not furnished, private home to car, $475 PH 683-8500 St. John’s (Avalon) share with one male, close to MUN, bus stop, ROOM Available to a responsible individual, supermarkets, no overnight guests or parties, fully furnished, in a spacious second floor mature student or working person need only apartment in a two storey house, includes apply, PH 687-4870 or 687-9619 St. John’s heat/light, cable, internet, use of fully (Avalon) equipped kitchen and laundry with off-street THREE BEDROOM, main floor apartment, parking for one vehicle, centrally and convenear avalon mall and MUN, off street parking niently located on bus routes or a 15 minute for 3-4, washer/dryer hookup, fridge and walk to MUN, 5 minute walk to CNA, walkstove included, pay own utilities, newly paint- ing distance to supermarket, shopping, gym, ed and new flooring, available May 1st, bank, restaurants and other amenities, home is shared with the owner and another $1,100 PH 576-7755 St. John’s (Avalon) person, smoke/pet/drug/alcohol free home, THREE Bedroom, Pet friendly, tidy, freshly perfect study environment, no overnight painted house, laundry, kitchen, next to a bus guests, available immediately, PH 699-5210 stop and less than 3 minutes from both ele- St. John’s (Avalon) mentary and junior high schools, 15 minutes walk to MUN, 5 minutes walk to the Avalon ROOM in shared accommodations within Mall, near bus route, extra large backyard, driving distance to several local fish plants, two car parking driveway, no smoking, no pet friendly, on 2 acres of land, smokers o.k. parties, clean, nice care tenants, utilities (no drugs, only cigarettes!), attached garage, included. Mature students or professional full basement, across from RCMP, tons of people are welcome to rent the house, avail- parking, includes laundry facilities, cable, able now, please text to arrange a viewing, phone, and internet, $125 a week, available as of May 1st 2016, $125 PH 595-2220 or $1,500 PH 746-4222 St. Philip’s (Avalon) 631-9289 Harbour Grace (Avalon) THREE Bedroom house, 40 Angle Brook Road, Glovertown, pay own utilities, no pets or smoking, 2000 square feet, 2 full bathrooms, stove, fridge, microwave, washer and dryer, available immediately, $1,100 PH 5332106 or 769-4781 Glovertown (Central)
TWO rooms to rent in fully furnished home close to MUN, male working/student only, bedrooms are not furnished, washer/dryer, heat/light included in rent, share house with another male, $500 PH 687-4870 or 6879619 St. John’s (Avalon)
VANITY TOP, 72”, with double sinks, matching toilet and all parts, $150 PH 330-1302 St. John’s (Avalon) LAND, stunning 1/2 acre piece of land to rent for an RV owner for the summer in beautiful Ochre Pit Cove, less than 1.5 hours from St. John’s and only a few kilometers from Northern Bay Sands beach, some basic services, ocean front views, short walk to a semi private pebble beach and the pier where the lobster fisherman dock their boats, local grocery, gas, fish and chips take out and hardware store, Wal-Mart just 40 minutes away in Carbonear. $650 per month but negotiable depending on agreement, $650 PH 3352440 or (702) 539-1240 Ochre Pit Cove (Avalon)31 Stakes Pond Road, Efficiency Unit Nightly. Minimum stay one night, $60 PH 566-2043 (Central) CONDO Rental, 2 Bedroom, 2 Full bath updated condo in Seminole Florida, 14’ closets in each bedroom, over 1000sq ft with 2 heated pools, tennis courts, and clubhouse with various actives, centrally located, close to all amenities, minutes to Burlington Coat Factory, Super Walmart, Sams Club, Tyrone Mall and numerous other stores, Gulf Beaches, golfing, biking and walking trials all nearby. 20 min. to Tampa airport, condo has new tiles and new chesterfield, recliner and tables and chairs. Free Internet and long distance phone to Canada and the US .NL owned. Email for more information. No smokers and no pets. Feb. to April not available. Call for Details, PH 728-0253 St. John’s (Avalon)
VANITY, and mirror with lights, suitable for cabin, call for more details, $40 PH 7855733 Corner Brook (West) WHIRLPOOL 5’ black tub with matching sink and toilet, $300 PH 645-2772 or 721-2772 Robinsons (West)
4, new, 2 - 34x79, 2 - 28x79, never been used, in perfect shape, price is for all 4, $120 PH 699-2121 St. John’s (Avalon) 66 1/4w x 60h vinyl double pane,3 section window! Left section winds outward,excellent condition! In Long Harbour,740 6673,or nearest offer!, $500 PH 740-6673 (Avalon) ASPENITE, large quantity of 7/16”, 4’x8’ sheets, new, price is per sheet, $13 PH 4322302 Cape Broyle (Avalon) CEDAR shingles, wife changed mind again, 150 bundles, price is or nearest offer, $3,000 PH 541-2311 Lewisporte (Central) CEILING Tiles, two boxes, 24” x 48”, price is for both, $50 PH 682-5697 St. John’s (Avalon)
COLONIAL Bifold closet door, in great AIR CONDITIONERS, 4, reason for selling, shape, $20 PH 728-6057 or 754-2501 St. does not fit our windows, 1 year old, in good John’s (Avalon) working condition, price is for each, $50 PH COLONIAL Door, White interior, no handle, 221-2871 St. John’s (Avalon) $25 PH 728-6057 or 754-2501 St. John’s (Avalon) CUSTOM Made Boston Headers to fit any type of opening,(door/window) also custom made Teardrop corners and jambs/furrings, call me with your measurements, will deliver to you anywhere along TCH between Gander and St. John’s, great prices, call Gary, PH 655-2173 Musgrave Harbour (Central)
BATHROOM Faucet, American standard Portsmouth Widespread bath faucet $350 value, brand new, satin nickel, for installation with 3 holes, spout height: 4 1/4”, double handles, 1.5 gpm flow rate, limited lifetime manufacturer’s warranty, call for more information, $200 PH 351-0538 St. John’s DOOR, Allsco Ext Door, Dura Plus premium white Victorian style steel door, inswing, 36”, (Avalon) right stainless steel hinge with 12” transom CORNER jacuzzi tub, Must go, removed from window above, two 8x36” clear glass siderenovation, worked perfect, unit is out and lights, and victoria decorative shelf, brand ready to go, $195 PH 437-2346 Flatrock new and beautiful, $2,000 PH 685-1493 St. (Avalon) John’s (Avalon) DOUBLE Cast iron laundry sink, 4’ long, 23” DOOR, Exterior door, all the hardware going wide, depth 12”, floor to top 31”, price is or at a bargain, excellent condition, price is or nearest offer, $200 PH 685-3902 St. John’s best offer, $200 PH 425-1188 Clarenville (Avalon) (East) ITEMS, Bathtub, sliding shower doors with DOOR, one 32” x 79-1/2” slab door, $20 center mirror will fit an opening up to 58 PH 834-6710 (Avalon) 7/8”, toilet, medicine cabinet will fit a min. opening of 32 1/8” x 30 1/8”, outside meas- DOORS, 5 solid core doors, call for details, ures 3’ x 33 3/4”, towel rack, toilet tissue PH 656-3111 (Central) holder, faucets and plumbing parts, $150 PH DOORS, assort of inside mahogany doors, 469-3467 or 468-6846 Melrose (East) make an offer, PH 834-9493 or 687-0156 ITEMS, white toilet and flush box, call only (Avalon) between 9-5 Monday to Friday, $25 PH 726DOORS, assort. of inside doors (closet and 6423 St. John’s (Avalon) regular) make an offer, PH 834-9493 or 687-0156 (Avalon) DOORS, Double Garden Doors, full light, with 16” transom above, standard size with attached transom, brand new, never been used, door handles never installed, originally $1800+tax, stunning doors for any home, no reasonable offer denied, $600.00 PH JACUZZI, call for details, $800 PH 682-5697 489-1073 or 486-9839 (Central) St. John’s (Avalon) For sale, two single panel casement windows, SINK, 48in ceramic sink with faucets, $60 PH the first is 46”x60”, the other is 22”x60”, 634-9266 Corner Brook (West) approximate inside measurements. Also, one three panel bay window with opener on the SINK, Pedestal, white, brand new, never used, right side, approx 86”x60” high. All were ideal for powder room, $50 PH 692-6281 or installed in 2001 and are in very good shape. 364-5017 St. John’s (West) All are insulated double pane, all seals are TOILET,BASIN, Toilet (no seat) $20, basin with solid, all hardware is operational, and the faucets $20, basin attaches to wall (brackets original screens are available for all openers, included), $20 PH (0) 000-0000 Glovertown PH 325-1042 or 722-8836 St. John’s (Avalon) (Central)
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103 - 153 • Rental Properties
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Current until April 29, 2016 Issue 984 Copyright© 2016 The Newfoundland Buy & Sell Magazine Inc.
HENNESSEY’S FIREWOOD Birch wood, $175, spruce, $130, full size truck, bag of birch $10, bag of spruce $8, PH 682-0309 St. John’s (Avalon) Birch Firewood from Central Newfoundland Cut in 2014, junked, split and delivered, 8’ box, pricing starts at $150, serving St. John’s and surrounding areas, PH 689-8799 or 834-2499 Conception Bay South (Avalon)
FIREWOOD Processor, brand new never used, perfect tool for homeowners who burn wood for heat or commercial wood sales, hydraulically cuts up to 16” in diameter, splits 2, 4 or 6 way and conveys wood 10.5 feet to where you want it, 13Hp gas engine with electric start, will cut and split 1 cord/hr, please call or email for more info, $6,500 PH 596-5065 or 589-5045 Harbour Grace (Avalon) FRENCH DOOR, 30”, call for more informa- WINDOW, brand new, never installed, low tion, PH 730-0235 Mount Pearl (Avalon) E argon casement, manufactured by Glacier Windows, was ordered in the GALVANIZED Nails, 5lbs assorted galvanized wrong size and has never been installed, nails, offer paypal as a payment option, $5 great for a cabin, garage, or reno project, PH 726-6506 St. John’s (Avalon) size is 49.5” width, 30.5” height, $150 PH 746-8387 St. John’s (Avalon) GALVANIZED PIPE, good for chain link fence, call for more information, PH 689-1163 WINDOW, wooden, excellent shape, dou(Avalon) ble glass, wind out on right side, with double inside locks, 62”x52”, 3 19” panels, GLASS, 1/8”, 2 - 1/8in. glass doors for a dis- includes outside window frame attached to play case/cabinet , 9 - 3/4”. x 42 - 5/8”, window, $150 PH 685-8843 New Harbour price is $15 each, $30 PH 834-6710 (Avalon) (Avalon) WINDOWS, 37”x48”, in excellent condiGLASS, 1/8”, 2-pcs: 1pc 10” X 59” - $5.00, tion, sliders (wooden), $75 each or 3 for 1pc - 21” X 34-3/4” - $5.00, $10 PH 834- $200, $75 PH 685-8843 New Harbour 6710 Conception Bay South (Avalon) (Avalon) HINGES and handles, 27 sets of self-closing WINDOWS, 6, new, jeld-wen, they open kitchen cabinet brass hinges, and 31 kitchen out, 2 are approx 52”h and 34”w, 4 are cabinet brass spoon and almond ceramic approx 35”w and 32”h, these are the outhandles, $25 for hinges $30 for handles, side measurements, $300 each for biggest $55 PH 753-6336 St. John’s (Avalon) ones and $200 each for others, PH 846INTERIOR French door, with hardware; 3506 McCallum (West) dimension 30x 671/2, swings to the right, WINDOWS, vinyl, 27x37, w/wind out, $75, $50 PH 746-5269 Kelligrews (Avalon) 25x35 w/wind out $75, 36x59 $150, $75 KITCHEN SINK, Double, stainless steel, $20 PH 685-8843 New Harbour (Avalon) PH 330-1302 St. John’s (Avalon) WINDOWS, wood, used, 46”x37”, sliders, LAMINATE FLOORING, 500 sq feet, in good price is for each, or 3 for $125, $50 PH condition, light in colour, call for more infor- 685-8843 New Harbour (Avalon) mation, PH 489-9443 Grand Falls - Windsor WINDOWS, wooden, one of each size (Central) 23”hx39”w, 39”hx47w, 24”hx39”w all with LAZY Susan Pie Cut Set, 24” Diameter, 76” one operator and in good condition, ideal Circumference, $25 PH 834-6710 (Avalon) for cabin or shed, PH 834-9493 or 6870156 Conception Bay South (Avalon) LUMBER, 51 lengths of 2 x 4 x 12’, $230 PH 579-0442 St. John’s (Avalon) PANELS, Fiberglass insulated panels, 3’x85’x92’, originally designed as insulators for freezer trucks, unused, inflatable tube on three sides, values at $700 each, asking $500 for the pair., will sell seperately, PH 596-0062 (Avalon) PARTICLE BOARD, 5 sheets, 4’x8’, price is per sheet, $10 PH 330-1302 St. John’s (Avalon) A EXPERIENCED electrical and general contracting company now doing free SIDING, 1 Box of vertical siding, colour estimates. We specialize in electrical shamrock, $250 PH 834-5106 or 834-5106 panel upgrades. Contact Gary, PH Kelligrews (Avalon) 685-9709 (Avalon) STAINLESS Steel Tubing, 40’-60’, call for more details, PH 744-1005 Conception Bay South (Avalon) STEEL Fire Rated Door, dimensions: 36”x82” with a 5”x23” window excellent shape, reversible hang, call Sel for more informaFuse Panels replaced. Complete home, tion, $125 PH 689-9122 Torbay (Avalon) garage, or cabin wiring. Patio, kitchen STORM door, white, aluminum, 32 x 80, in cabinet, or garden lighting. High or good condition, $80 PH 237-2270 or 631- low voltage, our seasoned Electricians can do it all! Out of the way places not 1122 Mount Pearl (Avalon) a problem. Check us out: tmtelectriTHREADED Rod and Joiners, large quantity, or Call Terry for a quote, PH price is for all, $150 PH 330-1302 St. John’s 693-0469 (Avalon) (Avalon) MJ Roofing and Property Restoration VINYL Gutter and eavestrough Parts, brand M J Roofing and Property Restoration new, 2 White ‘B’ Elbow, one Pivoting White Elbow, two White Downspout Clip, one White shingles - flat roof - torch on roofing Outside Corner, one White Gutter Drop asbestos removal - mold removal, PH Outlet, two piece Traditional White Joiner, 584-3817 or 683-1273 Gull Island one White 10’ Downspout, $60 PH 753(Avalon) 3110 or 743-8500 St. John’s (Avalon) WANTED - Doors, please call if you have any for sale, PH 221-2871 St. John’s (Avalon) WANTED 3” Angle Iron, used, PH 525-2424 St. John’s (Avalon) WINDOW Glass, assortment, measurements in inches; 12 pieces of 32 x 33, 6 pieces 26 x 33, 4 pieces 30 x 33, 4 pieces 17 x 36, 2 pieces 22 x 33 and 2 pieces 14 x 33, $60 PH 765-5484 or 214-0064 St. John’s (Avalon) WINDOW, 1 - wooden rise & fall window box & sash with aluminum storm, no glass in window sash, 36in wide, 39in deep, $25 PH 834-6710 (Avalon) 200 - 280 • Home Improvements
FIREWOOD, 100 percent dry mixed junked firewood, call for details, PH 689-1163 (Avalon) FIREWOOD, 2 plus cords of wood, dry wood, $145 PH 782-3656 (Avalon) FIREWOOD, boxes of wood splits and cuttings of board and plank, ideal for fire pits, woodstoves, fireplaces and any other wood burning appliance, $5 per box, $5 PH 8346710 Conception Bay South (Avalon) FIREWOOD, chunked 16” long, split and dried approximately two years, price is per 8’ pickup box, $125 PH 634-5071 Corner Brook (West) FIREWOOD, Dry Birch Firewood, cut and split to length you require, taking bookings now for April 5th, pickup load, 6’ box (not stacked), $140 loaded in your truck, 6 x 12 dump trailer, $350 delivered in surrounding areas, $140 PH 596-5065 or 589-5045 Harbour Grace (Avalon) FIREWOOD, dry kindling and dry mixed, Call for more info, PH 689-1163 St. John’s (Avalon) FIREWOOD, dry wood for sale, mixed, price is per truck load, pick up only, $100 PH 5822889 or 683-2978 New Harbour (East) FIREWOOD, dry wood, call for more information, PH 730-0235 Mount Pearl (Avalon) FIREWOOD, Dry, junked and split, delivery can be arranged, call, text or e-mail, right off Peacekeeprs Way, easy pick up on the way to the cabin, price is per pick up load (6 ft box), $100 PH 687-2804 Conception Bay South (Avalon)
CIRCULAR PUMPS, 2, for a hot water fur- BAND Saw blades, three brand new Bosch nace, call for more details, PH 484-3398 band saw blades, 15 TPI 1/8” wide .012” (Central) thick 561/8”diameter, $30 PH 773-1396 Paradise (Avalon) ELECTRIC Furnace, Norton by Broan Electric Furnace, heats up to 2800 sq ft, barely used, BOSTITCH Roofing Air Nailer, rarely used, installed 2013 new, includes duct work & fur- like new, uses up to 1.5” roofing nails, $275 nace cable (worth $400 alone), parents PH 351-0384 Conception Bay South could not make change from radiant panel (Avalon) heating to forced air, $1,600 PH 596-2727 CHAINSAW parts, call for details, PH 586Carbonear (Avalon) 2746 (Avalon) OIL furnace and tank, excellent condition certified lines incl, $400 PH 240-1013 Topsail CHAINSAW Sthil 290 with 16” bar, cut approx 8 cords of wood, $280 PH 690-9686 (Avalon) St. John’s (Avalon) OIL furnace and tank, good condition, $400 CHAINSAW with 14” bar, and sharpener, PH 771-0090 Paradise (Avalon) price is for both, $60 PH 237-4586 Mount PARLOR Oil Stove, GLT, in excellent condition, Pearl (Avalon) used for 2 years, then stored, please phone for more info, $400 PH 740-7315 Placentia CHAINSAW, Stihl MS170, in excellent condition, price is FIRM, $180 PH 766-2715 (Avalon) Southern Harbour (East) WANTED, Fibreglass Oil Tank, PH 857-2112 CHAINSAWS, one 16” gas and one 14” elecAllan’s Island (Avalon) tric, $50 PH 782-3656 (Avalon) WOOD and oil furnace, and tank, hot water CIRCULAR Saw, DeWalt, cordless 5”, just like radiation, $1,000 PH 525-2638 (Avalon) new & in metal case, also 1 Ryobi Reciprocating Saw, used once & in plastic case, in excellent condition , $150 PH 4671042 or 427-6305 Musgravetown (East) BASEBOARD HEATERS, 1 - 84” 2000 Watts, 1- 41” 1000 Watt, 1 - 38” 750 Watts, price CIRCULAR SAW, Riobi, brand new, never is for the set, $60 PH 834-0561 Conception used, 10AMP, so will work fine with a generBay South (Avalon) ator, great for the cabin, $60 PH 261-2293 Campbellton (Central) DURAFLAME infrared heater, brand new, $125 PH 240-1013 Topsail (Avalon) ELECTRIC Jigsaw, Jobmate model 54-82016 55 mm, $40 PH 690-5465 Paradise DURAFLAME infrared heater, excellent condi- (Avalon) tion 1500 watts heats up to1000 sq feet, $125 PH 240-1013 Topsail (Avalon) ELECTRIC wood splitter, 6.5 tonne, price is or best offer, $500 PH 640-6627 Corner Brook ELECTRIC HEATER, please call for more infor- (West) mation, PH 221-0895 Goulds (Avalon) HEAT Gun, Jobmate model 54-6502-2, HEATER, white in color, 7’ length, price is or 120VAC/250 Celsius - 450 Celsius, 10Amp, nearest offer, $55 PH 237-2270 or 631- $40 PH 690-5465 Paradise (Avalon) 1122 Mount Pearl (Avalon) LADDER, Featherlite 20’ Aluminum extension KEROSENE heater, can run by battery, in ladder, used only once, practically new, purgood condition, call for more information, PH chase price was $110 plus tax, excellent con221-0895 Goulds (Avalon) dition, $95 PH 834-9493 or 687-0156 KEROSENE Heater, works fine, $50 PH 787- Conception Bay South (Avalon) 1067 Dildo (Avalon) LAWN Dethatcher, Yardworks, electric, price NOMA Thermostat, programmable, model is or nearest offer, excellent condition, used 52-2570-6, extra large LCD display with once, $150 PH 541-6464 Loon Bay (Central) back light humidity and humidifier control MAKITA 5” Angle Grinder with extra grinding usage, Energy Star rated, save up to 33% on wheels, paid $160, $65 PH 744-1005 energy costs. Contact for more info, $40 PH Conception Bay South (Avalon) 753-3110 or 743-8500 St. John’s (Avalon) MASTERCRAFT 3/8” Drills, two, with Cases PARABOLIC Oscillating heater, Garrison, 2 and 14.4 Battery chargers. (No Batteries) brand new heaters, 2 setting 700-1000, $50 $30.00 for the pair. Both in Mint condition, PH 240-1013 Topsail (Avalon) $30 PH 437-2461 Flatrock (Avalon) RADIATORS, 5, located in Rocky Harbour, MASTERCRAFT Precision saw kit, 22 piece, price is for each, $100 PH 632-1763 Rocky used only two times, paid $140, $65 PH Harbour (West) 744-1005 Conception Bay South (Avalon) USED Radiators, Cast iron radiators 21”w x MISCELLANEOUS TOOLS, in large tool box, 32”h, 16”w x 26”h, 32”w x 32”h, 29 1/2’w 19 drawers, full of Craftsman tool, top box x 38”h, 14”w x 19”h, 22”w x 32”h, 20”w x has 12 drawers, bottom has 7 drawers, 24”h, price is for each, phone 685-3902, make me a reasonable offer, PH 260-5415 please call only between 8-5 Monday to Mount Pearl (Avalon) Friday, $100 PH 726-6423 or 685-3902 St. John’s (Avalon) NAIL GUN, Bosch, brand new, valued at $600, hold 3 1/2” nails, ask for Keith, $250 PH 458-8972 Norris Point (West)
FIREWOOD, Dry, price is per pickup load, HOUSE Plans, included detailed floor plan, sorry no delivery, $100 PH 834-4193 foundation, front and rear view, left and right Conception Bay South (Avalon) view, and window/door schedule, notes, 3D and in person meeting, plans are perFIREWOOD, Firewood Factory: A new fami- views, to the individual, new or renovaly-operated business. Providing reliable fire- sonalized specializing in Slab and/or foundation wood delivery within the Northeast Avalon. tions, one story. Turn around time for one story We’re a certified wood vendor through the with is approximately 2 days. Can work Forestry and Agrifood Agency. Birch and plans pictures and/or floor details. Price of black spruce available in various volumes from will include 4 sets of plans, $250 PH (cord, truck load, 1/4 cord bin, bagged). $250.00 589-2126 Bishop’s Cove (Avalon) Available junked/split or 8 foot lengths. Firewood Factory is now accepting orders for April and May. Book your spring wood delivery today! Feel free to drop by our woodlot to say hello — 810 Torbay Road (500m past DEEP Well Pump, call for details, $200 PH RONA). - The Janes Family. Follow us on 484-3398 (Central) Facebook: Firewood Factory NL, PH 769GENERATOR, Generac 17,000 watts, new 3333 St. John’s (Avalon) never hooked up, hookup kit and under warFIREWOOD, Mixed $100 also dry firewood ranty, price is or nearest offer, $5,500 PH available $120 per truckload, PH 770-1608 548-2872 Little Heart’s Ease (East) Torbay (Avalon) MOTOR, 3/4hp, electric, call for details, PH FIREWOOD, mixed wood, call for details, PH 693-7375 (Avalon) 582-2889 New Harbour (East) MOTOR, electric 1/3hp for deep well pump, WANTED Firewood, call with details, PH excellent condition, $55 PH 744-1005 689-1163 St. John’s (Avalon) Conception Bay South (Avalon) WANTED one cord of Spruce Firewood, will- WATER pump, 4” electric, perfect for flooded ing to trade with 8’ fir logs freshly cut, must basements, with 50’ of hose, $200 PH 770be a full measured cord, not just a truck 1608 Torbay (Avalon) load, PH 596-0062 (Avalon)
WOOD Splitter, 20 ton model 26 hvgc Honda Surge master, price is or nearest offer, $1,600 PH 541-6464 Loon Bay 8” W x 2 6/8” W x 1/4” deep. Decorative tiles for bath or kitchen. Tiles brand new. Must (Central) purchase full pack (32 tiles), $80 PH 782WOODEN splits, call for details, PH 689- 2619 Paradise (Avalon) 1163 St. John’s (Avalon) SOLAR Panels, 250W Jinko Solar panels, AIR COMPRESSOR, 12 volt, ideal for car or perfect for the cabin or any off-grid power travel trailer, new, call for details, PH 744project. Best price on the island, $329 PH 1005 Conception Bay South (Avalon) 781-1575 Conception Bay South (Avalon) AIR COMPRESSOR, 2gal, air powered Brand THERMOSTATS, 5 Stelpro STE402NP-W, nail stapler, both Mastercraft and come with non programmable wall thermostat, single owner’s manuals, price is for both or nearest pole $15 each or 5 for $50, used for 2 offer, $75 PH 368-2852 Mount Pearl years in new home/excellent condition, (Avalon) does not require any programming, disAVIATION Tool Kit (AME), includes all tools plays in either Celsius or Fahrenheit, call for more info, $50 PH 745-8304 St. John’s 30 Amp Pioneer interupter safety switch box, required for College courses or just starting (Avalon) suitable for a furnace, $25 PH 834-9493 or out, $300 PH 256-8245 or 235-1360 687-0156 Conception Bay South (Avalon) Gander (Central)
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RATCHET SET, 200pc, call for more information, $40 PH 754-7934 St. John’s (Avalon) RIDGID 6’ toilet snake, brand new, never used, $40 PH 769-8452 Holyrood (Avalon) SCALE, Smalll weight scale, can weight up to 5lbs, in excellent condition, call for more information, PH 754-3930 or 763-1888 St. John’s (Avalon) TABLE SAW, Craftsmen 10” table saw, with large 28”x48” cast iron top, excellent condition, needs a motor, $80 PH 261-2293 Campbellton (Central)
TOOLBOX, Snap-On tool kit and tools, price is or nearest offer, $500 PH 368-8976 St. John’s (Avalon)
TOOLS, Assortment, call for more information, PH 788-2472 Bay Roberts (Avalon) Used power tool comes with 2 batteries and charger and case dewalt dark safety glasses and gloves. Plus additional dewalt used 7v drill with battery and charger, $150 PH 7284717 Conception Bay South (East) WANTED - CHOP Saw for metal, PH 7707798 Conception Bay South (Avalon) WANTED - CONCRETE mixer, in good condition, PH 770-7798 Conception Bay South (Avalon) WANTED, Snap On tools. Call after 6pm or anytime weekends, PH 727-7401 or 7277401 Mount Pearl (Avalon) WOODEN Boxes, Made from 1/2” plywood, 7.5” W x 6.5” H x 30” L, great for carpenter’s tools, gardening, flower planters, etc, $35 PH 834-6710 Conception Bay South (Avalon)
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Current until April 29, 2016 Issue 984 Copyright© 2016 The Newfoundland Buy & Sell Magazine Inc.
FIREPLACE, wooden, blue in color. Contact For all your residential and commercial for details, $150 PH 682-5697 St. John’s construction/excavating/Property maintenance needs. Dump truck, backhoe (Avalon) and excavator services, Storm damage PROPANE FIREPLACE, fan circulation, $125 and parking lot repairs, fences,post PH 685-8843 New Harbour (Avalon) holes dug up to 48 inches deep . Class crushed stone, pea stone, sand, topWANTED - Center section (firebox) for a A,soil, sods, etc. Basement excavation Corner Brook Foundry “Humber 5” pot belly and Water and sewer. We specialize in stove, PH 694-0770 or 634-3357 Corner retaining walls (Large concrete(Recon) Brook (West) Block, block/stone , rock (gambrian) baskets ,pressure treated 4x4 or WANTED small woodstove, call with details, 6x6),driveway curb and walkway/sidePH 745-1413 or 691-2455 (Avalon) walk(cement or paving stones). No job WOOD stove, Epa Dorlet”Pyropak” wood to big or to small.Get your best price then give me a call, PH 682-6824 stove 4 yrs old, heat 250 -1000 sq ft, can be Conception Bay South (Avalon) purchased at Canadian Tire for $799+tax, $400 PH 589-6922 or 596-3938 (Avalon) FLOWER Pot, Heavy duty flower pot made from concrete, you don’t have to worry for the wind to take it, can be painted to match your surroundings, $35 PH 533-6157 Glovertown (Central)
Offering dump truck/backhoe rentals, excavation services and FREE estimates with competitive pricing. For all your excavation needs call Chris McDonald. New home construction, full trim packages and full windows/siding/doors packages, and renos! For all your general contracting needs call Chris McDonald. We do it from the ground up!!, PH 763-5717 (Avalon) FIREPLACE & Mantel, Electric, by Twin Star Home, vent free with heater already installed, just plug in and press on, excellent condition, dark mahogany wood mantel, approx. 38”w x 16”d x 45”h, remote control included, $200 PH 596-2727 Carbonear (Avalon) FIREPLACE, Electric, brand new, never used, only turned on twice to test, dark brown, 48”Wx50”H, reason for selling moving, $425 PH 395-0119 Bishop’s Falls (Central)
Tony Parrell’s Excavation For all your Commercial or Residential Excavation needs, Basements, Water/Sewer, Equipment Rentals, Rock Busting & Removal, Septic tank Installation, Screened Topsoil and More, PH 6821948 (Avalon) L.C.E.C. Excavating Limited
GARBAGE Box, 30” x 48”, octagon shape, holds 5-6 bags of garbage, $100 PH 8346710 Conception Bay South (Avalon) GARBAGE Box, brand new, with metal bottom, $60 PH 834-8649 Conception Bay South (Avalon) GARBAGE BOX, octogan shape, hand- 5625 WATT Generator KING Canada 25ltr made, unstained, $40 PH 786-2424 gas, 4 plug outlet, price is or best offer, Clarke’s Beach (Avalon) $475 PH 233-1181 Torbay (Avalon) GARDEN shares, adjustable, $30 PH 425- 9000 WATT Generator POWERMATE, 0857 or 466-7378 Clarenville (Avalon) Powerease 9000 watt, starts up with first GROW/PLANT Stand, double shelf, approx. pull, used one time, less than a half tank of 55” long, sturdy, complete with two gas used, too powerful for camping looking adjustable working white grow lights, enjoy to buy something smaller, $1,050 PH 489big savings and have fun starting your seeds 2358 Grand Falls - Windsor (Central) inside, priced at a bargain, $80 PH 586- GENERATOR, 1300Watts, call for more 2859 Hant’s Harbour (Avalon) information, $100 PH 237-4586 Mount MAPLE trees, large quantity, various sizes, Pearl (Avalon) call for details, PH 689-1163 (Avalon) GENERATOR, 3000 watt Honda, in good RED Stone, 5 gallon buckets, call for details, condition, $1,000 PH 634-6456 Steady Brook (West) PH 689-1163 (Avalon) TROY-BILT Cultivator, new, TB146EC 4 Cycle GENERATOR, Honeywell 2000 watt, runs engine, electric start, 6 tine, 6”-12” quiet excellent condition, runs great, $300 adjustable tilling width, depth to 5”, still in PH 596-0965 Victoria (Avalon) shipping box with labels, retail price $449, GENERATOR, Kind, 6500 Watt, electric start, $290 PH 364-4626 St. John’s (Avalon) on wheels, used once this year, $600 PH 675-2306 or 532-7060 (Central)
TELL THEM “I saw your Ad in the BUY & SELL”
TOPSOIL, fill, etc.., Loads and loads of screened topsoil, fill, redstone, road gravel, and washed stone also dumptrucks and excavator for rent call Todd, PH 685-5977 (Avalon)
LAWN Mower and whipper snipper parts and lawnmower bodies, everything that you would need, call Tommy for details, PH 2331952 (Avalon) LAWN Mower Husqvarna, purchased July 2014 for $598.89 and is in new like condition, $425 PH 691-0909 Conception Bay South (Avalon) LAWN Mower Toro, Toro 5.0 HP runs excellent, $100 PH 240-1013 Topsail (Avalon) LAWN Mower Toro, with bag, runs excellent, $100 PH 240-1013 Topsail (Avalon)
300 - 370 • Outdoor & Garden
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Current until April 29, 2016 Issue 984 Copyright© 2016 The Newfoundland Buy & Sell Magazine Inc.
STEEL BUILDING, 25x40, 16’ high, open- SNOWBLOWER, starting motors, price is for ing for 16ft door, one man door, straight each motor, $30 PH 770-7798 Conception walls, $12,000 PH 546-2362 Hatchet Cove Bay South (Avalon) (East) WANTED snowblowers working or not, PH STEEL BUILDING, 50’l by 30’w by 18’h, 770-7798 Conception Bay South (Avalon) fully insulated, 200 amp service with an electric furnace, roll up door 12’ by 12’ with side entrance, needs to be disassembled to be moved, easily be taken apart in larger sections, also bucket of extra nuts and bolts, SHALLOW Well Liner, 18 feet x 36 inches, $22,500 PH 480-0048 or 647-3681 Flat with cover, $1,400 PH 693-2483 (Avalon) Bay (West)
QUEEN Bedroom Set, includes headboard, frame, dresser with mirror, 2 night tables, box spring and mattress, orthopedic mattress cost $2000 alone, price is for the set, $900 PH 425-0857 or 466-7378 Clarenville (Avalon) QUEEN Mattress in fair condition, $40 PH 747-3984 Mount Pearl (Avalon) QUEEN Size 3” pillow top mattress and boxspring, still in plastic, never used, Reg $1599, $749 PH 765-4439 St. John’s (Avalon)
QUEEN Size 4” pillow top mattress and boxspring, still in plastic, never used, reg BED, Mates, twin, in excellent condition, $1799, $849 PH 765-4439 St. John’s 2013 Husqvarna blower, has had very little price is or nearest offer, $300 PH 782-1064 (Avalon) use., 1827 exlt model with tracks, cost or 746-8831 Paradise (Avalon) $3400 new, $1,800 PH 640-4856 Corner SINGLE hardwood bed frames, two are BEDROOM Set, double bed with highboy, ready for refinishing, one is ready to go, call Brook (West) box spring and mattress, headboard and for more details, PH 596-0062 (Avalon) SNOW BLOWER Toro Power Max 6000 frame in excellent condition, price is or nearSeries, model 38597, 250 cc Briggs & est offer, $300 PH 782-1064 or 746-8831 SOFA Bed, Attractive sofa bed in fine condiStratton OHV engine, high quality brand, Paradise (Avalon) tion, $60 PH 747-3984 Mount Pearl great condition other than paint (Avalon) BEDROOM SET, double, box spring, matchips/scraping in auger housing, easy to $200 tress, 2 dressers and 2 night stands, TWIN Mates Bed, with shelf headboard and operate, regular maintenance, priced to 3 drawers along the side, $150 PH 771sell, pick-up only, no holds, $700 PH 691- PH 754-8724 St. John’s (Avalon) 6101 Bauline (Avalon) 4629 St. John’s (Avalon) BEDROOM Set, Queen, mission style, solid wood, includes bed, mattress, dresser, mirSNOW THROWER, Toro, price is or nearest offer, $100 PH 834-3675 Conception Bay ror and two night tables, originally $6000, $1,800 PH 687-2289 St. John’s (Avalon) South (Avalon)
LAWN Mower Yardworks, Gas Mastercraft runs great, $60 PH 240-1013 Topsail (Avalon) LAWN Mower, bag with mulch catcher, price SWIMMING Pool, like new, only used twice, is or best offer, $75 PH 691-2455 or 745- 12’x24’x52’’ high, ideal for narrow lot, 1413 Mount Pearl (Avalon) open for offers, call for more details, $4,700 PH 489-5304 (Central) LAWN Mower, Yardworks, electric, $75 PH 240-1013 Topsail (Avalon) LAWNMOWER Honda GVC 160 Husqvarna 7021F, 3 years old, for parts, self propelled, mulch bag included, $150 PH BABY BARN, 8x10, all new materials, call for details, PH 525-2424 St. Mary’s (Avalon) 753-3408 St. John’s (Avalon) CAR PORT, 12’ wide x 20’ long, call for LAWNMOWER Parts, MTD. Call for details, more information, $250 PH 227-6604 PH 233-1952 Flatrock (East) Long Harbour (Avalon) LAWNMOWER with mulcher, needs small tune up for summer, $75 PH 740-3791 FINE Sawdust, 10kg bags, price per bag, $5 PH 834-6710 conception bay south Mount Pearl (Avalon) (Avalon) LAWNMOWER Yardworks Lawnmaster 2 in 1 electric mower, $75 PH 240-1013 Topsail INDUSTRIAL Job Box, Job Site Box on Wheels, waterproof, well laid out with 2 lev(Avalon) els of shelving, perfect for job sites or LAWNMOWER Yardworks, Mastercraft 4.0, garage, roughly 5’ high, $700 PH 689gas, runs great, $60 PH 240-1013 Topsail 9122 Torbay (Avalon) (Avalon) Greenhouse Plus MOTOR to fit Craftsman lawnmower, working good, $20 PH 237-4586 Mount Pearl (Avalon) RIDE on lawn tractor, 2006 Yardworks, 15.5 motor, good condition and running order, needs cable for locking in blades, $700 PH 468-7355 (East)
Manufacturers of Wooden WANTED 24v battery for a Yardworks cord- Greenhouses, in stock and custom sizes less lawn mower - Battery Model #60- designed and built for Newfoundland 2152-2, PH 535-0264 (Central) conditions. Using only hand selected wood treated with natural WEED TRIMMER, McCulloch, gas trimmer, stabilized preserve that will give you years of needs carburetor adjustment, paid over service. We also build Raised Growing $100, $25 PH 237-4586 Mount Pearl Beds, Cold Frames, Wooden Rain (Avalon) Barrels, and Custom Hot Tub Enclosures. Free site visits and estimates. Contact, (Avalon) BBQ, call for more information, $50 PH ROOF and floor trusses for 10x12 baby 221-2871 St. John’s (Avalon) barn or green house, PH 834-8649 Conception Bay South (Avalon) SHIPPING Container, two 5’x6’x8’ Steel Shipping Containers, great for storage shed, PINE Trees, two, call for details, PH 689- wood shed, cabins, job sites, price is for each or nearest offer, contact Sel for more 1163 (Avalon) information, $500 PH 689-9122 Torbay (Avalon)
400 - 425 • Furniture
BEDROOM SET, solid oak, double/queen headboard, nightstand with hidden compartments, two full outlets and phone jack built in, dress has full sized mirror, 6 drawers, and secret compartment, will last for generations, email or txt/call 769-9911, SNOWBLOWER Mastercraft, only three $600 PH 631-9564 or 579-3440 St. John’s BUFET and Hutch, beautiful oak buffet and mths old, still under warranty, only used (Avalon) hutch, reason for selling don’t have room for twice and I’m selling it cause I have a plow now, $1,200 PH 753-4962 St. John’s BUNK beds, come pick them up, PH 589- it, it is in perfect condition, $250 PH 7457657 Kilbride (Avalon) 5490 (Avalon) (Central) SNOWBLOWER Motors, 8hp $60 and BUNK or 2 Full beds, retiring and downsiz- BUFFET and HUTCH, in excellent condition, ing, can be separated into 2 Full Beds, c/w call for more information, $50 PH 75410hp, $75 PH 233-1952 (Avalon) mattresses, solid pine wood, $475 PH 680- 8102 St. John’s (Avalon) SNOWBLOWER Parts, many types, no 0518 or 528-9774 Mount Pearl (Avalon) CABINETS & Appliances, complete set, Hondas, PH 770-7798 Conception Bay CAPTAIN’S bed, four drawers and bookshelf white, corner sink and faucets, refrigerator, South (Avalon) headboard, comes with a mattress, mattress range, dishwasher, microwave and table SNOWBLOWER Tecumseh, older Mtd yard was covered by a protector, $250 PH 535- set, cabinets are “box design”, can be sepamachine snow blower 10 hp, 29” cut, call 6150 or 541-6149 Lewisporte (Central) rated and rearranged in different layouts, 7821489, new 120v electric starting, starts please email or call after 6:00PM M-F, anywith first flick and starts with first pull of pull- COMPLETE Bedroom Set, Queen size pillow time on weekend, $3,000 PH 257-3948 cord,in very good condition , no rust, $140 top mattress and box spring, head board, 3 Botwood (Central) dressers (one with mirror) and 4 night PH 782-1489 (Avalon) stands, $500 PH 595-2220 or 631-9289 CHAIRS, 3 wooden dining room chairs, perSNOWBLOWER Yardworks, 10.5hp 30” Harbour Grace (Avalon) fect for the cabin, excellent shape, price is or cut, blower has electric start but starts with best offer, $75 PH 683-2413 Bay Roberts the first pull of the cord, only used on paved DISNEY Toddler Bed, with removable bed (Avalon) driveway and always stored inside, $300 rails, from a pet and smoke free home, $35 CHAIRS, Dining room chairs, 2, price is for PH 596-7733 or 589-6084 Bryant’s Cove PH 728-2710 St. John’s (Avalon) each, $40 PH 754-8724 St. John’s (Avalon) (Avalon) DOUBLE Bunk bed, no mattress, white SNOWBLOWER, 1232 Yamaha, $3,800 enamel metal frame with study area and CHINA Cabinet, call for more details, $40 shelving below bed, paid $1800 new, never PH 783-3541 Corner Brook (West) PH 785-5733 Corner Brook (West) used, $500 PH 682-6302 or 697-4866 DINING room chairs, 6 in total, 2 are arm SNOWBLOWER, 2010 model club cadet Torbay (Avalon) chairs, good condition, $100 PH 589-2128 snowblower in good condition, price is or nearest offer, $175 PH 770-7798 DRESSER with Mirror, Sears, 9 drawer, refur- Spaniard’s Bay (Avalon) bished and finished with dark walnut stain, Conception Bay South (Avalon) in excellent condition, price is or nearest DINING Room set with table, leaf, china SNOWBLOWER, 33” cut, works well, price offer, $375 PH 834-9493 or 687-0156 cabinet and 4 chairs, dated but solid, price is or best offer, call or text, $250 PH 730is or best offer, $300 PH 691-2455 or 745- Conception Bay South (Avalon) 3847 Holyrood (Avalon) 1413 Mount Pearl (Avalon) HEADBOARD, double, call for more inforSNOWBLOWER, call for details, PH 586- mation, $15 PH 754-8724 St. John’s DINING ROOM SET, Formal table, chairs and china cabinet, in perfect condition, sits 2746 (Avalon) (Avalon) up to 8 people, like new, email, text or call, SNOWBLOWER, Craftsman, 24”, call for ITEMS, 39” box spring, pillowtop mattress, $1,000 PH 685-0883 or 895-7712 St. more information, $350 PH 754-5173 St. bedframe and headboard, excellent condi- John’s (Avalon) John’s (Avalon) tion/hardly used, $280 PH 277-2135 DINING Room Set, includes 4 chairs, 2 Torbay (Avalon) SNOWBLOWER, Craftsman, 9.5 HP, leafs,buffet and hutch, colonial maplewood, 20”cut, needs minor repair, $150 PH 740- LOFT Bed, Lea Elite Crossover, double, bur- in perfect condition, cash only, $500 PH 3791 Mount Pearl (Avalon) nished cherry finished with hand applied 726-4830 St. John’s (Avalon) highlights and distressing, purchase price SNOWBLOWER, impeller kits, make your $1700, no reasonable offer denied, only 3 DINING Room Set, table and six chairs, old snowblower clear snow like a new one years old, PH 489-1073 or 486-9839 St. table size 78x40 (with 18” piece), price is or better, and your new one better to, $30 John’s (East) firm, pick up only, $100 PH 437-5607 PH 770-7798 Conception Bay South Flatrock (Avalon) (Avalon) MATTRESS, foam, still in box, please call for more information, ask for Debbie or Donny, EXPANDABLE Table, well built, homemade, SNOWBLOWER, Sears Craftsman, 14in, PH 221-2871 St. John’s (Avalon) expandable table, with collapsible metal electric snow shovel, double insulated, legs, measures 56” x 36” without the 22” model se-14, 115v.a.c., 60hz, 4.5amps, PRINCESS Twin Bed, 4 poster bed and night wide leaf extension, ideal for a cabin or as a this model blows the snow straight ahead, stand, mattress and boxspring included, work bench or sewing table, wooden sliders $45 PH 834-6710 (Avalon) excellent condition, hardly ever used, $300 are worth more than $80 a set, $100 PH 895-2744 (Avalon) PH 690-3376 Portugal Cove (Avalon) SNOWBLOWER Briggs And Stratton, Povlan Pro, like new, 27” cut 11.5 hp, very little use, runs like new, well worth the money, no emails please, phone calls only, $450 PH 687-8365 or 697-8441 (Avalon)
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Current until April 29, 2016 Issue 984 Copyright© 2016 The Newfoundland Buy & Sell Magazine Inc.
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400 - 425 • Furniture
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Current until April 29, 2016 Issue 984 Copyright© 2016 The Newfoundland Buy & Sell Magazine Inc.
HOUSEHOLD furniture, 2 twin box springs, 2 drawer single bed, mattress not included, one desk, large dresser with double mirrors, blue rocker chair, wine colored chair, large quilt rack, one antique beveled mirror, all going for bargain prices, just make an reasonable offer and its yours, PH 533KITCHEN table and four chairs, chrome, 6157 Glovertown (Central) $100 PH 754-8053 or 579-2772 (Avalon) MAPLE Coasters, set of 6 solid maple coasters, finished with a semi gloss clear KITCHEN Table, small size with glass top, coat, $20 PH 769-1286 St. John’s (Avalon) no chairs, $20 PH 738-7407 St. John’s (Avalon) ROCKING Chair, suitable for rec room or cabin, $30 PH 364-5137 Mount Pearl KITCHEN tables, great for cabin or apt, (Avalon) $20 PH 782-0655 Paradise (Avalon) SANDUSKY Clearview Storage Cabinet, a SIDEBOARD Cabinet, white Lacquer year old, paid over $1000 for it, dimenGlass Sideboard 80” x 18”, bought from sions are 72” x 36” x 18”, excellent condiSam Design, $950 PH 725-5855 or 693- tion, $500 PH 764-5731 or 764-5731 0532 St. John’s (Avalon) Gander (Central) TABLE and 4 Chairs, hardwood, also SEVERAL ITEMS, small wooden table, desk, beveled gold framed mirror, $250 PH glass table, call for more information, PH 656-3111 (Central) 730-0235 Mount Pearl (Avalon) TABLE and 4 chairs, needs to be finished , STEAMER’S trunk/train trunk etc, good con4’ in diameter, price or best offer, $250 dition, photo and price on request, PH 596PH 745-1413 or 691-2455 (Avalon) 0062 (Avalon) TABLE and 4 Chairs, Wooden, call for STOOLS, two 29”, dark green with light details, $125 PH 582-2889 or 683-2978 oak seats, $30 PH 368-2883 Mount Pearl New Harbour (East) (Avalon) TABLE AND CHAIRS, please call for more STORAGE Bench, for entry way, great for information, ask for Debbie or Donny, storing shoes, measures 31in.W by 36in.H $200 PH 221-2871 St. John’s (Avalon) by 12in.D, $25 PH 834-9220 or 834-9220 Conception Bay South (Avalon) TABLE, for your wall, in great condition, measuring 31.5” wide, 33” high, 9” TEALIGHT holders, set of four, colors deep, $25 PH 834-9220 or 834-9220 orange, yellow, green, and dark pink, new, Conception Bay South (Avalon) in original packaging, $10 PH 747-9290 TABLE, Oval,light hardwood kitchen table St. John’s (Avalon) NEW, will need legs $40.00, PH 596- TEKKI Wooden Stand, with drawer, $300 0062 (Avalon) PH 697-2840 St. John’s (Avalon) TABLES, Two, one chrome, one wooden, WOODEN Wine Rack, free standing, with call for more information, PH 582-2889 6 brass goblets included, goblets were or 683-2978 New Harbour (East) $40-1/2 doz when purchased, rack at widest is 27” is 14 inches deed and is just under 4’ tall, beautiful addition to the Man Cave, $70 PH 834-8753 Conception Bay CD Tower, hand constructed, pine wood, South (Avalon) stands 4.5’ high, well built, can meet in St. John’s area if interested, $20 PH 4882423 Bell Island (Avalon) KITCHEN Table and chairs, only 4 years old, in excellent condition, brown and black in color, perfect for large or small spaces as the sides can be put up or down, $350 PH 764-0419 or 738-5647 St. John’s (East)
ENTERTAINMENT Center, Large oak entertainment center (48” high X 60” long X 21” deep), $150 PH 771-6101 Bauline (Avalon)
CHAIR, wine coloured leather chair, real leather throughout, no rips or tears, very comfy - overstuffed style, $150 PH 6906790 St. John’s (Avalon)
T.V. stand, frosted glass, 42’’long 19’’ CHAIR, wooden, leather back and seat, PH wide 21’’ height, for flat screen TV, $60 PH 691-3010 Conception Bay South 437-5776 Torbay (Avalon) (Avalon) CHAIRS, 2 swivel rocker chairs, in excellent call for more details, PH 754TV STAND, with glass door, mint condi- condition, tion, silver in color, price is or best offer, 3930 or 763-1888 St. John’s (Avalon) $40 PH 683-2413 Bay Roberts (Avalon) CHESTERFIELD and LOVESEAT, Breamore, with small pattern, $325 PH 744WALL UNIT, absolutely beautiful dark cream wood, bottom has doors that open to 2711 Conception Bay South (Avalon) shelves, will hold up to 60 inch tv, very CHESTERFIELD Set, large couch and single solid and in great shape, $200 PH 595- chair, in excellent shape, owner leaving 2220 or 631-9289 Harbour Grace province and must sell immediately, price is (Avalon) or nearest offer, $125 PH 685-8843 New Harbour (Avalon)
COFFEE & End Table, solid wood, with one end table, glass top, $75 PH 364-4626 St. BAR STOOLS, two, swivel with lower back John’s (Avalon) support, tan cushions, price is or best offer, $50 PH 683-2413 Bay Roberts COFFEE and end tables, glass, legs are beige in color, make an offer, $100 PH (Avalon) 237-3876 Paradise (Avalon) BED, retiring and downsizing, queen size bed, c/w box and mattress, solid wood COFFEE and End Tables, round, solid headboard, $475 PH 680-0518 or 528- heavy oak, very unique and in excellent condition, no marks of any kind on tables, 9774 Mount Pearl (Avalon) reason for selling changed my decor, $325 BELL is 21 inches high 12” wide(stand to PH 364-6056 Goulds (Avalon) stand). This needs to be seen to be appreciated. $30.00 Perfect for your Man Cave COFFEE Table and 2 end tables, solid or Rec-room, $30 PH 834-8753 wood by Ashley furniture, coffee table surface scratch from moving, make an offer, Conception Bay South (Avalon) $350 PH 425-0857 or 433-2563 BOAT Shelves, custom made, size and Clarenville (Avalon) colour you want, PH 769-1286 St. John’s COFFEE Table Set, Like new, solid wood (Avalon) coffee and end tables, price is or best offer, COFFEE Table, retiring and downsizing, $250 PH 699-3794 St. John’s (Avalon) large table, solid wood, rectangular shape, $90 PH 680-0518 or 528-9774 COFFEE TABLE, in excellent condition, med light wood, $25 PH 221-2871 St. John’s Mount Pearl (Avalon) (Avalon) COMMERCIAL Tables, two 8’x3’, wooden, heavy tables, call for details, PH 656- COFFEE Table, wooden barrel table, two to pick from, barrel left natural colour, origi3111 (Central) nal rings held in with new screws, very hard ELECTRIC fireplace, like new in great con- to find, $400 PH 769-1286 St. John’s dition, piece on top opens to make it a (Avalon) corner fireplace or can be used straight up against wall, lots of storage, $300 PH COUCHES/CHAIRS, moving and have 2 sets of couches/chair for sale, each is in 589-4379 Upper Island Cove (Avalon) good shape, price is $100 for each set, ELECTRIC FirePlace, retiring and downsiz- pickup only, $100 PH 730-3847 Holyrood ing, like new, cord of insert needs replace- (Avalon) ment, ideal TV stand, $90 PH 680-0518 END TABLES, 2, solid wood, rectangle, in or 528-9774 Mount Pearl (Avalon) excellent condition, brown in colour, $30 ELECTRIC Fireplace, retiring and downsiz- PH 754-8102 St. John’s (Avalon) ing, TV stand & electric fireplace, brand new, electric insert, $375 PH 680-0518 or LEATHER couch set, in good condition, some wear but no rips or tears, brown/bur528-9774 Mount Pearl (Avalon) gundy in color, comes from smoke and pet HOUSE Contents, table and four chairs free home, moving and need gone ASAP, with small buffet and hutch, contact for pick up only, located in Seal Cove, $350 more info, PH 788-2472 Bay Roberts PH 697-5965 (Avalon) (Avalon) LIVING ROOM FURNITURE, Chesterfield, HOUSE Contents, three cushion sofa, large over stuffed, brown tones, and chair, $40, carpet cleaner $30, 2 end tables end tables, coffee table, and 32” TV with $15 for both, all in good condition. Call stand, package deal, MUST GO, price is or for more info, PH 437-5776 Torbay nearest offer, $200 PH 738-1355 or 7659403 St. John’s (Avalon) (Avalon) 500 - 545 • Home Furnishings
LIVING Room Set 7 piece, excellent condition and rarely used, includes Sofa, Loveseat, 3 piece marble/glass coffee/end tables and a pair of matching table lamps, $1,500 PH 597-3159 St. John’s (Avalon) FRAMED 20 x 23 canvas print of Bobby Orr accepting rookie of the year award, $200 LOVE Seat, Medium Brown love seat, real- PH 589-4379 Upper Island Cove (Avalon) ly good condition, no damage, strong frame, smoke free, pet friendly home, great FRAMED floral painting, call for details, as a starter or for cabin, $100 PH 368- $10 PH 682-5697 St. John’s (Avalon) 5120 Mount Pearl (Avalon) FRAMED Oil Painting, on canvas measures LOVESEATS, 2, matching, fabric, flora H37in L59in, $275 PH 697-2840 St. design, price is for each, $150 PH 437- John’s (Avalon) 6227 or 689-9269 Flatrock (Avalon) FRAMED picture of horse, call for details, OTTOMAN, leather, in good condition and $100 PH 682-5697 St. John’s (Avalon) available now, $45 PH 437-1882 St. FRAMED Picture of man and cart, call for John’s (Avalon) details, $80 PH 682-5697 St. John’s RECLINER, like new, brown microfiber rock- (Avalon) er recliner, great deal, reason for selling not being used, $150 PH 745-7657 Kilbride FRAMED Picture of man on a box, call for details, $100 PH 682-5697 St. John’s (Avalon) (Avalon)
RECLINER, Sears electric recliner, $350 PH 334-3790 Mobile (Avalon) ROCKER, velvet, rust in colour, $100 PH 754-8053 or 579-2772 St. John’s (Avalon)
BLUE Mountain Pottery, several pieces, dog $20, dolphin (s) $5, dolphin (L) $20, duck $5, elephant $5, horse $20, horse (pair) $20, swan $20, $100 for complete set, large dolphin has 2 small chips, but rest are perfect or will trade for other animal pieces, PH 747-2130 or 747-2130 St. John’s (Avalon) ICE Bucket, Mother of Pearl Ice Bucket & Pick purchased in the Silver City of Taxco Mexico in 1977, a rare find, would make a beautiful addition to your silverware collection, can accept paypal as a payment option, $40 PH 726-6506 St. John’s (Avalon) SILVER Coasters, set of 4 Silver Plated and Crystal Grand Prix Coasters, new condition, can accept paypal as a payment option, $10 PH 726-6506 St. John’s (Avalon)
FRAMED Picture of Row houses, call for details, $100 PH 682-5697 St. John’s WANTED - Blue Mountain Pottery, animals only please, all colours green, blue, gold, (Avalon) red etc, willing 2 trade my unicorns, must FRAMED Picture of the Beatles, call for be in mint condition, please phone, PH details, $20 PH 682-5697 St. John’s 747-2130 or 747-2130 St. John’s (Avalon) (Avalon) WANTED three 5” Blue Mountain Pottery FRAMED Picture of winter green house, call Duckling’s in Harvest Gold drip (colour) like for details, $80 PH 682-5697 St. John’s the one in this photo 2 go with this lonely mother or willing 2 trade my unicorns, see (Avalon) photos, must be in MINT condition, PH FRAMED Print of church, call for details, 747-2130 or 747-2130 St. John’s (Avalon) $20 PH 682-5697 St. John’s (Avalon)
SLIP Cover, Beige, for sofa and love seat, new, $75 PH 744-2711 Conception Bay FRAMED print of oil rig, call for details, $50 South (Avalon) PH 682-5697 St. John’s (Avalon) SLIPCOVER Sofa Set, Microfiber Slipcover 3 pc Living Room Set, $675 Plaid chairs FRAMED Print, 2, by NL Artist Margaret $125, $675 PH 725-5855 or 693-0532 St. Cranford, one 22 1/4” x 26” ; one 22” x 26 1/4”, purchase price $199 each, price John’s (Avalon) is for each, $100 PH 782-4874 or 697SOFA and Loveseat, Dark Green, 9358 Paradise (Avalon) microfiber material, $200 PH 690-3376 FRAMED Print, Birds of Newfoundland, Set Portugal Cove (Avalon) of 3, framed and matted, Reproductions of SOFA and loveseat, living room set, suit- Paintings by Famous Artist Roger Tory able for the cabin, includes sofa and Peterson, this set of prints includes a total of loveseat (blue pattern), no delivery, $100 17 birds of Newfoundland and Labrador PH 290-4889 or 489-9172 Grand Falls - and is a collectors item. Newfoundland Sparrow, Veery, Trush, etc. Those prints Windsor (Central) would be an attractive addition to hang on SOFA BED and CHAIR, queen size, in the walls of our home or office. excellent condition, price is for both, $125 Identification Diagrams are supplied so PH 754-8102 St. John’s (Avalon) that you will know the names of the various species. Those Prints were sent out, during SOFA Loveseat Chair, Brown bonded the 1970’s by Joseph R. Smallwood when leather 3 piece sofa, loveseat and chair. he was Premier and Minister of Economic Loveseat and chair in good-new condition. Development of Newfoundland and Sofa has some areas which the material is Labrador. In addition to that, it also flaking but structure is fine, $395 PH 895- includes a signed letter from Joseph R. 1219 Portugal Cove (Avalon) Smallwood. The Picture frames are approxSOFA, living room sofa. light brown color imately 15 “ x 12 “ and the Actual pictures in mint condition. phone or view at 42 relay are approx.: 9” x 7”. We Now Accept rd., mt. pearl. any reasonable offer accept- Paypal as a Payment Option, $125 PH ed, PH 364-7400 or 745-7444 Mount 726-6506 St. John’s (Avalon) Pearl (Avalon) FRAMED Print, By Newfoundland artist SWIVEL Rocker, antique, newly upholstered, Dave Mugford, signed by artist, price is or real wood, PH 467-5609 Musgravetown nearest offer, for more info call or text, $60 PH 683-1618 Bay Roberts (Avalon) (East) TEKKI Wood Stand, measures H 5in W14in UNFRAMED Poster, 2 The Next Step Wild L78in, excellent condition, $550 PH 697- Rhythm Tour posters bought at Mile One, never been put on wall and in original 2840 St. John’s (Avalon) shape, price is for each, $20 PH 687-8617 St. John’s (East)
MIRRORS, two beveled mirrors, 60x 36, 48x36, one regular 24x36, prefect condition, great for entertainment room or exercise room, $100 PH 368-3197 (Avalon) WALL Cabinet, measuring 21” high,13.5” wide, 6” deep in great condition, $25 PH 834-9220 or 834-9220 Conception Bay South (Avalon)
WANTED - Blinds, 78 width x 80 height, PH 221-2871 St. John’s (Avalon)
AREA Rug, Gently used, no staining, non smoking home, $60 PH 728-9900 (Avalon) RUG, Sculpture Persian Weavers 6x9 Rug, was in a room that was never used, $200 PH 697-2840 St. John’s (Avalon)
BUFFET Server, Oster brand, triple, never used, $30 PH 744-2711 Conception Bay South (Avalon) CANISTER set, 7 piece, in great condition, $25 PH 834-9220 or 834-9220 Conception Bay South (Avalon)
CERAMIC Canisters, Flour, sugar, coffee and tea, located in Shearstown, $15 PH UNFRAMED Poster, Age of Sail - The 786-9732 Bay Roberts (Avalon) Newfoundland Bank Fishery Poster I accept ANTIQUE Buffet, in great shape but needs paypal as a payment option, $10 PH 726- FOOD Chopper, “66” , price is or nearest to be cleaned up, great for a cabin, make 6506 St. John’s (Avalon) offer, $25 PH 690-8474 or 639-7821 an offer, PH 535-0487 (Central) (Avalon) UNFRAMED Poster, Beautiful Print entitled ANTIQUE Cameoware Tea Plate by Harker “Old Fish Store Trinity” by Artist Derm KNIFEBLOCK, Wiltshire stainless steel Pottery Co Patented USA is approx 7” in Duggan, is a Limited Edition, Signed and knives in a wooden block, built in sharpenDiameter, from the 1950’s, tiny chip off Numbered and Limited Edition print. Image er, handle and blade are all in one piece, edge, offer paypal as a payment option, size: 27” x 23”. Ready for Framing, price $20 PH 728-6057 or 754-2501 St. John’s reduced, can accept Payments via Paypal, (Avalon) $10 PH 726-6506 St. John’s (Avalon) $40 PH 726-6506 St. John’s (Avalon) ANTIQUE Chairs $20 each, $20 PH 437MAPLE Serving Board, professionally made UNFRAMED Poster, Newfoundland Railway in Newfoundland, treated with Food Grade 1671 Torbay (Avalon) Train, 1942 Poster Ready to Frame, 16” x oils with a nice smooth finish, measures ANTIQUE Hall Chair, solid oak, possibly 20”, can accept paypal as a payment approx. 22” x 7”, made of Maple Wood over one hundred years old, painted— option, $20 PH 726-6506 St. John’s and hand crafted with a hand rubbed finneeds to be stripped, $1,000 PH 745-5521 (Avalon) ish to ensure each piece shows its natural Kilbride (East) beauty, Allergen and Food Safe, can accept UNFRAMED Poster, Newfoundland Railway, Paypal as a Payment Option, $50 PH 726ANTIQUE side board with 2 small drawer Avondale Station, Signed, Limited Edition 6506 St. John’s (Avalon) one large drawer and 2 pockets 12”x12” by Artist Derm Duggan, image size: 27” x with doors on those, $150 PH 745-1413 or 23”. Ready for Framing, price reduced, can MEAT Slicer and meat grinder, price is for 691-2455 (Avalon) accept Paypal as a Payment Option, $40 each, $25 PH 728-9913 St. John’s (Avalon) PH 726-6506 St. John’s (Avalon) ANTIQUE Solid oak unit, call for details, PADERNO 28cm Stainless Steel Au Gratin $900 PH 325-1729 Conception Bay South UNFRAMED Poster, S.S. Bruce, 1897 - Open Pan, excellent condition, $30 PH (Avalon) Poster Ready to Frame 16” x 20” The SS 753-3110 or 743-8500 St. John’s (Avalon) Bruce was the first of the Alphabet Fleet. ANTIQUE walnut filing desk with side roll This vessel was Lost near Louisbourg, Nova RECYCLING Holder, for holding recycling cover filing section, excellent condition, Scotia on March 24, 1911. Note: I Now bags - never used, $20 PH 256-8245 or $300 PH 368-3197 St. John’s (Avalon) Also Accept Payments via Paypal, $20 PH 235-1360 Gander (Central) ANTIQUE, 4 antique ladderback arm 726-6506 St. John’s (Avalon) SCALE, Smalll weight scale, can weight up chairs in good condition. Phone Roy at UNFRAMED Prints of St. John’s, Cabot to 5lbs, in excellent condition, call for more 725-9828, $250 PH 437-1671 Torbay tower, CN Hotel, and more, 11x14 call for information, PH 754-3930 or 763-1888 (Avalon) details, $12 PH 744-1005 Conception Bay St. John’s (Avalon) ANTIQUE, ashtrays, price for both. Contact South (Avalon) SERVING Cheese Board, professionally for more info, $50 PH 682-5697 St. John’s WANTED Newfie Bullet Train reproduction made in Newfoundland, treated with Food (Avalon) print, must be in MINT condition, PH 747- Grade oils and has a nice smooth finish, measures approx. 14” x 5” x 1”, made of $300 ANTIQUE, Shop Scale, PH 745- 2130 or 747-2130 St. John’s (Avalon) Maple Wood and Hand crafted with a 5521 Kilbride (Avalon) WANTED SS Florizel reproduction print. hand rubbed finish to ensure each piece Must be in MINT condition, PH 747-2130 shows its natural beauty, allergen and Food or 747-2130 St. John’s (Avalon) Safe using mineral oils and local beeswax. Wooden boards can be washed but not WANTED SS Lusitania reproduction print, immersed in water and are not dishwasher must be in MINT condition, PH 747-2130 safe, wipe with mineral oil frequently, $25 or 747-2130 St. John’s (Avalon) PH 726-6506 St. John’s (Avalon) WANTED SS Titanic reproduction print, SINK, double steel sink, $45 PH 237-2270 must be in MINT condition, PH 747-2130 or 631-1122 Mount Pearl (Avalon) or 747-2130 St. John’s (Avalon)
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Current until April 29, 2016 Issue 984 Copyright© 2016 The Newfoundland Buy & Sell Magazine Inc.
