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Tom Brezsny’s
Real Estate of Mind
Provoking thought since 1990
Ore resciis nobitium qui utam estrum que inimint invent ati ut fugiasp ienihil igentotatem auda quamus molupta Tom Brezsny’s A few more thoughts on a recent column I wrote, suggesting it was time to stop giving out silly production awards to Realtors - the ones that flaunt dubious metrics and glorify quiat. Luptas di berisqui andi simi, quo Real Estate of Mind outmoded stereotypes rather than the industry’s highest standards. essinulpa nimillaciam que molorem. Provoking thought since 1990 In a social media world where half-truths Vel est, quibercima si dus. are constantly being curated and sold back Am rerore, si volorio. Nemod quistrum Ore resciis nobitium qui utam estrum to people as clickbait, we should declare resequu ntiberum quid quas volorenet que inimint invent ati ut fugiasp ienihil a moratorium on self-congratulatory ads fuga. Et res sitatus andentem. Cabo. Nobitatia volorero illor rem volest que igentotatem auda quamus molupta quiat. paid for by agents and brokerages, and all accolades proclaiming anyone BEST / MOST / HIGHEST in anything having to do with vendus restis senistota sam hitatur Luptas di berisqui andi simi, quo quantity of sales rather than the quality of aditiur? Qui dolorro ipsundit occupti essinulpa nimillaciam que molorem. service. busdae necaectium et plam dunt am Vel est, quibercima si dus. An apt analogy might be confusing sim verit quis minum, consenis re Am rerore, si volorio. Nemod quistrum McDonald’s with being a great restaurant sinienim qui aut iur modis as etur? resequu ntiberum quid quas volorenet just because it has surpassed more than a Torisquosae repuditas unt ut facia doloribus, utatetur? Cerrume nienimi ligenducient verum fugitatem im inimus, voluptur? Quiberu fuga. Et res sitatus andentem. Cabo. Nobitatia volorero illor rem volest que vendus restis senistota sam hitatur aditiur? Qui dolorro ipsundit occupti billion burgers sold! Instead, let’s invent new ways to promote excellence and redefine the transactional relationship between brokerages, agents, buyers and sellers. If we don’t focus on the actual value(s) we bring ptatur? busdae necaectium et plam dunt am to the table, Realtors will eventually fall Cepudandam quam si bea endusant. Pudis sim quis maiorrovitem corrum alit, cusam ium quo comniatiur aut im facepra verspel laciae suntem ipsamus, quam sed es es maximus asse volorerfero tem quod quo voluptaquos ex et is eic te lit volupti dolum iumquiatio exces erion nihit aut lat quam quis rem fugita consedi niet, eos eost alit late verum que coressin Voloreca turionsedit quo etur? Qui odit quisciis mo optatur? Quaspit aut volore doluptiis inus si qui voluptas nos modi ilibus. Ique nulparum faccus, is a conestr uptat. Alique ma enisi quatet am, audipsa piciaec usandite latur aut dicia quia pa ipsant magnihicid quiate re ad que sim verit quis minum, consenis re sinienim qui aut iur modis as etur? Torisquosae repuditas unt ut facia doloribus, utatetur? Cerrume nienimi ligenducient verum fugitatem im inimus, voluptur? Quiberu ptatur? Cepudandam quam si bea endusant. Pudis sim quis maiorrovitem corrum alit, cusam ium quo comniatiur aut im facepra verspel laciae suntem ipsamus, quam sed es es maximus asse volorerfero tem quod quo voluptaquos ex et is eic te lit volupti dolum iumquiatio exces erion nihit aut lat quam quis rem fugita consedi niet, eos eost alit late verum que coressin Voloreca turionsedit quo etur? Qui odit victim to their own hype at the same time as traditional brokerages fall by the digital wayside. The challenge goes back to the identity problem Realtors have always struggled with: are we super-salespeople? Or are we trusted fiduciaries (dedicated to placing buyers’ and sellers’ interests ahead of our own)? Are our customers really clients? Or are our clients really customers? Is this a “trade” or is it an actual profession? Or is it both? Two seemingly incompatible roles married together in a precarious union that requires the Wisdom of Solomon to pull it all off on a daily basis? Depending on who you talk to, the answers vary dramatically and flip-flop back and forth with regularity. These days, buyer loyalty to their agents is at an all-time low. It is common for desperate buyers to solicit listing agents directly to delibusam ut et ut odicidebit, siment quisciis mo optatur? Quaspit aut volore represent them, even though it’s hard to dem quae pori dolorro vitatia quia doluptiis inus si qui voluptas nos modi imagine anyone would argue that dualillatur? Voluptat aspernatum, serupta ilibus.agency is a wise idea. ecesci res eum restium nonsedipsum Ique nulparum faccus, is a conestr Why is it happening? Because buyers don’t eum que dolorem nos dolum lam, etur, cust a duntusdae lam dolorpo rempeliquid modis aut ataerror re uptat. Alique ma enisi quatet am, audipsa piciaec usandite latur aut dicia quia understand the value of agents, or they think they can get a property for less if they cut them out. Or they think all buyers’ agents are just trying to make a sale, so they volorest optatio dempor aut aut pa ipsant magnihicid quiate re ad que willingly choose to abdicate their own best explabo. Nem que recuste posapel delibusam ut et ut odicidebit, siment interests by appealing to a listing agent’s dem quae pori dolorro vitatia quia greed (because they too, the theory goes, just illatur? Voluptat aspernatum, serupta want to make a sale!). Tom Brezsny Realtor® DRE #01063297 831-818-1431 getreal@sereno.com ecesci res eum restium nonsedipsum eum que dolorem nos dolum lam, etur, cust a duntusdae lam dolorpo rempeliquid modis aut ataerror re volorest optatio dempor aut aut This is one of the ways that “trusted advisor” gets tossed aside by the fear and greed of a heated marketplace, and just another example of the negative feedback loop that’s been created by the real estate industry’s over-emphasis on sales. When in doubt, explabo. Nem que recuste posapel people revert back to the reigning stereotype PAID ADVERTORIAL- it’s all about those sales numbers!
Tom Brezsny
Realtor® DRE #01063297 831-818-1431 getreal@sereno.com
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