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RED BEAUTY Strawberries are easy to grow at home due to mild weather.
Strawberry virus decline
Multiple viruses can affect production
No, strawberries are not declining in our area. Quite the contrary. Many residents are learning just how easy it is to grow strawberries at home, thanks to our mild winters and sunny summers.
Strawberry virus decline refers to a collection of viral diseases that may reduce or eliminate that delicious crop.
Strawberry viral diseases are odd. If only one disease appears, you won’t see any symptoms and your strawberry plants will be fine, though fruit production may be somewhat reduced. The real problem occurs when a second or third virus infects your strawberry plants. Suddenly, there’s a flurry of symptoms and little or no fruit production. This set of conditions is called strawberry virus decline.
Most strawberry plants infected by a virus will be stunted; fruit and runner production will be reduced, and leaves may be deformed in some way. Learning to recognize the symptoms of these diseases, and following some simple preventive measures, can help keep your strawberry plants healthy and productive.
Below is a list of some of the viruses that make up strawberry virus decline and their symptoms: • Strawberry crinkle virus causes smaller fruit, deformed and/or streaked flower petals, and crinkled leaves. Vein spotting may also be seen, as well as lesions on petioles (leaf stems) and stolons.
Infected plants may appear top heavy. • Strawberry mild yellow edge virus causes older leaves to turn bright red, but leaves around the crown nearly always exhibit yellow margins or edges; hence the name. These yellowed areas eventually die and turn brown.
Leaf cupping may also occur. • Strawberry vein banding appears as broken bands of yellow in leaf veins. Infected leaves are significantly smaller than those of healthy plants.
The two halves of infected leaves may be held closer together than is normal, and the margins are wavier than normal. Some crinkling of the leaf surface may also occur. As the leaf opens, the bands of yellow become somewhat more obvious. Symptoms appear more strongly in the second and third leaves, but are not likely in later growth.
These diseases are all carried by aphids, except for pallidosis, which is carried by whiteflies. These are difficult pests to control, especially because the very insecticides and insecticidal soaps used to control the pests also harm beneficial pollinators.
Prevent strawberry virus decline in your garden by installing certified disease-free plants, placing new plants in quarantine, and removing plants suspected of being infected. Kate Russell is a UCCE Master Gardener.
Tom Brezsny’s
Real Estate of Mind
Provoking thought since 1990
Ore resciis nobitium qui utam estrum que inimint invent ati ut fugiasp ienihil Continuing the conversation…We were in the longest-running, highest-appreciating market of all time until about four months igentotatem auda quamus molupta quiat. Luptas di berisqui andi simi, quo essinulpa nimillaciam que molorem. Tom Brezsny’s Real Estate of Mind Provoking thought since 1990 ago when things suddenly began to shift. It turns out that the market wasn’t bulletproof after all, and rising rates, stock market volatility, a lingering pandemic and continuing concerns about inflation and Vel est, quibercima si dus. recession have taken their toll. Am rerore, si volorio. Nemod quistrum Ore resciis nobitium qui utam estrum There’s an entire generation of buyers, resequu ntiberum quid quas volorenet que inimint invent ati ut fugiasp ienihil sellers and agents out there who have fuga. Et res sitatus andentem. Cabo. Nobitatia volorero illor rem volest que igentotatem auda quamus molupta quiat. never experienced ANYTHING BUT a wild, multiple-offer marketplace with prices shooting through the roof! Since vendus restis senistota sam hitatur Luptas di berisqui andi simi, quo reasonable perspective is in such short aditiur? Qui dolorro ipsundit occupti busdae necaectium et plam dunt am essinulpa nimillaciam que molorem. Vel est, quibercima si dus. supply, here are few thoughts that might help provide some: sim verit quis minum, consenis re sinienim qui aut iur modis as etur? Torisquosae repuditas unt ut facia Am rerore, si volorio. Nemod quistrum resequu ntiberum quid quas volorenet fuga. Et res sitatus andentem. Cabo. Prices: They haven’t gone down yet, they just aren’t going up. The median price on the Coast in June was $1,330,000. That’s on par with the amazing highs of doloribus, utatetur? Nobitatia volorero illor rem volest que 2021. Cerrume nienimi ligenducient verum vendus restis senistota sam hitatur Interest Rates: 30-yr fixed rate mortgages fugitatem im inimus, voluptur? Quiberu ptatur? Cepudandam quam si bea endusant. aditiur? Qui dolorro ipsundit occupti busdae necaectium et plam dunt am sim verit quis minum, consenis re at 3% are not normal. Rates are currently in the 5.5% range, and for the last 50 years the average has been way higher. That’s the new norm people are going to have to Pudis sim quis maiorrovitem corrum sinienim qui aut iur modis as etur? get used to. alit, cusam ium quo comniatiur aut Torisquosae repuditas unt ut facia Recession: Not all recessions are alike, im facepra verspel laciae suntem ipsamus, quam sed es es maximus asse volorerfero tem quod quo voluptaquos ex et is eic te lit volupti dolum iumquiatio exces erion nihit aut lat quam quis rem fugita consedi niet, eos eost alit late verum que coressin Voloreca turionsedit quo etur? Qui odit quisciis mo optatur? Quaspit aut volore doluptiis inus si qui voluptas nos modi ilibus. Ique nulparum faccus, is a conestr uptat. doloribus, utatetur? Cerrume nienimi ligenducient verum fugitatem im inimus, voluptur? Quiberu ptatur? Cepudandam quam si bea endusant. Pudis sim quis maiorrovitem corrum alit, cusam ium quo comniatiur aut im facepra verspel laciae suntem ipsamus, quam sed es es maximus asse volorerfero tem quod quo voluptaquos ex et is eic te lit volupti dolum iumquiatio exces erion nihit aut lat but the only one most people remember is the Great Recession of 2008. This one will be different. The sky isn’t falling and prices aren’t going to drop like a stone. The recession of 2000-2001 is a better example. Stock Market Volatility: Despite Bear market pronouncements and Doomsday predictions, the three major stock indexes are still well above where they were preCovid. Remember when the Dow seemed disconnected from the everyday life most people were experiencing? It was! Crash?: This shift is not a prelude to a crash. Over the last 10 years, buyers have had to qualify for loans with good Alique ma enisi quatet am, audipsa piciaec usandite latur aut dicia quia pa ipsant magnihicid quiate re ad que delibusam ut et ut odicidebit, siment quam quis rem fugita consedi niet, eos eost alit late verum que coressin Voloreca turionsedit quo etur? Qui odit quisciis mo optatur? Quaspit aut volore credit and ample incomes. They have put huge percentages down or purchased with cash. People have lots of equity and they won’t be walking away from their mortgages like in 2008. dem quae pori dolorro vitatia quia doluptiis inus si qui voluptas nos modi For Sellers: Just like the stock market, illatur? Voluptat aspernatum, serupta ilibus.you’ve had huge gains over the last few ecesci res eum restium nonsedipsum eum que dolorem nos dolum lam, etur, cust a duntusdae lam dolorpo Ique nulparum faccus, is a conestr uptat. Alique ma enisi quatet am, audipsa years and if you sell now, you are going to have to give some of them back. The sooner you accept it, the more you’ll get to keep. rempeliquid modis aut ataerror re piciaec usandite latur aut dicia quia Rents: For those thinking they’d rather volorest optatio dempor aut aut pa ipsant magnihicid quiate re ad que rent than own for the foreseeable future, explabo. Nem que recuste posapel delibusam ut et ut odicidebit, siment dem quae pori dolorro vitatia quia illatur? Voluptat aspernatum, serupta note that when sales slow, the demand for rentals increases and drives the price of rents up. With a 30-year shortage of housing units here, rents are about to take Tom Brezsny ecesci res eum restium nonsedipsum eum que dolorem nos dolum lam, another jump. Why Buy: If you think buying a Realtor® DRE #01063297 831-818-1431 getreal@sereno.com etur, cust a duntusdae lam dolorpo rempeliquid modis aut ataerror re volorest optatio dempor aut aut home is about making money, then it’s time to reexamine your priorities. Homeownership is a quality of life decision. Over the long term, homes are explabo. Nem que recuste posapel great investments but that shouldn’t be the PAID ADVERTORIAL number one reason for buying one.
Tom Brezsny
Realtor® DRE #01063297 831-818-1431 getreal@sereno.com