NEW LAIGH KIRK Church of Scotland KILMARNOCK Scottish Charity No.:SC031334
“A caring welcoming church at the heart of Kilmarnock reaching out to all”
Minister: Rev. David S Cameron, 1 Holmes Farm Road, Kilmarnock (Tel.: 525416) Session Clerk: Mr Derek I’Anson Depute Clerk: Mrs Margaret Patterson Community and Families: Amy Hannah Community and Youth: Bethany McCaw Pastoral Care Worker: Morgan Johnston 1
CHURCH CALENDAR SUNDAY 11.00 a.m. 11.00 a.m.
5.30 to 7.30 p.m. MONDAY 7.15 p.m. 8.00 p.m.
MORNING WORSHIP Crèche (0 to 3 years) Junior Kingz (age 3-primary 3) and Senior Kingz (primary 4-primary 7) Contact: Amy Hannah (07980 665432) TrekkersNG (11-17 years) Contact: Bethany McCaw (07827 816405) See Youth activities programme Contact: Bethany McCaw (07827 816405) Guild (every second Monday) Contact: Elinor MacKillop (525223) Highlights Klub (1 Monday per month – see Syllabus) Contact: Mrs Angela Mitchell (534622) or Mrs Eileen Murphy (543488)
TUESDAY 10.15 to 11.15 a.m. Tots Praise (Babies - 4 year olds) Contact: Amy Hannah (07980 665432) 2.00 p.m. Music and Movement Contact: Christine Kinnell (535190) Jean Mulholland (403891) 7.00 p.m. Badminton Club Contact: Mr Alan I’Anson (07949 169051) 7.00 p.m. Congregational Board Meeting Contact: Mrs Elizabeth Young (540339) 7.30 p.m. Session Meeting (Dates as arranged) Contact: Mr Derek I’Anson (521445) WEDNESDAY 2.00 p.m. Friendship Group (downstairs second Wednesday of each month) Contact: Mrs Margaret Laird (525732) 6.00 to 7.00 p.m. Rainbows 6.30 to 8.00 p.m. Brownies Contact: Sheena Baillie (531440) 7.30 to 9.00 p.m. Guides Contact: Emma Johnstone (07853 240753) THURSDAY 2.00 p.m. Guild of Friendship (every second Thursday) Contact: Janette Howard (529005) 7.00 p.m. Vestry Contact: Rev. David S Cameron (525416)/Mr Derek I’Anson (521445) 7.30 p.m. Choir Contact: Mr Martin Sharp (524133) FRIDAY 6.00 to 7.30 p.m. Boys’ Brigade Anchor Boys (5 to 8 years) St. Andrew’s and St. Marnock’s Halls Contact: Mrs Michelle Taylor (529266) 7.00 to 9.00 p.m. Boys’ Brigade Junior Section (8+ to 11 years) St. Andrew’s and St. Marnock’s Halls Contact: Elaine Park (533464) 7.00 to 9.30 p.m. Boys’ Brigade Company Section (11+ to 18 years) New Laigh Kirk Hall Contact: Mr David McDonald (544037)
Safeguarding Co-ordinators: Andy King and Lilian Gillies Safeguarding Panel Members: John Dale, Bill Sherry and Ellen Stewart
New Laigh Kirk Manse September 2018 Hello. Here we are at the beginning of another new session. It seems that we never seem too far away from new beginnings – the beginning of the summer, the beginning of holidays, the beginning of a new session after a recent break. I hope you have enjoyed some time relaxing at home or away this summer, it is good to return from holidays renewed and relaxed and feeling good after a wee bit of sunshine on our faces, and what a summer we’ve had. I hope September provides some extra sunshine extending summer into autumn. Even though we have just come through the holiday season the work of our Kirk in mission and outreach continues throughout the year. We are a busy Kirk and a welcome place to many people. Our traditional programme of activities of all our organisations also gets underway this month. We are grateful to all those who commit their time and talent to the work of the church to nurture young and old alike and provide a sense of belonging. New Laigh Kirk is truly A place to belong. We are a caring welcoming church at the centre of Kilmarnock reaching out to all. The Gospel encourages us to engage with all people, it is never an optional extra and we strive to do so prayerfully and faithfully. So let’s do it—full of belief, confident that we’re presentable inside and out. Let’s keep a firm grip on the promises that keep us going. He always keeps his word. Let’s see how inventive we can be in encouraging love and helping out, not avoiding worshipping together as some do but spurring each other on, especially as we see the big Day approaching. Hebrews 10:22-25 The Message (MSG). 3
The Psalmist wrote : Trust in the LORD and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture. Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him and he will do this. Commit your way to the Lord – that is good advice for us as summer gives way to autumn and rest gives way to a new round of activities in our Kirk. The words trust, delight and commit are key to a strong faithful church ministering to our town and parish. As we begin a new session and reach out to people that we do not know let us Trust in God to guide us in all we undertake, delight in what he is doing with and for us and commit ourselves to give the time and energy to being a caring welcoming church as we example the gospel of Jesus Christ in all our work. With every Blessing and good wish to you in all you do in Jesus’ name.
