NEW LAIGH KIRK Church of Scotland KILMARNOCK Scottish Charity No.:SC031334
“A caring welcoming church at the heart of Kilmarnock reaching out to all”
Minister: Rev. David S Cameron, 1 Holmes Farm Road, Kilmarnock (Tel.: 525416) Session Clerk: Mr Derek I’Anson Depute Clerk: Mrs Margaret Patterson Community and Families: Amy Hannah Community and Youth: Bethany McCaw 1
CHURCH CALENDAR SUNDAY 11.00 a.m. 11.00 a.m.
5.30 to 7.30 p.m. MONDAY 7.15 p.m. 8.00 p.m.
MORNING WORSHIP Crèche (0 to 3 years) Junior Kingz (age 3-primary 3) and Senior Kingz (primary 4-primary 7) Contact: Amy Hannah (07980 665432) TrekkersNG (12-15 years) Contact: Bethany McCaw (07827 816405) Fusion (12-15 years) Contact: Bethany McCaw (07827 816405) Guild (every second Monday) Contact: Elinor MacKillop (525223) Highlights Klub (1 Monday per month – see Syllabus) Contact: Mrs Angela Mitchell (534622) or Mrs Eileen Murphy (543488)
TUESDAY 10.15 to 11.15 a.m. Tots Praise (Babies - 4 year olds) Contact: Amy Hannah (07980 665432) 2.00 p.m. Music and Movement Contact: Miss Anne McVey (533975)/Mrs Mildred Mullen (528205) 7.00 p.m. Badminton Club Contact: Mr Alan I’Anson (07949 169051) 7.00 p.m. Congregational Board Meeting Contact: Mrs Elizabeth Young (540339) 7.30 p.m. Session Meeting (Dates as arranged) Contact: Mr Derek I’Anson (521445) WEDNESDAY 2.00 p.m. Friendship Group (downstairs second Wednesday of each month) Contact: Mrs Margaret Laird (525732) 6.00 to 7.00 p.m. Rainbows 6.30 to 8.00 p.m. Brownies Contact: Sheena Baillie (531440) 7.30 to 9.00 p.m. Guides Contact: Emma Johnstone (07853 240753) THURSDAY 2.00 p.m. Guild of Friendship (every second Thursday) Contact: Janette Howard (529005) 7.00 p.m. Vestry Contact: Rev. David S Cameron (525416)/Mr Derek I’Anson (521445) 7.30 p.m. Choir Contact: Mr Martin Sharp (524133) FRIDAY 6.00 to 7.30 p.m. Boys’ Brigade Anchor Boys (5 to 8 years) St. Andrew’s and St. Marnock’s Halls Contact: Mrs Michelle Taylor (529266) 7.00 to 9.00 p.m. Boys’ Brigade Junior Section (8+ to 11 years) St. Andrew’s and St. Marnock’s Halls Contact: Elaine Park (533464) 7.00 to 9.30 p.m. Boys’ Brigade Company Section (11+ to 18 years) New Laigh Kirk Hall Contact: Mr David McDonald (544037)
Safeguarding Co-ordinators: Andy King and Lilian Gillies Safeguarding Panel Members: John Dale, Bill Sherry and Ellen Stewart 2
New Laigh Kirk Manse Feb 2018 Hello everyone, As I write this magazine article we’re still at the beginning of a New Year, by the time it’s edited, published and delivered it may well be March!!! Nevertheless New Year is always a time when people think about and often experience change in their lives. At the close of the year we said farewell to Billy our Church Officer and Beadle who has retired after 44 years of unbroken faithful service. I take this opportunity to formally recognise Billy’s contribution to the Church serving as an Elder and Beadle of Grange Church prior to our union and Church Officer at New Laigh Kirk. He carried out his duties in our congregations with dignity and integrity and I very much appreciate the time and effort he gave. To each of us grace has been given according to the measure of Christ's gift. The gifts Christ gave were that some should be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some ministers and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for the building up of the body of Christ, until we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God. The Church is the people of God, and some people are given particular tasks. Billy’s was to look after the sacred space of God’s House, our Sanctuary, our buildings and surrounding gardens. In announcing his retirement members have commented to me of his kindness, and concern, as well as his willingness to take on the lowliest of tasks in looking after our church buildings. We will never forget how he restored the paths of our Kirkyard, for years grown over with grass and moss. No-one else would have patiently raked every square inch literally with bare hands, returning it to its natural gravel state. It is a privilege for our church to have among her members people who are ready and willing to assume whatever is asked of them in the service of our Lord and his church. So 3
we say thank you to Billy for all he has done over 44 years and wish Billy and Jennifer every blessing as they take time for each other, their family and friendships. There are many changes which face us in our lives and we thank God for the blessings of past years; for the service, for the fellowship, for the commitment of our members and adherents to New Laigh Kirk. As we continue to venture into a new year we seek God’s guidance to help us adjust to different situations we face, to grasp new opportunities given always remembering the needs of our church and to use time creatively. In the joy of our time and life together may we continue in God’s love and service… …as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity. Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts. And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. Col. 3:1-16 Amen to that. With prayerful good wishes and Blessings to you all
A Note from ‘the other David’!
