New Laigh Kirk A caring welcoming church at the heart of Kilmarnock reaching out to you
Welcome to Worship 23rd June 2019 11.00am Minister: Rev. David S. Cameron Session Clerk: Mr. Derek I’Anson Organist: Mr. Martin C. Sharp
Welcome A very warm welcome to our worship this morning from all at New Laigh Kirk. We are delighted you are here today and hope you enjoy worshipping with us. Please make yourself known to those sitting beside you. Tea and coffee is served in the church immediately afer the 9.30am service, please join us for company and a catch up. Whether you are a guest or regular attender we invite you to find your welcome place among us, a place to belong, to join in regular worship, to join in the life of our Kirk. As part of the family of God and gifted with many and varying talents, we try to use these gifts to deepen our faith, care for each other, and to spread into our town and parish the good news of God’s love for all. May God richly bless you in your worship today.
Order of Service Choir Introit Jesus shall reign Welcome and Intimations Call to worship Hymn 457
All hail the power of Jesus’ Name
Prayer Reading
1 Kings 19:1-4,8-15 page 360 St Luke 8:26-39 page 1037
Hymn 625
O thou who camest from above
Barbara Graham Esther Douglas
Prayer of Intercession Hymn 724 Sermon
Christ’s is the world in which we move
Offering/Doxology (Hymn 810 Sing to the Lord of heaven and earth) Prayer of Dedication Hymn 153
Great is thy faithfulness
Church News and Activities The Welcome Team today and on Sunday, 30th June is Lesley Wright, Hunter Withers, John Dale, Helen Duffy, Mary King, Andrew King, Janis Lewis, Barbara Graham, Ann Burley, Nicola Sherry, Natalie Sharp, Elizabeth Young, Ken Stewart, Elspeth Dale, Douglas Bryson and Graeme Allison. Summer Service format of worship continues on Sunday, 30th June. All age service begins at 9.30am and the more traditional service at 11.00am. Tea and coffee will be served immediately after the 9.30am service. NLK SPACE ACADEMY Summer Club. HELPERS NEEDED from Monday, 5th August to Friday, 9th August. If you are willing to be part of the Summer Club team please let Amy know ASAP. Email: Children can now be registered for Summer club! Email Amy with child's name and date of birth. The primary club will be held from 10.00am to 12noon. Copies of Kirk Session photograph are now available for viewing and can be purchased for ÂŁ3. Photographs available from Margaret Patterson. NLK Walking Group. The regular Wednesday evening summer walks continue on Wednesday, 26th June. Meet at 7.00pm every Wednesday (weather permitting) in the main car park at Dean Castle Country Park. There will be a walk to Caprington Castle TODAY (weather permitting). Please meet in car park at Caprington Golf Club at 2.00pm. Presbytery Prayer Meeting on Saturday, 29th June from 10.00am to 10.45am in Irvine: Fullarton Church. Tea and coffee will be served from 9.30am. Everyone welcome. Fellowship of Kilmarnock Churches. Service on Sunday, 30th June at 6.30pm in Winton Place Congregational Church. The theme will be "To God be the glory - old style Gospel". To swell the singing, our guests will be a Centrestage Choir. Come and join in the celebration praise evening.
Guild Coffee and Chat on Monday, 1st July at 7.30pm in lower hall. The Ayrshire East Food Bank is currently very short of the supplies needed to make up food packs for individuals and families in crisis. Particularly in short supply are: dried pasta, teabags and instant coffee, pasta sauce, tinned fruit, breakfast cereal, UHT milk. Donations of any of these are welcome. They can be brought to church on Sundays, and will be delivered to the Food Bank during the following week. EACHa runs a drop-in for homeless and vulnerable people in our John Finnie Street halls on Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons. On offer is food, friendship, advice and hope for the future. Volunteers are always welcome, to help prepare the food or to make our guests feel welcome. To find out more, contact Janice Grant. Open Doors. New Laigh Kirk will be opening its doors to all on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays from 12noon to 2.00pm. The Church will be open for those who want to come for a period of solitude or reflection; to see the stained glass windows from the inside; or to find out some of the history of the church and town. New Laigh Kirk Volunteers - Needing help with shopping, DIY, gardening or a lift to medical appointments? Do you find reading difficult with failing eyesight? Ring our volunteers' helpline, Tel: 07935 852000. If you can assist with driving, or if you know of anyone who may be interested in helping, please contact Alan Gregor, Tel: 537155, Email: A few copies of the Order of Service in large print are available. Please speak to a member of the duty team if you require one. There is an induction loop system for the hard of hearing. If you know of anyone in hospital please let the minister know by telephone, email or the pew cards provided. Intimations to be included in Sunday's Order of Service and the Standard should be with Helen Colman, Email:, by Wednesday of this week. Visit our website and see what's going on at New Laigh Kirk. Postcode for church is KA1 1BL.