Monthly Prayer Meeting and Prayer Requests There is a Prayer Request Box on the Table of Remembrance in the church. If you would like anyone to be prayed for or something to be prayed about then please leave your request in the box provided. Some people ask, “What is a Prayer Request?� The simple answer is when you feel you need something to be prayed about then write a wee note and drop it into the box on the Table of Condolence in the church. Your request might include a wide range of prayers needed for example: request a prayer for the work of the church, the organisations you are part of, the ministry, Sunday School, Sunday Services, people visiting, people needing to be visited. Request a prayer of thanksgiving for life events, birth, marriage, new home, children setting out in life, retirement anniversaries, happy times. You might like a prayer for someone who is ill, at home or in hospital, someone going through difficult times, bereavement, family break up, job insecurity. Prayers for others are important as well as the issues that concern us in a troubled world. You might want prayers said for news items or newspaper headlines that trouble you or that we should be thankful for. You can name people if you like and there is no need to name yourself, you can make your prayer request anonymously. From this very small list you can see there is no barrier to a prayer request. The limit is our own anxiety of making the request. The prayers are removed from the box at our Wednesday Prayer meeting, the group respond offering your concerns and thanksgiving to God prompted by the words written in your request.
Please use the tear off slip below and place it in the box. You may also send your request to the minister, again this may be done anonymously. The prayer group will meet on the first Wednesday of the month at 7.00pm in the church. Please also note, anyone at all may attend the prayer meeting. You do not need to pray aloud. Others will lead the group in prayer. Just sitting in the stillness is all you need to do. There really is no barrier to attend and you will be made very welcome by all who already take part in this very worthwhile ministry of our Kirk. If you pray for another you will be helped yourself
Please Pray for…………
Update from Bethany McCaw Youth and Community Worker As I write this we’ve just finished another brilliant Summer Club week. The team were really fantastic and full of enthusiasm. During the week a total of 22 adults and 18 young people worked together to make it fun for the children and to share Jesus with them. From registering the children, to making snacks, spending time getting to know the kids, leading quizzes, being gunged, dancing to songs, telling stories about Jesus, taking care of the money, organising the crafts, leading a group, sweeping the floors, emptying bins, teaching memory verses, performing in dramas, making tablet and cakes, cooking for the youth, working the computer, getting the children to Central and back safely and generally making sure the club was fun for each of the children and young people who attended, the team were truly wonderful and we couldn’t have done it without them all. NLK’s young people were absolutely fabulous throughout the whole week. Many of them arriving at 9:30am and staying until 4pm each day. They were great at helping with the younger children. After the kids club each day we set the table for the youth lunch and spent time together before some other young people joined us for youth activities at 2pm. It was great to spend extended time with many of them 7
throughout the week – new friendships were made and it was a great opportunity for us to grow closer as a group. We started the week off by descending upon the Garage to play ten pin bowling. On Tuesday there was much merriment playing silly games such as ‘Do you love your neighbour’, we also heard from Jonny who came along to help at each of the youth afternoons, he gave an inspiring and honest testimony about how great God has been in his life. On Wednesday we got soaked playing fun games of Danish longball in the park and finished our youth afternoons on Thursday with our now annual Quiz and challenges! 23 teenagers and pre-teens took part in summer club week. During the week 53 children attended kids club, hearing and singing about Jesus the ultimate superhero – from his birth, feeding the 5000 people with five loaves and two fish, the raising of Lazarus from the dead, Jesus own death and of course his resurrection. The young people helped in the dramas to bring the stories to life. The children hopefully went away with a greater understanding that Jesus has the same power today as he did all those years ago and how much better life can be when we choose to put Jesus at the centre. Thank you to everyone who helped support summer club this year! On the following page are some photos to give you a flavour of the week. Bethany