By the time that this edition of the church magazine is printed, I will have completed more than half of my placement at NLK. This is quite hard to believe - and certainly gives some truth to the phrase ‘time flies when you’re having fun’. It did not take me long to feel at home at NLK and this is largely as a result of the very warm welcome that I have been given. Everyone has been so friendly and supportive – it is going to be quite sad to leave you all at the end of my placement. The current plan is that I will be with you until the beginning of June. My time at NLK has been very busy and I have gained such a good insight to the ‘real life’ of a minister – it is not just preaching on a Sunday!! It has been a pleasure working alongside Rev. David and I am so grateful for the opportunities that he has given me – his enthusiasm, professionalism, guidance, advice and support is proving to be invaluable to me. In addition to participation in Sunday worship, I have visited EACHa, Kingz Kidz, Trekkers NG, The Friendship Group, Imagine Praise Event, Silver Sunday, Coffee Morning and the Kirk Session/Board (I hope to visit all NLK groups before I leave!). I have also had the privilege of accompanying Rev. David at vestry hour, home communion visits, funeral visiting, a funeral, a pre-wedding meeting, a wedding and meetings of Presbytery – plus all of the Christmas services… and of course the street nativity! It is clear that NLK is a vibrant church with a great range of activities taking place throughout the week. There are so many people working hard, in so many different ways and this definitely reminds me of the story of ‘one body, many parts’ (1 Corinthians 12:12-31). The various
activities at NLK are only possible because people work together – there is always room for more helpers though!! Like most churches, the challenge for NLK is to engage further with those people who do not attend church, or church groups – especially children, teenagers and young families. If churches do not ‘reach outside their buildings’ and communicate the message, show the love of Jesus Christ, and in doing so encourage others to join us, many of our churches will be empty – even in the next 5-10 years! We should not be despondent however because there is ‘life’ at NLK – we just need to share it with others!!
God bless, David Hume Student Assistant
Update from Bethany McCaw Youth and Community Worker Hi there! I thought you might like to see a recent picture of Trekkers in their youth room. You may notice the slightly more mature person in the picture; Trekkers had a visit from David Hume, the student minister. He enjoyed spending the morning with us while we explored Jesus, crucifixion and resurrection, and the significance of that to our lives today. SU Camp We had a brilliant time last November when we went on a youth weekend away with SU Ayrshire. We spent the weekend at Lendrick Muir in Perthshire. It was full of fun, dancing, laughing, outdoor adventures, worship, Bible teaching and making new friends. The nine young people had an incredible time and are keen to do 7
it again. It was great in bringing the group together, having time to bond and make fun memories. It was also significant in growing their faith through the worship, teaching and discussions.
We ended last term with a trip to Braehead Soar where we ran around in the dark with light up vests playing LaserQuest. We also had fun running into each other in the dodgem cars. This new term is shaping up nicely! At the time of writing we’ve just had our first Trekkers session of the year where we examined our priorities and how our choices now influence our future. Our verse for the week is one I want to share with you; “This is my command – be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9. May you know the presence of God with you in this season, and always. Bethany.
