23rd August 2020

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New Laigh Kirk A caring welcoming church at the heart of Kilmarnock reaching out to you

Welcome to Worship 23rd August 2020 11.00am Minister: Rev. David S. Cameron Session Clerk: Derek I’Anson Live Stream: Douglas Bryson Organist: Martin C. Sharp

Welcome Welcome to worship. We are delighted you are able to join us on line today and hope you enjoy worshipping with us through your on line connection. This order of service is posted to help you with the live stream. Please ensure you log on through the New Laigh Kirk Website http://www.nlk.church/ and click the button watch live Sunday 11.00am. May God richly bless you sharing with us in this way. Call to worship Hymn 481 Jesus is the name we honour; Jesus is the name we honour; Jesus is the name we praise. Majestic name above all other names, the highest heaven and earth proclaim that Jesus is our God. We will glorify, we will lift him high, we will give him honour and praise. We will glorify, we will lift him high, we will give him honour and praise. Jesus is the name we worship; Jesus is the name we trust. He is the King above all other kings, let all creation stand and sing that Jesus is our God. We will glorify, we will lift him high, we will give him honour and praise. We will glorify, we will lift him high, we will give him honour and praise. Jesus is the Father’s splendour; Jesus is the Father’s joy. He will return to reign in majesty,

and every eye at last will see that Jesus is our God. We will glorify, we will lift him high, we will give him honour and praise. We will glorify, we will lift him high, we will give him honour and praise. Prayer All age address We want to see Jesus lifted high, A banner that flies across the land, That all men might see the truth and know, He is the way to heaven. We want to see, we want to see, we want to see Jesus lifted high We want to see, we want to see, we want to see Jesus lifted high Step by step we're moving forward, Little by little taking ground, Every prayer is a powerful weapon, Strongholds all come tumbling down And down and down and down......


Isaiah 51:1-6 Romans 12:1-8

I would be true St Matthew 16:13-20 Hymn 200 Christ is made the sure foundation, Christ is made the sure foundation, Christ the head and corner-stone, chosen of the Lord and precious, binding all the Church in one,

holy Zion's help for ever, and her confidence alone. To this temple, where we call you, come, 0 Lord of Hosts, today: with your constant loving-kindness, hear your servants as they pray, and your fullest benediction shed within its walls alway. Praise and honour to the Father, praise and honour to the Son, praise and honour to the Spirit, ever Three and ever One, One in might and One in glory while unending ages run. Prayer of Intercession Hymn 503 I will offer up my life in spirit and truth I will offer up my life in spirit and truth, pouring out the oil of love as my worship to you. In surrender I must give my every part; Lord, receive the sacrifice of a broken heart. Jesus, what can I give, what can I bring to so faithful a friend, to so loving a king? Saviour, what can be said? What can be sung as a praise of your name for the things you have done? Oh, my words could not tell, not even in part, of the debt of love that is owed by this thankful heart. You deserve my every breath, for you’ve paid the great cost; giving up your life to death, even death on a cross. You took all my shame away, there defeated my sin, opened up the gates of heaven and have beckoned me in. Sermon Prayer of Dedication

God is love: let heaven adore him; God is love: let earth rejoice; Let creation sing before him, And exalt him with one voice. He who laid the earth’s foundation, he who spread the heavens above, he who breathes through all creation: God is love, eternal love. God is love, and is enfolding All the world in one embrace; With unfailing grasp is holding Every child of every race. And when human hearts are breaking Under sorrow’s iron rod, Then they find that selfsame aching Deep within the heart of God. God is love: and though with blindness sin afflicts the souls of all, God’s eternal loving-kindness Holds and guides us when we fall. Sin and death and hell shall never O’er us final triumph gain; God is love, so Love for ever O’er the universe must reign.


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