Update from Amy Hannah Communities and Family Hello everyone! What a fantastic summer it has been this year, the weather has not been the only thing that’s been keeping spirits high. Our Summer Club held for nursery to primary seven in the first week of August was a great success, with over fifty children in the morning and over twenty youth attending in the afternoon sessions. Our Superheroes summer club focused on Jesus as our ultimate hero and learned all about Jesus’ birth, the miracle of feeding the five thousand, the miracle of bringing Lazarus back from the grave and the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus, all through team building activities, actions songs, games and crafts. Of course, a summer club wouldn't be complete without the hilarity of some young people (and myself and Colin) getting gunge poured all over them for a bit of comedic value too. It was great, all the leaders and young leaders did a fantastic job to keep up with the children and the children all said how much fun they had had over the week. Well done to Bethany and Colin for organising everything and leading from the front. Hopefully, the children and young people won’t be too despondent about the end of summer club for too long as there is still a chance to sign up to our children and young people trip to Barcaple activities centre on Saturday 22nd September. We aim to leave around 7am in order to be at Barcaple centre and begin activities for 9am. Although a packed lunch can be brought, there will be a light lunch and snacks provided for everyone to keep us going through climbing, zip-wiring, gorge walking and much more. As well as all the activities, we aim to explore faith and experience team building activities too, all before we leave the centre at 5pm to arrive back in Kilmarnock for around 7pm. The full price for Barcaple per person is £44.50 and must be paid to
myself as soon as possible. We really hope all the children and young people can join us! If that’s not enough however, our Kingz Kidz session has started with a bang as we jumped into the new session with our first All Age Kingz Kidz that included all the children and young people continuing their journey of faith through songs, games, crafts and team time. All Age dates are as follows: Sunday 21st October and Sunday 11th November in the halls on John Finnie Street from 10:45am-12:05pm. We encourage all children and young people to attend and all are welcome! Our children’s choir is branching out into Kingz Kidz sessions, with some music and songs being introduced in the last ten minutes or so for the children to sing for future services. We aim to have as many children as possible join us in our children’s choir. Our NLK Community Choir Project kicked off in August starting with a variety of music. The Community Choir is aimed at everyone and anyone, over the age of sixteen, who enjoys singing and being part of a team. We hope to encourage all members of the community to join in with the choir in order to, not only, build relationships within the community, but also to promote the benefits of music within a group, both psychologically and physically. Please come along and join us in the church for rehearsals on Tuesday evenings at 7pm until 9pm. Very soon, we’ll be starting to make arrangements for Christmas material to be promoted within the church, but for the time being, have a look out for family trips coming soon! Amy.
Heritors Challenge Fund. Many thanks to everyone who has contributed to the Heritors Challenge Fund. I am pleased to say that the total received to date is over ÂŁ60,000 and will remain open so donations are still welcome. There has been a major outbreak of Dry Rot in the Church Halls which has spread throughout both Halls and which is proving costly to eradicate. To date ÂŁ40,000 has been committed but the Board has agreed that we shall dip into our other Funds to pay for this. The Heritors Challenge Fund money is in a separate bank account and will only be used to do something positive that will leave a legacy for the future. I am most grateful for all your donations both large and small as it all adds up. Kenneth A Stewart Treasurer.
The Guild Twenty-six Guild members travelled to Arran on Tuesday 29th May to visit our linked Guild at Lamlash. The weather was kind to us and we were given wonderful hospitality by the Lamlash ladies. After lunch, quizzes and musical entertainment rounded off a lovely day. NLK Guild presented our hosts with a Kilmarnock Willow, which was much appreciated. It has now been planted in the church garden (pictured). We look forward to entertaining our Arran friends next year in Kilmarnock.
