is Sunday, 12th March. Magazine available for distribution on Sunday, 2nd April. Our prayer room will start on Sunday, 12th March at 6.00pm and run until Saturday, 18th March at 6.00pm. You can sign up for a 1 hour slot anytime over the week. The room will have creative prayer stations that give you plenty of ways to spend the time - or perhaps you want to use it to reflect and be quiet. Sign up online at or or directly with Sara.
New Laigh Kirk A caring welcoming church at the heart of Kilmarnock reaching out to all
Cradle Roll Service Welcome to Worship 5th March 2017 First Sunday of Lent
Pastoral Care Group Meeting on Tuesday, 14th March at 7.30pm in Vestry. Fellowship of Kilmarnock Churches will hold a service on Sunday, 19th March at 3.00pm in St Andrew's and St Marnock's Church. Everyone welcome. Fenwick Fairtrade Walk, Coffee and Cakes - Saturday, 11th March. From 1.00pm onwards, walkers will set off (at staggered intervals) from Fenwick Church with a quiz sheet, walking passport and map. Following the Fenwick Weaver's Heritage Trail approx 1.3 miles long and suitable for prams and wheelchairs. Booking is via the Eventbrite website at NLK Walking Group. On Sunday, 12th March, weather permitting, there will be a walk around Irvine Harbour, gathering at 2.00pm on the riverside, adjacent to the Maritime Museum. Children and dogs are welcome to join the walk. Our Easter Adventure needs your help to assist with activities at the Easter Club on Monday 3rd, Wednesday 5th and Friday, 7th April from 8.45am11.30am in the halls. Please speak to Sara. Church Open and Welcome on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays from 12noon to 2.00pm. We urgently require a pool of volunteers to welcome the visitors on a rota basis. Please speak to Helen Colman. Remember that the more volunteers there are, the less often you will be on duty!
Minister: Rev. David S. Cameron Session Clerk: Derek I’Anson Organist: Martin C. Sharp
The Lord Bless you and keep you
New Laigh Kirk Volunteers - Needing help with shopping, DIY, gardening or a lift to medical appointments? Looking for help with official forms or job applications? Is reading difficult with failing eyesight? Ring our volunteers' helpline, Tel: 07935 852000. If you can assist with driving, or if you know of anyone who may be interested in helping, please contact Alan Gregor, Tel: 537155, Email: Visit our website and see what's going on at New Laigh Kirk.
Order of Service Choir Introit Fairest Lord Jesus Intimations Call to worship Bless the Lord, O my soul O my soul Worship His holy name Sing like never before O my soul I'll worship Your holy name The sun comes up, it's a new day dawning It's time to sing Your song again Whatever may pass, and whatever lies before me Let me be singing when the evening comes Bless the Lord, O my soul O my soul Worship His holy name Sing like never before O my soul I'll worship Your holy name You're rich in love, and You're slow to anger Your name is great, and Your heart is kind For all Your goodness I will keep on singing Ten thousand reasons for my heart to find Bless the Lord, O my soul O my soul Worship His holy name Sing like never before O my soul I'll worship Your holy name And on that day when my strength is failing The end draws near and my time has come Still my soul will sing Your praise unending Ten thousand years and then forevermore
Welcome and Intimations A very warm welcome to our Cradle Roll Service from all at New Laigh Kirk. We are glad you are here and hope you enjoy worshipping with us. Please make yourself known to those sitting beside you. The short monthly communion service will be held immediately after the service. All are welcome to remain behind and share the Sacrament. The welcome team today and on Sunday, 12th March is Steven Mack, Hunter Withers, John Dale, Helen Duffy, Lesley Wright, Mary King, Janis Lewis, Derrick MacAllister, Barbara Graham, Ken Stewart, Elspeth Dale, Andrew King and Elizabeth Young Worship on Sunday, 12th March will be conducted by Rev Eddie Simpson beginning at 11.00am. Kingz Kidz and TrekkersNG meet in church at 10.50am and sit together. There is a creche facility for children under three years of age in the Session Room. Tea and coffee will be served in the church immediately after the service. Pastoral cover will be provided by Barbara