SMALL appliances, Bread maker used once $30. Ice maker used once $30, $30 PH 429-0397 or 433-2181 Clarenville (Avalon) STAINLESS Steel Pots and pans in very good condition, $55 PH 728-6057 or 754-2501 St. John’s (Avalon) TABLE and 4 chairs, price is or nearest offer, $400 PH 237-2270 or 749-1122 Mount Pearl (Avalon) WOOD Coasters, 4 Natural Newfoundland Wood Juniper Coasters, Food Grade Treated, made of Newfoundland Juniper and are Hand crafted with a hand rubbed finish to ensure each piece Shows its natural beauty, Allergen and Food Safe using mineral oils and local beeswax. They can be washed but not immersed in water and are not dishwasher safe. Wipe with mineral oil frequently, offer paypal as a payment option, $15 PH 726-6506 St. John’s (Avalon)
CEILING FAN, 5 vanes, call for more information, $25 PH 834-0561 Conception Bay South (Avalon) LAMP, Himalayan salt lamps, made from salt from the Himalayan Mountains, call for details, PH 656-3111 (Central)
smoke free home, folds for travel and easy storage, $25 PH 728-2710 St. John’s (Avalon) BREASTFEEDING Pillow, Leachco Organic Smart Cuddle-U Original Nursing Pillow, two-way Velcro adjustable soft seat wrap, firm U-shaped pillow, concealed pocket pouch is attached to the underneath of the pillow to fold and tuck away the seat wrap, one-size fits all nursing pillow, seat wrap prevents wiggling and sliding out, Velcro seat wrap adjusts to fit both newborns and infants, removable, washable 100% Organic cover - cover has been freshly laundered - from a pet and smoke free home, $25 PH 728-2710 St. John’s (Avalon) CAR Seat, Cosco Comfy Carry Elite Infant Car Seat with Base, rear facing car seat until 22lbs, 5-point harness, padding has been freshly laundered, from a pet and smoke free home, never in an accident, only used a few times, in like new condition, does not expire until December 2018, $50 PH 7282710 St. John’s (Avalon) CAR Seat, Safety 1st Alpha Omega Convertible Car Seat, rear facing from 540lbs, front facing from 22-40lbs, booster from 40-80lbs, padding has been freshly laundered, from a smoke and pet free home, does not expire until December 2019, $100 PH 728-2710 St. John’s (Avalon)
CHILDREN’s Clothing, for 3 year old girl, in excellent condition, 3 garbage bags full, all 4 seasons, from summer to winter, rain jackets, dresses, various footwear size 9-11, $25 LIGHT fixtures, 3 light fixtures in the same PH 739-0662 St. John’s (Avalon) series in excellent condition, $130 PH 651- CRIB with mattress, used, mattress only used 3142 or 424-6008 Gander (Central) for 3 months, comes with breathable mesh POT LIGHTS, 5 1/4”, new, chrome inside bumper pads and sheets if you want them, trim, valued $35 each, case of 8, price is $40 PH 638-3434 Corner Brook (West) for set, $100 PH 685-8843 New Harbour DOUBLE Stroller, Graco Duo Glider Double (Avalon) Stroller - Maximum weight for each seat is TABLE lamp, hand painted ceramic lamp, 40 lbs, 2 position front & rear seat, rear seat has wooden base and top, originally with full recline, 3-point harness on both bought at Living Rooms, in good condition, seats, extra-large drop-down basket for works and includes lamp shade, has pretty easy access, storage tray with cup holders, finial on top, must pick up, $15 PH 747- removable front child’s tray with cup/snack 2362 or 691-3698 Mount Pearl (Avalon) holder, one-hand self-standing fold with storage latch, holds 2 Graco Classic Connect infant car seats, from a smoke and pet free home, $100 PH 728-2710 St. John’s (Avalon) HEADBOARD, single solid wood shelf EVENFLO BoosterSeat, suitable for children headboard, $40 PH 237-2270 or 631- 40-80lbs, padding has been freshly laun1122 Mount Pearl (Avalon) dered, from a pet and smoke free home, QUEEN Quilt Set, multi-colored flower pat- $20 PH 728-2710 St. John’s (Avalon) tern, includes queen size reversible quilt, EVENFLO ExerSaucer Delux, 3 position shams and bedskirt, in excellent shape, height adjust - easy to clean with removable price or nearest offer, $40 PH 364-6056 toys, machine washable seat pad, padding Goulds (Avalon) has been freshly laundered, from a pet and VANITY, new never used, solid wood, dark smoke free home, $30 PH 728-2710 St. in color, paid $499, also countertop, price John’s (Avalon) is for both, $300 PH 237-2270 or 631- FISHER Price Bouncer, vibrates and plays 1122 Mount Pearl (Avalon) music, removable toy bar, padding has been freshly laundered, from a pet and smoke free home, $30 PH 728-2710 St. John’s (Avalon) LAMPS Set, price is or best offer, $40 PH 427-7517 or 466-7378 Clarenville (Avalon)
A very decorative 19” Christmas Wreath with electric light & halo, comes with door hanger from a smoke free home $ 20.00 or will trade 4 Blue Mountain Pottery, Animals Only Please, in all colours. Call 747-2130, $20 PH 747-2130 or 7472130 St. John’s (Avalon)
FISHER Price Walker, works great, plays music, $10 PH 691-3010 Conception Bay South (Avalon)
GRACO Stroller, reclining seat, large storage basket, cup holder in tray, 3-point harness, 1 handed folding system, 2 cup holders in handle with storage space, from a pet CHRISTMAS TREE, 7.5 ft, perfect shape, and smoke free home, $35 PH 728-2710 comes with hand painted ornaments and St. John’s (Avalon) lights, just take and plug in, owner moving, was $700 new, price is or best offer, $175 GRACO Swing by Me Meadow Menagerie PH 691-2455 or 745-1413 Mount Pearl 2-in-1 Swing, portable swing and a fullsized swing in one, different swing speeds, (Avalon) overhead bar with removable toys, battery CHRISTMAS TREE, pre-lit, call for more powered, 5 point Harness, machine washinformation, $30 PH 754-5173 St. John’s able padding has been freshly laundered, (Avalon) maximum Weight Capacity: 25lbs, for Newborn and up, folds easy and compact GALILEO Thermometer, 11 inches tall, 5 for storage & travel, in like new condition weighted spheres, very good condition, $8 from a pet & smoke free home, $60 PH PH 634-7307 Corner Brook (West) 728-2710 St. John’s (Avalon) LAWN Chair, double-seat, portable, fold- INFANT Bouncy Chair, padding has been ing, unique design, cup holders, easy freshly laundered, gently used at the grandaccess storage area and pockets, very mas house, from a pet and smoke free good condition, original price $75, $45 PH home, $15 PH 728-2710 St. John’s 634-7307 Corner Brook (West) (Avalon) INFANT Car Seat/ Carrier, padding freshly laundered, suitable for infants 5-22lbs, removable head hugger, 5-point harness, includes base, from a pet and smoke free home, $35 PH 728-2710 St. John’s (Avalon) INFANT Car Seat/Carrier, Graco, padding has been freshly laundered, removable head hugger, 5-point harness, suitable for BASSINET, White Wicker, with White Eyelet infant 5-22lbs, from a pet and smoke free Bedding includes canopy hood, fitted sheet home, $30 PH 728-2710 St. John’s & skirt, white wicker on wheels, legs can (Avalon) fold for storage, bedding has been freshly INGENUITY Bouncer, play music with vollaundered, from a pet and smoke free ume control, vibrating option, padding has home, $60 PH 728-2710 St. John’s been freshly laundered, from a pet & smoke (Avalon) free home, $20 PH 728-2710 St. John’s BOOSTER Seat, high back, suitable for chil- (Avalon) dren 40-100lbs, padding has been freshly ITEMS, Winnie the pooh bath tub and baby laundered, from a pet and smoke free sling included, also have a fisher price rockhome, $20 PH 728-2710 St. John’s er for free, $10 PH 691-3010 Conception (Avalon) Bay South (Avalon) BOOSTER SEAT, kids, call for more infor- OAK Change Table, Storkcraft Hollie mation, $15 PH 754-5173 St. John’s Changing Table, solid wood, safety strap, (Avalon) oak finish, in like new condition, from a BOOSTER Seat, Safety 1st, straps have smoke & pet free home, $75 PH 728-2710 been freshly laundered, from a pet and St. John’s (Avalon)
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600 - 660 • Clothing & Accessories
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Current until April 29, 2016 Issue 984 Copyright© 2016 The Newfoundland Buy & Sell Magazine Inc.
SHOES, black tiny toms size T4, in excellent INSULATED Coveralls, orange color with condition, $20 PH 781-1059 Paradise stripes, size XXL, brand new never worn, $100 PH 596-0965 Victoria (Avalon) (Avalon) STROLLER, Evenflo baby stroller, $20 PH JACKET, Black suede, 2004 Nascar 754-8724 St. John’s (Avalon) Budweiser jacket, size medium, mint condition, price is or best offer, $150 PH 683STROLLER, Expedition, 16” rear wheels, 12” 2413 Bay Roberts (Avalon) single front wheels, canopy, tray, glove box on back, all wheels are detachable for stor- JACKET, Joe Rocket Ballistic Series Corduroy age, in excellent condition, $75 PH 685- Jacket, size Large, $75 PH 693—506 8843 New Harbour (Avalon) (Avalon) TODDLER Boys Clothes, Gently used, multiple sizes, number of medium/large boxes, each box has pajamas, shirts, pants/jeans and suits, brands such as Osh Kosh, Carter, Old Navy, Nike, George, Joe Fresh, Children’s Place, $15 per box, also have snow suits, jackets, boots, shoes, sandals, $15 PH 638-3434 Corner Brook (West)
JACKET, Mustang ice rider floater jacket, black, size medium, price or nearest offer, $200 PH 467-5609 Clarenville (East) LARGE Welding Jacket, full Leather cowhide Welding jacket, heavy duty metal snap closures, rivet-reinforced pockets, inside pocket, pockets on the arms, size Large, green in color, $40 PH 738-8646 or 690-6001 St. John’s (Avalon)
DRESS, Size 8, teal gown, perfect for prom or graduation, in excellent condition, only worn once for a couple of hours, price is or best offer, please call 589-2913 if interested, $300 PH 730-8303 St. John’s (Avalon) PROM Dress, Pink in colour, beautiful fit, FREE, 3 garment boxes used for moving and size 5, $130 PH 727-9069 Manuels storage, first to call and they are yours, PH (Avalon) 576-3313 St. John’s (Avalon) PROM dress, size 10, worn only once, GLOVES, Ladies size Medium Canada bought at The Model Shop last year for Goose brand, never worn, paid $125, $60 $750, price is or nearest offer, $200 PH 782-0518 Paradise (Avalon) PH 687-0821 (Avalon) GRAD DRESS, hot pink & lime green with PROM DRESSES, 3, beautiful, from the yellow mixed in, beautiful beading all Bridal Shop, price is for each, $200 PH around the top half, bought from Christina 221-2871 St. John’s (Avalon) Gowns in U.S., size 14-16, comes with pink RAGLAN, size, 18.5, Sears Image, navy scarf, $425 or nearest offer, paid over blue, never worn, $45 PH 368-9086 St. $650, perfect condition, $400 PH 687- John’s (Avalon) 1593 or 782-1354 Paradise (Avalon) Ladies clothes, size medium to GRAD Dresses, price is for both, $30 PH WANTED large for a single parent mother, call or text 596-5992 Victoria (Avalon) with any details, PH 427-4085 St. John’s HUGE Bag of Clothes, all kinds of tops, (Avalon) sweaters, jeans, skirts, dresses, jackets and purses, most fit small and medium but there are some large mixed in as well, want this gone, serious inquiries only please, PH 6913014 St. John’s (Avalon)
MENS black jeans, Lee brand, size 32/32, Tony, $20 PH 237-7524 St. John’s GIRLS CLOTHING, size 3T clothing, call includes, shirts,sweaters, pants, shorts, out- (Avalon) erwear, and footwear, $30 PH 739-7169 St. MOTORCYCLE Jacket, TXT brand, size XL, John’s (Avalon) brand new never worn, lined inside very nice don’t own a bike so selling it but can GIRLS, Girls Crocs, size 12-13. Pink, $15 PH jacket, be worn as casual jacket too, $175 PH 596237-1571 St. John’s (East) 3819 Victoria (Avalon) GIRLS, Tap shoes, girls size 1. Good condi- RAIN Suit, Wetskins Rain Suit, size medium, tion, $15 PH 237-1571 St. John’s (East) like new, $10 PH 834-7990 or 834-7990 Conception Bay South (Avalon) JACKET, Burtons ladies winter jacket, size SURVIVAL SUIT, Bayley, men’s, new, call for large, brand new, tags intact, never worn, more details, PH 334-3330 Mobile (Avalon) reg price $269.99+tax and delivery, call or text 632-8622, $100 PH 634-3833 Massey SURVIVAL SUIT, Buoy Boy, size men’s M, like Drive (West) new, call for more information, $145 PH 744-1005 Conception Bay South (Avalon) JACKET, size small Canada Goose mid length jacket, color silver grey, original price SURVIVAL Suit, Buoy Boy. size medium, $749.99 + tax, never worn, tags still $200 PH 657-2011 or 572-2149 South attached, $400 PH 727-9069 Manuels Brook (Central) (Avalon) ACCESSORIES, 2 men’s T-Shirts from VanossGaming Shop by Spreadshirt, inc, SURVIVAL Suit, Mustang, size M, legs of suit LEATHER Jacket, Ladies Blue, like new, size size S, 100% preshrunk cotton, made in have been slightly shortened and sewn, a large, $50 PH 782-6225 (Avalon) Nicaragua, brand new & never used, from couple of small grease stains, text or e-mail a smoke free home, reason 4 selling, if interested, $50 PH 682-1435 Torbay LEATHER Vest/ Pants, like new, pants are lined to below knee. 27” inseam, size 32, ordered wrong size, $60 PH 747-2130 or (Avalon) vest size large, bargain, for bike or casual 747-2130 St. John’s (Avalon) USAF flight pants, cold weather, size 32, wear, $135 PH 782-6225 (Avalon) AEROPOSTALE Jeans, new, size 31x32, from 1950s., new condition $80.00, PH NYLON Pants, Misty Mountain Blacknever worn, tags still attached, $20 PH 330- 596-0062 (Avalon) Meshed Lined Nylon Pants, Men/Woman 1203 Carbonear (Avalon) VARIOUS Leather motorcycle items, XL Size Medium, $8 PH 834-7990 or 834BUSINESS SUITS, 3, size 40, one navy chaps $45, size 40 pants $75, 2 pairs 7990 Conception Bay South (Avalon) striped, one grey and one dark green, price gloves, L & XL $25 each, Gerbing electric is for each, $50 PH 738-1355 or 765-9403 jacket liner + leather gloves, L $150, stroller PROM Dress, Fuchsia and Black, sequins jacket 44T $75, bomber jacket with lots of and gems covering bodice to waist and scatSt. John’s (Avalon) pockets inside & out L $75, $1 PH 834- tered over bottom of dress, back has small DRESS Suit, Christain Dumas, made in 9619 or 728-3700 Conception Bay South zipper to waist and then corset style on top, Canada, Men’s Grey Suit, Size 44 Tall, like (Avalon) size 12, only worn once, bought in 2014, in new, $25 PH 834-7990 or 834-7990 excellent condition, $300 PH 596-1967 Conception Bay South (Avalon) Victoria (Avalon) 600 - 660 • Clothing & Accessories
PROM DRESS, Mori Lee, size 4-6, beautiful with subtle butterfly embroidered on the bodice, sequins in butterfly give off a very slight pink and aqua shimmer, dress reminds me of spring/summer in an elegant way and I just love it, price is or nearest offer!, $150 PH 730-8338 or 368-3774 St. John’s (Avalon)
HATS, 2 full fur Muskrat hats, paid $150 each, one xl and one 2X, never worn, price is each, $75 PH 687-0821 (Avalon) LADIES, 3/4 Leather jacket, zip out lining, like new, size 8-10, $75 PH 687-0821 (Avalon) LEATHER JACKETS, 2, men’s, excellent condition, size large, price is for each, $40 PH 738-1355 or 765-9403 St. John’s (Avalon) WANTED Women’s leather leather clothing, dresses, shorts, etc, call with details, PH 351-4107 (Avalon)
ARM Bracelett Holder, white leather, 4.25” x 14.75”, holds 21 braclets, $20 PH 8346710 Conception Bay South (Avalon) DIAMOND/SAPPHIRE ring, beautiful 18K white gold sapphire and diamond ring size 6 1/2, ring has 5 sapphires and 6 diamonds, purchased at Birk’s in Montreal, she won’t be disappointed, you will be her prince charming, in excellent condition, price is or best offer, $1,200 PH 364-6730 (Avalon) ENGAGEMENT Ring with pear shaped diamond, with smaller diamonds and baguettes on each side, includes matching Tiffany band, designed by owner, bought in Ontario, appraisal included, make an offer, $700 PH 237-3876 (Avalon)
COWBOY BOOTS, Ladies, leather, bought in Calgary, like new, $50 PH 257-3984 ENGAGEMENT Ring, Yellow Gold, specs available from seller, $1,800 PH 727Northern Arm (Central) 9069 Manuels (Avalon) FIGURE Skates, one pair of white figure skates in good condition, size 6, skate GOLD Bracelet, Diamond and emerald guards included, $7 PH 535-0264 stones, $600 PH 747-2626 Mount Pearl (Avalon) (Central) MEN’S BOOTS, 2 pairs of ankle zip-up RING, Kameleon, size 7, purchased in dress boots, size 10, one brown, one black, January as a birthday gift, worn only a price is for each, call and ask for Tony, $20 couple of times,comes with one pop, pop remover and mesh gift bag, paid $125, PH 237-7524 St. John’s (Avalon) reason for selling the ring is too big, price TAP Shoes, size 12.5 (girls) - size 7 (ladies) is FIRM, $100 PH 786-1188 or 683-7787 - size 8 (ladies), price is for each, $25 PH Bay Roberts (Avalon) 728-2710 St. John’s (Avalon) RINGS, two silver, both size 6, one has WOMEN’S slippers, cozy women’s slippers, large blue stone surrounded by small Red and white, New, Size medium, $10 PH stones and silver twist pattern on side of ring, second ring has three pink stones 747-9290 St. John’s (Avalon) and two red stones, received as gift, price is for both, call 364-5361 or after 6pm, $30 PH 740-3715 (Avalon) Men’s, black metal, call for more FUR Coat, fox fur coat with hat. Contact for WATCH, $40 PH 740-3791 Mount Pearl more info, $150 PH 754-5173 St. John’s details, (Avalon) (Avalon)
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Current until April 29, 2016 Issue 984 Copyright© 2016 The Newfoundland Buy & Sell Magazine Inc.
ACTION Figure, Conan The Barbarian: Pit Fighter Conan Condition: A brand-new, unused, unopened in-box, $80 PH 7388646 or 690-6001 St. John’s (Avalon)
GALVANIZED Dog Pen, 6ft wide, 12ft long and 6ft high, kennel can be attached to shed or standalone, $300 PH 745-4809 St. John’s (Avalon)
ACTION Figure, Halo 2 Tan Spartan WATCHES, 2 Timex wrist watches, quartz, (Master Chief) Action Figure with Rocket $50 PH 227-1182 or 682-8225 St. John’s Launcher and Shotgun and Pulse Gun. Condition: A brand-new, unused, (Avalon) unopened in-box, undamaged, $40 PH WEDDING Set, custom designed, pur- 738-8646 or 690-6001 St. John’s (Avalon) chased at Diamond Design 14k White Gold Engagement ring with one round Lazare ACTION Figure, Resident Evil 5 Series 1, Kaplan idea cut diamond and custom wed- Biohazad Action Figure Name: Executioner ding band, combined purchase price of Majini Condition: A brand-new, unused, $6,500, appraisal report can be provided, unopened in-box, undamaged, $40 PH both size 4.75, price is for both, serious 738-8646 or 690-6001 St. John’s (Avalon) inquiries only, $2,700 PH 699-2200 ACTION Figure, Resident Evil Series 2 Portugal Cove (Avalon) Action Figure Name: Licker Condition: A brand-new, unused, unopened in-box, undamaged, $40 PH 738-8646 or 6906001 St. John’s (Avalon) Brown suitcase,leather trim, new, never ACTION Figure: Conan The Barbarian: used, $20 PH 753-5513 St. John’s (Avalon) War Paint Conan New & Unopend. DELUXE Tote Bag, Rigid base & lid. Flexible Condition: A brand-new, unused, sides. Carry it by hand or over-the-shoulder. unopened in-box, $80 PH 738-8646 or Rarely Used. Excellent condition, $25 PH 690-6001 St. John’s (Avalon) 634-7307 Corner Brook (West) AVP Requiem Wolfcamo, Wolf Cloaked SUITACASES, price is for each, $10 PH 682- (CAMO) Predator Aliens vs. Predator Requiem 7” Action Figure Company: NECA 5697 St. John’s (Avalon) excellent condition, in box, unopened, $30 SUITCASES, extra large $40, med $25, gar- PH 738-8646 or 690-6001 St. John’s ment bag $30, PH 738-1355 or 765-9403 (Avalon) St. John’s (Avalon) AVP Requiem: Wolf Predator Aliens vs. Predator Requiem 7” Action Figure Company: NECA excellent condition, in box, unopened, $40 PH 738-8646 or 6906001 St. John’s (Avalon)
LARGE dog kennel, 36” x 24” x 28” wire kennel, like brand new, easy to collapse and fits under a bed or couch, from non smoking home, $75 PH 222-0520 Makinsons (Avalon)
WATCH, Tag Heuer Professional Series Divers Watch Original owner, medium sized face W blue dial Sapphire crystal, paid $1200, will ship with tracking at no charge, $500 PH 788-2333 (Labrador)
From Julie’s Bridal, Winnipeg: snow white wedding dress, jewel detail, 34x28x34(size 8.....lots of room for adjustments), back lacing, also veil.Used 4 hours, professionally cleaned, all tags. Also ring pillow,flower basket, garters, bridesmaids’ silver bangle/earring sets(5), white bridal scarf/wrap all new/packaged. Save on the dress, splurge on the honeymoon!, $100 PH 753-3408 St. John’s (Avalon) TIERRAS, variety of colours and designs, ideal for wedding or grads, nickel free, will not tarnish, price is for each, $40 PH 8346710 Conception Bay South (Avalon) WEDDING Dress, Size 10 Sample dress, never worn, $200 PH 765-4505 St. John’s (Avalon) WEDDING Dress, Size 12, satin, mermaid style, satin is asymmetrically pleated into the flattering mermaid gown, bought new for $1000, $225 PH 527-2048 Bay Roberts (Avalon) WEDDING Gown, ivory and beaded front, strap or strapless, size 10/12, $250 or nearest offer, $250 PH 467-5609 Clarenville (East) WEDDING Gown, Ivory, beaded with lace, size 10, $250 PH 651-3879 Gander (Central) WEDDING Gown, with corset back, ivory, size 14, $250 PH 257-2749 Botwood (Central)
AIR HOCKEY TABLE, 4x7, in excellent condition, $100 PH 770-1608 Torbay (Avalon)
FAN, large size, call for details, $55 PH PET Carrier, 12” wide x 12” high x 20” 682-5697 St. John’s (Avalon) long, plastic, $20 PH 277-2135 Torbay (Avalon) ITEMS toaster oven, toaster, electric kettle, price is or best offer, $60 PH 745-1413 or $20 PET gates, two doorway gates, PH 691-2455 (Avalon) 277-2135 Torbay (Avalon) JUICER, Pure Juice Extractor, 700 watt, PC, PET House, call for details, $30 PH 277- Actual sale items pictured, excellent condi2135 Torbay (Avalon) tion, never used, includes all accessories manuals, original price including tax TANK, 33 gallon, once upon a time this and $50 PH 634-7307 Corner Brook was used for an aquarium, in recent years $112, (West) a home for a bearded dragon, top corner slightly melted from heat lamp, black plas- MICROWAVE and rangehood, all-in-one tic easily replaced with a wooden moulding undercounter, make a offer, $100 PH 691trim, must sell, $50 PH 364-5668 or 690- 4583 Mount Pearl (Avalon) 7283 Mount Pearl (Avalon) MICROWAVE, excellent condition, $60 PH TRAVEL Bag/bed, small animal planet 589-4379 Upper Island Cove (Avalon) small dog or cat travel bag 12” x 21” with strap handle & storage pocket outside, MICROWAVE, Sanyo, 1.1cb ft, 1100 Watt, opens up to a bed 20” x 26” with remov- $50 PH 260-5415 Mount Pearl (Avalon) able inner liner, never used, not an airline travel bag/bed, $20 PH 834-6710 MIXER, Kitchenaid, $250 PH 221-2871 St. John’s (Avalon) (Avalon) WINTER dog boots, Muttluks, 4, fleece SHOP vac, Ridgid, wet/dry 16 gallon lined, size large, self-tightening straps pro- 6.5hp with hose, dust brush and dust cloth, vide a secure fit, reflective straps for night- $75 PH 765-5823 St. John’s (Avalon) time visibility, genuine leather soles, SHOP Vac, Wet/Dry, model 500X, 1 gallon adjustable stretchy leg cuff, machine wash- capacity, 120VAC plug in, $40 PH 690able distinctive, reusable cloth mesh packEASEL & Chalkboard, Children’s wooden aging, never worn outside, was $50, price 5465 Paradise (Avalon) easel, has whiteboard on one side, chalk- FIRM, $20 PH 747-2362 or 691-3698 board on the other, excellent condition, Mount Pearl (Avalon) folds for easy storage, $20 PH 237-1571 St. John’s (East) DEEP FREEZE, Whirlpool, chest style, apartMLP Vinyl Figures, Funko, still in boxes, varment size, $200 PH 260-5415 Mount Pearl ious ones up for sale, unless interested in (Avalon) multiples and then I am willing to negotiate. Spitfire, Sweetie Drops, Big McIntosh, Dr. FREEZER, frost free upright freezer, in excelHooves, Derpy, Octavia, Rainbow Dash, lent condition, 20 cubic ft, digital, has child please email only, $20 PH 743-5742 St. lock and key, shelves are tempered glass, John’s (Avalon) price is or nearest offer, $800 PH 6939025 St. John’s (Avalon) STEP 2 Grand Kitchen, folds for storage, from a pet and smoke free home, $30 PH FREEZER, Small, white apartment size, in 728-2710 St. John’s (Avalon) great shape, clean and works very well, $75 PH 595-2220 or 631-9289 Harbour TRAIN SET, Electric, top of the line, never Grace (Avalon) used, still in the box, originally $1200, CATS, 4 kittens, 1 girl, 3 boys, orange and make me a reasonable offer, PH 754-3930 white, 8-9 weeks old train and ready to go, KENMORE Dishwasher, six years old, or 763-1888 St. John’s (Avalon) excellent condition, $300 PH 364-3892 PH 697-2258 St. John’s (Avalon) Mount Pearl (Avalon) Tabby Cat, $35 PH 368-0866 St. John’s (Avalon)
DOG, Looking for a home for my 2 year old female dog medium in size, mom is a lab and dad was a small black and white dog, not sure what he was we are in, PH KID’S BUGGY, with working lights and 597-5362 Carbonear (Avalon) horn, trunk, in excellent condition, $20 PH DOG, Pure bred Rottweiler, looking for a 739-7169 St. John’s (Avalon) new forever home, owner moving into a LITTLE Tikes Kitchen, $10 PH 728-2710 St. senior complex and not allowed. comes with home, bowls, food, leash, etc, good to John’s (Avalon) a good home, contact for more informaPULL CART, Little tyke’s, in mint condtion, tion, PH 723-2059 St. John’s (Avalon) horn, trunk compartment, $25 PH 739PUPPY, Boxer, 8 months old, needing to 0662 St. John’s (Avalon) rehome due to my child having an allergy TRAMPOLINE, with surrounding net, perfect to animals, Duke is very friendly, loves his condition, circle, make me an offer, PH walks & play time, very well behaved, kennel trained, had first two needles, micro 770-1608 Torbay (Avalon) chipped, he has his large kennel, toys and food, I want to know he will be well taken care of & loved, $500 PH 222-1074 Harbour Grace (Avalon) WANTED a puppy to become a family member in our loving home, looking for a puppy that will grow to be the same size (medium) & look exactly like “JACK” from the tv series Little House On The Prairie, not sure what breed he may be, or like “FREEWAY” a Lowchen from the tv series Hart To Hart, If anyone can help in any way to tell me what breed Jack is & where to find one of these beautiful dogs, please call Roy, PH AQUARIUM, 35 gal, 2 electric water falls 747-2130 St. John’s (Avalon) with filters, new double sided scenic tank backing, 20+ pounds of bottom pebbles & WANTED Terrier - Shih Tzu cross puppy, PH lighted canopy, photo’s on request, $120 691-2455 or 745-1413 Mount Pearl PH 834-9617 Manuels (Avalon) (Avalon) DOG Crate, Large size, easy clean pan 42L x 28W x 30H with divider panel, $50 PH Yorkie Poos, Yorkies and Chorkies 730-7205 Paradise (Avalon) Malti-Shu’s, various mixed breeds, PH DOG House, has vinyl siding and roof, no 643-6081 Stephenville (West) insulation, call for details, $30 PH 7232059 (Avalon) RUMMOLI Game, wooden, with money Yorkie Poos, Yorkies and Chorkies cups, new, $40 PH 744-1005 Conception Malti-Shu’s, various mixed breeds, PH Bay South (Avalon) 643-6081 Stephenville (West) TOSS Game, call for details, $10 PH 6825697 St. John’s (Avalon)
ACTION Figure from the game of World of Warcraft (WOW). Alliance Hero. Lo Gosh. Series 5, excellent condition, in box, unopened, $30 PH 738-8646 or 690-6001 St. John’s (Avalon) ACTION Figure from the game of World of Warcraft (WOW). Human Warrior. Archilon Shadowheart. Series 2, excellent condition, in box, unopened, $30 PH 738-8646 or 690-6001 St. John’s (Avalon) ACTION Figure from the game of World of Warcraft (WOW). Night Elf Druid. Broll Bearmantle. Series 2, excellent condition, in box, unopened, $30 PH 738-8646 or 6906001 St. John’s (Avalon) ACTION Figure from the game of World of Warcraft (WOW). Troll Priest. Zabra Hexx. Series 2, excellent condition, in box, unopened, $30 PH 738-8646 or 690-6001 St. John’s (Avalon) ACTION Figure from the game of World of Warcraft (WOW). Undead warlock Meryl Felstorm. Series 1, excellent condition, in box, unopened, $30 PH 738-8646 or 6906001 St. John’s (Avalon)
CHEF’S slicer, Euro Kitchen Professional Chef’s Slicer, includes safety grip handle, rotating multi-blade slice board control, adjustable blade mechanism, press & twist knob, 4 blade settings, stainless steel cutting blade, simple to use, uniform slices, dishwasher safe, new still in original package, used for slicing vegetables & fruit, not a meat slicer, $35 PH 834-6710 (Avalon)
DOG Kennel Cab, fits medium sized dog, including special kennel pillow or make an MISSING from Jasper offer, $50 PH 237-3876 (Avalon) Street/Newfoundland Drive Area on April DOG Kennel, call for details, $20 PH 682- 5, light ginger Male Cat, Teddy is microchipped but was not wearing his col5697 St. John’s (Avalon) lar, Reward Offered, PH 687-1474 St. DOG kennel, small to medium size dog John’s (Avalon) cage, approx. 36” long X 24” wide X 24 high suitable for poodle or small type dog, in really great shape with no rust, collapsible for easy moving/cleaning, and comes with plastic base tray, has swing door built BATHROOM Vanity, new, call for details, in for entry/exit of pet and dual bolt type $40 PH 596-7541 Carbonear (Avalon) locks on door, can also be used for large cats or pet pigs, price is firm , ask for Terry, BREAD MAKER, Cuisinart, convention, new, $30 PH 596-8505 Harbour Grace (Avalon) $50 PH 745-2883 St. John’s (Avalon)
STOVE, GE, glass top, white, good condition, $200 PH 596-7731 Bryant’s Cove (Avalon) STOVE, Stainless Steel range hood, excellent condition, works perfect, price is or nearest offer, $400 PH 541-6464 Loon Bay (Central) STOVE, Whirlpool, brand new, 20” x 24”, estate white propane range, with automatic electric igniters, $475 PH 2573662 Botwood (Central) WANTED - bar fridge, PH 351-4107 (Avalon) WANTED, I am looking for a rangette, any color, need ASAP, PH 693-1673 Whitbourne (Avalon)
CENTRAL vacuum, Kenmore central vacuum canister, brand new,never used 25’ hose, cost over $100, plus wall plugs etc, older unit but very little use, works great, make an offer, $150 PH 535-0487 (Central) RINSENVAC, model MBU-1c, 12.5amp, 60 HZ, runs excellent, $275 PH 2401013 Topsail (Avalon) ROTOVAC System, basically brand new, works perfect, comes with 4 heads for different jobs; a high pressure tile head, a commercial carpet head, a regular carpet head, and a bonnet head, with the 360i you can adjust: the rotational speed, the solution speed, the handle height, and the handle pitch, relatively light weight, and requires little effort to work it; you can clean a long time with this machine with little fatigue. Reason for selling is I am out of the business, $1,200 PH 486-0230 Grand Falls - Windsor (Central) STEAM cleaner Rinsenvac, Commercial runs excellent, $250 PH 240-1013 Topsail (Avalon) VACUUM, Stanley 4 gallon canister vacuum, new, $25 PH 753-4034 St. John’s (Avalon)
BOTH Washer and dryer, Kitchen Aid, front loading, approx 3 years old, BOTH Fridge and Stove Kenmore, black pedestals included, price is or nearest full size 30”, 5 years old, excellent shape offer, $550 PH 743-3224 Paradise and works perfect, price is for both, $600 (Avalon) PH 682-6378 Portugal Cove (Avalon) DRYER Amana, Good Condition, moving BOTH Fridge and Stove, We buy and sell must sell, $125 PH 123-1267 used Fridges,Stoves and Furniture, PH 895- Conception Bay South (Avalon) 3600 St. John’s (Avalon) DRYER GE, in working order, moved in to BOTH Fridge and Stove, white smooth top and apt. which already has one, price is stove, fridge and dishwasher, all in excel- or best offer, $40 PH 596-0062 (Avalon) lent condition, $600 PH 364-2157 Mount DRYER, GE Evolution Dryer, working fine, Pearl (Avalon) reason for selling-bought a new set, FREE Stove Whirlpool, Everything works $150 PH 535-6150 or 541-6149 except oven sometimes goes off, probably Lewisporte (Central) a relay switch or thermostat, not really sure, FREE!!, PH 747-3984 Mount Pearl (Avalon) WASHER AND DRYER, Heavy duty, in perfect condition, price for set is FIRM, $300 FRIDGE Kelvinator, come and get it, make PH 221-2871 St. John’s (Avalon) an offer, has to go, $100 PH 589-5490 WASHER Inglis, front loading , only thing (Avalon) wrong is the door boot seal gone, $75 FRIDGE LG, excellent condition, only 7 for the washer and pedestal or $50 for months old, has 4 yr transferable warranty, each piece, $50 PH 258-5635 Bishop’s has ice cube/crushed ice and water dis- Falls (Central) penser, fits in 33” space, price is or nearest offer, $1,200 PH 693-9025 St. John’s WASHER, GE old style ringer washer, in working order, good condition, comes (Avalon) with original plastic cover.This is from the FRIDGE Whirlpool, Make a offer, $200 PH 50s, PH 596-0062 (Avalon) 691-4583 Mount Pearl (Avalon) FRIDGE, Concept II Designer Series, in perfect working order, runs quietly, frost free top freezer and two lights in fridge section, white in colour, 60”high, 30” wide and 27” deep, ideal for small apartment or cabin, $175 PH 256-8489 Gander (Central)
Used Water filtration system used in residential home for 2 years, 1 fiberglass settling tank, 3 fiberglass filter tanks and pumps, 1 chem-tech chemical tank and FRIDGE, STOVE, and Microwave, white, all pump, call or email Jeff for more details, in good condtion, price is for all, $300 PH $1,500 PH 699-9131 Blaketown (Avalon) 782-3279 St. John’s (Avalon) In great shape & works great,perfect for apmt or cabin! In Long Harbour,740 6673! Make an offer!!!, PH 740-6673 (Avalon)
WATER COOLER, Arizona, please call for more information, $45 PH 754-5173 St. John’s (Avalon)
WATER Filter System for under sink, Rain PROPANE STOVE, Cast iron, soft white in Fresh brand, all parts included, $25 PH color, needs professional hookup, price is 781-1552 (Avalon) or best offer, $80 PH 683-2413 Bay Roberts (Avalon) STOVE Kenmore 30” Black, glass top, six years old, excellent condition, $400 PH CAMCORDER Sony, video camera 364-3892 Mount Pearl (Avalon) recorder, Video 8, Handycam, CCD_TRV30 NTSC; DC 6V; complete STOVE Kenmore, 4 burner stove in good with extra battery pack, cords, manual condition, $100 PH 744-2374 or 730- and carrying case, $100 PH 364-4502 or 5519 Upper Gullies (Avalon) 325-0905 St. John’s (Avalon) STOVE Kenmore, coil range, special edi- CAMERA LENS, Cambron 400 mm teletion, model C968-64003-1, in good work- photo lens with tripod mount and ing order, clock not working, price is or best adapter, willing to trade for salmon rod offer, $125 PH 685-6112 Portugal Cove of equal value, adapter fits Nikon, $100 (Avalon) PH 279-4634 Marystown (Avalon)
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Current until April 29, 2016 Issue 984 Copyright© 2016 The Newfoundland Buy & Sell Magazine Inc.