Our new Guild session commences on Monday 17th September, when once again we will welcome our minister Rev. David Cameron to talk to us and celebrate Holy Communion. On Monday 1st October Addity Simpson will talk to us about her home, Craufurdland Castle, and on Monday 15th October we will have a speaker to talk about one of our Guild Projects – ‘Growing the future’. 2018 is the Year of Young People. On Monday 29th October we will celebrate Hallowe’en. Meetings commence at 7.15pm in the Lower Hall, John Finnie Street.
The 4th/5th Kilmarnock Boys’ Brigade are enrolling on Friday 24th August: Anchor Boys: 6pm to 7pm at St Andrew’s and St Marnock’s Hall, for boys in Primary 1 (provided they are aged 5+) to Primary 3 Junior Section: 7:15pm to 9pm at St Andrew’s and St Marnock’s Halls, for Boys in P4 to P6 Company Section: 7pm to 9pm at New Laigh Halls, for Boys in P7 to S6 Parents’ Night Photos
Anchor Boys
Junior Section
Company Section
Side by Side is a movement for gender equality, a movement of people of faith who recognise that men and women are equal. There are women all over the world, and throughout history, who have their stories to tell. On International Women's Day, Side by Side Scotland launched their exhibition on Faith in Gender Justice. It is a great example of women who are persistent in their faith, and in their willingness to do the right thing. Rev. Nosheen Khan, Principal of the Gujranwala Theological College in Pakistan, felt called to the ministry at a young age and at a time when the Church of Pakistan did not ordain women. This did not stop Nosheen and she took the steps she needed to take for ordination. She is also the first woman to be principal at Gujranwala Theological College. Dr Isabel Phiri is Deputy General Secretary for Public Witness and Diakonia at the World Council of Churches. She has experienced violent attacks for the findings of her research on rape and sexual harassment on campus in the University of Malawi, and was threatened with excommunication from her church after inciting staff to seek gender justice. She was persistent. A Centre for Gender Studies has since been established at the University of Malawi, and Isabel is able to bring justice issues to the international community in her role with the World Council of Churches. The World Church is in an excellent position to take significant steps on the journey towards gender justice. It is possible to join with movements of faith such as Side by Side, which are stirring people across the world to act on Gender Justice. Further information available at or
NLK FairTrade Group Following on our successful participation in FairTrade Fortnight and subsequently taking orders for (FairTrade) Real Easter Eggs, we intend to follow this up by taking orders for Real Advent Calendars made with FairTrade chocolate, and which, in addition to containing a chocolate for each day of Advent, contain a book telling the Christmas Story. Look out for details shortly - on screens in church, and in Orders of Service - about ordering these Advent Calendars. We will be ordering them through Traidcraft, a partner organisation. As the next issue of the Magazine won’t be due for delivery until November it would be too late then to process orders for them to arrive in time for Advent. We have already adopted the use of FairTrade tea and coffee in church and in our organisations. FairTrade International suggests people change one product at a time. There are many other FairTrade products available – from Traidcraft, and in supermarkets. Sugar in various forms is one such product. Next time you are baking for home, the church or another organisation, why not purchase FairTrade castor sugar?
FELLOWSHIP OF KILMARNOCK CHURCHES EVENTS You are warmly invited to join in a series of events planned by the Fellowship of Kilmarnock Churches, of which New Laigh Kirk is an active member. Full details of each event will be announced in our orders of service as each event approaches, but please save these dates in your diary now. Sunday, September 30th Celebrate the Year of Young People invites secondary school pupils to bring friends to an afternoon event of fun and food, with an opportunity to meet new friends from other churches. This will be held at Kay Park Parish Church in the afternoon, followed by a 6 p.m. service for people of all ages with a large input from young people at the Salvation Army. Sunday, October 28th St John’s Church will host an evening service with a focus on the way that churches of all denominations in our town show Christian love in action by supporting the most needy people in our community. Sunday, December 2ⁿd Christmas is Coming! This will be held at the Howard Centre and will include a Christingle service, adapted to suit people with a wide range of disabilities. A British Sign Language interpreter will be available and other special needs can be accommodated. Saturday, December 22ⁿd There will be Carols @ the Cross for singers of all abilities from 11 a.m. until noon, accompanied by the Salvation Army Band. New Laigh Kirk will have the kettle on and plenty of supplies of mince pies and shortbread to welcome singers and musicians at mid-day. Even if you are unable to stand outside singing, feel free to come along for the friendly gathering of people from all churches (and none) afterwards. Barbara Graham Tel. 522108 21
Highlights Klub On Saturday 19th May, we finished last session in style with a lovely day out to Lime Tree Larder in Kilbirnie, followed by afternoon tea at Seamill Hydro. The staff at Lime Tree Larder were very welcoming and knowledgeable and we had a wonderful time tasting their home made ice-cream, and tasting and learning about chocolate from different areas in the world. Our coach then took us to Seamill Hydro, where we enjoyed a lovely afternoon tea, to round the day off. Thank you to all the ladies who came along on the day, and who helped make it such a success.
