These things will last forever - the greatest of these is -
Love Welcome to Worship at
New Laigh Kirk A caring welcoming church at the heart of Kilmarnock reaching out to you
2nd Sunday of Advent 8th December 2019
Welcome A very warm welcome to our Advent worship this morning from all at New Laigh Kirk. We are delighted you are here today and hope you enjoy worshipping with us. Please make yourself known to those sitting beside you. Tea and coffee is served in the church immediately after the service, please join us for company and a catch up. May God richly bless you in your worship today.
Order of Service Choir Introit:
People, look East
Welcome and Intimations Call to worship Hymn 277
Hark the glad sound! the Saviour comes
Prayer Light the Second Advent candle We lift the light of hope, O God, Your presence burning bright. In praise we sing the gift You bring: Our hope complete in Christ. In praise we sing the gift You bring: Our hope complete in Christ. We lift the light of peace, O God, The Lord of truth and right. In Your domain let justice reign And bring us peace in Christ. In Your domain let justice reign And bring us peace in Christ. All age address Hymn 315
Once in royal David's city
Children leave for Kingz Kidz Reading:
Isaiah 11:1-10 page 697
Rev Colin Brockie
Choir Anthem: Celebrate the promise Reading:
St Matthew 3:1-12 page 967 Elspeth Dale
Hymn 334
On Jordan’s bank the Baptist’s cry
Prayer of Intercession Hymn 291
When out of poverty is born
Sermon Offering/Presentation of the offering Hymn 807 Praise God, from whom all blessings flow Prayer of Dedication Hymn 283
The voice of God goes out to all the world
Church news and activities Worship on Sunday, 15th December is the third Sunday in Advent and will be conducted by the Minister beginning at 11.00am. Kingz Kidz and Trekkers should meet at 10.50am in church and sit together. Tea and coffee will be served in church immediately after the service. If you would like to be included in the rota for Bible Reading at Sunday worship for 2020, please give your name to Helen Colman. Some new minibus drivers are required on Sunday mornings. If you are able to help with this, please contact Iain Sherry, Tel: 07399 584831, Email: Highlights Klub. Travelling Treats Christmas Afternoon Tea (in the evening) on Monday, 9th December in upper hall. Services of worship on Tuesday, 10th December at 2.00pm at Argyll House and at 3.00pm in Grange Nursing Home. Friendship Group will meet on Wednesday, 11th December at 2.00pm in lower hall. Guild of Friendship will meet on Thursday, 12th December at 2.00pm in lower hall. Christmas Party Triple M. Guild Christmas Dinner at Fenwick Hotel on Monday, 16th December at 7.00pm for 7.30pm. The Welcome Group will be holding a Burns Supper on Saturday, 18th January 2020. Tickets will be £18 which includes a 2 course meal and will be available from Margaret Brown, Bill Sherry and Derek I'Anson. Should you require transport to attend the supper, please let any of the above know. If you have any used postage stamps, please give them to Esther Douglas as they are passed on to the Blind Club to be sold to deserving charities. It would be greatly appreciated if you could leave a border of about 8mm (1/2 inch) as this is needed.
Advent and Christmas Services ‘Remembering at Christmas’ service on Sunday, 8th December at 7.00pm, is a reflective service for those who walk into Advent feeling the loneliness rather than the joy of the Christmas season. Tea and coffee will be served among friends after the service. Come and know that you do not journey through Christmas on your own. Christmas Gift Service on Sunday, 15th December at 11.00am. Toys marked girl or boy and age will be gratefully received and will be distributed through EACHa. Christmas Music for All @ New Laigh Kirk on Sunday, 15th December at 7.00pmChristmas Stories, Poetry, Music and Carols, with local talent Daniel Mackin and Hollie Robinson, New Laigh Kirk Choir and an enthusiastic audience singing favourite Carols. Just the spirit leading into Christmas. Carols at the Cross, opposite Burns Mall, is on Saturday, 21st December from 11.00am to 12noon followed by tea, coffee and cake in New Laigh Kirk. Christmas Nativity Service is on Sunday, 22nd December beginning at 11.00am. Led by Kingz Kidz and Trekkers. A special family service for all - our Christingle Service is on Sunday, 22nd December. Come to New Laigh Kirk at 6.30pm to make your Christingle Candle for the service beginning at 7.00pm. See the Bethlehem Experience once again. The service concludes with singing carols of your choice sitting around the Christmas tree. 12 days of Christmas is a favourite. Christmas Eve Christmas Carol Singing begins at 11.00pm leading into our Watchnight Service beginning at 11.30pm. Enjoy tea or coffee or mulled wine, mince pies and Christmas cake served immediately after the service as you wish family and friends of New Laigh Kirk ‘Merry Christmas’. Worship on Christmas Day will begin at 11.00am. Children, please bring your toys to show us. Come and begin your Christmas Day celebration with worship. Church Open and Welcome on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays from 12noon to 2.00pm. We urgently require a pool of volunteers, especially men, to welcome the visitors on a rota basis. We are particularly short of volunteers on Wednesdays and Saturdays. If you can help even occasionally, it would be most appreciated. Please speak to Helen Colman. Remember that the more volunteers there are, the less often you will be on duty! The church will be open mid day during Advent and volunteers are required. If you are able to help cover the period of opening, in whole or in part, including on Tuesdays and Thursdays, especially on Tuesday, 10th December, from 12noon to 2.00pm, please give your name to Helen Colman to enable our celebrations to be shared as widely as possible. A few copies of the Order of Service in large print are available. Please speak to a member of the duty team if you require one. There is an induction loop system for the hard of hearing. If you know of anyone in hospital please let the minister know by telephone, email or the pew cards provided. Intimations for Sunday's Order of Service and the Standard should be with Helen Colman,, by Wednesday. Postcode is KA1 1BL. Visit our website and see what's going on at New Laigh Kirk.