New Laigh Kirk A caring welcoming church at the heart of Kilmarnock reaching out to all
Welcome to Worship 17th March 2019 Second Sunday of Lent Cradle Roll Service
Minister: Rev. David S. Cameron Session Clerk: Derek I’Anson Organist: Martin C. Sharp
Welcome to New Laigh Kirk We are delighted you are here today and hope you enjoy worshipping with us. We are pleased to welcome all our families of children baptised in the last three years to this special Cradle Roll Service. Please make yourself known to those sitting beside you. Tea and coffee will be served in church immediately after the service. Whether you are a guest or regular attender we invite you to find your welcome place among us, a place to belong, to join in regular worship, to join in the life of our Kirk. As part of the family of God and gifted with many and varying talents, we try to use these gifts to deepen our faith, care for each other, and to spread into our town and parish the good news of God’s love for all. May God richly bless you in your worship today.
Order of Service Choir Introit For the beauty of the earth Call to worship Hymn 185
Come, children, join and sing
Prayer Cradle Roll The Lord bless you and keep you All Age Address Teach me to dance to the beat of your heart teach me to move in the power of your spirit teach me to walk in the light of your presence teach me to dance to the beat of your heart Teach me to love with your heart of compassion teach me to trust in the word of your promise, teach me to hope in the day of your coming, teach me to dance to the beat of your heart You wrote the rhythm of life, Created heaven and earth, In you is joy without measure, So like a child in your sight, I dance to see your delight, For I was made for your pleasure, pleasure. Chorus
Let all my movements express, A heart that loves to say yes, A will that leaps to obey you. Let all my energy blaze To see the joy in your face, Let my whole being praise you, Praise you. Chorus Children leave for Kingz Kidz Reading
Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18 page 15 Derek I’Anson
Choir Anthem
The Lord is my shepherd
Philippians 3:17- 4:1 page 1180 Janice Dey St. Luke 13:31- 35 page 1047
Worthy of every song we could ever sing Worthy of all the praise we could ever bring Worthy of every breath we could ever breathe We live for You Jesus, the Name above every other name Jesus, the only One who could ever save Worthy of every breath we could ever breathe We live for You Oh, we live for You [Chorus] Holy, there is no one like You There is none beside You Open up my eyes in wonder And show me who You are And fill me with Your heart And lead me in Your love to those around me (x2) And I will build my life upon Your love It is a firm foundation And I will put my trust in You alone And I will not be shaken I will build my life upon Your love It is a firm foundation And I will put my trust in You alone And I will not be shaken (x2)
[Chorus] (x2) Prayer of Intercession Hymn 162
The God of Abraham praise
Sermon Offering Doxology (Hymn 810 Sing to the Lord of heaven and earth) Prayer of Dedication Hymn 559
There is a Redeemer
Church News and Activities Worship on Sunday, 24th March will be conducted by the Minister beginning at 11.00am. All Age Kingz Kidz will be from 10.45am to 12.05pm in the John Finnie Street halls and is for all children to come along and enjoy some interactive Bible learning, songs and a snack. Tea and coffee will be served in church immediately after the service. The Stated Annual Meeting of the Trustees and Congregation of New Laigh Kirk will take place immediately after worship on Sunday, 24th March. ALL Trustees (Elders and Board members) are required to attend). This is an important meeting bringing our congregation up to date with matters of Stewardship and administration of our church’s work and the part all members of our congregation play and contribute to. Anyone who would like to consider full membership of the Church by Profession of Faith can attend a course of Instruction beginning Thursday, 21st March at 7.30pm in the Vestry. FairTrade 'Real Easter Eggs'. NLK FairTrade Group will be taking orders (Cash with Order, please) for FairTrade Milk Chocolate 'Real Easter Eggs' in the Coffee Corner after the service this morning. The Easter Eggs cost £3.95 each, and contain an updated booklet of The Easter Story.