Due to on-going work in the halls, our new session does not start until Monday 8th October, with a flower workshop, followed in November by Janet (whom those of you on the summer trip would have met at Lime Tree Larder) leading us in a cocktail demonstration. Please see the syllabus on the following page for other dates for your diary. New members are always welcome – contact me on 543488 or Angela on 534622, or speak to any of the committee. Eileen Murphy, Chairperson 22
Friendship Group Pantomime Trip Sorry folks but it is coming up to that time of year again! Take in a show this festive season with the classic tale of Sleeping Beauty.
Featuring all the classic elements you’d expect from the Palace panto, including spectacular sets and costumes, amazing special effects, fabulous songs, dances and bags of slapstick fun. . This trip is open to anyone from the church who is aged 60 or over. If you wish to do so, you may bring a friend. The date of this year’s show will be Saturday 1st December at 1pm (meet at 12:45). The cost is £13 for members and £15 non-members. There will be a tea in the halls after the panto for church members only. If you would like to attend the panto please complete the slip on the following page.
Completed slips should be returned as soon as possible to M a r g a r e t Paterson at the address below with appropriate payment or the completed slip with payment may be placed in the offering plate on a Sunday in an envelope addressed to Margaret Paterson, and marked ‘Friendship Group Pantomime’. Mrs Margaret Paterson, 28 Colonsay Place, Wardneuk, Kilmarnock KA3 2JU Tel: 01563 551288 —-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Friendship Group Pantomime Trip 2018 NAME ______________________________________
ADDRESS ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ TELEPHONE NUMBER:
Number for
Panto Only
Number for
Panto and Afternoon Tea
Total number of members’ tickets @ £13 each
Total number of non-members’ tickets @ £15 each
EACH Each person matters Scottish Charity no: SC 036849
If you spend yourselves on behalf of the hungry And satisfy the needs of the oppressed Then your light will rise in the darkness And your night will become like noonday Isaiah 58:10
Our drop-ins, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, continue to be well attended, and appreciated by everyone who comes along. We are grateful for having been able to use the hall while the repairs were being carried out. Some of the other services for our most vulnerable members of the community were closed for the summer holidays, and our hall being open allowed people a place to come for a tea or coffee, something to eat, and someone to talk to. At the end of July we enjoyed a trip to Rugby Park to watch Kilmarnock v Queens Park in the League Cup. We had an afternoon of good fun, a Kilmarnock Pie and a win. The reward – a home match against Rangers in the next round! We have been concerned for some time that many of the more disadvantaged in our community find it difficult, or 26
even impossible, to move on from their current situations. On talking to our own service users, it was clear that many feel stigmatised, lacking hope for the future, and labelled as being lazy, troublemakers or scroungers. We know that everyone has their own story, and that circumstances have led to where they are now. The same could be said for all of us. As a Christian charity, we believe that everyone has abilities and talents, everyone is made in the image of God, and is loved by God. Everyone deserves a chance. Our motto – Each Person Matters. To begin to address the issues which have troubled us, we convened a conference in our halls on 18th May. 100 people attended, from Addiction services, East Ayrshire Council Housing and Health and Social Care departments, our MP and local councillors, retailers, education and church and community groups. Delegates discussed what could be done to improve communication between the services, all of whom on their own do an excellent job. They also discussed how they could work together to: provide a roof over someone’s head; provide something to do; provide a source of income; improve health and well-being. We were gratified at the willingness of everyone present to work together to transform the lives of our most marginalised fellow citizens.