IPHONE 6 Life Proof Case, new in package, black in color, protects iPhone 6 from splashes, fumbles and full submersion, all while opening the touchscreen to direct touch, slim profile barely adds to your iPhone’s sleek lines. And, the clear case back showcases CAMERA, FujiFilm JV200 14 MegaPixel Apple’s brilliant design, $50 PH 351-0538 Digital camera with battery and charger, St. John’s (Avalon) excellent condition, $40 PH 747-3534 or 364-4789 St. John’s (Avalon) IPHONE, Black, 8gb, excellent condition, was on Koodoo network, $60 PH 368-0805 CAMERAS Canon, Canon PowerShot digi- Mount Pearl (Avalon) tal camera $50. Ricoh 35 mm $40, $50 PH 429-0397 or 433-2181 Clarenville IPHONE, iPhone 5, excellent condition, no (Avalon) cord available, $200 PH 695-1635 or 6943378 Paradise (Avalon) CONVERSION Lenses, Raynox, 0.7x wide angle to fit 52mm lens, very good condi- MOBILE Power Banks for iPhone 6, 5, 5s, 4, tion, no scratches, $25, also 1.5x telepho- 4s, 3g, Blackberry, HTC, Sony, Motorola, to conversion lens to fit 52mm lens, excel- Nokia, Samsung and LG, $12 each or two lent condition, no scratches, $30, for set for $20, $12 PH 469-3193 Catalina (East) $50, both include cases, Step-up, stepdown rings available for extra cost, $50 NEXUS cellphone, good condition, $80 PH 781-1354 or 781-1354 Paradise (Avalon) PH 634-7307 Corner Brook (West) DSLR Camera Case, Phototec DSLR SAMSUNG, Galaxy S5 (Bell and Virgin Camera Case with strap. Been used twice Mobile) Includes: Phone + phone charger, and Going Cheap, $15 PH 770-8469 Otterbox case, extra battery and external charger (I upgraded and have two external Paradise (Avalon) batteries and a charger, paid around $50 for KODAK Super 8 M50 movie projector, and this extra charger, reeason for selling : large free-standing screen, $75 PH 738- upgraded to S7, $300 PH 725-0750 Mount Pearl (Avalon) 1355 or 765-9403 St. John’s (Avalon) CAMERA Pentax K1000, SMC Pentax-M 1:2 50 mm, complete with filter; close-up lens, Sunpak SP 140 flash attachment, carrying case, $100 PH 364-4502 or 3644502 St. John’s (Avalon)
MICRO SDXC Card, 128gb, class 10 speed and it will add 128 gb of extra storage to a cellphone or digital camera, doesn’t work with all cellphones or cameras though so just check the specifications of your device before considering to buy, brand new card, still sealed in its original packaging, price is firm, $60 PH 5796413 St. John’s (Avalon) NIKON AFS 300mm F4 lens, has been used very little, spending 99% of its time in its case, only selling because I don’t use it and looking to purchase something I will use, lens is tack sharp with dead on accurate focussing, price is or nearest offer, email or text only, $1,000 PH 730-5439 Paradise (Avalon)
RECORDS, 80-100, Nfld Music, Irish, country & western, and more, call for details, price is $1-2 each, PH 744-1005 Conception Bay South (Avalon) RECORDS, selection of old records, Country & Western, artists such as Johnny Cash and Dick Nolan, price per each, $5 PH 437-5776 Torbay (Avalon) VINYL Records, Robert Plant - Shaken ‘n’ Stirred $10, Lydia Taylor $15, Sammy Hagar - Standing Hampton $10, Waysted - Save your Prayers $10, Krokus Headhunter $10, PH 769-4554 Paradise (Avalon) WANTED Records, in good condition, 33’s , 78’s, 45’s, PH 489-5221 Grand Falls Windsor (Central)
BELL 4G Turbo Sticks, never used, still in original packaging, price is each, $100 PH 437-1224 or 740-4251 Torbay (Avalon)
CHARGERS, new colourful design 10’ chargers for iPhone 5 and iPhone 6, $10 each, buy 2 for $15 or buy 3 for $20, free shipping, $10 PH 469-3193 Catalina (East) DELL Venue Tablet and one Excellent Black Leather Case With Bluetooth Keyboard, in mint condition, like new, original packaging boxes, $60 PH 535-0264 (Central) EAR BUDS, iSport Bluetooth wireless super slim, never worn, don’t fit that well under my helmet, paid $113 taxes in at The Source (I have receipt), price is or nearest offer, $60 PH 651-2446 Gander (Central) IPHONE 4s, like new, with charger, has 3 cases PLUS a stand case, used on Bell system, $95 PH 726-3751 St. John’s (Avalon) 1000 - 1065 • Electronics
CISCO modem model 1500, comes with all parts, barely used, $20 PH 222-0520 Makinsons (Avalon)
DELL Power Supply, new, 19.5 volts, 4.62 amps, $20 PH 597-2360 Carbonear (Avalon) KEYBOARD, Apple Wireless Keyboard, used, “1” button not working, good for parts, $10 PH 686-5477 Pasadena (West)
COMPUTER, Imac 21.5`` computer, wireless keyboard and mouse, $575 PH 725- KEYBOARDS, one usb and one ps/2, $15 5855 or 693-0532 St. John’s (Avalon) PH 782-7352 Paradise (Avalon) COMPUTER, New in Box , Mac Mini Z0M8, LAPTOP BAG, has shoulder strap and hand 2.3GHz Dual Core Intel Core i5, 2GB strap, $35 PH 744-1005 Conception Bay 1333MHz DDR3 SDram, 1x2GB, 500GB South (Avalon) Serial ATA Drive @ 5400RPM, $400 PH 693-8696 or 834-4995 Conception Bay NVIDIA 1gb Gtx 460, Used but good condition, under 3 years old. Safely contained in South (Avalon) a static-free plastic box. Adapter included, COMPUTER, Sony Vaio, all-in-one touch- $60 PH 690-2091 St. John’s (Avalon) screen computer, model : vgc-js130d, will not power on, selling it to anyone that wants extra parts now charger, 20” screen, Intel Pentium e5200 / 2.50 ghz dual-core processor, 300 gb hard drive, 1 gb of ram, sd BLU-RAY Player, MXQ Pro Android TV Box, memory card reader, dvd-rw drive, and 5 4K-TV Compatible, like Apple TV, preusb ports. price is firm, $180 PH 579-6413 loaded with KODI (ver. 16) and runs the St. John’s (Avalon) Spinz TV build, allows free access to movies, shows, sports, etc. via streaming/internet, LAPTOP, Acer Aspire 5517 laptop, model #: tv Ethernet connection or WIFI, comes KAWG0, will not power on , also it has no uses with remote and mini wireless working screen, just selling it for parts, 15.6 keyboard/trackpad, inch screen, AMD Athlon 64 TF-20 / 1.6 Seal Cove (Avalon) $130 PH 325-0379 GHz processor, 5 in 1 card reader, DVD-RW drive, and 2 USB ports, no charger, RAM or DVD Player Sony, good condition, $20 PH hard drive, price is firm, $60 PH 579-6413 747-0556 St. John’s (Avalon) St. John’s (Avalon) DVD Player, Diamond brand, $30 PH 782LAPTOP, Alienware 17x, still have original 7352 Paradise (Avalon) box, AMD Radeon R9 M290X graphics with 4GB GDDR5, Intel-Core i7 4710MQ 8- VHS Player, Emerson, good condition, works Core Processor, 16GB Ram, Bluetooth, perfect, $20 PH 541-6464 Loon Bay HDMI In/Out, face recognition, turbo boost, (Central) backlit keyboard, over 180,000 combinations of LED, 3 USB ports, USB 3.0 Lightning WANTED to buy DVD/VCR Combo or port, 4 programmable macro keys, $1,800 TV/VCR/DVD combo, call with details, PH 351-4107 (Avalon) PH 764-7504 Whitbourne (Avalon)
BLACKBERRY, Blackberry Leap Z30, $200 PH 834-9619 or 728-3700 Conception Bay South (Avalon) LAPTOP, Dell Latitude c810 laptop, model : might be working but I have no BLACKBERRY, Blackberry Z10, $100 PH pp01x, for it to find out, 15 inch screen, Intel 834-9619 or 728-3700 Conception Bay charger Pentium iii 1130 mhz processor, 256 mb of South (Avalon) ram, a 20 gb hard drive, a cd-rw / dvd rom CELL PHONE, Sony Exteria, good for drive, 1 ieee 1394 port, and 2 usb ports, Rogers. Bell and Telus, $75 PH 740-3791 price is firm, $60 PH 579-6413 St. John’s (Avalon) Mount Pearl (Avalon) CELLPHONE, iPhone 5, excellent condition, $60 PH 429-0397 or 433-2181 Clarenville (Avalon)
LAPTOP, Toshiba Satellite c850 laptop, model : pscbwc 05900j, will not power on, no working screen, comes with the charger, Intel Corei3 2370m processor, 3 in 1 card reader, dvd-rw drive, and 3 usb ports, NO ram or hard drive included, price is firm, $100 PH 579-6413 St. John’s (Avalon)
SAMSUNG, Hello New and used samsung galaxy s5,s6 edge and s7 edge for sale if interested contact now for more picture and information, PH 639-0578 Aaron Arm (Central) Computer sales, service and repair, for SONY, Xperia Z5, on Bell network, got on business and residential. Networking * March 28,2016, used only a few days then Cabling * Parts & Accessories * New & got an upgrade, small crack on back of Used Computers * iPhone/iPad/Tablet * Laptop & Desktop Repair * Data phone, not sure how it happened, message if interested, PH 834-1090 Conception Bay Backup * Virus Removal ($59.99 special) Email:, South (Avalon), visit us at 1176 WANTED, Blue & or Black Hex silicone gel Torbay Road or, PH 383-0206 (Avalon) case cover for Nokia Cell Phone model # 2730 Call 747-2130, please look @ my COMPUTER Speakers, high powered ampliother listings, PH 747-2130 St. John’s fied intertan brand mms-100 25 watts very loud, $20 PH 747-0556 St. John’s (Avalon) (Avalon) CPU, I5-6600K brand new, unused cpu, high end, wants gone asap, $300 PH 2900209 Bishop’s Falls (Central)
CASSETTES, 67 Newfoundland cassettes in excellent condition, a few still sealed, $60 PH 747-3534 or 364-4789 St. John’s (Avalon) RECORD, O Canada 45 Record, National Anthem Instructional & Vocal Version 45 RPM Record, this Extraordinary Recording was made especially for the 1975 Olympic Games and via satellite broadcast was heard by more than two billion people around the world, I also accept paypal as a payment option, $20 PH 7266506 St. John’s (Avalon)
LAPTOP, MacBook Air, 11 screen, 2.5 lbs, lighter than any textbook, all day battery, backlit keyboard, multi touch trackpad, paid $1400, needs new battery, replacement will cost approx $150, if interested, email or txt/call 7699911, $600 PH 631-9564 or 579-3440 St. John’s (Avalon)
WANTED, VHS Player, please contact me if you have one to sell or give away, PH 3514107 (Avalon)
WANTED to buy Radio Scanner or band radio, call with details, leave message, PH LAPTOP, Dell Vostro 1000 laptop, might be 576-4289 St. John’s (Avalon) working but I have no charger for it to find out, selling for parts, 15.4 inch screen, amd mobile sempron 3600+ processor, 3 in 1 card reader, a 24x cd-r / dvd rom drive, and 4 usb ports, 7 buttons on the keyboard are IPAD Air, space gray in excellent condition, missing, and no ram or hard drive, price is also includes iPad cover, $325 PH 368firm, $50 PH 579-6413 St. John’s (Avalon) 4768 Mount Pearl (Avalon) LAPTOP, HP elitebook 8460p, working, selling it to anyone that might want extra parts, comes with the charger , 14 inch screen, Intel Core i5 2520m / 2.5 ghz processor, 160 gb dish, new Bell and Shaw hard drive, 1 gb of ram, 2 in 1 card reader, BELL and Shaw$100 PH 424-6711 Gander dvd-rw drive and 2 usb 3.0 ports, price is satellite dishes, firm, $200 PH 579-6413 St. John’s (Avalon) (Central) LAPTOP, Lenovo Thinkpad t500, working MOTOROLA Receiver, 2 Motorola High Excellent Condition $40 great, ideal for a university student, 15.4 inch Definition receivers $40 PH 541-6464 Loon screen, Intel Core 2 Duo T9400 / 2.53 GHz each or best offer, processor, 4 gb of ram, 7 in 1 card reader, Bay (Central) dvd-rw drive, 160 gb hard drive, and 3 usb RECEIVERS 4 switch, 2 HD boxes, 2 ports, comes with the charger, has windows SD/dish/switch box, $400 PH 687-4184 or 7 and microsoft office installed, price is firm, 786-9645 Spaniard’s Bay (Avalon) $150 PH 579-6413 St. John’s (Avalon)
RECEIVERS, two HD, with dish for Shaw FREE - 27” TELEVISION, Call for more inforSatellite TV, call for details, $300 PH 663- mation, PH 788-2472 Bay Roberts (Avalon) 1137 Clarenville (East) ROGERS HD DVR, this is the dual tuner model which allows you to watch TV while recording a show, or record two shows at ACCESSORIES, 2 men’s T-Shirts from once, $100 PH 782-7352 Paradise (Avalon) VanossGaming Shop by Spreadshirt, inc, S, 100% preshrunk cotton, made in SATELLITE Receiver, Star Choice Satellite size brand new & never used, from Receiver by Motorola model DSR315 with all Nicaragua, smoke free home, reason 4 selling, original packaging, box, booklets and 3 aordered wrong size, $60 PH 747-2130 or remotes, one of which has never been 747-2130 St. John’s (Avalon) opened, mint condition, from a smoke free home, must sell, no reasonable offer GAMES, 9 GBA/GB/3ds games, The Hobbit refused or will trade 4 Blue Mountain Pottery, $5, Donkey Kong Country $20, Crash Nitro Animals Only Please, in all colours, must be Kart $10, Sega Smash Pack $5, Monsters in mint condition, PH 747-2130 or 747- Inc. $5, Chicken Little $5, Super Mario Bros. 2130 St. John’s (Avalon) 3 $25, 1995- 17 in 1 $5, SkyLanders Giants will trade for n64 or SNES games, $75 SHAW Hd Pvr Receiver, and Dish: Motorola $5, DSR505 HD, cleared for activation, DVI PH 277-7534 St. John’s (Avalon) cable, DVI-HDMI adapter, optical audio KEYBOARD, for Xbox360, wireless, for use cable, remote control/manual, composite with Rock Band, $35 PH 740-3791 Mount video cable, left/right RCA audio cable and Pearl (Avalon) box, excellent condition, very good condition, actual sale items pictured, $100 PH NINTENDO 64 Accessories, brand new 634-7307 Corner Brook (West) controller, $20 PH 469-3193 Catalina (East) NINTENDO Wii Accessories, Classic Pro controller for Wii, used once for half hr, didn’t like the feel, please email if interested, CAR stereo, Kenwood KDC-348U In-dash $25 PH 743-2358 Torbay (Avalon) CD Receiver USB Input, unused remote con- NINTENDO Wii Games, $10 each or take trol and all accessories, excellent condition, them all for $60 or best offer, email or text in-dash CD receiver with AM/FM tuner, 50W only, no calls please, $60 PH 743-2358 x 4 channels, CD, CD-R/RW, MP3, WMA Portugal Cove (Avalon) and AAC music, $35 PH 747-3534 or 3644789 St. John’s (Avalon) NINTENDO Wii System with Games, conwith 4 controllers, also includes Rock JVC Al-a150, Good record player with a bit sole Band w/microphone, guitar and drums, $40 of damage on the cover, PH 769-4554 plus 6 games, located on Cranes Road, just Paradise (Avalon) outside of Spaniards Bay call or text 589SPEAKERS, 4, large, mahogany speakers, 4379, $100 PH 589-4379 Upper Island price is for each, $10 PH 330-1302 St. Cove (Avalon) John’s (Avalon) PLAYSTATION 3 Accessories, brand new PS3 SPEAKERS, Surround sound speakers and Bluetooth Wireless Controllers, $25 each or subwoofer, $100 PH 740-3791 Mount Pearl two for $45, $25 PH 469-3193 Catalina (East) (Avalon) STEREO, Sony 5-Disc cd changer with jog PLAYSTATION 3 Game, PS3 - Infamous track search etc in great condition, $30 PH (Greatest Hits) Never opened, $10 PH 769747-3534 or 364-4789 St. John’s (Avalon) 4554 Paradise (Avalon) STEREO, Vintage Realistic STA-95 Receiver PLAYSTATION 4 Accessories, Headset, $19 in excellent working condition, $70 PH 747- each or two for $35, has Volume Control and mute switch, $19 PH 469-3193 3534 or 364-4789 St. John’s (Avalon) Catalina (East) SUBWOOFER, Yamaha YST-SW105, driver 8” spruce cone, 100 watt, 30-200Hz, high- PLAYSTATION 4 Accessories, Video Game cut filter, continuously variable from 50- Console Decal Stickers $20 each or two for 150Hz, high cut slope 24dB/oct, 9 1/4”w x $35, brand new factory sealed, plus 2 con14 3/8”h x 12 3/8”d, 21 lbs, bought new in troller stickers, for xBox One, xBox 360, PS3 2002, still have manual and bill of sale and PS4, free shipping, $20 PH 469-3193 $293.25 taxes in, only used 6 months, $50 Catalina (East) PH 753-9222 St. John’s (Avalon) PLAYSTATION games, looking for TOWER Speakers, set of 250 watt good Playstation games, Cool Boarders 3, quality stereo tower speakers, Soundstage Pacman, Galatica/Galaxy & Pole Position, 500, price reduced, $200 PH 834-3770 Playstation Demo disks only, PH 747-2130 (Avalon) Conception Bay South (Avalon) VINTAGE Speakers, set of black Hitachi floor XBOX 360 Accessories, brand new standing 80’s speakers reduced $30 firm, rechargeable battery packs for Xbox 360 $30 PH 834-3770 Conception Bay South Wireless Controller, $10 each or two for $15, free shipping, $10 PH 469-3193 (Avalon) Catalina (East) WANTED black under cabinet cd player/radio, call with details, PH 651-6768 XBOX Accessories, XBOX One TitanFall collector’s edition statue, lights up red and Gander (Central) blue, art book and blueprints also included, everything but the game, $200 PH 7286230 St. John’s (Avalon)
BLU-RAY Movies, 8, all together, price is firm, call for more information, $30 PH 214-1729 Stephenville Crossing (West) DVD Movie, American Horror Story - 3-disc HARLEY DAVIDSON Softail model, great Blu-Ray set Complete Season One, $10 PH collector item, in excellent shape, horn 747-3534 or 364-4789 St. John’s (Avalon) blows and engine revs when rings, $100 PH DVD Movie, Newfoundland Aquarelles” is a 589-4379 Upper Island Cove (Avalon) DVD depicting the oceans around NL, new condition, still in its original cellophane wrap, crafted from 4 years of footage by Alexandr Konstantinov, it is a display of the 13” TELEVISION, AC/DC Color TV, with built best scenes that Alex has captured, with a in VCR player, perfect for the cabin, can be fantastic musical score written by Daunt Lee, hooked up to other devices, $50 PH 486- Brent Denney, Megumi Takimoto, and Patrick Boyle, it is a stunning portrayal of div0230 Grand Falls - Windsor (Central) ing in Newfoundland’s waters, offer PayPay 19” TELEVISION Sanyo HD ready 19” with as payment option, $15 PH 726-6506 St. wall mounting bracket, $100 PH 782-7352 John’s (Avalon) Paradise (Avalon) DVD Movie, Tom Cruise Minority Report 26” TELEVISION, Older style, $50 PH 771- Rapport Minoritaire - 2 Disc DVD, full screen, previously viewed, good condition, I 6101 Bauline (Avalon) also accept paypal as a payment option, 32” TELEVISION JVC, picture in picture, $10 PH 726-6506 St. John’s (Avalon) front and rear audio, video inputs, $30 PH DVD Movies, adult and action movies, price 764-0155 St. John’s (Avalon) per each. Call for more info, $5 PH 73032” TELEVISION RCA, never used, still in 6597 (Avalon) box, $210 PH 229-4829 Harbour Main DVD Movies, adult, action movies, DVD and (Avalon) VHS each, $5 PH 730-6597 Mount Pearl 35” TELEVISION, Pro Scan with stand, price (Avalon) is or best offer, $100 PH 745-1413 or 691DVD Movies, F Troop - Complete Season 1 2455 (Avalon) and 2 Box Sets (Western Spoof ). $20 takes 37” TELEVISION, with built in converter, $50 both sets, mint condition, $20 PH 747-3534 PH 657-2011 or 572-2149 South Brook or 364-4789 St. John’s (Avalon) (Central) DVD Movies, Newfoundland Outdoors with 50” TELEVISION Samsung, Plasma 1080, a Lloyd Colbourne DVD, this series was origifew years old, in excellent condition, 2 HDMI nally shown on Land and Sea CBC TV, and 1 UBS port, multiple avi and surround Special for Collectors: “A Good Year for sound ports, has stand or can come with a Rabbits” and Seals: A Way of Life”, DVD has swivel wall mount, please call 769-9911 or never been played and is in its original celemail, $500 PH 631-9564 or 579-3440 St. lophane shrink wrap packaging, accept John’s (Avalon) paypal as a payment option, $10 PH 7266506 St. John’s (Avalon)
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Current until April 29, 2016 Issue 984 Copyright© 2016 The Newfoundland Buy & Sell Magazine Inc.
DVD Movies, One Piece DVD Boxsets In great condition (some were never watched). $20.00 for each boxset. Season 1, 1st voyage Season 1, 2nd voyage Season 1, 3rd voyage Season 1, 4th voyage Season 1, 5th voyage Season 2, 1st voyage Season 2, 2nd voyage Season 2, 3rd voyage Season 2, 4th voyage Season 2, 5th voyage Season 2, 6th voyage Season 2, 7th voyage Season 3, 1st voyage Season 3, 2nd voyage Season 3, 3rd voyage Season 3, 4th voyage Season 3, 5th voyage movie: princess and the pirates, PH 773-0062 Paradise (Avalon) DVD Movies, Starsky & Hutch tv series, seasons 1 & 2, mint condition, still has plastic wrapper, purchased new & watched twice in a smoke free home, $35 firm or will trade 4 Blue Mountain Pottery, Animals Only Please, in all colours, must be in mint condition, reason for selling, purchased the complete series, $20 PH 747-2130 or 747-2130 St. John’s (Avalon) DVDS, over 200 movies, concerts and poker videos, $4 ea or $275 for the works, includes suitcase, $275 PH 2568245 or 235-1360 Gander (Central)
OFFICE TRAILER, 60’ by 12’, with full services, has a full service washroom and kitchen, range outlet, full communications, skirting, 4 5200 lb axles, jacks and pads for leveling, air conditioners throughout and is very energy efficient, $55,000 PH 480-0048 or 647- New and used restaurant equipment Omcan dealer - largest retailer in the 3681 Flat Bay (West) province!! Single and double door QUANTITY of hanging baskets, call for coolers, convection ovens, classic details, PH 782-3656 (Avalon) combi oven, refrigerated sandwich prep tables, fryers, freezers, ice SIGN, 4+8, with 3 inch channel, some let- machines, stainless work tables, stainters with it, in good condition, call Terry, PH less wall shelves, hot dog 727-3471 St. John’s (Avalon) steamers/rollers with sneeze guards, propane ranges 36” and double oven grill/4 burner, electric warmers, chafing dishes, restaurant booths, charis, tables, lg quantity of pots and pans, CHAIR, Black computer swivel, in excellent stainless inserts/utensils, bus pans condition, price is or nearest offer, $50 PH PLUS MUCH MORE! www.wannabuy364-6056 Goulds (Avalon), PH 745-5315 or 7275344 (Avalon) COMPUTER Desk/Chair, price is or nearest offer, $60 PH 437-1671 Torbay (Avalon) RESTAURANT equipment, including Autofry Deep Fryer, cooler display and warmer, COMPUTER work desk, red/ cherry color, make offer, PH 743-3636 Paradise bought new, as new condition, $45 PH 745- (Avalon) 6878 or 743-0538 St. John’s (Avalon)
VHS Movies, various titles, call for com- DESK Chair, call for details, $50 PH 657plete list, $6 PH 437-5776 St. John’s 2011 or 572-2149 South Brook (Central) (Avalon) DESK, Cinnamon cherry desk in excellent WANTED VHS MOVIES classic WWF condition, $75 PH 651-3142 or 424-6008 wrestling cassettes, call with details, PH Gander (Central) 351-4107 (Avalon) DESK, steel, call for details, $110 PH 657WKRP in Cincinnati tv series, season 1 2011 or 572-2149 South Brook (Central) mint condition, still has plastic wrapper, purchased new & watched once in a OFFICE Arm Chairs, two cloth stacking smoke free home, $35 firm or will trade 4 office arm chairs, in good condition, call for Blue Mountain Pottery, Animals Only more details, $20 PH 293-9105 Grand Please, in all colours, must be in mint con- Falls - Windsor (Central) dition, reason for selling, purchased the complete series, $10 PH 747-2130 or OFFICE Chairs, $10 -$30 each, $10 PH 769-7569 St. John’s (Avalon) 747-2130 St. John’s (Avalon)
Complete glow in the dark mini golf system including life size props and brick for course. Price negotiable. Serious inquiries only, PH 639-1919 Corner Brook (West)
Janitor Bursey Cleaners in St. John’s, is looking for a janitor. Credentials (certificates, licences, memberships, courses, etc.) Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) Certificate. Specific Skills: Wash windows, interior walls and ceilings; Work with minimal supervision; Clean and disinfect bathrooms and fixtures; Sweep, mop, scrub and wax hallways, floors and stairs; Empty trash cans and other waste containers. Apply at, (Avalon)
WOODEN Wine Rack with rope bottle holders, can hold 39 bottles, very solid and stained with early american dark brown, $250 PH 769-1286 St. John’s (Avalon)
TELESCOPE, Meade, and Tripod, extra lens, $500 PH 697-2840 St. John’s (Avalon)
TELESCOPE, Meade, remote control, autostar reflecting and refracting, 5 extra STATIONERY Items, variety of items. Contact lenses, $200 PH 589-4379 Upper Island for more details, $85 PH 834-6710 Cove (Avalon) Conception Bay South (Avalon) Vintage Scientific Instrument, I believe the instrument to be a Trichinoscope (trichinen microscope) and therefore of interest to collectors because it’s function in science is now obsolete, manufactured by Franz Schmidt & Haensch of Berlin, Germany, $225 PH 000-0000 St. John’s (Avalon)
The LARGEST Wide Format Available! Creative Graphic Design, Decals Printed Signs - Banners - Magnets Vehicle Graphics - Full Colour Vinyl Indoor/Outdoor - Lamination - Print & Colour Copying - Business Cards Brochures - Posters and more! SPECIALIZING IN DIGITAL PRINT, PH 7574636 (Avalon)
BATCH Freezer, Coldelite, for making homemade ice cream, call 709-458-2321 or 458-8711, $3,500 PH 632-1763 Rocky Harbour (West) BIRO Meat saw, Model 22, 709-458-2321 or 458-8711, $1,200 PH 632-1763 Rocky Harbour (West) COFFEE Brewer, Bloomfield, double brewer, call 709-458-2321 or 458-8711, $200 PH 632-1763 Rocky Harbour (West) COFFEE machine, Tassimo, professional, call 458-2321 or 8711, $500 PH 6321763 Rocky Harbour (West)
DELI Slicer, 8”, $400. Also Bunn coffee 8’ PALLET Jack, great for warehouses, call machine, never used, $700 PH 279-3253 Sel, $300 PH 689-9122 Torbay (Avalon) Marystown (Avalon) GLASS Display case, 4x6x2, with glass ESPRESSO Maker, brand new, mint condishelving and sliding doors on back, $75 tion, commerical grade, all accessories included, price is or nearest offer, $150 PH PH 782-3656 (Avalon) 740-3791 Mount Pearl (Avalon) HANDICAPPED Mirror, call only between 9-5 Monday to Friday, $20 PH 726-6423 or 685-3902 St. John’s (Avalon)
ACTION Figure, Alien vs. Predator (AVP) Elder Predator - 7.25” Action Figure Name: Elder Predator McFarlane Toys ( Brand-new Original In-Box Unopened. Excellent Condition, $80 PH 738-8646 or 690-6001 St. John’s (Avalon) ACTION Figure, Alien vs. Predator 7.25” Action Figure Name: Celtic Predator McFarlane Toys ( Brand-new Original In-Box Unopened. Excellent Condition, $50 PH 738-8646 or 690-6001 St. John’s (Avalon) ANTIQUE 3 wheel tricycle, working condition, $30 PH 222-0520 Makinsons (Avalon) TETLEY Tea Folks, set of 4 Tetley Tea Folks, 2 sets old stock still in box, selling $10.00 per COLLECTORS Items, salt and pepper shak- set, call Terry, $10 PH 753-3876 St. John’s ers, has to be seen, approx 200 sets, make (Avalon) an offer, PH 744-1005 (Avalon) WANTED - Plastic Model Kits, 1/24 scale DIECAST Cars, 1:24, $10 and up also sell- cars, trucks, boats, planes, figurines etc, Amt ing unbuilt plastic kits $20 each, call Roy, Ertl, Revell monogram, Mpc, Polar lights, Lindberg etc, PH 683-2413 Bay Roberts $10 PH 725-9828 St. John’s (Avalon) (Avalon) HALLMARK Canada Post Teddy Bear Plush Toy with Box, wearing a Postal Hat and Mail WANTED: RED Buddy the Puffin Bobblehead Bag and comes complete with a Gift Box for my daughter, these are limited edition and Gift Card, measures approx 7” x 6”, and were given to winners at recent Ice Caps cute gift idea, can accept Paypal as a games, willing to pay good $$$, PH 576Payment Option, $10 PH 726-6506 St. 0158 or 728-1381 St. John’s (Avalon) John’s (Avalon) ZENITH Tube Radio, 1950 Zenith AM/FM I am looking for a old wooden dynamite box Tube Radio - Model G724 - Bakelite History, like the kind that was used in the Bell Island among the earliest AM/FM tabletop models, mines years ago —- thanks, PH 596-3330 on the back is a notice sticker declaring that the FM receiver technology was licensed Carbonear (Avalon) under Armstrong patents, $100 PH 0000000 St. John’s (Avalon)
JACKET, Don Cherry Ducks Unlimited Special Limited, production number 560 out of 750, serious callers only, PH (613) 6215405 (East) JACKETS,3 Nascar jackets, size 2XL barely Digital laser engraver - use for etching glass, worn, price is for each, $125 PH 437-1671 includes 3D camera and large stock of crystals, price is for all, $2,000 PH 466-3210 or Torbay (Avalon) 427-7606 Clarenville (East) MOVIE Playset, Alien vs. Predator (AVP) Series 2, all 5 Pieces New In-box, Pinecones, 7kg. boxes of 2” pine cones, 100 Unopened, Excellent Condition, $200 PH cones per box, great for Christmas wreaths 738-8646 or 690-6001 St. John’s (Avalon) or ornaments, price is per a box, $10 PH 834-6710 (Avalon) NEWFOUNDLAND Dog Figurine, great for display by dog lovers also makes a nice gift, QUANTITY of hobby wood/board, make an approx 3 “ x 3”, will accept Paypal as a pay- offer, PH 782-3656 (Avalon) ment option, $10 PH 726-6506 St. John’s (Avalon)
COMIC Books, Three cases of Marvel / DC comic books, special editions, annuals, and graphic novels, that I’ve collected over the past 30 years, most are in mint to good edition, and have been wrapped in plastic sleeves, will consider selling as a complete set or individual issues, PH 687-0894 or NEWFOUNDLAND Flags, set of 2 desk 687-0894 Kilbride (Avalon) flags, 10” x 6, pole 14”, new condition, I COMIC Books, variety for sale. Contact for also Accept Paypal as a payment option, list and pricing, PH 753-3110 or 743- $10 PH 726-6506 St. John’s (Avalon) 8500 St. John’s (Avalon) NFLD Iceberg Poster, 18” x 24”, I also HOCKEY Card Collection, Vintage hockey accept paypal as a payment option, $10 PH collection from 1936 to present day, tons 726-6506 St. John’s (Avalon) of cards from the 1950s and up, loads of stars like Richard, Howe, Hull, Horton, NFLD Railway Green playing cards - Bridge Beliveau and more, come have a look, Size, patronize the Newfoundland Railway your own Transportation System, new condigreat prices, PH 786-7226 (Avalon) tion, still in its original cellophane package, MARVEL Trading Cards, Marvel Universe cards are a reproduction of the original, Cards, contact for details, PH 753-3110 or accept Payments via Paypal, $5 PH 726743-8500 St. John’s (Avalon) 6506 St. John’s (Avalon) MLP Micro-series, Hasbro-licensed full- ORNAMENTS, two sets of Unicorn ornacolor comics by IDW Publishing, all 10 ments, one white/purple and one black, have never been read and are each in pro- each set has three, consisting of jumbo, tective backing and packaging, a must large and small from a smoke free home, have for any MLP lover, being sold as a must sell, no reasonable offer refused or will complete set, please email or text me, seri- trade 4 Blue Mountain Pottery, Animals Only ous inquiries only, $50 PH 743-5742 St. Please, in all colours, must be in mint condiJohn’s (Avalon) tion, PH 747-2130 (Avalon) POKEMON CARDS, Large selection of ROBOTECH Collection with both Movies. holographics to choose from, prices vary, Robotech - Protoculture Collection (21 PH 753-1368 or 727-6540 St. John’s DVD’s) (1985 to 2004) contains Macross (Avalon) Saga, Masters, New Generations, Extras. Robotech - The Movie (1985). Robotech WESTERN comic books, nice collection of The Shadow Chronicles (2006), $120 PH old western comic books, PH 786-7226 738-8646 or 690-6001 St. John’s (Avalon) (Avalon)
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ANTIQUE SEWING MACHINE, Singer, call for more information, PH 788-2472 Bay Roberts (Avalon) SEWING cabinet, Air-lift system, measures 41 1/4” long by 19 3/8” wide by 30 1/8” high, ,opens and extends to 63 1/4 in, has a storage space for a serger and a drawer for miscellaneous items, $400 PH 686-2165 Pasadena (West) SEWING Machine Case, sturdy, excellent condition, price is Firm, $20 PH 634-7307 Corner Brook (West) SEWING MACHINE, contact for details, $40 PH 437-5776 (Avalon) SEWING Machine, Kenmore with cabinet, $90 PH 781-1552 (Avalon) SEWING MACHINE, Singer, electric, heavy duty, call for more information, PH 2605415 Mount Pearl (Avalon)
COIN, 1952 Canadian Silver Dollar, excellent condition, contact Terry, $40 PH 7533876 St. John’s (Avalon)
1200 - 1235 • Hobbies & Crafts
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1200 - 1235 • Hobbies & Crafts
Current until April 29, 2016 Issue 984 Copyright© 2016 The Newfoundland Buy & Sell Magazine Inc.
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Current until April 29, 2016 Issue 984 Copyright© 2016 The Newfoundland Buy & Sell Magazine Inc.
GARAGE SALE, Saturday, Apr 23rd and 30th, from 8 am to 4:30 pm, 557 Thorburn Road, lots of items, new and used and old, very collectable items, drop by, rain or shine the sale goes on “ inside the garage “, PH 699-3288 St. John’s (Avalon)
CREAM AND BUTTER, Fresh, call more info, PH 363-2168 Renews (Avalon) GARBAGE BOXES new, call for details, $100 PH 582-2889 or 683-2978 New Harbour (East) PALLETS, 200, wooden, price is for each, please call after 7pm, $5 PH 765-6464 Kelligrews (Avalon) PLASTIC barrels, previously held detergent and bleach, 56.8 liter, $15 PH 786-1930 or 786-1930 Spaniard’s Bay (Avalon) Quantity of yard sale items, call for more information, PH 582-2889 or 683-2978 New Harbour (East) SIGN, 4+8, with 3 inch channel, some letters with it, in good condition, call Terry, PH 727-3471 St. John’s (Avalon)
STAMPS, 10 Different Genuine Newfoundland Mint Stamps, these are from a bygone era. Symbols important to our country are incorporated into the commemorative designs, notably: fishery, sealing, historical landmarks, commerce and the monarchy, all portray our lifestyle, livelihood and towns, now accept Paypal as a Payment Option, $10 PH 726-6506 St. John’s CAN Looney & Tooney, Canadian Note (Avalon) Replaced by Coins 1987 Looney and Tooney. Great Collectors Item. I accept pay- WANTED, Collector looking to purchase pal as a payment option, $40 PH 726-6506 Newfoundland, Canada and U S silver coins, contact with details of collection you St. John’s (Avalon) are selling, PH 749-7009 St. John’s (Avalon) CANADIAN Coin Set, 1992 Commemorative 25 cent coins and 1 dollar WANTED, Newfoundland $2 gold coins, coin set to celebrate Canada’s 125 any year, any condition. Yes, I will pay you Anniversary, comes with a protective plastic the best price for your coins guaranteed. I folder, total of 12 quarters representing 10 will never knowingly be outbid by any dealprovinces and 2 territories, and 1 loonie er here or from the mainland on your coins. representing Canada, mint condition, great Give me a call now. Will travel for large colcollectors item or gift, can accept Paypal as lections and I pay CASH, contact Robert, PH a Payment Option, $20 PH 726-6506 St. 746-5334 (Avalon) John’s (Avalon) WANTED, Old time collector of Coins and COIN, Large Newfoundland Penny 1929, Banknotes wants to purchase your large colcan accept Payments via Paypal, $10 PH lection of gold and silver coins.I am also interested in old banknotes especially 726-6506 St. John’s (Avalon) Newfoundland paper money items. Try the COIN, Newfoundland 50 Cents 1917, very others and get back to me for the highest good condition, $25 PH 726-6506 St. price guaranteed. Remember, I will never John’s (Avalon) knowingly be outbid by any dealer here or the mainland, contact Robert, PH 746CURRENCY, Coin replaced Bank Note from Canada 1996, in transparent plastic Display 5334 (Avalon) Case. On the back are facts about the Two Dollar Coin Specifications, Canadian Bank Notes and Facts about the Polar Bear. Great Collectors Item. Also makes a Great BOOKS, 12 Rounds to Life: Become The Birthday or Anniversary Gift. We offer the Mental Boxer by Nick Kach A Fanas, used by option of picking it up or shipping it Out. I Psychologists, counselors, & corrections offiNow Accept Paypal as a Payment Option, cers, 10-part series, inspired by champion $20 PH 726-6506 St. John’s (Avalon) boxers & prizefighters, learn how to overCURRENCY, uncirculated, silver, includes come loneliness, depression, anxiety, poverDollar, 50 25 & 10, Canadian Centennial ty or any personal crisis, PH 737-2621 St. Commemorative Set 1867-1967, mint con- John’s (Labrador) dition, sealed plastic package, great collec- Mother’s Day Fair April 30th, from 10-4 tors item, also makes a great anniversary or Kilbride Lions Community Center, 34 Fahey birthday gift, $70 PH 726-6506 St. John’s Street, Kilbride. Gifts for all Moms plus (Avalon) more, $3 admission Children Under 12 NEWFOUNDLAND 50, very good condi- Free, Door Prize, $3 PH 368-1950 St. John’s tion, dated 1919, $25 PH 726-6506 St. (Avalon) John’s (Avalon) 1949 Silver Dollar, commemorating NFLD to Confederation in 1949 depicting the ship the Matthew, the ship of John Cabot, who discovered Newfoundland in 1497, below the ship is the phrase “Floreat, Terra Nova.”, on reverse is the image of George VI, encapsulated coin in a lined box, $50 PH 726-6506 St. John’s (Avalon)
NEWFOUNDLAND Coins, in an attractive plastic case, set of 6, each coin is in good condition and dated as follows: 50 1918, 25 1917, 10 1941, 5 1945, 1 (Large) 1936 and 1 (Small), $50 PH 726-6506 St. John’s (Avalon)
FLEA MARKET Sat, Apr 23 from 9am-12pm at St. Paul’s Junior High, Monies raised will go to the 1st Mary Queen of Peace Scouting Group to defray costs for camps etc. We plan to have tables featuring baked goods, NFLD Coin 20 Cents, dated 1912, good books, toys, small household goods, condition, in plastic case, $20 PH 726-6506 clothes, decorations etc, please contact St. John’s (Avalon) Martha via email for more information, PH NFLD Penny 1941, small Newfoundland 764-2363 St. John’s (Avalon) Penny, $5 PH 726-6506 St. John’s (Avalon) NFLD Postage Cover, 45th Anniversary of Discovery of Newfoundland for June 24th, 1947, $10 PH 726-6506 St. John’s (Avalon) FREE scrap metal removal, PH 689-1163 Conception Bay South (Avalon) NFLD Stamp Cover, Newfoundland Postage Cover with QEII dated April 21st, 1947, can FREE Sofa Chair, in excellent shape, don’t accept Paypal as a Payment Option, $10 PH have room for it, free, just take it away, PH 437-7555 or 687-8239 Torbay (Avalon) 726-6506 St. John’s (Avalon) OLD Time collector of Newfoundland coins and paper money wants to purchase your large inheritance or collection of high grade coins, 50 years of collecting means I know coins and paper money and will not knowingly be outbid by dealers here or from the Mainland. Coins have to be seen to make an offer! Contact Robert anytime, PH 7465334 (Avalon) WANTED, Old time collector of Newfoundland postcards would like to purchase Large collections of Newfoundland postcards as pictured. early 1900,s only. not interested in small quantities, sorry, contact Robert, PH 746-5334 (Avalon)
TANKS, 2 - 300gal double wall insulated fiberglass open top tanks, suitable for domestic water or many other applications around home, cabin or farm, both can be increased in volume, price is for each, $225 PH 744-2711 Conception Bay South (Avalon)
THREE Bedroom, 2 story house with big backyard, possibility to live rent free if you can do some renovations that are needed (upgrade the windows and insulation), email me to arrange a viewing, available WIND SPINNERS, Wooden figure for yard, May 1st Harbour Grace(Avalon), PH 899Andy Capp with beer bottle (and cigarette 3192 Harbour Grace (Avalon) ?) and Flo with rolling pin, Sylvester the cat and Tweety bird, airplanes + birds, and others, price is for each, $20 PH 683-2413 Bay Roberts (Avalon) ENGLISH Pounds, Are you going to the UK in the near future? I have 40 English pounds in coin form and 4 euros in coin form for sale for $50.00. If interested then give me a FOUND, Hunting knife with sheath. found call. Bob 746 5334 This is a great bargain near Danny Cormier’s farm in Codroy val- if you don’t mind the jingle in your pocket, ley. Beliieved to be lost by a goose hunter. $50 PH 746-5334 St. John’s (Avalon) I have your knife, if you can describe what it looks like, PH 596-0062 (Avalon)
GUITAR, new Takamine GD51 acousticrosewood back and sides-asking, also open to decent offers, $550 PH 569-2221 Lewisporte (Central) GUITAR, Takamine , GSeries (EG341SC) Acoustic Electric. Solid spruce top,mahogany back, rosewood frettboard, TP4T preamp (tuner). Well cared for, approximatley $700 to purchase new, $390 PH 693-1081 (Avalon) GUITAR, Takamine, 12-string electricacoustic, FP 400-S in excellent condition, includes hard-shell case, $600 PH 2561992 Gander (Central) WANTED Passive (Unpowered) Wedge Stage Monitors, please contact me if you have any for sale, PH 834-2500 or 7644153 Conception Bay South (Avalon)
STOLEN from my property located on Anchorage Road CBS, horse drawn spring tooth harrow, it has great sentimental value, if anyone has any information please call, reward is offered is information for the return of the item, PH 687-0156 or 834-9493 Conception Bay South (Avalon)
Washburn vintage 5 string banjo, MIXER, Yamaha 70 watt powered mixer, two WANTED, back, PH 745-1413 or 691-2455 Kustom speakers with cords, one Shure open microphone with cord, $250 PH 834-3384 (Avalon) (Avalon)
CAVENDISH Concert, 2 general tickets, $400 PH 258-6103 Bishop’s Falls (Central)
PIANO, 125 year old pump organ, in excellent condition, call for more details, PH 7543930 or 763-1888 St. John’s (Avalon)
JAMES Taylor, for Apr 22/23, front row center stage, Row A, for Friday or Saturday night, selling for the best offer, these are platinum tickets worth $750 to buy from Mile one, tickets in the first few rows are Platinum seating, PH 351-0538 St. John’s ACCORDION, Double Reed Beltone, good (Avalon) condition, $500 PH 394-1122 Pasadena (West)
PIANO, brand new, always babied and kept in a pet and child free home. Currently located at Collis studio in St.John’s but can deliver to Carbonear area, reason for selling lost interest, hardly used, $1,700 PH 680-2660 St. John’s (Avalon)
PICKUP, new Dimarzio - DP230 “The Angel” acoustic guitar soundhole pickup, reproduces the exact sound of an acoustic guitar, STOLEN, from my property, on Anchorage also open to decent offers, $150 PH 569Rd in CBS, a horse drawn spring tooth har- 2221 Lewisporte (Central) row, used for farming, great sentimental value, reward offered, PH 834-9493 or WANTED Passive (Unpowered) Wedge 687-0156 Conception Bay South (Avalon) Stage Monitors, please contact me if you have any for sale, PH 834-2500 or 7644153 Conception Bay South (Avalon) PEAVEY Keyboard Amp (KB 100), $120 PH 257-3346 or 572-3665 Botwood (Central)
2003 KIA Rio RSX, 4 door Standard transmission, almost 100,000 kilometers, lots of new parts including clutch, pressure plate, fuel pump, total front and rear brakes, etc. have receipts for all parts, recently safety inspected and licensed until February 2017, PH 571-1574 or 571-1574 Conception Bay South (Avalon) 2004 POLARIS Edge Touring 800, no rips, 4000 miles, 4 stroke, electric start, reverse, new carbides, new battery, Looking to trade for a motorcycle, will add cash is necessary, PH 746-8767 St. John’s (Avalon) 2007 Suzuki GS 500f, mint condition, for trade or sale, has joe rocket leather pants gloves and coat, bike has performance exhaust,sounds great, 7500 kilometers, looking for 4x4 truck, $3,000 PH 6910825 or 691-0825 Bell Island (Avalon)
PIANO, Kimball Console, full size (88 keys), in excellent condition, Walnut finish, needs price negotiable, buyer must move it, ACCORDION, very good used Hohner tuning, $1,200 PH 290-4889 or 489-9172 Grand Coronna IIIR made in Germany, has a nice Falls - Windsor (Central) sweet and warm, signature Hohner sound, tuning is GCF, great compression as well, PIANO, new Yamaha YDP-162 B Arius comes with straps and a nice case, $1,409 Digital Piano, paid retail $1,849.99 + tax 4 PH 569-2221 Lewisporte (Central) months ago; never used, suitable for players as well as beginners, the WANTED 4 stock accordion with red and advanced Graded Hammer action with Synthetic grey bellows, key of G or D, PH 745-1413 new Ivory Keytops are weighted to match the or 691-2455 (Avalon) resistance of hammers in a grand piano, and now Synthetic Ivory Keytops give that porous, tactile feel you would only expect from an acoustic piano manufacturer like Yamaha, $1,000 PH 765-3627 St. John’s GUITAR, Alvarez Masterworks 12-string (Avalon) Acousitc with after-market pickup, great shape, solid wood Spruce top, Mahogany back and sides, Maple Fretboard, no case, Model MD710-12, $500 PH 596-2727 Carbonear (Avalon) BOSS Electronic Drummer, DR 670, willing GUITAR, flattop beautiful, $400 PH 834- to trade for something of equal value and of 8468 or 728-8957 Conception Bay South interest, $250 PH 596-7541 Carbonear (Avalon) (Avalon)
ATARI Games, 11 in total, also willing to trade for n64 games or accessories, $70 FREE, 3 garment boxes used for moving and PH 277-7534 St. John’s (Avalon) storage, first to call and they are yours, PH 576-3313 St. John’s (Avalon) CAMERA LENS, Cambron 400 mm telephoto lens with tripod mount and adapter, HORSE MANURE, not much sawdust, good willing to trade for salmon rod of equal for lawn or vegetable garden, approx 10 value, adapter fits Nikon, PH 279-4634 pickup loads, PH 334-3868 Mobile (Avalon) Marystown (Avalon) DOG, Pure bred Rottweiler, looking for a FOR TRADE 1990+ 250cc or higher dirt new forever home, owner moving into a bike, will trade a 1999 Pontiac Sunfire GT, senior complex and not allowed. comes with 2dr, 5-speed standard, 4cyl for it, PH 684home, bowls, food, leash, etc, good to a 2250 Tizzard’s Harbour (Central) good home, contact for more information, PH 723-2059 St. John’s (Avalon) Honda Big Red 250 and a Honda Fourtrax 250, looking to trade for an automatic atv or a 3030 and 12 gauge rifle, PH 6772193 Eastport (Central)
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Current until April 29, 2016 Issue 984 Copyright© 2016 The Newfoundland Buy & Sell Magazine Inc.
DRUM KIT, Peavy, 5 piece, with additional items, barely ever used and in excellent condition, comes with hi-hat, drum stool, Gibraltar double-kick pedal, Sabian B8 thin crash cymbal with stand, $500 PH 690- BOOK, Hockey Night in Canada Foster Hewitt Tells the Maple Leafs Story. Hard 3823 or 229-4231 Chapel’s Cove (East) Cover. Second Edition 1961. 244 pages. DRUM, 1970 Ludwig Tom 9x13 Red Sparkle Dust Jacket in poor shape. Book in good Awesome Tone Nice and Deep, $300 PH shape. Some black and white pictures 458-3190 (West) throughout. I also accept paypal as a payment option, $10 PH 726-6506 St. John’s (Avalon) BOOK, The Lusitania Disaster, Hardcover Published in 1975 by Thomas A. Bailey and Paul B. Ryan. Dust Jacket damage but book in Great Shape. 383 pages.16 Black and White pictures in middle of book. many illustrations throughout. We also payplal as a payment option, $10 PH 726-6506 St. John’s (Avalon)
ACCORDION Lessons, The PHD’s of The Button Accordion - Uncle Billy - New Condition This Instruction book is designed for those who do not read music but want to learn to play or increase their skill in playing the button accordion, book contains all the materials that will help you to play the Button Accordion, and is accompanied by a Cd with each tune recorded twice - in the Key of C and the key of D, some of the recorded tunes have the ornamentation (cuts) included, accept paypal as a payment option, $30 BOOK, 1927 Stanley Gibbons Priced Catalogue of Stamps of the Whole World A PH 726-6506 St. John’s (Avalon) rare volume of interest to both book and AMP, Traynor Reverb Mate TRM-30, in good stamp collectors, spine is missing, paper volshape, 30 Watt, 10”, offers 4 band equal- ume itself is in fair to good condition, $180 ization, gain control, headphone output, 2 PH 000-0000 St. John’s (Avalon) switchable channels and reverb, 8 x 15.5 x 14.5 Dimensions (DWH, cm) 22 x 52 x 37 BOOK, Original - “History of the World.” Weight (lbs / kg) 21 / 9.5, contact for more vol.II - Published in 1893. History of the information, $60 PH 770-8469 Paradise World. Complied by Nugent Robinson Vol. II. New York: Peter Fenelon Collier, Publisher (Avalon) 1893. Pages 813 to 1571. Approx 5 pages DOUBLE Bass, 1950/60’s plywood double missing. Some Spine Damage. Few pages bass, great sounding, comes with padded loose, 99% of the pages in very good condigig bag, bow & rosin, price is firm, $2,500 tion. We also accept paypal as a payment PH 693-7116 St. John’s (Avalon) option, $12 PH 726-6506 St. John’s (Avalon) Excellent Hammond Electric Organ - 125 XL Series - in excellent condition. Price negotiable, $1,600 PH 535-0264 (Central) ORGAN, Old-Fashioned Pump Organ, with stool, good condition, works perfect, price is BOOKS, 1st year books cost me over $600 or nearest offer, $200 PH 541-6464 Loon new, will sell individually or a VERY good deal if bought all at once, 2nd year books Bay (Central) cost $300 new and will do same offer with SINGING machine, STVG888w singing these as with first books, instructor says these machine classic Karaoke, with color video, books will be used again in this course, $1 plus Shania Twain vocal tracks and Dj’s PH 769-5333 St. John’s (Avalon) choice, 50’s hits, $175 PH 237-2120 or BOOKS, Selling a slew of MUN text books! 728-4248 St. John’s (East) email or txt/call YAMAHA 250 Clarinet, excellent condition, 769-9911, $1 PH 631-9564 or 579-3440 recent maintenance completed, $350 PH St. John’s (Avalon) 468-6393 Bonavista (East)
EXERCISE Bike, call for more information, BIKE, childs, with training wheels, excellent $30 PH 754-5173 St. John’s (Avalon) condition, also new helmet, price is for each, $15 PH 687-0821 (Avalon) EXERCISE bike, great shape, adjustable seat, tension, handle bars, digital display, BIKE, Felt ZW series woman’s small, suitable from non smoking house, live in Bay Roberts for triathlon, tires are Felt speed AW 700X25 area but do travel to St. John’s for work, $75 puncture resistant, used only few times since May/2015, bought new for $902.87, owner PH 699-5503 Makinsons (Avalon) leaving province, $575 PH 277-2135 RELAXER, Energym, power, price is or near- Torbay (Avalon) est offer, $60 PH 690-8474 (Avalon) BIKE, Giant MTX 240 hard tail mountain TEMPO Fitness bike, in mint condition, used bike, Giant is premium quality manufacturonly a few times, any reasonable offer er, alloy frame and fork, front shocks, accepted, PH 364-7400 or 745-7444 Shimano derailleur, alloy crank and handleMount Pearl (Avalon) bars, quick release seat and wheel, 24” rims, great condition, 21 speed, solid TREADMILL, BodyBreak, works like a charm, alloy lightweight, size suitable for say 9-12 programable to suit personal needs, incline, and year, call or text, $175 PH 368-4149 Mount cal counter, etc, folds for easy storage, and Pearl (Avalon) space saver, please call/txt or email, $150 PH 769-9911 or 221-1929 St. John’s BIKE, Rocky Mountain bike, in excellent con(Avalon) dition, 20” tires, 6 gears, front suspension, and rear brakes, bought at Cycle TREADMILL, Weslo Crosswalk 365E, rarely front in Corner Brook 2 years ago for used, price is or nearest offer, $400 PH 237- Solutions $400, price is or nearest offer, $175 PH 3876 Paradise (Avalon) 489-0443 or 486-0099 Grand Falls WEIGHTS, 200lb steel weights, sit up bench, Windsor (Central) straight bar, curl bar, dumbbell, $200 PH BIKE, Super Cycle 12-speed pedal bike, 834-9784 Topsail (Avalon) men’s, $90 PH 754-5173 St. John’s WEIGHTS, includes bench, cables and (Avalon) access, $50. Also a Sears work out bench BIKES, 2 full sized men’s Tim Horton Rally $20, $50 PH 782-0655 (Avalon) pedal bikes, price is for both, $250 PH 6910751 St. John’s (Avalon)
BOOK about Trudeau family, call for details, RECLINER, Sears electric recliner, $350 PH PH 656-3111 (Central) 334-3790 Mobile (Avalon) BOOK, The Railway Telegrapher, August 1944, Vol LXI Number 8. 65 Pages. A WALK in tub, in outstanding condition, Monthly Publication by the Order of $1,000 PH 486-4641 Grand Falls Railroad Telegraphers in St. Louis Mo. Windsor (Central) Articles include: “National War Labour WALKER, Folding Medical Walker with Board Orders Six-Cent Increase for wheels and adjustable height, $75 PH 123Canadian Railway Workers.” and “Attention. 1267 Conception Bay South (Avalon) M. B.D. Polyholders in Canada and Newfoundland”. I also accept paypal as a WHEELCHAIR, Standard lightweight wheelpayment option, $20 PH 726-6506 St. chair, Breezy model 510, approximate retail John’s (Avalon) price $1,200, $150 PH 634-5071 Corner Brook (West) BOOKS, Over 300, price ranges from $1$2 each, in excellent condition, PH 7548102 St. John’s (Avalon)
IS DRINKING CAUSING PROBLEMS? WANTED “Ghosts Hero’s & Oddities” book by Jack Fitzgerald. Must be in MINT condition with NO markings, PH 747-2130 or Alcoholics Anonymous can help. If you want to drink, that’s your business If 747-2130 St. John’s (Avalon) you can not stop, we at AA can help. WANTED “Newfoundland Adventures” Call 1-888-579-5215 or visit us on the book by Jack Fitzgerald. Must be in MINT web at, (Avalon) condition with NO markings, PH 747-2130 or 747-2130 St. John’s (Avalon) WANTED “Remarkable Stories Of Newfoundland” book by Jack Fitzgerald. Must b in MINT condition with NO mark- SELF Help Tapes, 17 Great Inspirational ings, PH 747-2130 or 747-2130 St. John’s “Self Help” Casette Tapes by psychiatrist and best-selling author, M.Scott Peck. With such (Avalon) titles as “People of the Lie”, “The Road Less WANTED “Ten Steps To The Gallows” book Travelled”, Blame and Forgiveness and by Jack Fitzgerald, must be in MINT condi- “Toward a Psychology of Evil”. Great tion with NO markings, PH 747-2130 or Bargain at; $12.00 for anyone with a cas747-2130 St. John’s (Avalon) sette recorder. I accept paypal as a payment option, $12 PH 726-6506 St. John’s WANTED “Ten Steps To The Gallows” book (Avalon) by Jack Fitzgerald, must be in MINT condition with NO markings, PH 747-2130 or 747-2130 St. John’s (Avalon)
WANTED to buy book The Bay in the Boy By Otto Lawrence contact Rev. Fizzard, PH 6622306 Grand le Pierre (Avalon) WANTED to buy Book, The Bay in the Boy By Otto Lawrence, PH 662-2306 Grand le Pierre (Avalon)
AIR RIFLE, in excellent shape, $70 PH 7855733 Corner Brook (West) AMMO, 45-70, 17 rounds, 300 grain reload, make an offer, PH 437-5454 or 437-5454 Torbay (East) AMMO, 7.64x54R, 200 rds, $15 for 20rds, PH 596-0062 (Avalon) AMMO, for 44 magnum , Winchester brand, 20 per box, PH 596-0062 (Avalon) AMMO., 25-20 ammo, Winchester brand, box of 50, PH 596-0062 (Avalon) AMMUNITION, .38 special, hollow point, 158 gr, have several boxes for sale, PH 596-0062 (Avalon) AMMUNITION, Rifle blanks, pistol blanks, old ammo: Dominion, Cannuck, Wzzbang 22, etc. Tell me what you are looking for, I may have it among my junk, PH 5960062 (Avalon) BARREL for Cooey 12 ga. 30 in. full choke, excellent condition. price on request, PH 596-0062 (Avalon)
FIREARM, .303 rifle, sporterized, shinny bore, excellent shooter, price on request, $1 PH 596-0062 (Avalon)
BOOK, The End of the Line The Newfoundland Railway in Pictures by Clayton D. Cook. The photographs reproduced in this book are the fruit of more than 20 years of collecting and have been made available to me by various sources, including public photo collections, professional photographers and many enthusiastic amateurs. Good Condition. Published 1989, 8 1/2” x 11”. Note: I Am Now Also Accept WANTED January 2015 copy of Readers Payments via Paypal, $30 PH 726-6506 St. Digest has Bill Clinton on the cover, price John’s (Avalon) negotiable, PH 895-3393 St. John’s WANTED “Rogues & Branding Irons” book (Avalon) by Jack Fitzgerald. Must be in MINT condition with NO markings, PH 747-2130 or 747-2130 St. John’s (Avalon)
WANTED “The Stroke Of Champions” book by Jack Fitzgerald. Must be in MINT condition with NO markings, PH 747-2130 or 747-2130 St. John’s (Avalon)
.22 SEMI-Automatic, NEW clip magazines to fit COOEY, SAVAGE and LAKEFIELD MOSBERG, call for details, PH 596-0062 (Avalon)
BIKES, 2, mountain bike, one army green colour, 18 speed, other sliver in colour, BARREL for Winchester pump action 12 BATH Chair/Transfer Bench supporting shocks in front, price is for each, $100 PH ga., 30 in.plain, good condition Call for hand rail, adjustable legs with suction cups, 351-4107 (Avalon) Details, PH 596-0062 (Avalon) $80 PH 123-1267 Conception Bay South BIKES, 21-speed CCM youth’s bike, also an BARRELLS, Have 2 barrels for Colt 45 acp (Avalon) 18-speed Sierra Adult super cycle, price is 1911, have a bbl, that looks like for DR Scholl’s Comfort Plus Foot Bath with for each, $30 PH 745-2883 St. John’s German Luger 08 8 in. bbl, PH 596-0062 Bubbles with multiple settings for heat, mas- (Avalon) (Avalon) sage and invigorating bubbles, 3 interchangeable massage attachments, 6 acu- BIKES, one girls approx 18” was used by 15 BBLS, set of over/under bbls, for Biakal pressure rollers , built-in pour spout for easy year old and one boys 16” owned by 10 shotgun, call for details, PH 596-0062 cleanup, $10 PH 596-5992 Victoria year old, PH 687-9411 (Avalon) (Avalon) (Avalon) CHILDS trike, suitable for ages 2-4, in good BOW, 2013 Hoyt Spyder 34, left hand, 50ELECTRIC Water Pik, Dental Hygiene Oral condition, $20 PH 739-0662 St. John’s 60 lbs, RKT 2 cam, 27 29 draw length curHealth, $10 PH 726-6506 St. John’s (Avalon) rently set at 28 1/2 draw length with 2D (Avalon) modules on the RKT cams, comes with Girls 16” Dream Dazzler bike, training quiver, stabilizer, arrows, spare blades, $30 wheels incl, great condition, PH 237ELECTRONIC Adjustable bed, extra long string, case, in like new condition, replaceZedbed, with remote, 3 pieces, mattress, 1571 St. John’s (East) ment cost over $2500, price is for the foundation, & middle electronics, like new, entire package, $1,000 PH 651-3879 WANTED to buy a boys 20” bike, must be in quite comfortable with fully adjustable head Gander (Central) good condition, PH 364-5034 Goulds and foot, great for someone with (or without) any health issues, $1,635 PH 535- (Avalon) DETACHABLE Magazine for Mauser 98 7262 (Central) rifle, 30.06, 270, 308..etc., new, PH 5960062 (Avalon)
BOOKS, softcover, Twilight Saga: Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Breaking dawn, $20 PH 214-1729 Stephenville Crossing (West)
BOOK, Enemy on Our Doorstep by Steve Neary - Germans Attack Bell Island, Newfoundland. On September 5, 1942 a German U-Boat attacked Bell Island, Newfoundland. Note: I Am Now Also Accept Payments via Paypal, $30 PH 7266506 St. John’s (Avalon)
CHEW THE FAT OFF Check out the Super 7 For Weight Loss, Diabetes and High Blood Pressure, and Cholesterol, PH 424-6903 (Central)
YAKIMA Bike rack for mounting on a spare tire on rear of vehicle, holds 2 bikes. excellent condition, $75 PH 685-6112 Portugal Cove (Avalon)
26” Cannondale Moto 3 Carbon full suspension mountain bike mint condition, Fox floater 4.0 rear shock, rockshock Lerick hight adjustable front suspension with adjustable rate and lock out, stroker hydraulic brakes and rotors, full carbon fiber frame with flat black accents with red pinstripes, fatty tapered bars, titanium hardware and gears and chain (27 speed) 3 sets of tires, on road maxxis hook worms 2.5”, off road German hand made Kevlar Mountain King 2.4” and Maxxis minion Down hill 2.7” steel belted, Defender fendAB CIRCLE Pro, price or nearest offer, $100 ers, Fizzilk seat, Cannondale tool kit included. Call for more details. Priced $1500.00 PH 467-5609 Clarenville (East) or nearest offer, $1,500 PH 728-6230 St. AEROPilates Exercise Machine, brand new, John’s (Avalon) never used, call for more information, price is or nearest offer, $400 PH 689-3670 St. BICYCLES, one girls and one boys, one year old, hardly used, in excellent condition, John’s (Avalon) make a reasonable offer, PH 687-9411 BOWFLEX Xceed, only set up and used Ferryland (Avalon) once, brand new the gym is $1300, lifetime warranty on machine, purchased 2 months BIKE, CCM Coaster brake, 12-speed, ago, $700 PH 690-8555 or 697-5606 men’s, $50 PH 754-5173 St. John’s (Avalon) (Avalon)
FIREARM, Magazines 303, Mod.98 Mauser and .22 rifles, PH 596-0062 (Avalon) FIREARM, Pump action shotguns, one COLEMAN Lantern, selling for less than half Winchester, one Remington and one price, lantern is like new, $50 PH 533-6157 Savage, price on request, PH 596-0062 (Avalon) Glovertown (Central) COOLER and Water Bucket, price is for FIREARM, Savage (CIL. made by Savage) both, call for details, $20 PH 682-5697 St. 12 ga. 30 in.vent rib, excellent condition. Full choke Savage (CIL made by savage) John’s (Avalon) 30 in. full choke, 3 in. chamber, excellent ROOFTOP Carrier, new Swiss rooftop cargo condition, PH 596-0062 (Avalon) carrier, black, dual sided locking system, minimal wind resistance, keys can only be FIREARM, stock and barrel for Winchester removed once lid is securely closed, 12 pump/semi or Cooey. Contact for more Cu.Ft. exterior dimensions: 15.8”H X 24”W info, PH 596-0062 (Avalon) X 88.5”D, purchased but never used, $250 GUN Stock, butt stock for Winchester PH 730-0301 Holyrood (Avalon) pump action, birch, refinished, 30” bbl for SLEEPING BAG, rated for -45F, $300 PH Winchester pumpaction shotgun, PH 5960062 (Avalon) 785-5733 Corner Brook (West) SURVIVAL Kit, great Christmas gift for any GUN stocks, several for sale. Contact for type of vehicle, everything in fanny pack. details, PH 596-0062 (Avalon) Contact for more info, $20 PH 477-2026 or GUN, 16 ga. bbl., rear, adjustable sight, 468-0207 Port Union (Avalon) with windage adjustment for 303, No 3,R TENT, 6 man, used once last summer, $100 Rear adjustable sight for No.4. 303 P.O.R, PH 425-0857 or 466-7378 Clarenville $25 PH 596-0062 (Avalon) (Avalon) GUN, 22 Lever action, with scope, mint TENT, 7 man, still in original packaging, condition, $300 PH 463-0109 (Avalon) never opened, $20 PH 221-2871 St. John’s GUNSTOCKS, several, butt stocks, mostly (Avalon) for 303s, one for Savage mod. 99, PH TENT, four man, with outside rails, has floor, 596-0062 (Avalon) and is in good condition, $40 PH 576-4289 HANDGUN, .22 American Classic, semi (Avalon) automatic, 2 clips, $375 PH 463-0109 WANDERER 4 Tent, in excellent condition, (Avalon) sleeps 4 people, includes groundsheet(foot- HANDGUN, Smith and Wesson .38 calprint) in its own bag, fly, and all poles(in own iber, excellent condition, two grips, bag).Blue and white in colour, $200 PH Prohibited PAL required (not restricted), 256-1992 Gander (Central) $400 PH 725-1403 Conception Bay South WANTED: Propane stove, 4 burners, with (Avalon) oven, in good working condition, 24” per- HANDGUN, Taurus 24/7 Tactical OSS pisfered, PH 691-2455 or 745-1413 Mount tol, with polymer frame and metal slide, Pearl (Avalon) comes with 3 mags, cleaning kit and hard case with cutouts for all parts, loaded with features: decocker, built in lock which locks both the trigger and slide using an included key, striker fired, loaded chamber indiSCUBA gear, wet suit, 2 tanks one only used cator, and more, RPAL and range memberonce, BC, regulators, mask, fins, weights ship required, $550 PH 682-4583 Mount and knife, PH 535-3949 or 541-1975 Pearl (Avalon) (Central) HUNTING Dvd, my hunting dvd’s made SCUBAPRO X-tek Buoyancy Compensator, here in Placentia Bay Newfoundland, includes: X-TEK HS Wing stainless steel based on our hunting heritage, selections backplate, single tank adapter, X-TEK form include “A Day on the Water Jigging for harness, QR weight pockets, BC Whip only Cod”, “A Day in the Woods Moose used for 105 dives, $1,000 PH 753-3110 Hunting”, “A Fine Trip Out Turr Hunting”, or 743-8500 St. John’s (Avalon) and “Dogs Rabit Hunting”, makes a great gift, 90 mins long, $15 PH 685-4388 St. John’s (Avalon)
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1700 - 1745 • Sports & Recreation
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Like New 2013 Left Handed PSE pro series Compound Bow. Dream Season Vendetta Model in HD Camo Fast bow that Shoots 330 fps Call for more details, $425 PH 425-1070 Clarenville (Avalon) QUANTITY of 12 gauge shotgun wads and primers, PH 596-0062 (Avalon) RELOADER, Mec-600 ,12 ga. reloader. NEW condition. unused, $175 PH 5960062 (Avalon)
Current until April 29, 2016 Issue 984 Copyright© 2016 The Newfoundland Buy & Sell Magazine Inc.
