New Laigh Kirk A caring welcoming church in the heart of Kilmarnock reaching out to all
Welcome to Worship First Sunday after Christmas
1st January 2017
Minister: Rev. David S. Cameron Session Clerk: Derek I’Anson Organist: Martin Sharp
Order of Service Welcome and Introduction Call to Worship Come behold this child in the manger Gift of the Father's great love Angels look down as His glory surrounds them Starlight from Heaven above Sing Noel, Sing Hallelujah God with us now come to dwell Sing Noel, lift high His praises Christ our Emmanuel Christ our Emmanuel Lift up your heads all who wander in darkness Shine for your light has come Down through the ages though sins battle rages Christ our Messiah has won Sing Noel, Sing Hallelujah Come adore on bended knee Sing Noel, lift high His praises Christ come to set us all free Christ come to set us all free Let every daughter and son of the Father Rise on this Christmas morn with heaven voicing all praise and rejoicing Christ Our redeemer is born Sing Noel, Sing Hallelujah All creation great and small Sing Noel, lift high His praises Christ come to save us all Sing Noel, Sing Hallelujah All creation great and small Sing Noel, lift high His praises Christ come to save us all Christ come to save us all Prayer The Fall - Genesis 3: 8-19 Hymn 326
As with gladness men of old
Jay Ward
Unto us a child is born - Isaiah 9: 2,6,7
Robert Clark
Choir The Annunciation - St Luke 1: 26-35, 38 Hymn 310
See him lying on a bed of straw
The Nativity - St Matthew 1: 18-23 Hymn 303
Janice Dey
It came upon the midnight clear
The Shepherds - St Luke 2: 8-16 Hymn 313
Margaret Patterson
Allan Kidd
See! in yonder manger low
Choir The Magi - St Matthew 2: 1-11
Murray MacGregor
We three kings of Orient are Bearing gifts we traverse afar Field and fountain, moor and mountain Following yonder star O Star of wonder, star of night Star with royal beauty bright Westward leading, still proceeding Guide us to thy Perfect Light Born a King on Bethlehem's plain Gold I bring to crown Him again King forever, ceasing never Over us all to reign Men Sing
Frankincense to offer have I Incense owns a Deity nigh Prayer and praising, all men raising Worship Him, God most high
Ladies Sing
Myrrh is mine, its bitter perfume Breathes a life of gathering gloom Sorrowing, sighing, bleeding, dying Sealed in the stone-cold tomb Glorious now, behold Him arise King and God and Sacrifice Heaven sings alleluya, Alleluya the earth replies:
The Word - St John 1: 1-14 Hymn 315 Once in royal David’s city
Esther Douglas
God so loved the World Offering - Doxology 807 Praise God, from whom all blessings flow Dedication of offering and prayers for others Hymn 322
Good Christians, all rejoice
Benediction WELCOME Happy New Year to everyone and a very warm welcome to worship this morning from all at New Laigh Kirk. We are glad you are here and hope you enjoy worshipping with us. Please make yourself known to those sitting beside you. Worship on Sunday, 8th January will be conducted by the Minister beginning at 11.00am. Kingz Kidz and Trekkers NG meet in church at 10.50am and sit together. There is a creche facility for children under three years of age in the Session Room. Imagine resumes on Sunday, 8th January at 4.00pm in the halls. A buffet dinner will be provided. All are welcome. The Prayer Group will meet in church on Wednesday, 4th January at 7.00pm. Do come along and leave a prayer request in the box or on our Facebook page. There are so many people and issues that need our prayers, come and join us at our first meeting in 2017! Guild will meet on Monday, 9th January at 7.15pm in lower hall. Ken Stewart will speak about the Kirk and its worthies. Music and Movement on Tuesday, 10th January at 2.00pm in lower hall. Friendship Group on Wednesday, 11th January at 2.00pm in lower hall. Guild of Friendship on Thursday, 12th January at 2.00pm in lower hall. Speaker will be Rev Jill Clancy. Articles for February issue of Magazine should be submitted by Sunday, 15th January. Intimations to be included in Sunday’s Order of Service and the Standard should be with Helen Colman ( by Wednesday of this week. Visit our NEW website and see what's going on at New Laigh Kirk. If you know of anyone in hospital please let the minister know either by telephone, email or the pew cards provided.