The findings will be published as an EACHa/Community Friends Action Plan early in the autumn. This will be a plan of action, not a report to sit on a shelf. We will keep you informed of progress. If you would like to know more about the Plan, or about any of our activities, please contact Janice, Craig or David. Janice Grant mob 07581 722331 David Quinn mob 07779 237318 Craig McCance mob 07967 637181
Music and Movement The summer has passed too quickly and we hope that everyone enjoyed the lovely sunshine we had. We are looking forward to another session of music and movement starting on Tuesday 18th September and to meeting all our friends once again. We are going to miss our two able leaders for the past eleven years (Mildred and Anne) but hopefully Jean and I will manage to run things just as smoothly. They haven’t left us completely and we are sure they are going to enjoy their “retirement” and being able to exercise a lot more! A huge thank you to them once again for all their hard work. We want to extend an invitation to anyone else who would like to join us each Tuesday at 2pm in the Lower Hall for some exercise, followed by a blether, a laugh and some tea and coffee afterwards. Jean Mulholland and Christine Kinnell
Prayer Group At one of our early Sunday services this summer, worship was being led by our pastoral assistant, Morgan. She said that we would say the Lord’s Prayer together and we bowed our heads and began with the familiar words, “Our Father…” We all stopped suddenly as a voice answered, “Yes, what is it?”, or something similar. I must confess that I got such a surprise, I can’t quite remember the exact words. I’ll tell you right away that, although I am sure God was listening and ready to respond, it wasn’t actually his voice we heard. It was Morgan’s husband, Daniel, who was taking on the part of God – very appropriate for as the old song tells us, “Daniel was a man of prayer.” There followed the imaginary conversation between Morgan and God which made us stop and think about the prayer which we say so often, perhaps without giving much attention to what it means. Not just what the words mean, but what it means for us to be in conversation with God. We know what we hope and expect God to do when we bring our prayers to him – but what does he hope and expect us to do? When I was clearing through some books recently, I came across “The Plain Man’s Book of Prayers” by Professor William Barclay, which belonged to my dad. It was published in 1959 and the language of the prayers is old-fashioned, using ‘thee’, ‘thy’ and ‘thou knowest.’ However, the content is just as relevant today, and Professor Barclay’s commentary is clear and thought-provoking. I was very struck by his comment, “God will not do for us that which we can do for ourselves.” It’s no use for the student to pray for good exam results and then do little studying. It’s no use for the patient to pray for a cure and then ignore the doctor’s advice and medication. It’s no use a congregation praying for new members and then doing nothing to make the church a welcoming place. You get the idea!
Prof. Barclay says, “It is when we make our greatest effort that God sends his greatest answer” and “Prayer is the cooperation of our effort with the grace of God.” So, prayer is not an easy way out, to save us any trouble. It makes me think of the next week’s service when Bethany was quizzing us about Superheroes, in preparation for the summer club. She mentioned Spiderman’s motto, “With power comes responsibility.” Perhaps our motto should be, “With prayer comes responsibility.” Just as long as it doesn’t have us climbing the walls!! (Sorry!) The prayer group continues to meet at 7pm on the first Wednesday of every month in the church. We would be happy to welcome new members to the group but if you cannot come in person, you can leave your prayer requests in the box in church or contact me on the church Facebook page. We will be happy to add our efforts to yours! At this time you might like to add the following topics to your own prayers: � Pray for our church leaders, David, Morgan, Bethany and Amy, in all that they do. Ask God to show us how we can help. � Pray for all the organisations linked with our church and get involved! � Pray for a spiritual revival in our country and that we shall play our part in it. � Pray for all those in our community who are lonely and think of someone who might benefit from a visit or a phone call. � Pray for those throughout the world who are suffering from the effects of natural disasters, such as wild-fires, floods and earthquakes. Give to a relevant charity if you can and think of a way you can help the environment. And give thanks to God for the power he gives us through our conversations with him! With thanks to Morgan and Bethany for giving me inspiration for my article! Lesley Wright. 30
