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Home of the Week
David Lyng Real Estate
LEWIS ROAD A multi-family property in Royal Oaks.
Two homes on usable acres
Royal Oaks setting includes spacious main home with amenities
This Royal Oaks property features two move-inready homes on nearly four acres.
Located at 809 Lewis Road #B, the main 3,088-square-foot home includes four bedrooms and threeand-a-half baths, in addition to a 750-square-foot fully furnished basement. The second home is 1,280 square feet with three bedrooms and two bathrooms.
The main home, built in 1984, features fresh paint, stainless steel appliances, cedar-lined closets, new lighting and more. The nine-yearold secondary home has an open concept plan with walk-in closets.
The property includes a twocar garage, four sheds and a horse paddock.
It is listed at $1,499,900 by David Lyng Real Estate. For information, visit bit.ly/3AZDMUm. Discover Dewy Organics,
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Tom Brezsny’s
Real Estate of Mind
Provoking thought since 1990
Ore resciis nobitium qui utam estrum que inimint invent ati ut fugiasp ienihil A note to readers following the saga of Richard and Rachel, a local couple who have been sharing the trials and the igentotatem auda quamus molupta Tom Brezsny’s successes of their downsizing/rightsizing quiat. Luptas di berisqui andi simi, quo Real Estate of Mind process. That series will resume next week… essinulpa nimillaciam que molorem. Vel est, quibercima si dus. Am rerore, si volorio. Nemod quistrum resequu ntiberum quid quas volorenet Provoking thought since 1990 Ore resciis nobitium qui utam estrum que inimint invent ati ut fugiasp ienihil Whenever I write a column about “stuff”, readers write back to share their own stories, like this: “We’re guilty as charged...24 years living here and 24 years of accumulating stuff fuga. Et res sitatus andentem. Cabo. igentotatem auda quamus molupta we don’t need. There’s a military term Nobitatia volorero illor rem volest que quiat.called “blivet” that means cramming 10 vendus restis senistota sam hitatur aditiur? Qui dolorro ipsundit occupti Luptas di berisqui andi simi, quo essinulpa nimillaciam que molorem. gallons of crap into a 5-gallon bucket. That describes our single car garage perfectly. Thanks Tom, we’ll invite you to that garage busdae necaectium et plam dunt am Vel est, quibercima si dus. sale we’ve been planning for 10 years but sim verit quis minum, consenis re Am rerore, si volorio. Nemod quistrum haven’t had yet.” sinienim qui aut iur modis as etur? Torisquosae repuditas unt ut facia doloribus, utatetur? resequu ntiberum quid quas volorenet fuga. Et res sitatus andentem. Cabo. Nobitatia volorero illor rem volest que Blivet! Who knew? Guess everyone has their own personal blivets to wrestle with. All of us dealing with downsizing issues can relate. Plenty of folks are caught in the Cerrume nienimi ligenducient verum vendus restis senistota sam hitatur throes right now, tap dancing on the cusp fugitatem im inimus, voluptur? Quiberu ptatur? Cepudandam quam si bea endusant. Pudis sim quis maiorrovitem corrum alit, cusam ium quo comniatiur aut im facepra verspel laciae suntem ipsamus, quam sed es es maximus asse volorerfero tem quod quo voluptaquos ex et is eic te lit volupti dolum iumquiatio exces erion nihit aut lat quam quis rem fugita consedi niet, eos eost alit late verum que coressin Voloreca turionsedit quo etur? Qui odit quisciis mo optatur? Quaspit aut volore doluptiis inus si qui voluptas nos modi ilibus. Ique nulparum faccus, is a conestr aditiur? Qui dolorro ipsundit occupti busdae necaectium et plam dunt am sim verit quis minum, consenis re sinienim qui aut iur modis as etur? Torisquosae repuditas unt ut facia doloribus, utatetur? Cerrume nienimi ligenducient verum fugitatem im inimus, voluptur? Quiberu ptatur? Cepudandam quam si bea endusant. Pudis sim quis maiorrovitem corrum alit, cusam ium quo comniatiur aut im facepra verspel laciae suntem ipsamus, quam sed es es maximus asse volorerfero tem quod quo voluptaquos ex et is eic te lit volupti dolum between the middle and the last third of their lives. Downsizing is the euphemism we use for all those discussions about cramming a 3,600 sq ft lifestyle into a neat little 1,800 sq ft package of happiness and organizational bliss. Downsizing is also the blanket term we use for all those discussions about capital gains, property tax transfers, trust/legacy issues and strategies that can help stretch our nest eggs. Downsizing also references all those lesstangible conversations people are having about walkability, living closer to family, maintaining access to adequate medical care and doing less driving. There’s lots to juggle. But how many balls can the average human keep in the air at the same time? uptat. Alique ma enisi quatet am, audipsa piciaec usandite latur aut dicia quia iumquiatio exces erion nihit aut lat quam quis rem fugita consedi niet, eos eost alit late verum que coressin Different people use different strategies. Some choose to yank the band-aid of change off quickly, knowing it will only hurt for a short time. Others bury pa ipsant magnihicid quiate re ad que delibusam ut et ut odicidebit, siment dem quae pori dolorro vitatia quia illatur? Voluptat aspernatum, serupta Voloreca turionsedit quo etur? Qui odit quisciis mo optatur? Quaspit aut volore doluptiis inus si qui voluptas nos modi ilibus. their heads in the sand hoping it will all magically go away. Others develop perennial cases of analysis paralysis and confuse talking about change with actually doing something. ecesci res eum restium nonsedipsum Ique nulparum faccus, is a conestr Still others opt to kick the can down the eum que dolorem nos dolum lam, uptat.road. They consciously defer making any etur, cust a duntusdae lam dolorpo rempeliquid modis aut ataerror re Alique ma enisi quatet am, audipsa piciaec usandite latur aut dicia quia decisions. Sometimes it’s just easier to stay put and wait until someone breaks a hip. What isn’t negotiable, though, is volorest optatio dempor aut aut pa ipsant magnihicid quiate re ad que the inevitability of change. It’s way more explabo. Nem que recuste posapel delibusam ut et ut odicidebit, siment dem quae pori dolorro vitatia quia certain than those taxes people are so worried about. Tom Brezsny illatur? Voluptat aspernatum, serupta ecesci res eum restium nonsedipsum eum que dolorem nos dolum lam, Some think security is achieved by paying off the mortgage and hunkering down in a small bubble of home where nothing unexpected can happen. I disagree. I Realtor® DRE #01063297 831-818-1431 getreal@sereno.com etur, cust a duntusdae lam dolorpo rempeliquid modis aut ataerror re volorest optatio dempor aut aut think security comes from acknowledging that life will change in ways we can’t anticipate. And that the best we can do is choose our changes proactively while we PAID ADVERTORIAL explabo. Nem que recuste posapel still have the resources and the energy to implement them.
Tom Brezsny
Realtor® DRE #01063297 831-818-1431 getreal@sereno.com