Nlk mag apr 18 final

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NEW LAIGH KIRK Church of Scotland KILMARNOCK Scottish Charity No.:SC031334

APRIL 2018

“A caring welcoming church at the heart of Kilmarnock reaching out to all”

Minister: Rev. David S Cameron, 1 Holmes Farm Road, Kilmarnock (Tel.: 525416) Session Clerk: Mr Derek I’Anson Depute Clerk: Mrs Margaret Patterson Community and Families: Amy Hannah Community and Youth: Bethany McCaw 1

CHURCH CALENDAR SUNDAY 11.00 a.m. 11.00 a.m.

5.30 to 7.30 p.m. MONDAY 7.15 p.m. 8.00 p.m.

MORNING WORSHIP Crèche (0 to 3 years) Junior Kingz (age 3-primary 3) and Senior Kingz (primary 4-primary 7) Contact: Amy Hannah (07980 665432) TrekkersNG (11-17 years) Contact: Bethany McCaw (07827 816405) See Youth activities program Contact: Bethany McCaw (07827 816405) Guild (every second Monday) Contact: Elinor MacKillop (525223) Highlights Klub (1 Monday per month – see Syllabus) Contact: Mrs Angela Mitchell (534622) or Mrs Eileen Murphy (543488)

TUESDAY 10.15 to 11.15 a.m. Tots Praise (Babies - 4 year olds) Contact: Amy Hannah (07980 665432) 2.00 p.m. Music and Movement Contact: Miss Anne McVey (533975)/Mrs Mildred Mullen (528205) 7.00 p.m. Badminton Club Contact: Mr Alan I’Anson (07949 169051) 7.00 p.m. Congregational Board Meeting Contact: Mrs Elizabeth Young (540339) 7.30 p.m. Session Meeting (Dates as arranged) Contact: Mr Derek I’Anson (521445) WEDNESDAY 2.00 p.m. Friendship Group (downstairs second Wednesday of each month) Contact: Mrs Margaret Laird (525732) 6.00 to 7.00 p.m. Rainbows 6.30 to 8.00 p.m. Brownies Contact: Sheena Baillie (531440) 7.30 to 9.00 p.m. Guides Contact: Emma Johnstone (07853 240753) THURSDAY 2.00 p.m. Guild of Friendship (every second Thursday) Contact: Janette Howard (529005) 7.00 p.m. Vestry Contact: Rev. David S Cameron (525416)/Mr Derek I’Anson (521445) 7.30 p.m. Choir Contact: Mr Martin Sharp (524133) FRIDAY 6.00 to 7.30 p.m. Boys’ Brigade Anchor Boys (5 to 8 years) St. Andrew’s and St. Marnock’s Halls Contact: Mrs Michelle Taylor (529266) 7.00 to 9.00 p.m. Boys’ Brigade Junior Section (8+ to 11 years) St. Andrew’s and St. Marnock’s Halls Contact: Elaine Park (533464) 7.00 to 9.30 p.m. Boys’ Brigade Company Section (11+ to 18 years) New Laigh Kirk Hall Contact: Mr David McDonald (544037)

Safeguarding Co-ordinators: Andy King and Lilian Gillies Safeguarding Panel Members: John Dale, Bill Sherry and Ellen Stewart 2

New Laigh Kirk Manse April 2018

Hello there, Easter comes round all too quickly and disappears all too quickly. Preparation lasts the six weeks through Lent, and then it seems as if it’s all over in an hour of worship on Easter Sunday Morning. Perhaps it lasts a wee bit longer for children as they collect and eat their gifts of Easter eggs. Is Easter event just another event that we are supposed to believe happened so that we can believe the right things and get into heaven? Once we've got the story right, retold it on Easter Sunday and believe it has happened, we're okay. The story that we have to get right in order to believe the right things, isn't so simple. If you read all the gospel accounts they each tell the story in different ways. Which one am I supposed to believe? Resurrection faith isn’t just a matter of believing that a dead body came back to life. Resurrection faith knows that this event heals a relationship between you and God. It’s not about believing. It’s about what you do with that belief that identifies you as a child of the Resurrection. Easter means you have another chance to be the person God created you to be, and you can start doing that at any moment, even after you think it's too late. This month sees new members join our church. I’m delighted that for the first time in a very long time young people from our Trekkers will stand before our congregation and Profess their Faith in Jesus Christ. Bethany has done superb work with our young folk encouraging them to this point on their faith journey. We’ve all watched them grow and 3