SHOTGUN, 12 gauge Winchester Mod. 37, WANTED Magazine for Remington Savage 30 ‘ full choke, walnut stock, this is not a Axis 22-250, looking for a 4 round clip, willCooey, PH 596-0062 (Avalon) ing to trade a 400 mm telephoto camera lens to fit a Canon or Nikon, PH 279-4634 SHOTGUN, Remington 870 Express Super Marystown (Avalon) Magnum 3.5” 28” barrel, synthetic stock, front and rear mount swivel studs, raised WANTED used rods and reels, call for vent rib,super soft recoil pad plus original details, PH 744-1005 Conception Bay South Remington recoil pad, Remington choke (Avalon) wrench with three Remington interchangeable chokes full modified and improved cylinder new soft gun case, trigger lock, ammo for s/gun listed in next ad, $400 PH 437-5454 or 437-5454 Torbay (East)
RELOADING Dies, set, for 7.65x53 Mauser, call for details, PH 596-0062 (Avalon) STOCK for Savage 110, Walnut, also have for same gun, PH 596-0062 REMINGTON Ar-15, Model R-15 Tasco Pro magazine Point Scope lights up red and green (Avalon) Adjustable butt Strap Muzzel Carry case 2 WANTED, guns will buy your unwanted guns mags, $900 PH 697-2840 St. John’s at fair market value, don’t cut them up, sell (Avalon) them to me and then buy something you RIFLE casings, Brass rifle casings, 7mm, want/need, PH 596-0062 (Avalon) 7mm mag, 300 win. mag, etc. Call for WANTED, Remington Savage Axis magaDetails once fired,$20. per 20 casings, PH zine for 22-250, willing to trade for a 400 596-0062 (Avalon) mm cambron telephoto lens to fit canon or camera, PH 279-4634 Marystown RIFLE Cooey Mod. 75 blt. action single shot nikon (Avalon) .22, PH 596-0062 (Avalon) Winchester 94 (Pre-64 preferred), RIFLE Magazine, magazine for Winchester WANTED, Model 100. 308/243. Contact for more PH 728-1776 St. John’s (Avalon) info, PH 596-0062 (Avalon) RIFLE, 17 HMR Marlin bolt action rifle with a vx2 leupold scope case, 2 boxes of ammo, gun only fired once, selling because I have another one just like it, gun and scope cost $700 four months ago, serious inquires only, will need to be sighted in, $500 PH (403) 466-9655 or 7862025 Bay Roberts (Avalon) RIFLE, 270 bolt action, drop out clip, new scope, call for more information, PH 7882472 Bay Roberts (Avalon) RIFLE, 308 Mohawk Bolt action, excellent condition, $425 PH 463-0109 (Avalon) RIFLE, H & R 22-250 Rifle, excellent sealing gun, never used, single Action rifle with Simons scope, $400 PH 689-1801 Bay Roberts (Avalon) SCOPE, Bushell 2xMP T-dot optic, can be set to several levels of brightness in either red or green reticle, has a fixed 2X magnification and also has a set of fixed pistol sights mounted on top so even if the batteries die at a bad time, you’re never without a way to aim your firearm, is waterproof, shockproof and fogproof, will sell or maybe trade for some 5.56, .45ACP or 9mm ammo, $150 PH 682-4583 Mount Pearl (Avalon) SHOTGUN BBL for Franchi shotgun, 25”, ideal for rabbit hunting etc, $125 PH 5960062 (Avalon) SHOTGUN Choke for Browning 10 ga. ‘turkey tube’ new, PH 596-0062 (Avalon) SHOTGUN primers, 1000 Dominion Primers, 10 packs of 100, still in original box, No. 3B, these are mfg by CIL Canadian Industries Limited, make an offer, don’t want to break the box, PH 5960062 (Avalon) SHOTGUN shells, for Remington Express super magnum, Ammo Black Cloud 3 1/2” 2 1 box, Federal 3 1/2” BB 22 shells, Winchester expert 3 1/2” 2 -8 shells, Winchester 3 1/2” BB 1 box, mixed box 3” BB-6,3”4- 5,3”2- 1, would like to sell all together, getting out of waterfowl hunting, make and offer for all, $125 PH 437-5454 or 437-5454 Torbay (East)
GOLF BAG, new, black with green trim, $35 PH 834-9220 or 834-9220 Conception Bay South (Avalon) GOLF CLUBS, One Taylormade R-7 with head cover $40. One Nike Driver with head cover $30. One Wilson Driver with head cover $20. One Northwestern Driver $10. One Intech 5 Wood $10. Golf Balls used $5 for one dozen or $60 for 20 dozen, $150 PH 786-9732 Bay Roberts (Avalon)
GOLF EQUIPMENT, 16 Piece Tour Force 2 4OZ. Salt Water Jig, many colors & glow in clubs and Bomber drivers come with bag, the dark, have more then I need, $5 PH will sell clubs separately, Tour Force Irons 3691-8483 Holyrood (Avalon) 9, Bomber Driver Tour Model 9.5, Batter tour model 20, spoon tour model 15, 845s CAMERA LENS, Cambron 400 mm telepho- Silver Scot 4@ 24, 5@28, 8@40-P@ 48, to lens with tripod mount and adapter, will- Tour Force W, putter, bag, call for pricing ing to trade for salmon rod of equal value, 589-4105, $30 PH 596-7541 Carbonear adapter fits Nikon, PH 279-4634 (Avalon) Marystown (Avalon) HELMET, Icon, glow in the dark, size XL, COD jiggers homemade, for fall fishery, 3 barely worn, comes with a protective bag, different sizes, 2oz jiggers 4 for $10, 3oz jig- price is or nearest offer, please email me or gers 3 for $10, 5oz jiggers 5 for $20, the call, $180 PH 221-2232 St. John’s (Avalon) more you buy the better the deal, call, email or text me, $10 PH 697-1442 Mount Pearl KAYAK, inflatable, for one person, three (Avalon) chamber inflation for safety, includes manual, comfortable seat with back support, and COD Jiggers, Homemade, 3 different sizes adjustable length paddle with drip rings, 2, 3 and 5oz, 2oz -4 for $10, 3oz - 3 for actual sale items pictured, original price $10, 5oz - 5 for $20, call text or email me $183 including tax, $80 PH 634-7307 today, $10 PH 697-1442 Mount Pearl Corner Brook (West) (Avalon) Life Jacket Set, Keep-A-Float Universal COPPER kettle, for camp stove or outdoor Personal Flotation Device, 2 vests plus PFD fires, hand made from copper sheet, heavy vented storage case, new, never used, chest gage metal will last a long time, will hold size 30 -50, price is for the set, $50 PH 634approx 6 cups of water, call kevin at 425- 7307 Corner Brook (West) 1668 or walt at 543-2411, $75 PH 5432411 or 425-1668 (Central) One screen tent size 12by12 7ft high never used, $50 PH 834-5106 or 834-5106 FISHING ROD Repair kit, eyes, tips, call for Kelligrews (Avalon) more details, PH 744-1005 Conception Bay South (Avalon) RIDING Gear, Thor riding boots Size 12, great condition, price is or best offer, $100 HUNTING DVDs, made here in Placentia PH 528-3002 Marysvale (Avalon) Bay Newfoundland, based on our hunting heritage, there is a day on the water jigging SEA-DOO Aqua Master inflatable, top for cod, a day in the woods moose hunting, speed 4.0 km/h, weight capacity 2 riders, a fine trip out turr hunting and last is a great not more than 400 lbs total, carefully used, run on the dogs rabbit hunting, makes a all parts in excellent condition, includes great gift, 90 mins long, $15 PH 685-4388 manual, battery, charger and storage case, St. John’s (Avalon) actual sale items pictured, original price including tax $282, $120 PH 634-7307 ORVIS Guide/sling pack, this pack is roomy Corner Brook (West) and good for gear, lunch and jacket, barely used, like new, wonderful for on the river, SOCCER Cleats, men’s size 6.5/Women’s downsizing my gear, price is or nearest offer, size 8, white w/Black Soccer Cleats, new $60 PH 548-2872 Little Heart’s Ease (East) condition never used, listed on for $110 USD ($145 CDN), $100 PH 368ORVIS sling pack, sling pack for fly fishing 2407 Mount Pearl (Avalon) which replaces fishing vest, easy to carry, perfect for on the river, barely used, down- WANTED to by one pair of roller skates, size sizing my gear, price is or nearest offer, $50 11 or 12, PH 689-4593 (Avalon) PH 548-2872 Little Heart’s Ease (East)
SHOTGUN, .22 Cooey Mod.39, excellent PROPELLER and other parts for Johnson/Evenrude 110 hp, most parts will fit condition, PH 596-0062 (Avalon) from 75hp and up, PH 596-0062 (Avalon) SHOTGUN, Winchester Mod.12, excellent condition, walnut stock, 30 in, full choke, RELOADER For 12 gauge, Horindy mod.366 progressive reloader, going for 2.3/4 chamber, PH 596-0062 (Avalon) half price, reason for selling have no use for SHOTSHELL reloader, Ponness Warren , it, PH 596-0062 (Avalon) progressive 8 shell, 12 ga, loads 8 shells on turret at one time, new was $1100, TRAILER, 20’ boat trailer, $1,700 PH 629price is or best offer, PH 596-0062 3703 or 571-4772 Chanceport (Central) (Avalon) 1800 - 1865 • Wanted
FIELD Turf, call for details, $1 PH 651-2842 or 677-3002 Gander (Central)
BOYS Ice Hockey Equipment, Bauer Vapor Skates. Size 1.5, very good condition, $60. Reebok Chest protector $25. Bauer Chest protector $25. CCM Gloves $20. Easton Elbow pads $20. Easton Gloves $20. Bauer WANTED - Lower unit for 1980s Mercury Supreme Pants $25, $1 PH 727-7401 or 20hp short shaft outboard motor or know where to find one, PH 683-2413 Bay 727-7401 Mount Pearl (Avalon) Roberts (Avalon) CCM 50 Skates Sz 2 Youth, gently worn, from a pet and smoke free home, $25 PH WANTED 23’ fiberglass boat, contact with details, PH 846-3271 McCallum (Central) 728-2710 St. John’s (Avalon) GOALIE Pads, Itech GP 3000 31” black WANTED a 14’ aluminum boat, call with goalie pads, all other items sold, PH 687- details, PH 834-2813 Conception Bay South (Avalon) 0894 or 687-0894 Kilbride (Avalon) HOCKEY Gear, sizes youth xs-s, $100 PH WANTED to buy a 12’ aluminum or plastic 427-8214 or 663-1116 Clarenville (East) boat in good condition and reasonably priced, PH 468-2839 Bonavista (East) SKATES, Bauer Supreme, one90, size 8.5D, skates like new condition, used 12 games, WANTED Fiberglass boat, 18-20’, with too small for me, Lightspeed2 CLEAR hold- good motor, no fiberglass over wood, PH ers, super light top of line skates for a frac- 464-3846 Champneys (Avalon) tion of the price, price is or nearest offer, WANTED Scanoe, call for details, PH 676$120 PH 691-8039 St. John’s (Avalon) 2120 or 422-4068 Gander Bay (Central) SKATES, boy’s size 10 (preschool/kindergarten) lightly used, like new, from non smoking house, in St. Johns often, $15 PH 222-0520 Makinsons (Avalon) WANTED to buy Radio Scanner or band SKI POLES, set of antique cane ski poles, radio, call with details, leave message, PH adult size, in good shape, can be used or 576-4289 St. John’s (Avalon) great for display in cabin or rec room, $30 WANTED black under cabinet CD player PH 596-3330 Carbonear (Avalon) and radio, see photo, PH 651-6768 STOMP Junior Goalie Pads & Gloves, excel- Gander (Central) lent like new condition, pads are 27-28+1 Sizing (Novice-Atom Size Goalies), gloves WANTED VHS Player, please contact me if are Junior Regular (Left-Catcher & Right- you have one to sell or give away, PH 351Blocker), set was over $1,500, when 4107 (Avalon) Ordered & Are High Quality, maybe one of the Best Sets of Equipment I Have Seen, fully adjustable Knee & Leg Channel to suit any young goalie. I-Tech Goalie Mask & Youth Goalie Pants Included, $500 PH 727-3662 WANTED to buy a liquid asphalt spray unit, or 437-6557 Torbay (Avalon) PH 424-1792 or 256-1994 Gander (Central) WANTED - ENGINE, Perkins, 3cyl diesel, entire engine or parts, working or not, PH 638-2065 Corner Brook (West) WANTED to buy a hydraulic pump to fit a 416 Cat backhoe (1989-92), call with details, PH 486-4493 or 486-5383 Bishop’s Falls (Central)
WANTED older style Bisset Dart Scoreboard, WANTED to buy a rear differential for a Cat call with details, PH 834-3770 Conception 426 Backhoe - 7BC serial number, PH 4893088 (Central) Bay South (Avalon) WANTED 2 Post Truck or Car lift, suitable for 11 foot ceiling, single phase power, PH 6482785 Port au Port (West) WANTED remote cabin in the Indian Bay WANTED Backhoe for older (1960/70’s ) Waters, eg Home Pond, Benton Pond, John Deere tractor, working condition or Indian Bay, First or Second Pond, Wings suitable for rebuilding, also looking for steel Pond etc, don’t have to be nothing fancy if tractor sled, PH 654-3301 Porterville you have one for sale or know of one let me (Central) know thanks, PH 685-8724 or 834-2443 Conception Bay South (Avalon) WANTED I need 16 pallets of small plastic containers brought from Montreal to WANTED Cabin or land near Grand Falls- Western or Central NL asap, PH 532-6800 Windsor area, would prefer a cabin that can or 532-2267 Baie Verte (Central) be accessible all year round (atv,skidoo,truck) and water frontage, PH WANTED John Deere backhoe engine, in 486-4893 Grand Falls - Windsor (Central) the 70s 4cyl diesel, PH 486-4031 or 2572059 (Central) WANTED cabin within 4 hr drive from St. John’s, must have road access spring WANTED looking for parts to fit a 1979 215 through fall and must be on or very near a cat excavator. give me a call or email me.if river or pond, some TLC okay as long as the you know where I can fine sum parts, PH building is structurally sound, PH 764-0285 466-7331 or 427-6454 Clarenville (East) or 764-0285 Conception Bay South WANTED parts for John Deere 1010 (Avalon) crawler tractor, specifically cylinder sleeves WANTED - looking for apartment or bed sit- or a complete engine, interested in other ting room, can pay up to $550, heat and parts or a tractor for parts, PH 654-3301 lights included, internet a bonus, PH 351- Porterville (Central) 4107 (Avalon) WANTED Rubber tire backhoe must be running, PH me or email, PH 770-7798 Conception Bay South (Avalon) Boys Goalie Ice Hockey Equipment, suitable for ages 8-12, all Reebok, Jr Gk Chest Protector, Goalie Helmet, Goalie Pants, WANTED - 4wheeler, price between $2009000INT Catcher Left, 9000INT Blocker $400, PH 221-0895 Goulds (Avalon) Right, Jr TK Pants, all in good condition, $575 PH 727-7401 or 727-7401 Mount WANTED - Front shaft for 1996 Big Bear WANTED - Blinds, 78 width x 80 height, PH 4x4, PH 545-2308 Plate Cove West (East) 221-2871 St. John’s (Avalon) Pearl (Avalon)
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Current until April 29, 2016 Issue 984 Copyright© 2016 The Newfoundland Buy & Sell Magazine Inc.
WANTED - Blue Mountain Pottery, animals only please, all colours green, blue, gold, red etc, willing 2 trade my unicorns, must be in mint condition, please phone, PH 747-2130 St. John’s (Avalon)
WANTED 2010-2012 Ford Fusion 6 speed manual transmission, working or not, I only need it for parts, need output shaft speed sensor, will buy whole transmission of necessary, call, text or email, PH 425-3581 Clarenville (Avalon)
WANTED - Doors, please call if you have any for sale, PH 221-2871 St. John’s WANTED 3/4 chassis for 1996 Chevrolet (Avalon) Silverado 2500, must be 4x4, call with details, PH 233-1952 (Avalon) WANTED snowblowers working or not, PH 770-7798 Conception Bay South (Avalon) WANTED a good shape 245/75/R16 preferably all terrain tire for a spare, let me WANTED three 5” Blue Mountain Pottery know what you have, PH 595-2399 Duckling’s in Harvest Gold drip (colour) Harbour Grace (Avalon) like the one in this photo 2 go with this lonely mother or willing 2 trade my uni- WANTED good set of 235/70/16 studded corns, see photos, must be in MINT condi- tires and rims for a 2009 Ford Escape, PH tion, PH 747-2130 or 747-2130 St. John’s 747-9594 or 727-7401 Mount Pearl (Avalon) (Avalon) WANTED Center section (firebox) for a Corner Brook Foundry “Humber 5” pot belly stove, PH 694-0770 or 634-3357 Corner Brook (West) WANTED Snap On tools. Call after 6pm or anytime weekends, PH 727-7401 or 7277401 Mount Pearl (Avalon)
WANTED FOR TRADE 1990+ 250cc or higher dirt bike, will trade a 1999 Pontiac Sunfire GT, 2dr, 5-speed standard, 4cyl for it, PH 684-2250 Tizzard’s Harbour (Central) WANTED Parts for 85 86 shadow 1100, please text, PH 986-5699 St. John’s (Avalon)
WANTED a puppy to become a family member in our loving home, looking for a puppy that will grow to be the same size (medium) & look exactly like “JACK” from the tv series Little House On The Prairie, not sure what breed he may be, or like “FREEWAY” a Lowchen from the tv series Hart To Hart, If anyone can help in any way to tell me what breed Jack is & where to find one of these beautiful dogs, please call Roy, PH 747-2130 St. John’s (Avalon) WANTED female kitten/cat, no older than 1 year old, PH 579-8539 St. John’s (Avalon)
WANTED rear bumper and associated parts to fit 1997 Bearcat, PH 834-4292 or 685-6699 conception bay south (Avalon)
WANTED “ improved modified “ choke to fit a 12ga, Winchester Speed Pump action shotgun, also wondering if anyone has any Heavy weight 13 shot from R.S.I, wanting different shot sizes to work on different loads, PH 334-3797 Tors Cove (Avalon) WANTED Magazine for Remington Savage Axis 22-250, looking for a 4 round clip, willing to trade a 400 mm telephoto camera lens to fit a Canon or Nikon, PH 2794634 Marystown (Avalon) WANTED to buy a boys 20” bike, must be in good condition, PH 364-5034 Goulds (Avalon) WANTED to by one pair of roller skates, size 11 or 12, PH 689-4593 (Avalon) WANTED Winchester 94 (Pre-64 preferred), PH 728-1776 St. John’s (Avalon)
WANTED - Full exhaust pipe and muffler for 2000 Dodge Caravan, please call, leave a message if no answer, PH 7693362 (Avalon)
WANTED to buy a full exhaust pipe and muffler for a 2004 Nissan Titan 5.6 King Cab, if you have this please email or call thanks, PH 477-2026 or 468-0207 Port Union (Avalon)
WANTED - bar fridge, PH 351-4107 (Avalon) WANTED - FARM Gate, barb wire, and a field sprayer for a 3-point hitch, PH 6856170 Chapel’s Cove (Avalon) WANTED - Plastic Model Kits, 1/24 scale cars, trucks, boats, planes, figurines etc, Amt Ertl, Revell monogram, Mpc, Polar lights, Lindberg etc, PH 683-2413 Bay Roberts (Avalon) WANTED containers, with our without plastic, let me know price, PH 279-4634 Marystown (Avalon) WANTED female kitten/cat, no older than 1 year old, PH 579-8539 St. John’s (Avalon) WANTED Wanted free laying chickens, PH 290-1599 Grand Falls - Windsor (Central)
WANTED Heavy Duty Equipment Mechanic to work on trucks, trailers, woods equipment, farm equipment, etc, PH 427-3398 WANTED to purchase a hard top for a 2 Lethbridge (Avalon) door 2010 Jeep Wrangler Islander, call with details, PH 596-2042 Victoria (Avalon) WANTED Heavy Duty Equipment Mechanic to work on trucks, trailers, woods equipWANTED PARTS for a 1998 XJ8 Jaguar, and ment, farm equipment, etc, PH 427-3398 an armrest/console for a 1999 Mazda Lethbridge (Avalon) Miata, PH 693-1711 Witless Bay (Avalon) WANTED January 2015 copy of Readers WANTED : Rear bumper for 1998 Ford Digest has Bill Clinton on the cover, price F150 Step Side Pick-up, I believe 1997 thru negotiable, PH 895-3393 St. John’s 2003 will fit, please text 709-486-6945 or (Avalon) call 709-489-6945, PH 489-6945 or 2903469 Grand Falls - Windsor (Central) WANTED Ladies clothes, size medium to large for a single parent mother, call or text WANTED Collector looking to purchase with any details, PH 427-4085 (Avalon) Newfoundland, Canada and U S silver WANTED Land to clear Firewood on, call coins, contact with details of collection you are selling, PH 749-7009 St. John’s WANTED 1995 or 1996 Land Rover for with details, PH 689-1163 (Avalon) (Avalon) parts, call Rocky 613-621-5405, PH (613) WANTED Magazine for Remington Savage 621-5405 (East) WANTED I am looking for a rangette, any Axis 22-250, looking for a 4 round clip, willneed ASAP, PH 693-1673 WANTED to buy 2004 and under Mercury ing to trade a 400 mm telephoto camera color, Grand Marquis, reasonably priced, rear lens to fit a Canon or Nikon, PH 279-4634 Whitbourne (Avalon) wheel drive, must be fuel injected, call with Marystown (Avalon) WANTED looking for a job on a longliner, details, leave message, PH 576-4289 St. have a Fishing Masters 4 ticket, if you have WANTED Mens leather clothing, size mediJohn’s (Avalon) um to large vest, jacket, size 34/32 pants, an opening please call Randy, PH 470WANTED Looking to rent to own a small 4 chaps, etc, call with details, PH 351-4107 0355 or 464-3846 Champneys (Avalon) dr automatic car, will pay $215/month, PH (Avalon) WANTED Newfoundland $2 gold coins, 364-2704 or 631-9211 Mount Pearl WANTED Passive (Unpowered) Wedge any year, any condition. Yes, I will pay you (Avalon) Stage Monitors, please contact me if you the best price for your coins guaranteed. I never knowingly be outbid by any dealWANTED NOT looking to take over existing have any for sale, PH 834-2500 or 764- will er here or from the mainland on your payments but willing to pay $900/month or 4153 Conception Bay South (Avalon) coins. Give me a call now. Will travel for $450 bi-weekly to pay off something with collections and I pay CASH, contact four wheel drive,4X4 or all wheel drive 99 WANTED small supplementary crab licence large and up, you keep vehicle until paid off, now or after season, PH 763-5998 (Avalon) Robert, PH 746-5334 (Avalon) please message me with offers AND pictures WANTED to buy a Class A Motorhome, WANTED NOT looking to take over existif interested or call Stephen, serious offers approx 27’ or 28’, in really good condition, ing payments but willing to pay only thank you, PH 699-5628 or 699-5628 would like 2005 or Newer; preferably with a $900/month or $450 bi-weekly to pay off St. John’s (Central) slide, bedroom with walk around bed, built- something with four wheel drive,4X4 or all in generator, A/C, Furnace, stove w/oven, wheel drive 99 and up, you keep vehicle microwave, back-up camera, looking for until paid off, please message me with Class “A” ONLY Please, PH 895-3274 offers AND pictures if interested or call Stephen, serious offers only thank you, PH Portugal Cove (Avalon) 699-5628 or 699-5628 St. John’s WANTED to buy book The Bay in the Boy By (Central) Otto Lawrence contact Rev. Fizzard, PH 662WANTED Old time collector of Coins and 2306 Grand le Pierre (Avalon) Banknotes wants to purchase your large WANTED to buy Book, The Bay in the Boy By collection of gold and silver coins.I am also Lawrence, PH 662-2306 Grand le interested in old banknotes especially WANTED I am looking for a old wooden Otto Newfoundland paper money items. Try the dynamite box like the kind that was used in Pierre (Avalon) the Bell Island mines years ago —- thanks, WANTED to purchase a hard top for a 2 others and get back to me for the highest price guaranteed. Remember, I will never PH 596-3330 Carbonear (Avalon) door 2010 Jeep Wrangler Islander, call with knowingly be outbid by any dealer here or details, PH 596-2042 Victoria (Avalon) from the mainland, contact Robert, PH WANTED OLD Time collector of Newfoundland coins and paper money WANTED Blacksmith’s post / leg vise. Price 746-5334 (Avalon) wants to purchase your large inheritance or variable upon condition. If you have one to collection of high grade coins, 50 years of sell to me let me know! Much thanks!, PH WANTED UTILITY TRAILER maybe in need of repair or not, PH 770-7798 Conception collecting means I know coins and paper 464-7092 Trinity (East) Bay South (Avalon) money and will not knowingly be outbid by dealers here or from the Mainland. Coins WANTED an old metal shed for free, I am WANTED would like to purchase large colhave to be seen to make an offer! Contact willing to come and dismantle it and take it lections of Newfoundland postcards as picRobert anytime, PH 746-5334 (Avalon) away, looking for one so that I could store tured, early 1900’s only, not interested in my lawnmower and some other stuff in it, WANTED PARTS, Yamaha Plastic Skis $50 condition isn’t really important as I will fix it small quantities, PH 746-5334 (Avalon) ea or 2 for $100, came off a 2006 VK 540 up if need be, call and ask for Jimmy or e- WANTED : RED Buddy the Puffin with 3000 kilometers, good for Viking mail, PH 769-2154 Mount Pearl (Avalon) Bobblehead for my daughter, these are Professional, Enticer or others, in good used edition and were given to winners condition, Record Vise, excellent shape, WANTED Blacksmith’s post / leg vise, price limited at recent games, willing to pay good as new $75. Quadtrax Plow for variable upon condition, if you have one to good $$$,IcePHCaps Honda Foreman, excellent condition, just sell to me let me know! Much thanks!, PH John’s (Avalon)576-0158 or 728-1381 St. about new $150, PH 686-5477 Pasadena 464-7092 Trinity (East) (West)
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WANTED : Peking Duck Hatching eggs, I’m looking for someone on The West Coast who has or will have fertile Peking duck hatching eggs available soon. Please contact me with information, PH 771-2757 Deer Lake (West)
1995 MERLIN, 2 years old, has 1650 Full Lotus Floats, 125hp Franklin engine, full instrumentation, built in GPS, Icom A210 Radio, VOX/Intercom, registered Advanced Ultra-light, has to be seen to be appreciated, $55,000 PH 728-9313 Mount Pearl (Avalon)
2002 400 Big Bear 4x4, Scrapping for parts, most all parts good, cvjoints, header pipe, all electrical good, most of the running gear good, rear brake drum, rear axle will fit from 2000-2006 2x4 or 4x4 400 big bears, $1 PH 596-3819 (Avalon) ATV Tires and rims, four, brand new, Swamp Lite brand, call for details, $750 PH 7225985 St. John’s (Avalon) ATV tires, new 14”, $350 PH 725-0462 Conception Bay South (Avalon) ATV Trailer, 8x5. Contact for more info, $250 PH 693-9463 or 233-1952 Torbay (Avalon) brake parts for 2002 400 big bear 4x4 only have good rear drum left and few other oods ends, $1 PH 596-3819 (Avalon) Cam Shaft fits 400 450 and 500 engines (Polaris), very low mileage, $200 for one and $260 for the one with exhaust rocker arm, message me for more info, $200 PH 587-2921 Old Perlican (Avalon) CDI Unit to fit a 2002 Big Bear 400 4x4 works great, $200 PH 596-3819 Victoria (Avalon) CONVERTIBLE Top for an Argo 8x8 HDi, was purchased in February 2015, hardly used, excellent condition, cost new $1,500, $999 PH 693—506 (Avalon) DIRT Bike Tire size 250 x 14 rim size 1.60 x 14 new never used, $45 PH 771-2682 or 771-2682 St. John’s (Avalon)
1900 - 1975 • Recreational Vehicles
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Current until April 29, 2016 Issue 984 Copyright© 2016 The Newfoundland Buy & Sell Magazine Inc.
OIL Cooler lines, 2, to fit a 2002 400 Big Bear 4x4, $100 PH 596-3819 Victoria (Avalon) PARTS for Kodiak Big Bear, front shaft, front and rear fenders in excellent condition. call for details, PH 545-2308 Plate Cove West (East) PARTS, electrical, carbs, starting motors, Parts for 1998-2005 Polaris, 1998 Yamaha, 2000 450 Honda, 1992 Kawaski, 300 Big Bear, PH 586-2746 Sibley’s Cove (Avalon)
DIRT Bike Tire, size 70/90-100 19” rim FUEL Cock too fit Yamaha atv’s in excellent new never used, $45 PH 771-2682 or condition, PH 596-3819 Victoria Conception Bay (Avalon) 771-2682 St. John’s (Avalon) DUMP cart to tow behind ATV, PH 525- FUEL pump for 1985 Kawasaki bike, PH 2424 or 743-7234 St. Mary’s (Avalon) 545-2308 Plate Cove West (East) EXHAUST Pipe, for 2006 Yamaha Grizzly ITEMS, 200 Honda Trike, 2000-2005 600, $75 PH 227-2718 Placentia Polaris 450- 400 Honda, Yamaha, Kodiak 1987-1998, 1992 300 Kawasaki including (Avalon) motors and plastic, PH 586-2746 (Avalon) FILTER for AVT and back rack, PH 2210895 Goulds (Avalon) ITEMS, new never used soft doors and soft rear window to fit 2011-2013 Commander, FRONT Bumper, brand new, off 2015 price is or nearest offer, $425 PH 467-5807 Arctic Cat 500 TRV, comes complete with Canning’s Cove (East) bumper cover, to buy these parts would cost $139.12 plus taxes, reason for sell- ITEMS, Tracks, tires, spacers & bolts for ing is that I upgraded to a brushguard Argo, price negotiable, like new, ask for Ed, bumper, $50 PH 635-5799 or 635-5799 serious inquiries only, $2,700 PH 485-2085 Deer Lake (West) Fortune Harbour (Central) FRONT Drive shaft to fit older 1986 Big MOTOR, 400 Yamaha motor off 1996 Bear, $1 PH 596-3819 (Avalon) Yamaha trike, also fenders and racks for a 1996 Yamaha trike, frame, wiring, etc for FS new couple of roller fairleads of a 1992 Yamaha bike, also have front shaft, 4000lb winch also cable all new never motor and transmission but motor is seized used make an offer, PH 437-5454 or up, call for more details, PH 545-2308 437-5454 Torbay (East) (Avalon)
1900 - 1975 • Recreational Vehicles
2003 HONDA 350 E 4x4, orange colour, 6 ply tires, winch, rear cargo, windshield, well maintained, 10,000km, $3,900 PH 747-4555 or 691-1937 1985 HONDA Big Red, in good shape, Mount Pearl (Avalon) price is or nearest offer, $1,200 PH 5862003 Polaris Sportsman 400, 2up seat, 2746 Sibley’s Cove (Avalon) windshield, winch, body in reasonably 1989 YAMAHA Big Bear 350, in good good shape, no plastic broken, $3,000 shape, runs good, reverse works, all new PH 739-4800 St. John’s (Avalon) bearings and seals in the rear end, swingarm and new front bearings and 2003 POLARIS Sportsman 400, in good seals (left side), price is or nearest offer, condition, 5000km, $2,300 PH 586$1,400 PH 583-2586 Winterton (Avalon) 2746 Sibley’s Cove (Avalon)
PARTS, handle bars should fit most 1989 YAMAHA Big Bear, price is or nearatvs.came off 350 moto 4, $20 PH 596- est offer, $800 PH 786-2526 North River 3819 Victoria Conception Bay (Avalon) (Avalon) PLOW for quad, 5’ wide, rear hook up, call 1993 Argo 8-Wheeler, 18hp Kohler for details, PH 525-2424 Riverhead engine, with canopy and windshield, (Avalon) approx 800 hrs of use, call for more information, located in Branch, St. Mary’s QUADATV tires, Carlisle brand 2- Bay, PH 338-2058 Bradley’s Cove AT255/65/R12 2-AT205/80/R12, good (Avalon) shape, price is for all, $100 PH 727-7401 or 727-7401 Mount Pearl (Avalon) 1994 YAMAHA Big Bear 4x4, in excellent condition, electric start and pull cord all SCRAPPING a 1987 Moto 4 350, most working, needs new bearings in front parts are good, let me know what you wheel which are included and also needs need, $1 PH 596-3819 (Avalon) new brake cable, price is or nearest offer, SNOWBLOWER Attachment, 13hp, for a $900 PH 598-2407 Conception Bay quad or side x side, works excellent and in North (Avalon) great shape just to powerful for my present 1998 YAMAHA 600 Grizzly, in good driveway, will accept trades on building shape but the bike smokes, $1,200 PH supplies as well, $2,000 PH 424-5670 586-2746 Sibley’s Cove (Avalon) Gander (Central) 2000 HONDA 250 Foretrax, 2WD in SPEEDOMETER for 2002 Big Bear 400 great condition, $1,600 PH 586-2746 4x4, speed part works, lights work but little Sibley’s Cove (Avalon) plastic piece missing for setting the travel distance, $50 PH 596-3819 (Avalon) 2000 POLARIS Sportsman 400 four wheeler, please call or text for informaSTATOR and Case to fit a 1987 350 tion, $1,600 PH 834-0728 (Avalon) Moto4, will also fit older Big Bears from 1987-1989, $100 PH 596-3819 Victoria 2001 Max Ii, similar to Argo, goes on (Avalon) land and water, new windshield, full canopy, two sets of racks, roll bar, winch, TOOLS, Winch, never out of the box, paid plastic tracks, 6x6 with six extra wheels, over $585, price is firm or will trade for two seater, tan color, willing to trade for something of full value, call 589-4105, 8x8 Argo, $8,000 PH 725-3046 St. $400 PH 596-7541 Carbonear (Avalon) John’s (Avalon) WANTED - Front shaft for 1996 Big Bear 4x4, PH 545-2308 Plate Cove West (East) WANTED, CDI box for a 2005 Arctic cat 400 atv, please call or email, thanks, PH 477-2026 or 468-0207 Port Union (Avalon) WINCH, 2500 lb Vantage winch, needs hook, $200 PH 587-2921 Old Perlican (Avalon) WOODS trailer to tow behind ATV, PH 525-2424 or 743-7234 (Avalon)
2004 BOMBARDIER Traxter, in good condition, $1,800 PH 586-2746 (Avalon) 2004 SUZUKI 50 quad, good shape, $1,400 PH 258-6558 or 290-4820 Bishop’s Falls (Central) 2005 Polaris Sportsman 500, excellent working condition and shape, 2 new mudlite tires on front, needs one wheel bearing and brushes for the starter, $3,200 PH 766-2715 Southern Harbour (East) 2007 HONDA Fourtrax, 420 fuel injected, manual shift, new tires, excellent condition, always stored inside, $4,500 PH 725-2772 or 744-2676 Conception Bay South (Avalon) 2007 POLARIS 800, all season tracks, tires, lift kit, hand and helmet warmers, factory Plow, factory 2 up seat, double Easy Hauler skidoo trailer, 1 year old, used 4 times, may trade or partial trade for boat, outboards only, $9,500 PH 693-8651 Logy Bay (Avalon) 2007 POLARIS Sportsman 450, 900 kilometers, in mint condition, just installed a new battery, back seat, storage department, heated handle bars, trailer hitch, winch, windshield, also has license plate, $4,800 PH 745-7031 St. John’s (Avalon)
2010 KOMODO 500, four wheel drive, reverse, high & low, blinkers, horn, 2002 ARCTIC Cat 500 4x4, Hi/Lo range windshield & wiper, 5 point seatbelt, with reverse, green in color, 6000 miles, back up cam, call Craig, $6,500 PH good condition, no trades, headlight 740-3513 St. John’s (Avalon) assembly broken may need to be replaced, back brakes may need to be 2011 POLARIS Rzr 900 Xp (90hp), adjusted, Removeable back seat, $2,200 4000km, power steering, new battery, pro armour doors, roof bumper, winch, PH 660-2628 Corner Brook (West) LED lights, 8-ply radial tires, $12,000 2002 POLARIS Magnum 500 4x4 PH 697-6359 St. John’s (Avalon) Automatic, mint condition, 2000 original kilometres and 178 hours of usage, lots 2012 HONDA 420 ATV, includes 2500lb of power and great all around bike, price warn winch, back rack extended, cover, is or nearest offer, 2 helmets included, spare plug and oil, only 30 kilometers, $3,200 PH 589-2882 or 683-0652 mint condition, price is or nearest offer, $8,000 PH 727-8522 St. Mary’s (East) Upper Island Cove (Avalon)
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Current until April 29, 2016 Issue 984 Copyright© 2016 The Newfoundland Buy & Sell Magazine Inc.
2013 ARCTIC Cat Wildcat 1000cc, 4 seater, $1,000’s in add-ons including windshield, fully enclosed cabin cover and winch, like new, barely used, only 716km, $16,900 PH (403) 660-9668 Ferryland (Avalon) 2013 CAN-AM Renegade 500, new air filter, new plugs, good outback tires, snorkel, great fun bike to drive, selling to get 2 up, price is or nearest offer, $6,000 PH 7468170 St. John’s (Avalon) 2013 HONDA Fourtrax 420cc with 1700 kilometers, mint condition, no rust, lift kit, two step foot peg, up seat, back seat storage, manual, $5,800 PH (647) 994-0051 St. John’s (Avalon)
FLOATING Docks, will build to any specification, Docks consist of Pressure Treated Lumber/Galvanized Hardware, Delivery to Site available for Additional Cost, PH 6820573 or 782-1851 Paradise (Avalon)
GARMIN 18 Radar Dome, New in the box, 4kw digital 18” marine radar dome model 010-00572-00, any compatible Garmin network chart plotter can double as your radar screen, same item is priced at $1560 2013 POLARIS 500 Crue EFI, glass wind- plus shipping on eBay, bought it for my shield, windshield wiper, hours 216, boat but did not use it, $1,000 PH 549$10,000 PH 674-0147 or 422-3446 2478 Swift Current (East) Gambo (Central) GARMIN Gps package, one GPS 76cs with 2013 POLARIS 850 Touring, 2, excellent map, one GPS 12 with map new never shape, price is for each or nearest offer, used, one GPS 12 no map, selling all as $13,000 PH 986-8343 Bay Roberts one package deal will, $575 PH 454-5355 St. Anthony (West) (Avalon) 2013 YAMAHA kodiak 450se eps & 2012 snow bear trailer, fender flares, 3”lift, aluminum skid plates, hand warmers, front bumper with led lights, and big gun exhaust, 5500 kilometers on the bike, no trades whatsoever, also have a blue storage box, trailer is 4x7 only used it a few times, $6,700 PH 765-8648 St. John’s (East)
HONDA parts, 40hp, 45hp, 50hp, honda parts, parts for honda motors, also as sume 75 and 90hp honda parts, will also pay cash for older broken down Honda motors, call for details, PH 427-6454 Clarenville (East)
MERCRUISER Propeller, This prop was a spare for a 17 foot boat with a 140 h.p. mercruiser.Pre Alfa , prop is in excellent 2014 GIO 36 Volt, good for kids up to 8- condition, $75 PH 227-3712 Placentia 9 years old, bought for $900, price is (Avalon) FIRM, $375 PH 699-2121 St. John’s MOTOR for most Auto Pilots 24 V to 32V, (Avalon) brand new never used, in original box, 2014 TAOTAO 125cc Side X Side ATV, never used, $500 PH 834-9054 (Avalon) seats two, 4-stroke, engine limiter, electric start, reverse, horn, lights, only two avail- MOTOR, 55hp Yanmar diesel motor, not able, $999 PH 596-5996 Carbonear used since rebuild, new starter still in box, $1,900 PH 253-3122 Fleur de Lys (Central) (Avalon) 2014 YAMAHA Kodiak 450 EPS, just over MOTOR, Mercury 3.5hp, five years old, has 1500 km, yamaha windshield, winch, aftermarket aluminum propeller, only used cargo box with seat, bearclaw HTR tires, in fresh water, always stored indoors and 26/11/12 on the back, 26/9/12 on the upright, motor and gear oil changed regufront, heated grips and thumb warmer, larly, well looked after, selling as I got a bigprice is or best offer, please phone or text, ger boat, $950 PH 693—506 (Avalon) $6,500 PH 685-0639 Torbay (Avalon) MOTOR, Suzuki, 40HP outboard, may 2015 ARCTIC Cat Tiger Trax 2, comes with work fine with just a little work, or can be mounting brackets and clutch kit for 2013 used for parts, stainless steel prop, price is 700 TRV, tracks, brackets and clutch kits FIRM, $350 PH 256-3261 Gander will fit many models of Arctic Cat from (Central) 2008-2016, these are awesome, will go OUTBOARD motor 125hp Saltwater Series anywhere, will pull anything, has only 150 Mercury outboard motor, motor has very kilometers on them and are next to new, low hours and was recently serviced, recommended for 700 cruise control plus includes controls, wiring and new prop, quads but can be used on the 500 cruise $3,200 PH 546-2476 or 546-2476 control class, tracks are $4600 new, plus Hillview (East) $500 for the mounting brackets, plus $55 for the clutch kit, plus taxes, $4,250 PH OUTBOARD Motor, 6 Yamaha, 4 Stroke 686-5346 Pasadena (West) Motor, for more info call 709-678-2522, $1,600 PH 678-6309 or 678-8293 Trinity 2015 HALLE 125cc, Kids quad, bought Bay (Central) brand new last August, less than 15 hours of use on it, speed limiter, remote kill PIPES, 1” Type K cooler pipes, needs a switch, and safety tether, excellent condi- return bend, $200 PH 227-3712 Placentia tion, son outgrew it, so need to upgrade, (Avalon) $1,200 PH 699-9208 Holyrood (Avalon) PROPELLER & shaft, 1.5” stainless steel 5’ HONDA Big Red 250 and a Honda shaft.prop, brass alloy 17 RH 13 stuffing Fourtrax 250, looking to trade for a 4x4, box, stern bearing & brass sleeve, $300 PH PH 677-2193 Eastport (Central) 677-3161 Eastport (Central) Only 450 Kilometres on it, $6,000 PH SEASTAR Capilans Cylinders, B A 150222-9628 (Avalon) 7TCM, shaft is bent, $275 PH 227-3712 Placentia (Avalon) SAND Rail Dune Buggy 1600cc, newly rebuilt engine, front and rear independent STERN Bearing 1 3/4”, please call, $275 suspension, new dual carbs & intakes, new PH 227-3712 Placentia (Avalon) clutch, new pressure plate & bearing, 2 extra transmissions & extra parts, hydraulic STOLEN 2015 Yamaha 4 Stroke 40hp brakes, runs excellent, call Frank, $4,600 Outboard Motor, HUGE REWARD PH 525-3946 St. Vincent’s (Avalon) OFFERED! On March 17, 2016, my fathers outboard motor was STOLEN from his WANTED - 4wheeler, price between $200- property in Southern Bay, NL, anyone with $400, PH 221-0895 Goulds (Avalon) ANY information please come forward and myself or the RCMP in hopes of WANTED 1987 Yamaha Moto 4 80cc, contact the motor, PH 427-9118 Southern whole bike or parts, PH 687-6144 (Avalon) finding Bay (East) SURVIVAL SUIT, Bayley, men’s, new, call for more details, PH 334-3330 Mobile (Avalon) WANTED - Lower unit for 1980s Mercury 20hp short shaft outboard motor or know where to find one, PH 683-2413 Bay Roberts (Avalon) WANTED to buy make and brake engine 115HP ETec Prop. 14 1/4 x 17 . Right turn- and/or engine parts, HP, make or condition ing. 15 spline. Purchased this in 2015 No doesn’t matter, call with details, PH 596longer have the motor. Prop going at a 0062 (Avalon) great price. Blue paint on prop was for my identification purposes. $100.00, $100 PH 687-7197 Chapel’s Cove (Avalon) 2 Outboard motors, 2000 200HP Evinrude rotator and counter-rotator outboard with r/c, 700 hours, well maintained and serviced, records available, reason for selling: repowering boat with new, call 489-8454 or email for additional info, $10,000 PH 489-8454 or 4898454 Grand Falls - Windsor (Central)
14’ ALUMINUM boat and motor, call for details, PH 368-3927 (Avalon)
FLOATING Dock, 30ft X 8ft, all pressure treated lumber, contact Dale at 709-5462325 or 709-427-1566, $6,500 PH 4342013 or 427-6395 Hillview (East)
1975 23’ Cutter Sailboat, has sails, hardware, lines, fenders, and much much more. Also comes with new fiberglass cloth and resin, $300 PH 689-5180 or 689-5180 Flatrock (Avalon)
14’ PLYWOOD Boat, well built in good condition, $650 PH 834-2976 Conception Bay South (Avalon)
1900 Cape Islander, 35’ fiberglass over wood cape islander with a GM 453, 140 CONTROLS, Quicksilver motor control box hp detroit diesel engine, engine runs but and 2 cables plus electric with key, cables needs some work, email or call for details, work great, don’t know what it fits, $60 PH serious inquiries only please, PH 227-0787 or 227-1484 Placentia (Avalon) 535-0487 (Central)
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1900 - 1975 • Recreational Vehicles
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1900 - 1975 • Recreational Vehicles
Current until April 29, 2016 Issue 984 Copyright© 2016 The Newfoundland Buy & Sell Magazine Inc.
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Current until April 29, 2016 Issue 984 Copyright© 2016 The Newfoundland Buy & Sell Magazine Inc.
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1900 - 1975 • Recreational Vehicles
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1989 BAYLINER Cobra Reduced, 19.5 ft, 150 mariner outboard, on its own trailer,from fresh water, all in very good condition, price is firm, $6,000 PH 5383337 St. Alban’s (Avalon) 1989 JOHNSON Fishing boat, 35ft longliner, has a 150hp Volvo Penta Diesel engine, auto pilot, also includes radar, sounder, 2 gps and a Vhf, please call the number listed for further info!, $20,000 PH 660-2476 Corner Brook (West) 1989 PROWLER Cruiser, 21’ Very nice boat in great condition, 3.7 Mercruiser Inboard/Outboard engine, cuddy cabin with chemical toilet, $6,900 PH 2939639 Botwood (Central) 1990 BAYLINER 2755 cabin cruiser, 27 ft, all the goodies of a cottage, on its own trailer, for more info please call 709 538 6412, $14,500 PH 538-8649 St. Alban’s (Central) 1990 JOHNSON Four Winns 18 ft bowrider speed boat and trailer, 3 Litre OMC Cobra engine, 130 HP, with covers, convertible top, kicker motor mount, well maintained and very safe to operate, freshwater use, stored in heated garage, price is or nearest offer, $7,250 PH 685-5281 St. John’s (Avalon)
1900 - 1975 • Recreational Vehicles
Current until April 29, 2016 Issue 984 Copyright© 2016 The Newfoundland Buy & Sell Magazine Inc.
1990 SPORTCRAFT 17’ boat with 150hp outboard, new controls & cables, new seats. fish finder, comes with trailer, walk through, $6,500 PH 656-4346 or 656-4346 Boyd’s Cove (Central)
1995 Tug Boat, steel construction, self-propelled brake power 119 kw length 11.67 m breath 4.02 m depth 0.85 m gross tonnage 9.58 net/register tonnage 6.51 dg vessel name: helen a lee builder: matheison boat works goderich, ontario, canada, $75,000 1991 NELDO Marine 35’ fibreglass cabin PH 280-4221 or 944-0656 Labrador City cruiser, sleeps 4, large open cockpit, 135hp (Labrador) Isuzu diesel (excellent fuel consumption), excellent running condition, head, large gal- 1996 SEARAY Cuddy Cruiser, very nice, 350 ley and salon all on one level with cockpit, Mercury inboard motor and outdrive, Sitex Gps, marine band radio, Furuno depth smooth to drive, cuddy cabin that can sleep sounder.This boat has been completely 4, sink, toilet, onshore power, well mainrebuilt from the keel up, fly bridge was tained, low hours, 2012 Venture trailer, open removed but included are the controls, to reasonable offers, would trade towards a steering, radar arch etc if buyer wants it all, bigger boat and pay more money if it’s what factory manufactured fibreglass hull is 1” I want, $16,500 PH 486-8410 or 486-8410 thick, boat was designed for our climate Northern Arm (Central) waters and built to last, must sell, will except best offer, $49,000 PH 682-5797 or 744- 1997 BAYLINER 3388es Motor Yacht (Boyd’s Nest), berthed at the Clarenville Marina, 2383 (Avalon) comes with Duo Stations and Full Electronics 1991 REGAL Valanti, in excellent condition, including Radar, GPS, Sonar, and marine comes with travel cover and full canopy, Radios, powered by 2-5.7 (GM)Mercury sleeps four, bathroom, 5.7 engine also in inboards, Hurth transmissions (550 hrs on excellent condition, Volvo Pinta drive duel each Engine), galley is complete with 3 burnprop, ask for Dennie, $10,000 PH 257- er propane stove with oven, Microwave and 2 way refrigerator, double SS sink, sleeping 2885 or 424-5732 Botwood (Central) accommodation has forward private V-Berth 1992 COLEMAN Canoe, 15’ plastic, in and aft Stateroom with King berth, salon good condition, no leaks or patches, easy to table can convert to a double bed if neceshandle, $350 PH 596-3330 Carbonear sary and more, will also consider the right (Avalon) 24-26’ boat as partial trade, $69,000 PH 427-9988 or 466-7055 Clarenville (Avalon)
1997 CABIN Cruiser, “Barbara Marie II” 42’, sleeps six, 125hp Stenpro Inboard Diesel, hull is professionally installed fibreglass over pine plank on oak timber, superstructure is fibreglass over framed marine grade plywood, four funks in forecabin, galley complete with propane stove/oven and propane/electric fridge, aftcabin has two single bunks, two separate heads (Toilets), interior living space is completely upholstered and carpeted, must be seen, $80,000 PH 424-4486 Gander (Central)
2000 TROPHY Central Console, with 2000 125 Mercury and 2005 double axel Continental boat trailer, reason for selling, we just don’t get time to use it, willing to entertain reasonable offers, email only please, $19,800 PH 235-0814 Musgrave Harbour (Central) 2005 CABIN Cruiser 32’, 85 Perkins diesel, Hurths transmission, trailer included, price reduced, $20,000 PH (418) 461-2291 or (418) 461-2291 (Labrador) 2005 SAILBOAT, beautiful Ketch 38, 38’ steel sail boat, built by owner/journeyman welder, has 46hp Yanmar diesel engine, low hours, all sails included, comes with fridge, stove, head and lots of electronics, sleeps 4, stored at the Lewisporte Marina, for more info call Tony, $15,000 PH 290-0207 or 257-3913 Botwood (Central)
1998 PRO-LINE 241, 26 ft, c/w 6 cylinder 250 HP Evinrude outboard, American Loadrite double axle trailer, for more info email only please, chartplotter and mounts and life jackets not incl in sale, $26,000 PH 484-0000 Point Leamington (Central) 2006 HUNTER 31 Sailboat, “PersuadeHer”, 2000 COBIA 260 model, 26’ fiberglass ideal for a cruising couple or small family, body, walkaround boat with canopy, two has Furling Jib and in-mast Furling Main, all Yamaha 150HP outboard motors, like Sail controls are led to the cockpit, B&R rig new, well maintained, $19,500 PH 743- with no backstay, four self-tailing winches, forward vee berth is a generous 7’ deep and 1393 St. John’s (Avalon) more than 6’ at its’ wide end, queen rear 2000 SEARAY Ski boat, 14’ factory fibre- berth, storage is located at various places on glass, never painted, faded, needs inte- the boat, plus much much more, full invenrior, must see, $600 PH 687-2070 or tory upon request, serious inquiries only, $85,000 PH 256-8577 Gander (Central) 227-0789 Placentia (Avalon)
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Current until April 29, 2016 Issue 984 Copyright© 2016 The Newfoundland Buy & Sell Magazine Inc.