Guild of Friendship We hope everyone has had a lovely time during our break enjoying the sunshine. Our new session starts on 27th September, this is a special year as we celebrate our 75th birthday, anyone wishing to join us can be assured of a warm welcome, we meet every second Thursday at 2pm in the lower hall John Finnie Street. We had a lovely outing in May to Malin Court Hotel for lunch, then to Cumnock Outlet for some retail therapy. This is our syllabus for our first session. 27th September
Revd David Cameron
11th October
Games Afternoon
25th October
Mr Frank Donnelly Tales from the classroom
8th November
75th Birthday Party Mr Richard Ross
22â żd November
6th December
Festive afternoon
Janette Howard
NLK Walking Group By the time this magazine is distributed, our regular Summer Wednesday Evening Walks around Dean Castle Country Park will have ended until Spring 2019. These will resume (weather permitting on the first Wednesday of April 2019 and end (approximately) on the last Wednesday evening of August, (depending on weather conditions and having sufficient daylight to be able to get around the park safely before it gets too dark). Our monthly Weekend Walks have continued to take place, with a couple of changes. In May, a group of walkers visited Whitelee Wind Farm, enjoying a walk, then a welcome ‘cuppa’ in the café in the Visitor Centre. In June twenty-two people travelled to Arran for our third ‘Grand Day Out’. Four different walks took place, ranging from a moderately paced walk around the Fisherman’s Trail to an ascent of Goatfell. The weather favoured us again, pleasantly warm and sunny, just before the real heatwave began. Our July outing was to Chatelherault Country Park near Hamilton, and whilst it rained in Kilmarnock, the rain stayed away until we had completed our walk and rewarded ourselves with coffee and cake.
By the time of reading, our August walk (around Rouken Glen Park in Giffnock, will have taken place (weather permitting).
As our Walking Season draws to a close, our September Walk – in Troon - is scheduled to take place on the afternoon of Sunday 16th September. Meeting details are still to be finalised – watch out on Facebook and Orders of Service for those. Our last walk of the season will be on Saturday 13th October – to New Lanark and Falls of Clyde. Further details will be published on Facebook and Orders of Service.
Badminton Club The badminton club is on Tuesday nights 7.15-9.00pm. We are a friendly club for anyone over 16 to come along and enjoy games and have a laugh. Due to hall being refurbished we have been playing up in the Hunter centre over the summer, we hope to get back to playing in the hall soon. Alan I'Anson 07949169051
Church Register Marriage 1 July 2018
Rachel Murphy and Matthew Jackson 8 Auld Coal Loan Bonnyrigg
14 July 2018 Amie Rankin and Michael McClymont 9 Dalespark Place Kilmarnock
Funerals 22 May 2018
Nancy Brown (M) 25 Moorfield Avenue Kilmarnock
1 June 2018
Pat Trail (M) 2 Holmes Village Kilmarnock
7 June 2018
Steven Mack (E) 12F Warwickhill Road Kilmarnock
20 June 2018
Marion Urquhart (M) 28 Mill Court Kilmarnock
21 June 2018
Mary Amos (M) Torrance Lodge Kilmarnock
27 June 2018
Robert Wilson (E) 57 West Woodstock Street Kilmarnock
12 July 2018
Mary McDowall (M) 23 Cedar Road Kilmarnock
26 July 2018
Isabel Smith (M) 32 Braehead Court Kilmarnock
8 August 2018
Jack Cree (M) 6 Willie Ross Place Kilmarnock
In the bulb there is a flower; in the seed, an apple tree; in cocoons, a hidden promise: butterflies will soon be free! In the cold and snow of winter there’s a spring that waits to be, unrevealed until its season, something God alone can see. There’s a song in every silence, seeking word and melody. There’s a dawn in every darkness, bringing hope to you and me. From the past will come the future, what it holds, a mystery, unrevealed until its season, something God alone can see. In our end is our beginning; in our time, infinity; in our doubt there is believing; in our life, eternity. In our death, a resurrection; at the last, a victory, unrevealed until its season, something God alone can see.
Hospital Visiting Due to the inadequate provision of patient lists to ministers of the church, knowing who is in hospital is impossible to determine. This includes Crosshouse, Ayrshire Central and Ayr Hospitals. David and Morgan have no way of knowing if our church members are in hospital unless they are told. Please use the Pew Card, telephone or email to inform him if you know of someone who is in hospital at any time. Your help in this matter will ensure we maintain effective pastoral contact with our members in time of need. David
01563 525416
To see the magazine in colour go to