mature into fine young men and women with a profound faith in Jesus Christ. This is the fruit of her labour in addition to the nurturing and example they receive at home. Our young people are saying in public that Jesus is their Lord and Saviour. They will be stating their belief, what they do with their belief is exciting. The resurrection hasn't ended for them, it is still going on in their young lives, in fact it’s still going on in all our lives. You may have made some mistakes and harbour some of life’s most difficult challenges with more still to come, but then again God has given you life, and life all around you, it is resurrection life. You continue on a lifelong journey to discover meaning and purpose for your life, to find peace in yourself, to find love with others, to find a rest in God. You are not on this faith journey alone, the church we belong to is drawn together in resurrection faith.

It’s also worth noting that it’s not what you believe that makes a difference to Christ, it’s how you believe that witnesses to the resurrection. Celebration of the resurrection continues week after week, Sunday by Sunday, day by day in worship, prayer and witness. For the resurrected Christ is the source of our eternal hope and life, and cause for daily celebration. Happy Easter to you all


A Note from ‘the other David’!

When our children were young, I found it amazing to witness their communication skills developing as they grew. Examples that I remember fondly are: “Mummy, I want lip-cup” – when my daughter wanted lipstick and merged part of ‘lipstick’ and ‘make-up’. Or when my son announced that he saw a ‘space parker’ - a parking space! Despite not knowing the correct words to say, children have an amazing ability to convey a message so that we understand it – this is the art of communication. When we communicate with those around us, we tend to focus on the words spoken, yet studies by psychology professor Albert Mehrabian suggest that the most important aspect of our communication is actually related to how we behave. Just think about how effectively a baby communicates by crying, or how a toddler demonstrates anger by stamping their feet. As Christians, we have the responsibility to communicate the message of the Good News of Jesus Christ to those around us with the aim that through learning about the love of Jesus, people will ask Jesus into their hearts. We must therefore communicate this message in a way that it is clearly understood. Whilst we can do this by speaking to people (or writing articles in church magazines!), it is also vitally important to clearly communicate this same message by the way that we behave. As we revisit the Easter story – with the triumphant entry of Jesus to Jerusalem, the tragedy of the crucifixion and the victory of the resurrection, we are reminded of the New Covenant – that Jesus paid the price for our sins and that by doing we are reconciled with God. 5

This is such a fantastic gift from God – and as Christians we have a duty to communicate this message to others, both through the words that we speak and through our behaviour. This is indeed a challenge, but hopefully one that you are willing to accept.

God bless, David Hume Student Assistant

Church Open Doors New Laigh Kirk is open on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays from 12noon to 2.00pm. The church will be open for those who want to come for a period of solitude or reflection, to see the newly restored stained glass windows from the inside or to find out some of the history of the church and town. We urgently require some more volunteers, especially men, to welcome the visitors during 2018, so if you could spare a couple of hours every six weeks or if you could cover shifts when regular volunteers are on holiday, we would be delighted to hear from you. If you would like to be included in the rota, please speak to Helen Colman. Remember that the more volunteers that there are, the less often you will be on duty!


Update from Amy Hannah Communities and Family

Hello everyone!

I can’t believe it’s time for this month’s church magazine, so much seems to have happened in such a short month. Our Kingz Kidz in the church seem to grow in various ways, every week! Junior Kingz Kidz has seen a bit of growth in numbers recently as some newer children have come along throughout the weeks, or some have come for a visit to join in the fun. We continue to understand the bible through crafts, songs and stories. Our Senior Kingz Kidz have also been using exciting crafts to help explore bible stories and develop their faith. The Senior Kingz Kidz leaders have incorporated clever interactive activities to help the young people fully understand lessons from Jesus and the bible. On the following pages we have some newspaper articles, written by the young people, explaining the story behind Jesus in the temple:





We’ve also had another All Age where the children had the chance to learn about the difficulties of temptation and that Jesus had the strength to say no to temptation and so can we, with help from Him. Here are some photos of our children dancing, singing and getting creative:


We have our next All Age service for the children of our church and community on March 25th. All children and young people are welcome to come along for games, crafts, songs, stories and a snack. All Age services are held in the church’s lower hall on John Finnie Street from 10:45am-12:05pm. The church’s Children’s choir has started back again this session and rehearsals are held Sunday afternoons from 12:30pm-2pm for children aged 7-14. We start the rehearsal with a short lunch break, so we encourage the children to bring a packed lunch with them and then we get started with some interactive musical activities, including vocal exercises, stretching and breathing techniques. Then, we run through our music for our next set performance. There are no fees and all music is provided for the children, so please come along and let’s sing! An Easter club will also be running for the children and young people to come along to enjoy. Easter club will be from April 4th-6th (Wednesday, Thursday and Friday morning) from 10am-12pm in the lower hall on John Finnie Street. This Easter club, we’re going to explore the resurrection of Jesus Christ in a variety of ways, including science experiments, movie clips, crafts, games, songs and more! We encourage all children from Primary 1-7 to come along to have fun! 11

15th Kilmarnock Rainbows The Rainbows ended 2017 with a trip to the pantomime and all went home tired but happy. We started this term with 4 Rainbows moving to Brownies and welcoming 5 new Rainbows. January saw us finishing the Roundabout Season Badge and a Burns Night, in February we celebrated the Chinese New Year with bring a friend night, Thinking Day party and St David’s day craft. We also attended our Division Thinking Day service at St Andrew’s and St Marnock’s Church. We are looking forward to our Mother’s night in March where the Rainbows have invited their mums along for coffee and cake and to join in with games and songs. Rainbows meet on Wednesday nights 6pm-7pm in the Upper hall. Any girl age 5-7 interested in joining, please come along on the night and we will be happy to see you. Thanks to Jaclyn, Doreen, Abby and Jennie for all their help. Sheena


This term we welcomed 6 new Brownies. Cara, Chloe, Kayla, Isla, Sophie and Zara have started working towards their Promise, and will be making it in the coming weeks. We now have 26 Brownies and each week they enjoy a variety of crafts and games. They have recently celebrated Chinese New Year, Burns Night and had an international night to celebrate Thinking Day. The girls also sent Thinking Day postcards to girls in different units across the country. They were very excited to receive their postcards back. 17 Brownies attended our very snowy camp at Blair Activity Centre on the 2⠿d – 4th March. Our theme was Finding Dory and the girls got the opportunity to do various crafts, go on the ropes course and have fun in the snow. Each girl received the Ocean Challenge Badge for attending. Big thanks go to Fiona for organising the camp as part of her Going Away With Qualification. Lots of fun was had by both the girls and the leaders. Brownies meet on Wednesday night, 6:30-8pm, in the Lower Hall. Thanks to Sheena, Fiona, Jaclyn, Eilidh and Jennie for all their help! Alison


4th/5th Kilmarnock hosted the Scottish Final of the Masterteam Quiz at the Howard Centre. Apart from 4th/5th the teams 1st Bearsden, 1st Polmont, 128th Glasgow, 65th Edinburgh, 1st Newport, 25th Stirling, the competition was won by 1st Polmont who go on to the National final with second placed 1st Bearsden. 4th/5th Kilmarnock were 4th (Angus Docherty, Scott Robinson, Keir Duncan, Rowan Taylor and sub. Greg Milligan) and good luck to our U14 5-a-side football team who have also reached the Scottish final which will be played in April.

Masterteam team

We have 3 boys who have been away at the Queen’s Badge completion course (Greg Milligan, Scott McDowall and Adam Roy). This year it is being held at Tamar Manoukian Residential Centre at Dumfries House. So hopefully they will be presented with their badges at parent’s night.


The Company section Drill squad were 3rd in the battalion drill competition held at Stewarton Academy, and boys from the 3rd year in the Company section entered the Battalion Bible Craft competition, this year the theme was “David and Goliath” and they had to design a stained glass window on that topic, they were judged winners in that competition. On the same night we took part in the Battalion Quiz and were placed 3rd. The Junior section have taken part in the Battalion Supergroup competition at Stewarton, they were first in 8 of the 10 events and were 1st overall, 2ⁿd Kilmarnock were second and 1st Stewarton were third. The junior section also hosted the Battalion Quiz afternoon, and were first and third in that event.



Update from Bethany McCaw Youth and Community Worker The young people did a brilliant job of leading our Mother’s day service in March with group readings, a ‘Mr and Mrs’ style Mother and Child Quiz, a slideshow of children and young people talking about their Mums and prayers they had helped to write together.