Update from Amy Hannah Communities and Family Happy New Year to all! Last year, NLK’s Kingz Kidz had a very eventful few months that included a breakfast October Fun Club, the start of a children’s choir, Christmas parties, movie nights, decorating the halls and performing their Nativity on Christmas Eve. The children have been fantastic so far with their enthusiasm and their positive love for life that I have so enjoyed seeing in the church since I came to NLK. I have thoroughly enjoyed working with both the children and the Kingz Kidz team over the last few months and I can’t wait for all the great things we have in store for this year. Our Kingz Kidz plans, for the foreseeable future, include a Coffee Morning on February 3rd that will be in support of all the events and clubs that are run for the Kingz Kidz. We encourage you to come along and support or help in any way for our Sunday School. We will continue to encourage and challenge the children to explore their faith through stories, crafts, games and songs and we will do so through a programme called “Urban Saints, Energize”. This programme allows us, as leaders, to create age appropriate lesson plans that hope to teach the children to understand our Christian values and Bible teachings. Although we have an amazing Sunday School team, we are looking to expand our team of volunteers this year for the Kingz Kidz, so that we may create a more structured programme that allows all volunteers a chance to lead the Kingz Kidz or sit in services. We also will have a morning Easter Club this year, from April 4th to 6th, which will allow the children of our Kingz Kidz, as well as children from local schools and the local community, to come along to the church 10
halls and learn through a theme. Lessons will be taught from the Bible through stories, games, songs, crafts and much more! Clubs also give children the opportunity to make new friends and help to develop different skills through the activities they do. Family fun days for the children and families of NLK are in the process of being organised for days that will allow better weather…so hopefully the spring time will allow us a fun day out to perhaps the beach for some games and activities. Family camp for the summer is also being organised. This will allow the children and families of NLK to go out together for the weekend and enjoy activities, games, crafts, and more in a fun, outdoor Christian community camp. Music within NLK also has many plans for the upcoming year, including a community praise band, community choir, community orchestra and we hope to continue to develop the talents of the church’s choir and singers group too. Plans for these groups aim to be up and running within the first few months of this year, so if you are in any way musically inclined, or play an instrument or sing or would even like to help out and be part of the groups’ support network, then we encourage all to join in the fun of being part of a musical community. There are some great things planned for the next year for both NLK’s Kingz Kidz and the music of NLK and I look forward to be part of it all! Amy.
From the Treasurer. January is a busy month for those of us involved in the finances of the Church. The main tasks are: �� Auditing the books of the Church linked organisations. �� Preparing and finalising the accounts for the year ended 31 December 2017. �� Submitting the Gift Aid Income Tax Reclaim for the period from 6 April 2017 – 31 December 2017. �� Preparing the acknowledgement letters thanking members for their giving to the Church in 2017. �� Working out the Budget for 2018. The Budget for the Church is always a challenge just as it is for many of us at home when we have to decide if we can afford to go on holiday, change the car or replace a carpet. Sometimes there are things that we know we would like to do in the Church and can plan for, such as the work recently completed on the Church roof, stained glass windows and renewing the external lime wash. By planning we can sometimes get access to grants as we did with these works. Often things happen that are not planned for and we have to react quickly at home, for example, if the boiler or television needs replaced, the car breaks. The same applies to our Church properties. The collapse of the hall suspended ceiling was such an event and could not have been planned for. The Heritors Challenge Fund is a specific Fabric Fund to deal with the fabric of our Church and Halls. Our property is a bit like many of our members (and I include myself in this) quite elderly and it is difficult to know what hidden dangers are lurking! Recently we have spent a substantial amount of money to try to keep the property in good order and our equipment up to date.