2006 SEA Pro 23.8 WA with hard top, powered by a 225hp 4 stroke Supercharged Mercury Verado with stainless steel prop, all new electronics including GPS, fish finder, VHF, marine cd/radio and marine speakers, remote cabin search light and fire extinguisher, boat has forward cabin with sink, portable stove and toilet, boat has 20’ cabin mounted down riggers for sport or shark fishing lighted live fish wells, works and runs excellent and easy on fuel lots of power, includes tandem aluminum trailer in excellent condition, $34,000 PH 743-6744 St. John’s (Avalon)
2013 BAYLINER 175, nice boat comes with all the accessories paddles anchor rope life jackets, $21,500 PH 636-9959 or 6369959 Deer Lake (West)
WANTED, 16’ aluminum utility trailer, boat bench seats, 25hp electric start motor -tiller drive, if you or someone you know has this items please call me ask for John, PH 6882744 Cox’s Cove (West)
2014 12’ Sportspal Scanoe, new, 12 ft., red in colour, only used once, for sale or trade WANTED, 16’-18’ open fibreglass skiff, boat for a 10 foot plastic row boat or 10-12 ft. only. Contact with info, PH 466-7022 or aluminum boat, call for more details, 427-1848 Clarenville (Central) $1,100 PH 595-2399 Harbour Grace (Avalon)
2014 ZODIAC Cadet 340 Rib, 11’ 2” - 6 passenger and can handle up to a 25hp motor, price is or nearest offer, never used, 2006 TRACKER Guide V12, 12’ Aluminum still in storage, reason for selling it’s not suitBoat, 9.9hp four stroke Mercury, 2006 able for the stern of our pleasure craft, Galvanised Trailer, full servicing in late $3,700 PH 535-8507 (Central) March of this year at Blue Water Marine, 22.5’ PLEASURE/Fishing boat, fiberglass always stored in garage for winter, trailer hull, 66hp Yanmar diesel, radar, $10,000 has not been licensed since May 2009 as it PH 279-3253 Marystown (Avalon) was only used to bring boat to and from pond at cabin, brand new prop on motor, BOAT, 17.5’ Grew, comes with galvanized old prop comes with package deal as a trailer and 115 Yamaha 4-stroke motor, spare, $5,200 PH 685-1800 Paradise $9,000 PH 546-2362 Hatchet Cove (East) (Avalon) BOAT, Lund, 12ft deep, Honda motor and trailer, price is or best offer, leaving province, $4,500 PH 691-2455 or 745-1413 Mount Pearl (Avalon)
1984 CAMPER Trailer, older style, all inside as been redone, new floors, walls, upholstery on cushions all new last summer, no old smell. Fits queen size mattress at the rear of the camper, but comes with double size mattress, front table also turns into double bed and two single bunks, bathroom with shower/tub, toilet and sink, NO leaks, great condition for the age, ready to tow, price is or nearest offer, $4,500 PH 782-8522 Conception Bay South (Avalon)
BOAT, rubber dinghy, still in original pack- 1989 PROWLER, fifth wheel trailer with aging, never opened, $50 PH 221-2871 St. hitch, great shape inside & out, everything John’s (Avalon) works great, sleeps six, tub and shower, 2009 YAMAHA Sx210, in excellent condi- INFLATABLE Raft, 3 man, 8.5’ long, 5’ wide, $4,500 PH 832-3931 Fortune Bay (East) tion, serviced every spring and fall, approx $940 value, includes 2 oars, 2 life jackets, 100 hrs on engines, contact Fred, $29,000 and motor mount and graftling, $400 PH 1990 19’ CAMPER Trailer, new fridge and stove, new towing package, great starter, PH 685-0166 St. John’s (Avalon) 533-9497 Glovertown (East) $3,200 PH 690-2587 (Avalon) 2010 COLEMAN Water Quest, 15ft., LONGLINER, 34”, fiberglass over wood, square back, scanoe, holds 3 people, built- 150HP Volvo diesel engine, in mint condi- 1995 PROWLER 19’ Camper, call for in cup holders, storage under center seat, tion, 2-station hydraulic steering, 2 man- details, $3,500 PH 766-0414 Harcourt excellent condition, no damage, can use holes, VHF radio with 25’ whip, running (East) motor, $425 PH 596-3330 Carbonear lights, bilge pump, oil heater, tanks full and 1997 FORD Royal Classic Motorhome, (Avalon) ready to go, price is or nearest offer, willing Class C, new V10 engine with approx 600 2010 SQUARE Back 15’ canoe, in good to sell separately, $7,000 PH 253-3122 miles and 1.5 years unlimited warranty left on engine, 200 hrs on a 4000 watt Onan condition, seats 3 people, holds 800 lbs, Fleur de Lys (Central) center seat opens to use as a cooler, also SAILBOAT, 1978 Hunter 30 Cherubini generator with new starting motor, everyhas built in cup holders, will sell or trade for Design, launched and ready to sail, toilet, 2 thing works great, price reduced, PH 293a small plastic pond boat, $425 PH 596- burner stove, wall mounted heater, marine 2810 Badger (Central) 3330 Carbonear (Avalon) radio, compass, BBQ and cover, 8.8’ dinghy 1998 TOPAZ 28’ Camper, beautifully kept, with 2.2 HP outboard, docklines, anchor, ready to go, licensed for 2016, bedding chain & pressure water shower, battery dishes etc included, $9,000 PH 834-1416 charger, lots of other items included, or 689-4570 Conception Bay South $21,900 PH 634-0083 or 632-7182 (Avalon) Corner Brook (West) 1o ft Hard top trailer purchased from Sold sold 34 11 for sale call for info, PH islander RV...selling due to lack of use. 636-2902 or 251-3581 Baie Verte Excellent pets, no smoking. 2012 SEADOO 210 Wake Boat, 430hp, Peninsula (Central) Sleeps 6-8. Fridge’stove, 2 tables, furnace, fresh water use only, always stored inside, sink, CO2 detector, fire alarm, oak cabinets, like new, estimated at less than 30 hours WANTED 23’ fiberglass boat, contact with awing.Can be towed by Van or Car (weight details, PH 846-3271 McCallum (Central) use, electronic touch screen display, full 2320 lbs). Please contact for more informastereo, cover trailer is included, $42,000 PH WANTED a 14’ aluminum boat, call with tion. All the fun without the expense. Serious 697-4058 St. John’s (Avalon) details, PH 834-2813 Conception Bay South inquiries only, $3,000 PH 769-0667 Manuels (Avalon) (Avalon)
2001 TERRY Camper available, equipped with fridge, stove, shower and sleeps 6, in excellent condition, for more information call Ed, $5,000 PH 485-2085 Fortune Harbour (Central)
2005 FOREST River Cherokee lite, 28ft, full size bed in front, full kitchen with table, bunk beds and bathroom in the back, sleeps 9, in perfect condition, has air-conditioning, two 30 pound tanks in the front, $7,900 PH 5284835 or 683-5204 Cupids (Avalon)
2003 ROADRUNNER XL 27’, sleeps 6 with queen bed up front, air conditioning, duct furnace, awning, two 30lb tanks and heavy duty battery, excellent shape inside and out and everything working, $12,000 PH 786-6886 or 683-2256 Clarke’s Beach (Avalon)
2005 JAYCO Fifth Wheel, mint condition, air conditioning, two way hot water, large two way fridge, factory surround sound sys, 26” and 19”LCD TV’s, 3 large storage compartments, two 30lb propane tanks, 3500 watt generator, rear bunk with own entertainment centre and door, plus much more, call for details, $25,900 PH 229-0835 Chapels Cove 2004 JAYCO Eagle 283RKS 28’ (Avalon) Fibreglass 5th Wheel, excellent condition, must see, large slide, kitchen in 2005 JAYCO Talon ZX36’ 5th wheel toy rear is very spacious with loads of cab- hauler, large kitchen/living room slide, 12x8 inets and lots of counter space, dinette garage at the rear, fits 2 large quads, skidoos, area, living area with fold out couch, multiple motorcycles etc, built in 5500watt gas lounge chair, tv, stereo, queen bed up generator with push button start in kitchen, 3 front with ensuite, full shower and sep- large batteries and 2, 30lb propane tanks, arate bathroom, 5th wheel hitch huge fresh water tank, 2 grey water tanks and included, loads of space and storage, 1 black water tank, gas fueling station built in please call to inquire, or set up view- at the rear, inside and outside speakers, and ing, $11,900 PH 744-2229 or 749- radio will play ipod, plus more, $16,000 PH 6289 Harbour Grace (Avalon) 222-1701 Bay Roberts (Avalon)
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1900 - 1975 • Recreational Vehicles
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Current until April 29, 2016 Issue 984 Copyright© 2016 The Newfoundland Buy & Sell Magazine Inc.
2011 Sportsman KZ, awning, air conditioning, 3 burner stove, oven, standard fridge, slide out, full bathroom, four bunks in rear, Queen size bed in front, both with closet/storage, in excellent condition, like new, barely used, can be delivered within reasonable proximity, priced to sell, price is or nearest offer, $23,000 PH 634-7479 or 2005 SPRINTER, 27 ft 5th Wheel, fiber- 640-2262 Corner Brook (West) glass exterior, aluminum frame, rear living room, swivel rockers, dry weight, 2011 WILDWOOD, 28 ft , xl, backpacker 7,100lbs, extra clean and well main- edition, kitchen slide and back rack, lots of tained, price is or nearest offer, $10,500 storage, air conditioning, BBQ and BBQ PH 728-7632 St. John’s (Avalon) hook up, stereo, 30 lb propane tanks, batweight distribution hitch, just hook up 2005 WILDCAT 29’ 5th wheel, excellent tery, and go, reason for selling, bought cabin, condition, queen bed, rear bunk house $16,000 PH 466-7773 Clarenville (Avalon) and a sofa bed, one hydraulic super slide, hydraulic landing gear, new battery, 3 2012 HEARTLAND Big Horn Silverado 41’ burner stove, microwave, fridge w/freezer, SV 37QB fifth wheel, features outdoor air conditioning, gas/ele. furnace, 6 gal kitchen, 4 slides with awnings, sleeps 8, 2 gas/ele. water heater, water filtration sys- bedrooms (master with queen bed and tem, bath tub with shower, outdoor show- bunkhouse with 4 bunks), leather sofa with er, and much more, 5th wheel tripod, pull out air bed, 1.5 bathrooms, stainless wheel covers and many extras included, steel appliances, washer/dryer combo, 3 tons of storage, $16,500 PH 834-8072 flat screen tvs, fireplace, built in entertainBay Roberts (Avalon) ment system with cd/dvd player and outspeakers, large power retractable 2007 CONQUEST Supreme 5th Wheel, door awning, dual black & gray holding tanks, 28.5’ with large slide-out bunk room in built in propane generator, dual back, sleeps 8, lots of storage space, trail- air conditioning Cummins units, $57,500 PH 730er in mint condition with very little use, 8982 Paradise (Avalon) owned by older non smoking couple, new tires and rims installed last year, hitch and 2012 KEYSTONE 26.6’ Camper, rear living installation included in price, trailer easily room with double slide, trailer has queen towed with 1/2 ton pick-up, price is or bedroom up front, large window in the rear, nearest offer, $19,500 PH 674-0133 or u shape dinette that sleeps 2, sofa has air 674-6495 Gambo (Central) mattress and sleeps 2, electric awning and legs, electric front tongue jack, 2 2007 FLAGSTAFF 228D Hardtop camper, leveling arm chair rear, tv that turns back to the in excellent condition, 12 ft. box, has a 64 bedroom, in trailer like new has to be seen, x 50 slide out dinette, three way fridge, just reduced, three burner stove and a propane fur- Gambo (Central)$22,500 PH 674-4837 nace. Both beds are heated, also a good battery, 20 lb. propane tank, and privacy 2012 TRAVEL Lite zinger 32QB in excellent tent with a Port-a-Pottie, $6,200 PH 739- condition, no leaks, no tears and no dam5854 St. John’s (Avalon) age, one slide that has more headroom that most trailers, 6800lbs dry, two 2008 CROSSROADS 5th Wheel Camper inside propane tanks, everything is in good with 4 slides, 39’ length includes 5’ 5th 30lb order, $22,500 PH 743-3400 Wheel Overhang, fully equipped with working Conception Bay South (Avalon) pots/pans/silverwear, includes 5000W Honda Generator, call Sel, $22,000 PH 2012 WILDWOOD 26ft TBSS electric 689-9122 Torbay (Avalon) awning, jacks, hitch, less than 175 kilometers, immaculate condition, reason for selling three bunks now have four grandchildren, $20,000 PH 834-8212 Kelligrews (Avalon)
2009 FOREST River Silverback 30 LSA, a beautiful 5th Wheel trailer, a home on wheels, for more information, please call (709) 649 7625 or (709) 282 8586, PH 925-3582 or 649-7625 Stephenville (West) 2009 MONTANA, 36ft 5th wheel,4 slides, air conditioning, remote control hydraulic jacks and awning, 42” pop up TV, and fireplace, $28,000 PH 277-5103 Marystown (Avalon) 2009 SALEM, 27’ trailer, well cared for, queen bed at front, 3 bunks in back, couch and table convert to beds as well, awning, outside speakers, outside shower, storage under queen bed and couch, $12,000 PH 686-5128 or 660-9913 Pasadena (West) 2009 TRAILSPORT, 21’ Lightweight RVision Hybrid trailer, can sleep up to 7 people, in excellent condition haven’t been used very much, fully loaded with accessories, $11,500 PH 258-6103 Bishop’s Falls (Central) 2010 JAYCO, 30 foot, used the past two summers a couple of times, in excellent condition, has two pull outs with bunks in the back, surround stereo system, air conditioning, sleeps 8, never smoked in, tow kit, honey wagon,worth viewing, owner selling as she building a cabin, price can be negotiated, ask for Kim, $20,000 PH 766-1147 or 433-2102 Clarenville (Avalon) 2010 TRAILSPORT, 19’ hybrid, opens to approx 26’ with 2 pop out bunks, queen and double, couch/table fold down, excellent condition, can tow by mini-van/SUV, includes hitch, stabilizer and anti-sway bars, 2 propane tanks, fridge/freezer, microwave and 4 burner stove and oven, air, full awning, water and sewer hoses, portable BBQ, bathroom w/shower, price is or best offer, $10,000 PH 596-6463 Carbonear (Avalon) 2011 JAYCO, 22ft, $13,000 PH 4603171 or 427-1176 Chance Cove (Avalon) 2011 KEYSTONE Outback 301 BQ 30’ with two full slides (overall length 33.5 ft.), separate bedroom at rear with queen bed, separate bedroom at front with four bunks, fiberglass exterior, aluminum wheels, 3 zone speakers, AM/FM/DVD/CD/TV, air conditioning, 7200 lbs dry, towed with 1/2 ton truck, Arctic barrier for fall camping, outside stove, electric awning, two exterior flood lights, weight distribution hitch / double sway bar included. Will deliver within 80 KM of St. John’s, $19,500 PH 691-6177 St. John’s (Avalon) 2011 PALAMINO Pop-up truck camper, located in Pineridge Park, $9,000 PH (418) 461-2155 or 638-5574 Pasadena (West) 1900 - 1975 • Recreational Vehicles
2016 SEASONAL Campsite at Backside pond, site is right on the pond and has a wooden walkway to the pond with a patio right on the water, also includes 8x12 patio, a log cabin for the kids and use of a storage shed, site is groomed and sodded and lawn care is required, site has water, grey water well and electricity. Season is from May to Labor day, extended season camping available until Thanksgiving for an extra $300. Winter storage and camping also available. Next year may also be available full or part season. This is a great park, lots of kids, and only an hour from St. John’s Park is secure with gated access using pass card, $2,600 PH 596-3448 (Avalon) 5TH Wheel Sandpiper, excellent condition, sleeps 9, very spacious, $12,500 PH 6911265 Paradise (Avalon) Good condition! Dining and sofa in slide out, both convert into beds. Bedroom includes queen size bed and storage. Bathroom includes tub/shower, sink and vanity, toilet and storage closet. Propane furnace/air conditioning, propane/electric fridge and hot water tank. Also includes outside awning, $10,000 PH 267-3170 or (706) 673-7291 Springdale (Central)
19” DIRT Bike Tire size 70/90-100 19” rim new never used, for more information please call or email, $55 PH 771-2682 or 771-2682 St. John’s (Avalon) BRAKE Pads Vstar, Reduced) V-Star 1100. 1999-2009. Complete set of front (two) and rear. New in package. $30.00 a pair or $80.00 for all, $80 PH 782-6225 Paradise (Avalon) EXHAUST pipes, 2 original exhaust pipes off harley davidson electraglide (2005) barely used, excellent. condition, $200 PH 5894379 Upper Island Cove (Avalon)
GRAPHIC Kit, brand new to fit 2008 - 2010 GSXR 600/750, never used, price reduced, 2013 MONTANA Mountainer Edition $80 PH 687-6337 Conception Bay South 345DB2, two separate bedrooms and (Avalon) bathrooms, ideal for a family, sleeps 10, TV with plenty of cabinets, lots of storage, high HANDLE Bars, and risers, new take offs, fits ceiling with air conditioning and Fans, four various Kawasaki models, $35 PH 782slides and a power awning, $39,000 PH 6225 (Avalon) 256-8203 or 424-4303 Gander (Central) ICON helmet, size small, 6 7/8 7, yellow with black and grey strip, like new, tinted visor, call for details, $100 PH 691-3010 Conception Bay South (Avalon)
KIDS helmet, One. Childs motorcycle helmet. Size 15 small. Black/white in colour. HCI brand. New. Paid $120. $60, $60 PH 727-7401 or 727-7401 Mount Pearl 2013 Spree by KZ, everything you want & (Avalon) need, full bath including stand up shower, sleeps 10, outdoor kitchen, great for enter- LEATHER Suit, Ladies, soft leather suit, like taining, save the tax by not having to buy new, pants are lined to below the knee, 27” from a dealer, $34,500 PH 643-9831 inseam, size 32, vest is size large, $135 PH Noel’s Pond (West) 782-6225 (Avalon) MEGAPHONE Mufflers, two 24” Megaphone mufflers, never used. $60 for both, $60 PH 689-5180 or 689-5180 St. John’s (Avalon) MOTORCYCLE Jacket, bought at Screaming Eagle 2015 in June to do the motorcycle course changed my mind, paid $330, in 2013 Sunset Trail 31 BH by Crossroads, excellent shape, $200 PH 240-0137 or electric fireplace, TV, CD/DVD player with 351-6024 (Avalon) AM/FM stereo, queen bed, leather couch/full bed, 2 bunks, outside Kitchen, MOTORCYCLE tires, Dunlop 170/70/16 outside speakers, exterior shower, awning rear tire, Bridgestone 170/70/16 rear tire, with LED lights, self-leveling jacks, used Dunlop 130/90/16 front tire, Dunlop lightly 2 seasons, $27,000 PH 728-3414 or 150/80/16 front tire, Dunlop “Harley 782-0064 Paradise (Avalon) Davidson” MT90 B16 front tire, these won’t fit my bike, selling $50 each or best offer, 2013 TOURING Crusader 330MKS 5th also willing to trade for a 110/90/16 front wheel 36’, in excellent condition, home tire and a 130/90/16 rear tire, $150 PH away from home, Lane furniture with two 689-5180 or 689-5180 Whiteway (Avalon) recliners, 50”tv with surround sound, satellite dish on roof auto find satellites, central NEWFOUNDLAND Motorcycle Plates, vac, auto leveling, brake and 5th wheel 1967, 1969, 1973 $100 each, two 1970 hitch available, $50,000 PH 535-8242 or mint plates different numbers never used 541-5577 Lewisporte (Central) $150 each, hard to come by Newfoundland Motorcycle Plates, PH 458-3190 (West) 2014 JAYCO Swift 26’ bunkhouse travel trailer presently on a serviced site at NOLAN speaker hemets, 2, in excellent Stillwater RV Park in Green’s Harbour, condition, size L and XL, $150 PH 541sleeps up to 9, purchased new June 2015 0143 or 541-6541 Lewisporte (Central) and still has a one year warranty, in like new condition, very little use, trailer has 2 OIL Filler Cap, Chrome, fits Kawasaki, $10 double bed bunks, serious inquires only, PH 782-6225 (Avalon) $23,000 PH 683-3425 Bay Roberts SEAT, Harley Davidson seat, new, call for (Avalon) more information, $100 PH 546-2316 2015 KEYSTONE, lightweight, thermal Hillview (East) package, awning, TV, stereo, DVD, MP3, indoor/outdoor speakers, outdoor kitchen, SKID Lid half helmet, Lethal Weapon - Hell indoor/outdoor shower, air, slide out, glass on Wheels, size medium (57cm - 59cm), shower, microwave, power jack, fiberglass brand new, never worn, selling because I shell, rubber roof, 2 refrigerators, superior ordered the wrong size, purchase receipt ride system, lots of storage, and much can be provided, $90 PH 427-3528 or 427more, $31,170 PH 749-0311 St. John’s 3528 Clarenville (East) (Avalon) TAIL/RUNNING lights, fits 1980 Honda XL Hideout travel trailer, 31 ft BHDS (bunk 80 and other models, original parts, very house double slide) in excellent condition good shape, $35 PH 782-6225 or 685has outside kitchen complete with all 3807 Paradise (Avalon) amenities Double propane tanks Electric TIRE, Front wheel to fit 2006 Yamaha 650 hook ups 32 inch tv Surround sound stereo Classic Motorcycle, good condition, rear tire Very open to reasonable offers Please call you can take if you want it, $50 PH 330for more information, $23,500 PH 427- 1302 St. John’s (Avalon) 6817 or 425-1070 Clarenville (Avalon)
WANTED, Parts for 85 86 shadow 1100, 1983 HONDA V45, new gel battery, good please text, PH 986-5699 St. John’s tires, windshield, everything original, 49,250 kilometers, price is or nearest offer, (Avalon) $1,450 PH 786-2738 Bay Roberts (Avalon) 1984 HONDA Goldwing 1200 Interstate, ready to ride and with low mileage, 1979 YAMAHA Ty 80, Trial bike very light $4,500 PH 747-4751 or 685-5390 Mount and well balanced with quite a peppy Pearl (Avalon) motor, my daughter have grown out of so 1985 HONDA Shadow 1100, ready to hope someone else will have fun with it, in ride, perfect for someone looking to just good working condition, $550 PH 697- start to ride but doesn’t want the payout for 4272 St. John’s (Avalon) a new bike, $2,500 PH 747-4751 or 6852002 KAWASAKI Kx 100, good shape and 5390 Mount Pearl (Avalon) runs good, $1,500 PH 746-1414 or 335- 1988 HARLEY Davidson 1340 softail clas7089 (Avalon) sic, excellent running condition, very little 2004 HONDA Cr250r, bike has full set of use, only 30000km, $7,000 PH 746-1508 extra plastics and another graphics kit to Conception Bay South (Avalon) go with as well as Procircuit exhaust, Fat 1988 HONDA Goldwing 1500, 6 cylinder, bars, UNI Air Filter, reason for selling No with reverse, 74,000 miles, good condition Time to Ride, $3,500 PH 746-7930 St. and running order, licensed until March John’s (Avalon) 2017, cover and shop manual included, 2004 HONDA Cr250r, excellent condition, price is or nearest offer, $3,800 PH 467comes with extra seat cover and full set of 2238 Brooklyn (East) extra plastics with graphics, full pro circuit 1992 HONDA Gac Goldwing, in good exhaust, fat bars, UNI Airfilter, NO condition, $6,000 PH 541-0143 or 541TRADES, price is or nearest offer, $3,500 1724 Lewisporte (Central) PH 746-7930 St. John’s (Avalon) YAMAHA 1200 V-Max, original 2004 Honda CR450 Motocross bike, real- 1999 owner purchased 2000, mint condition, ly good condition, price is or best offer, will- carbon fibre color inscheme, 2nd Seat, Back ing to trade for something of interest, Rest, High Windshield, Engine $3,750 PH 769-8191 St. John’s (Avalon) 22,000 kilometers, Call , text or Guards, email if 2006 KAWASAKI Kx 250 F, price is or near- interested, $5,500 PH 685-0196 Mount est offer, $3,000 PH 743-1847 or 834- Pearl (Avalon) 9388 Conception Bay South (Avalon) 2000 BMW F650gs, great Adventure 2008 CRF450X in mint condition, only Touring motorcycle for Newfoundland, you burned 3 tanks of gas since new, reason will not find a quality bike like this in such for selling don’t get used, price is firm, good condition and with such low mileage, a rare find in Newfoundland and a real $5,800 PH 690-8014 Torbay (Avalon) head turner, only 10,000 kilometers, 2008 HONDA CRF 450x, bike is in excel- $5,000 PH 691-5837 St. John’s (Avalon) lent shape, only 3 tanks of gas burned, only selling because it’s never used, lots of 2000 HONDA CBR 600, Yoshimura power, must be seen, $5,800 PH 690- exhaust and only a little over 26,000 kilometers, mint condition and well main8014 Torbay (Avalon) tained, reason for selling recently bought a 2008 YAMAHA XT250 Enduro model for cruiser, needs sold, $3,500 PH 541-6073 street or dirt, currently has a street tire on Lewisporte (Central) rear, low kilometers, mint condition, price is or best offer, $3,500 PH 899-3192 Goose 2000 Honda Shadow 1100, new brakes, tires, plugs and air cleaner, licensed for full Bay (Labrador) year, 42,000km, ready for the road, 2009 HONDA 230, excellent condition, $3,350 PH 334-3868 (Avalon) price is or nearest offer, $3,000 PH 5412000 YAMAHA Roadstar Silverado 1600, 3115 Stanhope (Central) excellent condition, sealskin seats and sad2009 KAWASAKI KLX 140, Good Shape, dlebags, cobra pipes, many chrome acces$1,500 PH 584-3845 Caplin Cove sories, 2 new tires with less than 200 km on them, bike has 33000 km, a must see!, (Avalon) $8,500 PH 464-7032 Trinity Bight 2009 xt250 yamaha dual purpose bike. (Central) approx. 6000 km.good condition,do not use bike,need sold.$3900.00 or nearest 2001 YAMAHA 1100 V Star Classic, Just offer, $3,900 PH 687-6144 Bay Bulls tuned up the bike. Cleaned carburetor changed oil, new plugs, K&N air filter, fuel (Avalon) filter, new back tire, front tire is new just not 2009 YAMAHA YZ 250F, with new front put on. Harley Davidson pipes. Lots of and back tire, two sets of plastics (white Chrome, running lights, saddle bags, back and black), oil and oil filter changed often rest windshield,heal toe shifter. Excellent and chain and sprockets are like new, only condition. Only 23000 Km. License until reason for selling is I don’t have the time to Feb 2017. $4800.00. or nearest offer, use it, please contact Shane, $3,750 PH $4,800 PH 257-3762 Botwood (Central) 427-4988 or 743-7163 Conception Bay 2003 SUZUKI 1500 Intruder, Mustang seat South (Avalon) with driver backrest, driver foot boards, 2010 YAMAHA TTR 125e Small Wheel, rear rack c/w Kuryakyn cargo bag, new purchased new in 2011, good condition, tires front and back, showroom condition, electric start, rear tire 80%, original front $6,500 PH 728-9900 (Avalon) tire 30%, oil changed regularly, always stored inside, price is or nearest offer, 2003 SUZUKI Gsx-r600, in great condition, always stored inside, needs front and $2,100 PH 467-4355 Lethbridge (East) back brakes, $3,000 PH 631-8369 2010 YAMAHA TTR 230, has new back tire Conception Bay South (Avalon) and brand new renthal bars, open to reasonable offers, text for quick, $2,400 PH 2003 SUZUKI Intruder VL800, licensed 749-6307 or 769-5153 Paradise (Avalon) until July 2016, 61,000 kilometers, new tires and plugs, price negotiable, PH 6572011 HONDA CRF 450r Trail Ridden by 2011 or 572-2149 South Brook (Central) mature rider, highly maintained, new sprockets and chain, tires and clutch, 2003 YAMAHA VStar1100 with brand new everything else is stock, to give you an idea back tire, 17,832 kilometers, $5,000 PH of hours I recently started second front tire, 746-7709 St. John’s (Avalon) 3 back tires, $5,300 PH 687-1928 or 3682004 HARLEY Davidson Xl Sportster 1200, 4466 St. John’s (Avalon) excellent condition and well maintained, 2011 KAWASAKI Kx 450 f, great shape, lit- 13000miles, new HD tires last year, tle use, new and studded tires, fmf pipe, Screaming Eagle pipes, chrome engine $5,300 PH 697-6359 St. John’s (Avalon) guard, highway pegs, saddlebags, quick release windshield, licensed until June 16, 2012 HONDA CRF 150rb, Bike is in excel- $6,850 PH 596-0601 or 589-8286 lent shape and well maintained needs Carbonear (Avalon) nothing, $3,700 PH 690-0984 Conception 2004 HONDA Shadow Aero 750, 17,000 Bay South (Avalon) kilometers, excellent condition, never out2012 YAMAHA WWR 450 Dirt bike, like side over night, always kept in garage, new only 350 kilometers, may consider backrest, saddlebags, and windshield trade for something of equal value, $6,500 included, $5,500 PH 834-3371 Foxtrap PH 640-0967 or 660-0603 Corner Brook (Avalon) (West) 2004 KAWASAKI Z1000, black, all high2013 HONDA Crf150l, Excellent condi- way miles, all new drive chain, cam chain, tion, $2,800 PH 685-1247 St. John’s tires, front rear sprocket, signal lights, and (Avalon) more, includes tank bag and rear bag, shop manual, and two additional wind2014 YAMAHA TW200, only 540 kilome- shields, very well maintained, must see to ters, like new condition, reason for selling appreciate, for any questions or to come looking to buy a new car, $3,600 PH 687- see please contact Jim, $4,800 PH 3688787 Dunville (Avalon) 0769 or 690-9558 St. John’s (Avalon) FOR TRADE 1990+ 250cc or higher dirt bike, will trade a 1999 Pontiac Sunfire GT, 2dr, 5-speed standard, 4cyl for it, PH 6842250 Tizzard’s Harbour (Central)
2004 SUZUKI 800 Volusia, 28,887 kilometers, in excellent condition, comes with saddle bags, licensed until May, $14,000 PH 771-1448 Holyrood (Avalon)
2004 suzuki marauder 800 cruise control. Only 38000 kilometers. Bike is in excellent condition. Reason for selling have another 1982 Harley Davidson Super Glide 1340, bike with no time to ride this one. Price fully dressed, new clutch and battery, price $3800 call or text 727-8359, $3,800 PH is or nearest offer, $6,500 PH 631-3302 727-8359 Mount Pearl (Avalon) Conception Bay South (Avalon)
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Current until April 29, 2016 Issue 984 Copyright© 2016 The Newfoundland Buy & Sell Magazine Inc.
2004 YAMAHA 1100 Classic, bought new in 05 for $10900+tax, 15000km, stored in heated building, mustang seat, toe/heel shifter, driver foot boards, trunk and hard bags, new tires, hardly broken in, time for someone to enjoy it, $4,500 PH 834-7410 Conception Bay South (Avalon)
2008 SUZUKI Boulevard 800 C50T Motorcycle, in excellent condition, 32,000 kilometers, $5,500 PH 467-2162 or 4276914 Lethbridge (East) 2008 SUZUKI Boulevard Ls650, excellent condition, lady driven, never dropped, tires are good, windshield, saddle bags, engine guard and blue led lights installed under the tank, 6904 km, great bike, light weight with lots of power, $3,400 PH 466-2903 Clarenville (East)
2005 HONDA Goldwing 1800, great condition, 83,900 kilometers, 40 channel CB, passenger armrest with drink holder, driver backrest and highway pegs, chrome led lighted rotor covers, good tires, fully serviced every 5000 kilometers, smoke air wings, 2009 DUCATI Monster 696, tri-colour, in $13,999 PH 227-2718 Placentia (Avalon) mint condition, no damage, like new, 1200 kilometers, just serviced, every available 2005 SUZUKI Boulevard C50, 800 cruise upgrade, custom seat, adjustable levers, control, 14,000 kilometers, excellent condi- over 20 Carbon Fiber weight reducing parts tion, windshield and saddlebags included, and the Ducati Race II ignition module, way $4,850 PH 743-2072 St. John’s (Avalon) too much to list, price is or nearest offer, no reasonable offer refused, $5,800 PH 7652005 SUZUKI Katana 750cc Motorcycle, 6200 Carbonear (Avalon) price is firm, $3,500 PH 535-3523 Lewisporte (Central) 2009 HONDA Shadow Spirit, shaft driven, crash bars installed, windshield, stereo with 2005 YAMAHA Fjr1300, in excellent condi- FM and MP3 hookup with remote, the 750 tion, low mileage, dealer maintained, brand C2 is an unmistakably easy to ride motornew tires, new highway pegs, luggage inner cycle with good accommodations, especialbags, never been dropped, stored inside, ly for the long haul and backed up by a livegreat ride, very comfortable in town and on ly V-Twin engine, new rear tire and oil the highway, $7,995 PH 782-2637 or 782- changed, also have a custom dog kennel to 2637 Paradise (Avalon) fit this bike this is optional for dog lovers, carry a small to medium dog, $1200 2005 YAMAHA Royal Star Venture, will will hold back for 30 days, call or 46,000km, has AM-FM cassette and inter- deposit price will increase May 1st, $4,600 PH com, all chrome accessories, must be seen text, to be appreciated, $8,000 PH 229-0835 986-8986 St. John’s (Avalon) (Avalon) 2009 Kawasaki 900 Vulcan, excellent conapprox 6000 kilometers, back rest 2006 Harley Davidson Heritage Soft Tail dition, cover going with bike, not seen in picClassic, one owner, vent and hinges, one oil and regular servicing completed, , willing change, like new condition, aluminum ture, trade for quad of equal value, $5,000 wheels, price is firm, $20,000 PH 691-2455 to PH 489-0933 Grand Falls - Windsor or 745-1413 Mount Pearl (Avalon) (Central) 2006 HONDA Shadow 750cc female 2009 KAWASAKI Vulcan 900 Custom SE, owned in perfect condition, extra chrome rare all black model with orange high added, if bought before the weather is warm lights, 11,000 kilometers, never driven in can be kept in storage, storage has been the rain, always stored in garage or under paid until the weather gets warm, low kilo- cover, too many extras to mention, O.E.M. meters, also has blue lights added that can included. Also have motorcycle related be set to different settings, new battery, sell- leathers for sale, $4,900 PH 728-3009 ing cause no time to ride, $5,000 PH 424- Brigus (Avalon) 2047 Gander (Central) 2006 KAWASAKI Vulcan Classic 1500, beautiful perfectly maintained low mileage bike, smoothest ride of any bike I have ever owned, powerful rumble sound without being too loud, removable back rests, extra windshield never used because of slight crack, extra separate switchable front lights, saddle bags and lots of Chrome. Touring pegs, foot platforms, radio with SD card for loading music and jack for other devices, $6,500 PH 699-9493 Conception Bay South (Avalon)
2009 YAMAHA Xt 250, dual sport, 5407 kilometers, always had proper maintenance done, always stored in heated garage, great on gas, reason for selling is upgrading to a bigger bike, any questions please feel free to message me, $3,800 PH 632-7397 or 785-7677 Corner Brook (West)
2011 HARLEY Davidson 883 Sportster, super low, Frankenstein trike kit installed, 600 kilometers, beautiful bike for starter or lady driver, bike comes aftermarket pipes, Davidson quick release windshield, 2006 Yamaha FZ1000, clean, excellent Harley controls, tachometer and trike kit condition, $6,400 PH 427-9463 Clarenville forward and with all stock accessories, $12,000 PH (East) 635-4403 or 632-0082 Deer Lake (West) 2007 HARLEY Davidson Sportster 1200, 2011 HONDA Cbr250r, excellent condiapprox 20,000km and includes saddle- tion, lady driven, only 1500km, stored in bags, quick release windshield, roll bars, heated basement, bike has an adjustable new exhaust, new tires, stored in heated lowering link in the back that can lower the garage, $10,000 PH 689-9020 or 280- bike up to 4 inches, great bike to learn on, 5111 Whitbourne (Avalon) $3,800 PH 464-7032 Trinity Bight (East) 2007 HONDA Shadow 600, only 1,818 2011 KAWASAKI Ninja, hardly used, in kilometers, mint condition, great starter perfect condition, call for details, PH 579bike, price is or best offer, $5,500 PH 764- 0987 (Avalon) 6354 or 745-8840 Mount Pearl (Avalon) 2007 HONDA Vlx Shadow 600, no trades, 9600 kilometers, black, leather side saddle bags included, liquid cooled, chain driven, 4 speed transmission, in excellent condition, lady driven, reason for selling, purchased a new one, serious inquires only, $4,400 PH 690-2002 Petty Harbour (Avalon) 2007 SUZUKI Boulevard C50 800, has 10,600 kilometers and is in excellent working condition, winter storage is always in a heated environment, $5,500 PH 685-8330 St. John’s (Avalon)
2011 Russian Ural, , well maintained, has the option of two wheel drive, 16800kilos, runs excellent, needs nothing, 750cc opposed cylinder engine, sells for 21K into the Harley dealership check them out, call 749-9149 for viewing, $10,500 PH 7499149 (Avalon)
2007 SUZUKI Boulevard C50 T, mint condition, 2900km, studded bags and seat, 2012 YAMAHA 950 VStar Touring, 400 whitewall tires, $6,500 PH 330-1970 kilometers, excellent condition bought new Torbay (Avalon) in 2012 Taylor’s Marine, has Cobra pipes and new fairing, leather bags, price is or 2007 VESPA 250 MP3, in excellent condition nearest offer, $8,000 PH 986-8343 Bay with only 2667 kilometers, great bike for the Roberts (Avalon) beginner because you don’t require the stability test in order to get your permit, bike is 2012 YAMAHA Fz6r, great bike for beginstreet legal and classed as a trike because of ners or experienced riders, stored inside, the locking front wheels, $4,300 PH 635- easy to handle and lots of fun, regular oil 4444 Deer Lake (West) changes, if you want more pics or info please feel free to contact any time, price is 2007 Vulcan 900, custom, mint condi- or best offer, $4,000 PH 764-0477 tion,12000 km, fuel injection,stored inside, Avondale (Avalon) hardly seen rain, custom light bar, chrome belt guard, breeder, rad cover, regulator 2012 YAMAHA Stryker 1300, mint condicover, horn, flip off windshield, engine tion, approximately 8000 kilometers, has a guard still in box, new battery with 3 year lot of additional features/add ons including warranty, new tires, nice rake and very com- Vance and Hynes Big Radius Exhaust, fortable, call Glenn, $5,900 PH 895-0459 Boulevard Windshield, Low and Mean or 631-8066 St. John’s (Avalon) Eliminator Kit, Side mount license plate, flat peg foot pegs, joker mirror, solo seat, no 2007 YAMAHA 1100 V-Star motorcycle in scratches or dents and is in pristine condiexcellent condition, licensed until March tion, serious inquires only no tire kickers, 2017, $5,000 PH 583-2380 (Avalon) will consider reasonable offers, $9,950 PH 2008 HONDA Shadow Touring 750, in 632-6202 Corner Brook (West) excellent condition, 6400 kilometers, 2013 URAL Patrol with sidecar, 4000 kilo$6,000 PH 683-0993 Georgetown (Avalon) meters, 2WD, reverse, serviced annually, 2008 kawasaki vulcan custom, 10000km, excellent condition, price is or nearest offer, bike is in excellent condition, always stored $12,500 PH 589-5033 Carbonear in heated garage. Saddle bags included. (Avalon) New battery installed last year. Asking 2014 HONDA CRF 250L, in mint condi$6500 if interested email or text 709-770- tion, never used off road, not a mark on 0860, $6,500 PH 770-0860 St. John’s bike, 720 kilometers, $4,700 PH 682-7264 (Avalon) Torbay (Avalon)
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1900 - 1975 • Recreational Vehicles
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Current until April 29, 2016 Issue 984 Copyright© 2016 The Newfoundland Buy & Sell Magazine Inc.
REDUCED TO 7000. Excellent condition. Two new tires, Hwy pegs and drivers footboards. Kept in heated garage. Reason for selling bought a new bike. Open to offers, $7,000 PH 549-2743 or 425-1856 North Harbour (Avalon)
1993 COACHMAN Class C, 24 feet, 460 motor, 72,000miles, 4000 watt built in generator, rear bed, full bath, 2 door fridge, air conditioning, furnace, stereo, TV, back up camera, rear bumper sweep, trailer hitch, new shocks, new, battery, new tires, new awning, stove and oven, $9,800 PH 334WANTED V45 or V65 Magna in mint condi- 2099 Bay Bulls (Avalon) tion, PH 229-0183 or 728-7894 Colliers (Avalon) 1993 TERRY Resort, 28’, fifth wheel trailer, fridge, stove, furnace, microwave, sleeps 6, in good condition, a must see., price is or nearest offer, will consider delivery for small fee, depending on location, $6,500 PH 834-3549 or 689-4777 Conception Bay South (Avalon) WINTER SPECIAL $270 in town/$285 out of town Taxes Incl, Basic Rider Course, Regular Price is $339, sale could end without notice (so enrol today)! We are Newfoundland’s Most Experienced, Privately Owned, Government Approved, motorcycle school. We have promotions and special deals on all the time, call us to save! Want to learn to ride! We offer 1 bike per student, our instructors have 10+ years instruction experience, and 20+ years licensed riding experience. Before you book a motorcycle course with just anyone, call us. We’ll be glad to give you all the info you need to choose the right school. Give us a call or book online at, PH 730-4000 (Avalon)
2003 5th WHEEL Trailer, Titanium, 33’, in excellent condition, bonus deck, price is or nearest offer, $14,000 PH 237-1337 or 687-7880 St. John’s (Avalon) CAMPER cord, 30’, 10 with 3 prong plug, $50 PH 782-1489 Paradise (Avalon) UTILITY Shelter, Kinbrook 7ft X 3ft6in, never used or removed from original packaging, price is or nearest offer, $60 PH 364-1226 St. John’s (Avalon)
1981 FORD Glendale 20’ Motorhome, very clean inside and out, 6 cylinder 300 engine with 126,000 kilometers, runs great and good on gas, spent $1500 last June on parts and labor to pass inspection, all new flooring and new battery within the past month, 2 low back seats were replaced with Eddie Bauer captain seats, 4 good tires and everything works, sleeps 4 comfortably, licensed until the end of June, ready to go for this camping season and many more, $5,500 PH 786-3399 Shearstown (Avalon) 1981 motor home, 20ft, not licensed, can drive away, please call 442-3115 for more information, $1,200 PH 442-3115 or 6904914 Bellevue (Avalon) 1989 Ford 24’ Motorhome, good condtion, 40,000km, can be see at 255 Main St, Clarke’s Beach, price is or nearest offer, $7,000 PH 786-5602 Clarke’s Beach (Avalon) 1989 FORD Ford Motorhome, in good running order, very nice condition inside, window is now fixed, price is firm and will increase as the summer gets closer, call Barry, $4,500 PH 754-9446 or 687-9306 St. John’s (Avalon) 1990 FORD Corsair Medallion RV, well maintained and in good condition, everything works and will be re-licensed in April, 97,512 kilometers, 29’ long and sleeps 6 adults, no smoking and no pets, enjoyed by the grand kids but time to downsize, $8,000 PH 443-2487 Brookside (East) 1900 - 1975 • Recreational Vehicles
2005 DUTCHMAN Northshore BH26’, immaculate interior travel trailer, excellent condition, indoor storage for the last 7 years, double slide, will be sold as a complete package, hitch, lantern etc, $9,500 PH 687-4887 or 334-3414 Bay Bulls (Avalon) 2005 FOREST River Sunseeker, 30 ft, rear walk-around bed, built-in generator, separate washroom/shower area, Winegard satellite dish, air conditioning, lots of storage space, $35,000 PH 596-0174 Victoria (Avalon) 2005 FOUR Winds Express Lite Travel Trailer A 27, extend to 32’, rear hard double bed slide out, Jack/Jill bunks, sleeps 9, electric slide sofa, fridge, stove, microwave, awning, electric/propane h/w boiler, outside water hose hook-up, spare tire, 2 propane tanks, battery, weight distribution bar, call for details, $13,500 PH 726-6530 St. John’s (Avalon)
1995 WINNEBAGO 34ft Adventure, Chevrolet chassis, 454 motor, fridge, stove, microwave, queen bed and furnace, 85,000 miles, outside radio, two TV’s, price is or nearest offer, $14,000 PH 745-8486 or 2006 DUTCHMAN Four Winds 26’, 28’ four 687-1785 Goulds (Avalon) winds travel trailer In great shape, features In floor heating, full size fridge/stove/oven combo, microwave, TV over table, sleeps 6, air conditioning, all new axles and suspension, new torsion bars and tow package included, Queen size bed, shower/ toilet, lots of storage area, can easily be converted into a polar package for year round use, great for family or working individuals, $8,200 1997 GULFSTREAM Sunsport Motorhome small 572-0672 Grand Falls - Windsor 32’, no slidouts, Ford F450, V8 Engine, PH Automatic Transmission, Gas Fuel, 137,000 (Central) kilometers, fully loaded including queen size 2006 Four Winds, from Arizona, in good rear bedroom with 3 mirror, closets and one condition, Queen rear bed, sleeps 6, oak dresser, separate stand up shower to fit per- cupboards, fully equipped kitchen, lots of son over 6, separate toilet area, separate storage, spacious bathroom w/separate bathroom sink with new cabinet and top, all shower, 4000 Onin generator, lots of extras, hardwood floor and much more, call for $23,750 PH 368-6870 or 693-4788 St. more details, Brampton, Ontario, $20,000 John’s (Avalon) PH (905) 454-5848 (Out of Province) 2007 GULFSTREAM Innsbruck, 28ft, price is 2002 Frontier, Canadian made 5th wheel or nearest offer, phone Shawn, $15,000 PH with two tip outs, insulated tanks, double 687-5012 or 782-0676 St. John’s (Avalon) windows, tinted, only two owners, no pets, non smoking, built in microwave, coffee 2009 DUTCHMAN 39d 39’ Park Model, sepmaker, very well kept, $16,500 PH 257- arate bedroom, bunk room, fully loaded, 3324 or 290-9902 Botwood (Central) original owner, excellent condition, situated at Backside Pond Park, Green’s Hr, full awning, 2002 Sprinter, 26’, slide, microwave, hot 30’x 10’ pressure treated deck, landscaped water boiler, air conditioning, built in radio with shed, excellent site, will sell trailer sepaand antenna for TV, and much more, price rately, central heating, air, shower and sepais or nearest offer, $10,000 PH 895-2318 rate bunk room, $27,500 PH 685-66 or Paradise (Avalon) 368-0426 St. John’s (Avalon) Don’s Used Auto - Special Price 2009 Wildwood RB, 27ft, like new condition, has to be seen to be appreciated, very little use, price is or nearest offer, $13,600 PH 368-8434 Mount Pearl (Avalon) 2010 JASPER Trail 27-bhs, 7’ ceilings with a center kitchen, dinette & sofa in the slide out, in the rear is a full bathroom and single & double bunks, front master bedroom with 2004 Coachmen Santara Class C queen size bed that has a pillow top mattress, Model 31.6 Deluxe, 1 super slide, rotating TV cabinet for viewing either in the upgraded cabinetry, LED lighting, 3 tvs, bedroom or the living area, entertainment one flat screen, dvd player built in, system has AM/FM radio, CD, DVD & AUX King-Dome satellite system, Apex sys- input with inside & outside speakers, air contem for air to air channels, Onan built ditioning & furnace, outdoor shower, rear in generator, new outside Alpine stereo outside ladder for roof access, hardwood system AM/FM/CD/MP3/AUX, water cabinet doors, roof vent covers, lots of storage filter system, rear queen walk around plus many more features, complete towing bed, full shower enclosure, separate assembly included, price negoitable, wash room and much much more, $17,995 PH 721-0851 Kippens (West) built on a e450 Ford chassis with only 2010 SPRINGDALE 303bhssr travel trailer by 38,880 miles, absolutely no rust, Keystone, sleeps 11, 2 slides, lots of storage, $42,600 PH 424-5975 (East) tv, DVD player/radio, surround sound, bathtub w/shower head, outside shower, 2 propane tanks, in excellent condition, well maintained, from a non-smoking family, $21,500 PH 895-0012 St. Philip’s (Avalon)
2004 Simba Class A, 30’, v10 triton, 60,000miles, from Florida, bedroom slide, front room slide, fully self contained, price is or nearest offer, $33,000 PH 682-6622 St. John’s (Avalon) 2004 TERRY Quantum 5th wheel, Looking for a deal, here it is, 25’ 5th wheel, one slide in main area, bunks in rear, sleeps 7, truck hitch included, mint condition, lightweight, reduced price to sell, gotta see to believe, PH 432-2085 or 363-7135 Calvert (Avalon)
2011 COUGAR Fifth Wheel, 30’, with 2 slides, beautiful trailer, like new inside, queen bedroom, had insurance claim - axle is bent and cannot be licensed for the road, has to be put in park or on private property, can be delivered, call Barry, $15,000 PH 687-9306 St. John’s (Avalon) 2011 DUTCHMAN Denali 259rex, 26’ 5th wheel, Superlite with all weather package, large slide-out, power awning and jacks, queen bed upstairs, only used approx 2wks per year, complete with 5th wheel hitch, like new, $25,000 PH 489-2031 or 486-1459 Grand Falls - Windsor (Central)
2011 MONTANA 3465sa 38’ Fifth Wheel RV, excellent condition, ready to setup in your favorite camp site, with dual pane windows, polar package, power awning, awnings over slides, 3 slides, auto satellite on roof, lots of storage, power jacks in front and back and all controlled with a remote control, air conditioner, computer desk built in, electric fire place, 3 flat screen TV’s 32”, 24” & 20”, Central Vac, and more, $36,950 PH 290-4567 or 489-3131 Grand Falls Windsor (Central)
CYLINDER, for 2004-2005 550 Edge Touring Snowmobile, $380 PH 587-2921 Old Perlican (Avalon) HELMET, Skidoo, $60 PH 785-5733 Corner Brook (West) JAWS trail can to fit a Bombardier 600 e-tec, $150 PH 455-2144 (West) PARTS to fit a 1995 550 Yamaha skidoo, PH 586-2746 (Avalon)
POLARIS Hood, Polaris 500 l/c hood new 2011 Wildwood travel trailer, 36 ft. BHBS, never used, $250 PH 477-2026 or 468mint condition, MAKE AN OFFER !!, 0207 Port Union (Avalon) $25,000 PH 683-4560 or 683-6431 Upper Island Cove (Avalon) SKI Doo Throttle, handle and housing, part 572084500, fits ‘97’-’99’ Touring, Skandic 2012 FOREST River Georgetown 351 and some Formula models, used one seamotorhome, like new, if you are interested son, works fine, $100 + new, buyer pays please call/text 709 682 5421, $79,000 PH shipping or may be picked up in Corner 682-5421 or 240-0106 Conception Bay Brook. 640-1903, $50 PH 639-7276 South (Avalon) Corner Brook (West) 2012 FOREST River Salem travel trailer SKI-DOO Cover, in the box never opened, 35.6’, immaculate condition, 3 slides, Intense RF 1 up MED-High # P280000258, sleeps 10, U-shape Dinette seating, modern paid over $300, $205 PH 596-7541 interior, swivel TV for viewing in the main liv- Carbonear (Avalon) ing area as well as in master bedroom, master has queen, 2 single bunks and a SKI-DOO Suit, Fristads, purchased at IMP, double bunk with a couch that folds down to size 36, $200 or nearest offer, $200 PH another bunk all in the back room also has 467-5609 Clarenville (East) a huge entertainment center, front living room couch also folds down and the dinette SKIDOO Suit, Ladies med, bought at IMP, area all converts to sleeping areas plus cost $400, like new, $85 PH 744-1005 more, reason for selling purchased a new Conception Bay South (Avalon) cabin, 4 years warranty remaining, contact Dion, serious inquires only, $27,000 PH SKIDOO Track, fit a 2012 BRP 600 E-TEC GT snowmobile, size 1” X 137” X 15”, $350 388-1661 Corner Brook (West) PH 722-7208 St. John’s (Avalon) 2014 TRAIL-LITE Trek 182rbh, nice bunks for the kids, easily towable lightweight trail- SKIDOO, scrapping for parts, call for er, used on four short trips, warranty until details, PH 722-6059 St. John’s (Avalon) September 2018, registered until September SKIS, pair of Yamaha tuner skis, one 2 inch 2016, more pictures available, $18,500 PH and one 4 inch carbide runner on each, 643-9353 Kippens (West) bought new last year only used for one run, JAYCO, 5th wheel trailer, in excellent condi- about 300 km, price is or best offer, $200 tion, everything in working order, with hook- PH 746-4063 St. John’s (Avalon) up, $6,500 PH 659-2176 or 486-1350 SNOWMOBILE Seat for Bravo Long Track, Biscay Bay (Central) like new, $160 PH 466-2593 Clarenville SEASONAL campsite at Backside pond, (Avalon) right on the pond and has wooden walkway to the pond with a patio right on the water, includes 8x12 patio, log cabin for the kids and use of a storage shed, Wifi is available for an added fee, site is groomed and sodded and lawn care is required (ie weed control and cutting), site has water, grey water well and electricity, season is from May to Labor day, extended season camping available until Thanksgiving for an extra $300. Winter storage and camping also available. Next year may also be available full or part 1986 Yamaha VK540, call for more inforseason. This is a great park, lots of kids, and mation, PH 788-2472 Bay Roberts (Avalon) only an hour from St. John’s Park is secure 1989 SKI-DOO BRP 250 Citation and with gated access using pass card, $2,560 Safari, yellow one runs great, newer track, PH 596-3448 (Avalon) over all solid skidoo, the safari needs a track WANTED to buy a Class A Motorhome, and fuel pump, had her running today and approx 27’ or 28’, in really good condition, could keep it running with the primer button, would like 2005 or Newer; preferably with a make a good second skidoo with a little slide, bedroom with walk around bed, built- work or keep for parts, no idea how many in generator, air conditioning, Furnace, kilometers is on either one, $600 PH 746stove w/oven, microwave, back-up camera, 3441 Markland (Avalon) looking for Class “A” ONLY Please, PH 895- 1993 SKANDIC 503R, price is firm, $1,000 3274 Portugal Cove (Avalon) PH 535-3523 Lewisporte (Central) WANTED, small class c motorhome or 1995 ARCTIC Cat Panther 440, 2 up seat, camper van in good condition, preferably reverse, front hand warmers, extra auxiliary mint, with less than 100,000 kilometers, outlet, carry rack, cover, excellent condition, please contact me if you have an RV like this low mileage, price is or best offer, $2,200 to sell, PH 388-0420 Corner Brook (West) PH 596-1967 Victoria (Avalon) Well kept moterhome, all brand new tires. 1998 YAMAHA 410 Enticer Ii, comes with 49000 km, $19,000 PH 277-5503 or 725- cover, studded track, 8300 km, excellent 6184 St. John’s (Avalon) condition, $3,500 PH 541-6464 Loon Bay (Central) 2001 YAMAHA Venture 600 Triple, two up seat with passenger heated grips, only 5030 kilometers, in mint condition, kept in heated garage when not in use, picture shows single seat, have original two up seat, in excellent condition and goes with snowmobile, you have the choice to have either single or two up, battery tender, original heavy duty cover, jack (keep track off ground), new CARBURETOR, for 12 Elan skidoo, PH 545- drive belt, new set of plugs included, $2,800 2308 Plate Cove West (East) PH 437-5832 Torbay (Avalon)
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Current until April 29, 2016 Issue 984 Copyright© 2016 The Newfoundland Buy & Sell Magazine Inc.