Our new youth band led worship and chose some fantastic songs to lead us in. All in all a great service! In April we have five of our older young people who plan to profess their faith and become members of the Church. They have grown up in Church, been through Kingz Kidz and Trekkers and now feel they would like to make this commitment. The plan is that they will join the church and find a ministry to serve in twice a month; most of them have chosen to serve in Kingz Kidz to start with but if you would like a younger face to serve in the ministry you are responsible for, feel free to ask. 16

The current Primary 7s in Kingz Kidz will move up to Trekkers at the beginning of May, and we look forward to them joining us. Upcoming events Trekkers Coffee Morning will be on Saturday 2ⁿd June. We have yet to choose a theme but I’m sure it’ll be as great as always and we’d appreciate your support in this! NLK Summer Club dates for this year are Monday 30th July – Friday 3rd August and we have a Superheroes theme. Last year we had an incredible 39 helpers who contributed their skills and talents over the week! This year is no different and if you can help in any way for Summer Club I would love to have you on board! Thank you! Bethany



170,845 34,870 0 15,869 26,254 14,780 6,547 6,000 156,928 109 536 1,164 433,902 951 434,853

333,234 4,542 337,776

2016 £

180,870 43,376 6,000 38,162 26,254 15,085 5,897 0 17,340 250 0 0

2017 £

(100,668) 3,591 (97,077)

10,025 8,506 6,000 22,293 0 305 (650) (6,000) (139,588) 141 (536) (1,164)


Offerings up by 5.9% after planned giving campaign. Donations have increased from £15,869 to £38,162. This is mainly due to Heritors’ Challenge donations in 2017 totalling £25,112 (none 2016) and, also a reduction in donations for Community/Youth/Mission of £3,706. There was gift aid on the Heritors’ Challenge monies of £4,592, which has been shown in tax recoverable.’ A Go For It Grant final instalment of 3rd year grant was received in Jan 16. Another successful application has granted funding for another 3 years and the 1st instalment of £ 20,000 was received in Jan 18. Heritage Lottery and Historic Scotland Grants received towards extensive roof repairs mainly carried out in 2016. INCREASE (DECREASE) EXPENSES Planned Giving Campaign Costs 0 4,105 (4,105) M & M Allocation 120,478 125,322 (4,844)


INCOME Offerings Tax Recoverable Legacies Donations (Unrestricted and Restricted) Use of Premises (Rent) Congregational Organisations Income Investment Income Go For It Grant Received Heritage Lottery and Historic Scotland Grants Received Weddings and Funerals Concerts Value of Goods Donated to Church by Eacha

NEW LAIGH KIRK Year ended 31st December 2017 FINANCIAL SUMMARY


874 3,500 3,720 5,104 81,558 10,947 1,138 11,783 10,839 4,686 6,004 157,294 0 12,953 15,662 1,164 456,653 7,173 463,826

950 3,500 3,435 6,143 68,489 19,941 1,822 9,385 11,083 4,594 6,040 39,252 673 11,555 17,824 0 325,164 8,059 333,223

(131,489) 886 (130,603)

76 0 (285) 1,039 (13,069) 8,994 684 (2,398) 244 (92) 36 (118,042) 673 (1,398) 2,162 (1,164)


No planned giving campaign this year. M&M allocation down!! Determined by 121. Salary costs are down due to our Pastoral Care Assistant retiring at the end of June, and with a gap of one and a half months salary for a Families and Community worker. Fabric repairs and maintenace are up by almost £9000. This is mainly due to the installation of a new bathroom at the manse £6,000 and the hall ceiling net repair costs of £2,900 (this was after an insurance claim received of £ 10,767). Cleaning costs have reduced by changing contractors at a substantially reduced weekly charge.


