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Physics (GROUP 4)
Physics (Higher Level only) is fascinating because it brings us closer to discovering, for example, the insides of atoms and how the universe works.
Physics is important because further advances in Physics will be needed if the world is to support its ever growing population and avoid climate change. The development of new energy resources is just one example. It is also important because it provides the scientific framework that supports the other sciences. Physics is essential to our quality of life making possible such things as bridges, computers and communication devices. Most of the new techniques in modern medicine are due to new discoveries in Physics and new applications of Physics ideas.
Physics is intellectually satisfying because, even at this level, we find that many apparently disconnected ideas fall into a small number of elegant patterns. Indeed theoretical physicists today hope to reduce the subject to just one pattern. Also it is a logical subject where woolly ideas are not acceptable and must be replaced by precise thinking and accurate expression. Students have opportunities to make full use of their Mathematics at whatever level they have studied it. Sixth Form Physics gives an ideal preparation for professions such as engineering, architecture, science journalism, and, less obviously, financial careers and management. Even within Physics there are many specialisms including astronomy, oceanography, meteorology, optics, space science, medical physics and many more. Universities offer many ‘Physics with …. ‘ courses. Some physicists become self-employed consultants or entrepreneurs. There are careers in Physics that enable you to work in research laboratories, hospitals, or outdoors, for example, in research expeditions studying climate change, earthquakes, volcanoes and deep oceans.
The Standard and Higher Level courses are suitable for anyone who has good GCSE grades in Science and Mathematics.
There is continuous assessment of practical work and all IB students work in teams during the Year 12 Interdisciplinary Science Project.