Urquhart Tel: 538289 from 6th -13th March Guild will meet on Monday, 6th March at 7.15pm in lower hall. Come and hear "Tales out of School". Music and Movement on Tuesday, 7th March at 2.00pm in lower hall. Service of worship on Wednesday, 8th March at 11.00am in Dean House. Friendship Group on Wednesday, 8th March at 2.00pm in lower hall. Lent discussion group, everyone is invited to journey towards Easter beginning 8th March, for five Wednesdays from 7.30pm to 8.30pm in the Session Room. The theme is ‘Receiving Christ - in five different ways.' And opportunity to talk about faith and life. Further information and a copy of the course booklet from Donald MacLean. Guild of Friendship on Thursday, 9th March at 2.00pm in lower hall. Come along for a Daffodil Tea. Imagine is on Sunday, 12th March from 4.00pm to 5.30pm in the halls, with a buffet dinner included. Worship will be led by Reachout Praise Band from St Kentigern's and table top craft activities on offer for young children. We hope to see you there. Articles for inclusion in the April issue of the magazine, final date for submissions
[Chorus x2] Bless the Lord, O my soul O my soul Worship His holy name Sing like never before O my soul I'll worship Your holy name Prayer Cradle Roll
Your Community Bible Experience Reading Plan Week 1 You’ll read five days a week, Monday through Friday. The average reading is 12 pages long and takes around 30 minutes to complete. Some readings are longer or shorter, because the reading plan follows the natural section breaks within each book. Week 1: Luke-Acts Luke consists of a prologue and three main sections which tell the story of Jesus as he ministers in Galilee, journeys to Jerusalem, and lays down his life—only to rise again and become Saviour of the world. Day 1 page 1-11 or Luke 1 - 4:13 read until “…he left them until an opportune time.” Day 2 page 11 -25 or Luke 4:14-9:50 read until “…whoever is not against you is for you.” Day 3 p. 25-33 or Luke 9:51- 13:21“…worked all through the dough.” Day 4 p. 33-43 or Luke 13:22 -19:27 “…and kill them in front of me.” Day 5 p. 43-54 or Luke 19:28-53 end of the Gospel of Luke.
Come on and celebrate His gift of love, we will celebrate The Son of God who loved us And gave us life. We'll shout Your praise, O King, You give us joy nothing else can bring, We'll give to You our offering In celebration praise. Come on and celebrate, Celebrate, Celebrate and sing, Celebrate and sing to the King. Come on and celebrate, Celebrate, Celebrate and sing, Celebrate and sing to the King. Children leave for Kingz Kidz and Trekkers Reading
St. Matthew 4:1-11 page 967
Miriam Patterson
Choir Anthem To the praise of his glorious name Reading Psalm 19 page 552 You’re the word of God the Father, From before the world began; Every star and every planet Has been fashioned by Your hand. All creation holds together
Allan Kidd
By the power of Your voice: Let the skies declare Your glory, Let the land and seas rejoice! You're the Author of creation, You're the Lord of every man; And Your cry of love rings out Across the lands. Yet You left the gaze of angels, Came to seek and save the lost, And exchanged the joy of heaven For the anguish of a cross. With a prayer You fed the hungry, With a word You stilled the sea; Yet how silently You suffered That the guilty may go free. With a shout You rose victorious, Wresting victory from the grave, And ascended into heaven Leading captives in Your wake. Now You stand before the Father Interceding for Your own. From each tribe and tongue and nation You are leading sinners home. Prayer of Intercession Hymn 605
Thanks to God whose word was spoken
Sermon Offering (Hymn 818 Praise ye the Lord, ye servants of the Lord v1) Prayer of Dedication Hymn 248 Benediction
For my sake and the gospel’s, go
New Testament reading campaign
Week 1 6th - 10th Mar 2017
This week we begin our journey through the New Testament. Plan on reading five days a week, Monday – Friday. Each reading takes around 30 minutes to complete. If you haven’t done so already, be sure to sign up to receive daily campaign updates. Each update includes a link you can use to read or listen to that day’s text online. Sign up online at Finally . . . enjoy the journey! Meet for an hour..… On Sunday 19th March 3.00pm in the church Or Wednesday 22nd March 11.00am in the church