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4. Welcome from the Senior School Vice Principals

4 WELCOME from


The ‘pursuit of excellence’ will continue to be the hallmark of an exceptional NLCS Jeju education this year, and we will again strive to deliver outstanding pastoral care. Our pastoral care framework ensures that there is a positive and inclusive school climate where the needs of every student are met. Our pastoral team will support and strengthen the students’ Academic successes every step of the way - absolutely every child matters! We believe in a personalised and proactive approach that supports and challenges student development and attitudes that ensures our students thrive.

This year we will introduce vertical House Tutor groups that we believe will allow for a richer student experience. Tutor groups will now consist of boys and girls from the same house and year group. Students will have daily contact with their Tutor, who is also a member of the teaching staff. This direct regular contact ensures that students can access important advice, support and mentorship. Tutors will report to their respective Boarding Masters and Boarding Mistresses (BMs) and their Assistants (ABMs), who have overarching responsibility for the pastoral care of all the students in their House. Our dedicated Boarding staff provide excellent additional care to all our boarding students outside of the school day, working closely with Tutors and the Heads of House to provide wrap-around care.

Our Co-curricular programme is a substantial part of the NLCS Jeju student experience. We encourage all students to commit to a range of activities, to explore their interests and develop their talents and abilities. We believe when students explore new opportunities outside of the classroom the benefits can be transformative. I know firsthand how students grow as a result of these additional shared experiences. In addition, this personal growth supports the resilience and wellbeing of our entire school community. Whether it is after school or on a Saturday morning, students who take advantage of these opportunities will make impressive gains in their personal growth and character development. As well as helping our students thrive, we also know that these additional skills, passions and interests are what the world’s most competitive universities look for when selecting their students.

At NLCS Jeju we aim to provide the opportunities and supportive framework that will allow our students to unlock their

potential and explore individual capabilities. Barriers to growth and achievement are overcome with the right attitudes, resilience and work ethic that enable every challenge to be a positive learning experience.

We very much look forward to working with all of our parents and students this year

Crispian Waterman Vice Principal (Pastoral)

The most important resource at NLCS Jeju is the teaching staff. We pride ourselves on recruiting, developing and retaining outstanding teachers. Our teachers are experts in their field and have a deep love of their subject. They are passionate academics, who can inspire your child to a lifelong love of learning.

In keeping with the NLCS Jeju ethos, our teachers will provide your child with firm academic foundations, whilst also ensuring that they aim high and are academically ambitious. Teachers will not be restrained by exam specification but will provide a breadth of exciting academic experiences that will stretch, challenge and motivate your child to achieve at the highest level.

Our teachers receive excellent in-service training to hone their teaching skills and further enhance their academic interests. Staff are kept up to date with current educational research and are encouraged to maintain their own studies. NLCS Jeju is a vibrant and aspirational learning environment for all.

Excellent pastoral care ensures that the students are in the best frame of mind to learn and enjoy their studies. Our teachers care deeply about their students and ensure that they feel happy, safe and respected.

NLCS Jeju is committed to providing an exceptional school experience. A key part of this experience is the quality and dedication of the staff.

I look forward to a wonderful year together.

Dan Coll Vice Principal (Staff Relations and School Organisation)

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