As I write this in early January the total received to date for the Heritors Challenge Fund has passed twenty-five thousand pounds and a further five thousand pounds will be reclaimed in Gift Aid Tax Reclaim. Very many thanks to members who have already contributed. For those members who have still to contribute: �� Cheques. If you wish to pay by cheque then make your cheque payable to “New Laigh Kirk”, place in an envelope addressed to the Heritors Challenge Fund, and these can be given to Elders, placed in the offering plate or given to the Treasurer. �� Collecting boxes. If you are using the collecting boxes that were issued, these will be collected by Elders in March when they are visiting with Communion Cards. You can of course hand in the box now if you have completed the Challenge. Thank you for your support for New Laigh Kirk. Ken Stewart
Guild of Friendship After a very good first session with good speakers and quizzes ending with a lovely Festive afternoon tea at Silver Spoons Tearoom, we started our second session with an enjoyable musical afternoon with Richard Ross. We now look forward to the remainder of our syllabus: February 8th February 22ⁿd March 8th March 22ⁿd
Our speaker will be Barbara Graham “Laughter Lines” Ronnie Russell A speaker from Dumfries House AGM
Anyone wishing to join us will be made very welcome. Janette Howard 13
New Laigh Kirk Men’s Shed You may have heard of the movement Men’s Shed Association a community support body for Men’s Sheds across the UK. A group who work hard to inspire and support the development of as many Men’s Sheds as possible, for the benefit of men’s health and wellbeing. These are generally community-driven, member-led entities. David mentioned to the pastoral care group that he was increasingly aware of the number of men in our congregation who feel the loneliness of bereavement after a spouse has died and who live alone. Men recently retired too seldom venture into social activity because it’s just not for them. Yet these men still feel they have something to contribute to the community and the church, but no-one has asked them. Could we set something like this up at New Laigh Kirk? A place for men to gather and have a blether about the things men talk about over breakfast, coffee or tea or even lunch. Perhaps they could look at the small number of relatively easy maintenance jobs that could be tackled around our church, a coat of paint here or there, fix kids’ bikes, or pieces of furniture. New Laigh Men’s Shed could be the place where men can share experiences, knowledge and skills, and make friends with others who share interests and a common purpose. We could even subscribe to Sky Sports and watch all manner of sports together 14
in each other’s company, that reminds me we need wifi in the church too!!! I think there are huge benefits to be gained from regular social interactions, new and improved skills, and regular, active participation in activities men enjoy. The social and health benefits of Men’s Sheds in reducing isolation, loneliness and in empowering local communities are huge. If you’re interested and up for a challenge to kick this off, pass on your name to David or Derek and if you’re willing to help organise it because you know you can then even better.
We are a Fairtrade Kirk! Fairtrade Fortnight 2018 runs from Monday 26th February till Sunday 11th March. As a Fairtrade Congregation, New Laigh Kirk has made a commitment to using Fairtrade tea and coffee at coffee mornings and within its organisations. We will be taking part in Fairtrade Fortnight. Look out on NLK website, our Facebook page and in Orders of Service for details of how New Laigh Kirk will mark the event. As intimated in a recent issue of NLK magazine, New Laigh Kirk now has its own Fairtrade Group. The Group is looking for assistance to help us go forward as a Group, whether to be active on an event day, or to join in preparing an action plan for the year. If you’d like to be involved at any level, or have any suggestions to make, please speak to Charles Sim, Shirley Auld or Ellen Stewart. Charles Sim
Thank you to everyone who supported our recent fund-raising efforts, the Flag-week and coffee morning, which raised just over £1600. We have had 2 parades, the Dedication parade which was at the New Laigh Kirk and the Company represented East Ayrshire Battalion at the Cenotaph as well as providing a colour party at the New Laigh Kirk on Remembrance Sunday.
At the swimming gala Battalion activities have been the Swimming Gala at the outdoor pool at Cumnock, (luckily the sun shone!), skiing at Newmilns dry ski centre and going for a trip to “Flip-out” the trampoline centre in Glasgow. The Juniors have also been to the ten-pin bowling at the Garage, taken 16
part in the Christmas lights switch on and gone to watch Kilmarnock play at Rugby Park. In the National Competitions we entered all the events (Masterteam Quiz, Table Tennis, Chess, U14 and U18 5-a-side football and badminton) and we are currently still in the Table Tennis and U14 5-aside football, Our Masterteam quiz team have reached the Scottish Final which we will be hosting on Saturday 24th Feb at the Howard Centre.