Presbytery Dues Pension Minister's Expenses Mission and Outreach Salary Costs Fabric Repairs & Maintenance Rates Cleaning Heat & Light Insurance Church Office Expenses Heritage Repair Works Heritors' Challenge Boxes Other expenses Congregational Organisations' Expenditure Value of Goods Donated to Church by Eacha

To the Rev David Cameron and the congregation. I would like to thank you all very much for the beautiful watch and pictures from the Church and the very generous cheque from the Congregation and the flowers for Jennifer. I would like to tell you that you always made me feel very welcome at New Laigh Kirk which made my job easier and it was a pleasure to work for you and I hope if you see me in town you will stop and speak to me. Thank you all again Yours sincerely Billy

Badminton Club The badminton club is running well with steady numbers. We are open to all adults any age (over 16) and fitness. We meet in lower hall on Tuesday nights 7:15pm - 9:00pm. It's a good night and we have a laugh. Any questions please feel free to contact me. Alan I’Anson


Prayer Group “What do you think God is like?” This was a question put to 7-9 year olds on a worksheet at last year’s Easter Club. There was silence as they thought about it, until one exclaimed, “Well, of course, he’s a man!” I was quite taken aback and replied, perhaps too vehemently, “Oh no, he’s not a man!” They all looked at me in horror, as if I had said a Really Bad Thing! On reflection, I can understand their feelings. Jesus referred constantly to God as his Father in heaven and taught his disciples to pray beginning, “Our Father.” When God is portrayed in art, it is usually as a man with long flowing hair, beard and robes. For those of us brought up with the traditions of the church, any prayer beginning, “God, our Mother” is often accompanied by sharp intakes of breath! And of course, Jesus walked this earth as a man, who told his followers that if they knew him, then they knew the Father who sent him. However, I hope that you will forgive my dissatisfaction with the idea of God as male. I have nothing against men! I know many men as very good friends and I love several men very much indeed! But if God is viewed as being male then what does that say to us women? Where does that leave us in the greater scheme of things? In this 100th anniversary of the Suffragettes’ victory on votes for women, the struggle for equality goes on throughout the world. Yet we know that each one of us is equally important to God, whatever our sex, and equally loved. God wants each one of us to have abundant lives of limitless possibilities because God is limitless, beyond any human categorising. As the song goes, “Our God is a great big God!” who is “beyond our wildest dreams.” I should have gone with that when talking to the children but finally settled on the fact that God is a Spirit. One of them 21

asked, “Like an angel?” and that was helpful. I have always liked the Native American idea of the Great Spirit and at the risk of being totally heretical, I can equate God with The Force, as in the Star Wars films! In the Bible God refers to himself as “I Am”, not just the source of all life, but Life itself. And we are also told that God is Love. Life and Love. What more could we want from our God? There is an interesting quotation in this year’s Lent study booklet. “Prayer isn’t a matter of asking for things and being accepted or rejected, it is a matter of adding one’s energy – insignificant in itself – to the vastly greater energy that is God’s love.” Peter Leigh, missionary. We can all be part of the force that is God’s love! And a good way to do that would be to join us in the Prayer Group on the first Wednesday of the month at 7 pm in the church! Or you could join us by adding your prayers to the box in church or contacting me through the church Facebook page. Here are some topics for your own personal prayer time. Please pray for: ● Morgan Johnson, our new pastoral care worker who joined us in March ● Equality of education, opportunity and pay for everyone, regardless of gender ● The ability to be more open to discussion of our faith ● All children in our church, that they will grow in knowledge and understanding of their faith And God bless us, every one! Lesley Wright. 22

Guild of Friendship We are again at the end of another session and the time has flown by. We have had a varied syllabus from a musical afternoon, a very interesting talk from Anne McNair on Robert Burns’s ladies, Barbara Graham told us about the life of Mary Slessor, a fun afternoon with cartoonist Ronnie Russell, we also had a visit from Mr David Hume our trainee minister, Steven Wray from Dumfries House showed slides and told us the very interesting history of it. We finished on 22ⁿd March with our A G M and beetle drive. Our outing this year is on 24th May to Malin Court Hotel for lunch and Cumnock Outlet, there may be a few seats if anyone would like to join us the cost is £23. Please speak to Elizabeth McGill or myself. Janette Howard

Thank You As I missed the date of the February magazine I now write my belated thanks to everyone who sent cards, flowers and good wishes to me to mark my 90th birthday. All your kind thoughts combined gave me a very happy celebration on my special day. It is good to belong to the New Laigh Kirk, the caring church. Your sincerely Mary Nisbet


NLK FairTrade Group

In March 2015, New Laigh Kirk became a Fairtrade Church. The Kirk Session resolved to: � � �

Use Fairtrade tea and coffee after services and in all meetings for which the Congregation has responsibility Move forward on using other Fairtrade products such as Sugar, Biscuits and Fruit Promote Fairtrade during Fairtrade Fortnight and during the year through events, worship and other activities, whenever possible.

