Nlk mag sept 17 final

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NEW LAIGH KIRK Church of Scotland KILMARNOCK Scottish Charity No.:SC031334


“A caring welcoming church at the heart of Kilmarnock reaching out to all”

Minister: Rev. David S Cameron, 1 Holmes Farm Road, Kilmarnock (Tel.: 525416) Session Clerk: Mr Derek I’Anson Depute Clerk: Mrs Margaret Patterson Community and Families: Amy Hannah Community and Youth: Bethany McCaw 1

CHURCH CALENDAR SUNDAY 11.00 a.m. 11.00 a.m.

5.30 to 7.30 p.m. MONDAY 7.15 p.m.

MORNING WORSHIP Crèche (0 to 3 years) Junior Kingz (age 3-primary 3) and Senior Kingz (primary 4-primary 7) TrekkersNG (12-15 years) Contact: Bethany McCaw (07827 816405) Fusion (12-15 years) Contact: Bethany McCaw (07827 816405) Guild (every second Monday) Contact: Elinor MacKillop (525233) Highlights Klub (1 Monday per month – see Syllabus) Contact: Mrs Angela Mitchell (534622) or Mrs Eileen Murphy (543488)

8.00 p.m.

TUESDAY 10.15 to 11.15 a.m. Tots Praise (Babies - 4 year olds) 2.00 p.m.

Music and Movement Contact: Miss Anne McVey (533975)/Mrs Mildred Mullen (528205) Badminton Club Contact: Mr Alan I’Anson (07949 169051) Congregational Board Meeting Contact: Mrs Elizabeth Young, Tel: 540339. Session Meeting (Dates as arranged) Contact: Mr Derek I’Anson (521445)

7.00 p.m. 7.00 p.m. 7.30 p.m. WEDNESDAY 2.00 p.m. 6.00 to 7.00 p.m. 6.30 to 8.00 p.m. 7.30 to 9.00 p.m. THURSDAY 2.00 p.m. 7.00 p.m. 7.30 p.m. FRIDAY 6.00 to 7.30 p.m.

7.00 to 9.00 p.m.

7.00 to 9.30 p.m.

Friendship Group (downstairs second Wednesday of each month) Contact: Mrs Margaret Laird (525732) Rainbows Brownies Contact:Sheena Baillie (531440) Guides Contact: Emma Johnstone (07853 240753) Guild of Friendship (every second Thursday) Contact: Janette Howard (529005) Vestry Contact: Rev. David S Cameron (525416) / Mr Derek I’Anson (521445) Choir Contact: Mr Martin Sharp (524133) Boys’ Brigade Anchor Boys (5 to 8 years) St. Andrew’s and St. Marnock’s Halls Contact: Mrs Michelle Taylor (529266) Boys’ Brigade Junior Section (8+ to 11 years) St. Andrew’s and St. Marnock’s Halls Contact: Elaine Park (533464) Boys’ Brigade Company Section (11+ to 18 years) New Laigh Kirk Hall Contact: Mr David McDonald (544037)

Safeguarding Co-ordinators: Andy King and Lilian Gillies Safeguarding Panel Members: John Dale, Bill Sherry and Ellen Stewart 2

New Laigh Kirk Manse Sept 2017 Hello everyone, I hope you have had a good summer in spite of the weather, something of good cheer to look back on as the days become shorter and winter days creep in. September begins another round of our regular activities in the church and we embark on a Season of Invitation this Autumn. Our 820/100 Heritors Challenge 820/100 is well underway and we look forward to your generosity. As a new season opens up before us I wish God’s Blessing and encouragement upon all who undertake important roles of leadership and all who willingly participate to make our Kirk a welcome place for all, to the glory of God. Everyone needs a little encouragement at some time especially as we embark on a time of change. What has been familiar takes on a new look or different format. It can make us feel uncomfortable. We must encourage and build each other up. Some of us will need encouragement every day, some of us will need it only some weeks or months, but it is certain that we will all need it at some time. Encouragement and building up should colour every interaction we have. But, all too often, encouragement takes the form of faint and empty praise, praise that is a mile wide and an inch deep - Good job. Nice work. Great Stuff! Go team! Is that enough? I don’t think so. The word encourage in the Bible is a funny one. The word is also translated as comfort, urge, beseech and exhort. Comfort as encouragement, and Exhortation as encouragement have quite different meanings – and if we lose some of the range of this meaning, we might not grasp what encouraging one another can fully mean at New Laigh. We want to invite and welcome this entire range of meaning into our church. We most certainly want to comfort one another. But we also want to be open to and be able to hear God’s voice even when it might lead to encouraging one another to refrain from doing something, even when it might lead to speaking a corrective word into one another’s life. I love the children’s action song