Masterteam Team
EACH Each person matters Scottish Charity no: SC 036849
‘…and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?’ Micah 6:8
‘It was very kind of you to invite us to your annual Christmas Gift Appeal. We are able to distribute many gifts to the women, children and young people who use our services in time for Christmas. As always your generosity continues to amaze us and makes a real difference to the families we support’. The above are words of thanks from one of the groups who benefitted from this year’s gift appeal. Once again the response to the appeal was overwhelming. As well as the gifts from NLK members, members of another eleven churches brought gifts to be distributed. We also received gifts from individuals, and staff working in local organisations. All the gifts were delivered by staff of services such as East Ayrshire Council Social Work, Housing Options, Barnardos, Womens Aid and local nurseries. We were also delighted in the week before Christmas to receive donations of food, gifts and toiletries from students and parents of two local schools – Stewarton and Grange Academies. The pupils of both schools have shown great interest in our work with the homeless, and we intend to maintain contact with both these schools, and others if possible. If that wasn’t enough excitement, we were invited by the Kilmarnock Football Club Supporters’ Association to host a ‘Bring a Gift’ appeal at the 18
league match between Kilmarnock and Motherwell on 17th December. We were amazed at the generosity of both sets of supporters, with four cars needed to take away the donations! These gifts were all distributed to local families before Christmas by ourselves and Salvation Army. The surprises this Christmas didn’t end there. We had our usual party for Community Friends service users on 20th December. Asda Kilmarnock sponsored the party, allowing us to provide a catered buffet, as well as a jazz band, life-size decorations, gifts for everyone attending and a lovely winter backdrop. It was only when the store manager and local community champion arrived that we realised why the backdrop was in place. It was to provide a background for the presentation to EACHa from the Asda Foundation of a very substantial cheque. This was a complete surprise to us all, and will help us plan future activities with confidence, at all times mindful of the needs and circumstances of the many individuals we meet every week. Our Home from Home project at St John’s Church on Friday evenings has now been running for a year, and on 29th December a group of children, parents and volunteers attended the pantomime at the Palace Theatre – a very happy evening!
While December was filled with the events outlined above, we have been gratified by the kindness of individuals. Several members of the NLK congregation have donated money; many people regularly donate food and toiletries, often anonymously; the Anchor Boys and Junior Section of St John’s Church collected food and toiletries before Christmas. We are gratified by the goodwill and generosity of so many people. We could not begin to do our work without you, and we offer our heartfelt thanks.
If you would like to know more about EACHa’s work, please get in touch. We are also always glad to hear from anyone who would like to volunteer. There’s a job for everyone! Janice Grant mob 07581 722331 David Quinn mob 07779 237318
Prayer for the homeless God of the poor and the dispossessed As I walked home Something moved in a shop doorway Catching my eye. And suddenly I stopped For the something was a someone Stretched out on a cardboard mattress Sleeping bag pulled up tight Trying to keep warm. The sunken eyes The well lived-in face; This is someone’s child Someone’s brother, sister, friend. Is there any change in my pocket? Can I get you some tea? And then I walked on And walked away For like the priest and the Levite on the Jericho road I too am anxious of what it would mean to tarry longer. Yet the face stays with me And so does the hurt The hurt of not knowing what to do And feeling so inadequate. What has gone wrong in someone’s life That they have ended up sleeping rough? And what has gone wrong in society 21
That so many people are homeless Living in hostels and temporary accommodation Without a place to call home? Surely it doesn’t need to be like this. So hear our prayer for those Who following Christ’s way of costly love Refuse to walk past on the other side of human need. Who help those who are homeless to make a fresh start in life. ˧˦˦epriⁿted from ˧˥˦ife aⁿd ˧˧˥ork ˦˩aⁿuary ²⁰¹⁸
Badminton Club The badminton club are back in full swing after our Christmas break, seems so far away now. We are open to all adults any age (over 16) and fitness. We meet in lower hall on Tuesday nights 7.159.00pm. It's a good night and we have laugh. Any questions please feel free to contact me. Alan I'Anson
Fellowship of Kilmarnock Churches
Festival of Praise for Christian Aid Sunday 25th February @ 7 p.m. St Andrew’s & St Marnock’s Church
Join our praise with Kilmarnock Concert Brass New Laigh Kirk Singers Salvation Army Songsters Donations for Christian Aid
Prayer Group Many thanks to all those who contributed in any way to our Together We Pray event on November 25th. I hope that many members also looked at the prayer stations which were left in church over the Christmas period and joined in praying for renewal in our church locally, nationally and internationally. Although the prayer stations have now been dismantled, the Church of Scotland prayer initiative goes on, as does the need for prayer. You might like to keep this prayer, which is central to Together We Pray, in your thoughts over the next few months. God of our past, present and future, We seek direction for the life of our church and for ourselves and remember that all concerns and anxieties should be placed within your hand. Where we have heard your voice may we step into the future that appears with all the uncertainties and unknowns to be explored. Keep our eyes open to places of need and our ears open to the call to new ways of being your people. Amen. “New ways of being your people.” That suggests change – and we are not too sure about that, especially in the church. We like things the way they’ve aye been! However, we also know that in life change is inevitable, whether we like it or not. If we can accept change in a positive light, then who knows what might happen? We might even start to enjoy it! I think we have become a bit pessimistic about the 24