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1900 - 1975 • Recreational Vehicles
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2003 POLARIS 500 WideTrack, Package Deal including Double Trailer & 8’ Fiberglass Sled. Snowmobile is in mint condition with Electric Start Ignition; High/Low/Reverse/Neutral Transmission; 20”W x 156”L Track with Brand New Cover purchased this year. Both Trailer & Sled are Factory Made & in excellent condition, please call Larry after 6pm for price details, PH 329-3351 Baie Verte Peninsula (Central) 2003 POLARIS Sks 700, 144” track, 6580miles, comes with Choko Saddle bags, cover, extra belt, spare spark plugs, extra headlight, tow-strap, moving wheels, and Muff-Pot, always stored inside, mint condition, adult driven, price is or nearest offer, $2,600 PH 258-2198 Grand Falls Windsor (Central)
Current until April 29, 2016 Issue 984 Copyright© 2016 The Newfoundland Buy & Sell Magazine Inc.
2004 YAMAHA Vk540, in good working condition, comes with an extra track, $2,500 PH 673-6511 or 668-0275 Grand Falls - Windsor (Central) 2006 ARCTIC Cat Panther 660, four stroke, two seater sleds, auction is for one sled but both are available, mileages are 4400 and 4500, both have hand & thumb warmers, reverse, carbides, studs, electric start, in superb condition, $5,000 PH 400-1320 Corner Brook (Avalon) 2006 BOMBARDIER Mach z 1000, in excellent condition, 5700 miles, gas caddie, low windshield, handle bar guards, red light covers, email for pictures, $2,000 PH 8735098 St. Lawrence (Central)
2007 BOMBARDIER Ski-doo, rev 800, comes fully serviced, new belt- cover, and 2004 ARCTIC Cat 550 Pantera Liquid new v-force reeds and boots, price is or cooled, Luxury touring, very good condi- nearest offer, sled like new, $4,700 PH 597tion, 7200 miles, electric start, reverse, two 5150 Carbonear (Avalon) up seat, heated hand grips, cover, reason 2007 SKI-DOO BRP Summit, wife says it for selling not being used, price reduced, goes or she does, got to keep her because I $2,100 PH 886-6239 Ramea Island (West) can’t cook, but I’m going to learn, $3,500 2004 POLARIS Edge Touring 800, no rips, PH 697-2291 Witless Bay (Avalon) 4000 miles, 4 stroke, electric start, reverse, 2007 SKIDOO MXZ 800 mint condition, new carbides, new battery, Looking to runs perfect, willing to trade for an atv, PH trade for a motorcycle, will add cash is nec- 528-4872 or 222-0345 Georgetown essary, PH 746-8767 St. John’s (Avalon) (Avalon)
1900 - 1975 • Recreational Vehicles
2010 BOMBARDIER Expedition LE, wide track, 20 in, 600 HD-soi, please call 709632-0730, $7,500 PH 634-9266 Corner Brook (West)
2013 ARCTIC Cat Xf 800 Ltd, 141x2.25 Power claw track, Super Q exhaust, electric start, reverse, goggle & tunnel bag, spare belt, 5200mil, new jack shaft, bearings, and reeds, gas rack, hand guards, 2010 SKI-DOO BRP Expedition 600 WT, ice scratchers, digital display, cover, no sled is in excellent condition, ready to ride, trades, $7,000 PH 770-4787 Clarenville willing to sell or trade for a WT or SWT (East) Skandic, $6,300 PH 634-4127 Corner Brook (West) 2013 SKI-DOO BRP Freeride 137, 800etec in absolutely mint condition, 2010 YAMAHA Venture GT, very well kept 3800 kilometers, lots of extras, contact for with only 1735 kilometers, runs perfect, any information, $10,000 PH 582-2982 $7,500 PH 685-5225 Paradise (Avalon) or 680-1993 Green’s Harbour (Avalon) 2011 SKI-DOO BRP Summit X 800 e-tec, 2015 SKI-DOO BRP Expedition Sport 151” x 2.25” paddle track, original owner, 600ACE, 3702 kilometers, bought this in excellent shape, very well maintained and machine last winter, in perfect working taken care of, ran premium fuel and full syn- order, just get on and go, factory windthetic oil since new, always been stored shield and 2-up seat, keeping GPS but inside, push button reverse, hand and mount will go with the machine, also thumb warmers with temperature adjust- comes with a BRP cover, price is Firm or ments, digital gauge package and more, trade for a skandic call or text anytime, serious inquires only please, $8,300 PH $8,500 PH 640-1045 Corner Brook (780) 228-0377 Bay Roberts (Avalon) (West) 2015 SKI-DOO BRP Renegade-rocket Bee, 2015 SKI-DOO BRP Summit SP 154 hardly used, please get back to me for more 800e-tec, mint, BRP 2 Up Seat, Gas information if interested, $3,500 PH 746- Caddy, Brp Med Bag, only 1100 kilome5490 Laurenceton (Labrador) ters, just finished break in, always stored heated garage, has belly pan cover 2012 POLARIS 550 Iq, 1700 kilometers, fan inside spare belt, still has 2 years warranty, cool, hand warmers, hitch, carrying bag, and bought at the end of last season, reverse, price is or best offer, $5,000 PH was $13,000 PH 424-5061 Gander (Central) 649-4511 or 649-1110 Stephenville (West)
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550 fan cooled Polaris. Electric start, reverse, grip warmers, GPS mount. Comes with cover, $1,800 PH 745-6813 St. John’s (Avalon) Selling due to a move out of Labrador. ( Goose Bay) Have paperwork for legal ownership/sale. Well taken care of 2006 Venture RT 500xl fan cooled Under 3000km- 2 keys- Runs excellent, regular maintenance done Electric start ( works) Hand warmers & thumb warmers 2 up seat with it’s own handwarmers Brand new windshield Brand new carbide ski rods Brand new battery for electric start New belt and plugs put on, recent chain oil change. Can be seen on base. $3500, $3,500 PH 896-5881 (Labrador) SKIDOO and SNOWBLOWER, Skidoo 300 Bravo, has new track, snow blower needs new spark plug, $300 for set, price is FIRM, serious inquires only, $300 PH 631-1355 St. John’s (Avalon) WANTED to buy a Yamaha Venture MP Multi Purpose Snowmobile, PH 6432602 Stephenville (West) WANTED, ski to fit VK540 Yamaha, PH 596-0062 (Avalon)
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Current until April 29, 2016 Issue 984 Copyright© 2016 The Newfoundland Buy & Sell Magazine Inc.
CARGO TRAILER, 2014, v-nose, 16’, black, cellulose insulating blower machine installed, dust removing hood, double axle ramp door, side door 7’ wide, 74” high, back door 66” high, like new condition, $7,500 PH 467-5275 Bloomfield (East) CARGO trailer, enclosed, 8’ long x 4’ wide x 27” high, built on heavy duty axle and galvanized chassis, only 2 yrs old has 4 locked compartments and another one in front to fit a propane cylinder, boat rack 2012 JAYCO Jayflight Swift Travel Trailer, and bike carrier included, $1,800 PH 59226’, 2707 kgs. dry weight, includes Queen 2899 (Avalon) Bedroom, Double under twin bedroom, Slide out section with a Sleeper sofa, Table Tilt Trailer that converts to bed, Tub/ Shower also outdoor shower, Stove, microwave, Large fridge/ freezer, CD Stereo with outdoor speakers, Power Awning, Air Conditioned Sleep 8-10 people. Like Brand New condition, $18,900 PH 834-0778 Conception Bay South (Avalon) Double Bed, price is firm, $500 PH 2016 CARGO Trailer, 16’, double axle, 745-1394 Mount Pearl (Avalon) back ramp style door, side walk door, stabilizer jacks and installed tie down lugs, DUMP Trailer to haul behind side by side, new spare tire, trailer is located in 55” overall width, box is 48”x38”, 2’x2’ Bloomfield, perfect for hauling your Quad deep, call for details, PH 525-2424 St. or Snow Machine, built in the USA, $9,200 Mary’s (Avalon) PH 427-3946 Bloomfield (Avalon) Charge Board, WF-8955-MBA to 2016 US CARGO trailer, 7x16, V-nose, LOWER RV or travel trailer, brand new never tandem 3500lbs axle, flow thru vents, rear fit used, paid $337, price is firm, $250 ramp door, interior lights w/switch, 3/4” been drymax flooring with 3/8” drymax walls on PH 726-2870 St. John’s (Avalon) 16” centers, 15” hybrid tires, stone guard, Don’s Used Auto side door, electric brakes, LED lights, all wheel electric brakes, not a dealer, private sale, never used, $9,749 PH 765-4439 St. John’s (Avalon)
Selection of new boat trailers, some aluminium, some galvanized, call for Details, PH 424-5975 or 677-2170 (East)
TRAILER Rims, new 4 bolt hole pattern, UTILITY Trailer, suitable for small skidoo or white, $25 each or 4 for, $90 PH 477- quad, 3 new tires, new wiring and lights, 2026 or 468-0207 Port Union (Avalon) has ramp for easy loading/offloading, $750 PH 546-2281 or 427-3135 Deep TRAILER TIRE and Wheel, 145/12R/50, Bight (East) new condition, price is or nearest offer, $45 PH 744-1005 Conception Bay UTILITY TRAILER, Tag-Along, 6x10, road South (Avalon) worthy, $800 PH 596-3318 Victoria (Avalon) TRAILER, 16’ x 6’, tandem axles, call for more details, PH 834-2720 or 693- UTILITY Trailer, V- Nose Snapper Covered 2849 Conception Bay South (Avalon) Utility bought in Florida on Feb 15th 2016, trailer is 5x6 square area and 5X8.5 to the TRAILER, 2010 6/12 single axle trailer, V-nose, 5’ inside height and 6’X12’ overall $6,500 PH 986-8343 Bay Roberts outside height and length, has approxi(Avalon) mately 3000 Miles (one trip central Florida St. John’s), have title and certificate of no TRAILER, 2011 model, 19 ft, enclosed, to from the manufacture, will consider great shape, interior lighting, ramp door recall reasonable offers, please no low ball in back and man door in front, sell or other $2,800 PH 437-3428 Torbay trade for bigger car hauler, $6,500 PH calls, (Avalon) 697-6359 St. John’s (Avalon) TRAILER, 8 ft x 11 ft, price is or best offer, $1,800 PH 649-4511 or 649-1110 Stephenville (West)
UTILITY Trailer, 10’ long by 6’ wide. Made from 2” by 2” new square tubing. Pressure treated deck and sides (15” high). 15” wheels with spare, Swivel Jack, bearing buddies, 3500 lb cambered axle, 2000 lb slipper springs. Pressure treated ramp. Well made and built to last!, $1,650 PH 834-2720 or 693-2849 Conception Bay South (Avalon)
UTILITY Trailer, 12’ x 6’, made from 3x3 tubing, pressure treated wood on deck, sides and ramp, 15” wheels with spare, 2000lb slipper springs, 3500 lb axle, 7X14 High Country, NEW 2016 All alu- SLIDE, homemade, never used, for hauling swivel jack, bearing buddies, excellent minum 7 x 14 V Nose. 12 inches extra behind atv, skidoo, etc., call details, $200 condition, $1,600 PH 277-5503 or 7256184 St. John’s (Avalon) height ! , 82 inch rear door height, 7ft high PH 722-6059 (Avalon) inside, salem side vents, elec brakes, Trailer, 5’x8’, new axle, new wheeled tongue jack, smooth skin screw- TIRE and wheel, One only ST175/80/13 UTILITY with fiberglass roof, suitable for less sides, flush side door with paddle han- Goodyear trailer tire mounted on white jack, shed, call for details, PH 582-2889 dle and keyed lock , great deal! we finance trailer wheel, good shape, only 20% worn, tool and deliver !, $9,350 PH 443-2316 Baine $60 PH 747-9594 or 727-7401 Mount New Harbour (East) Pearl (Avalon) Harbour (East) UTILITY TRAILER, 5’x9’, suitable for ATV skidoo, $400 PH 786-5602 Clarke’s ATV Trailer, Double wide, ideal for quads, Trailer Mallard 28X Travel Trailer, 28ft, or snowmobiles and side by sides, trailer is sleeps 8, fridge, freezer, stove w/oven, air Beach (Avalon) 102” wide, 10’ long and comes with a conditioning, furnace, 2 - 30 lb propane UTILITY Trailer, never used, measuring 3,500lb axle, wheel jack, 1” power trunk tanks, 2 batteries, queen bed and 2 twin 10’ long by 4.5’ wide, equipped with a deck boards, armour coat paint and a bunks, dinette and sofa convert into beds, 3500 lb. axle and two 1750 lb. springs, lockable cargo box, price is or nearest trailer hitch, weight distribution system, includes lift jack, lights and a set of steel offer, $2,600 PH 746-6065 St. John’s sway bar, and honey pot, $11,000 PH racks, $900 PH 257-2638 or 486-6236 895—070 or 728-3194 Portugal Cove Botwood (Central) (Avalon) (Avalon)
CHICKS, day old chicks, turkey, pekin duck, broiler, phesant, and various laying varities, available late May throughout the summer and fall, please call or email for delivery times and pricing, PH (780) 881-3859 Lewisporte (Central) DUCKS$10 each, drakes $7 each, PH 437-1225 Torbay (Avalon) GOAT, 3, call for more info, no emails, PH 525-2472 Peter’s River (Avalon) HORSE Harness, call for details, $300 PH 233-1952 Flatrock (East) HORSE, Paint mare, 1100 pounds, 15.1 hands high, she will be 3 years old in October, had some training with saddle and in sleds, leads and trailers well and is very quiet and will mannered, $1,200 PH 257-3667 or 4869142 Peterview (Central)
LOCALLY raised grass fed beef, no growth hormones, no antibiotics, chemical free, cut and wrapped in freezer paper or vacuum packed, frozen and ready for your freezer, extra WANTED trailer axle, looking for 2000 lb lean ground beef, roast, ribs, free or more trailer axle spring centers of 60”, delivery to local area, $5 PH 635-7000 may also accept rear axle of 80’s Plymouth Deer Lake (West) Acclaim cars, they had serviceable wheel bearings and I have checked and easily get MEAT bird chicks, Nova Free Rangers new bearings kits for them, willing to pay produces outstanding european meat up to $50 though will be looking for less bird chicks from our own breeders and price if possible, axle must be off cart or hatchery in NS. All from old heritage vehicle, do not want to have to do any stock our birds are ideal for organic labor to remove, call Terry, $50 PH 596- and free range production. We ship by westjet to Nl anywhere they fly cargo. 8505 Harbour Grace (Avalon) contact us by email or phone 902-530WANTED, woods trailer, PH 468-4777 2136, $1 PH (902) 530-2136 (Out of Province) Melrose (East) Venture Boat Trailers & Easy Haulers. Also a wide variety of fibreglass materials, PH 747-2565 or 727-0990 (Avalon)
WOODS CART, Bog bike woods cart / trailer, 2 extra tires & new hitch, steel mesh deck, price is or nearest offer, $200 PH 231-2338 Avondale (Avalon)
PYGMY bucks, born March 26, ready to go May 14, can be castrated if preferred, price is for each, $200 PH 5212091 or 699-1252 Mount Carmel (Avalon)
WOODS Trailer, suitable for hauling wood with ATV, has 360 degree swivel on tongue Wanted free laying chickens, PH 290to prevent damage to bike or coupler in the 1599 Grand Falls - Windsor (Central) event of roll-over while loaded, please call for more details, PH 334-3797 Tors Cove (Avalon)
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2000 - 2035 • Farming & Fishing
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Current until April 29, 2016 Issue 984 Copyright© 2016 The Newfoundland Buy & Sell Magazine Inc.
MASSEY Ferguson farm tractor, very old, CHISEL plough, 7 tooth, 50 plus hp tractor HAY, Round wrapped bales of hay, call for Antique, in running order, call for more required depending on depth and soil con- more details, $70 PH 687-5018 (Avalon) ditions, $2,750 PH 634-6456 Steady Brook details, PH 488-3204 Bell Island (Avalon) HORSE COLLAR & harness to fit pony 600 1989 JOHN Deere Modle 6210 row crop (West) lbs, collar like new, $75 PH 744-4403 tractor, 72 p.t.o. Hp, 90 reg hp, creeper COOLER, Walk in cooler/freezer approxi- Upper Gullies (Avalon) transmission, canopy, four wheel, 2996 hrs, $40,000 PH 634-6456 Steady 2006 Kubota 9000 Utility Tractor, 95 mately 10’x12’ with and condenser, has to Horsepower, powershift, all new tires, snow be disassembled, needs compressor, INSULATED Trailer, 16 ft ,5th wheel with Brook (West) blower and loader bucket, 3375 hrs, please $1,500 PH 634-6456 Steady Brook (West) electric brakes and thermo king reefer, capacity 6350 kg ideal for hauling meat or 1989 Zetor tractor 5211, 2WD, diesel call for price, PH 786-3304 Shearstown CORN and bean seeder, 2 row Massey fresh product, $7,000 PH 634-6456 Steady motor, chains on back tire, PTO, runs, in (Avalon) Ferguson, with fertilizer attachment, $950 Brook (West) perfect, price is or nearest offer, $3,300 PH 631-3302 Conception Bay South (Avalon) 600 cauliflower flats size 12’s. Cascade PH 634-6456 Steady Brook (West) IRRIGATION equipment, assortment of 3” $2 waxed, PH 645-2203 Robinsons (West) DANUSER P.T.O auger come with a and 4” wade rain aluminum irrigation pipe, 1999 JOHN Deere, mod.6310 ,80 pto.hp.99 reg. hp, with loader, forks and ALUMINUM tables, Two 3 by 8ft sorting 6”,10”,and 24” auger bits,ideal for post sprinklers,valves and assorted fittings,most cab, 4 wheel drive, 5830 hrs, $49,000 PH tables, one 4 by 8 flat aluminum table, holes as well as fruit trees and shrubs etc, pipe in 30’ lengths, PH 634-6456 Steady $200 PH 629-3703 or 571-4772 $2,800 PH 634-6456 Steady Brook (West) Brook (West) 634-6456 Steady Brook (West) Chanceport (Central) DOUBLE convaour belt, 15 foot long stain- KUBOTA Roto Tiller, good working order, 2007 KIOTI, CK20 hst 4x4 tractor, with loader bucket and rear 54” snowblower BARN HINGES, 12”, call for details, PH less steel rollers on the ends mounted on 53” wide intake, $1,400 PH 541-0571 or aluminum frames, two available, price is for 244-3117 Comfort Cove (Central) attachment, 450hrs, heated cab, hydraulics 693-7375 (Avalon) for rear chute movement, pallet forks, runs BIN stacker, 12 volt electric vegetable bin each, also available a 35 ft one, cost $600, and drives excellent, serious inquiries with a stacker, 1500 lb lifting capacity, 68” to top of $400 PH 629-3703 or 571-4772 MASSEY Ferguson farm tractor, very old, Antique, in running order, call for more phone number will be returned, $18,500 forks, $950 PH 634-6456 Steady Brook Chanceport (Central) details, PH 488-3204 Bell Island (Avalon) PH 683-3133 Bay Roberts (Avalon) (West) FREE - HORSE MANURE, not much sawdust, 2010 KUBOTA, B3030 30hp, orange, BUCKET Side Shooter, 7’, can shoot materi- good for lawn or vegetable garden, approx OATS, round bales, $30 PH 687-7498 or diesel, tractor with 64’ rear snowblower and al either left or right from hydraulic convey- 10 pickup loads, PH 334-3868 Mobile 368-3255 Goulds (Avalon) 60’ loader bucket, only 92 hours, $30,000 or in bucket, ideal for use in dairy or fruit (Avalon) SPRING tooth harrow, 16’, with 2 extensions PH 682-5697 or 368-5697 St. John’s operations, used only one season, like HAY TEDDER/RAKE, New Holland, price is that will require S tines, $1,400 PH 634(Avalon) new,attaches to loader arms on tractor or or nearest offer, $1,000 PH 693-3286 St. 6456 Steady Brook (West) can be used with skid steer, $5,500 PH 634- John’s (Avalon) 6456 Steady Brook (West)
2000 - 2035 • Farming & Fishing
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ROCK picker, Rock-o-Matic, good working order, new tire and hydraulic cylinder, also springs, rollers, and shocks were replaced new a couple of years ago, pto driven, hydraulic dumper, $4,000 PH 541-0571 or 244-3117 Comfort Cove (Central) SEEDER, 2 row Stanhay vacuum air seeder with carrot, beet and turnip discs, ideal for raw seed, only used 4 years, kept inside, like new, $13,000 PH 634-6456 Steady Brook (West) TRANSPLANTER, single row lanen vegetable transplanter, with 10 cup carousel and planting tray holders, like new, $4,400 PH 634-6456 Steady Brook (West) VEGETABLE bins, 115 bulk vegetable bin in fair condition,42”x48”x21”, most equipped with metal corners, $25 PH 634-6456 Steady Brook (West) WANTED - FARM Gate, barb wire, and a field sprayer for a 3-point hitch, PH 6856170 Chapel’s Cove (Avalon)
17” HHS crab hauler, call for more information, $1,500 PH 683-5471 or 739-5472 St. John’s (Avalon)
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Current until April 29, 2016 Issue 984 Copyright© 2016 The Newfoundland Buy & Sell Magazine Inc.
35’ FIBERGLASS over wood cape islander with a GM 453, 140 hp detroit diesel engine, engine runs but needs some work, email or call for details, serious inquiries only please, PH 227-0787 or 227-1484 Placentia (Avalon) ALUMINUM PIPE for railing, 1/2”, new, and new 1/2” flat bar, make me an offer, PH 675-2306 or 532-7060 (Central) 44’ 11’’or cut her down to 39’11’’. used for seals, crab, mackerel and caplin. fibreglass over wood with a 871 GM. was asking $30000 but well sell for a less, $30,000 PH 727-0078 Change Islands (Central) BISON DOORS, 11+, used, $500 PH 6752306 or 532-7060 (Central) BLADES, 3 sets of blades for 50 Johnson, $40 each and 1 set of ss blades for a 50 Johnson, $80, $40 PH 675-2306 or 5327060 (Central) CAST NET, heavy leaded, $150 PH 6752306 or 532-7060 (Central) CRAB hauler, One 15” Hawboldt crab hauler. Excellent condition, $2,000 PH 4735276 or 427-2884 Jamestown (Avalon) CRAB Boat, 26’ long x 10’ wide, fibreglass crab boat, ready for fishing, boat is equipped with a VHF radio, Garmin GPS, hydraulic motor and hauler and a 115hp Evinrude E-Tec 2 stroke outboard engine, sale also includes a gill net hauler, negotiable, $13,000 PH 681-2057 Lark Harbour (West)
FLOATS, for Deep Water, new, $0.50 each, NETS, Monk, new, never used, price is for PH 675-2306 or 532-7060 (Central) each, $50 PH 683-0546 Bay Roberts (Avalon) FLOATS, Used, for deep water, 230 in total, price is for all, $30 PH 675-2306 or 532- PLASTIC DRUMS, 5 - 45gal, price is for 7060 (Central) each, $30 PH 675-2306 or 532-7060 (Central) FLOOD LIGHT, Stainless Steel, 120volt, $200 PH 675-2306 or 532-7060 (Central) ROPE, 2 coils, 5/8, new, price is for each or $280 for both, $150 PH 675-2306 or 532FOOT ROPE, and helpers, $30 PH 675- 7060 (Central) 2306 or 532-7060 (Central) ROPE, used, 9/16 and 5/8, approx GRAPNETS, 30 - 15lb nets, price is for each 3,000lbs, price is $0.50 per lb, PH 675or $230 for all, $10 PH 675-2306 or 532- 2306 or 532-7060 (Central) 7060 (Central) ROPE/CRAB pots, 12 boxes of used 5/8 and GRID, used, for 1800 Bob Kelly Trawl, 9/16 crab rope and a couple hundred used $1,000 PH 675-2306 or 532-7060 crab pots, PH 725-5821 O’Donnells (Central) (Avalon) HELM Pump for hydraulic steering system, Rug completely new. 5.5 web. #14 mono had very little use, $200 PH 676-2221 or mesh. Hung on a half. 50 fathom net. 54 424-4949 (Central) floats deep water floats on a net #33 braidlead line (5/16) 3/8 head rope 1/2 botDRAWL SHUTE, Stainless Steel, price is or ed braided line 4 mesh on a 9.9” tie. Rug best offer, $1,000 PH 675-2306 or 532- tom the very best. These nets are in Nova Scotia, 7060 (Central) $125 PH (902) 402-3553 St. John’s DT466 international engine, call for more (Avalon) details, PH 363-2034 Fermeuse (Avalon) SCALLOP RAKES, 2, and table, call for more HYDRAULIC Gear Pump with clutch and dri- details, PH 363-2034 Fermeuse (Avalon) veline, $2,000 PH 374-2014 Parkers Cove SEA ANCHORS, 2, for 55ft boat, price is for (East) each, $100 PH 675-2306 or 532-7060 ITEMS, Two shrimp doors, spicer, PH 687- SPAR and SAIL for 45ft boat, $300 PH 6758268 or 363-2034 (Avalon) 2306 or 532-7060 (Central) JABASCO Pump, brass, 2” suct and disc, STEEL DRUMS, 2 - 45gal, price is for each, new never used, $200 PH 676-2221 or $25 PH 675-2306 or 532-7060 (Central) 424-4949 (Central)
CRAB HAWLER PLATES, 15”, used, price is LARGE Selection of vessel anchors, various for each, $25 PH 675-2306 or 532-7060 sizes, suitable for lawn decorations. Call for (Central) Details, PH 687-8268 or 363-2034 St John’s (Avalon) CRAB HAWLER, used, $1,500 PH 6752306 or 532-7060 (Central) LEAD, 200lb, some barrel and some doughnut shapes, price is or best offer, $150 PH DIESEL heater boat stove used in a longlin- 675-2306 or 532-7060 (Central) er, in great shape, $600 PH 374-2014 Parkers Cove (East) LONGLINER, 35ft, fiberglass over wood, engine not included but can buy engine sepDouble Sheave wooden blocks, 6 in total, 6” arately, $5,000 PH 374-2014 Parkers Cove diameter, price is for each, $35 PH 675- (East) 2306 or 532-7060 (Central) MARINE Engine, two available, one 4 cylinDRAG NET FLOATS, used, price is for each, der and other is 6 cylinder, call for details, $4 PH 675-2306 or 532-7060 (Central) PH 363-2034 or 687-8268 Fermeuse ENGINE, Detroit Diesel, 140hp with twin (Avalon) disk transmission, excellent condition, MONK NET, new, never used, price is for $10,000 PH 374-2014 Parkers Cove (East) each, $50 PH 683-0546 Bay Roberts ENGINE, Volvo, 75HP, come with transmis- (Avalon) sion, also Volvo engine 125 HP, comes with MOTORS, 2 - 35HP vm motors, 1 working transmission, call for more details, PH 363- and other for parts, air cooled, price is or 2034 Fermeuse (Avalon) best offer, $1,000 PH 675-2306 or 5327060 (Central)
CRAB Skivers, made from hard wire, if interested please call for price, PH 628-7411 or 1984 CLARK 75B Michigan Loader, in great 884-6174 Fairbank (Central) running condition, International engine 466, price negotiable, call Terry, $14,500 GILL Nets, two bags of gill nets rigged with PH 268-3845 or 268-3329 King’s Point heavy lead rope, $50 PH 279-5133 (Central) Marystown (Central) 1985 FORD 8000 truck, 400 cummings, no LEAD swivels, 300+ 3oz swivels $1 each rust, $4,950 PH 532-8322 or 532-6079 they sell at store for $3 each +tax, great for (Central) the upcoming cod fishery or for making cast nets, garbage net cover, etc, $1 PH 690- 1987 DRESSER 530 Loader, Blade and 5077 O’Donnells (Avalon) Bucket, excellent working order, price is or best offer, call Don, $18,500 PH 424-7207 NETS, 130 Turbot nets, all 8 inch work, 5/8 Gander (Central) rope on heads and double helpers on foots, all in excellent condition, $4,000 PH 683- 2002 JCB 214 Backhoe four wheel drive, 5471 or 739-5472 Trinity Bay (Avalon) extended hoe, Quick couplers on front and rear buckets, both buckets have new edges NETS, 50 new nets, 6” mesh, 1/2” lead and teeth on rear, engine rebuilt last sumrope, price is for each, $60 PH 675-2306 or mer, approx 7250 hrs on machine, new pins 532-7060 (Central) and bushings in swing post, machine recentserviced and ready to work, also has NETS, four 7” Turbot nets, 7/16 headline ly angle blade, $30,000 PH 682-8543 and #27 leadrope, very little use, make an power Torbay (Avalon) offer, PH 846-3506 McCallum (West)
TIE UP ROPE, Large, for 65ft boat, make me an offer, PH 675-2306 or 532-7060 (Central) TRAWL, Red fish cod end 350 IC Trawl, $400 PH 675-2306 or 532-7060 (Central) WANTED small supplementary crab licence now or after season, PH 763-5998 (Avalon) WANTED, 16’-18’ open fibreglass skiff, boat only. Contact with info, PH 466-7022 or 427-1848 Clarenville (Central) WANTED, looking for a job on a longliner, have a Fishing Masters 4 ticket, if you have an opening please call Randy, PH 4700355 or 464-3846 Champneys (Avalon) YARDING BLOCKS, 2, 6”, price is for each, $36 PH 675-2306 or 532-7060 (Central)
HORSE Buggy, made in PEI, rubber wheels, call 786-7657 or 683-7446, price is or best offer, $2,000 PH 786-7657 or 683-0955 Bay Roberts (Avalon)
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2100 - 2160 • Heavy Equipment
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Current until April 29, 2016 Issue 984 Copyright© 2016 The Newfoundland Buy & Sell Magazine Inc.
2013 Kubota m7040 with loader, 2 rear remotes, all new tires, around 550 hours, just like brand new condition, contact Paul, $55,000 PH 693-6265 St. John’s (Avalon)
FUEL Tank, 2, stainless steel (2500Litre), stands incl, single walled, 1/4 in thick, price is or best offer, $2,000 PH 437-1224 or 682-3844 Torbay (Avalon)
SAWMILL, Lumber mate 2000 sawmill in excellent condition! Like new...comes with 3 blades and trailer package, $7,000 PH 539-2525 or 290-0336 Badger (Central)
26 hp Diesel engine. Glow plugs, starting motor and alternator with a radiator all in one package, $1,500 PH 738-0585 St. John’s (Avalon)
Hydraulic steel tilt ‘n load deck, with wheel lift, approx 21’ long, complete with winch and light bar, in good condition, price is Firm, $5,500 PH 427-7606 Clarenville (East)
PALLET JACK, works great, $100 PH 368- ALL Parts to fit a 2009 International 7400 6870 St. John’s (Avalon) tandem axle truck including an excellent engine and transmission, call Dennis Vardy, SCREENER, 5x7 screener, new screen PH 427-1408 (East) added last year, suitable for screening sand - gravel and topsoil, was built for ASSORT Muffler Parts for Diesel Exhaust skid steer loader, $600 PH 885-2039 or System, too many to mention, sold as lot, call Sel, $200 PH 689-9122 Torbay (Avalon) 885-6649 Harbour Breton (Central)
1992 Kubota Tractor
5000LB Forklift, 5000 lb Caterpillar Forklift, propane, pneumatic tires, 3 stage mast, good running condition, recently serviced, L2650 Series, four wheel drive, can add rotator for $2000 or side shifter for $1000, may take partial trade on another 2600hrs, runs excellent, reason for selling - owner purchased a new one, The LARGEST Wide Format Available! forklift, may be able to deliver, please call, price is or nearest offer, $14,300 PH Creative Graphic Design, Decals $6,200 PH 432-2379 Calvert (Avalon) 745-1394 Mount Pearl (Avalon) Printed Signs - Banners - Magnets 650 INGERSOLL - Rand Paver (Diesel), Vehicle Graphics - Full Colour Vinyl works great minor repairs required, LOADER Wood Forks with hydraulic clamp, Indoor/Outdoor - Lamination - Print $20,000 PH 697-3732 Chance Cove price is or best offer, $4,000 PH 437-1224 & Colour Copying - Business Cards or 682-3844 Torbay (Avalon) (Avalon) Brochures - Posters and more! SPECIALIZING IN DIGITAL PRINT, PH 75 model 565T. Tie rod ends, $100 PH PAVER, 575 Ingersoll-Rand (Propane) works 757-4636 (Avalon) great, just minor repairs needed, PH 697738-0585 St. John’s (Avalon) 3732 Chance Cove (Avalon) USED Asphalt, hundreds of tons with DT 466 Engine. Call for Details, PH 687available, serious callers only, PH ROCK GRAPPLE, 72” four finger rock grap- loading 8268 or 363-2034 St John’s (Avalon) or 697-2016 Pouch Cove ple fitting any skid steer loader with quick 232-2236 disconnect system, in new condition, price is (Avalon) or nearest offer, $2,800 PH 682-6302 or WANTED to buy a liquid asphalt spray 697-4866 Torbay (Avalon) unit, PH 424-1792 or 256-1994 Gander FIREWOOD Processor, brand new never SAWMILL, Complete, includes; 1 diesel (Central) used, perfect tool for homeowners who burn motor:(ford 4 cylinder;172 series.60.hp.), WANTED, I need 16 pallets of small plaswood for heat or commercial wood sales, transmission (borg/warner), saw 40” (insert- tic containers brought from Montreal to hydraulically cuts up to 16” in diameter, ed tooth), 48” (inserted tooth), saw table Western or Central NL asap, PH 532splits 2, 4 or 6 way and conveys wood 10.5 12’6”, planer 3-sided”(2 sides,1 flat), saw- 6800 or 532-2267 Baie Verte (Central) feet to where you want it, 13Hp gas engine dust blower, table runners, angle iron, all V with electric start, will cut and split 1 cord/hr, belts/V pulleys, flat belts/V belts on planer, a please call or email for more info, $6,500 friction rig/not a push table, $5,000 PH PH 596-5065 or 589-5045 Harbour Grace 624-5230 Harry’s Harbour (Central) (Avalon)
215 Drive Parts, looking for drive parts for a 215 cat excavator, $1 PH 427-6454 Clarenville (East) 3 stage telescopic hoist for ton truck, call for more details, PH 363-2034 Fermeuse (Avalon)
AIR Filters, two to fit 2009 Peterbilt Cummins engine 485iSX, in excellent condition, $120 PH 834-9493 or 687-0156 Conception Bay South (Avalon)
DEWALT DWD 460 1/2” Vsr Stud And Joint Drill, with clutch and bind-up control system, comes in carry case, almost new, cost $650 retail, $250 PH 769-8452 Holyrood (Avalon)
Large number equipment for sale or lease to own. Hands tools ,rigging , shackles, air BOOM, 8 ton, for boom truck, call for more tools and compresser, PH 691-9826 details, PH 363-2034 Fermeuse (Avalon) Paradise (Avalon) BUCKET for backhoe, 20”, 5 teeth model, PUMP, 1/2hp Flotec Transfer Pump, only price is or nearest offer, please text only, used once, like new, compare $190 at Kent, $500 PH 638-4288 Corner Brook (West) $90 PH 769-8452 Holyrood (Avalon) HIGH Pressure water pump from a fire RIDGID K-45 Power Snake, only used once, truck, $1,000 PH 232-2236 or 749-2236 compare retail price at $400, can email Pouch Cove (Avalon) photos if desired, $150 PH 769-8452 HYDRAULIC Spool valves and pumps, call Holyrood (Avalon) for details, $100 PH 676-2120 (Central) TABLE Saw, Caftsman Radial Arm w/table & can text photo if interested, $125 PH IH Front Axle, International front axle to stand, 12,000lbs, PH 769-7569 St. John’s (Avalon) 543-2989 Port Blandford (East) set, 2 sets of Liquid Air cutting torchITEMS, 3 Radiators, Spectrum Premium TORCH excellent condition, $150 PH 676-2120 (CU1552), one brand new and not used es, $125, two used $75 each, call Sel, PH 689- (Central) 9122 Torbay (Avalon) WANTED - ENGINE, Perkins, 3cyl diesel, engine or parts, working or not, PH TARP Cover/Screen for 12’ Truck Call Sel, entire 638-2065 Corner Brook (West) $175 PH 689-9122 Torbay (Avalon) 2 Post Truck or Car lift, suitable TRANSMISSION, Heavy duty 15 speed WANTED, 11 foot ceiling, single phase power, PH transmission and heavy duty clutch,excellent for working condition. Taken out of a 2000 648-2785 Port au Port (West) Freightliner Classic. Ask for Gary, PH 683- Wire size 6/4 and 6/3 wire available. 2756 or 683-2756 Clarke’s Beach (Avalon) Various lengths. $5.00 a ft, $5 PH 738WANTED Parts for a 440 or 1010 John 0585 St. John’s (Avalon) Deere Crawler Tractor, will consider all parts, PH 467-4355 Lethbridge (East) Welding Jacket, full Leather cowhide WANTED to buy a hydraulic pump to fit a LARGE jacket, heavy duty metal snap clo416 Cat backhoe (1989-92), call with Welding rivet-reinforced pockets, inside pockdetails, PH 486-4493 or 486-5383 Bishop’s sures, et, pockets on the arms, size Large, green in Falls (Central) color, $40 PH 738-8646 or 690-6001 St. WANTED to buy a rear differential for a Cat John’s (Avalon) 426 Backhoe - 7BC serial number, PH 489- MIG Welder, new, call for details, $300 PH 3088 (Central) 722-8632 (Avalon) WANTED, John Deere backhoe engine, in the 70s 4cyl diesel, PH 486-4031 or 2572059 (Central) 1989 VOLVO Tandem Dump Truck, call for details, PH 689-1163 St. John’s (Avalon)
6.5 Gmc Heads, Two new heads for a 22” kings drill press free standing. Come 6.5L GMC diesel, came from Colonial with some drills bit, $600 PH 691-9826 Garage, call for more details, $1,000 PH Paradise (Avalon) 645-2203 Robinsons (West)
2100 - 2160 • Heavy Equipment
DAYCO Hydraulic hose crimper, make hydraulic hoses from 1/4’’ -1 1/2’’, comes with book and video, price is or nearest offer, $3,000 PH 227-6604 Long Harbour (Avalon)
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1999 CHEVROLET, Cube van 14 foot box roll-up door.350 v8. Tranny problems. Replacement tranny included. New fuel pump,front rotors,calipers and shoes, $1,000 PH 645-2203 Robinsons (West)
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Current until April 29, 2016 Issue 984 Copyright© 2016 The Newfoundland Buy & Sell Magazine Inc.
2003 ken worth ct 300 single axle dump truck brand new 12’ bibeau dump air breaks c7 cat engine inspected until December, $37,000 PH 685-4664 (Avalon) BOOSTER CABLES, call for more information, $15 PH 754-7934 St. John’s (Avalon) 2007 CHEVROLET 3500 Crew Cab 4x4 Pickup with 8’ box and 8’ Western V Blade, GAUGE Set, Blue-Point Digital Manifold 6L gas engine, also has an aluminum rack Gauge Set (R134a) Large easy to read LCD with roll on tarp and strobe light, $6,000 PH that displays temperature, pressure and vac466-3210 Clarenville (East) uum readings for R134a Allows the technician to obtain refrigerant and oil capacity 2007 FORD F350, 6L diesel, automatic, readings for 55 automobile manufacturers, comes with salter/sander, 8.5FT V-blade, performs systems leak check at the conclugross load 13,000LB, needs new battery, sion of the evacuation process Manifold great shape, call Sel, $19,500 PH 689- case is constructed of ABS material and pro9122 Torbay (Avalon) tected by a rugged rubber boot to insure performance and durability, includes 2008 FORD F350 4x4, 6.4 diesel with lasting with a set of 3-72 hoses and a set 195000 klm clean truck, all good tires manifold manual couplers (82834 & 82934) in a licensed, it’s a cab and half with 8 ft box, of blow molded case, $150 PH 424-5061 $16,800 PH 745-6367 St. John’s (Avalon) Gander (Central) 2008 GMC C7500 6 speed manual transmission, air ride, air brakes, working refer unit, 22 foot cargo box, low mileage, approx. 155,000 kilometers, no reasonable offer refused, $15,500 PH 730-7441 or 730-7441 St. John’s (Avalon) 2013 CAT - TAKE OVER LEASE
PARTS, 2001 Volkswagen Passat parts including both headlights, radiator support, radiator, air conditioning condenser, bonnet, left front fender, grill, bumper skin, etc, take it all for $400 or may sell it individual parts, $400 PH 636-3516 Deer Lake (West) PARTS, 2004 Chevrolet optra fuel pump and gas tank, 50 bucks firm, $50 PH 279-5133 Marystown (Central) PARTS, 2005 Front lower control arm bushing and sway bar end link for Grand prix Brand new still in box, reason for selling, sold vehicle and no longer need and parts were special order at Canadian tire and I paid $40 for the bushing, $47 for the link and tax and special order fees, call or email and ask for Terry only, $75 PH 596-8505 Harbour Grace (Avalon)
PARTS, Collector parts, 14” Wheels from PARTS, for 1996 Mazda 626, automatic, will 1970 Dodge Rally. set of 4, will fit Dodge HYDRAULIC JACK, call for more informa- sell whole car or sell parts, new motor, trans- Dart or Challenger, 5 lug, 4.5 bolt pattern, tion, $50 PH 754-7934 St. John’s (Avalon) mission still work, not too be put on the road $300 PH 834-9784 Topsail (Avalon) just for parts, new alternator, good battery, HYDRAULIC Jack, Motomaster 2 ton new rear brake caliber and more, $350 PH Hydraulic Trolley jack in excellent condition, 596-3819 Victoria Conception Bay (Avalon) $30 PH 256-8245 or 235-1360 Gander PARTS, Gas tank for 2002 Chevy tracker (Central) $250.00, PH 773-0062 Paradise (Avalon) LUSH’S EQUIPMENT SALES LUSH’S EQUIPMENT PARTS, Interstate mega tron II truck battery, SALE 650 cca -815 ca, $40 PH 240-2179 Conception Bay South (Avalon) PARTS, new alternator 12 volt/110 amps for Ford/Chevrolet, etc, $75 PH 293-9105 Grand Falls - Windsor (Central)
2013 CAT Tandem tandem dumptruck, 475 HP, 18 speed transmission, 46 rears, 20 and 20 front, tires 80%, looking for individual to take over lease, interested persons only, PH 727-7421 (Avalon)
TC 2000 Tire Changer With Jet Blast . Can change up to 30” Wheels. In Stock. B1000 High Speed Balancer. Can Balance wheels up to 30” Wheels. WANTED charge air cooler for 1990 In Stock . Financing Available Topkick 3126 Cat Engine, PH 437-2407 or, located 697-3916 (Avalon) 144 Foxtrap Access Road, CBS, PH 8349765 or 834-9054 (Avalon) 1997 Freightliner WRENCH Set, 7 Piece Stubby Wrench Set, never used. 7/16” to 1”, $25 PH 256-8245 or 235-1360 Gander (Central)
PARTS, New ball joint, for 99 Saturn sc1, left side, thermostat for Saturn, 1.9 ltr, power window switch for 2006 Saturn ion, driver side, call for more information, PH 2293820 Holyrood (Avalon)
TC 2000 Tire Changer With Jet Blast . Can change up to 30” Wheels. In
14” TIRES and Rims P185/70R14, 4 All Season Michelin X-Radials on Rims with Hubcaps from a 2005 Civic that got wrote off this winter, in good condition, price or best offer, $160 PH 749-0509 Mount Pearl (Avalon) 14” TIRES and Rims P185/75R14, one winter motomaster xg5 steel belted radial tire, studded, studs worn down, good tread, on 4 hole rim off cavalier, $30 PH 834-6710 (Avalon) 14” TIRES and Rims P195/70R14, two Goodyear Allegra M+S tires on 5 hole rims off Grand Am, good tread, should also fit Sunfire or Cavalier, one tire in good condition other tire has dry rot, price is for both, $80 PH 834-6710 (Avalon)
PARTS, new tail light lens for a 2010 Corolla S, $50 PH 673-7172 Springdale (Central) PARTS, One rear leaf spring ass. came off GM pickup. like new, $75 PH 744-4403 Upper Gullies (Avalon)
PARTS, some parts left for a 2005 Toyota WRENCH Set, Mastercraft Professional 11 Corolla, alternator, instrument cluster, heater Piece Stubby Wrench Set, never used, 1/4” motor, heater controls, PH 240-2179 to 7/8”, $40 PH 256-8245 or 235-1360 Conception Bay South (Avalon) Gander (Central) PARTS, Universal Mufflers (x2) 1 used and 1 With 48” sleeper, C15 550 Cat, 18 brand new muffler, $120 PH 773-0062 speed trans, 14.6 front, 50 rears, douParadise (Avalon) ble chassis, headache rack & revolving lights, motor completely rebuilt 1 year PARTS, x16 McGard Lugnuts 12x1.5mm, ago. Excellent float truck, licensed & only used for a week, $50 PH 773-0062 inspected, $16,500 PH 727-7421 or Paradise (Avalon) 693-2401 Petty Harbour (Avalon) SCRAPPING 2003 CHEVROLET Impala, call for more details, PH 689-1163 Conception Bay South (Avalon) 1996 CADILLAC Fleetwood Hearse for parts, 69,000 kilometers, equipped with TIRE AND RIM, brand new, 4hole, 480-8, 350LT1 Chevrolet engine, 4L60E trans, call price is or nearest offer, $30 PH 728-9913 for details, PH 682-6622 St. John’s (Avalon) St. John’s (Avalon)
2010 UTILITY trailer, 27’ tandem axle, PH 489-5304 (Central) 2013 Miska tri axle equipment trailer, deck is 18x7 and can carry 17000 lbs, has led lighting and a toolbox at front, $6,500 PH 885-2039 or 885-6649 Harbour Breton (Central) C-can 40’ and 8’x8’ storage C can with rigging, $6,000 PH 691-9826 Paradise (Avalon) Tri Axle Trailer, 21,000lb with 7,000lb rear ends, call for details, PH 489-7011 Grand Falls - Windsor (Central)
1998 ACURA, excellent parts available, call TIRES, 17” tires in good shape, assorted, for details, PH 693-7375 (Avalon) price is for each, $20 PH 675-2306 or 5327060 (Central) 2003 TOYOTA Echo for parts, licensed till May, 2 sets of tires on rims, new gas tank, WANTED 2010-2012 Ford Fusion 6 speed call for more information, PH 582-3211 manual transmission, working or not, I only Trinity Bay (East) need it for parts, need output shaft speed sensor, will buy whole transmission of necesCAR Battery, 12v, used only one weekend, sary, call, text or email, PH 425-3581 $30 PH 237-4586 Mount Pearl (Avalon) Stock. B1000 High Speed Balancer. Clarenville (Avalon) Can Balance wheels up to 30” Wheels. ENGINE, 300 Ford Gas Engine with carbeu- WANTED, PARTS for a 1998 XJ8 Jaguar, In Stock . Financing Available rator. Call for Details, PH 687-8268 or 363- and an armrest/console for a 1999 Mazda 2034 St John’s (Avalon) Miata, PH 693-1711 Witless Bay (Avalon), located 144 Foxtrap Access Road, CBS, PH 834ENGINE, 300 Ford gas engine, with carbu9765 or 834-9054 (Avalon) retor, call for details, PH 687-8268 or 3632034 (Avalon)
FREE Tire Removal. St John’s & Surrounding areas. Some restrictions apply. We’ll take the Good, the Bad & the Ugly. If there’s enough good ones among your pile to make it worth 2006 Ford Mini Bus our while. No rusty steel rims unless there’s 24 passenger, diesel, call for details, good tires on them. No Text Please. Phone calls and emails only, PH 744-2406 or 685PH 682-4877 (Avalon) 4939 Conception Bay South (Avalon) Two 1989 Prevost 50 Series Coach bus. 47 PARTS 1988-1992 Toyota Corolla, free car passenger.Good Condition. Includes wash- parts, call for details, PH 690-3732 St. room.Used in Western Canada. 4 Cylinder John’s (Avalon) Cummins Diesel.Needs new batteries.Driveshaft gone in one.Would PARTS for 1998 HONDA Civic 4 door, mufmake excellent camper conversions. Get 2 fler, taillight and headlight lenses, etc, PH for the price of one!, $4,500 PH 746-8401 834-9493 or 687-0156 (Avalon) or 363-2069 St. John’s (Avalon) PARTS for 2002 Mazda Protege, call for details, PH 722-7645 St. John’s (Avalon)
14” TIRES and Rims P205/75R14, 4 - 14in. motomaster rough rider radial a/p m+s tires on 5 hole rims off 1990-2000 ford ranger, white lettering on 1 side, 2 tires in good condition the other 2 tires have dry rot, selling 4 tires & rims as is, $140 PH 8346710 (Avalon)
13” TIRE and Rim P175/70R13, one only, Winter Claw, mounted on 4 hole steel rim, 30% worn, $40 PH 747-9594 or 727-7401 Mount Pearl (Avalon)
1996 CADILLAC Fleetwood Hearse for parts, 69,000 kilometers, equipped with 13” TIRES P175/70R13, Two winters are 350LT1 Chevrolet engine, 4L60E trans, call 155/80R/13, all seasons are 175/70/13 for details, PH 682-6622 St. John’s (Avalon) call 325-1172, $80 PH 240-2179 Conception Bay South (Avalon) DUEL EXHAUST, complete 2” duel exhaust, for 70s Chevelle, GTO, etc, 1 year old, like RIMS, 4 aluminum sport 13’’ rims came off new condition, call for more details, $250 Toyota car, no texts please, $150 PH 6910825 or 488-9216 bellisland (Avalon) PH 682-8857 (Avalon)
PARTS Starter and alternator for 1998 PARTING out 1963 CHEVROLET Firetruck Pontiac Sunfire, PH 467-5609 Clarenville equipped with 409 Chevrolet engine all (East) pumps and everything working, only PARTS to fit 2003 tiburon, roughly 180- 18,000 miles, from US, call for details, PH 190k, power locks, power windows, auto- 682-6622 St. John’s (Avalon) matic, 2.014 cylinder engine, had $2000 in PARTS, 15” wheels, 1970’s Chrysler 300/ parts installed at Hyundai including new New Yorker, Rally, chrome centers, needs to computer and subframe, car ran for a few be refinished, set of 4, 5 lug, 4.5 bolt patdays but wouldn’t start one day, selling as a tern, $200 PH 834-9784 Topsail (Avalon) parts car or a fixer asking, price is or best offer, $1,600 PH 429-0546 Brooklyn PARTS, Parting out 1974 Dodge Dart 4 door, (Avalon) good interior, mint dash pad (will also fit Demon),new gas tank, and any PARTS to fit 2005 Kia Rio, brand new gas Duster/ parts, 8 3/4 rear axle to fit A body tank, only a week old, fuel pump included, other Action Auto Glass directly bills your Dodge, sure-grip gear set also available, 8 $300 PH 786-2526 North River (Avalon) insurance company so everything is 1/4 sure-grip unit, 2 bucket seats to fit 67taken care of. With Action Auto Glass, 69 Dodge Dart, rear seats available also, PARTS, 1plastic flex guard shield off 2004 repairing or installing your windshield front bench seat to fit 1971 Dodge Dart, big $10 Pontiac Montana, PH 834-6710 should take less of your time. If you’re bolt pattern Ralley wheels 14 x 5.5., 15 x 6 (Avalon) not available during working hours, plain steel wheels, 15 x 7 cop wheels, 1968 we can schedule an appointment dur- PARTS, 1991-1993 Chrysler New Yorker, Dodge Dart grille, 1969 Plymouth Valiant ing evenings or weekends. Call us and free car parts, call for details, PH 690-3732 grille, many other parts available, PH 693get your auto glass today, PH 7820250 Pouch Cove (Avalon) 4455 (Avalon)
14” TIRES and Rims P205/75R14, will fit 14” RIMS, four 14” Die cast aluminum rims, Chevrolet car, 2, in really good condition, will fit Chevrolet Cavalier, Sunbird, Sunfire, price is for each, $40 PH 576-4289 St. price or nearest offer, $200 PH 467-5609 John’s (Avalon) Clarenville (East) 14” TIRES and rims, four 195/75R14, two 14” RIMS, two only, 5 hole steel wheels for are approx 85% and two are approx 75%, Dodge van, $30 PH 727-7401 or 727- price is firm, $325 PH 690-3732 St. John’s 7401 Mount Pearl (Avalon) 14” TIRE P175/70R14, one Winter Claw Extreme Grip tire, not studded, good tread, $60 PH 834-6710 (Avalon) 14” TIRE P195/60R14, one Wintermark Magna Grip Radial HT tire, $40 PH 8346710 (Avalon) 14” TIRES and Rims P185/60R14, four Goodyear Nordic Ice Trac, not studded, real good tread, on 4 hole rims off Volkswagon Jetta, $200 PH 834-6710 (Avalon) 14” TIRES and Rims P185/60R14, four Pacemark Snowtrakker Radial ST, 2 tires on 4 hole rims off 2002 Toyota Echo, 75-85% tread left on tires, great set of tires & rims, $320 PH 834-6710 (Avalon)
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2200 - 2255 • Auto Parts
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Current until April 29, 2016 Issue 984 Copyright© 2016 The Newfoundland Buy & Sell Magazine Inc.