Fairtrade Fortnight this year ran from Monday 26th February to Sunday 11th March 2018. As it marked the third anniversary of our becoming a Fairtrade church, our newly-formed FairTrade Group mounted a display at the back of the church featuring information about Fair Trade and also featured a range of FairTrade products for sampling and tasting. On Open Doors days during Fairtrade Fortnight, members of NLK Fairtrade Group staffed the stands. The group also took orders for ‘Real Easter Eggs’ – a FairTrade product, which not only is made from Fairtrade chocolate,


but each one contains a book telling the Easter Story. To mark FairTrade Fortnight and to celebrate the third Anniversary of our becoming a Fairtrade congregation, Margaret Paterson was commissioned to use her talents to bake and decorate two cakes, bearing the Fairtrade logo and showing FairTrade Products. On Sunday 4th March, David Hume’s All age address introduced the concept of Fairness and FairTrade to the children, showing them some Fair Trade products and enabling the children to recognise the Fairtrade logo. The Fairtrade bananas were instantly identified! In exchange for handing a FairTrade chocolate product to adults in the congregation, the children received sweets which bore the FairTrade logo. An invitation was extended to the Fellowship of Kilmarnock Churches to view the display during Open doors on Saturday 10th March, find out more about Fairtrade and how to become a Fairtrade Church, and enjoy tea, coffee and a range of cakes, (including one of Margaret Paterson’s masterpieces) made using Fairtrade products. Fairtrade Tea and Coffee - and the second cake, along with other baked goods using Fairtrade products, was served to the congregation after the service on Sunday 11th March.


Highlights Klub Following a lovely Christmas dinner at Café da Vinci in December, we started the new year as usual with an exercise themed evening. We were delighted once again to welcome Heather, who led us in a dance themed workout. We had loads of fun as always, and any lack of talent was more than made up for in enthusiasm! In February we held our now biannual auction in aid of Breast Foot Forward. Many thanks to all those who contributed and bid for items on the night. We raised £290, which combined with Maggie’s fee which she kindly donated in November, and including Gift Aid, gives us a starter of £400 for the charity. By the time the magazine is published, we will have enjoyed a Body Shop party and will be getting ready for our annual quiz night on Monday 23rd April, also in aid of Breast Foot Forward. Please come along and bring a friend for a superb evening of entertainment in aid of a very worthy cause. Tickets are £6 and teams are 6 – 8 people. Refreshments are provided and there will also be a raffle as usual. Please give generously. Finally our end of session day out is on Saturday 19th May, to Lime Tree Larder in Kilbirnie for a tour to learn about and taste chocolate and icecream, followed by afternoon tea at Seamill Hydro. The bus will leave the hall at around 10 a.m. and we should be back around 4 or 4.30 p.m. New members are always welcome – contact me on 543488 or Angela on 534622, or speak to any of the committee. Eileen Murphy, Chairperson 26

The Church of Scotland World Mission Council publishes regular blog updates. These can be found at A recent update is shown below: Fiona Kendall is working in Italy with Mediterranean Hope on behalf of the Church of Scotland and Methodist Church in Britain. Here she shares a little about the situation of asylum seekers in Italy. Perhaps it is fitting that my first blog from Italy should be sent the day after the election. A high turnout at the polls yesterday appears to have resulted in what, for the asylum system, could be a challenging outcome. If, as many anticipate, the right wing parties combine forces, we will see a significant change in approach to the support currently provided to migrants in this country. Immigration has been a key issue in this election campaign – little wonder, perhaps, given the difficult economic conditions which many here face. From the perspective of many migrants, however, today will be a day like any other. Mediterranean Hope’s office is within easy reach of Rome’s Termini station, an area where many destitute migrants gather and, indeed, spend the night outdoors. Unusually, Metro stations were last week kept open at night to provide a little shelter for rough sleepers. This was, however, an acute response to adverse weather rather than a sign of things to come. For last week Rome suffered freezing temperatures – and even snow, which brought chaos to a city unused to such a phenomenon. 27

