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Heritage Hog Scholarship
From that little girl who used to peek through the fence out in the Livestock Barns to recipient of the 2021 Heritage Hog Scholarship, it has been a journey of discovery for Anisa Valasco. The very recent graduate of Watsonville High School is on her way to Cal Poly San Luis Obispo to major in Animal Science and Pre Vet Medicine.
“Growing up I was not aware that there was such a thing as FFA or 4-H or even Independent Showing. I got my first animal in my sophomore year and I was hooked” remembered Valasco, who then had to figure out how to pay for it all. “I sold my old clothing, started a jewelry making business, did countless car washes, did yard work, and babysat to pay for my animals and their feed” added Valasco.
The Heritage Hog Scholarship Program is a fundraiser dedicated to Fairgrounds improvements while also providing a scholarship for a Junior Livestock exhibitor to further their education. Each year the Fairgrounds Foundation selects a local 4-H, FFA or independent student with experience raising livestock for the Fair who is pursuing a higher education to raise a hog provided by the Foundation. The hog will be exhibited at the Fair and sold at the end of the Junior Livestock Auction. The proceeds from the hog sale, along with other donations will be used by the Fairgrounds Foundation to fund the scholarship and the Fairground improvements.
As a result of her efforts Valasco will be awarded $2,000 to use towards her educational expenses. The Heritage Hog Scholarship is great way to encourage current youth involvement in the Fair Livestock activities and foster future educational endeavors for the hard working junior exhibitors.
Each year the Fairgrounds Foundation solicits donations for this program as a means to raise funds for the scholarship and Fairground improvements. Donations to the Heritage Hog Scholarship Program can be made at the Fairgrounds Foundation website fairgrounds-foundation.org or by contacting the Heritage Hog Committee at (831) 786-9698.
Yesterday’s Farm hay with a single horse operating the baler and cultivating corn with just a horse and a one row cultivator. Visitors will also get the chance to drive a team of horses. These demonstrations are designed to show what the Agricultural History Project would like to do when the Living History Farm is built. Plans have already been designed and hopefully construction will start soon. When you enter Yesterdays Farm site you will be able to sit on the porch and visit with one of our talented docents and reminisce. We will also have exhibits showcasing Tractors, Horse Drawn Carriages, Antique Engines by the Early Day Gas Engine and Tractor Association, Engines restored by Agricultural History Project Volunteers. The Spinners and Weavers will be doing demonstrations on the stage by the new Chicken exhibit. The Agricultural History Project is a work in progress, and we are constantly looking at ways to preserve the past and learn about what is going into the production of food for our dinner table. Stop by and visit Yesterday’s Farm at the Agriculture History Project and say hello.
When you attend the Fair this year and come to Yesterdays Farm you will be observing activities that were done on a farm 100 years ago or more. From 2 PM to 4 PM each day you will see different horse demonstrations such as baling