Every word you say, (wo-oh) Every game you play, (wo-oh) Every silly face, (wo-oh) Every single place, (wo-oh) You can build up, [spoken] 1, 2, 3, 4, 5! Or you can tear down.

Build up one another, Build up your sisters and brothers, Build up one another, Build up, In addition to encouraging one another, in all the senses of that word, Paul tells us to “build each other up.” We are called to better, to build each other up and encourage one another in spiritual growth and toward one another’s callings, in whatever way that presents itself in our lives. And, of course, to be able to do this, we have to be walking alongside each other closely enough to know what one another’s calling is….or is not. I firmly believe that every one of us is gifted and every one of us is called and that by the Holy Spirit, all of us together are being shaped and moulded and formed into the body of Christ, a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to the glory of God. The kingdom is being established and we each have a role to play, we exclude no-one. So don't isolate yourself from your church, and don't do life alone. Come and be encouraged by one another at New Laigh. Don’t put it off. We're made for one another. As all our activities and organisations begin again remember it is from the foundation of regular worship and our gathering together in this mutual encouragement and building up that we can really be with and for each other, as the body of Christ. With every blessing and prayerful good wish to you all.


Barbara Urquhart DCS retires New Laigh Kirk Kilmarnock formally said farewell to Barbara our much loved Pastoral Assistant who retired on 25th June 2017. Barbara’s role has been of pastoral nature and it is a unique gift that she shared with all people she connected with. While she was with us for 11 she brought 30 years of experience to the role. Barbara joined Laigh West High in 2006 setting up the Pastoral care group caring for over 150 housebound members at home and 11 nursing homes. She provided listening and bereavement training and established regular worship in the Dean, Argyll and Grange nursing homes. She organised social events Ready Steady Cook and Strictly Come Dancing enhancing the Golden Age Project. The mystery drives with afternoon tea at some of the best hotels in Ayrshire as well as Hansel Village became a firm favourite, Christmas tea after the pantomime too and singing Christmas Carols among our good friends. Silver Sunday enabled our housebound to attend an afternoon of worship, singing old favourites and hearing God’s word in Barbara’s own inimitable style. Barbara’s wisdom and advice from over 30 years’ service to Christ and his church has been a huge benefit to us all. In fact Barbara is just the best, an inspiration to us all. In her Diaconate ministry Barbara has borne both the name of Jesus and also his spirit. Living out his love toward all people is something she has exampled in her life and ministry as a Deaconess of the church. New Laigh Kirk is extremely grateful, the Church of Scotland is eternally grateful. And to John and Eilidh and John who have supported Barbara throughout her illustrious career we also pay tribute for letting us all share Barbara in some way. We congratulate Barbara on her retirement, to find rest and recreation and refreshment in John, Eilidh and John’s love and care and in Christ Jesus may she have a long, happy and healthy retirement.


A Message from Barbara Urquhart Dear Friends, I hardly know where to begin to thank you all for your many gifts, cards, flowers and good wishes on the occasion of my retirement. I was completely overwhelmed by your generosity, love and kindness. Thank you seems inadequate but I can assure you it is a deep and heartfelt thanks. The colour indicator which you gave me is proving very successful and allows me to check out the colour of everything for myself. It’s a very ingenious little piece of technology and so easy to use.

I enjoyed very much being part of the Ministry Team at New Laigh Kirk and have very many fond memories of my time with you. It has been my privilege to share with many of you in times of deep sadness and great rejoicing and the place between these two. As the years have rolled on I am now in a happy position to call many of you my dear friends.

