New Laigh Kirk A caring welcoming church at the heart of Kilmarnock reaching out to all
Welcome to Worship Fourth Sunday of Easter 7th May 2017 Minister: Rev. David S. Cameron Session Clerk: Derek I’Anson Organist: Martin C. Sharp
Order of Service Welcome and Intimations Choir Introit: You, Lord, are both Lamb and Shepherd Hymn 522
The Church is wherever God’s people are praising
Prayer All Age Address Hymn 204 I am the Church! You are the Church! Children leave for Kingz Kidz Reading: Acts 2:42-47 page 1094 Jean Munro 1 Peter 2:19-25 page 1218 Choir Anthem: Lead me, Lord Reading: St John 10:1-14 page 1076 Andrew Bryson Hymn 15 The Lord’s my Shepherd, I’ll not want Prayer of Intercession Hymn 608 Spirit of truth and grace Sermon Offering/Doxology (Hymn 818 Praise ye the Lord, ye servants of the Lord v1) Prayer of Dedication Hymn 154 O Lord my God! when I in awesome wonder Benediction
Welcome and Intimations A very warm welcome to worship this morning from all at New Laigh Kirk. We are glad you are here today and hope you enjoy worshipping with us. Please make yourself known to those sitting beside you. Tea and coffee will be served in the church immediately after the service. Worship on Sunday, 14th May will be conducted by the Minister beginning at 11.00am. This will be the launch of Christian Aid Week. Kingz Kidz and TrekkersNG meet in church at 10.50am and sit together. There will be a creche facility for children under three years of age in the Session Room. Tea and coffee will be served in the church immediately after the service.
Imagine Praise Event is on Sunday, 14th May, 4.00pm to 5.30pm in NLK halls. Bring the family along to take part in contemporary worship, teaching, share discussion and enjoy a buffet meal together. A few copies of the Order of Service in large print are available. Please speak to a member of the duty team if you require one. Thanks to all the volunteers who gave of their time yesterday to help out at the halls clearout. It was greatly appreciated. Further volunteers will be required to fill a skip at a date later in the month, tbc. An unscheduled replacement of the Bank Street door lock took place earlier this week. Available keys have been distributed. Please dispose of old keys. If you have not yet been provided with a new key but it is still essential that you have your own, please let Noel Patterson know asap. Please consider whether or not you can access a shared key to reduce the number of keys in circulation. Our new cleaners, Rachael and Melissa (from Clarus Limited) started with us on Monday, 1st May. Please welcome them if you see them in the church or halls on Monday/Friday mornings. The new cleaning schedules which outline tasks/frequency are displayed in the Session Room and in hall kitchens. Volunteers are required for Christian Aid house to house collection during the week 14th to 20th May in the following areas - Glasgow Road and Beansburn, Dundonald Road, Charles Street and South Hamilton Street, Bonnyton, Grange Estate and Woodstock areas. If you are able to help, please contact Steven Mack, Helen Colman or Graeme Johnstone. Christian Aid will also be holding a Street Collection in the town centre on Saturday, 20th May and at Tesco Extra, West Shaw Street on Sunday, 21st May. If you can help with this, please contact Helen Colman. Pastoral Care Group Meeting on Monday, 8th May at 7.30pm in Session Room. Music and Movement Trip to Garrion Bridge and Dunfermline on Tuesday, 9th May. Bus will leave former GPO in John Finnie Street at 10.30am. Welcome Group Meeting on Tuesday, 9th May at 7.30pm in the church. Service of worship on Wednesday, 10th May at 11.00am in Dean House. Friendship Group will meet on Wednesday, 10th May at 2.00pm in lower hall. NLK Walking Group - weekly Wednesday evening walks at 7.00pm (weather permitting) at the entrance to main car park, Dean Castle Country Park. Walk lasts around 45 minutes. All welcome.
'Big Day Out' Walking Trip to Arran on Saturday, 10th June. Three walks: Fisherman's Trail, Glen Rosa and Goat Fell. Articles for June issue of magazine should be emailed to Editor in Word format or placed in magazine pigeonhole in Session Room by Sunday, 14th May. Guild Rally on Monday, 15th May at 7.30pm in Dreghorn and Springside Parish Church. Guest speaker will be Rev Alastair Symington. Kirk Session Meeting on Tuesday, 16th May at 7.30pm in lower hall. Highlights Klub. Trip to House for an Art Lover on Saturday, 20th May. Bus leaves at 10.30am and returns by 3.30pm. Fellowship of Kilmarnock Churches. Shared service of worship on Sunday, 21st May at 6.00pm at Salvation Army, Sturrock Street. Everyone welcome. Welcome Group. Date for your diary. There will be a car treasure hunt with supper on Friday, 2nd June. Tickets now on sale at church. Volunteers are needed for this year's Summer Club - Guardians of Ancora: Treasure Seekers. It runs from Monday, 31st July until Friday, 4th August with a kids' club from 2.00pm to 4.00pm and a teenage programme from 7.00pm to 9.00pm. Help with registration, snacks, crafts and games as well as group leaders are all required for the kids' club. If you can help in any way, please let Sara know. There will be a short 5 minute meeting in the church on Sunday, 14th May after the service. Church Open and Welcome on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays from 12noon to 2.00pm. We urgently require a pool of volunteers, especially men, to welcome the visitors on a rota basis. Please speak to Helen Colman. Remember that the more volunteers there are, the less often you will be on duty! Open Doors. New Laigh Kirk will now be opening its doors to all on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays from 12noon to 2.00pm. The Church will be open for those who want to come for a period of solitude or reflection; to see the newly restored stained glass windows from the inside; or to find out some of the history of the church and town. Foodbank. Donations of non-perishable foods should be placed in the blue bin in the vestibule. Particularly welcome just now are UHT milk, tinned fruit, rice pudding, meat and vegetables. New volunteers are always welcome. New Laigh Kirk Volunteers - Needing help with shopping, DIY, gardening or a lift to medical appointments? Looking for help with official forms or job applications? Is reading difficult with failing eyesight? Ring our volunteers' helpline, Tel: 07935 852000. If you can assist with driving, or if you know of anyone who may be interested in helping, please contact Alan Gregor, Tel: 537155, Email: