22 November 2020

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New Laigh Kirk A caring welcoming church at the heart of Kilmarnock reaching out you

Welcome to Worship 22nd November 2020 11.00am Online Minister: Rev. David S. Cameron Student Assistant: Steven Owens Session Clerk: Derek I’Anson Live Stream: Douglas Bryson Organist: Martin C. Sharp

Welcome Welcome to worship. We are delighted you are able to join us on line today and hope you enjoy worshipping with us through your on line connection. This order of service is posted to help you with the live stream. Please ensure you log on through the New Laigh Kirk Website http://www.nlk.church/ and click the button watch live Sunday 11.00am. May God richly bless you sharing with us in this way. Order of Service Call to worship Hymn 279 Make way, make way, for Christ the King in splendour arrives; fling wide the gates and welcome him into your lives. Make way, make way, for the King of kings; make way, make way, and let his kingdom in. He comes the broken hearts to heal, the prisoners to free; the deaf shall hear, the lame shall dance, the blind shall see. Make way, make way, for the King of kings; make way, make way, and let his kingdom in. And those who mourn with heavy hearts, who weep and sigh, with laughter, joy, and royal crown he’ll beautify. Make way, make way, for the King of kings; make way, make way, and let his kingdom in. We call you now to worship him as Lord of all, to have no gods before him, their thrones must fall! Make way, make way, for the King of kings;

make way, make way, and let his kingdom in. Prayer All age address Everyone needs compassion

A love that's never failing Let mercy fall on me Everyone needs forgiveness The kindness of a Savior The hope of nations Savior, He can move the mountains My God is mighty to save He is mighty to save Forever, Author of Salvation He rose and conquered the grave Jesus conquered the grave So take me as You find me All my fears and failures Fill my life again I give my life to follow Everything I believe in Now I surrender (I surrender) Savior He can move the mountains My God is mighty to save He is mighty to save Forever, Author of Salvation He rose & conquered the grave Jesus conquered the grave Shine Your light and let the whole world see We're singing f or the glory Of the risen King, Jesus Shine Your light and let the whole world see

We're singing f or the glory Of the risen King, Jesus Reading

Ephesians 1: 15-23

Rejoice the Lord is king Reading

St Matthew 25: 31-46

Hymn 543 Longing for light, we wait in darkness. Longing for truth, we turn to you. Make us your own, your holy people, light for the world to see. Christ, be our light! Shine in our hearts. Shine through the darkness. Christ, be our light! Shine in your Church gathered today. Longing for peace, our world is troubled. Longing for hope, many despair. Your word alone has power to save us. make us your living voice. Christ, be our light! Shine in our hearts. Shine through the darkness. Christ, be our light! Shine in your Church gathered today. Longing for food, many are hungry, Longing for water, many still thirst. Make us your bread, broken for others, shared until all are fed. Christ, be our light! Shine in our hearts.

Shine through the darkness. Christ, be our light! Shine in your Church gathered today. Longing for shelter, many are homeless. Longing for warmth, many are cold. Make us your building, sheltering others, walls made of living stone. Christ, be our light! Shine in our hearts. Shine through the darkness. Christ, be our light! Shine in your Church gathered today. Many the gifts, many the people, Many the hearts, that yearn to belong. Let us be servants to one another, making your kingdom come. Christ, be our light! Shine in our hearts. Shine through the darkness. Christ, be our light! Shine in your Church gathered today. Prayer of Intercession David You were the Word at the beginning One With God the Lord Most High Your hidden glory in creation Now revealed in You our Christ What a beautiful Name it is What a beautiful Name it is The Name of Jesus Christ my King What a beautiful Name it is Nothing compares to this What a beautiful Name it is

The Name of Jesus You didn't want heaven without us So Jesus, You brought heaven down My sin was great, Your love was greater What could separate us now What a wonderful Name it is What a wonderful Name it is The Name of Jesus Christ my King What a wonderful Name it is Nothing compares to this What a wonderful Name it is The Name of Jesus What a wonderful Name it is The Name of Jesus How sweet is your name, Lord, how good You are Love to sing in the name of the Lord, love to sing for you all? Death could not hold You, the veil tore before You You silenced the boast, of sin and grave The heavens are roaring, the praise of Your glory For You are raised to life again You have no rival, You have no equal Now and forever, Our God reigns Yours is the Kingdom, Yours is the glory Yours is the Name, above all names What a powerful Name it is What a powerful Name it is The Name of Jesus Christ my King What a powerful Name it is Nothing can stand against What a powerful Name it is The Name of Jesus You have no rival, You have no equal Now and forever, Our God reigns Yours is the Kingdom, Yours is the glory Yours is the Name, above all names What a powerful Name it is

What a powerful Name it is The Name of Jesus Christ my King What a powerful Name it is Nothing can stand against What a powerful Name it is The Name of Jesus What a powerful Name it is The Name of Jesus What a powerful Name it is The Name of Jesus Sermon Prayer of dedication At the name of Jesus every knee shall bow, every tongue confess him King of glory now; ‘tis the Father’s pleasure we should call him Lord, who from the beginning was the mighty Word. Humbled for a season to receive a name from the lips of sinners unto whom he came, faithfully he bore it spotless to the last, brought it back victorious, when from death he passed. Christians, this Lord Jesus shall return again, with his Father's glory, with his angel train; for all wreaths of empire meet upon his brow, and our hearts confess him King of glory now. Benediction

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