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The Voice - Q3
Everyone has been working hard and it shows. In July, NMAR hosted a QB Power Hour in and followed up with sponsoring a Live! Code of Ethics Training free to members.
The wait is over! We have a new team member, David Saavedra is the new Government Affairs Director. Let’s welcome David to the team!
The Housing Summit was a success, every other year NMAR partners with the Mortgage Finance Authority and other entities to co-sponsor a conference that brings together all aspects of housing issues across the state.
At the annual membership meeting, proposed Bylaws Amendments were approved; adding a statewide CARNM District Vice President to:
• Article V - Officers
• Article X; Section 4 Credentials/Leadership Committee and
• Article XV Districts and CARNMKey takeaways from the Board of Directors meeting:
The Governence Task Force and the Committee Resturcturing Task Force were assigned with identifying opportunities for efficiency within the organization and those approved recommendations to the Policies and Attachments are as follows:
• Attachment 11 REALTORS ® Growth and Involvement Program
• Policy II.7 Committee Descriptions and Specific Policies and Procedures
• Attachment 3 Legislative Committee Operating Policy
• Attachment 15 Requirements for Applications for Elected Offices
• Attachment 10 Guidelines for Diversity Programs
• Attachment 14 The New Mexico Association of REALTORS ® District Boundaries Map
All governing documents can be found on the nmrealtor.com website or by clicking here.
Elections were held and I’m pleased to announce NMAR’s 2023 Leadership
Hubert Hill, GAAR - PresidentColeen Dearing, SFAR, President-ElectDan Coleman, Roswell, First Vice-PresidentWes Graham, Clovis/Portales, TreasurerAndrea Dobyns, SFAR, NE District Vice PresidentSonya Roberts, Otero Co., SW District Vice-PresidentCathy Colvin, GAAR - Central District Vice-PresidentNAR DirectorSmall Board - James Russ II, RuidosoMedium Board - Emmary Simpson, LCAR
The REALTORS ® Gala was the highlight of the conference. To kick off the event was the Silent Auction. This year’s committee worked hard and it was evident, especially with the live auction. Dan Coleman was