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Trump’s Return to Instagram and Facebook
By Alana
After a two-year suspension, Trump may be coming back to Facebook and Instagram. Banned in 2021 for his glorification of violence in the Capital riots - Nick Clegg says the public “should be able to hear what their politicians are saying”.
This is amidst news that Trump is “more committed than ever” to his 2024 presidential campaign.
NAACP resident Derrick Johnson has accused Clegg of “putting profits above people’s safety” as it is known that Trump’s tweets have certainly generated a lot of engagement in the past.
Since his ban, Trump has founded Truth Social - a social media site modelled heavily on twitter, where users are able to make posts (“Truths”, similar to tweets) and share other users posts (“ReTruths”).
It was self-proclaimed as a “big tent” platform without political censorship.1
Truth Social was also found to shadow ban more liberal users that did not fit in with the site’s narrative.
Are you more liberal or progressive? Unfortunately, you are not allowed to share your “Truths” since they do not fit with the site’s narrative. Public Citizen concludes that Truth social’s content is remarkably less moderated and concluded that Truth Social’s policies were “creating an echo chamber of violent views”2 .
As you might expect, Truth Social has banned content mentioning the January 6 hearing. However, within the space of one week, Newsweek reported that numbers of some 872,000 early adopters had fallen to 60,000 sign ups per week. It would make sense that Donald Trump awaits his return to Meta’s sites fondly.