church and its future. We obsess about falling rolls and vacant charges and the situation can seem bleak. We forget that with God all things are possible. At prayer group in January we gave thanks for the talks that had taken place between North and South Korea – something which had seemed as improbable as the fall of the Berlin Wall in its time. When we pray believing, who knows what God will do! As we focus on the future, let’s remember that 2018 is also designated as the Year of Young People. Let us pray that we can make the church a welcoming place for them too where they are wanted and needed. If we can ensure that they have a place in the church of the present, then surely the future of the church will be strengthened. The Prayer Group continues to meet on the first Wednesday of the month, unless otherwise intimated, at 7pm in the church. Everyone is welcome but if you can’t join us in person, place your prayer requests in the box in church or via the church Facebook page. At this time, you might like to pray for: � David, Bethany and Amy in all the work they do amongst young people � All the teachers and leaders in our Sunday Schools and youth organisations � Craig, our new church officer � Anyone you know who is suffering for any reason – illness, family problems, bereavement � Areas of the world which have experienced natural disasters And as we long for brighter days and the first signs of Spring, let’s hope for new life in our church as well! Lesley Wright.
Arunima Hospice in Kolkata is run by the Church of North India and cares for people living with or affected by HIV and AIDS. It provides social and vocational rehabilitation. This hospice has been encouraged to strengthen care and to provide outreach services to commercial sex workers, home-based care and to ensure good quality of life for children. There are residential facilities for those requiring additional or palliative care. Living conditions in Kalighat in Kolkata are difficult. Arunima helps with giving money, food and medicine to vulnerable women. Arunima Hospice offers training programmes which include making jam and jelly, eco-friendly paper packets, pickles, crisps and tailoring. People in Arumina Hospice are treated with respect and are given the opportunity to rebuild their lives. Some people are given goats and chickens to raise. There is also a children's home where most of the children have HIV. Souper Sunday resources were used to raise people's awareness of the Church of Scotland HIV Programme. Soup lunches raised funds and allowed people to enjoy some fellowship. Copies of World Mission News are available at church.
Church Flowers First of all can I thank publicly all the folk who faithfully arrange and deliver the flowers so that, as well as giving us the enjoyment of flowers in the church on a Sunday morning, we are also able to spread the ministry of flowers to others who may be housebound, ill, bereaved or even celebrating an important birthday or anniversary. Thanks are also due to those who give donations of money to keep this vital link going. As well as the cost of the flowers each week there are all the things related to both the arranging and wrapping of the flowers to be bought and these donations are vital. Can I also make my usual plea for anyone who could help with arranging or delivery of the flowers? Some of us are getting a bit older now and speaking for myself I know that it takes me longer to do the arrangements so if anyone would be willing to help it would be much appreciated. We try, where possible, to mark birthdays from 90 years and special anniversaries from 50 years and the only way we learn of these is by word of mouth, so if you know of anyone in these categories please let me or Janice Grant know the details and we will do our best to mark the occasion. Thank you Sheena Macpherson[tel. 524660]
New Laigh Kirk Walking Group Spring is coming, with longer days and warmer weather (we hope). As Spring approaches, it is time to start thinking about New Laigh Kirk Walking Group’s programme for this year. As in previous years, NLK Walking Group will open its walking programme with a return visit to Dumfries House. This is planned for Palm Sunday, 25th March (weather permitting) the day the clocks go forward!) Meet at 2.00pm outside the Visitor Centre. There will be different walking options, depending on numbers attending , level of walking intensity and duration wished. The first option is a walk of just under two hours in total (plus coffee stop time). It follows the path between the two ponds, takes a slightly uphill route to the exit of the estate, and continues through the village of Auchinleck to Knockroon (where there will be a coffee and cake stop at the lovely café there). Return is via two flights of steps and follows the river back to Dumfries House. The second option will be a easier circular walk of around an hour around the grounds of Dumfries House – following the same route until just before the estate exit, when walkers will turn left and follow the path returning downhill via the Daffodil Walk (which is beautiful when the daffodils are in flower), continuing through the old gatehouse to the Duchess of Rothesay Walk and the Walled Garden, crossing the river via the Chinese Bridge and back. If there are sufficient numbers interested, a third, easiest option, will be a walk to and around the Arboretum and Walled Garden, lasting around forty minutes. For the second and third walking options, it is hoped to have a coffee and cake stop at the Café in Dumfries House grounds before returning home. Sometimes this is very busy however, and we have to select an alternative venue. Along the way, there are plenty of seats for individuals who might wish to stop and rest, or admire the views.