For many migrants, the reality is that life here is very tough. Over 181,000 migrants arrived here during the course of 2016. Of those asylum seekers whose claims were processed that year, over 60% were refused any form of protection – and almost 100,000 claims had yet to be processed by the end of the year. The basic needs of those whose applications are pending should be met in a complex network of central, local and private accommodation but conditions in these places vary significantly and overcrowding is a constant issue. There is no question that the Italian system is overloaded. European policy currently prevents all but a few of the many who land here but would prefer to seek asylum in other European countries from doing so. Italy (and Greece), it is felt, are shouldering a burden which properly belongs to the whole of Europe. This mix of policy and geography permits other countries a cushion not afforded to their southern neighbours. Meantime, there is plenty of work to be done here. In the weeks and months to come, it will be good to share some of that with you and to hear your comments about these difficult issues which touch the lives of millions of individuals – voters and migrants – who are hoping for the best from life.


EVERYBODY IS WELCOME! The Church of Scotland encourages congregations to make their buildings, their worship and community life accessible to everyone. To support this aim, the Church has a Learning Disabilities Group, which has produced a resource pack with suggestions on how best to include people with learning disabilities in the life of local churches. A group of our elders reviewed the resource pack and considered how we might also address issues which arise for people with other disabilities, including sight and hearing loss, mobility constraints, dyslexia and mental health conditions. A small working group has now been formed to explore how we can make improvements. You will hear more about this later in the year, but if you want to be involved, please contact Barbara Graham [tel. 01563-522108 or]. Other churches also want to be more inclusive. In response, the Fellowship of Kilmarnock Churches has organised a free workshop which will be led by Ivy Blair of Prospects Scotland. This charity offers worship appropriate for people with learning disabilities and it is currently one of the Church of Scotland’s Guild projects. Ivy will show how churches can develop this style of worship for adults and children. This will be a lively, interactive and thoroughly enjoyable event at the Howard Centre from 2 to 4 p.m. on Saturday, 21st April. To book a place, contact Barbara Graham as indicated above. Barbara Graham


All Welcome?? Make our churches more accessible to people with learning disabilities

Find out how to be more inclusive at a free session led by

Ivy Blair Mission Development Co-ordinator Prospects Scotland

Saturday 21st April 2- 4pm Howard Centre Portland Road, Kilmarnock To book a place contact tel. 01563-522108 or 30

Christian Aid Week 13th to 19th May 2018 The focus for Christian Aid Week 2018 is on displacement with stories coming from our partner KORAL in Haiti, whose people have struggled with repeated natural disasters. Vilia's home was destroyed by the earthquake in 2010 when she lost her mother and other family members. She had nowhere safe to stay with her seven children. KORAL built Vilia a home strong enough to stand up to natural disasters. Last year when climate chaos again surged and Hurricane Matthew hit, Vilia's neighbours sought safety in her home as her house was the only one sturdy enough to cope with the hurricane. She shared food and a safe shelter with them. The house lost only one roof panel. Many of the other homes were totally destroyed. The hurricane swept Vilia's crops and livestock away. Christian Aid's partner KORAL gave her a water filter and seeds for beans, sweet potatoes, yams and plantain, helping her to rebuild her farm. A water filter that will last more than ten years costs just ÂŁ42. Eight years on from the earthquake in 2010, an estimated 38,000 are still displaced. As we come together for Christian Aid Week, we will be fighting for justice for people like Vilia and her neighbours and the many displaced people around the world. ÂŁ210 raised during Christian Aid Week is enough to train a local builder in Haiti to build a home like Vilia's.


New Laigh Kirk covers many streets in Kilmarnock, and volunteers are required to take part in the house to house collection. Last year £11,904.78 was raised in Kilmarnock during Christian Aid Week with £3,812.65 being raised in New Laigh Kirk. Another £540.60 was collected in town centre and Tesco. Can we beat that in 2018? Graeme Johnstone will look after the Glasgow Road and Beansburn area, Steven Mack will look after Bonnyton and Dundonald Road/South Hamilton Street area, and Helen Colman will look after Grange Estate, Irvine Road and Woodstock areas. Everyone can help by filling their Christian Aid Week Envelope. There will also be the opportunity to pick up a Christian Aid Week Envelope at church. If you are a taxpayer, you should complete the Gift Aid Declaration on the envelope giving Christian Aid 25% extra. Further information online at If you would like to help during Christian Aid Week , please contact Graeme, Steven or Helen.

