1 minute read
The role of the Deputy Stage Manager (DSM) is not often recognised by those who do not know about theatre tech, but it is one of the most important jobs in the production team. In addition to calling the cues for everything happening onstage from lights to pyrotechnics, the DSM also has to coordinate all the different departments and, most importantly, keep everyone’s spirits up during arduous tech rehearsals.
I have had the pleasure of DSM-ing two very different shows: 'George and the Dragon' and 'Legally Blonde'. With my first show, I learned a lot from 'George and the Dragon', not only tricks of the trade but also how to keep a cool head and plough on whatever happens. This was useful for the next, bigger challenge of Legally Blonde. Before the set was even built, I spent weeks preparing by attending rehearsals and practising calling the cues for the YouTube version until I knew the soundtrack almost better than the cast. Despite the many complications of tech week, we managed to make it through 4 nights with minimal noticeable hiccups. It was an absolutely unforgettable experience, and I will cherish my heavily annotated script forever.
If you are thinking about being a DSM one day or doing any other role in the tech team, I would highly recommend it. There is always the inevitable moment of panic during tech week when it seems that there might not even be a show, but when it all comes together, the feeling of achievement is absolutely second to none. -