Everyone of any age and walking ability is welcome. Bring the children. The route is pushchair friendly. As the weather can be changeable, wear sturdy shoes and appropriate clothing. Dogs are welcome too, but must be kept on a leash. If you are interested in coming along, but require (or can offer), transport, please contact Shirley Auld or Ellen Stewart. Our Wednesday evening walks around the grounds of Dean Castle Country Park will resume on the Wednesday after Easter – Wednesday 4th April. Meeting at 7.00pm in the car park at the main entrance. The Park has reopened after extensive works and there are new walking routes to explore. We walk at a moderate pace, chatting as we walk, and vary our routes. Everyone is welcome. Bring your friends. Details of additional walks on Saturdays, Sunday afternoons – and possibly occasional weekday afternoons or evenings will be finalised soon. Watch out for these in Orders of Service. NLK website and the church Facebook page.
Food Safety Certification A few years ago a group of people representing various organisations within the congregation took part in a course which led to Elementary Food Hygiene Certification. If you were one of these individuals, I would be most grateful if you would please contact me with the expiry date of your certificate in order that we may update our records. Ellen Stewart Food Safety Co-ordinator.
Church Register Marriage 30th December 2017 Scott Benzie to Lauren Mitchell 2 Talisker Avenue Kilmarnock Funerals 31st October 2017
Jessie Clark (M) 5 Springhill Gardens, Kilmarnock
13th November 2017 John Cowan 22 Holmes Road, Kilmarnock 23rd November 2017 Helen Campbell (M) 9 Bunting Place, Kilmarnock 29th November 2017 Elizabeth Shaw 1 Langlands Court, Kilmarnock 6th December 2017
Sheila Johnston 14 Arran View, Kilmarnock
7th December 2017 Mary Schofield (M) Hallhouse Nursing Home, Fenwick 12th December 2017 Hannah Murray (M) 5 Loanhead Street, Kilmarnock 19th December 2017 Jean Cargill Argyll Nursing Home, Kilmarnock 22â żd December 2017 Nan Wilson (M) 1 Wards Place, Kilmarnock 5th January 2018
Nan Henderson Argyll House Nursing Home, Kilmarnock
Blest be the everlasting God the Father of our Lord! Be his abounding mercy praised, his majesty adored! When from the dead he raised his Son, and called him to the sky, he gave our souls a lively hope that they should never die. There's an inheritance divine reserved against that day; 'tis uncorrupted, undefiled, and cannot fade away. Saints by the power of God are kept, till the salvation come: we walk by faith as strangers here, till Christ shall call us home. Amen
Hospital Visiting Due to the inadequate provision of patient lists to ministers of the church, knowing who is in hospital is impossible to determine. This includes Crosshouse, Ayrshire Central and Ayr Hospitals. David has no way of knowing if our church members are in hospital unless he is told. Please use the Pew Card, telephone or email to inform him if you know of someone who is in hospital at any time. Your help in this matter will ensure we maintain effective pastoral contact with our members in time of need. David
01563 525416
To see the magazine in colour go to 32