With renewed thanks and wishing you all God's richest blessing, Barbara Urquhart


Update from Bethany McCaw Youth and Community Worker

NLK Summer Club As I write this we’ve just finished a busy, fun, tiring but incredible Summer Club week. 64 children registered over the week and came daily to take part in singing songs to Jesus, hearing Bible stories, learning memory verses, playing games and making crafts. We heard about the life of Peter, a fisherman who became a close friend of Jesus. Our theme was the seaside and the hall was decorated complete with a little fishing boat, deck chairs and a fabric ‘sea’. Each day one of the leaders was gunged – much to the children’s delight. On the Sunday morning, there was surprise and hilarity as David Cameron stepped up to be gunged in front of the church. A talking monkey named Jeremy came on the last day to help tell the story and Forum café ice cream was enjoyed by both young and old. We had an absolutely brilliant team of 36 people who brought so much energy and enthusiasm to make it a great week for the children.


Many of our young people were part of the team for the week, and stayed after kids club each evening to spend time together and have dinner together - thanks to some lovely ladies who cooked tasty meals for us. At 6:30 pm each evening the rest of the troops arrived for our youth activities. Monday night saw 19 young people and 4 adults take over most of the Garage for Ten Pin bowling. On Tuesday there was much hilarity playing games which included throwing shoes at a plastic bottle to knock it over before your partner could. Wednesday became a movie night after we were rained out of the park. And Thursday was a highlight with a Challenge night. The young people ate chocolate out of a nappy, were spoon fed baby food by a partner and had their faces covered in shaving cream while the others threw Cheese Puffs at their face in an attempt to make them stick!


Each evening the young people also listened intently to a faith story from one of the leaders who shared the difference that Jesus has made in their lives. It was a wonderful week enjoyed by both the children and the team involved. Summer Youth trips This summer, our young people teamed up with Central Evangelical youth group who accompanied us on some fun day trips. We spent an amazing day at Blair Drummond Safari Park. We arrived and jumped straight onto a boat that took us to see the monkeys who live on an island. Some team work was required while trying to steer the pedal boats. Some of the highlights were the sea

lion show, taking a ride on the flying fox and getting a wonderfully hot and sunny day in Scotland! We also enjoyed a day swimming at The Time Capsule, an indoor water park in Coatbridge. Some fears were conquered riding the flumes and we ended it with a trip to McDonalds. It's been great for the young people to invite some of their friends to join our group. Autumn term This term is shaping up well, I continue to build relationships with staff in Ayrshire College and have plans for some college-wide Chaplaincy events this term. Grange Academy continue to welcome me and I'm looking forward to restarting the Salt and Light lunch group.


At Trekkers this term we will focus on the life of Jesus from the prophets foretelling his birth, life, death and resurrection. We welcome Ewan Rennie and Callum Hart to Trekkers this year who we've enjoyed having as part in our trips and youth activities already this summer. Thanks as always for your support, Bethany

Bethany McCaw Youth and Community Worker New Laigh Kirk

Robert Wright Many thanks to all those who expressed their sympathy to me after the recent death of my dear husband, Robert, through visits, phone calls, cards and letters. It meant a great deal to me and to my sons, David and Alan, and the whole family, to know how well-thought-of Robert was and how much he will be missed. We were heartened by all the thoughts and prayers. It was also a great comfort to see how many people attended his funeral services at which generous donations were made and the sum of £1074 has been sent to Save the Children in Robert’s memory. Lesley Wright


A Trip to the Holy Land A group organised by the World Mission Council travelled to Israel and Palestine. When staying in Tiberias, they were able to watch the sun rising over the Golan Heights and the Sea of Galilee. On a visit to Bethlehem they watched Palestinians at the Separation Wall at Checkpoint 300 hurrying to get to work in Israel. They are forced to queue in a long metal and concrete corridor for up to three hours. In Capernaum excavations have revealed the remains of the ancient synagogue where Jesus preached which was close to Peter's house where Jesus was a frequent visitor. St Peter's Church on the shore of the lake at the site where Jesus shared breakfast with his disciples provided a quiet spot for meditation before making a trip on the lake in one of the many "Jesus boats". The group then travelled south along the Jordan Valley through a landscape changing from fertile fields to arid desert. They visited a baptismal site on the River Jordan as well as the ancient city of Jericho. They then had the opportunity to float in the salty waters of the Dead Sea and to visit Jerusalem where there was the opportunity to meet with representatives of organisations who are partners of the Church of Scotland. In East Jerusalem which has been annexed by Israel they witnessed affluent Israeli settlements and impoverished Palestinian communities. The trip through Israel and occupied Palestinian territory lasted for ten fascinating days with amazing sites and remarkable people. Copies of World Mission News are available every two months in church.


EACH Each person matters Scottish Charity no: SC 036849

If you spend yourselves on behalf of the hungry And satisfy the needs of the oppressed Then your light will rise in the darkness And your night will become like noonday Isaiah 58:10

While most other church activities took a break over the summer, EACHa has continued to provide valuable assistance to many of those in most need in our community. The church now kindly allows us to run our drop-in in the John Finnie Street halls on three afternoons a week, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. These afternoons are very much appreciated by all who attend, whether for something to eat, some advice on health, housing or debt, someone to listen to their concerns, or simply to chat with friends over a coffee and sandwich. From time to time we go out of the hall, and we will do this more often in the future. In July a group of 27 volunteers and Friends attended the Kilmarnock v Clyde league cup match, and we all had a happy evening together in the summer sunshine. A photo is attached, and by the way, Kilmarnock won! Our Home from Home project at St John’s Church has been running since January, providing a hot meal and social activities for families, in particular those living in the North West of Kilmarnock. Over the 12

summer this has proved very popular, with numbers steadily increasing. We aim to make these evenings that families will look forward to at the end of the school week, offering good food, fun, and the opportunity to meet new friends. We would be delighted to hear from anyone who would like to join us on Friday evenings, from 4 till 6pm, on one evening per month, on a rota basis. If you are interested in helping prepare and serve the food, or help with crafts and games for the children, please get in touch.

We are grateful for the support of New Laigh Kirk members. Your donations of cash, toiletries, food and household goods are very much appreciated, and everything is used for the benefit of local people. We could not manage without you. Janice Grant mob 07581 722331 David Quinn mob 07779 237318


The Kirk Session and Congregational Board are hosting a MacMillan Coffee Morning Saturday 30th September Tickets, suggested donation ÂŁ2, on sale at church or at the door 10 am - 12 noon All welcome. A chance to catch up with friends and enjoy lovely home baking and a chance to win great prizes. All in a very worthy cause.


Amy Hannah - Community and Family Worker We are pleased to welcome Amy Hannah our new Community and Family worker to New Laigh Kirk. Amy comes from Cambuslang and is now living in Kilmarnock. Having graduated in Music from Glasgow University and trained in Violin and Voice, Amy decided to pursue a career in the field of composition. However, working with youth teams and families became too much of a joy to leave behind and began a career in Youth Ministry. She has been a youth leader at her home church in Cambuslang and her recent employment as Youth and Family worker was with Sherbrooke St Gilbert’s Church Pollockshields, developing faith and relationships between the church, young people and the community. As well as involvement with Mothers and Toddlers, Holiday Clubs, Youth Clubs and Messy Church and working with local primary and secondary schools, Amy has experience of the Camp America Programme, working as a counsellor and musician with children and young adults. Amy took up her post on 15th August 2017 in time for the new session beginning, already enjoying the warm welcome and support of our Kirk Session, organisations and members of New Laigh Kirk.


New Laigh Kirk Guild We are now in the third and final year of ‘Be bold, be strong’, and the theme for the 20172018 Session of the Guild is ‘Go in Love.’ A very interesting programme has been arranged for the coming year, and there will be something to suit everyone. Our new session begins on Monday 18th September when Rev David Cameron will lead us in Communion. On 2ⁿd October Stuart Wilson will tell us about his trip to Australia, followed on 16th October by the first of our Guild projects for the year, ‘Caring for Mother Earth in Bolivia.’ All our meetings take place in the Lower Hall, John Finnie Street, and begin at 7.15pm. Remember we are the Church of Scotland Guild, and that everyone is welcome to our meetings, men as well as women. We guarantee a warm welcome, among friends, and look forward to meeting many of you on 18th September. Anne Scullion

Thank You Following my recent accident and subsequent operation in Dublin recently, I would like to thank everyone for their cards, gifts and good wishes. To know that other people are thinking of me, helps with the recovery process. I am feeling much better and making steady progress and hope to be out and about among my church family and friends very soon. With sincere and grateful thanks for all the good wishes. Anne Kidd 16