Music and Movement After the December break we restarted on 16th January. The ladies were glad to be back exercising and catching up with friends over a cuppa! The spring outing has now been arranged, on 8th May we will travel to Luss, after lunch we will then spend some time in Helensburgh. We will then drive to Largs and have a high tea at Willowbank Hotel before returning home. Anyone who would like to join us on Tuesdays will be made very welcome. Anne and Mildred


NLK Walking Group As you read this, our 2018 Walking Season will have commenced. If we have been fortunate to have had good weather our first ‘weekend’ walk of the year will have taken place – around the beautiful grounds of Dumfries House, with an optional extension to Knockroon and back along the banks of the River Lugar – and our regular Wednesday evening walks around the grounds of Dean Castle Country Park starting on Wednesday 4th April. Our regular Wednesday evening walks will continue each week until the last Wednesday in August, meeting at 7pm at the entrance to the main car park at Dean Castle Country Park. We have routes to suit all ages and walking abilities. Everyone is welcome. This year our programme of weekend walks alternates between Saturdays and Sundays. Most are afternoon walks, and two all-day outings are on Saturdays. The usual starting time for our afternoon walks is 2pm at the meeting place, however, a couple of outings which are slightly further afield, have a 2.30pm meeting time. Our ‘Grand Day Out’ to Arran is scheduled for Saturday 23rd June (further details will be available closer to the date), and on Saturday 25th August, we plan to hold a family outing, with a picnic. More details will follow later. Our April weekend outing is planned to take place on Saturday 21st April. – to Loch Doon Dam and Ness Glen, near Dalmellington. There will be a choice of two walks available – an easy walk to Loch Doon Dam, or a slightly more difficult uphill walk through Ness Glen, which is sometimes muddy/slippery. The Meeting Place is the car park at Roundhouse Café at 2.30pm. Coffee and Comfort stop – The Roundhouse Café, Loch Doon Dam. If you have binoculars, bring them as there may be a chance to view the ospreys! If you require, or can offer transport, please speak to Ellen Stewart or Shirley Auld.


The May walk is on Sunday 13th May – around Whitelee Wind Farm. Meeting time 2.00pm outside the Visitor Centre. Car sharing is essential as parking space is limited. There are various walking routes around the area. Please note: the only toilets are in the Visitor Centre. If you require, or can offer transport, please speak to Derek I’Anson or Shirley Auld. We look forward to welcoming returning walkers, and if you haven’t walked with us before, come along. Bring friends, family ----and the dog! We enjoy friendly chat as we walk. We’d love you to come along! Date Weekly Wednesday evening Walks April and May SATURDAY 23RD JUNE

Details see main article for details see main article for details ‘GRAND DAY OUT’ TO ARRAN Whole Day Outing. Details TBA. CHATELHERAULT, HAMILTON.


Meeting Time – 2.30pm Outside Visitor Centre. FAMILY OUTING LARGS/GREATER CUMBRAE


(whole or part circuit of island) Picnic - Details TBA TROON


Meeting Place TBA Meeting Time 2.00pm NEW LANARK/FALLS OF CLYDE


Meeting Time 2.00pm in Car Park


Church Register Church Register

Funerals 1st February 2018 Mary Paterson 68 Bellevue Road Kilmarnock 9th February 2018 Joyce Cowan 22 Holmes Road Kilmarnock

Thine be the glory, risen, conquering Son; Endless is the victory, Thou o’er death hast won; Angels in bright raiment rolled the stone away, Kept the folded grave clothes where Thy body lay. Thine is the glory, risen conquering Son, Endless is the victory, Thou o’er death hast won. Lo! Jesus meets us, risen from the tomb; Lovingly He greets us, scatters fear and gloom; Let the church with gladness, hymns of triumph sing; For her Lord now liveth, death hath lost its sting. No more we doubt Thee, glorious Prince of life; Life is naught without Thee; aid us in our strife; Make us more than conquerors, through Thy deathless love: Bring us safe through Jordan to Thy home above.


Hospital Visiting Due to the inadequate provision of patient lists to ministers of the church, knowing who is in hospital is impossible to determine. This includes Crosshouse, Ayrshire Central and Ayr Hospitals. David has no way of knowing if our church members are in hospital unless he is told. Please use the Pew Card, telephone or email to inform him if you know of someone who is in hospital at any time. Your help in this matter will ensure we maintain effective pastoral contact with our members in time of need. David

01563 525416

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