15” TIRES and Rims P205/70R15, three BF 15” TIRES P225/70R15, Two Hercules mrx Goodrich Control Plus tires on 5 hole rims, plus 1v m+s tires, good tread, $90 PH 70-80% tread, $225 PH 834-6710 (Avalon) 834-6710 (Avalon) 15” TIRES and Rims P205/75R15, one, in 15” TIRES, four Firestone Affinity, off 2012 perfect condition, call for more details, $50 Honda Civic, size 195/65R15, car has less than 30,000 kilometers, very little use on PH 576-4289 St. John’s (Avalon) tires, used only during summer, $125 PH 15” TIRES and Rims P205/75R15, studded 728-0523 or 769-0114 (Avalon) winter tires on rims, off 99/05 Chevy Tracker, price is for the set, $150 PH 364- 15” TIRES, four to fit Kia Magentis, size 6284 St. John’s (Avalon) 205/65R15, PH 579-0987 (Avalon) 15” TIRES and Rims P235/75R15, four, 10 ply Trailblazer studded tires on factory Toyota aluminum rims, centre caps and lugs included, balanced, less than 500 km on tires, $425 PH 754-3392 St. John’s (Avalon)
15” TIRES, two available, P205/70R15 Winter Trac, studded, price is for each, $40 PH 596-6712 (Avalon)
15” TIRES P185/65R15, 1 all season tire, new, $30 PH 770-2072 Goulds (Avalon) 15” TIRES P185/65R15, 4 new all season tires, Continental ProContact, phone 709257-3726 ask for Bram, $350 PH 2572780 Botwood (Central)
RIMS, 2 15” 5 hole steel wheels and tires, to fit 2000 Mazda 626/MPV van. Contact after 6pm weekdays and weekends, $50 PH 727-7401 or 727-7401 Mount Pearl (Avalon)
15” TIRES P225/70R15, 1 - 15in. motomaster aw all season tire - p225/70r15 100s good tread - $60.00, $60 PH 834-6710 (Avalon)
16” TIRES and Rims P245/75R16, two Pacemark Snowtrakker Radial st2 tires, on 6 lug steel rims off 2000 GMC Sierra, $160 PH 834-6710 (Avalon)
4 Winter Snow Grips 80% Thread Remaining Excellent Condition Price $300 15” TIRES P175/65R15, four Dunlop s131 For more information Contact SEL at 689all season tires, good tread, $200 PH 834- 9122, $300 PH 689-9122 Torbay (Avalon) 6710 (Avalon) RIMS, 1 15” 5 hole steel rim, in good con15” TIRES P175/75R15, sorted snow and dition, off Ford Taurus, hub hole 2.5” summer tires ranging from 13”-20”, like across, lug holes 2.5” centre to centre. new condition. Call for sizes and pricing, PH Contact for more info, $20 PH 834-6710 691-0825 or 351-4704 (Avalon) (Avalon)
14” TIRES P175/70R14, one only, 14” TIRES P195/75R14, one Goodyear Goodyear Nordic studded winter tire, excel- decathlon tire, brand new, $100 PH 834-6710 lent shape, only 20% worn, $40 PH 747- (Avalon) 9594 or 727-7401 Mount Pearl (Avalon) 14” TIRES P205/70R14, four winter studded 14” TIRES P175/70R14, three only, Nexen tires, price is or nearest offer, $200 PH 783snow tires, excellent shape, only 20% worn, 3541 Corner Brook (West) $120 PH 747-9594 or 727-7401 Mount 14” TIRES, set of 4, studded on rims, size Pearl (Avalon) 195/75R14 Cooper brand, $400 PH 46714” TIRES P185/60R14, Four, Firestone 5609 Clarenville (East) summer tires, used 7 weeks, $140 PH 7462 new all season tires.Will email or text pictures. 2600 St. John’s (Avalon) Tires came off cavalier.$100.00, $100 PH 68714” TIRES P185/65R14, 2 Kingstar W411 6144 (Avalon) winter radial tires, not studded, good tread, $40 PH 834-6710 (Avalon) 14” TIRES P185/65R14, Studded, one has about 90% tread remaining and 2 have about 70% remaining, also three P185/75/14 Motormaster all-season tires 90% tread remaining, call Jerry after 6pm, PH 229-7439 Brigus Junction (Avalon) 14” TIRES P185/65R14, three used All Season tires, 2 are SE2 and 1 SE, they are on old rims, price is for all and is firm, contact Jim, $50 PH 730-0301 Holyrood (Avalon) 14” TIRES P185/65R14, two Snowblazer Saxon m+s tires, good for 1 more winter, $80 PH 834-6710 (Avalon) 14” TIRES P195/60R14, 1 Uniroyal Tiger Paw ice & snow studded tire, good tread. Contact if interested, $60 PH 834-6710 (Avalon) 14” TIRES P195/70R14, 4 Hankook all seasons, phone only 290-9513, $100 PH 2909513 Grand Falls - Windsor (Central)
2200 - 2255 • Auto Parts
15” TIRES and Rims P195/55R15, Two tires on 5 hole rims, $80 PH 834-6710 (Avalon) 15” TIRES and Rims P195/60R15, four new summer tires on aftermarket rims for a 4 spoke hub, price is or best offer, $1,000 PH (705) 890-0658 or 227-3087 Placentia (Avalon) 15” TIRES and Rims P195/65R15, 4 all season tires good for one summer, also Suzuki 4 hole 56.5 centre hole 15’ four steel rims, please make a offer on both, call Robert, PH 334-2905 St. John’s (Avalon)
15” TIRES and Rims P195/65R15, Four, all season Starfire tires and rims, only used 3 months, fits Hyundai Elantra, $400 PH 59615” RIMS, one set of rims for older model Ford 6712 Carbonear (Avalon) car, came of 1988 Lincoln, will fit Lincoln, Ford, Mercury, Marquis, 5-lug, call after 6pm, $100 15” TIRES and Rims P195/65R15, rims are PH 687-4870 or 687-9619 St. John’s (Avalon) in great condition, tires are not good, two bad and two ok, real value is in the rims, will 15” RIMS, Steel, for 2014 Ford Fiesta 4x114, fit Subaru Forester, Impreza, Legacy 2003used for about a year, $180 PH 773-0062 or 2015 Corolla, 2003-2014 Matrix, 2004769-4554 Paradise (Avalon) 2015 Primus, 1999-2006 VW Golf, make offer, you can also text me, $145 PH 68915” RIMS, x4 Steel rims for 2013 Honda Fit 8805 or 834-8931 Conception Bay South Used for a few months, Bolt Pattern:4-100 mm, (Avalon) $200 PH 773-0062 Paradise (Avalon) 15” TIRES and Rims P195/65R15, 15” TIRE and Rim P225/75R15, fits a large Snowmark winter radial ht tire, on 5 lug steel camper trailer, tire is new with the tits still show- rim off 1998 sunfire, should also fit cavalier ing and the rim is Aluminum and in good con- or grand am, $60 PH 834-6710 (Avalon) dition, can deliver to the St. John’s area, have only this one, $100 PH 227-6897 Placentia 15” TIRES and Rims P195/70R15, in very (Avalon) good shape, little use, $160 PH 536-3303 Harbour Grace (Avalon) 15” TIRES and Rims P185/65R15, Four, All season tires and rims, 4-hole x 100mm, both in 15” TIRES and Rims P205/70R15, four, off a excellent condition, approx 4,000km, new Honda CRV, alloy rims with centers, PH 536$650, price is or next reasonable offer, $350 PH 3303 (Avalon) 463-2491 or 425-4477 Southern Harbour (Avalon)
RIMS, Four, 15” cavalier rims, price is for 15” TIRES P185/65R15, Pirelli P4 set of 4 all the set, $40 PH 596-3318 Victoria (Avalon) season tires, in excellent shape, price is or nearest offer, $160 PH 699-5357 Torbay (Avalon) 16” RIMS, four aluminum, to fit 2007 Ford 15” TIRES P195/65R15, 4 all season tires, pickup, hubcaps and lugnuts included, $200 PH 576-6830 or 728-7162 St. John’s $325, $325 PH 467-5609 Clarenville (Avalon) (East) 15” TIRES P195/65R15, 4 Michelin Primacy 16” RIMS, four, off Santa Fe, $100 PH 229Tries MXV4, less than 7500 km, all season, 4443 (Avalon) price is for set, $250 PH 458-8972 Norris 16” TIRE LT225/75R16, one only, Point (West) Goodyear Wrangler Workhorse mud and 15” TIRES P195/65R15, four Firestone snow tire, approx 40% worn, $50 PH 727Winterforce studded tires, 60-80% tread, 7401 or 727-7401 Mount Pearl (Avalon) great set of tires to buy now for next winter, 16” TIRE P235/70R16, one only, Michelin $375 PH 834-6710 (Avalon) all season, tire, like new, $70 PH 72715” TIRES P195/65R15, four Goodyear all 7401 or 727-7401 Mount Pearl (Avalon) season tires, used only 1 month, brand new, 16” TIRES and Rims LT245/75R16, two $450 PH 596-0965 Victoria (Avalon) Kumho Road Venture AT 10ply tires, on 6 15” TIRES P195/65R15, Four Nord Frost lug steel rims off 2000 GMC Sierra, $160 Winter Tires, in great condition, $120 PH PH 834-6710 (Avalon) 834-7990 or 834-7990 Conception Bay 16” TIRES and Rims P205/55R16, “FAST” South (Avalon) wheels, set of 4 rims and tires, rims in 15” TIRES P195/65R15, one Dunlop SP excellent shape, tires are still good but are Sport 5000 m+s tire, $45 PH 834-6710 about 50% worn, comes with chrome lugs, (Avalon) price is or nearest offer, $300 PH 7657804 St. John’s (Avalon) 15” TIRES P205/65R15, Four, all season tires, price is for the set, $150 PH 596-3318 16” TIRES and Rims P205/55R16, One, Victoria (Avalon) Uniroyal Tiger Paw ice & snow ii m+s tire, $45 PH 834-6710 (Avalon) 15” TIRES P205/65R15, three Hercules Polar Trac steel belted radial winter tires, not 16” TIRES and Rims P225/65R16, 4 snow studded, good for one more season, $25 tires and wheels, includes sensors, $250 each or package deal, $75 PH 834-6710 PH 368-0200 St. John’s (Avalon) (Avalon) 16” TIRES and Rims P235/70R16, All 15” TIRES P205/65R15, two nordic ice trac Season Continental Tires on Rims Valve m+s winter tires, 70-80% tread, $160 PH Stem Sensors Lots of tread left 5 hole Fits 834-6710 (Avalon) Ford Escape, $400 PH 541-6464 Loon Bay (Central) 15” TIRES P215/60R15, Four Cooper Lifeliner Touring sle m+s tires 94t, $200 PH 16” TIRES and Rims P235/70R16, four 834-6710 (Avalon) Laramie Stealth tires on 6 lug Cadillac Escalade wheels, came off 2010 Cadillac 15” TIRES P215/65R15, 1 Winterforce, stud- SUV will also fit Cadillac car, $300 PH ded tire, real good tread, $60 PH 834-6710 834-6710 (Avalon) (Avalon) 16” TIRES and Rims P235/70R16, set of 4 15” TIRES P215/70R15, two snow tires, snow tires with studs, will fit a f150 97-04 Goodyear, over half tread remaining, good Ford 5 bolt pattern, four factory Ford rims for this winter, $30 PH 596-3330 with four new winter claws, excellent shape, Carbonear (Avalon) no boots or plugs, used one winter, call the 15” TIRES P225/60R15, 2 tires, in excellent, house (589) after 4pm, cell (683) any time, new condition. Contact for details, $150 PH $450 PH 683-5476 or 589-2718 Spaniard’s Bay (Avalon) 693-9463 or 233-1952 Torbay (Avalon)
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Current until April 29, 2016 Issue 984 Copyright© 2016 The Newfoundland Buy & Sell Magazine Inc.
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2200 - 2255 • Auto Parts
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2200 - 2255 • Auto Parts
Current until April 29, 2016 Issue 984 Copyright© 2016 The Newfoundland Buy & Sell Magazine Inc.
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Current until April 29, 2016 Issue 984 Copyright© 2016 The Newfoundland Buy & Sell Magazine Inc.
16” TIRES and Rims P265/75R16, Four, Cooper Discovery H/T, all season, centers and lug nuts chrome plated, used 7 months, less than 1500 kilometers, mounted on Dodge Ram rims, price is or nearest offer, $555 PH 231-2338 or 746-6936 Avondale (Avalon) 16” TIRES and Rims P265/75R16, set of 4 BF Goodrich A/T, load range E, tires are mounted on 6 hole Toyota Tacoma rims, no plugs/patches, call Shawn, $550 PH 2931657 or 393-0157 Grand Falls - Windsor (Central) 16” TIRES LT245/75R16, one Firestone Steeltex radial a/t m/s tire, $120 PH 8346710 (Avalon) 16” TIRES LT245/75R16, Two only, Champerio Ice Pro studded winter tires, good shape, app 40% worn, $160 PH 747-9594 or 727-7401 Mount Pearl (Avalon) 16” TIRES LT265/75R16, two Michelin LTX m/s tires, $100 PH 834-6710 (Avalon) 16” TIRES P205/55R16, 2 only Bridgestone Turana all season, app 40% worn, $80 PH 747-9594 or 727-7401 Mount Pearl (Avalon) 16” TIRES P205/55R16, four all season tires, $100 PH 467-2229 or 467-2229 Bloomfield (Avalon) 16” TIRES P205/55R16, two Fuzion Touring summer tires, $80 PH 834-6710 (Avalon) 16” TIRES P215/60R16, 4 all season 215/60/R16 General Evertreks, about 70% tread remaining, used only 1 season, $180 PH 754-3392 St. John’s (Avalon) 16” TIRES P215/60R16, four winter Snowblazer tires, good for two more winters, studded, $150 PH 744-4403 Upper Gullies (Avalon) 16” TIRES P215/60R16, One Snowblazer Saxon winter tire, not studded, brand new tire, $100 PH 834-6710 (Avalon) 16” TIRES P215/70R16, 6 Winter Force, $20 each or $100 for all, will trade for four 195/55 or 60/15, $100 PH 588-2320 (Avalon) 16” TIRES P215/70R16, Four, fairly new, used two winter, non-studded, 4, came off a Honda CRV, price is for the set, $150 PH 4375683 or 770-0701 Torbay (Avalon) 16” TIRES P215/70R16, Three only, Michelin LTX snow tires, good shape, approx 30% worn, $120 PH 747-9594 or 727-7401 Mount Pearl (Avalon)
16” TIRES P215/70R16, Three only, Michelin LTX white letter snow tires, excellent shape, only 30% worn, $140 PH 747-9594 or 7277401 Mount Pearl (Avalon)
16” TIRES, 4 summer tires and aluminum rims, size 215/55R16, off 2013 Ford Focus, used one summer, PH 368-7624 or 6893487 Petty Harbour (Avalon)
17” TIRES and Rims P205/45R17, 3 Low Profile Tires & Rims off a Kia Rio 4 hole Aluminum Rims, good condition, price is firm, call Sel, $300 PH 689-9122 Torbay (Avalon)
16” TIRES P215/70R16, two Continental 4x4 16” TIRES, four all season Motormaster Total Contact m+s - tires, $100 PH 834-6710 terrain, size 215/70R16, $130 PH 368- 17” TIRES and Rims P205/65R17, winter, (Avalon) 8638 (Avalon) has a summers wear or longer left on them, also 5 hole rims off of a 1990 Mercury Sable 16” TIRES P225/50R16, One only, all season, 16” TIRES, four P215/70R16 General all GLS, $225 PH 364-5668 or 690-7283 Uniroyal Tiger Paw, excellent shape, only 20% season, price is for all, $100 PH 596-6712 Mount Pearl (Avalon) worn, call 727-7401, $60 PH 747-9594 or (Avalon) 727-7401 Mount Pearl (Avalon) 17” TIRES and Rims P215/60R17, 4 tires, all 16” TIRES, four summer, size 195/50R16, 2 season, aluminum rims, Nissan Rogue, 16” TIRES P225/50R16, two Goodyear Eagle years old, $75 PH 722-7645 St. John’s $300 PH 722-7619 or 727-7868 St. John’s LS tires, good tread, $120 PH 834-6710 (Avalon) (Avalon) (Avalon) RIMS, 16” Rims off 2000 Mercury Grand 17” TIRES and Rims P215/65R17, Kelly tires 16” TIRES P225/60R16, Four, Cooper, 60% Marquis, 2 3/4” center hole, 2 5/8” from on 5 hole Ford rims off of a 2006 Freestyle tread left, $200 PH 754-5985 St. John’s center of bolt hole to center of bolt hole, 5 GLS, installed on SUV for 90 days, price is bolt holes, 4 wheel covers, $50 PH 469- FIRM, $600 PH 364-5668 or 690-7283 (Avalon) 3467 or 468-6846 Melrose (East) Mount Pearl (Avalon) 16” TIRES P225/60R16, set of winter studded tires in excellent condition, used only 2 win- RIMS, 4 aluminum rims to fit VW 16”, bolt 17” TIRES and Rims P225/55R17, 4 conters, lots of tread left, price is or nearest offer, pattern 5x112, very clean, centres included, tentinal summer tires came of a 2014 ask for Jim, $250 PH 788-2918 Shearstown $300 PH 754-3392 St. John’s (Avalon) chrysler 200 used one summer, has air pres(Avalon) gages in tires, $600 PH 643-3511 RIMS, Two only, 16” 5 hole steel rims, fits sure 16” TIRES P225/60R16, two almost brand Saturn, call 727-7401, $50 PH 747-9594 Kippens (West) new Saxon studded winter tires, came of or 727-7401 Mount Pearl (Avalon) 17” TIRES and Rims P225/65R17, original 2005 Grand Prix , reason for selling sold car manufactures 4 all season tires and Alloy WANTED a good shape 245/75/R16 this spring and bought newer vehicle, paid rims with tire pressure sensors, 5 x 114.3 preferably all terrain tire for a spare, let me $129 each for them new and still like new, bolt pattern, driven less than 2000 kilomeused only one season, would trade for 2 know what you have, PH 595-2399 ters, came off a 2015 Nissan Rogue which Winter tires like new shape, size 235/75R15 Harbour Grace (Avalon) was bought Sept. 2015 and switched to winstudded if anyone has really good ones, tread WANTED good set of 235/70/16 studded ter tires and rims in October, reason for sellmust be more than 90%, $150 PH 596-8505 tires and rims for a 2009 Ford Escape, PH ing vehicle was in an accident and written Harbour Grace (Avalon) 747-9594 or 727-7401 Mount Pearl off and now these tires don’t fit my new vehicle, $575 PH 237-8896 St. John’s (Avalon) 16” TIRES P225/60R16, two Goodridge (Avalon) Radial sp06 m+s tires, both tires worn on 17” TIRES and rims, set of four, 205/50R17, inside edge, $30 PH 834-6710 (Avalon) low profile tires with sensors on aluminum alloy rims, fits Chevrolet Sonic or Aveo, all in 16” TIRES P225/70R16, 3 - 16in. hankook w401 winter radial tires, good for utility trail- 17” TIRE and Rim LT245/75R17, one only, excellent condition, contact Richard, $360 er, price is for each, $60 PH 834-6710 on 8 lug 17” steel rim, came off 2012 F250, PH 584-3612 Lower Island Cove (Avalon) Conception Bay South (Avalon) tire is General Grabber HTS, like new, only 17” TIRES and wheels, full set to fit 2012 3/4 16” TIRES P225/70R16, 4 summer tires, in 20% worn, $150 PH 727-7401 Mount Pearl 2500 Series Chevrolet, 285/70R17, $1,000 PH 682-6622 St. John’s (Avalon) good condition, no emails please, phone (Avalon) calls only, $150 PH 687-8365 or 697-8441 17” TIRE and Rim LT265/70R17, one only, 17” TIRES P215/55R17, one Winter TXI (Avalon) Bridgestone Dueler A/T mounted on 5 hole m+s studded tire, 90%+ tread left on tire, 16” TIRES P225/75R16, two only, steel rim off 2003 Dodge Ram 1500, like $150 PH 834-6710 (Avalon) LT225/75/16 Uniroyal Laredo all seasons, new, $150 PH 747-9594 or 727-7401 17” TIRES P215/60R17, four General App 50% worn, call 727-7401, $80 PH Mount Pearl (Avalon) 747-9594 or 727-7401 Mount Pearl 17” TIRE P225/60R17, one only, A/S Altimax all season tires, good shape, 50% worn, $160 PH 747-9594 or 727-7401 (Avalon) Goodyear in new condition, no defects, can Mount Pearl (Avalon) 16” TIRES P235/70R16, four winter quest be delivered to town or dropped off along studded winter tires, good shape, 50% the way to St. John’s, PH 468-2839 17” TIRES P225/50R17, Firestone, purchased just before winter, very low kilomeworn, $160 PH 747-9594 or 727-7401 Bonavista (Avalon) ters, firm price, $300 PH 279-5133 Mount Pearl (Avalon) 17” TIRES and four factory steel rims, com- Marystown (Central) 16” TIRES P245/75R16, two Snowblazer plete with TPS sensors, freshly painted and Saxon M+S tires, $100 PH 834-6710 clear coated, includes Size 265/70R17 17” TIRES P225/50R17, Set of 4, Crosswind Goodyear Wranglers with approx 50% All Season tires, price is for each, in excellent (Avalon) condition, $90 PH 749-5440 St. John’s tread, $500 PH 682-8857 (Avalon) (Avalon)
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17” TIRES P225/55R17, Two Nexen Winguard 231 m+s tires, $80 PH 8346710 (Avalon) 17” TIRES P225/65R17, 4 Michelin Latitude Tour, three tires have 5/32” thread remaining and the fourth has just over 4/32”, $80 PH 334-2817 Tors Cove (Avalon) 17” TIRES P235/45R17, two Arctic Claw winter TXI m+s studded tires, 90%+ tread left on tires, $300 PH 834-6710 (Avalon) 17” TIRES P235/45R17, two Cooper Weather Master st2 m+s Snow Groove studded tires, 90%+ tread left on tires, $300 PH 834-6710 (Avalon) 17” TIRES P235/60R17, Four, Michelin Primacy mxv4 summer tires, $140 PH 8346710 (Avalon) 17” TIRES P235/70R17, One Hankook Dynapro All Season, $35 PH 834-6710 (Avalon) 17” TIRES P235/70R17, one only, Dayton Timberline A/T, good shape, only 30% worn, $75 PH 747-9594 or 727-7401 Mount Pearl (Avalon) 17” TIRES P245/65R17, Four all season, price is or nearest offer, $140 PH 728-0670 St. John’s (Avalon) 17” TIRES P245/70R17, 2 General Ameritrac, good for 1 more season, $60. Contact if interested, PH 834-6710 (Avalon 17” TIRES P245/70R17, 4 - 17in. minerva eco stud lt m+s tires lt245/70r17, 2 tires have 50-60% tread $80.00, other 2 tires have 70-80% tread $140.00, willing to sell as sets of 2, $220 PH 834-6710 (Avalon) 17” TIRES P245/70R17, Four firestone transforce tires, half tread remaining, $150 PH 744-4403 Upper Gullies (Avalon) 17” TIRES P265/70R17, 2 only, LT265/70/17 Avalanche extreme snow tires, not studded, good shape, app 50% worn, $160 PH 747-9594 or 727-7401 Mount Pearl (Avalon) 17” TIRES P265/70R17, Four winterforce tires, good tread remaining, $250 PH 7444403 Upper Gullies (Avalon) 17” TIRES P265/70R17, Four, Goodyear Wrangler ST, All seasons, good shape, only 30% worn, $225 PH 747-9594 or 7277401 Mount Pearl (Avalon) 17” TIRES P265/70R17, two are about 60% and two will probably do another season or two, $200 PH 697-6359 St. John’s (Avalon)
2200 - 2255 • Auto Parts
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Current until April 29, 2016 Issue 984 Copyright© 2016 The Newfoundland Buy & Sell Magazine Inc.
17” TIRES P305/65R17, 70% tread, 4 tires, Tires off a 2015 sierra. Like new 20,000 $400 PH 738-0585 St. John’s (Avalon) kilometers on them. Selling rubber only. Open to offers, $800 PH 680-0428 or 54917” TIRES P315/70R17, no leaks or plugs, 2743 Garden Cove (Avalon) call or text, $150 PH 467-1108 or 4270241 Musgravetown (East) 17” TIRES, four Firestone Transforce HT, LT245/75R17, excellent condition, price is ENGINE, 306 cylinder with carburetor and or nearest offer, $500 PH 743-3224 the other one is 302 cylinder with carbureParadise (Avalon) tor, PH 363-2034 or 687-8268 Fermeuse 17” TIRES, four Uniroyal summer tires, size (Avalon) 215/55R17, price is or nearest offer, $350 ENGINE, 5.4L Ford engine, runs great, PH 771-1350 (Avalon) 182,000 kilometers, came out of a 2005 17” TIRES, four winter tires on rims, came off Ford E250 van, $1,000 PH 747-9594 or Dodge Journey, used for two months, size 727-7401 Mount Pearl (Avalon) P225/65R17, $550 PH 635-2781 (West) TRANSMISSION 460 transfer case (push button) and aluminum driveshaft, call for details, PH 689-1163 Conception Bay South 18” RIM, One only, Ford aluminum rim, 6 (Avalon) hole, fits 2008 Ford F150, good shape, TRANSMISSION, 2002 Dodge Dakota, $150 PH 727-7401 or 727-7401 Mount overdrive transmission, 133000km, excelPearl (Avalon) lent working condition 5.2 liter or 3.9 liter, $300 PH 691-3010 Conception Bay South 18” TIRE P255/70R18, one only (Avalon) Bridgestone Dueler A/T, new, $125 PH 7479594 or 727-7401 Mount Pearl (Avalon) 18” TIRE P265/70R18, One Goodyear Wrangler SR-A M&S tire, new, call for details, price is or nearest offer, $150 PH 1995 CHEVROLET 4x4, Alberta truck, in 834-9493 or 687-0156 Conception Bay running condition, for parts or repair, all four wheel drive gear good, price is firm, South (Avalon) $500 PH 334-3868 Mobile (Avalon) 18” TIRES LT275/65R18, BF Goodrich All Terrain T/A, used 1 winter, selling because 2011 Ford Ranger front bumper cover, new downsized truck, $380 PH 277-2135 still in packaging, paid $150, price is or nearest offer, $75 PH 745-1512 St. John’s Torbay (Avalon) (Avalon) 18” TIRES LT275/65R18, four Cooper Discovery A/T3 tires, good shape, only 50% BOXLINER for a chevrolet pick, 8ft box, also worn, call after 6pm or anytime weekends, .305 engine for Chevy Pickup, low mileage, $475 PH 747-9594 or 727-7401 Mount $300 for both, $300 PH 525-2625 (Avalon) Pearl (Avalon) CAP for small pick up, fits a Toyota Tacoma, 18” TIRES LT275/65R18, four Firestone should fit all small pick ups. Going at a barWinterforce, approx 40% worn, $475 PH gain, $100 PH 747-4751 or 690-8688 Mt 747-9594 or 727-7401 Mount Pearl Pearl (Avalon) (Avalon) Ford transmission and engine, 300 with car18” TIRES LT275/65R18, two only, buretor, call for more details, PH 363-2034 Goodyear Wrangler all season AT3, good Fermeuse (Avalon) shape, approx 50% worn, $150 PH 747FRONT Bumper for 2003 Chevrolet Pickup, 9594 or 727-7401 Mount Pearl (Avalon) call for details, PH 579-0987 (Avalon) 18” TIRES LT275/65R18, Two only, Goodyear Wrangler AT/S, approx 50% GRILLS, to fit 1983 to 1988 Ford Ranger, worn, $160 PH 747-9594 or 727-7401 $50 for both, $50 PH 467-5609 Clarenville (East) Mount Pearl (Avalon) MIRROR, outside right hand mirror for 18” TIRES P265/65R18, Four Bridgestone dueler tires, half tread remaining, $150 PH Chevrolet truck, in excellent condition, price is or nearest offer, $45 PH 834-9493 or 744-4403 Upper Gullies (Avalon) 687-0156 Conception Bay South (Avalon) 18” TIRES P275/65R18, Four, Goodyear Wrangler A/TS, good shape, only 40% MUFFLER to fit 2003 CHEVROLET S10 pickworn, $475 PH 747-9594 or 727-7401 up, excellent condition, $35 PH 834-9493 or 687-0156 (Avalon) Mount Pearl (Avalon) PART, 2011 Ford Ranger original cat Back exhaust, one year old/10,000 kilometers, 18” TIRES P275/75R18, BFG TA A/T KO price is or nearest offer, $75 PH 745-1512 Tires 275 65 R18 Load Range “E”, price is St. John’s (Avalon) for four, $600 PH 834-5009 Conception PARTING out, cv joints, computer, fuel Bay South (Avalon) pump, ignition and steering wheel parts, RIMS, 18’’ RBP Rims on 35’’ tires 5x139 mm engine 4.8L, water pump, etc., going very bolt pattern Good Condition, $1,200 PH cheap, call for details, $10 PH 468-2839 528-3002 Marysvale (Avalon) Bonavista (East) RIMS, 4 - 18” rims, to fit a Honda Civic SI, PARTS - scrapping 1999 Ford Ranger for never used, $1,000 PH 630-0207 Corner parts, has good cab, box, motor and transBrook (West) mission, $300 PH 582-3211 New Harbour (East) Selling 18” rims only. Fits a tire size 215/40r18 - Bolt pattern 5x114.3. They PARTS 2004 Chevrolet, call for more details, retail $599/each never seen salt and less PH 690-1762 St. John’s (Avalon) than a year old. Asking $800 or best offer, PARTS Rear air bags, fit pickup came off $800 PH 533-7177 Pasadena (West) 2008 Dodge Ram, will fit other vehicles, $50 PH 467-2229 or 467-2229 Bloomfield (Avalon) 19” TIRES P235/55R19, Two, Toyo Versado PARTS to fit 2000 GMC Sonoma or CUV, 70-80% tread left, not studded, price is Chevrolet S10, bedliner $150 or nearest or nearest offer, email or phone, No Texting offer, bug deflector $50 or nearest offer, tailplease, $180 PH 744-2406 or 685-4939 gate black in colour $35 or nearest offer, Conception Bay South (Avalon) call for details, PH 834-9493 or 687-0156 Conception Bay South (Avalon) 20” TIRES and Rims P275/55R20, Four tires on chrome rims, in good condition, lots of tread remaining, Goodyear Eagle L52 tires, mud&snow, equipped with sensors& center cap, tires came off Chevy Avalanche, $1,000 PH 744-4403 Upper Gullies (Avalon)
PARTS to fit 2008 Mazda Tribute all wheel drive, for parts only, 4 door automatic, drive it away, all good glass, exterior, interiors and running all excellent condition, PH 7712445 or 771-2445 Conception Bay South (Avalon)
PARTS, 2 new fuel injectors still in box and never used for a 1997 and newer years 4.2L 20” TIRES LT275/65R20, Two only, V6 Ford pickup, price is firm and ask for Hankook I Pike RWII, approx 50% worn, Terry, $60 PH 596-8505 Harbour Grace $130 PH 747-9594 or 727-7401 Mount (Avalon) Pearl (Avalon) PARTS, 3 Ford grills + 3 ford leaf springs, 20” TIRES P275/40R20, Michelin all season $150 for all price is FIRM, Serious inquires X-radial tires off of a Range Rover Sport HSE only, $150 PH 631-1355 St. John’s (Avalon) LUX, low profile and great for any 4X4, not PARTS, 5 tires size 825-20, PH 834-5106 or just for a Range Rover, set of 4, one was only 834-5106 Kelligrews (Avalon) used for about one week, one was only used for about 1 month, one good for another PARTS, Aluminum Flatbed Deck for Pickup season or two and one is worn about 4- 6’ x 8’, good condition, call Sel, $1,500 PH 5/32 seconds left, could be a spare. Also for 689-9122 Flatrock (Avalon) sale, the Range Rover full size cargo mat. Its a thick, pliable rubberized mat custom-cut to PARTS, Dump Box for Pick Up Truck 6’ W x the full size Range Rover’s cargo area $350, 9’ L x 2’ D with Hydraulics, call Sel, $1,400 $250 PH 722-3159 or 770-2266 St. John’s PH 689-9122 Flatrock (Avalon) (Avalon) PARTS, Ford F250 running boards, $30 PH 20” TIRES P275/55R20, four, Michelin LTX, 782-0655 (Avalon) still good, price is or nearest offer, $200 PH PARTS, Front fenders to fit 2002 full size 727-6271 St. John’s (Avalon) Chevrolet or GMC van, price is for each, 20” TIRES P275/60R20, 4 Han kook all sea- $60 PH 769-7569 St. John’s (Avalon) sons, call only, $200 PH 290-9513 Grand Falls - Windsor (Central) 2200 - 2255 • Auto Parts
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Current until April 29, 2016 Issue 984 Copyright© 2016 The Newfoundland Buy & Sell Magazine Inc.
PARTS, Hood to fit a dodge ram, never used, FLOOR Mats, for a Toyota corolla, all seaonly to drive the new truck home, $300 PH son, call for more detail, $80 PH 657-2011 or 572-2149 South Brook (Central) 685-4388 St. John’s (Avalon) PARTS, King Pins for 1990 Ford Econoline FLOOR MATS, Winter, for car or truck, price 1/2 ton, $100 PH 237-2270 or 631-1122 for set, $10 PH 744-1005 Conception Bay Mount Pearl (Avalon) South (Avalon) PARTS, OEM Cloth Seat Covers for 2012 Ram 1500 Outdoorsman Quad Cab Pickup, front Bucket and rear 60/40 two tone color, recently did a complete Katzkin leather interior retrofit to my vehicle and these are the covers that were removed, covers are in excellent condition and I now have no use for them, call for further details, $400 PH 256-7323 or 422-3742 Gander (Central)
FORD SVT Headlamps, have a set of Ford lightning headlights paid $180, will fit 1997-2004 F150, two headlamps and two side marker lamps, like new, call after 4pm, ask for Alex, $140 PH 683-5476 or 5892718 Spaniard’s Bay (Avalon) GAS Can, 5.3 Gallon, $15 PH 256-8245 or 235-1360 Gander (Central)
PARTS, running boards for 2010 honda cr-v lx 4 door wagan, PH 834-5106 or 8345106 Kelligrews (Avalon) PARTS, Scrapping 2002 Chevrolet four wheel drive Extended Cab Pick Up for parts, 160,000 kilometers, all running gear, excellent running condition, 5.3L engine, leather interior, aluminum wheels, body in good condition, new brakes and exhaust, chassis rusted out, $400 PH 690-1762 St. John’s (Avalon) PARTS, Set of black step rails for ford 150 crew cab, price is firm, text only, $60 PH 687-4870 or 687-9619 St. John’s (Avalon)
Hard and Soft Tonneau Covers. Bak Flip fibermax 5.5 and 6.5. Extang Trifecta 5.5’ and 6.5’. Call Marshall or Denis, PH 237-3316 (Avalon)
PARTS, Toyota CV Shafts Re-Man will fit 1986-1995 Pickups and 4 Runners, price is JACK All, for truck, $50 PH 745-1413 or for the pair, $75 PH 834-5009 Conception 691-2455 (Avalon) Bay South (Avalon) JETCO 5x5 Led Light, new in box, 10 high PARTS, Toyota Tundra factory tonneau cover intensity LED’s good for 9v to 32v systems, painted pyrite mica (greenish grey), one $100 PH 424-5061 Gander (Central) piece fibreglass, cover is off a 2008 and will fit 2007-2012, in excellent shape, $400 PH LIGHTS, 4, on bracket, off F150, used to see moose on highway, $100 PH 675-2306 or 533-2882 Glovertown (Central) 532-7060 (Central) PARTS, Toyota V-6 Brake Calipers Re-Man will fit 1986-1995 Pickups and 4 Runners, MINI spare, one 14” Uniroyal mini spare price is per pair, $75 PH 834-5009 tire & rim t105/70r14 84m, $50 PH 8346710 (Avalon) Conception Bay South (Avalon) REAR end for 2004 Ford Pick up, 6 lugs, four MINI spare, one 15” Kumho mini spare tire wheel drive, 8.8 gears, call for details, PH & rim t115/70d15 90L, $50 PH 834-6710 (Avalon) 770-1608 Torbay (Avalon) SEATBELTS, 2, including shoulder straps and Mint condition, $60 PH 738-0585 St. John’s buckles, to fit 2010-15 Chevrolet Equinox or (Avalon) GMC Terrian, price is or nearest offer, $300 MIRRORS, 2 off 2014 F150 truck, changed PH 682-8857 Torbay (Avalon) out for towing mirrors, $100 PH 675-2306 TAILGATE, homemade to fit 1995 GMC or 532-7060 (Central) truck, $75 PH 467-5609 Clarenville (East) MOOSE Bumper, with lights and wiring in Truck Fender Flares, off 2005 GMC, fits any- perfect condition, $1,200 PH 466-2860 or thing from 1999-2008 Chevrolet, $200 PH 427-8096 Clarenville (East) 770-1608 Torbay (Avalon) MOUNT for Arctic Snow Plow, price is or WANTED - Full exhaust pipe and muffler for nearest offer, phone calls only, $200 PH 2000 Dodge Caravan, please call, leave a 437-1578 Torbay (Avalon) message if no answer, PH 769-3362 MOUNTING Brackets to fit a Snow -Way (Avalon) Plow, Phone Calls Only, $200 PH 437-1578 WANTED 3/4 chassis for 1996 Chevrolet Torbay (Avalon) Silverado 2500, must be 4x4, call with MUDFLAPS, 4, for GMC terrain, brand new, details, PH 233-1952 (Avalon) $60 PH 682-8857 Torbay (Avalon) WANTED: Rear bumper for 1998 Ford F150 Step Side Pick-up, I believe 1997 thru 2003 PET BARRIER, suitable for use in an SUV such will fit, please text 709-486-6945 or call as Ford Escape and Mazda Tribute, includes 709-489-6945, PH 489-6945 or 290- mounting hardware, in perfect condition, $50 PH 753-4034 St. John’s (Avalon) 3469 Grand Falls - Windsor (Central) WINDOW, one sliding rear window, fits RACK, Back rack to fit small ford ranger, 1983 - 1988 Ford Ranger, $50, $50 PH $75 PH 691-0751 St. John’s (Avalon) 467-5609 Clarenville (East) RODS for car roof rack, 2, $15 PH 7545173 St. John’s (Avalon) ROOF ladder rack, Prime Design, aluminum, approximately two years old, in 13” WHEEL Cover, Mazda, push on type, near perfect condition, calls only, please no $10 PH 834-6710 (Avalon) emails or texts, $450.00 PH 771-2445 Conception Bay South (Avalon) 14” WHEEL Cover, 5 lug push on type, $10 PH 834-6710 (Avalon) RUNNING Boards, set of chrome running boards from 2015 GMC sierra pick-up. 15” WHEEL Cover, Mazda, push on type, Comes with mounting hardware and in $10 PH 834-6710 (Avalon) great shape. asking $400.00 or nearest Photos available upon request, $400 15” WHEEL cover, one 4 lug - screw in plas- offer. tic tips for threaded lugs, $10 PH 834-6710 PH 763-3226 Bay Bulls (Avalon) (Avalon) SLIDEZILLA, contact for details, $500 PH 15” WHEEL Covers, two, 5 lugs, screw on 489-3088 (Central) type, off 2004 Pontiac Montana van, $20 SNOWBLADE, Curtis Snowpro 3000, off a PH 834-6710 (Avalon) 2009 F150, presently mounted, hitch and system, made in USA, for complete ACCESSORIES from a 2009 GMC Sierra rung assembly, price is firm, $2,500 PH 739SLE 4.8l v8, bull dog chip, cold air intake, 4800 St. John’s (Avalon) chrome tips 2 1/2 3 inches, muffler series 45, chrome accessories, black lens covers, SUPERCHIP Tuner, Cortex SupperChip perand some black accessories, $800 PH 233- formance tuner for 6.7 Cummins Diesel 1151 or 697-4767 Flatrock (Avalon) engine 2008 Ram 2500 and up, paid plus shipping and tax, three perAIR COMPRESSOR, 12 volt, ideal for car or $599.99 programs to increase Hp and travel trailer, new, call for details, PH 744- formance torque, $275 PH 229-4410 or 682-7153 1005 Conception Bay South (Avalon) Holyrood (Avalon) Brand new in box. 52” LED lightbar 300 TONNEAU Cover, to fit Ford 5.5 box, price watt, $250 PH 290-1599 Grand Falls - is or nearest offer, $300 PH 691-2249 St. Windsor (Central) John’s (Avalon) BUMPER jack, old fashioned bumper car TOWING MIRRORS, 7.5” X 5.5 “, perfect jack, ideal for antique cars, $45 PH 744- condition, paid $30 each, price is for both, 1005 Conception Bay South (Avalon) $20 PH 753-4034 St. John’s (Avalon) CARGO Mat, official Range Rover full size TRAILER hitch, to fit a hyundia santa fe with cargo mat, its a thick, pliable rubberized all nuts and bolts to put it on, $20 PH 770mat custom-cut to the full size Range Rover’s 7798 Conception Bay South (Avalon) cargo area, $350 PH 722-3159 or 7702266 St. John’s (Avalon) TRUCK Cap, outside 60” wide x 75” long, 56” w x 72” l, high rise cap, call for EXTENSION Mirrors from Dodge, excel- inside details, $125 lent/new condition, call Sel, PH 689- (East $600 PH 467-5609 Musgravetown 9122 Torbay (Avalon) CAP, off a 2004 Ford, call for more FIFTH Wheel hitch for 2014 Dodge Ram TRUCK info, PH 687-8675 St. John’s (Avalon)) 2500 truck just like new, $500 PH 5410199 Brown’s Arm (Central)
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2200 - 2255 • Auto Parts
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Current until April 29, 2016 Issue 984 Copyright© 2016 The Newfoundland Buy & Sell Magazine Inc.
WANTED to buy 2004 and under Mercury TRUCK Box, barely used. Call for details, Grand Marquis, reasonably priced, rear wheel drive, must be fuel injected, call with $200 PH 682-5697 St. John’s (Avalon) details, leave message, PH 576-4289 St. TRUCK CAP, 5 1/2ft for F150 Ford, $400 PH John’s (Avalon) 675-2306 or 532-7060 (Central) WANTED, Looking to rent to own a small 4 TRUCK CAP, 8’ high rise, to fit 8’ Ford pan, dr automatic car, will pay $215/month, PH green in colour, $350 PH 690-9686 St. 364-2704 or 631-9211 Mount Pearl (Avalon) John’s (Avalon) TRUCK Cap, A.R.E. brand, dark grey in color, 78” L x 70” w, inside 73.5”l x 60”wide, $1,200 PH 467-5609 Musgravetown (East) 2012 BMW 128i, 2 door 6 speed standard, TRUCK mats, used one month, great shape, excellent condition, 60,000 kilometers, price reason for selling bought new truck and they negotiable, $20,000 PH 596-6967 or 5897543 Carbonear (Avalon) don’t fit, $30 PH 697-5965 (Avalon) TRUCK Spacekap, as is where is, fiberglass, 2004 BMW 3-Series 330xi, Engine - 3.0 needs minor repairs, fits 8’ regular truck, Liter In-line 6 Cylinder Transmission - 6 email call or text for more info, $2,000 PH Speed Manual - All Wheel Drive all wheel drive Body - Titanium Silver Metallic - 4 454-5355 St. Anthony (East) Door Sedan with Power Sunroof Wheels - 2 TRUCK storage box, fiberglass, for full size sets of 4 wheels - Stock Aluminum Alloy & pickup, no leaks, easily installed and does- Sport Chrome Seats - Vinyl Heated Seats n’t weigh a lot so wont make your truck any Driver & Front are 6-way Power Adjustable harder on gas, key comes with it for locks on Sound - harmon/kardon - Premium Factory both ends, price is or best offer, contact Installed 12 Speaker Stereo System Terry, $120 PH 596-8505 Harbour Grace Odometer - 173500 kilometers Service Records - Complete Available, $9,000 PH (Avalon) 000-0000 St. John’s (Avalon) WEATHER guard box, only used a handful of times, price is firm, paid over $600, $400 PH 427-8214 or 663-1116 Clarenville (East) WINTER Grill Shield, will fit 2002 Chevrolet 2008 Buick Allure, 4 dr sedan, fully loaded, 2500 and other models, original, never remote start, 6 cylinder, automatic, price is used, 2 pieces, covers grill and lower grill or nearest offer, $5,300 PH 579-6721 or and bumper, provides better heating in cold 769-5352 St. John’s (Avalon) weather, $75 PH 782-6225 or 685-3807 Paradise (Avalon) 2015 CHEVROLET Chevy Cruze, 4dr, 2lt, LEASE TAKEOVER, $160.00 bi-weekly, wear & tear lease protection plan, 3yrs and 3mth remaining, 20,000 kilometers/year, has 5800 kilometers on now, heated seats, remote start, sun/moonroof, back up camera, all power options, OnStar, separate Dual stereo used once , iPod ready, 6 inch winter rims and tires, like new, $160 PH or screen really nice stereo asking 50 or best 725-2826 St. John’s (Avalon) offer, $50 PH 697-5965 Seal Cove (Avalon) 2011 CHEVROLET Impala LT in excellent SIRIUS XM Starmate 8 with Vehicle Kit, brand condition, very well cared for with all service new, sells for $139.99 at Best Buy and The done at Terra Nova Motors, power driver Source, $50 PH 256-2178 Gander seat, factory remote start, new windshield, 4 new tires, new brakes, and ready for inspec(Central) tion, 97,000 kilometers, looks and drives like new, $8,500 PH 754-5066 or 7463036 St. John’s (Avalon) Winter Car and Boat Storage 2011 CHEVROLET Malibu, fully loaded, 30,000 sqft wood structural. Concrete 91000 km’s, lady driven, never been in an floor. Located in Gould’s, NL Now tak- accident, vehicle has been very well maining deposits. Rental Term ends on May tained, all servicing was done at Dennis GM in Stephenville, $9,500 PH 480-0048 or 1-16. Contact Erin or Debra, PH 700- 647-3681 Flat Bay (West) 0432 (Avalon) 2010 CHEVROLET Aveo, 40,000 kilomeNew Indoor RV and Boat Storage ters, automatic four door, licensed until September 2015, winter tires, senior driven, price is or nearest offer, will trade for motorcycle of equal value, $6,000 PH 579-0382 St. John’s (Avalon) 2010 CHEVROLET Cobalt, auto, 2dr, 4 cylinder, 111,700 km, remote starter, 4 studded snow tires, extra set of summer Brand new 8000 sqft pre-engineered tires/wheels, regular maintenance, in good steel building. Located in Bay Bulls, NL. condition, inspection and stickers renewed Taking deposit for Sept 15-15. Rental for year, one owner, call after 5:00 power term ends on May1-16. Rental Rate is mirrors @ 764-6510, $4,300 PH 782$40 per foot plus HST. Contact Erin or 3916 Paradise (Avalon) Debra, PH 700-0432 (Avalon) 2009 CHEVROLET Impala, 117,000 km, no rust, lady driven and rust proofed since new, licensed til June 2016, new front breaks,new battery, remote start, hand brake works, new all season tires last year, power locks, windows, mirrors, seats, dual climate control, air conditioning, car is currently stored in garage for winter, $8,250 PH 596-0062 (Avalon) 2300 - 2350 • Automobiles
2009 CHEVROLET Uplander, Krown rust proofed, 3.9L engine, gold/beige colour, 104,000 kilometers, runs great, trailer hitch, 2 extra tires, new rear brake pads in box, don’t think it needs anything for a safety, there is minor paint chips around left side wheel wells, call Brian, $4,950 PH 535-0962 Lewisporte (Central) 2007 CHEVROLET Aveo, licensed until end of July 2016, everything working, in good shape inside and out, 130,000 kilometers, price is or nearest offer, $2,300 PH 229-1275 (Avalon) 2007 CHEVROLET Cobalt, fully licensed and mint condition and its only been driven three months, $2,500 PH 753-4962 St. John’s (Central) 2006 Cobalt LS, 4 door, green, automatic transmission, well maintained, regular oil changes, one owner, good condition. serious inquiries only, PH 466-1309 or 427-3492 Clarenville (East) 2005 CHEVROLET Cobalt, includes 4 studded winter tires, good condition, call for details, $1,000 PH 233-1952 (Avalon) 2005 CHEVROLET Cobalt, 213,000 kilometers, good daily driver, new winter tires November 2015, cheap on gas, as is, where is, $2,000 PH (705) 890-0658 or 227-3087 Freshwater, Placentia Bay (Avalon) 2004 CHEVROLET Cavalier, orange in colour, for parts or repair, for more information you can call or email me, $500 PH 212-0137 Port Saunders (West)
1999 FORD Mustang, White cobra svt Saleen, excellent condition, always stored in heated garage, PH 635-5999 or 632-7819 Deer Lake 2013 DODGE Dart Rallye 1.4 Multiair Turbo, (West) 1.4L 4 cylinder turbocharged engine with 6spd manual transmission, hill assist, tires replaced 1995 FORD Mustang V6, 3.8L autoless than 1000 kilometers ago, all servicing up matic, 120,000 kilometers, not in to date, balance of factory powertrain warranty bad shape, new parts, new brakes, with roadside assistance, power options, struts, shocks, $800 PH 233-1952 sun/moon roof, factory LED interior lighting, in (Avalon) dash digital speedometer with outside temp and tire pressure monitor system, plus more, privately owned but financing can be arranged, $12,000 PH 725-6835 St. John’s (Avalon) 2010 DODGE Journey, 104,000 km, seats 7, 2008 GMC Cube van, runs excellent set of winter studded tires included, $8,500 PH good shape, needs little for inspection, came from Illinois 3 years ago 535-6527 or 541-6527 Lewisporte (Central) no rust, reduced for quick sale, 2008 DODGE Caliber Sxt 2.0l, 54,900 kilome- 115,000 miles, 6.0L gas engine, 16’ ters, automatic, air conditioning, remote start, 4 box, not licensed, $3,500 PH 687studded winter tires, 4 new summer tires, regu- 5221 or 744-2043 (Avalon) lar maintenance, inspected & certificate, rustchecked, CD/AM/FM stereo, bucket seats, 54900 kilometers, price is or nearest offer, excellent condition, $7,200 PH 290-3128 or 2905272 Grand Falls - Windsor (Central) 2015 HONDA Accord, 18” aluminum wheels and tires, $2,000 PH 4242006 Dodge Dakota 6711 Gander (Central) 2013 Honda Civic, remote, air,heated seats and mirrors. Bluetooth, controls on wheel, power locks, power windows, 40,000km, $12,000 PH 785-7281 or 638-0314 Corner Brook (West) 180K, 4-dr, 318 motor, ready for inspection, 4 extra summer tires, price is or nearest offer, $6,200 PH 745-1394 Mount Pearl (Avalon)
2013 HONDA Civic Ex, 4 Dr, 19000 km, never winter driven, Bluetooth, heated seats, backup camera, air conditioning, cruise, sun roof, new Honda remote start, comes with 7 2005 Dodge Neon, 128,000km, good running year/160 000 km warranty, original condition, price is or nearest offer, $600 PH owner, no accidents, automatic, 764-5167 or 237-4488 Paradise (Avalon) $18,500 PH 640-7323 Massey Drive 2004 CHEVROLET SSR, one of only 24000 (West) made, power top, brakes, windows, air condiGP AUTO SALES tioning two seat, in perfect condition, 48500 miles, eye catcher at every angle, price is or nearest offer, call Colin or email, $28,000 PH 2014 FORD 5.0 Mustang Gt Cs, 2-door, V-8 579-4155 or 330-4155 St. John’s (Avalon) 302.2 cui engine, 420 hp, 30,000 km, never winter driven, all options, sync, Bluetooth, navi2003 CHEVROLET Impala, 4 door, 3.8L gation, power everything and more, extended engine, all new filters and front wheel bearing, warranty purchased, with just over three more new battery, 141,000 kilometers, fully years, from Alberta, serious inquires only, equipped, orginal remote, $1,500 PH 576- $35,500 PH 466-7735 Clarenville (East) 2013 Honda Civic LX, auto, 4289 (Avalon) power windows, power locks, 2014 FORD Fusion Se, fully loaded, 50,000km, 2002 CHEVROLET Camaro SS 35th sedan 4dr, $15,000 PH 771-0073 Upper power mirrors, Bluetooth, heated Anniversary Edition, 69,993km, in mint condi- Gullies (Avalon) seats, tilt, cruise, CD, air condition, 6 speed automatic, 12 CD player in rear, tioning, keyless entry, full factory T-bar roof, air conditioning and many more 2011 Ford Focus warranty remaining, only 27,000 options, recently fully serviced, bumper to kilometers, low low price of bumper, with no issues, email or call after $11,990. Visit 6pm please, $23,000 PH 746-6400 Paradise, $11,990 (Avalon) PH 682-3333 St. John’s (Avalon) 1964 CHEVROLET Impala SS, 2 dr hardtop, 4 2012 HONDA Civic, 28000 km, speed manual transmission, 327 V8 engine mostly highway, 5 speed manual with 300HP, 51,147 miles, number matching transmission, Bluetooth, handscar from Virginia, car is in mint condition and power windows, locks, easy on gas, 120K, freelink, air conditioning, cruise conmust be seen, serious inquiries only, call Max, trol, power windows and locks, winVERY CLEAN, licensed till March 2017, $26,500 PH 770-5092 St. John’s (Avalon) price is or nearest offer, $6,200 PH 745- ter and summer tires, still covered by warranty, in great condition, price is 1394 Mount Pearl (Avalon) 2006 CHEVROLET Impala, good condition, or nearest offer, $13,500 PH 745new tires, moon roof, 156,000km, price is or 2011 FORD Fusion Se, 114,000 kilome- 8730 Goulds (Avalon) nearest offer, $3,500 PH 589-2262 Upper ters,3.0L V6, excellent condition, power seat, Island Cove (Avalon) lumbar support, 6 cd/mp3, cruise, new rotors, 2012 HONDA Civic, 38,000km. 4 new tires, inspected, non smoker, price is or best door, air, sun roof, new studded tires, offer, $8,800 PH 589-6198 Carbonear comes with winter and summer mats, warranty can be transferred, call (Avalon) after 5, PH 489-3391 Grand Falls 2015 CHRYSLER 200C, fully loaded including 2009 FORD Focus Se Coupe, great condition, Windsor (Central) panoramic moonroof, heated leather, heated 48000km, used primarily as second vehicle, GP AUTO SALES steering wheel, dual exhaust, factory remote automatic, electric windows, cruise, air conditioning, heated seats, remote start, comes with start, dual climate control, alloys, and the list goes on, has a 3.6L V6 with the 9 speed auto- new summer tires on Ford aluminum rims and matic transmission, in mint condition with only lightly used winter tires on steel rims, $6,500 PH 18,500 kilometers and lots of factory warran- 256-4170 or 424-2734 Gander (Central) ty remaining, price reduced, $21,900 PH 2007 FORD Fusion SEL, 2.3L, 4 cylinder, fully 689-7890 Paradise (Avalon) loaded, includes power windows, power locks, 2010 CHRYSLER Sebring Convertible, FWD, 6 power mirrors, power steering, heated mirrors, 2012 Honda Civic EX Coupe, cylinder automatic, air conditioning, cruise, tilt cruise, air conditioning, Premium Audio auto, power windows, power steering, power seats, rag top, comes with an Speakers/Stereo 6 changer, CD Player, 130,000 locks, power mirrors, sunroof, extra set of all season tires and car cover, highway kilometers, includes set of winter tires excellent condition, lady driven, 44,684km, on rims, fully inspected and in excellent condi- heated seats, tilt, cruise, CD, air MUST SEE, $13,500 PH 743-9587 St. John’s tion, $3,800 PH 834-0778 Conception Bay conditioning, only 38K, $11,990. South (Avalon) Visit, (Avalon) $11,990 PH 682-3333 (Avalon) 2004 Chevrolet Impala, licensed until Feb 2017, 123000km, complete work on brakes 2 months ago ($900 value), lots of other work done this year, receipts available, needs new radiator, not currently insured, $500 PH 7545985 St. John’s (Avalon)
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Current until April 29, 2016 Issue 984 Copyright© 2016 The Newfoundland Buy & Sell Magazine Inc.
