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The Bernice McCabe Bursary Fund
Transforming Lives
The provision of bursary places is a central part of NLCS’s ethos, offering talented girls financial support and the opportunity to benefit from a transformative education. Since its foundation, the fund promotes equality, diversity, and inclusivity, enabling deserving students to thrive and become future leaders. Contributions to the Bursary Fund are vital in helping the School to continue creating a diverse community of girls.
Broadening Horizons For Our Next Generation Of Leaders
“My family came to the UK in 1991 and my parents worked in supermarkets. Going to a school like North London was completely unaffordable and was not part of their vision. Having a fully funded bursary meant that my parents gave me the education they could only dream of. I hope you will consider making a gift today – of any size – so that more young people can have the same opportunities that I had”
Deluxsy Elangaratnam, Class of 2007
2020-21 Bursary Highlights
£299k raised for bursaries
TOTAL VALUE OF BURSARIES IN THE YEAR students supported by a bursary provision
2021-22 Bursary Highlights
£304k raised for bursaries
78 76
£1.5m students supported by a bursary provision
64 65 students benefitted from 100% fee remission
TOTAL VALUE OF BURSARIES IN THE YEAR students benefitted from 100% fee remission