Tom Brezsny’s
Real Estate of Mind Provoking thought since 1990
Continuing the series of columns Ore resciis nobitium qui utam estrum following Richard a local que inimint inventand ati Rachel, ut fugiasp ienihil Santa Cruz couple who’ve been sharing igentotatem auda quamus molupta Tom Brezsny’s some of the trials and tribulations of their quiat. own downsizing process. If you want to Luptas di berisqui andi call simi,mequo share your own insights, at 831Provokingor thought 1990molorem. essinulpa nimillaciam que 818-1431 email since Vel est, quibercima si dus. Tom: Richard, you were talking about Ore resciis qui utamquistrum estrum Am rerore, nobitium si volorio. downsizing being one ofNemod those proverbial que invent quid ati fugiasp ienihil resequu ntiberum volorenet “firstinimint world problems. ” utquas igentotatem auda quamus molupta fuga. Et res sitatus andentem. Cabo. Richard: We are fortunate. We actually Nobitatia volorero illor rem volest que quiat. do have quite a few choices about how to vendus restis senistota sam Luptas berisqui simi,hitatur quo live thedi last third of andi our lives. Sometimes aditiur? Qui dolorro ipsundit occupti essinulpa nimillaciam que people lose sight of that. Theymolorem. get tangled busdae necaectium et dus. plam dunt isam Vel est, quibercima si up trying to decide which scenario sim verit quis minum, consenis re Am rerore, si volorio. Nemod quistrum going to be the most perfect for them. sinienim qui aut iur modis as etur? They endntiberum up being miserable and doing resequu quid quas volorenet nothing because they can’t Torisquosae repuditas untdecide. ut facia fuga. Et res sitatus andentem. Cabo. doloribus, utatetur? Nobitatia volorero illor rem that volest que Rachel: People should realize having Cerrume ligenducient verum choices restis is nienimi a luxury. Like they’ve always vendus senistota sam hitatur fugitatem inimus, voluptur? Quiberu done in Qui life,imthey just need to hitch up aditiur? dolorro ipsundit occupti their big-boy or big-girl pants and ptatur? busdae necaectium et plam duntmove am forward knowing thatsigetting what you Cepudandam quam bea endusant. sim verit quis minum, consenis re want also means giving something up. Pudis simqui quis sinienim autmaiorrovitem iur modis ascorrum etur? alit, cusam quoget comniatiur aut Richard: Asium people older, fear Torisquosae repuditas unt utthey facia losing control. But isn’t losssuntem of control im facepra verspel laciae doloribus, utatetur? really about not having choices? The ipsamus, quam sed es any es maximus asse Cerrume nienimi ligenducient verum classic scenario whenquo people put off volorerfero temisquod voluptaquos fugitatem im inimus, voluptur? making changes really know Quiberu they ex et is eic te lit they volupti dolum ptatur? should make until one day it’s iumquiatio exces erion nihit too aut late. lat Cepudandam quam si bea They fall and break a hip andendusant. suddenly quam quis rem fugita consedi niet, eos there are choices anymore. corrum Pudis simno quis maiorrovitem eost alit late verum que coressin alit, cusam iumwith quochoices comniatiur aut Rachel: People should Voloreca turionsedit quo etur? Qui odit im facepra verspel laciae understand lucky they suntem are.aut Be volore quisciis mohow optatur? Quaspit thankful rather than worrying or always ipsamus, es maximus asse doluptiis quam inus si sed qui es voluptas nos modi seeing the glass asquod half full. Too many volorerfero tem quo voluptaquos ilibus. choices is ategreat problem to have. ex et is eic litfaccus, volupti Ique nulparum isdolum a conestr The rest is just emotional laziness. iumquiatio exces erion nihit aut Call lat it uptat. fear of change or inertia. When you do quam quis rem fugita consedi niet, Alique quatet am, audipsa nothing,ma youenisi often end up creating theeos eost alit late verum que coressin piciaec usandite latur autsodicia quia exact thing that you were fearful of in Voloreca turionsedit etur? Qui odit theipsant beginning. pa magnihicid quo quiate re ad que quisciis mo optatur? Quaspit aut volore delibusam ut et ut odicidebit, siment Richard: We can’t stress that enough. doluptiis inus sidolorro qui while voluptas nos modi dem quae pori vitatia quia Choose your change you still have ilibus. illatur? a chanceVoluptat to enjoy aspernatum, the benefits ofserupta it. Do it Ique nulparum faccus, agive conestr proactively. Be prepared to up some ecesci res eum restium is nonsedipsum comforts exchange fordolum a betterlam, overall uptat. eum que in dolorem nos quality of life. Don’t be afraid to spend Alique ma quatet am,dolorpo audipsa etur, cust aenisi duntusdae lam some ofusandite that money you spent a lifetime piciaec latur dicia quia rempeliquid modis autaut ataerror re accumulating. Don’t kick the down pa ipsantoptatio magnihicid quiate re que volorest dempor autcan autad the road until the bitter end. delibusam ut etque ut odicidebit, siment explabo. Nem recuste posapel Rachel: Here’s I know: theyquia aren’t dem quae poriwhat dolorro vitatia going toVoluptat bury youaspernatum, with your money illatur? serupta or with all the stuff you can’t seem to ecesci res eum restium nonsedipsum get rid of. And God knows it’s not fair eum queit dolorem nos dolumtolam, to leave all for your children take Realtor® DREis#01063297 etur, cust a duntusdae lam assuming dolorpo care of. Downsizing about 831-818-1431 rempeliquid modis aut ataerror responsibility for your own life andrenot shifting the burden to others. volorest optatio dempor autThat’s aut how we’ve always lived, will continue explabo. Nem queand recuste posapelto A DV E RTO R I A L live untilPA weI D can’t.
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Tarmo Hannula
Tom Brezsny
Tom Brezsny Realtor® DRE #01063297 831-818-1431 PA I D A D V E R T O R I A L
RELIC An old barn continues to disintegrate on
a hillside overlooking Aromas.
Tarmo Hannula
FORAGING A great egret searches a culvert in Watsonville for an afternoon meal.
Tarmo Hannula
Real Estate of Mind
IN SEASON Matthew Kirk and his wife Monica of San Jose
search for the perfect gourd with their daughter at the pumpkin patch set up by Capitola Produce in Capitola.