2012 Honda Civic LX, auto, power windows, power mirrors, tilt, cruise, CD, air conditioning, only 83K, $9,490. Visit, $9,490 PH 6823333 St. John’s (Avalon)
2012 Hyundai Santa Fe Sport four wheel drive, 6cyl, auto, power windows, power locks, power mirrors, sunroof, heated leather, Bluetooth, tilt, cruise, CD, air conditioning, 95,000 kilometers, Visit, 2011 Honda Sonata LTD, fully loaded, 4cyl, $12,990 PH 682-3333 St. John’s automatic, sunroof, alloy wheels, 6cd play(Avalon) er, leather interior, heated seats, traction GP AUTO SALES control, 100,000km, $8,900 PH 834-9784 Topsail (Avalon) 2010 Honda Civic, manual transmission, new winter tires, summer tires, 105,000 km, serviced regularly, in excellent condition, non smoker, like new, registered for 2016, price is or best offer, contact Laura, $9,000 PH 686-2810 Pasadena (West) 2009 HONDA Civic Dxg, 2door, standard, 117 000 kilometers, in good shape, $6,300 PH 786-9168 or 680-3919 Bay Roberts (Avalon) GP AUTO SALES
2008 Honda Civic EXL, 5 speed, power windows, power locks, power mirrors, sunroof, heated leather, tilt, cruise, CD, air conditioning, keyless entry, only 98,000 kilometers, Visit, $6,490 PH 682-3333 St. John’s (Avalon) 2004 HONDA Accord Sedan, 5 speed standard, 2.4 vtec, power locks and windows, 170,000 kilometers, $3,000 PH 725-0709 Conception Bay South (Avalon) 2002 HONDA Accord Special Edition, includes: 2.3L 4-cylinder. 4 speed automatic, black exterior, with grey interior, sunroof, good condition one-owner car, with 155,000 kilometers, car will require gas tank repair/replacement and some exhaust work, but overall a nice, well kept car, $1,500 PH 726-6715 or 770-0885 St. John’s (Avalon) 2001 HONDA CRV, in excellent condition, price or nearest offer. Contact for more info, $1,500 PH 437-6020 or 728-3802 Torbay (Avalon)
2013 Hyundai Elantra GL, 4 cylinder, auto, full pwr group, tilt, cruise, cd, air conditioning, factory warranty remaining, only 69,000 kilometers, $10,990. Visit, $10,990 PH 682-3333 (Avalon) 2012 HYUNDAI Elantra GLS, 71,000 kilometers, front and rear heated seats, sunroof, 16” alloy wheels, 6 speed, Bluetooth, fog lights, power locks, air conditioning, tilt steering wheel, extended warranty until 100,000 kilometers, $8,500 PH 764-3604 or 834-1669 Conception Bay South (Avalon)
2011 Kia Forte SX, fully loaded, new rotors 2006 Mitsubishi Gallant, good running conand pads, new handbrake cables, excellent dition, automatic, $900 PH 782-3279 St. condition, 5-speed manual, call for more John’s (Avalon) information, PH 728-9124 Conception Harbour (Avalon) 2007 KIA Spectra, red, 4 door, remote starter and power locks, with bug deflector, window visors and brand new front end, 92,534km and licensed till Oct 2016, please call anytime after 6pm thanks, $2,000 PH 693-3225 Mount Pearl (Avalon)
1999 PONTIAC Grand Prix Supercharged, Vancouver car, licensed for full year, in mint condition, 185,000 kilometers, $2,500 PH 746-8993 (Avalon) 1999 PONTIAC Trans Am Ram, originated from Miami, have owned her for 2.5 years, 65,000 miles on her, in excellent condition both inside and outside, never driven in rain or snow, always winter stored, please contact for more info, price negotiable, $23,500 PH 687-5331 or 687-5331 Goulds (East)
2010 NISSAN Altima 2.5S, immaculate, one owner, excellent condition, 112,000 kilometers, power front driver’s seat, full power group, sunroof, fog lights, spoiler, summer and winter tires, heated front seats, 2005 KIA Sedona Lx, licensed for a year, get hood protector, rides like new, licensed until 2008 Saturn Astra, clutch bad, licenced until in and go, 103000km, price is or best offer, June of 2016, $9,000 PH 334-2770 or August, price is or best offer, $750 PH 2210306 or 986-5699 St. John’s (Avalon) $2,500 PH 786-7570 Clarke’s Beach 693-0670 St. John’s (Avalon) (Avalon) 2006 SATURN Ion, needs exhaust welding 2001 Nissan Altima done, automatic, 207,695 kilometers, oil has 2003 KIA Rio RSX, 4 door Standard transbeen changed every 5000 kilometers, undermission, almost 100,000 kilometers, lots of coated every winter, car is plastic so it will new parts including clutch, pressure plate, never rust, $1,200 PH 381-0378 Gander fuel pump, total front and rear brakes, etc. (Central) have receipts for all parts, recently safety and licensed until February 2017, 2012 Hyundai Veloster Tech, 6 speed, inspected 2002 SATURN SL1, two cars available, price PH 571-1574 or 571-1574 Conception Bay pwr windows/locks/mirrors, heated is for both, call after 6 power mirrors, $500 South (Avalon) leather, sunroof, navigation, keyless 137K, 4door, automatic, runs excellent, PH 769-5324 Brigus Junction (Avalon) entry, alloy wheels, winter wheels and price is or nearest offer, $1,800 PH tires, factory warranty remaining, 85K, 745-1394 Mount Pearl (Avalon) $10,990. Visit, $10,990 PH 682-3333 (Avalon) 2005 LINCOLN Town Car Golf Pro Series, 2010 SUBARU Impreza 2.5I, less than 52 2011 HYUNDAI Sonata Gl, just rolled over Florida Car, last year for this model, excel000km, 4 door, 2.5I 170 hp, runs great, with 70,000 kilometers, black, well looked after, lent condition, 4.6 V8, just rolled 100,000 remote start with keyless entry, fog lights, miles, fully loaded, heated leather seats, air 2009 G5,110,000 km,great shape,will pro- no issues, 5 speed manual transmission, all bug deflector and window visors Power conditioning, CD, serious inquiries only vide inspection, Alberta vehicle,licensed until wheel drive, $9,950 PH 746-4889 or 746locks, mirrors & windows, cruise, air condi- please, $8,000 PH 432-3073 Cape Broyle March 2017, $3,400 PH 770-8479 4889 St. John’s (Avalon) tion, front heated seats, tilt slide sunroof, (Avalon) Conception Bay South (Avalon) 2010 SUBARU Outback, 6-speed manual adjustable driver seat with lumbar support, transmission, 96,000 kilometers, 2 years or 2009 PONTIAC Vibe, four door hatchback, AM/FM Radio/CD player, Bluetooth phone automatic, lady driven, fully loaded, air con- 47,000 kilometers remaining on 4 star system, USB ports, alloy wheels, ABS ditioning, cruise control, power Global Warranty, will include set of studded Braking, tilt steering, Also include in sale windows/locks, roof rack, am/fm stereo, all winter tires and rims, call 769 9293, $12,500 studded winter tires and rims Serviced reguGP AUTO SALES good tires, 102,000 kilometers, excellent PH 240-0413 Conception Bay South (Avalon) larly by dealer Price negotiable, $13,000 PH condition, inspected, $5,900 PH 589-6870 2007 SUBARU Outback, inspection slip and 489-2589 Grand Falls - Windsor (Central) Carbonear (Avalon) licensed until June, manual transmission, 2010 HYUNDAI Accent, in good condition, 2008 PONTIAC G5, in good condition, 144,300km, all wheel drive, winter tires are 100000 kilometers on it, had a wheel bear125000km, $3,000 PH 690-7472 Paradise hardly used, have 2nd set of rims,original ing replaced a couple of weeks ago, please Subaru ones, detailing/wash, heated seats, (Avalon) call Michael at 685-4743 or Keith at 330sunroof, all power options, aux port, and a 5324, $5,000 PH 685-4743 or 330-5324 2007 PONTIAC G5, 133602km, manual, spare, call or text with any questions, $5,000 Mount Pearl (Avalon) 2012 Mazda 3 Sport Hatchback, auto, silver in color, excellent condition, rear PH 424-0663 St. John’s (Avalon) 2010 HYUNDAI Santa Fe, 85,000 km, very power windows,power locks, power brakes completely done, new strut with life- 2001 SUBARU Outback, new brake pads time warranty, 4 winter and summer tires on low mileage, over 1 year or 35,000km warmirrors, sunroof, heated seats, rotors, strut mounts, lower ball joints, ranty left, V6 engine, four wheel drive, heat- Bluetooth, tilt, cruise, CD, air condition- rims, sunroof, power everything, new speak- and ers and sub in the trunk, needs nothing, rebuilt driveshaft, exhaust work and battery, ed power leather seats, Bluetooth, automating, alloys, keyless entry, only 70K, heated leather interior, two sun roofs, runs ic, air, power doors, mirrors, windows and $10,990. Visit, $5,000 PH 660-5089 Pasadena (West) well, no issues, licensed until January 2017, sunroof, 2” trailer hitch, in excellent condi$10,990 PH 682-3333 (Avalon) 2006 PONTIAC Pursuit, 2 owner car, price is or nearest offer, $1,650 PH 769tion, original paint, $10,500 PH 753-4034 2007 MAZDA 3 Gt, automatic with only 140,000 kilometers, runs and works good, 2796 St. John’s (Avalon) St. John’s (Avalon) 73000 km, no rust, power windows, door price is or nearest offer, $950 PH 437-1671 2009 Hyundai Accent, price is or best offer, locks, sunroof, remote start, heated seats, Torbay (Avalon) $3,700 PH 691-3239 Whitbourne (Avalon) rust checked and engine oil was just changed, has new rims and good winter 2005 PONTIAC Grand Am V6, licensed 2009 HYUNDAI Elantra, For Sale 2009 tires, also comes with steel rims, great little until July, really good working order, call for 2012 TOYOTA Camry SE, 106,000 kilomeHyundai Elantra GL. 69500 Km. 4 Door. car, open to offers, $5,500 PH 221-2017 St. more details, $650 PH 746-8993 (Avalon) ters, mainly highway driven, lots of options, Automatic. Power Steering, Power Windows, John’s (Avalon) 2004 PONTIAC Grand Prix, wide track, had all new brakes done in December, Lady Driven, Winter and Summer Tires and licensed until October, looking for quick sale Rims, Heated Front Seats, Window Visors, 2006 MAZDA Mazda 3, 180,000 km, gray, 150k, good shape, loaded, 4 door, auto- due to purchase of new vehicle pending, matic, all disk brakes, looked after, comes Hood Visor, New Battery, New Brakes, standard, power locks & windows, cd play$11,999 PH 770-4165 Clarenville (East) AM/FM/Aux/CD, Keyless Entry, Remote er, sun roof, call, text or email for more info with all receipts of work done, will consider trade for a quad in good condition, a motor Start, Cruise Control. Text or Call: 709 649- or to arrange a viewing, $2,500 PH 351home of equal value, or something of that 2010 Toyota Corolla, excellent condition, 1475, $6,250 PH 643-4332 or 649-1475 3196 or 351-3196 St. John’s (Avalon) nature, $1,700 PH 769-2154 Mount Pearl accident free, one owner, 89500 kilometers, Stephenville (West) automatic, keyless entry, ABS, tilt steering, air, (Avalon) 2005 Mazda Pickup, Two, in excellent CD, Aux, MP3 compatible, compact spare 2008 HYUNDAI Tucson, excellent condition, shape, call for more details, PH 222-2428 2004 Pontiac Sunfire, body & mechanical in tire, 60/40 split bench seat, 5 passenger, daylow mileage 52000KM, one owner, extra Bay Roberts (Avalon) good condition, $1,200 PH 486-7029 or time running lights, $7,900 PH 747-9570 or tires and wheels, $5,500 PH 682-6805 St. 486-7054 Grand Falls - Windsor (Central) 764-5751 Goulds (Avalon) John’s (Avalon) 2003 Pontiac Sunfire, suitable for parts, 2009 TOYOTA Matrix XR, loaded, air cruise, 2005 HYUNDAI Elantra GL 4 door, good motor and transmission, 2 new strut power windows/locks, sunroof, front and rear 185,000 kilometers, winter and summer bumper spoilers, driving lights, radio controls tires with one set of rims, needs repairs, 2006 MERCEDES-BENZ B200, 5Door assembly just installed, call for more details, on steering wheel, has the larger 2.4L engine $500 PH 325-4645 or 725-6507 Hatchback 5 Speed may consider trade for PH 334-3330 Mobile (Avalon) side by side of equal value, $7,850 PH 596- 2000 PONTIAC Grand Am, in very good and 5 speed automatic transmission Conception Bay South (Avalon) equipped with slap stick option so you can 1985 Harbour Grace (Avalon) shape, licenced until March 2017, new drive it like a standard, car was inspected in brakes, PH 745-7599 or 330-8121 Mount January and in licensed for a full year, Pearl (Avalon) $5,900 PH 437-6010 (Avalon) 2001 Jaguar S-Type, in excellent condition, 120,000 kilometers on V8 motor, silver with black interior, motor needs head gasket, $2,000 PH 229-4443 Chapel’s Cove (Avalon)
2000 Pontiac Trans Am, in excellent condiFlorida Car.Rare Florida Edition.4.6 tion, 100,000km, never seen rain or snow, V8.150,000 miles.Excellent price is or nearest offer, $13,500 PH 766Condition.Leather.Loaded.4 new tires 1874 Southern Harbour (Avalon) included. Serious enquiries only.Ideal for Taxi companies, $5,100 PH 432-3073 Cape Broyle (Avalon)
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2008 TOYOTA Yaris, 4 door automatic, 4 cylinder, great on fuel, good shape all around, needs nothing, comes fully inspected, almost new all/season tires, only 110 kilometers, years left in this little Toyota, great buy at this price, $4,250 PH 596-1937 or 589-6008 Victoria (Avalon) 2300 - 2350 • Automobiles
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Current until April 29, 2016 Issue 984 Copyright© 2016 The Newfoundland Buy & Sell Magazine Inc.
2007 TOYOTA Corolla, tilt steering, cruise, air conditioning and all new tires, 166,973 kilometers, $4,500 PH 466-7573 or 4276073 Clarenville (Avalon)
1951 FORD 4 dr. sedan, Restored, original tranmission & motor, beautiful car, manual trans, 69,239 miles, $12,000 PH 257-3324 or 290-9902 Botwood (Central)
2006 TOYOTA Avalon Touring Edition, V6, 268hp, in excellent condition, 5 speed automatic w/OD and auto-manual, very fast car 207,000 kilometers but these cars are good for 400,000, heated leather seats, 8 way seat adjustment, rear reclining back seats, sunroof, dual temperature controls, power steering/power windows/pdl, 9 speaker cd/audio, fog lights, dual stainless steel exhaust and chrome tail pipe and more, new struts, springs, wheel bearings brakes and hand brakes. Carproof available, ready for inspection, $6,500 PH 744-1090 or 728-5573 Conception Bay South (Avalon)
1970 VOLKSWAGEN Radio Controlled Vw Van, mint, never out of box, vehicle is 1:10 scale, 17” long, rare, Headlights with high beams, glowing engine, attach MP3 or phone for music, many accurate details, $80 PH 634-7307 Corner Brook (West)
2006 TOYOTA Corolla Se, runs and drives great, 210,000 kilometers, regular oil/maintenance, body requires minor work, automatic, power windows, power locks, power sunroof, air conditioning, never any issues with car, selling because it’s time for a change, no calls before 9am, $2,000 PH 437-1794 or (706) 631-4271 Torbay (Avalon)
2013 CHEVROLET Equinox LT all wheel 1977 Buick Riviera, limited edition, call for drive, only 38,000 kilometers, vehicle is in details, PH 363-2034 Fermeuse (Avalon) excellent condition, only one owner, comes with remote start, heated seats, rear back up 1985 LOTUS Super 7 Roadster (seven) Mkii, camera and more, still under warranty, 2 seater, Toyota 2TC hemi racing engine $20,499 PH 763-4454 St. John’s (Avalon) with 2 barrel side drafts and tuned exhaust, 4 speed, removable vinyl top, detachable 2008 CHEVROLET 2500 Express Cargo front bumper, stored for 3 years, car was Van, 8 cylinder, 76,500 miles, has air conbuilt on a Fejer Kit in 1985, approx 5000 ditioning, $9,300 PH 634-6456 Steady miles on rebuilt engine, please no tire kick- Brook (West) ers, call if you’re serious, $9,750 PH 5732008 CHEVROLET Silverado LTZ Z71, 0224 or 595-2275 (Avalon) 130,000 kilometers, spent the first 4 years in Calgary, spray in box liner, tonneau cover, black in colour, $15,000 PH 691-8987 Holyrood (Avalon)
2002 Toyota Corolla, for parts, comes with 4 good All Season tires, price is or nearest offer, $350 PH 334-2793 Witless Bay 1989 Mercedes-Benz 560 SEC Hardtop, (Avalon) classic body style 128, 130,000miles, excelcondition, original black paint, never 2001 Toyota Echo, in excellent running con- lent driven, california car, new bearings, dition, however, needs gas tank and some winter and suspension, like new powertrain, body work, as is where is, $500 PH 639- rotors, beautiful car, $24,500 PH 596-3565 3923 Corner Brook (West) Carbonear (Avalon) 1994 DODGE Stealth R/T, 85000 km, winter stored, power windows, brakes, seat, sun roof, air conditioned, automatic, V6 engine, 2015 VOLKSWAGEN Gti, looking for some- in excellent condition, $8,900 PH 579-4155 one to take over my lease on my 2015 GTI, or 330-4155 (Avalon) payments are $411/mth, dealer maintained, 4 year lease, end February 2019 or 1994 PONTIAC Trans-Am, 25th 120,000km, lease end wear protection up Anniversary, automatic, 350 cu in LT-1, fully to $10000 damage at end of lease, trans- loaded, 50,000 miles, original Florida car, ferable, $411 PH 690-8555 or 697-5606 appraised in 2013, excellent condition, call after 5:00 power mirrors @ 764-6510, Conception Bay South (Avalon) $18,500 PH 782-3916 Paradise (Avalon) 2014 VOLKSWAGEN Jetta, Comfortline 2004 CHEVROLET SSR, one of only 24000 Trim, power moonroof, hands free Bluetooth, 1.8 TSI, automatic transmission made, power top, brakes, windows, air con(not diesel), electronic anti-rust module, ditioning two seat, in perfect condition, heated seats, heated side mirrors, rubber 48500 miles, eye catcher at every angle, floor mats, 4 Michelin X-Ice winter tires, price is or nearest offer, call Colin or email, $28,000 PH 579-4155 or 330-4155 $19,000 PH 765-3937 (Avalon) (Avalon) 2013 VOLKSWAGEN passat, if interested contact now for more picture and informa- FORD Mustangs, 1965 & 1967, 6cyl, automatic, price is for each, call for info anytime, tion, PH 639-0578 Aaron Arm (Avalon) $14,500 PH 986-8343 Bay Roberts 2013 VOLKSWAGEN tdi diesel, never winter (Avalon) driven, new tires, stored in heated garage, 38000km, heated leather seats, Bluetooth, etc, car has no lien, looking to sell asap, $25,000 PH 728-0643 St. John’s (Avalon)
2009 VOLKSWAGEN City Golf, purchased September 2009 only to drive to and from work, barely 60,000 kilometers, no issues, has a slight dent on the front hood, studded winter tires used for 2 winters, manual transmission, highly fuel efficient, has Sunroof Power Windows/Locks -AM/FM Radio with CD player, AUX and USB hookup -2.0L Engine -Keyless Entry, price is firm, call or text Andrew, $7,000 PH 728-8653 St. John’s (Avalon) 2009 VOLKSWAGEN Jetta Tdi, diesel engine, well maintained, serviced by VW technician, 305,000, studded snow tires installed Nov 2015; includes 4 summer tires and rims, $6,500 PH 891-4267 or 2773500 Burin (Avalon)
2011 TOYOTA Corolla Ce, lease buyout, 48,500km, no warranty remaining but all service done by Toyota Plaza, remote start, air conditioning, MP3 CD player, $303/mth, lease end buyout of $7212.00 plus tax, current buyout of approx. $9477+ tax as of date of posting, call for more information, $303 PH 728-2305 St. John’s (Avalon) 2014 NISSAN Rogue, lease take over, short term lease, $250 semi monthly, includes warranty, 2 years 4 months remaining 24,000 kilometers/year, has less than 30,000 on now, which means +60,000 kilometers for next 2 years, comes with summer and winter tires on rims, PH 691-9739 Paradise (Avalon)
2004 VOLKSWAGEN Jetta Diesel, Alberta driven, 4 door, automatic, new windshield, new 2 rear struts, new turbo and timing chain kit, $3,200 PH 437-1224 or 6823844 Torbay (Avalon) 2002 VOLKSWAGEN Jetta, 160000km, white aluminum rims, 2.0L, and 5 speed standard, will sell for parts or selling the whole car for a reasonable offer, $800 PH 424-0204 or 571-1129 Traytown (Central) WANTED 1995 or 1996 Land Rover for parts, call Rocky 613-621-5405, PH (613) 621-5405 (East) 2003 VOLVO V40, Silver, approximately 195,000 kilometers, one owner/driver, licensed until January 2017, as is, needs work, body has minimal rust showing on exterior, grey leather interior, currently has winter studded tires on steel rims, front brakes done spring 2016, back brakes done Fall 2015, will include set of all season tires on alloy rims, $1,800 PH 689-2428 St. John’s (Avalon)
2012 CADILLAC Escalade Platinum all wheel drive, 6.2L, 403 HP Engine with Active Engine Management and Dual Exhaust, 50,000 kilometers, black leather Interior with black exterior highlighted by bright white LED headlights, MSRP on this vehicle new was $110,000 CDN, factory warranty until Jan 2017, 22” chrome wheels, LED headlights, retractable running boards, remote start, remote entry, overhead and rear seat dual DVD’s, Navigation, leather front heated and cooled seats, rear heated captains seats, serious inquiries only please, $52,900 PH 368-2407 Mount Pearl (Avalon)
2011 Cadillac Escalade, inspected and loaded with options including rear entertainment (dvd) great looking vehicle, 108,000 kilometers, $38,499 PH 765-4439 St. 1949 FORD Pickup, must be seen, com- John’s (Avalon) pletely original, call for details, $16,000 PH 424-4844 or 256-4844 Gander (Central) 2300 - 2350 • Automobiles
2015 CHEVROLET Pickup 4x4, 6.0 gas LT, 32000km, immaculate condition, never towed or plowed, side rails, spray in bedliner, tonneau cover, loaded with options, must see, price is or best offer, $44,000 PH 5897026 Spaniard’s Bay (Avalon)
2011 Dodge Ram 2500
2011 FORD F-250 Super Duty, 6.2L gasoline motor, 210 kilometers, with 2012 Maxim Car Hauler equipped with a 5 ton winch and two 6000lb axles, willing to sell together or separately, both needs nothing to pass inspection, $22,500 PH 279-2649 Marystown (East)
120K, runs good, clean truck, gas, price is or nearest offer, $24,000 PH 745-1394 Mount Pearl (Avalon)
2011 FORD Raptor, extended warranty until 2017, call for more information, $415,000 PH 727-8850 St. John’s (Avalon)
2008 DODGE Grand Caravan, fair shape, needs minor repair, dent in back door, licensed until May Approx 173000 km, $3,000 PH 690—378 St. John’s (Avalon)
2010 FORD Edge Sel all wheel drive, all maintenance up to date and a recent MVI, originally from Ontario with 142 mostly highway kilometers, heated and power adjustable leather seats, remote start, dual zone climate control, Bluetooth/phone/aux/USB inputs for stereo, front and rear sun (moon) roofs, power lift gate, power down rear seats, keyless entry, Pirelli winter tires, air conditioning, cruise, tilt/telescopic steering wheel, vent visors and hood deflector Privately owned but financing is available thru Kenmount Auto and it is on their lot for viewing or a test drive, $12,000 PH 725-6835 St. John’s (Avalon)
2007 DODGE Caravan, blue in color with approx 100,000km, excellent condition, comes with 4 new snow tires and four summer tires on rims, reason for selling bought a new vehicle, price is or nearest offer, $4,000 PH 689-9020 Whitbourne (Avalon) 2007 DODGE Caravan, with approximately 197,000 kilometers, price negotiable, also willing to trade for something of interest, $1,000 PH 427-2705 (East)
2007 CHEVROLET 2wd Pickup, call for 2007 DODGE Dakota, 4 door, power windetails, $2,500 PH 727-7421 or 693-2401 dows and locks, heated seats, 149,000 kiloPetty Harbour (Avalon) meters, $6,000 PH 743-4883 (Avalon) 2007 CHEVROLET Silverado ltz 5.3, with 2007 DODGE Dodge Ram Laramie edition, 189000 kilometers, mint and spotless, from 5.7 Hemi automatic, 35’’ tires, lift kit, cold Alberta, $12,000 PH 690-6714 Torbay air intake and moonroof, fully loaded, very (Avalon) good condition, well maintained, $18,500 PH 528-3002 Marysvale (Avalon) 2006 CHEVROLET Cube van, with 16’ box, 6.6 diesel, registered and inspected till 2007 DODGE Power Wagon, good condiMarch 2017 210000km, price is or nearest tion with many extras, including 4 alloy offer, $8,400 PH 747-9686 Goulds wheels and tires, plow, cap, liner, and hav(Avalon) ing a factory 12k WARN winch, front and rear locking differentials, etc, $21,900 PH 2006 Chevrolet Express Van, full size, in 682-7493 Conception Bay South (Avalon) excellent condtion inside and out, 171,000km, has to be seen, price is or 2007 DODGE Ram 1500 4x4 5.7L, approx nearest offer, $6,500 PH 589-2306 117000 kilometers, comes with inspection (Avalon) slip, solid truck, just had new front brake pads, rotors, caliper, lower ball joints, outer 2005 Chevrolet Pickup,, body & tie rod, end and struts installed, winter tires mechanical in good condition, $3,500 PH barely used, automatic, infinity sound sys486-7029 or 486-7054 Grand Falls - tem, $12,000 PH 765-8399 Paradise Windsor (Central) (Avalon) 2005 CHEVROLET Silverado four wheel 2006 Dodge Caravan, call for details, PH drive, 5.3L engine, call for details, $3,200 222-2428 Bay Roberts (Avalon) PH 691-3239 Whitbourne (Avalon) 2004 DODGE Ram 2500 Series, gas 2003 Chevrolet 2500, four wheel drive engine, 5.7 Hemi, 7’ Fisher plow, $4,000 pickup, in good condition, call and make PH 631-9173 or 685-0205 (Avalon) me an offer, $3,800 PH 579-0987 St. John’s (Avalon) 2002 DODGE Caravan, licensed until March 2017, good running condition, price 2003 CHEVROLET Silverado 1500, auto- is or nearest offer, $1,500 PH 786-7083 matic, 198,000 kilometers, V6, rack not (Avalon) included, needs transmission line, call between 8-6 Monday to Friday, $600 PH 2002 Dodge Caravan, v6, needs some 685-3902 St. John’s (Avalon) work, running good but needs some repairs, price is or nearest offer, $450 PH 368-7542 2003 Chevrolet Silverado 4x4, 1/2 ton, Mount Pearl (Avalon) automatic, good shape, $2,500 PH 2331952 Torbay (Avalon) V6 3.3L automatic transmission with approx 245,000km; Runs well, green in color. 2000 CHEVROLET Silverado half ton pick- Asking $1500. No reasonable offer refused up, call for details, PH 722-8632 (Avalon) must go, $1,500 PH 689-9020 Whitbourne (Avalon)
2010 FORD Ranger Sport, 74,000 kilometers, truck is in great shape, elderly owner gave up driving in December, has a 4.0 liter six cylinder engine with a towing capacity of 5600 lb, hitch receiver installed, very able truck, $9,999 PH 834-4434 (Avalon) 2009 FORD Ranger 4x4 Sport Extended Cab, 100,000 kilometers, light grey in colour, new brakes, wheel bearings, cap, V6 Cylinder Engine, one owner, call Darrin, $13,000 PH 687-1928 or 368-4466 St. John’s (Avalon) 2009 FORD Ranger, 113,000 kilometers, new winter tires, price is or nearest offer, $5,500 PH 579-0382 St. John’s (Avalon) 2008 FORD F 350, Alberta truck, 6.4ltr twin turbo diesel engine, 148000 kilometers, crew cab with 8 ft box, Webasto inline fluid heater, heavy duty spray in bedliner, airbags, $15,000 PH 548-2439 or 4270793 Hodge’s Cove (Avalon) 2007 FORD F150 Pickup, 2wd, licensed and running, price is or nearest offer, $1,250 PH 229-0780 Holyrood (Avalon) 2007 FORD Ranger, black in colour with 100,000 kilometers, automatic transmission, regular cab with 2.3L 4 cylinder engine, new upper and lower ball joints, front shocks, plugs new brakes, $5,300 PH 687-1928 St. John’s (Avalon)
2006 FORD F-350 single cab pickup 6 lt, diesel, like new 120,000km, 8ft Boss blade in excellent condition, and lighting, recently had a paint job, well cared for, personal use, reason for selling working out of province, stored in heated garage, price is or nearest 2000 Dodge 1500 van 178,000 kilometers, offer, $18,000 PH 689-9020 Whitbourne new studded winter tires, V6, auto, heavy (Avalon) springs for big loads, haven’t used this year, 2009 Chrysler Hybrid Aspen and good on gas,4 summer tires, $2,000 2005 FORD E350 14’ Cube Van, approx PH 654-3198 or 541-0910 Porterville 95K with a work deck on the box roof, in (Central) good shape with a commercial inspection good till May 18, 2016, $6,500 PH 6971998 DODGE Ram, 5.2 Motor, has a bad 4205 or 753-6608 St. John’s (Avalon) transmission, good snow tires, phone calls only, $800 PH 437-1578 Torbay (Avalon) 2004 FORD F150 4x4 with 8’ Box, must be 2 mode hemi, mint condition, 56K, fully 1997 DODGE Ram 1500, short box, V6 seen, 4x4 stick on the floor, 4.6L V8, decked, $15,000 PH 745-1394 Mount auto, 2WD, tow package and push button, 110,000 kilometers, automatic, chrome side protectors, 18” aluminum alloy rims, air Pearl (Avalon) O/D, great project truck, good chassis but conditioning, trailing package, running body needs work, from Ontario, no reason- boards, tilt steering, locking tailgate, tow able offer refused, PH 231-2338 Avondale hooks, hood deflector, vent visors, box liner, (Avalon) driver lumbar support, was rustproofed, everything in good working order, $4,900 2015 DODGE Journey Crossroads all PH 643-4749 or 649-2119 Stephenville wheel drive, fully loaded including moon(West) roof, heated leather, heated steering wheel, dual exhaust, factory remote start, dual cli- 2013 FORD Edge, 106000 km, Ecoboost 2004 FORD F150, 4 wheel drive, with mate control, back-up camera, alloys, and FWD, 2 sets of winter tires and set of sum- SnowDog Blade, 5.4L with 150km, all the list goes on, has a 3.6L V6 with the 6 mer included, in great shape, reason for leather interior with all options including speed automatic transmission, in mint con- selling, getting bigger machine, price is or sunroof, truck is in great shape and great dition with only 21,900 km and lots of fac- best offer, $19,999 PH 699-4917 (Avalon) running order with good tires, blade 2yrs old and only privately used, $12,000 PH tory warranty remaining, comes with winter and summer tires, price reduced, $26,900 2013 FORD Escape SE Ecoboost four wheel 596-2939 Carbonear (Avalon) PH 689-7890 Paradise (Avalon) drive 1.6L, 94,000 kilometers, 4 cylinder engine with 6spd automatic transmission, 2002 F250 V8,5.4l, 2 wheel 2014 DODGE Ram 5.7 Hemi, black, 24,00 balance of factory powertrain warranty, drive,auto,good old work truck, bit of body kilometers, back rack, winter and summer heated front seats, all brake rotors and pads work to do Fixer upper or parts, $1,000 PH tires and rims, 2” leveling kit, tow package, replaced recently, maintenance up to date, 654-3198 or 541-0910 (Central) rear view back up cam, rear air bags, run- recent Goodyear winter tires with full warning boards, power windows, power locks, ranty, pwr windows/mirrors, Ford SYNC and 2002 FORD F250 Diesel 7.3l p/u with 8’6” cruise, tilt, usb, cd player, power driver seat, much more, privately owned but financing BOSS V-Blade, 260000 kilometers, 4 new uconnect, mint condition, $34,000 PH 466- can be arranged thru Kenmount Auto, tires, price or best offer, $9,000 PH 2773209 Clarenville (Central) $18,000 PH 725-6835 St. John’s (Avalon) 7893 or 277-7893 (Avalon) 2012 DODGE Ram 1500 Outdoorsman, 2012 FORD Escape Xlt V6, all wheel drive, 1997 FORD F250XLT Supercab 4x4 runs 78,000 kilometers, licensed til January excellent condition, 120,000km, 7 yr, great chassis gone, 4.6L, 7 lug wheels $500 2017, $26,000 PH 682-0033 or 834-2982 200,000km maintenance package, all or nearest offer. 2000 Ford F150XLT fully loaded 4x4 runs great 170,000 kilometers, Conception Bay South (Avalon) transferable 5 Yr 150,000 extended war- 5.4L $500 or nearest offer. 2001 For F150 ranty, bumper-bumper car care warranty, 2011 DODGE Grand Caravan, 95,000km, power windows, power locks, power seats, 4x4 good 4.6L reverse gone in tranny, floor new brakes, 4 summer tires, licensed until heated mirrors, air conditioning, CD, Sirus, shift four wheel drive, good 285 16” tires Feb 2017, price is or nearest offer, $8,900 remote start, winter tires w/rims, All season $500 or nearest offer, could make one excellent truck out of the 3 of them, $1,500 PH 330-4566 Bay Bulls (Avalon) Tires w/rims, anti-lock brakes, fog lights, PH 725-9828 St. John’s (Avalon) 2011 DODGE Ram 1500 5.7L Hemi Quad $13,000 PH 685-8043 or 238-0142 2001 FORD Lariat platinum, f250 diesel Cab, low mileage 84,000 kilometers, Witless Bay (Avalon) brought at a dealership in Ontario, excellent 2011 FORD Expedition XLT, Labrador vehi- 4x4 truck, in good shape, needs little body working order, power windows, remote cle, only 114,000 kilometers, great vehicle work on back passenger fender truck has no starter and Reese brake controller for tow- for towing, 5.4L V8, can tow up to 9,200 reverse think transmission is gone, camm ing/hitch included, extra add-on’s include lbs., seating for 8, power sunroof, power for more direly, thanks light bar not includtonneau cover, mud flaps, side step rails, tailgate lift, heated/air conditioning seats, ed, $4,000 PH 632-6505 Deer Lake (West) performance exhaust, KDM breather and power seats, Runs great, $18,000 PH 74620” wheels, come take a look, $21,000 PH 9242 Paradise (Avalon) 691-3455 Holyrood (Avalon)
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Current until April 29, 2016 Issue 984 Copyright© 2016 The Newfoundland Buy & Sell Magazine Inc.
1999 FORD F150, V6, long box, 131,000 kilometers on motor and transmission, was in accident and is suitable for parts only, front bumper damaged, box in perfect condition, lots of other new parts, price is or nearest offer, $600 PH 2293977 (Avalon)
1995 Ford Ton and a Quarter, truck, four wheel drive, dump, new clutch, pressure 2011 Hyundai Santa Fe GL Premium plates, and roller bearing, new start four wheel drive, 4 cylinder, auto, pwr motor, new rear brakes, all tuned up for windows, locks, mirrors, sunroof, heatthe winter, licensed for full year, price is or ed seats, Bluetooth, tilt, cruise, cd, air nearest offer, $3,200 PH 631-3302 conditioning, keyless entry, 80,000 kiloConception Bay South (Avalon) meters, $11,990. Visit, $11,990 PH 682-3333 (Avalon) 2014 GMC Sierra, 1/2 Ton, 5.4 L, 4 WD, 57,000km, LED light bar, trailer hitch, good condtion, $27,777 PH 486-1023 or 489-3663 Grand Falls - Windsor (Central) 1999 GMC Sierra 4x4, 4.8 V8, less than 160K, doors, tailgate rust free, runs great, drivetrain good, two good winter studded tires included, chassis cracked, $1,500 PH 645-2203 Robinsons (West)
2000 JEEP Cherokee XJ from Quebec so body is good for year, just over 200,000 kilometers, $2,500 PH 330-1737 or 7827222 Paradise (Avalon)
2006 MITSUBISHI Outlander, great reliable all wheel drive, 128,025 km, powertrain warranty valid until June 2016, new set of studded winter tires, plus extra sets of winter tires and all seasons, licensed until Dec 2016, selling to up-size to accommodate a growing family, $5,800 PH 727-5765 Torbay (Avalon)
2011 KIA Sportage all wheel drive, very good condition, power (driver) heated front seats, steering wheel audio controls, Bluetooth, satellite radio, plus all the regular options, 150,000 kilometers, $9,000 PH 2010 NISSAN Xterra SE, V6 4.0L SE 4x4, 764-2304 Flatrock (Avalon) auto transmission with only 71,000 kilometers, basically driven to and from work, plenty of storage and not utilizing the vehicle to its potential so I am looking at getting something smaller, $15,000 PH 277-0626 St. 2008 LAND Rover LR2, mainland vehicle, John’s (Avalon) fully loaded, 175,000km, text for more information, $11,500 PH 330-8314 or 702-8687 Mount Pearl (Avalon)
2009 HYUNDAI Santa Fe FWD V6, 3.3L engine with 120K automatic 4 door has cruise control, air conditioning, power locks, remote entry, fog lights, AM/FM/CD and USB ports, comes with winter tires and rims, all rubber, in great shape inside and out, all new brakes and rotors front and back 1996 LAND Rover Discovery, needs TLC, installed last summer, fold down seats for price is or best offer, call Rocky, $4,000 PH extra storage room and compartment in (613) 621-5405 (East) back for out of site storage, all maintenance kept up, $7,700 PH 728-1680 St. John’s (Avalon)
2009 HYUNDAI Santa Fe Gl, 6 cylinder, manual trans, 5 speed, air conditioning power windows power brakes cruise, Fwd, excellent condition, 121000 kilometers, 4 Fully loaded including tan leather, 6 cd winter tires included, licensed until changer, power locks, power windows Sept.30/16, price is or best offer, $6,000 PH and sunroof, summer tires, all season 834-4692 Conception Bay South (Avalon) tires. 185,000 km After market parts include: front and back bumper trim, window visors, hood visor, remote start, black rims, running boards, and tow package, $14,500 PH 769-2788 (Avalon) GP AUTO SALES 2008 Honda CRV, 168,000 kilometers, auto, green in color, excellent condition, lady driven, $9,500 PH 727-6020 St. John’s (Avalon)
2013 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Sahara, Perfect condition, 7 yr extended warranty. 6cyl, auto, 4x4, power windows, power , 59000 km mileage, beige, air conditionlocks, power mirrors, Bluetooth, tilt, ing, cruise control, front/rear heated seats cruise, CD, air conditioning, keyless & steering, finance avail, $19,500 PH entry, alloys, factory warranty remain689-2222 or 727-6593 Paradise (Avalon) ing, only 58K, $31,990. Visit, $31,990 PH 2010 HYUNDAI Santa Fe FWD, 2.4L, 4 682-3333 (Avalon) cylinder, great on gas, inspected, remote start, summer and winter tires on rims, 2001 llelaro Jeep Cherokee $1,700 nearest Bluetooth, pwr group, vent visors, excel- offer lice until November 2016 new brakes lent condition, $9,000 PH 636-3526 or front lower control arms back upper control 635-3510 Deer Lake (West) arms as is where is7710631 or 7710735, $1,700 PH 771-0735 or 771-0631 St. John’s (Avalon)
more details, PH 222-2428 Bay Roberts (Avalon)
Toyota tundra sr5 offroad 5.7L in mint condition has 58000 kilometers. Has warranty remaining with extra warranty. Spary in liner, spray coat underneath, $34,000 PH 7302699 or 730-2699 Bull Cove (East) 2013 TOYOTA Venza all wheel drive, excellent condition, 60,000 kilometers, red exterior with tan cloth interior, 4 cylinder automatic, remote start, power windows, air conditioning, winter and summer tires and rims, transferable extended warranty with 2 yrs and another 60,000 kilometers remaining, $20,000 PH 466-7129 or 427-9890 Clarenville (Central)
2006 TOYOTA Tacoma, automatic, V6, 80000 km, 4 brand new snow tires, exec This van was inspected and licenced in shape, black and undercoated, $14,500 PH February and used as a work van. It needs 785-5733 Corner Brook (West) a new muffler but otherwise is in good shape. Has had a few electrical problems 2005 Toyota Sierra, 2x4, 8ft box, 2 sets of but they’ve been sorted out. Has a trailer tires, truck cap and tool box, no holes or hitch. $500 or nearest offer - need gone by rust, 179,000km, price is or nearest offer, Saturday. No reasonable offer refused, $3,000 PH 769-6868 Whitbourne (Avalon) 2010 MAZDA Tribute, everything working, $500 PH 730-3847 Holyrood (Avalon) licensed, in good shape inside and out, four 2006 PONTIAC Montana, white with Mud and Snow grips, 160,000 kilometers, 170,000 kilometers, $2,000 PH 687-1593 price is or nearest offer, $10,500 PH 229- or 782-1354 Norris Arm (Avalon) 1275 (Avalon) PONTIAC Montana, 160,000 km, 2008 MAZDA Pickup, comes with 2 sets of 2004 rusted, front end needs work, great tires and rims, studded and summer, body and transmission, $400 PH 770licenced until Oct, 115000km, new brakes motor in May 2015, new alternator, $5,000 PH 8479 Conception Bay South (Avalon) 541-9974 Campbellton (Central) 2005 MAZDA MPV, runs great, 166,828 Km, just a little surface rust around wheels wells, 4 brand new studded tires on steel rims, comes with additional set of aluminum rims with studded tires and set of regular winter tires, licensed until Aug 2016, $2,800 PH 727-5765 Torbay (Avalon)
2001 Nissan Altima GP AUTO SALES
2015 MERCEDES-BENZ Sprinter Cargo Van 2010 Subaru Forester Premium, four wheel drive, auto, power windows, 2500 series, bought 7 months ago, 1200km, full warranty remaining, power locks, power mirrors, Bluetooth, w/extended warranty for 5 years or heated seats, tilt, cruise, CD, air condi160,000 kilometers, 7-speed automatic, air tioning, keyless entry, 100K, $9,990. conditioning, power windows, power locks, Visit, $9,990 PH 682-3333 (Avalon) heated side mirrors, diesel engine, serious inquiries, call Lee, $38,000 PH 364-2380 or 685-5376 Mount Pearl (Avalon)
137K, 4door, automatic, runs excellent, price is or nearest offer, $1,800 PH 745-1394 Mount Pearl (Avalon) 1995 FORD Mustang V6, 3.8L automatic, 120,000 kilometers, not in bad shape, new parts, new brakes, struts, shocks, $800 PH 233-1952 (Avalon)
1999 PONTIAC Grand Prix Supercharged, Vancouver car, licensed for full year, in mint condition, 185,000 kilometers, $2,500 PH 7462006 Suzuki XL7, in excellent shape, call for 8993 (Avalon)
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2300 - 2350 • Automobiles
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Current until April 29, 2016 Issue 984 Copyright© 2016 The Newfoundland Buy & Sell Magazine Inc.
2001 HONDA CRV, in excellent condition, price 2006 SATURN Ion, needs exhaust welding done, or nearest offer. Contact for more info, $1,500 automatic, 207,695 kilometers, oil has been changed every 5000 kilometers, undercoated PH 437-6020 or 728-3802 Torbay (Avalon) every winter, car is plastic so it will never rust, 2001 Jaguar S-Type, in excellent condition, $1,200 PH 381-0378 Gander (Central) 120,000 kilometers on V8 motor, silver with black interior, motor needs head gasket, $2,000 2006 TOYOTA Corolla Se, runs and drives great, 210,000 kilometers, regular oil/maintenance, PH 229-4443 Chapel’s Cove (Avalon) body requires minor work, automatic, power 2001 SUBARU Outback, new brake pads and windows, power locks, power sunroof, air condirotors, strut mounts, lower ball joints, rebuilt dri- tioning, never any issues with car, selling because veshaft, exhaust work and battery, heated leather it’s time for a change, no calls before 9am, interior, two sun roofs, runs well, no issues, $2,000 PH 437-1794 or (706) 631-4271 licensed until January 2017, price is or nearest Torbay (Avalon) offer, $1,650 PH 769-2796 St. John’s (Avalon) 2007 FORD Fusion SEL, 2.3L, 4 cylinder, fully 2001 Toyota Echo, in excellent running condition, loaded, includes power windows, power locks, however, needs gas tank and some body work, power mirrors, power steering, heated mirrors, as is where is, $500 PH 639-3923 Corner Brook cruise, air conditioning, Premium Audio (West) Speakers/Stereo 6 changer, CD Player, 130,000 highway kilometers, includes set of winter tires on 2002 HONDA Accord Special Edition, includes: rims, fully inspected and in excellent condition, 2.3L 4-cylinder. 4 speed automatic, black exteri- $3,800 PH 834-0778 Conception Bay South or, with grey interior, sunroof, good condition (Avalon) one-owner car, with 155,000 kilometers, car will require gas tank repair/replacement and some 2007 KIA Spectra, red, 4 door, remote starter exhaust work, but overall a nice, well kept car, and power locks, with bug deflector, window $1,500 PH 726-6715 or 770-0885 St. John’s visors and brand new front end, 92,534km and (Avalon) licensed till Oct 2016, please call anytime after 6pm thanks, $2,000 PH 693-3225 Mount Pearl 2002 SATURN SL1, two cars available, price is (Avalon) for both, call after 6 power mirrors, $500 PH 769-5324 Brigus Junction (Avalon) 2007 TOYOTA Corolla, tilt steering, cruise, air conditioning and all new tires, 166,973 kilome2002 Toyota Corolla, for parts, comes with 4 ters, $4,500 PH 466-7573 or 427-6073 good All Season tires, price is or nearest offer, Clarenville (Avalon) $350 PH 334-2793 Witless Bay (Avalon) 2008 GMC Cube van, runs excellent good 2002 VOLKSWAGEN Jetta, 160000km, white shape, needs little for inspection, came from aluminum rims, 2.0L, and 5 speed standard, will Illinois 3 years ago no rust, reduced for quick sell for parts or selling the whole car for a reason- sale, 115,000 miles, 6.0L gas engine, 16’ box, able offer, $800 PH 424-0204 or 571-1129 not licensed, $3,500 PH 687-5221 or 744Traytown (Central) 2043 (Avalon) 2003 CHEVROLET Impala, 4 door, 3.8L engine, 2008 PONTIAC G5, in good condition, all new filters and front wheel bearing, new bat- 125000km, $3,000 PH 690-7472 Paradise tery, 141,000 kilometers, fully equipped, orginal (Avalon) remote, $1,500 PH 576-4289 (Avalon) 2008 Saturn Astra, clutch bad, licenced until 2003 VOLVO V40, Silver, approximately August, price is or best offer, $750 PH 221-0306 195,000 kilometers, one owner/driver, licensed or 986-5699 St. John’s (Avalon) until January 2017, as is, needs work, body has minimal rust showing on exterior, grey leather 2008 TOYOTA Yaris, 4 door automatic, 4 cylininterior, currently has winter studded tires on steel der, great on fuel, good shape all around, needs rims, front brakes done spring 2016, back nothing, comes fully inspected, almost new brakes done Fall 2015, will include set of all sea- all/season tires, only 110 kilometers, years left in son tires on alloy rims, $1,800 PH 689-2428 St. this little Toyota, great buy at this price, $4,250 PH John’s (Avalon) 596-1937 or 589-6008 Victoria (Avalon) 2004 Chevrolet Impala, licensed until Feb 2017, 2009 CHEVROLET Uplander, Krown rust 123000km, complete work on brakes 2 months proofed, 3.9L engine, gold/beige colour, ago ($900 value), lots of other work done this 104,000 kilometers, runs great, trailer hitch, 2 year, receipts available, needs new radiator, not extra tires, new rear brake pads in box, don’t currently insured, $500 PH 754-5985 St. John’s think it needs anything for a safety, there is minor (Avalon) paint chips around left side wheel wells, call Brian, $4,950 PH 535-0962 Lewisporte 2004 CHEVROLET Cavalier, orange in colour, (Central) for parts or repair, for more information you can call or email me, $500 PH 212-0137 Port 2009 G5,110,000 km,great shape,will provide Saunders (West) inspection, Alberta vehicle,licensed until March 2017, $3,400 PH 770-8479 Conception Bay 2004 HONDA Accord Sedan, 5 speed stan- South (Avalon) dard, 2.4 vtec, power locks and windows, 170,000 kilometers, $3,000 PH 725-0709 2009 Hyundai Accent, price is or best offer, Conception Bay South (Avalon) $3,700 PH 691-3239 Whitbourne (Avalon) 2004 PONTIAC Grand Prix, wide track, 150k, 2010 CHEVROLET Cobalt, auto, 2dr, 4 cylinder, good shape, loaded, 4 door, automatic, all disk 111,700 km, remote starter, 4 studded snow brakes, looked after, comes with all receipts of tires, extra set of summer tires/wheels, regular work done, will consider trade for a quad in maintenance, in good condition, inspection and good condition, a motor home of equal value, or stickers renewed for year, one owner, call after something of that nature, $1,700 PH 769-2154 5:00 power mirrors @ 764-6510, $4,300 PH Mount Pearl (Avalon) 782-3916 Paradise (Avalon) 2004 Pontiac Sunfire, body & mechanical in 2015 CHEVROLET Chevy Cruze, 4dr, 2lt, LEASE good condition, $1,200 PH 486-7029 or 486- TAKEOVER, $160.00 bi-weekly, wear & tear 7054 Grand Falls - Windsor (Central) lease protection plan, 3yrs and 3mth remaining, 20,000 kilometers/year, has 5800 kilometers on 2004 VOLKSWAGEN Jetta Diesel, Alberta driv- now, heated seats, remote start, sun/moonroof, en, 4 door, automatic, new windshield, new 2 back up camera, all power options, OnStar, seprear struts, new turbo and timing chain kit, arate winter rims and tires, like new, $160 PH or $3,200 PH 437-1224 or 682-3844 Torbay 725-2826 St. John’s (Avalon) (Avalon) 2015 HONDA Accord, 18” aluminum wheels 2005 CHEVROLET Cobalt, includes 4 studded and tires, $2,000 PH 424-6711 Gander winter tires, good condition, call for details, (Central) $1,000 PH 233-1952 (Avalon) 2015 VOLKSWAGEN Gti, looking for someone 2005 CHEVROLET Cobalt, 213,000 kilometers, to take over my lease on my 2015 GTI, payments good daily driver, new winter tires November are $411/mth, dealer maintained, 4 year lease, 2015, cheap on gas, as is, where is, $2,000 PH end February 2019 or 120,000km, lease end (705) 890-0658 or 227-3087 Freshwater, wear protection up to $10000 damage at end of Placentia Bay (Avalon) lease, transferable, $411 PH 690-8555 or 6972005 Dodge Neon, 128,000km, good running 5606 Conception Bay South (Avalon) condition, price is or nearest offer, $600 PH 7645167 or 237-4488 Paradise (Avalon)
Robinsons (West) 2000 Dodge 1500 van 178,000 kilometers, new studded winter tires, V6, auto, heavy springs for big loads, haven’t used this year, and good on gas,4 summer tires, $2,000 PH 654-3198 or 541-0910 Porterville (Central) 2000 JEEP Cherokee XJ from Quebec so body is good for year, just over 200,000 kilometers, $2,500 PH 330-1737 or 782-7222 Paradise (Avalon) 2001 FORD Lariat platinum, f250 diesel 4x4 truck, in good shape, needs little body work on back passenger fender truck has no reverse think transmission is gone, camm for more direly, thanks light bar not included, $4,000 PH 6326505 Deer Lake (West) 2001 llelaro Jeep Cherokee $1,700 nearest offer lice until November 2016 new brakes front lower control arms back upper control arms as is where is7710631 or 7710735, $1,700 PH 7710735 or 771-0631 St. John’s (Avalon) 2002 DODGE Caravan, licensed until March 2017, good running condition, price is or nearest offer, $1,500 PH 786-7083 (Avalon) 2002 Dodge Caravan, v6, needs some work, running good but needs some repairs, price is or nearest offer, $450 PH 368-7542 Mount Pearl (Avalon) 2002 F250 V8,5.4l, 2 wheel drive,auto,good old work truck, bit of body work to do Fixer upper or parts, $1,000 PH 654-3198 or 541-0910 (Central) 2003 Chevrolet 2500, four wheel drive pickup, in good condition, call and make me an offer, $3,800 PH 579-0987 St. John’s (Avalon) 2003 CHEVROLET Silverado 1500, automatic, 198,000 kilometers, V6, rack not included, needs transmission line, call between 8-6 Monday to Friday, $600 PH 685-3902 St. John’s (Avalon) 2003 Chevrolet Silverado 4x4, 1/2 ton, automatic, good shape, $2,500 PH 233-1952 Torbay (Avalon) 2007 FORD F150 Pickup, 2wd, licensed and running, price is or nearest offer, $1,250 PH 2290780 Holyrood (Avalon) 2004 DODGE Ram 2500 Series, gas engine, 5.7 Hemi, 7’ Fisher plow, $4,000 PH 631-9173 or 685-0205 (Avalon) 2004 FORD F150 4x4 with 8’ Box, must be seen, 4x4 stick on the floor, 4.6L V8, 110,000 kilometers, automatic, chrome side protectors, 18” aluminum alloy rims, air conditioning, trailing package, running boards, tilt steering, locking tailgate, tow hooks, hood deflector, vent visors, box liner, driver lumbar support, was rustproofed, everything in good working order, $4,900 PH 6434749 or 649-2119 Stephenville (West) 2004 PONTIAC Montana, 160,000 km, body rusted, front end needs work, great motor and transmission, $400 PH 770-8479 Conception Bay South (Avalon) 2005 CHEVROLET Silverado four wheel drive, 5.3L engine, call for details, $3,200 PH 6913239 Whitbourne (Avalon) 2005 Chevrolet Pickup,, body & mechanical in good condition, $3,500 PH 4867029 or 486-7054 Grand Falls - Windsor (Central) 2005 MAZDA MPV, runs great, 166,828 Km, just a little surface rust around wheels wells, 4 brand new studded tires on steel rims, comes with additional set of aluminum rims with studded tires and set of regular winter tires, licensed until Aug 2016, $2,800 PH 727-5765 Torbay (Avalon) 2005 Toyota Sierra, 2x4, 8ft box, 2 sets of tires, truck cap and tool box, no holes or rust, 179,000km, price is or nearest offer, $3,000 PH 769-6868 Whitbourne (Avalon) 2006 PONTIAC Montana, white with 170,000 kilometers, $2,000 PH 687-1593 or 782-1354 Norris Arm (Avalon) 2007 CHEVROLET 2wd Pickup, call for details, $2,500 PH 727-7421 or 693-2401 Petty Harbour (Avalon) 2007 DODGE Caravan, blue in color with approx 100,000km, excellent condition, comes with 4 new snow tires and four summer tires on rims, reason for selling bought a new vehicle, price is or nearest offer, $4,000 PH 689-9020 Whitbourne (Avalon)
1995 Ford Ton and a Quarter, truck, four wheel drive, dump, new clutch, pressure plates, and roller bearing, new start motor, new rear brakes, all tuned up for the winter, licensed for full year, price is or nearest offer, $3,200 PH 631-3302 2007 DODGE Caravan, with approximately 2005 KIA Sedona Lx, licensed for a year, get in Conception Bay South (Avalon) 197,000 kilometers, price negotiable, also willand go, 103000km, price is or best offer, $2,500 1996 LAND Rover Discovery, needs TLC, price is ing to trade for something of interest, $1,000 PH PH 786-7570 Clarke’s Beach (Avalon) or best offer, call Rocky, $4,000 PH (613) 621- 427-2705 (East) 2005 PONTIAC Grand Am V6, licensed until 5405 (East) 2007 FORD F150 Pickup, 2wd, licensed and July, really good working order, call for more 1997 FORD F250XLT Supercab 4x4 runs great running, price is or nearest offer, $1,250 PH 229details, $650 PH 746-8993 (Avalon) chassis gone, 4.6L, 7 lug wheels $500 or near- 0780 Holyrood (Avalon) 2006 CHEVROLET Impala, good condition, new est offer. 2000 Ford F150XLT fully loaded 4x4 tires, moon roof, 156,000km, price is or nearest runs great 170,000 kilometers, 5.4L $500 or 2008 DODGE Grand Caravan, fair shape, licensed offer, $3,500 PH 589-2262 Upper Island Cove nearest offer. 2001 For F150 4x4 good 4.6L needs minor repair, dent in back door, until May Approx 173000 km, $3,000 PH (Avalon) reverse gone in tranny, floor shift four wheel drive, 690—378 St. John’s (Avalon) good 285 16” tires $500 or nearest offer, could 2006 MAZDA Mazda 3, 180,000 km, gray, make one excellent truck out of the 3 of them, This van was inspected and licenced in February standard, power locks & windows, cd player, sun $1,500 PH 725-9828 St. John’s (Avalon) and used as a work van. It needs a new muffler roof, call, text or email for more info or to arrange a viewing, $2,500 PH 351-3196 or 351-3196 1999 FORD F150, V6, long box, 131,000 kilo- but otherwise is in good shape. Has had a few electrical problems but they’ve been sorted out. St. John’s (Avalon) meters on motor and transmission, was in acci- Has a trailer hitch. $500 or nearest offer - need dent and is suitable for parts only, front bumper 2006 Mitsubishi Gallant, good running condi- damaged, box in perfect condition, lots of other gone by Saturday. No reasonable offer refused, tion, automatic, $900 PH 782-3279 St. John’s new parts, price is or nearest offer, $600 PH 229- $500 PH 730-3847 Holyrood (Avalon) (Avalon) 3977 (Avalon) 2006 PONTIAC Pursuit, 2 owner car, 140,000 1999 GMC Sierra 4x4, 4.8 V8, less than 160K, kilometers, runs and works good, price is or doors, tailgate rust free, runs great, drivetrain nearest offer, $950 PH 437-1671 Torbay good, two good winter studded tires included, (Avalon) chassis cracked, $1,500 PH 645-2203 2005 HYUNDAI Elantra GL 4 door, 185,000 kilometers, winter and summer tires with one set of rims, needs repairs, $500 PH 325-4645 or 725-6507 Conception Bay South (Avalon)
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