N.L.K. MEMBER CELEBRATES 100th BIRTHDAY! On 17 July, 2017, Mrs. Lena Douglas, a member of New Laigh Kirk, celebrated her 100th birthday at Lizdean Nursing Home, Kilmarnock, with family, friends, and Lizdean staff. Attending the happy celebrations were Deputy Lord Lieutenant of Ayrshire and Arran, Mr. William Stafford, who delivered a special card from H.M. the Queen, East Ayrshire Council Depute Provost, Claire Leitch and Mr. Derrick MacAllister, New Laigh Kirk, who respectively presented flowers and cards from the Council and New Laigh Kirk Congregation. Throughout the past 10 years, Mrs. Douglas, a widow, lived with her daughter and son-in-law in Prestwick, and her N.L.K. connection was maintained with regular pastoral visits. Recently she became resident at Lizdean Nursing Home. Lena, born in Nelson Street, Kilmarnock, was one of 13 children, her father who was a shoemaker by trade at premises in the Sandbed area, eventually became a coal miner. Her only remaining sibling is an 87 year old sister in New Zealand. Lena had 2 children, the daughter in Prestwick and a now deceased son. Longevity is not unusual in the family, in that Lena’s mother (Mary Nicol) who lived in Dean Street, Kilmarnock, and was a member of the then Laigh Kirk, died in 1995, at age 102. Mrs Douglas’s family, friends, the visitors and the Lizdean staff made this a very happy and special day for Lena, who remarkably joined in some of the singing at the little party. Derrick MacAllister 17

Friendship Group Pantomime And Afternoon Tea

Another spectacular show this festive season with the exciting rags to riches tale of Dick Whittington! Meet our hero Dick Whittington and his feline friend, who set off from Kilmarnock to seek their fortune in London. Featuring all the classic elements you’d expect from the Palace panto, including spectacular sets and costumes, amazing special effects, fabulous songs, dances and bags of slapstick fun, it would be a “CAT-astrophy” to miss it! . This trip is open to anyone from the church who is aged 60 or over. If you wish to do so, you may bring a friend. The date of this year’s show will be Saturday 2ⁿd December at 1pm. The cost is £12 for members and £14 non-members. There will be a supper in the halls after the panto for church members only. If you would like to attend the panto please complete the slip on the following page.


Completed slips should be returned as soon as possible to M a r g a r e t Paterson at the address below with appropriate payment or the completed slip with payment may be placed in the offering plate on a Sunday in an envelope addressed to Margaret Paterson, and marked ‘Friendship Group Pantomime’. Mrs Margaret Paterson, 28 Colonsay Place, Wardneuk, Kilmarnock KA3 2JU Tel: 01563 551288 —-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Friendship Group Pantomime Trip 2017 NAME ______________________________________

ADDRESS ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ TELEPHONE NUMBER:


Number for

Panto Only


Number for _____

Panto and Afternoon Tea

Total number of members tickets @ £12 each


Total number of non-members tickets @ £14 each


Total sum enclosed in payment: 19



Highlights Klub Syllabus 2017-18 Monday Monday 25th September – After Dinner Fun and Games An evening of traditional after dinner games and nibbles with a glass of wine to welcome you back for the new session. Cost £4 Monday 23rd October – Many Thanks, Mauchline Gift shop, tearoom and art gallery – early Christmas shopping with tea, coffee, hot chocolate or soft drink and scone, tray bake or cake. Bus will leave hall around 6.35pm. Cost £12 Names and full payment by September evening or just after if possible please. Monday 20th November – Arty Crafty Fun Talk and demonstration by Newmilns based artist Maggie Henry then a hands-on opportunity to explore your own creativity in a choice of different ways. Informal and fun evening – no experience necessary! Cost £5 Monday 18th December – Festive Dinner at Café da Vinci Christmas meal at Café da Vinci – proposed either 2 or 3 course set menu and a glass of Prosecco. Details and cost to be confirmed. (Payment on November night please.) Cost £TBC Monday 29th January – Keep Fit and Dance Heather will once again put us through our paces, with a dance themed workout. Our usual attempt at fitness after Christmas, and as always, should be great fun! Cost £3 Monday 26th February – Charity Auction By popular demand, we will once again have a 20p auction in aid of Breast Foot Forward. Please bring any unwanted Christmas gifts in January in preparation for this evening. Cost £3 Monday 26th March – Body Shop Party with Sharon Maxwell


