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&Red,white blue
Spirit of Watsonville parade to return in full force
SEA OF RED A caravan of old time fire engines weave their way through the Spirit of Watsonville parade in 2019, the last time the event took place.

Tony Nunez/File photo Tony Nunez/File photo

PLENTY OF SPIRIT The Pajaro Valley Tremblers chant their way through the Spirit of Watsonville parade.
After a two-year hiatus, the Spirit of Watsonville Fourth of July Parade will finally be returning to the Pajaro Valley.
Parade goers can expect all the usual favorites, from the mayor riding in a vintage convertible, new and antique fire engines, nonprofit and community groups, local businesses, car clubs, folklorico dance groups, marching bands, equestrian groups and more.
Other highlights will include one of Metro Santa Cruz’s new electric buses on display, marchers dressed as LED robots, and this year’s Grand Marshall, Girlz Squad.
This year’s theme is “Stars on Main Street,” inviting participants to demonstrate their creativity and talent with their outfits, floats and displays.
Beebe said that groups have been especially dedicated this year.
Beebe highlighted and thanked the 2022 sponsors, including Driscoll’s Inc., Chevrolet of Watsonville and the Pajaronian.
“We’re super grateful for everyone who has made it possible for us to bring this favorite event back to the community,” she said.
This year’s Grand Marshall, Girlz Squad, is a community organizing group led by Barbie Gomez. The group volunteers, raises money for nonprofits and donates to various causes through social media.
Beebe explained how the group “steps in and helps people and fills gaps in the community.”
“All the money they raise goes directly to the causes,” she said. “They’re just community-minded people who keep on giving.” ➝ 6

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C10-0000172-LIC • C10-0000234-LIC DECKED OUT Richard Sanchez, Maria Covarrubias, Esther Herrera and Jose Covarrubias ready for the Spirit of Watsonville parade in 2019. RED, WHITE & BLUE 5

Throughout the summer, Girlz Squad is running a summer camp for kids who can’t afford other options. They recently raised $5,000 in one day to purchase championship rings for Watsonville High School Softball and Boys Soccer.
As of June 22, Girlz Squad had 886 members on Facebook.
Gomez called being chosen as Grand Marshall “an amazing honor.”
The return of the annual parade is significant, Gomez said.
Beebe said that the parade is part of a much larger month-long celebration, Parks Make Life Better Month. Free community events and activities will be held throughout the Pajaro Valley every day during the month of July. This includes everything from community bike rides and pedal boats at Pinto Lake, to CPR classes and chair yoga sessions.
The Spirit of Watsonville Fourth of July Parade will kick off at noon on July 4, proceeding down Main Street from St. Patrick’s Church to First Street. Parade goers are encouraged to arrive early to secure a spot along the route. For information, visit cityofwatsonville.org. Some of the Parks Make Life Better Month events do require pre-registration at watsonvillerec.com.
Tom Brezsny’s
Real Estate of Mind