The Welcome Team today and on Sunday, 24th March is Anne Kidd, Ronald Taylor, Alastair Lang, Lynn Agnew, Charles Sim, Allan Kidd, Heather Rielly, William Sherry, Margaret Miller, Morag Short, Margaret Taylor, Mary Oliver, Sheena Macpherson, Douglas Bryson and Stephen Brown. A few copies of the Order of Service in large print are available. Please speak to a member of the duty team if you require one. There is an induction loop system for the hard of hearing. Guild will meet on Monday, 18th March at 7.15pm in lower hall for AGM. Music and Movement will meet on Tuesday, 19th March at 2.00pm in lower hall. Kirk Session will meet on Tuesday, 19th March at 7.00pm in lower hall. 'The Mystery of God', produced by Christians Together in Britain and Ireland is the title of the series of discussion sessions for Lent 2019. Continuing on Wednesday, 20th March from 7.30pm to 8.30pm, the meetings will be held in the Session Room. Copies of the reading material now available from Janice Grant. Everyone will be made very welcome. Guild of Friendship will meet on Thursday, 21st March at 2.00pm in lower hall for the AGM. Silver Sunday will be on Sunday, 24th March at 2.30pm in the church. This is a short afternoon of praise for our senior members followed by tea and cake. Everyone welcome. Highlights Klub will meet on Monday, 25th March at 8.00pm in upper hall for an Easter Craft Night. Trekkers ‘Musicals themed’ Coffee Morning will be held on Saturday, 30th March from 10.00am to 12noon in the lower hall. The young people would really appreciate your support in attending. Donations of baking and raffle prizes will be gratefully received.
NLK Walking Group. Weather permitting, the Walking Group will meet on SATURDAY, 30th March at 2.00pm outside the Visitor Centre at Dumfries House. Choice of routes. Everyone welcome. Anyone requiring transport should contact Ellen Stewart or Derek I’Anson. The regular Wednesday evening summer walks commence on Wednesday, 3rd April. Meet at 7.00pm (weather permitting) in the main car park at Dean Castle Country Park. The Welcome Group are holding a "Mother's Day" family disco on Saturday, 30th March. Tickets, priced £6 including buffet, are available from Bill Sherry or Margaret Brown. Please join us for a night of fun and fellowship. Fellowship of Kilmarnock Churches. Service on Sunday, 31st March at 6.30pm at Kilmarnock Baptist Church. A speaker from Tearfund will speak on "Following Jesus where the need is greatest." Everyone welcome. Easter Club for all children from Primary 1 to 7 will be held in the halls in John Finnie Street on 8th April, 9th April and 10th April (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday) from 10.00am to 12noon. If children would like to come along to enjoy stories, songs, games, snacks and more, could parents please register them to Amy Hannah, Email:, Tel: 07980 665432 with the child's name, age and primary. EACHa runs a drop-in for homeless and vulnerable people in our John Finnie Street halls on Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons. On offer is food, friendship, advice and hope for the future. Volunteers are always welcome, to help prepare the food or to make our guests feel welcome. To find out more, contact EACHa's Secretary, Janice Grant. Church Open and Welcome on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays from 12noon to 2.00pm. We urgently require a pool of volunteers, especially men, to welcome the visitors on a rota basis. We are particularly short of volunteers on Wednesdays and Saturdays. If you can help even occasionally, it would be most appreciated. Please speak to Helen Colman. Remember that the more volunteers there are, the less often you will be on duty!
Open Doors. New Laigh Kirk will be opening its doors to all on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays from 12noon to 2.00pm. The Church will be open for those who want to come for a period of solitude or reflection; to see the stained glass windows from the inside; or to find out some of the history of the church and town. New Laigh Kirk Volunteers - Needing help with shopping, DIY, gardening or a lift to medical appointments? Do you find reading difficult with failing eyesight? Ring our volunteers' helpline, Tel: 07935 852000. If you can assist with driving, or if you know of anyone who may be interested in helping, please contact Alan Gregor, Tel: 537155, Email: If you know of anyone in hospital please let the minister know by telephone, email or the pew cards provided. Intimations to be included in Sunday's Order of Service and the Standard should be with Helen Colman, Email:, by Wednesday of this week. Visit our website and see what's going on at New Laigh Kirk. Postcode for church is KA1 1BL.
New Laigh Kirk A caring welcoming church at the heart of Kilmarnock reaching out to you