Product demos from make-up to skin care, hand massages, games with prizes and exclusive discount shopping. Cost £3 Monday 23rd April – Charity Quiz Night in aid of Breast Foot Forward Our annual evening of fun and fund-raising. Please bring as many friends as possible to support this great cause. Teams of 6 – 8. Prizes, refreshments and raffle. (As with last year, we have had to add £1 to go towards the cost of refreshments, as recent price rises have eaten into our funds. £5 of the admission cost and all raffle money go to Breast Foot Forward as usual though, so please give generously!) Cost £6 Saturday 19th May – Day out to Lime Tree Larder, Kilbirnie then Seamill Hydro Tour of Lime Tree Larder, learning all about chocolate, trying different kinds from various parts of the world and sampling their award winning dairy ice cream. Tea and coffee served with handmade chocolates. On to Seamill Hydro for afternoon tea. (Please note Prosecco not included in cost of afternoon tea but could be purchased separately). Price includes tips. Bus leaves halls at around 10 a.m. (TBC) and we should be back between 4 and 4.30 p.m. Approx. Cost – £27 if 25 attend, £25 if 30 attend – max. no. is 30) Names and full payment by March evening please. Angela, Janis, Laura and I look forward to seeing existing and new members at any of our evenings. If you have not been before, please do come along, either on your own or with a friend – you will receive a very warm welcome. Unless otherwise stated, we meet at 8 p.m. in the Upper Hall. For further information, please contact Eileen on 543488 or Angela on 534622. Eileen 21

Guild of Friendship For our trip to Aberfoyle and Callander in May we were blessed with perfect weather and the scenery was wonderful. We had a lovely high tea at Radstone Hotel to finish what had been a very good day enjoyed by everyone.

October November November November December

19th 2â żd 16th 30th 7th

Syllabus for first session October 5th Rev. David Cameron Musical Afternoon Bingo Hums and Hummel’s Dean Country Park Ranger Christmas Party

We meet every second Thursday at 2pm in lower hall and we look forward to seeing everyone. Any new members wishing to join us will be made very welcome. Janette Howard Music and Movement We hope all our members have had a good summer break and are looking forward to our Autumn / Winter session. This starts on Tuesday 19th September in the Lower Hall, John Finnie Street at 2 p.m. when we look forward to seeing you all again. Any ladies who are looking for some light exercise with a welcome cup of tea at the end would be very welcome. Mildred and Anne. 22

Prayer Group I wonder if you were as struck as I was when Rev Stuart Birse, who was taking our services during the summer, urged us to pray for more brass neck! It seems rather inappropriate for douce church-goers but he was speaking about the much-mentioned plight of the church and its falling membership. We tend to feel rather helpless and pessimistic about the future of our beloved Church of Scotland but Mr Birse suggested that each one of us could play our part by following the instructions of the children’s song, “Be bold, be strong, for the Lord your God is with you!” He pointed out that the disciples were not highly educated men, trained in public speaking, but just ordinary folk who spoke about what they had seen and heard in their relationship with Jesus. If we do the same, speaking to others about what our church and our faith mean to us, then we, like the first disciples, might change the world, one word at a time. The prayer group continues to meet on the first Wednesday of the month at 7pm in the church and all are welcome. If you cannot attend in person, please leave your prayer requests in the box in church or send a message via the church Facebook page. At this time, let us all pray for • A spirit of renewal of the Christian faith in our land • The Church of Scotland, the Moderator, Derek Browning and all ministers, deacons and readers • Our church here, New Laigh Kirk, our minister David, the Session, • Board and congregation – that we may all work together to be welcoming and caring, at the heart of our town • The Christian church throughout the world, especially where members face persecution • Loving tolerance by Christians of those of other faiths and none And let us pray that God will polish our brass necks till they shine out to brighten the world around us! 23

Lesley Wright

Badminton Club The badminton club has returned after our well deserved summer break. It is a great night, we enjoy playing games and having a laugh. We have fun and friendly members of all ages and abilities. We are on in the lower hall Tuesday nights 7.15 p.m. - 9.00 p.m.. Alan I'Anson 07949169051

Thank You Pat and Bill Turner would like to thank all their friends in the congregation for their gifts, cards and good wishes on the occasion of their Diamond Wedding on 3rd August 2017.


