Church and national (2)

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rS in 2007, when the political instability in Zimbabwe reached frightening levels, the ZCBC wrote a letter or Bosition paper-- The Zimbabwe We Want. ln this letter they articulated the ideal situation and #b'6ea'ied to politicians and government leadership to take measures and restore the hope of #inrbab*eans. The bishops have continued to author these letters whose intention is again to offer


guidance and discipline to politics or moderate as it vrvhere. The other reason for this concern and involvement of the church is that our church leaders see these politicians as their children especially in the catholic church- even president Mugabe is son to Fr Muropa or Fr Tafadzwa SJ who was ordained last week.

It is also important to note that sometimes when politicians complain about the church getting too involved in politics, it is selfish and deliberate effort to defend their political

territory. So, should the thur:ch fold its arms? | wonder' Perhaps its reasonable to check how Jesus interacted with politics of the day????? Head on/ / / / / /. 1,. i'.- -, $i 4lc. . r;

there is national discourse, be it on constitution making, elections, policy formulation on education, health, poverty alleviation etc the church voice is an expression of a legitimate concern because all these will eventually have a bearing on the kind of life citizens will lead. when there is lack of policy clarity, the church is naturally tasked with restoring hope and order in communiiies. For instance, when there is political violence in this country tlre church give support of different nature and rnagnitude. Let us also not forget that policy is not just something in black and white or technical, but certain public pronouncements by those in pov;er may also be treated as policy especially if they have an effect of deterrnining the course of public life, as they usually do.




courses, you traditionally hear


babwe the distinction is difficult here) in to be reasonable and sober up this

rnment, students, opposition politics, lled international community--- and the

we suppose. lt comes in to place the numanitarian imperative so that those who are not on the table, the voiceless are not forgotten to be remembered when they are already playing the role of a victim. Going back in history, we again see the church playing a very critical role not only in terms of peacebuilding and conflict resolution, but also in terms of both assisting the affected anC documentation


human rights abuses and other forms of injustices. Around early 1980s, we witnessed serious political disturbances in parts of South of Zimbabwe and the church was unequivocal on the need to take measures to restore peace and protect hurnan life. 'it


f.l lq church and government must compiemerrt

each other in development. lt is this collaboration requires that the church be actively involved in nationaldiscourse especially if this discourse aims Utillici national development. Io .p!'omote

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