Provoking thought since 1990
For those who have been following the conversation on the shift that’s happening in the market, we’ll return to that next Ore resciis nobitium qui utam estrum que inimint invent ati ut fugiasp ienihil week. Meanwhile...more about pricing. igentotatem auda quamus molupta Tom Brezsny’s I’m amazed at the number of people out there who still think they have to list their houses higher than what they’re hoping quiat. Luptas di berisqui andi simi, quo essinulpa nimillaciam que molorem. Real Estate of Mind Provoking thought since 1990 for, in order to get what they really want Vel est, quibercima si dus. when they sell. Am rerore, si volorio. Nemod quistrum Ore resciis nobitium qui utam estrum Contrary to the overwhelming evidence resequu ntiberum quid quas volorenet que inimint invent ati ut fugiasp ienihil this historic, low inventory market fuga. Et res sitatus andentem. Cabo. igentotatem auda quamus molupta has provided, some folks insist on Nobitatia volorero illor rem volest que quiat. sticking to the powerful conditioning vendus restis senistota sam hitatur Luptas di berisqui andi simi, quo they received in past markets when it aditiur? Qui dolorro ipsundit occupti essinulpa nimillaciam que molorem. was considered “smart” to build plenty of “wiggle room” into their list price. busdae necaectium et plam dunt am sim verit quis minum, consenis re Vel est, quibercima si dus. Am rerore, si volorio. Nemod quistrum Always ask for more than you want, the theory went. Buyers always offer less than you are asking and less than what they can actually afford. When you list higher and they offer less, you can split the difference and you’ll get the price sinienim qui aut iur modis as etur? Torisquosae repuditas unt ut facia doloribus, utatetur? Cerrume nienimi ligenducient verum fugitatem im inimus, voluptur? Quiberu resequu ntiberum quid quas volorenet fuga. Et res sitatus andentem. Cabo. Nobitatia volorero illor rem volest que vendus restis senistota sam hitatur aditiur? Qui dolorro ipsundit occupti you wanted all along. That’s how it was ptatur? busdae necaectium et plam dunt am supposed to work. Cepudandam quam si bea endusant. sim verit quis minum, consenis re But...in the hundreds of transactions I’ve Pudis sim quis maiorrovitem corrum sinienim qui aut iur modis as etur? observed over the last five years, that old alit, cusam ium quo comniatiur aut Torisquosae repuditas unt ut facia notion about “wiggle room” has been much more the exception than the rule. This is a brave new market with radical new rules that most sellers and buyers have never experienced before. Older models about pricing simply don’t apply. Here’s what’s different: Sellers no longer list homes looking for just one buyer. Every seller dreams about multiple buyers making multiple offers. im facepra verspel laciae suntem ipsamus, quam sed es es maximus asse volorerfero tem quod quo voluptaquos ex et is eic te lit volupti dolum iumquiatio exces erion nihit aut lat quam quis rem fugita consedi niet, eos eost alit late verum que coressin Voloreca turionsedit quo etur? Qui odit quisciis mo optatur? Quaspit aut volore doluptiis inus si qui voluptas nos modi ilibus. doloribus, utatetur? Cerrume nienimi ligenducient verum fugitatem im inimus, voluptur? Quiberu ptatur? Cepudandam quam si bea endusant. Pudis sim quis maiorrovitem corrum alit, cusam ium quo comniatiur aut im facepra verspel laciae suntem ipsamus, quam sed es es maximus asse volorerfero tem quod quo voluptaquos Buyers think they have to offer list price (or more) just to have their offer considered. Ique nulparum faccus, is a conestr uptat. ex et is eic te lit volupti dolum iumquiatio exces erion nihit aut lat Most are afraid to offer less than list until a Alique ma enisi quatet am, audipsa quam quis rem fugita consedi niet, eos house has been on the market for 30 days. piciaec usandite latur aut dicia quia eost alit late verum que coressin The real negotiation isn’t between sellers pa ipsant magnihicid quiate re ad que Voloreca turionsedit quo etur? Qui odit and buyers these days. It’s actually what delibusam ut et ut odicidebit, siment quisciis mo optatur? Quaspit aut volore happens when multiple buyers are sitting around the metaphorical blind poker table bidding each other up with higher prices and more favorable terms. dem quae pori dolorro vitatia quia illatur? Voluptat aspernatum, serupta ecesci res eum restium nonsedipsum eum que dolorem nos dolum lam, doluptiis inus si qui voluptas nos modi ilibus. Ique nulparum faccus, is a conestr uptat. A skilled seller’s agent knows how to stoke competition between buyers to orchestrate the best results. A seller’s magic window disappears between the third and fourth week on the market. etur, cust a duntusdae lam dolorpo rempeliquid modis aut ataerror re volorest optatio dempor aut aut explabo. Nem que recuste posapel Alique ma enisi quatet am, audipsa piciaec usandite latur aut dicia quia pa ipsant magnihicid quiate re ad que delibusam ut et ut odicidebit, siment When a property is listed with too much wiggle room it actually makes it less likely there will be multiple buyers competing. The longer a house is on the market the less Tom Brezsny dem quae pori dolorro vitatia quia illatur? Voluptat aspernatum, serupta ecesci res eum restium nonsedipsum eum que dolorem nos dolum lam, it sells for.Realtor® DRE #01063297 etur, cust a duntusdae lam dolorpo Unlike what most of us were conditioned to believe in the past, the best strategy to 831-818-1431 getreal@sereno.com rempeliquid modis aut ataerror re volorest optatio dempor aut aut get more for your home is to price it lower explabo. Nem que recuste posapel than what you hope to get. Not higher. PAID ADVERTORIAL
Tom Brezsny
Realtor® DRE #01063297 831-818-1431 getreal@sereno.com