New Laigh Kirk Walking Group Since the June issue of the Magazine, New Laigh Kirk have enjoyed three more weekend walks – to Arran in June - where walkers had a choice of three walking routes; to Goatfell, Glen Rosa or the Fisherman’s Trail. On a beautiful sunny Saturday we caught a morning ferry from Ardrossan, and had a wonderful day out, culminating in a meal out in Brodick before catching the ferry back to Ardrossan. We had had to postpone the previous week due to bad weather and ferry problems. Our next weekend walk was closer to home – a Sunday afternoon stroll from the Robert Burns Birthplace Centre, through Alloway to Seafield, and back via Doonfoot. In mid-July another Sunday afternoon walk left from a car park outside Seamill, and continued along the coastal path in the direction of Portencross. One group adjourned to Seamill Hydro for a coffee, whilst a few stalwarts continued further along the path before retracing their steps. The August weekend walk - on Saturday 12th August - to Chatelherault Country Park in Hamilton, which has several walking trails will have taken place by the date the magazine is printed. A Family Treasure Trail around Kilmarnock Town Centre, in conjunction with East Ayrshire Fairtrade Group, is scheduled to take place on the afternoon of Sunday 27th August. The September weekend walk will take place on Saturday 9th September, time of departure to be confirmed. It is hoped that it will be possible to offer a choice of two walking routes – Euchan Glen, Sanquhar and for more able walkers, a longer more arduous route from Muirkirk to Sanquhar (or vice versa). More details of this walk will follow on the church Facebook page and in Orders of Service. It is hoped to have a weekend walk in October, but 25

details have still to be confirmed. This will probably be the last weekend walk until mid-March as the clocks change at the end of October and weather also becomes less settled. We try to rotate the weekend walks – Saturdays one month and Sunday afternoon the next. We also try to ensure that there is a ‘comfort stop’ and somewhere to enjoy a ‘cuppa’ and chat. Over the summer, our weekly walks on a Wednesday evening have continued. We have welcomed several new walkers this year. There has been a bit of disruption due to the extensive works being undertaken in the country park resulting in many routes being closed, but we have still found a few routes open and enjoyed our short strolls. Our Wednesday evening walks end on the first Wednesday evening in September as it becomes too dark to walk safely around the country park. They will resume on the first Wednesday in April 2018 (4th April). Easter Sunday is 1st April 2018. Hopefully the new routes around the country park, and the two new bridges will be completed by then, and we’ll have new walks to explore.


Church Register Funerals 19th June 2017

Ann Tannock (M), 49 Garrier Place Kilmarnock

29th June 2017

John Higgins, 47 Garrier Place Kilmarnock

5th July 2017 5th July 2017

Maimie Richardson (M), 3 Mount Avenue Kilmarnock Helen Campbell, Lizdean Nursing Home Kilmarnock

25th July 2017

Robert Wright (M), 4 Kay Park Terrace Kilmarnock

26th July 2017

Robert Rae , 22 Gibson Street Kilmarnock

9th August 2017

Audrey Loudon, 126b Bonnyton Road Kilmarnock

10th August 2017 Bobby Duncan (M), 11 Barclay Drive Kilmarnock

Saying Goodbye As this day of sorrow comes, tears in our eyes, loneliness in our hearts, we say goodbye. Thank You for sharing your life with us, without you, we will not know the love of God for us. For you are a blessing in our eyes. We thank the Lord for sharing you with us. He has given us a great gift that we will never forget. Even as the sun sets and the rain falls down. God is indeed amazing, for knowing who we need. Grace Noll Crowell


Hospital Visiting Due to the inadequate provision of patient lists to ministers of the church, knowing who is in hospital is impossible to determine. This includes Crosshouse, Ayrshire Central and Ayr Hospitals. David has no way of knowing if our church members are in hospital unless he is told. Please use the Pew Card, telephone or email to inform him if you know of someone who is in hospital at any time. Your help in this matter will ensure we maintain effective pastoral contact with our members in time of need. David 01563 525416

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