New Laigh Kirk The Church at the heart of Kilmarnock with the people of Kilmarnock at its heart
Welcome to Worship First Sunday after Christmas 30th December 2018 Minister: Rev. David S Cameron Session Clerk: Derek I’Anson Depute Session Clerk: Margaret Patterson Organist: Martin C Sharp
Welcome A very warm welcome to our 12 Days of Christmas Service this morning from all at New Laigh Kirk. We are delighted you are here and hope you enjoy worshipping with us. Please make yourself known to those sitting beside you. Tea and coffee will be served in the church immediately after the service.
New Laigh Kirk - a place to belong You will see that there are many people of all ages seeking to serve within New Laigh Kirk as well as the wider community. As part of the family of God and gifted with many and varying talents, we try to use these to deepen our faith, care for each other, and to spread into our town and parish the good news of God’s love for all. Whether you are a guest or regular attender we invite you to find your welcome place among us, a place to belong, to join in regular worship, to join in the life of our Kirk in whatever capacity and in your own appropriate way. May God richly bless you in your worship today.
Order of Service Choir Introit O little town of Bethlehem Welcome and Intimations Call to worship Good Christian men, rejoice
Carol Book 14
Prayer Twelve days of Christmas 1st Day of Christmas
Partridge and pear tree
Hark the glad sound! The Saviour comes Carol Book 32 2nd Day of Christmas
Two turtle doves
Choir Rejoice and be merry 3rd Day of Christmas We three kings of Orient are
Three French hens Carol Book 25
4th Day of Christmas
Four calling birds
5th Day of Christmas
Five Gold rings
Angel voices, richly blending 6th Day of Christmas
Carol Book 37 Six geese a laying
Choir O little one sweet 7th Day of Christmas
Seven swans a swimming
8th Day of Christmas
Eight maids a milking
Hark! the herald angels sing
Carol Book 4
9th Day of Christmas
Nine ladies dancing
10th Day of Christmas
Ten Lords a leaping
Love came down at Christmas Carol Book 15 11th Day of Christmas
Eleven pipers piping
12th Day of Christmas
Twelve drummers drumming
Offering Doxology/Dedication See! in yonder manger low
Carol Book 29
Intimations Worship on Sunday, 6th January will be conducted by the Minister beginning at 11.00am. Short service of communion in the church immediately after the service.
Guild will meet on Monday, 7th January at 7.15pm in lower hall. Come along and hear David Hume. Music and Movement on Tuesday, 8th January at 2.00pm in lower hall. Friendship Group will meet on Wednesday, 9th January at 2.00pm in lower hall. Prayer Group will meet on Wednesday, 9th January at 7.00pm in church. Guild of Friendship will meet on Thursday, 10th January at 2.00pm in lower hall. Tartan ladies. Articles are now required for inclusion in February issue of Magazine. These may be typed or handwritten and sent as email to the Editor or placed in Magazine pigeonhole in Session Room. Articles in Word format (Calibri 12 preferred). Final date for submissions is Sunday, 13th January. Copies of World Mission News December/January are available. Please do not throw out all your Christmas postage stamps or unwanted postcards with stamps attached. Please give them to Esther Douglas as she is collecting for charities. If you know of anyone in hospital please let the minister know by telephone, email or the pew cards provided. Intimations to be included in Sunday’s Order of Service and the Standard should be with Helen Colman, Email:, by Wednesday of this week. Postcode for church is KA1 1BL.
THE CHRISTMAS STORY God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have